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No. 134917
>>134916I don't know about alesse, but I've been taking Spronix for about a year now and the first 4 months were hell. Constantly nauseous.
Since then my nausea has subsided, but I'm still left with emotions and libido that are in the toilet. (I'm suspecting that I may actually have some hormonal or depression that the pills are exacerbating, but I can't check on that until my insurance goes back into effect.) This is the price I pay for being a slut who loves doing it raw I guess.
On the plus side it cleared up the acne between my shoulder blades that I've been fighting with for 6+ years.
No. 134918
>>134917Yeah, bc cleared up the acne on my back too (didn't really do anything on my face, though) and left me with no real sex drive either. It did help even out my mood and I was actually much happier on it though I hear a lot of women have the opposite like you did, I think I may have a hormone imbalance or something. The main thing I didn't like was the gut issues and the how it made my stomach all pudgy and flabby.
Do you think you'll keep on it even with the depression problems?
No. 134922
>>134921Tell us more about the IUD! I am considering getting one and I want a similar one (non hormonal). It it worth the risks?
>Can't wait for men contraception, tho, the IUD give me really bad cramp when I'm menstruating.Lel, male contraception could totally be a thing if not for the fact that
a) Men have no interest in swalloing hormones and often think contraception is the woman's duty
b) Pharma industry has no interest in marketing something to them, it's easier to sell bullshit to women.
Also, ever heard of Risug?'t wait until this shit is on the market.
Honestly I fucking hate the fact that women are expected to take all kinds of shitty hormones and shove stuff up their uteruses while men already often whine about having to wear condomes. The pill royally fucked my hormones, I still have acne all over my face and body, as well as scars. I tried several pills and hated them all. Never doing this shit again.
Tbh I wish my bf would just get a vasectomy. Easy, covered by insurance, reversible anytime he wants children, no hormones or shit involved. He could still go to a sperm bank to save some sperm before the procedure, to eliminate all risks.
No. 134925
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>>134922I got a non hormonal IUD because hormonal contraception made me balloon up, gave me horrible headache and transformed me into a huge bitch, I was always angry and extremely tired.
My gynecologist was a crazy butcher bitch, she was supposed to putt my IUD during my period, but since I have very irregular period, it still haven't had them the day I was supposed to get it. My gynecologist decided to do it anyway, so she gave me a medication to dilate my uterus. This little pill made me shit like crazy, and put me in horrible pain, like menstrual cramp but far worse. She then put some sort of white plastic stick up my uterus, to test the deepness. And let me tell you, it hurted like a bitch, I wasn't dilated enough because I wasn't on my period and I've never had baby. At this point, I wanted to report the operation, and when I was about to get up, get dressed and leave, she stick the IUD up my uterus without saying a thing, I screamed, because of the pain AND of the surprise.
So yeah, it was a bad bad experience, please don't get involved with crazy gynecologist. On top of that, she acted like I was faking my pain ! Crazy cunt, now I only go to male gynecologist, they are a lot more delicate and I feel like they listen to me a lot more.
The first few days where nightmarish for me, I had really really bad cramps, constantly.
The pain left after maybe less then a week. Now I'm very confortable with my IUD and I don't regret getting it at all, quite the contrary. You need to know that you will probably have heavier periods and more cramps, simply because you have a foreign object in the middle of your uterus when it's contracting itself.
No. 134926
>>134925Non hormonal IUDs make your periods heavier and last longer. Hormonal ones pretty much eliminate your period, just fyi if you didn't know/to anyone else that didn't know.
Sorry your experience was so shitty, glad you got a different one.
No. 134928
>>134926Yeah, you really can't get non hormonal IUD if you have very heavy period, it will ruin your life, I had very light period naturally and now I have normal to heavy period.
Also random brown blood from time to time.
No. 134929
>>134926There is even non hormonal birth control??
I have a weird problem. My body cannot handle a lot of Estrogen. I already have problems when I'm on my period with my hormons….So when I was on birth control (tried several forms) I would vomit in the morning, get severe migraines, and even break out in hives sometimes. My doctor took me off of birth control and I don't think we ever talked about it again. She never told me that there was a hormone free option.
