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No. 1351685
Back to more venting. I am tired.
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>>>/ot/1342270 No. 1351689
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>>1351685i'm so tired too
nonny. i take care of myself, eat well, sleep enough, walk more, drink less coffee and yet i'm so tired on a sunday. i wanted to draw but my eyes can't keep open and i just keep lazily dragging the pencil across the screen so instead i abuse myself by staring at the screen some more. i should take a nap
No. 1351709
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My mother physically assaulted me and over powered me by climbing over me (ever since I got covid I became weak as a twig) and it has triggered all the trauma I tried to forget . I feel sick in my own body
It feels disgusting. I don't know if this counts as sexual abuse… I feel disgusting
No. 1351728
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>mfw the youtuber I am parasocially obsessed with revealed his gf on stream and she talked about how they used to do onlyfans and shared her instagram which has pics of them together
Serves me right I know but damn
No. 1351760
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My area is getting this 1984 type shit where people who live in flats have to check in using an app to park their cars. Even though they live there and own the apartment. Check in using the app every goddamn time or else you get a fine. For parking by your own fucking home! Fuck this gay earth fuck youuuuuu I'm moving to the woods. Someone I know called me an "extremist" for being openly against it and said that I'm being a contrarian just for the sake of it. FUCK YOU!!! Fuck you
No. 1351762
>>1351754>like just a tiny bit or soaking a sheet of toilet paper?between I would say
>bright red or dark?bright red
I had this happen year ago and I'm still alive so I guess it's not that bad. Also, I have constipation. I will eat fiber as that other anon said and drink water.
If it will get worse I will go to the doctor.
No. 1351841
>>1351835Samefag but I missed the part where you said he berated you for it and then accused you of not taking care of yourself so maybe this Nona here
>>1351832 was right, he sounds like a prick.
No. 1351853
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>>1351773I wish the true crime community a very die for this reason. Murderer moids should die in obscurity, with only blank headstones to adorn their graves
No. 1351869
>>1351773holy fuck yes its disgusting that the moids who make crime videos fucking smile. i would say show some god damn respect for the
victim but since its probably 95%+ a woman they dont care, especially since they're already using the story for money. im still not over the case where a girl was dropping her friend off in an old car and a gang of men targeted the car, gang raped her, stabbed her throat, then smashed her head with a giant rock. all for being in the wrong place at a wrong time. the moid friend she dropped off lived and got his college funded.
No. 1351890
My boyfriend is happy to eat me out. The only thing that does kind of make me feel bad is that he always uses lube because he doesn't like the taste (he's never said that out loud). He's said I keep myself very clean down there, so it's not an issue of hygiene and I don't have yeast infections or BV or anything like that. But he clearly does not want to do it without flavored lube. This kind of burns because my exes even said they liked the taste and I love guys who are into the smell because I myself am very, very into the smells and tastes of male genitalia. It's a bit of a turn off, to be honest, for me that he doesn't like the taste of fresh vulva. But I feel like a dick because I can tell he likes doing it for me. He also eats my ass happily. I feel like I'm just being picky and I wish I could not be bothered. He has invited me to use flavored lube on his penis when I give blowjobs and sometimes I do, but I like it as it is. It comes off like he doesn't understand WHY I like these strong scents, he feels bad for me, except I do like them.
This is just one of those dumb gripes I have that isn't really important, but eh. I think he is traumatized a bit because he would tell me how his ex would not clean herself well down there and she had the depo shot. Well, something happened in relation to the depo shot, so she permanently was on her period for pretty much the whole time he was with her so he basically was always giving oral with blood. I can imagine why he would be averse with that experience behind him.
