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No. 1321730
>>1321725There's massive amounts of nurses that have come forward saying it's substantially more likely for wives to visit their dying husbands than the other way around.
Women are being lied to when they're told being with a man guarantees they won't die alone.
No wonder why the rare husband that actually seems to put in a real effort is seen as a saint.
No. 1321780
>>1321736Imagine being the perfect hot 18 year old trad wife, married fresh out of high school to a frail older man, who dies years later and the rest of the money goes off to pay debts from the hospital bills and funeral, and you end up becoming an impoverished single mom that has to work several jobs, losing your looks from stress slowly while having little advancement opportunities.
Pretty much all those men, redpillers including your husband's old friends, etc., that told you to become a trad wife, or thought you should, would hate your guts and think you're trash because you're a single mother–a looming reminder of the rational consequences of relationships with men, and they desperately want to avoid the idea that it's basically hard mode and that almost all male bachelors have an easier life than you.
There's a lot of boomer women that went through this–maybe not so much their husbands dying, but often abuse, degradation (bad life events can make men become more
abusive), cheating, being left at 30 for teens, etc. The honeymoon period in relationships tends to feature higher effort, care, etc, so naturally it's a gamble whether or not your partner stays consistent, so the onus is on you to work some magic to keep him around because he simply isn't motivated to be a dad nor a husband.
It's like how in certain countries it's normal for "good men" to cheat….because it turns out the bar for a man being good isn't honor, virtue, devotion, and kindness, but not actively beating his wife bloody.
Not many men like women, not many men want to build a life with a woman, most men devalue mothers and wives and what they do. What a shame.
>>1321778Honestly it's being said because it's a high-stress and extremely morbid take that's meant to intimidate women into doing what they want. Borderline verbal abuse.
No. 1321783
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Stop replying to the moid thread
No. 1321786
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Seriously, fuck all that bullshit and fuck anyone who shills it. Not sure what I'll do with my life but both "options" sound terrible
No. 1321875
>>1321786kek this, but ofc men think there's only life paths for women because they don't see us as actual people with our own personalities.
Anyway can't wait to have a stress free, peaceful life in my clean and quiet home with no husband, no kids and an easy job that doesn't take up too much of my free time. Opting out works for me.
No. 1321885

>>1321720Most poor women across history were working 24/7, per capita more than men, and had to in order to not fucking die. In the third world this is still the case.
Aristocratic women had the 'privilege' of not working, but they still mostly occupied their time with embroidery. Children were sent off to wetnurses and schoolmasters. They rarely saw their husbands. Their marriages were not about love.
The segment of upper middle class women during the Victorian age and expanded segment of housewives during the 1950s who looked after their own kids and had companionate marriages mostly in the USA are not representative of most of female humanity. Even in the 1950s, 39 percent of the USA labor force was female.
Western women HAD to work, especially after the Oil Crisis of 1973 that made a single wage existence close to impossible. It doesn't realistically have a lot to do with feminism when most boomer women were NOT feminists.
What scrotes want to do in these discussions is a thinly veiled disguise over their desire to live an existence like pic related where they'd be exalted and not despised. To marry a child and leave her in a boundary between life and death with his full power over her. As we can predict, the father rarely sticks around. One video here of a 22 year old Ethiopian girl says she has had 3 husbands already. 'Trad' pedoscrotes with anime and toad avatars don't want to stick around either, they are just signalling like an exotic animal so they can ruin a pure woman or child and run away over and over again. girl interviewed (except some of the gypsy brides) wishes she'd stayed in school and had gone to do a job instead of being preyed on by a predator. Scrotes know education is the key to children and women not being controlled by them.
These children may be fertile but are not physically developed enough in any way to carry a child to term, and won't be until their early 20s. They cannot deliver nutrients to the baby, are often physically crippled by the birth and the child is born with tons of genetic and failure-to-thrive problems. Before oral micronutrients, modern hygiene, earlier puberty induced by diet and sterilized tools, a large minority of the girls and children in these videos would be dead.
No. 1322135
>>1322116Nta but the problem is that this supposed scrutiny often sounds a lot like shitting on women for wanting it to work out rather than criticising men for not appreciating how good they have it.
I've been the SAHM briefly, I was the breadwinner for a while, and then for 10 years I was the single working mother while studying for my career. If I had a SAHM supporting me she'd be worth her weight in gold to me and my kid. The problem isn't the role, it's men being lying scum.
No. 1322150
>>1322031I am a NEET wife and I do find it interesting how differently I'm viewed by people, now as a NEET living with my husband compared to how I was viewed when I lived with my parents
I do slightly more housework but our apartment is small so its not that much, also me ane my husband decided we don't want kids, as our genes really don't deserve to further advance, so my day is spent mostly procrastinating and not much else