No. 134930
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i have gotten a birth control implant in my arm (idr the actual name) exactly a year ago
after hearing my friend rave about how it made her period really light i decided to try it
its been a year now and i still have my period
apparently the side effect of this little shit is that you might end up with a period for a whole fucking year
im getting rid of this little shit next month and i cant fucking wait to do things with my bf without the fucking blood ruining every moment
holy fuck i hate this piece of shit
i dont fucking know why i listened to my fucking GP and didnt take it out after 3months of non stop bleeding
No. 134931
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>>134929It does exist.
Non hormonal IUD consist of a plastic core that is wrapped in a copper. Copper is a natural spermicide.
This device is the most effective non hormonal contraceptive device, the failure rate is less than 1 % (0,6 - 0,8 % )
No. 134932
>>134930Omg this sounds like my worst nightmare…
I couldn't even imagine. There's no way this can possibly happen. I'm going to have to research this shit.
No. 134937
>>134933Well, not completely, but I was on a pill plan that resulted in me having 4 periods a year. That was better than nothing. My doctor recommended it after she diagnosed me with PMDD.
I don't think I have PMDD and I went back to monthly periods. I'm trying to convince myself to go in and ask for a different kind of BC because, after 5 years of taking pills, I can't remember to take them on time anymore. I also have zero sex drive and have developed tons of skin problems since starting. So done with this bullshit. I'd like to try non hormonal but I'm scared.
No. 134938
>>134937I didn't explain well, but I mean I don't think I have PMDD
anymore. Being on that plan for a year somehow eliminated my PMDD (if I ever actually had it), so I switched back to monthly.
No. 134942
>>134940I can vouch for Yaz too. I started it three months ago and I haven't noticed any side effects other than being a little more emotional? But I'm hoping that goes away after awhile.
I do wonder, have you had a period since starting Yaz? I had spotting my first month but I'm on my fourth month and I haven't had any bleeding. To be fair, I'm a fairly light on the period side but even with the 7 day rest I'm not getting any blood just cramps.
No. 134948
>>134946Does your family have the BRCA gene? I don't know about that one specifically, but in general, a family history of breast cancer should not be a contraindication for oral contraceptive pills. Any hormonal-based pill you take will slightly increase your risk of breast cancer (esp as you get older) so if you have a genetic history your overall risk is higher. Actually it's not just pills, I just looked it up and the Depo shot says the same thing about increasing breast cancer risk. The risk level goes back to normal after ten years with no hormonal contraceptives.
I guess if you're really worried about breast cancer risk, you may want to think about other forms of contraception? (Like a copper IUD). This is of course assuming you're taking the pill for pregnancy prevention and not for regulation of your periods.
No. 134957
>>134956Condoms don't feel great and that's pretty much the reason why people forego using them. Obviously if you aren't on bc and are having sex with a new partner, you should use a condom, but don't expect it to feel amazing for your first time. it's going to feel like a big glove is inside you.
Condoms are condoms, in my experience. I've never really felt that much of a difference between your run of the mill freebies from PP and the fancy ribbed for her pleasure ones. It's better to let the guy pick the one that fits him best, because you don't want to get one that's like a trash bag on him, or too tight that it will break, because then it'll be a waste and you won't be protected anyway. I've never tried a female condom so I have no experience there.
No. 134959
>>134958UTIs come from not cleaning yourself properly down there after the fact (or at all, you can get a UTI without ever having sex). General rule of thumb is to pee after intercourse to flush out any bacteria that may have gotten pushed in.
But a condom will protect you from any other STI of course.
No. 134961
>>134960I had the Nexplanon implant inserted earlier this year… I'd been on a hormonal birth control pill called Sprintec for years and years beforehand, and I've never had problems with either.
I've had it for months now and haven't gained any weight, I haven't felt any changes in my emotional state, I bled one time, about a month after the insertion, and it was lighter than my normal period, just lasted a little longer. I think that as long as you remember to keep tampons/pads with you all the time just in case, that it's probably the best birth control method out there.