No. 1352035
>>1352014>How the hell will I ever stop being a NEET when every job I think of is so boring.I'll never understand why if people are able to sustain a NEET lifestyle they
want to escape it. Maybe I'm autistic but I genuinely don't get why people would want to work
by choice No. 1352036
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my right eye now folds in a way it has never done before. like there's a new fold on it for no reason and it has changed completely in shape. i feel so disturbed right now i feel like i am going to have an aneurysm, on top of this my parents are telling me that i look fine and that im just hallucinating again when i have literally taken pictures/screenshots and made before and afters. this cant be happening to me. are these wrinkles ? im seriously going to destroy my eyelid from frustration and disgust, no matter how i try to realign it to how it used to be the fold reappears. im only 18 for god's sake why me. i dont have a problem with wrinkles or aging at all in fact i hate to put crap on my face no matter what it is a lot more if its chemical.
its not those outer corner wrinkles its the eyelid folds. ive genuinely never seen this happening to anybody else, my mother's asymmetrical eyelids she's had since birth, why would i get them now ? at least hers look nice i look absolutely repulsive i cant stand looking at myself anymore i just feel so hideous. i know i am being ridiculous as some people dont even have AN eye or worse yet here i am complaining about an eyelid not folding properly, but its just that in the 18 years ive lived its looked the same and not asymmetrical with video and picture evidence and now it decides to change things up a little ?
i feel physically ill. i feel like i have a stranger's body part on me and i feel crazy because my parents are telling me that its all in my head when i can see it in any reflective surface and on camera. i cant stand myself anymore i cant. i dont understand. it says when i look it up loss of fat or skin elasticity and although yes i am very underweight i dont think it would happen to just ONE of my eyes surely ? no other wrinkles just that one new way to fold. it seriously looks hideous, usually i like eye asymmetry like on my mother but i look ugly as sin and even more alienlike and "wrong" than i already do. this is just what i needed
is this permanent ? i hope not. im freaking out internally but even so i still feel like a huge crybaby because its not like i lost an arm or anything. i just feel so ugly i dont deserve to live, like i already wasnt pleasant on the eye at all now this. i just cant handle change already and now a negative one that i dont know if its permanent or not. even if it was i would never be able to fix it as i am poor as hell and cant even afford a bedframe much less surgery.
i feel so much despair right now over something minor and i know i sound like a huge crybaby sorry. i just dont know what to do or think. i dont know. i cant even cry because i feel so ridiculous that it makes me laugh from embarrassment. just posting this here as i have nobody but nonnies to listen to me.
im hideous AND retarded
No. 1352038
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I fucking hate how I can't call my friends out for being flaky. Whenever I try to make plans with them they're ALWAYS messaging me at the last minute like "ohhh sorry I'm tired today haha I stubbed my toe and got into a fight with my bf sorryyyy". My life isn't perfect, I'm in pain and tired a lot but I still want to see my friends. What's the point of even having friends if you can't ever spend time with them? I'm so lonely, but if I were to tell them how I feel I'd be the bitch. Instead I have to say "ohhhhh that's fine I don't care haha hope you get some rest lol no worries xoxoxo" it's driving me insane! I'm done with these people, I'm always the one trying to make plans and they never reach out to me. I'm doing 99% of the work but they can't even show up. They aren't real friends. I'm better off by myself, that's how I'll always end up anyway
No. 1352039
>>1352035>if people are able to sustain a NEET lifestyle they want to escape itMaybe because both working and being a NEET suck? Working 40 hours a week sucks but being stuck in your room 24/7 with no money or carreer to fall back on to sucks too. Living sucks. idk.
Also could be wrong but I'm pretty sure a lot of NEETs rely on their parents and they're not going to be around forever you know. That must raise a whole lot of anxiety. At least with a partner you can pray and hope they'll be around until you're 80.
