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No. 1324281
>>1324213I like my crooked teeth, I think they fit my face and are cute
and having to correct them makes me sad
>>1324267it's probably the gif that threw her off
No. 1324309
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My sharp canines. I pretend that I'm a vampire living amongst humans.
No. 1324363
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*I have cool interests
*I have great hair
*I’m good at problem solving
*I refuse to partake in social media
*I once kept an orchid in bloom for 8 months straight
No. 1324370
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My lips! They're similar to picrel. I genuinely used to be jealous of Venus and wanted thin lips because I thought they looked so cute and dainty but one of my friends from highschool said I had really well proportioned lips. I didn't believe her. Now full lips are all the rage but I won't be needing any fillers to have "desirable" lips. The experience has taught me that my features are fine and at some point in time, each of my natural features will be considered beautiful, though probably not all at the same time. Sorry plastic surgeons, you're not preying on my insecurities!
No. 1324408
>>1324377Keep a close eye on the substrate. At least for phalenopsis (your run-of-the-mill grocery store orchid), you want the substrate to dry out between waterings but you should water it once it’s dry and not wait after that point. I feel like over/under watering is the most common way people mess up orchid blooms.
There’s also a chance your orchid was nearing the end of its bloom cycle when you bought it. This is why it’s always a good idea to buy an orchid that’s not 100% bloomed yet. If the blooms are dying naturally you’ll see they die one by one in the same order they first open: with the ones lowest on the spike first. It also could be reacting to mistreatment before you bought it, if you bought it recently.
Generally though, having a flower die prematurely is a red flag that you’re doing something wrong. Also if the plant gets so under watered that the leaves start to wrinkle it is a sign that you’re doing very badly. Flowers will start to die before that point though.
No. 1324424
>>1324418Good luck! I’d recommend sticking with an orchid pot if you can. You can either stick one of the holey plastic inserts in a regular pot or you can buy pots with holes specifically for orchids. This allows greater airflow so the substrate doesn’t start to rot.
In the past I’ve only ever used orchid potting mix for big ones and spagnum moss for baby orchids, so can’t comment on your substrate choice.
No. 1324425
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>>1324424Dropped my picrel
No. 1324488
>>1324482No male at all.
(Tranny spammer) No. 1324676
that's what I'm saying. I'm shorter than the average european/american, so I also think that adds to the youth factor. I could also walk around a place like japan and not stand out by being some amazonian nordic giant.
No. 1324781
>>1324213Big ups to whoever made this thread!
I really love my curly hair. After hating it for the first 20 years of my life, resorting to chemically straightening it for a good chunk, I absolutely love the curls I have. Also I have a gap tooth in the front that's perfectly symmetrical and i've always loved it. I've been blessed with straight teeth, have all my wisdom teeth without issue and some idiot dentist offered me braces to close the gap…at 16. For perspective i'd have to wear a retainer for the rest of my life to keep it closed and i had also expressed no dissatisfaction with the look of my teeth.
Non vanity wise i'm loyal to my moral compass and have always stuck up for what i think is right, whether i like someone personally or not.
No. 1324837
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i got cheek dimples and venus dimples, i think they are cute. also i do a lot of studying just to learn
No. 1324875
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I love that i have a zero tolerance rate for bullshit. I love that my straight forwardness is offensive to most men in authoritative positions.
I love that I told directors and producers to fuck off when i was working on set. I love that men dont know how to navigate it.
No. 1324898
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I like that I'm able to write out extremely long paragraphs that border on essays in a short period of time about anything on the fly, usually inane shit that makes me happy, I am an ace when it comes to writing and writing makes me happy.
No. 1325253
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I like that I'm really good at reading cats behaviour ! Ever since I've been 3 yo, I have obsessed with cats, and now I feel like I could be some sort therapist for cat like Jackson Galaxy kek
there must be something nonnie, I'm sure!
No. 1325289
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I like that I'm awesome and I am able to keep myself company. I understand myself and I am tech-savvy so I'm able to help my parents whenever they have an issue. I like that I discovered this site years ago so I can talk to other epic anons like the cool anon reading this right now (if you don't have a penis).
