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No. 13161
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>>13160Sex, drugs & schadenfreude
No. 13183
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I'm a sadsack NEET doing absolutely nothing with my life, why NOT spend my time on a mostly-women image board? It's comfy, reminds me of cliques in high school.
No. 13198
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Honestly I've been following lolcows since the early days, 2004/2005. Most of them have come and gone but I've been doing this for so long it's just a thing I do. It's an embarrassing hobby I will never tell anyone about.
>>13183 No. 13775
>>13160No lolcow tendencies. I'm just here for the drama and because I hate attention whores. It's my entertainment, better than shit reality shows.
I feel pity for some though, like PT. She could have a better life if only she wasn't a weeb.
No. 13960
>>13697I feel you so hard anon…
>have BA>still a waitress after graduation>have applied for and been offered TESL jobs in japan and korea>chickened out and now bf (mainly his dogs) holding me/us back>watch anime every day after work>still trying to be kawaii>always kind of want e-fame>forget meds often which causes emotional/cognitive side effectsI was surrounded by lolcows back in middle school and high school from the fakeboi I dated to the full on delusional weeb best friend. I was certainly a weeb, too. In college, my more "normie" friends told me that I only got away with it because I'm asian and not unattractive
No. 110918
>>110894This, lol. I've had strong BPD traits since I was a teenager, but I always understood that allowing those behaviors to become a reflection of me as a person would be terrible for me socially. It's really fucking hard sometimes to control strong, negative emotional reactions and impulses, but seeing how insanely stupid these lolcows look was always really good encouragement to try harder.
Tbh though, I think it's more a morbid curiosity like most people have. I've always been fascinated by abnormal psychology. Besides, it's not like every lolcow has BPD.
No. 111010
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Drama and gossip are some of my vices. I've been fumbling around 'harsher' forums for much of my internet life because of it, though I also appreciate the blatant honesty and zero tolerance for bullshit in places like this.
/b/ and /g/ can be pretty nice, too. My skin's been better since I started stalking the skincare thread.
As for me, I can't say I'd make a good lolcow. I'm too boring. While my interests are strange for IRL, they're nothing special on the internet. The closest I got to being a lolcow was when I was in middle school and lacked any self awareness.