No. 1352074
>>13520721. Learn to drive you're almost 30
2. Don't get in a car with a driver who's impaired, your actual life is at stake
3. Go low/no contact with your controlling asshole father
No. 1352080
>>1352074I couldn’t leave mom alone with him, we have to go to this city, it’s important
>>1352075it’s hard to explain since a lot of people ask but i’m a terrible driver, i get distracted easily and ive got bad spatial awareness, people don’t inderstand how much of a danger i could be to others on the road
No. 1352088
>>1352054NTA, but I wish I could move away from society. I don't get how people can convince themselves they're happy with this shit. I was made to do gathering and bonk scrotes on the head with a club, not pretend that I'm working while doing bullshit jobs. I'm fine with doing shit, I don't want to sit on my ass all day, but I also don't want a job. I want to do stuff for my own survival, grow food, gather, build stuff and voluntarily do stuff for other people, instead of first having to do bullshit jobs all day and then volunteer in the little free time left over. Besides stuff like healthcare, I just see very little benefit to the situation we're in and we should mostly just go back to monke. Like this shit is fucked. So fucking fucked. When you do gathering, you get instant brain reward. I also feel satisfaction from my strawberries popping up every summer. There is a clear connection between the labor and benefits. You don't get that from a lot of jobs. No you have to wait until you get the money, while doing menial meaningless tasks, then spend most of it on necessities and then just trying to get a tiny little bit of dopamine in a capitalistic hellscape, through one of the many addictive overstimulating or
toxic ways to entertain yourself. Volunteering is great too, but you have to do it in your free time and slowly that is whittled away through price hikes while not getting a raise and you end up with very little energy, time or motivation.
No. 1352109
>>1352107Nope, he literally made sure to wait until I had zero options
But good idea, that much I can do
No. 1352119
>>1352080Do you have actual brain damage that makes you literally unfit to drive? Or do you just have a lot of anxiety and low self esteem? I can easily be described as distracted with bad spatial awareness, mild psychosis, and giga astigmatism, but I drive fine, like yeah it did take work. There are more retards on the road that you can imagine but most can manage to not kill each other. Even if you don’t plan on driving regularly, it is essential that you can confidently drive your most necessary routes (home to work/school/a safe place). Especially for someone in an
abusive situation.
No. 1352120
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loool just walked past my brother and mom talking and heard my brother mockingly say "oooh we gotta protect the poor kids from the evil transwomen!" and I know because he obsessively keeps up with the news that he's talking about the giant fake titty teacher. I can't fucking believe this shit, I don't even want to hear what he has to say on the matter because I'll probably just burst out laughing in his face from the absurdity of it all. My own mother has called me a terf for saying transwomen aren't real women, when not 5 years ago she was saying the same thing. I've argued my points with her and I know she's just falling in line because she's normally good at debating but on the trans issue she can't think of a thing to say except "people should be nice". I want to tell my family that just because you're lifelong liberals doesn't mean you have to agree with every "leftist" idea the media tells you to. At least I know my dad agrees that this is bullshit because he stays silent whenever it comes up and we've joked about it before. This shit is wack I never would have thought my family would be calling me a bigot because I support women over trannies.
No. 1352141
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>jobs aren’t meant to be fun!!!
you’re there for 8 hours, either cut the amount of work hours or add things to it that make it enjoyable if you’re going to waste the rest of your non-laborious hours after the actual 2-4 hours of productivity pretending to be productive. people cling on to the current system because it’s safe to do so, I get it, we all are sheeple and are obedient and do what we must be told because we like to delegate hard tasks to other people, but this entire life is becoming unsustainable. how much longer do people become so individualistic and independent before the rest of society combusts? you’re able to be an individual because of the collective actions of society, hearing self-care and hustle bullshit makes me roll my eyes so much, you get to do the things you do because of the convenience of other people doing things you wouldn’t even want to do. i don’t see any fucking farmers or construction workers on this website, you work a boring, BS career because you are also a soulless BS person. you get to trace because another sap in society got their license and will risk their life and health to fly you and tons of people around the globe, you get to go to these countries because other people were fighting for your rights, you get to learn and seek comfort at the expense of the third world and their freedom. perspective will always matter. fuck you. fuck all of you who say this shit, sometimes people DO matter
No. 1352145
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welp looks like I will have some major problems with the tax authorities because my mom lied to me (and them) about something and now she refuses to tell me everything I have to know bc she is scared to get into trouble for lying and I do not have the energy for this bs reeeeeeeeeeeeee…..