No. 1325411
I have great taste and I really like how naturally (book)smart I am! And I like that it spans various areas like art, culture, history, politics, biology, physics, etc. For this reason, I love spending time with myself and just thinking.
My collarbones, hands and nails, and my big eyes + lashes. I'm happy that bangs suit me. I guess I like that I have a small, boyish frame.
I don't care if a male made this thread. I need to be nicer to myself
No. 1325446
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>>1325410It wasn’t made a scrote dumbass, it was made by me because I was reading something and someone mentioned that Megan was in one of the episodes of She-Hulk and I thought that show was cancelled. I don’t even know why I’m even explaining this, something as simple and innocent as a “please love yourself sometimes” thread shouldn’t be fucking tinfoiled to be started by a scrote. This shit makes me want to alog so bad, you are the fucking cancer killing this website because you seriously take the bait of a tranny over the legitimacy of a thread that’s supposed to be chill because god forbid two women are GASP twerking. May I remind you, you have stuck your piss-dribbled boyfriend’s cock into your vagina, you should be more ashamed of that than two women goofing off in a show. Grow tf up
No. 1325457
>>1325446Nta but
>May I remind you, you have stuck your piss-dribbled boyfriend’s cock into your vaginawtf is this about
No. 1325503
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No. 1325506
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No. 1325507
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No. 1325509
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No. 1325511
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No. 1325514
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No. 1325516
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(responding to bait)
No. 1325536
I love that I'm a
TERF unironically.
>>1325387based tall
nonnie No. 1325831
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I like my face from the front, it is cute and a bit unique, eyes nose and mouth (especially eyes). I'm insecure from the side but we're working on it
No. 1325906
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My face, i think it's very beautiful. I put effort into skincare for it. especially the little details. I would say my body too but honestly i've been slacking with working out.
kek i love that this thread already revealed two annoying spergs
No. 1327339
>>1325253That's so cute
nonny! You must become the ultimate cat whisperer, it's your destiny
No. 1327343
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I love that I'm not a handmaiden, and that i never get lonely.
No. 1327580
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>>1327339awww thanks
nonnie, here is a cute cat as a thank you gift
No. 1343481
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I'm probably one of the only 26 people in this world that like their own voice lol. And I'm not the only one who does, either. My best friend has told me out of nowhere more than just once already that she really likes my voice, I've got told the same by some online friends I had when I was younger, and I've had classmates on different occasions come up to me after class and tell me that they really like me reading the texts out loud because they find my voice nice.
No. 1343507
>>1328283NTA but core exercises are very important and have helped my posture immensely. Like OP, I also have scoliosis, and up until recently, almost debilitating lower back pain (because of a non existent core). Resistance bands are great and are used in vidrel. I do them everyday.
I went to physical therapy at one point because my low back pain was unbearable, and they had me do squats, bird-dogs, deadbugs, and bridges. Deadbugs are the absolute best, you can really feel your core work! You don't even have to move your arms, just your legs. I also do a lot of yoga. I follow SarahBethYoga on youtube. Every morning I pick a random video that fits the time I have, and I follow it. Sometimes I'll just do her stretching only videos, sometimes I'll do her power yoga videos (a bit more of a workout).
No. 1343718
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I love that I've become the cool adult I wouldn't dare to dream to be as a teen, I'm pretty, I love the way I dress, I can speak Japanese, my musical taste is impeccable and I'm fairly normie passing while retaining my weirdness. Mentally I'm not there yet but still better than even 5 years ago.
No. 1344308
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I have big tibbies, pouty lips, and good skin.
My friends told me I have a good voice, not for singing ofc, but for speaking another language because I can get the intonation right the first few tries.
No. 1345808
I like that I’m a girl!
Nothing more magical & sinister. No man can have the kind of strength females have. All humans are prone to some kind of trauma but the sort of trauma girls from all over the world go through and still survive is incredible. Childbirth, assault, and a world that continually spits at you—even the compliments we get are denigrating. People gotta stop using men as the meter stick. All of this and men still have the highest rate of suicides and most of them already got a huge head start from the get go. Just Pathetic.