I hope it works as well for you as it has for me!
No. 134963
>>134960I replied in this thread before about my implant experience
ive had nexplanon for a year and a little now and i STILL have my period every day
it made me hate myself and i cry a couple of times a week because of it
my doctor gave me something to stop it and it didnt work
i want it out
No. 134965
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>>134964bf is paranoid i will get pregnant so he asked me to go to the doctor so they can give me some pills again to stop the fucking bleeding
im giving it another 3 months and then im def getting it out
No. 134966
>>134965you're the reason why shit like
>>134922 is still a thing.
No. 134970
>>134969There isn't any magical pill that will enhance all the assets you'd like enhanced, I don't mean for that to come off aggressively but it's important to get out of the way.
However, a lot of different birth control pills can help a lot with breakouts because of the way they regulate your hormones. But note that this all depends on your body, it could make you break out ten times worse. There is just no way to tell you how you're going to react to a certain type of birth control.
As far as making your breasts and butt larger, I'd imagine that mostly comes from the fact that a lot of birth control options typically cause weight gain. Maybe some hormonal birth control can cause breast swelling if some other farmers can weigh in on that? I've been on two types of BC and my breasts (B cups) haven't fluctuated much in 8+ years of use.
If you're looking to get on BC to try to regulate skin conditions I'd recommend talking to your OBGYN and maybe a dermatologist.
No. 134974
>>134973The side effect should be on the box. The one time I had to take it I felt really sick, and I'm slightly overweight, but its different for everybody.
>Plan B One-Step Overview - Patient Information: Side Effects. SIDE EFFECTS: Nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, tiredness, dizziness, changes in vaginal bleeding, breast tenderness, diarrhea, or headache may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly No. 134976
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>going to lose virginity to LDR bf
>start Trinessa
>constant thin discharge but i ignore it
>fly over to see him, both of us are super hyped after a year of talking daily
>it's so painful
>like hitting a brick wall
>he couldn't get past the tip and i broke down crying into his chest
5 months later and I keep cycling through BV and yeast infections. I can't use a tampon if I wanted to because the tissue is so damaged from all the discharge. Farmers if you notice something wrong with your BC change it RIGHT away please don't wait so long like I did
No. 134988
>>134984Actually because there is hormonal stuff related to your period, it makes sense for people to feel like they 'need' it. Medication will only stop the actual egg part, not the rest of the process including stuff like if you are hormonal near your period or if your boobs hurt, etc. No amount of medication will override your body's natural process even if we can control one tiny part of it.
The other thing is what you are on is more strict because it has no estrogen. More likely to fuck up then.
No. 135000
>>134997if you do it with the pill, you will cramp and bleed a lot afterwards. You can't use tampons until your doctor says it's OK. You get a follow-up ultrasound about 3-4 weeks afterwards to make sure everything worked.
I bled for about two weeks afterwards. But it was still better than the alternative.
The pain was not incredibly intense for me but I have very painful periods to begin with.
No. 135002
>>135001I have an IUD called Gynefix since half year now. While my period is heavier in case of bleeding, my cramps completely disappeared. My period comes like a surprise haha.
But I had some problems after insertion which are not the norm (got a pelvic inflammation. ) After that was cured everything is normal and I mostly don't even notice it's there.
No. 135006
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I don't use birth control any more due to it fucking up my cycles really bad, but anyone here use spermicides like pic related for sex?
No. 135007
>>135006I tried the sponge once, o n c e. It came in a two or three pack and after strictly using condoms forever with this guy we wanted to try something new. So complicated and not convenient to put in because you have to wet this donut shaped makeup sponge (complete with elastic strap on the back) until its foamy. After a drippy and careful insertion you're ready to go. Apparently one of the benefits is you can put it in before~ you go out, literally no idea why you'd want this inside you that long though. I really hated the fact that you had to let it hang out inside of you after sex for a set amount of time. You have this totally weird thing inside you, covered in spermicide which is probably awful to keep inside of you covered in both your juices. All I could think about was how I was going to probably get an infection.