No. 1352184
>>1352143haha, anon got confused, i’m the anon with the dad driving, not the stuck with parents dogsitting that just got dumped (sorry that happened to you, hope you get your stuff back somehow)
But yeah i guess adhd and easily distracted isnt a good excuse to not drive, but problem is we only have one car, and i work a low paid job (im a retard) so i cant really find a way to get my own car
No. 1352264
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My anxiety is bad today. My whole body hurts, my chest feels heavy, a lot of intrusive thoughts, and I feel like throwing up. I got a microwaveable lavender scent neck warmer and curled up in bed. I feel pathetic.
No. 1352370
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>find a channel focused on antinatalism and gnosticism
>*oh nice finally something that combines my interests! Let's check out some video's…!"
>the videos
Men are so fucking pathetic oh my god, he has like four different videos about penis size and how men kill themselves bc they can't have sex bc of saw palmetto supplements kek
No. 1352393
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I always assume people are disgusted and uncomfortable around me and so I never get close to anyone, I just try to spare them my presence.
I feel cursed. I want to be put down out of mercy, like a suffering animal. Keeping somebody like me alive against my will is cruel.
No. 1352412
>>1352397I don’t know. Ever since I can remember, peers and caregivers automatically disliked me. I was the only person in the class who didn’t get invited to parties. I got beat up at primary school a lot and in high school people I didn’t even know threw food and stones at me regularly.
My mum didn’t really like me either. I was a literal punching bag when she was going through a depressive episode.
I think I grew up weird and stilted because the pattern of being instinctively disliked, though less overt, has continued into my adult life.
I never knew what it was that started it. Was I ugly? Did I try too hard? Was I dirty? Am I just a bad person? Am I fundamentally unloveable? It’s like people can smell it on me; that I’m human garbage. I’m the common denominator in every situation, even when I kept moving schools and jobs it kept happening.
I live my life like Quasimodo now: apologetically, and alone.
No. 1352416
>>1352412I feel the same way
nonniewon't ever say it gets better but I think there is a way of learning to live with yourself within the loneliness
"some are born to sweet delight, and some are born to endless night"
No. 1352451
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bump for gorespam
scroll with caution, anons.
No. 1352522
yesterday i was bored and wanted to talk, so i went on some random website to talk to strangers. initially, I wasn't planning on entertaining the horny moids but I was kinda desperate to talk to someone. Dumb, I fucking know but im so fucking lonely, and this guy was nice and sweet talked me in the beginning of the convo. (yeah dumb) anyways, he kept going and I got attached because I get attached to anyone who shows affection to me, and started getting too comfortable. Eventually, he made the convo sexual, but I wasn't horny, so I just used some porn lines on him to make him nut. He tried to get my socials, but he didn't have any of the stuff i had, and didn't want to give his IG (dumb of me), and he kept saying he loves me and shit. anyways, I got disappointed, and left because he was being wishy washy. And goddamn, after all that, I felt so angry at myself ,depressed, and violated too. I just wish i had some friends to talk to so i didn't have to do this type of shit.
No. 1352592
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Might actually kill myself if I don't get accepted into this college transfer program. I'm trying to get out of a difficult living situation in the least conflictive way possible. This shit is due on Saturday and none of my fucking recommenders have finished their letters.
No. 1352662
Maybe I'm hanging out in seedier places these days but I'm seeing more men online advocating for a return to arranged marriage and it's pretty disgusting, I think it's an incel thing and I hope (just let me, ok) it's just a very vocal but insignificant minority. It is not at all a solution to violence/degeneracy/porn, which is how I often see it presented, yall just lonely.
>>1352655Oh that hurts, I hope you two can have a very good trip soon and she can open up about it. It's gotten out of control.