I’ve had a hard life, although not as difficult as the girls who are living through war, trafficking, and different sorts of worldly horror right now but the past year really pressed me. I’m no longer the kind of suicidal that feels sorry for myself. Sure, I still live in a city where a white girl who cries after crossing me will still get more sympathy but that’s the least of my concerns now as I can recognise these bimbos are stuck in a deeper internalised misogynistic programming than I’d ever been and there are real monsters to waste my energy on.
I shifted my thinking into seeing the world like those video games scrotes like to drown themselves in because they’re too soft for actual wars that matter (the ones where they don’t kill civilians). I see my life now as living on subjectively hard mode where I turn my phobias, traumas, and conflicts into things I just overcome. I don’t give a shit anymore if there’s no reward.
That’s the thing with living and creating things as a girl. The world will see you as a girl anyway and use that as a meter stick so might as well just do what you want and what you need. Conflict only moulded me into being more creative and tough. The one thing I don’t let anything or anyone, not even my family do to me is gaslight me through the preset notions of society. I don’t mingle with left wing/right wing bullshit. I stay educated but I try to learn to be more critical in everything. I try to protect my own and every young girl I can but at the end of the day, I don’t let anything get in the way of what’s keeping me alive.
I’ve been suicidal since I was 9 and had abusive guardians since I was 3 so going into my 20s already defeated even before I reached a quarter of my life wasn’t the best fresh start I was looking for. But I was also full of spite that people who took advantage of my kindness and naivety get to live their best lives and I don’t. I eventually saw that running on spite wasn’t gonna be enough and i did fall into unhealthy patterns of thinking not long before but I’m tapping into the human spirit and urgency to live even though there’s a guarantee none of us are survive death.
No. 1346699
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>>1345808picrel Screenshots that warm my heart. I generally advocate for mental health but my heart is all for girls’ sheer power & the strength women innately have. I love being a girl and I can’t wait to age gracefully as a woman. The world is ugly but it’s us that keeps it beautiful. I love the way I, like many women, just keep going. I love the term “fight like a girl”. I do and I love it. We don’t quit, even in an impossible word where, for one win, we have 100 weak males kicking us down but we don’t know how to quit until we can’t no more. I love the term girl as much as I love the term woman. To any of you lovely beings going through it right now, you are so fucking powerful
No. 1347815
>>1346699NTA, but this reminds me of what I love about myself. I inadvertedly make people seethe because of what I have and don't even realise I have. I had jealous girls and pig-headed men think I was stuffing my bra for about a year. Just my figure was enough to drive these people crazy and cause them to single me out.
I did not let that get to me, but persevered after years of people like this pulling me down throught my childhood. I don't know how or why I did it, but I did. For any
nonnie that feels lost and feels like they have nothing, just know that people would not be treating you this way if you had nothing. People might call you stupid when you've shown that you are intelligent and wise. They may treat you horribly as a result of their own ignorance. You might think your body is ugly, but those who want you to feel bad about it are enamoured by its beauty. People will not go out of their way to make you feel horrible if you did not have something they wanted. Just know, that sometimes it is not you, but the people you are surrounded by.
No. 1356096
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Maybe I shouldn't like this, but I love my being a crybaby. Tiny kitty yawns? Cry. Wedding? Open the gates. Child says something adorably stupid such as brown cows make chocolate milk? Flood. Game character says I can see her as my older sister? Water. BF whisperin ily while hugging me when coming home? Sobbing. My baby cousin drawing me something? I can't even see it. Manga character loses the love of their life? Weeping. My favorite singer hits the note just right? Eyes leaking. Of course this happens with negative things too, like making mistakes at work, but I really don't like focussing on the bad things (which is another thing I like about myself), so I ignore it, and also, so far I've always been able to keep it together until it's appropriate for me to shed tears, so it's not like I'm troubling anyone I shouldn't be troubling, anyways. Do not fear drought, nonnies, for I have enough tears in my ducts to provide for the whole lot of us.