No infection but everything definitely felt weird up there for a couple of days. Boyfriend kept begging me to use the other two but I swore I'd never deal with that again. I did give one to a friend in a crunch.
No. 135009
I've tried the pill and the patch, both fucked with my emotions while I was taking them so now I'm scared to take anything hormonal.
>>135007that sounds awful, thanks for sharing
>tfw stuck forever with condoms. No. 135011
>>135009There is a newer type of diaphragm you can look into, its called 'Caya'. Older types of diaphragm and cervical cap are still effective and used to be the birth control standard.
Whatever you use you can use with newer types of spermicide like Contragel that don't use nonoxynol-9 (which is irritating). Withdrawal gets a bad rap but paired with a diaphragm/spermicide you should be fine. You can also modify sex, finishing via oral/anal is an option.
There is Saheli (Ormeloxifene), a non-hormonal BC pill that is commonly prescribed in India but I don't know much about acquiring it outside of there.
Lastly there is Paraguard, AKA copper IUD.
No. 135013
Just start another pack immediately after. It won't cause trouble as long as you go back to the regular cycle afterwards. Well, aside from changing your period date onward.
There are some women who take hormones non-stop without ever taking that 7 day break, but it's not generally advised. Maintaining the 3 week-1 week ratio makes it easier to get off the pill hassle-free and has the benefit of regulating your natural cycle long-term.
No. 135015
>>135014>>135013>>135010What is the "consequences" you guys are talking about?
I took continuous birth control for 5 years and recently stopped and my period is back. It is extremely short and light and is on schedule with no spotting which is awesome.
Am I infertile now?
No. 135016
>>135015Eh, most likely you're fine.
Regular periods help your vagina remain healthy and bigger doses of hormones can cause problems with endometrium - but modern pills aren't really strong enough to do that.
It's more about inconvenience, like spotting, irregular cycle and lengthened time of recovery from side effects. 5 years isn't that long really.
No. 135019
>>135017It isnt a problem, its a side effect of your bc. Spotting is a common one for the type you are on, because your body doesnt like that you are forcing yourself to have less periods. This also can happen if you take normal bc and skip your period to the next pack. There is no fix besides having your period more often like your body wants.
Also the same advice for
>>135010, you can skip your period but you may get spotting.
>>135015Depending on the type of bc you are on it is normal, as it seems like the ones you get put into you for x years take a few months to get back to normal. Also it depends on he you had your period without meds, if it has been a long time your natural cycle may have changed without you knowing. Having light periods are not a sign of infertility.
No. 135021
>>135017Which BC you on?
I'm on Cerazette and had the same problem. Spoke to a gyno about it, she said the spotting is a common problem that is typically fixed by taking a double dose of your BC. After a while the spotting should stop and you can resume taking just 1 a day as usual. It's not harmful and for me it actually worked.
No. 135027
>>135026Never said it's the least harmful, just that it's the easiest to go off of if you start having problems or dislike it.
An IUD cannot be easily taken out, the depo shots last for months at a time, and the implant is also not supposed to be messed with once inserted. With BC pills it's just a matter of being taken off them at a safe rate which is a lot easier than fixing any of the rest of those.
They aren't for everyone they're just the easiest thing to try first.
No. 135036
>>135033I have the Skyla IUD. I just recently got it replaced after three years.
The pain almost made me pass out. They are pressing on your cervix, and pinching it, and they hit your bowels too. The most invasive, uncomfortable horrible pain I could think of that not's getting fucked with a rusty iron or s/t
but hey no kids and no/light periods, so worth it
No. 135041
>>135040Idk where you live but gynecologists in my country (Germany) are so irresponsible about the BC info they provide… many blindly push the pill, it's disgusting.
Two women close to me who have suffered from migraines with auras almost all their lives were given the BC pill for years despite the pill not being suitable for people with migraines especially with auras, due to the blood clot risk! As a young adult you constantly have to justify to many gynecologists why you went hormone free. I'm so glad I made this choice though and will definitely get another one in 3.5 years.