No. 1352692
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I leant my classic gaming system and a couple games to a friend, and I don't think I'm gonna get it back. Goddammit why do I trust people at all ever for any reason, I never learn my lesson
No. 1352696
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I hate how much of an absentminded retard I am sigh I lose shit all the time even when there's literally nowhere for it to go and if I don't have my favorite pen or pencil or whatever the fuck I don't want to do anything it's infuriating I've always been like this and it makes me feel insane I;m serious where rhe fuck did it goooooo holy shitt
No. 1352807
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using this image to manifest a good day for me. yesterday i was so anxious and angry at myself and tired. i'm tired of this never-ending cycle of anxiety, decision paralysis, procrastination and shame.
No. 1352812
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>>1352696Protip: make yourself a specific surface to leave things on as a surface of object permanence
No. 1352840
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This is long, sorry anons.
Not sure where else to post this, I'm really troubled by this but it's so trivial it feels embarrassing.
I'm in my early 20s and for the last 5-7 years I have been really interested in fashion, made a lot of my clothes, dropped out of fashion school, experimented a lot. It was always a big part of my identity because I used to be severely bullied for dressing differently as a kid and so I decided to embrace it and experiment a lot. I always advocated against the plastic fast fashion garbage and it meant a lot to me. My wardrobe is very feminine with a lot of vintage/handmade stuff, lots of victorian-esqe and grandma-ish stuff. I spent a lot of time and money cultivating that interest, most of my friends I met either through fashion meets or was approached by them because of how I looked.
Thing is, I've been thinking more and more about going masc. I read a lot of second wave feminism books and essays and that was the first thing that sparked it. I started to notice how much men just don't care about how they're dressed. I stopped shaving, I cut my hair short. I started to wear baggy, skater clothes sometimes. I realy like it. I wish I could dress like that everyday and not care about putting outfits together. I just can't get myself to do it. I still have the same tastes, I still like frills and lace and velvet and I'm still very interested in fashion. It's just that I feel very guilty about it. Like it was a waste of time. I've become more relaxed and outgoing recently and lot changed in my life and I guess I feel like this interest is holding me back. I wish I spent my teenage years having fun outside with other people instead of doing embroidery alone in my room.
And yeah I know I'm being way too dramatic and serious about this, sorry ig.
No. 1352852
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I just went on a day trip out of state and there is nothing more triggering than pulling off the highway after seeing a FOOD: MCDONALDS EXIT X sign on the side of the interstate, only to get to the window to be told, "sorry ma'am we are only serving online orders currently!" I say "okay thanks anyway" and drive off because I understand they are probably understaffed because nobody wants to work at the fucking McDonalds off the interstate right now, but it still makes me so angry! I have been driving for hours and I want a hot meal pls I just want some chicken nuggies or literally anything hot, it's 2 am and I can't wait for some fucking diner upstate to open.
No. 1352854
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i can't make myself talk sometime i am too tired to form words. i have been ignored and abandoned a lot in my life so i am comfortable and neutral about it. sometimes i wished to be ignored over getting shouted at and physically abused. but i keep unintentionally pissing off 1-2 coworkers at every place because i don't say hi how are you good thanks every single time they greet me. i understand how this can offend them, but i don't give a fuck that such a small slight is so deathly offensive to them. if i was crazier i would shout at them just like my abusers have, and then they wish i ignored them too. saying this useless fucking greeting is not a measure of my work efforts or my liking you. i am not comfortable pretend talking when i have to do that for 8+ hours a day to pissed off dirty bastards here. at least give me a fucking break. oh nour anon did not say hi! that bitch! cunt i could beat you to death and make you beg for me to simply "not say hi" i wish that was my biggest problem in life. take a look at yourselves…
No. 1352860
>>1352840I'm not sure I'm understanding you correctly nonna, but does it come down to that you still love fashion but not for yourself? Why don't you pursue it as an art form, have your own store maybe, make custom things for people, or just make something nice and if it sells it sell, if it doesnt it will just wait for its own turn… that would be the way to keep what was an important part of your life without sacrificing the way your self expression has evolved.