No. 1356189
I don't love much about myself, actually it's much easier for me to make a huge list of things i despise. But i kind of like my boobs, their shape is nice, round and perky, and i like my small D/big C cup. Sad that one of the only thing i like about myself is something no one ever sees, kek.
>>1356096I'm like that too, i cry when NPCs in video games are cute and innocent, i cry when my cats do cute sounds, i cry for everything. Emotions are so overwhelming, i like it when i'm alone but i hate what it does to me in public, i'm very secretive and introverted IRL but i often cried in public and i always feel ashamed of it
No. 1378220
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I love that, despite my temper and traumas, my heart is golden. I am kind and this kindness had led me to indescribable harm throughout my life but it’s there. I can’t help but be kind. But I’m also learning how to be properly angry and sure of themself. I’ve whittled down my circle into a grain and it hasn’t been easy but I know I can be kinder to myself this way and I can finally heal from years of abuse at the hands of family, peers, and predators.
No. 1378377
>>1378220based. don't let anyone
victim blame you either nona
No. 1378397
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I'm proud of how assertive I've become! I had some issues in the past saying no to things and keeping to myself when someone overstep a boundary, but fuck that! Being assertive has left my life relatively drama free and kept me from experiencing things I just don't need to go through at all. I see my friends go through things and honestly I think to myself they'd be in a lot better of a situation if they could stand up for themselves (of course, its easier said than done but its better to start sooner than later). It really is one of the holy grails to living peacefully. This has especially been true for dealing with scrotes. Although I've been in a happy and stable relationship it hasn't stopped any troubles with other scrotes. I didn't necessarily have an issue befriending them before, but man so many of them are just insufferable especially when it comes to women. I didn't care about telling them they were being an asshole, controlling, or just flat out retarded. I have way fewer of them in my circle and thats A-OK. Of I don't want to do something I just tell my friends I don't want to. I don't put it off or make excuses, I just say I don't feel like it. Real friends and family wouldn't care if you just don't feel like doing something at a certain point in time, especially if you arent obligated. We will obviously have many other opportunities to hang out that I will gladly take, just not now. It can feel a little lonely since it means I keep my social circle very tight but it's honestly worth it. My friends are decent people I enjoy hanging out with and there hasn't been miscommunication between us. They check up on me and make sure I'm doing well. I'm not afraid to cut anyone out that doesn't respect my boundaries or who I am as a person because I'm really not missing out on anything. There are plenty of people to befriend!
No. 1378410
>>1378408 Oh forgot physical attributes
I like my eyelashes and curly hair a lot! I just need to get a haircut haha
Also although it can get in the way sometimes I like being short (5’0)
No. 1381566
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bump, careful scrolling.
No. 2066702
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>>2066648Same! I'm proud of my resiliency and how I keep working hard and getting back on my feet no matter how much shit life hits me with.
No. 2187517
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I make people laugh really easily, even when I'm not trying. I've got this silly charm, I guess it's just the way I use my words. I also like how I look, I try not to get a big head about it, but I have to refrain from staring at myself every time I pass a mirror. I can't find anything wrong with my face. Realistically, I'm alright looking but I think I am sexy and being told I look like a female Ezra Miller has made me even more bigheaded. I also love my style and the way I decorate my housem it's quirky.
No. 2187622
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I love that I can draw even though it might be sometimes be arduous and painful but I love that I still draw what I think of in my head. I can draw my ideal character and write stories the feeling of creating may be exhaustive but it's so worth it when you've completed a story or a character.
No. 2194862
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Despite being a burger, I like to cook and I cook well. I'd also like to say I'm hardworking and caring.
No. 2199820
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I believe I have a lot of patience and a good understanding of people. Many of my friends have mentioned that I'm very intuitive with others emotions. In return, a part of me feels seen because others are too. I also like the opposite side where if you properly fuck with me I'm an absolute demon because I don't put up with bullshit anymore. My friends also say that a lot kek