No. 135043
>>135042Different pills have different rules, you just follow the instructions given in the packaging by the doctor. All pills are best taken at the same time each day but some of them have a "safe" period of up to 3 hours or even 12. Each pill has a rule for when you start it, but most you take after the first day of your period and for a whole day until you are protected.
Don't take your bc advice from Chinese picture boards when your doctor or the packaging has already told you what to do first.
>>135037Again, just wait and take it as the instructions or your doctor advised. If you're not sexually active then I really don't know why you were trying to force start it.
If you have you be up at a certain time every day then take it in the morning, if you are a neet then the same time is every night with an alarm but it's different for everyone and can take some practice.
No. 135048
>>135041I was taking the pill for 7 years and I'm also from Germany but got mine from the dermatologist due to my skin problems who weren't really problems but you know… As a teenager with pimples it's no fun.
I got more and more side effects until I couldn't stand myself anymore. I quit and everything got well. My gun where I got the gynefix asked me shortly why I don't use the pill and never brought up that topic again. I know that many push you to take it or try other brands if you are not doing well on the other one. They have contracts with the pharmacies and it's a real pain in the ass. I feel sorry for young girls tbh
No. 135056
I've been taking the progesterone only pill for two months now but I can't send to take it the same time all the time and so I'm just bleeding all over the place and I don't know if it's relating but I keep crying hysterically for little reason.
I miss the normal pill, I never had any problems with it.
>>135054It doesn' make you gain weight as such, but just increases you appetite (which is why people often gain weight) and tends to increase your boobs. Everyone responds differently and there are so many variations of the pill, you need to just try it for yourself.
No. 135058
>>135057Have you talked to your doctor about taking bc continuously to just stop having your period? I'm doing that right.
I used to hear things like women need their period to regulate their hormones or whatever but lately I've been seeing a lot of things saying like you don't need to have it if you don't want kids. And that having a period every month is a modern woman thing, our ancestors or whatever used to only get a period every 3 months.
No. 135059
>>135058That's true. If you're on hormonal birth control, you're never having an actual period anyway (otherwise you could get pregnant). The sugar pills just let you have breakthrough bleeding, the same kind you can get randomly while not actively menstruating.
I think a lot of people believe periods = healthy, because amenorrhea can be indicative of a shit ton of medical issues. But periods don't protect you from anything in and of themselves. That's pretty much the reason hormonal birth control is relatively safe (at least as far as medications go).
No. 135061
>>135057Whoa man. I feel so sorry for you! I didn't realise periods could actually be that bad.
I guess I really lucked out. I got mine really really late at 16 and now I get semi heavy bleeding and a little bloating for one day, then light for another and then it's over. I'm not sure if that means I've got low fertility or what?
No. 135063
>>135057this might be a long shot and not everyone believes in this but try reducing your intake of soy.
i'm not just talking about soy milk or tofu but soy/soy protein is a hidden ingredient in many many foods
when i stopped eating soy i stopped having as many bad period symptoms
No. 135071
>>135070Have you taken BC pills before? If so, you'll be fine. The worst thing that can happen is you bleed nonstop for 6 to 9 months, but that's rare.
I was reacting terribly to BC pills before I got mine. My OBGYN put me on the implant saying the estrogen was the problem and I'd be fine on progesterone…but didn't test it with progesterone pills before doing a semi-permanent implant. Was horrible. Nonstop bleeding, so tender I couldn't sit down.
So if you've never used any hormonal methods, try a pill first, make sure you can handle it.
No. 135081
>>135079My bf sometimes felt it, it's normal. You're not suppose to shove it up your uterus, if it's in your vagina and comfortable for you, it's good. The hormonal release is going to work wherever it is as long as it's inside.
If it's really a problem, you can get it out while you have sex, it can be out up to 3 hours a day. I wouldn't recommend it, tho, you could forget to put it back afterwards.
No. 135085
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Anyone here ever tried Persona? Is it legit or a scam?
No. 135088
>>135086It sucks what has happened to you, but whilst you have been hurt by someone misleading you, you are spreading misinformation yourself
Different people are affected differently by hormonal birth control, and there are different kinds of 'the pill' and also different brands of the same type.
In the same way that it isn't a miracle cure for everyone, it's also not an awful poison to everyone, it really depends on the person AND the pill. Which is why you will find people in this thread mention different brands or types.
Also, whilst some Doctors are keen to 'sell' the pill for whatever reason, not all Doctors are motivated in the same way.
I don't know if it will help, but you should demand to try a couple of different pills and if none of them work you can try a non-hormal option such as a ring or IUD.
No. 135089
>>135088 >>36184
there are loads of different pills to take some will work some wont I tried 5 different types before i stayed with the one I got now and yes it did help me with my severe acne and horrible cramps (2 of the pills i tried made it worse so i tried another one). I also bleed less I'm one of those people that can have a period for up to a month because my hormones was so imbalanced not anymore though. Its a trial and error process with birthcontrol pills
No. 135091
>They will also point out that there was only one study into Persona and that, while it initially assessed 710 women, it only came up with full results for 358 of those; that the women were selected so that only 15% of the youngest, and most fertile, women were included; and that, since there was no control trial, it was inadequate.[]
No. 135094
>>135093I don't think so, I haven't had sex in a year.
I hope it's not endometriosis but I guess it could be, it very localized in the uterus and only seems
triggered by orgasms. No pain whatsoever the rest of the time, tho.
Guess I'll wait a week and see if it still happens, if so, I'll give a call to the doc.
No. 135096
>>135094Hey! I get painful cramps after orgasm sometimes too. Sometimes it makes me wanna throw up and I'll be sat on the toilet sweating trying to have a bowel movement because the pain is so intense.
I recently discovered that I get it when I've tried to go 2-3 months without a period (cheating with the pill). It's like my body's way of saying "look, you need a period, stop delaying it." Remember to take your pill as instructed and maybe the orgasm hell will stop?? Obviously going to the doctor is the best thing to do, but this ALWAYS works for me.
No. 135097
>>135096I like to save my period blood and make paint with it
one time I tasted it and it wasnt too bad, now every time i flow i like to put a finger down there and get some
(cool story, edgelord) No. 135098
>>135096You never get a period on the pill, only break through bleeding. If you got an actual period, BC wouldn't work.
Whatever the reason for your cramps is, it's not that.
No. 135100
>>135096Yep, it the same, with the bowel movement thing but I'm not on the pill.
I happily report a painless orgasm yesterday. Maybe it's gone, or maybe it only happens at certain times on my cycles? I hope it's not because of the Nexplanon, I've been on it for a year and I love it…
No. 135101
>>135096Another anon chiming in to say I have this exact issue, too. Down to sitting on the toilet afterwards. It's miserable.
>>135100Based on both these posts, I think it's hormonal. I skip my sugar pills and thus periods for legit 6 months at a time* which seems to be what I have in common with
>>135096. I don't know if you have a regular period, but it could be something to do with the estrogen we're all taking.
*I have especially painful periods so I can never convince myself to face the music haha.
No. 135102
>>135100>>135101Anon from
>>135096 here, it sounds like a hormone imbalance could be the cause of cramping?
Okay I just googled it and the cause is unknown, but apparently cramps after orgasm have been known to develop 'alongside irregular periods'. So maybe we should all face the music once a month like we should. I dunno what's worse though, period cramps that seems to last for days, or sharp sudden cramps after orgasm that leaves you sat on a toilet sweating every time you dare to masturbate. Gotta love being a woman.
I've read somewhere that exercising and drinking more water "loosens up the muscles and prevents cramp" but I do that anyway and it still happens.
No. 135103
>>135102Well, I'm having periods on the implant (but, well, i'm taking in hormonal doses day in and day out), so I guess it's not the period skiping thing. Maybe it has to do with hormonal build up or something.
It really sucks. The pain is so bad.
No. 135108
>>135103There's no such thing as hormonal build up.
Listen, A lot of things your doctors tell you guys are doctor shorthand. They tell you bullshit because they know you don't have enough of a background in medicine or science to actually understand what's actually happening or what your medicines do, or because they don't know themselves but admiting that would break their patients trust. It's unfortunate, because it results in people believing things like the above, but it also prevents people panicking because they didn't fully understand what their doctor told them, or because their doctor said "I don't know, sorry."
A lot of stuff in this thread is just bullshit that gets circulated because of this.
No. 135116
>>135107Thanks so much for your reply, I'm glad to hear things are better for you now.
Did you experience any weight gain while taking it as well?
No. 135121
>>135120Glad for you. The implant have been one of my best decision. The spotting at the start was a little annoying, but damn, that peace of mind is the best.
Plus, it's way less invasive than a IUD.
No. 135124
>>135123I have the arm implant
2 year and i bleed everyday
My cousin had it done and it broke idk how but it fucked her up
Please…dont get it
But maybe its just my familys luck idk
No. 135125
>>135123>>135124You have bad luck. I have the implant and I love it. I had spotting for 6 month, but now I just have normal periods.
I have no idea how your cousin's implant broke seriously. Did she slam the interior of her arm against something? It's really weird.
Anyway, it's like any other form of birth control. It's gonna be great for some people and terrible for others. Only way to know is to try.
No. 135128
>>135123I've had the Nexplanon implant since October and in that time I've had one period and no spotting. I've MAYBE gained 5lbs but that may have just been from my weight fluctuating naturally, anyway. The insertion wasn't very painful at all and in my opinion it's much safer than the nuvaring.
My OBGYN had made mention to me that the women she'd seen have issues with it were all very petite and thin. I'm about 140lbs at 5'10 and haven't had any issues, but if you're particularly small maybe ask your doctor and see what she thinks.
No. 135139
>>135134I definitely agree with
>>135138However I've personally had a decent time with the patch because the appearance doesn't bother me, and I only have to remember it once a week. Had a friend that tried the patch because I had it, and it was horrible for her because she had very delicate/thin skin. Left her with welts when she took it off, so keep in mind how sensitive your skin is.
No. 135145
>>135143Not exaclty because it failed, but I miscarried shortly after my first cycle of BC because I had been about four weeks pregnant at the time of starting, though obviously I didn't know. It was five days prior to my seventeenth birthday too.
Also, for any anons who are considering the implant, I'm getting mine in a few days hopefully. I'll provide updates if anyone cares for them
No. 174148
>>134930Same thing happened to me, I still did put up with it because I paid so much for that shit. About a year of nonstop bleeding/spotting later, all of it stopped and now I have been period free for almost 2 years now.
It's nice because I used to have bad cramps but now I'm worried all the time that if the implant has failed and I'm really pregnant but I haven't noticed it yet.
Still overall, I like it. I don't have stress to remember take pills and stuff.
No. 174204
>>174181I've had ovarian cysts pop 3 times now and I'd rather die than go through it again. My issues with cysts went away after weight loss though so I'm not too sure about BC options for treating them.
How old are you? Doctors may be unwilling to tie your tubes if you're fairly young even if you are absolutely set on being child free. It could be more practical to get a Mirena or a pill.
No. 174451
>>174204I had my tubes tied about a year ago (bilateral salpingectomy), I'm 29. Hard core cf since 11.
So far I've had three cysts since the operation, but they removed the Mirena when I got it done. So I can't really determine wtf is going on. I was also showing signs of premenopause, but my blood work checked out.
No. 180272
>>180271Lol this is me. Birth control made me moody and feel really hungry all the time. Plus I hated missing a few days and having to start all over.
I've been off the pill for like 3 years now and when I told my bf I was on the pill I actually meant I have like 3 plan b pill packs (I get a deal on them buying a lot at a time, its worth it) in my drawer at any given moment. It's really worked out for me nicely. BC fucks with your hormones, so does a lot of things though so meh