Don't worry about not having spent your teenage years having fun, you're very young still, just have fun now instead regretting things you can't change.
No. 1352942
>>1352901It is
nonnie, I too have bipolar and crippling cptsd. My boyfriend and I have been together for a few years, He's very patient and medication/therapy helped a lot in growing.
No. 1352980
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i hate writing essays so fucking much they are the most boring things ever why did I let my advisor talk me into retaking english to raise my gpa I can get into the program I want to get in with my current one
No. 1352987
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>>1352980Essays are easy
nonnie. Here's a hack: take the topic of your essay (i.e. a general subject) and make it your title for now. Then apply deductive reasoning to the general subject that is your title, and make a list of all the particular aspects of your general subject. Write these down.
You now have a title and skeletal structure for an essay composed of a list of all the things you need to talk about. So just go over each of these things and write about each of them. Once you've done so you have a full essay. Then just change your title to something snappy
No. 1352995
>>1352990Flash cards
nonnie. Study with these every day whenever you have a moment; if you've got free time, take a second to shuffle through your deck and answer all them
No. 1353004
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Turns out my illness is chronic. The pills don't work on me either, and i changed them twice by now. The doctors don't care about advising me on what to do about it, or even checking what triggers it. I have no idea how to tell that to my grandmother, a woman who had 2 heart attacks and has a lot of things to worry about. I have not seen her in 3 years, and now that inflation is destroying me, I don't know when I will meet her.
I can't find a job, and now finding out its chronicle makes it 99 likely i will never find a job.
i am tired and i want to just end it all. i got nothing. my only accomplishment is leaving the dictatorship-driven country, just to end up becoming a wife taking care of everything but herself. i don't even have a kid and i always wanted one, yet i am the only one who seems to care about it. i am really done. i am so young but here i am, sick all the time and in pain.
No. 1353005
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Literally just want an online friend who is weird enough to be entertaining but not a cunt and not creepy and unfortunately it looks like that will not be happening for me this year
No. 1353019
>>1353005>talk to the nonas on here from the friend finder thread and always end up carrying the conversation It's tough. Good luck finding friends wherever you go,
No. 1353102
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NONNIES IM MORTIFIED… my 25 year old male coworker who is fat, balding and is just very not my type asked me out as we were leaving work… i am 19 and he’s known me since i was 15(which is when i started working) I feel so grossed out that he even thought i reciprocated. All i could do was say no and immediately walk away bc i was so shocked, I could feel him being more flirty recently but tried ignoring it, assuming he would never go after me because of the age difference… i fucking hate men
No. 1353108
>>1353053Is there anything I can help with
nonnie? I’m uk based and currently in uni. Had to repeat a semester this year and the stress of dealing with student finance sucked. Jokes on them tho because I’m never paying it back
No. 1353146
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It's disgusting to me the way men all have anger problems, but are afraid of honest confrontation. They always want to fight and kick and scream and act like badasses but are scared shitless of making an actual decision. How did they get to be in charge, I can't believe this shit
No. 1353148
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>>1353146HOW THE FUCK CAN THEY FIX IT. I am so tired of this!! It's either testosterone or what? I don't understand how my s/o cannot be angry at something as stupid as a videogame, after all even after each loss you can still understand that it's okay to lose, you can try again and learn more, but no…wtf!!!
No. 1353154
"Hey can we sit down and talk about this like adults?"
"N-No I can't I'm scawed uwu"
Every scrote is like this I swear lmao
No. 1353232
>>1353146actually in a lot of those cases they are trying to get a specific reaction/re-establish control with a tantrum–which is why a lot of men only do such things when they know they can get away with it with it and rarely where it'd actually wreck their life (i.e., in a professional setting at other mens' expense).
It's tied into the dumb weaponized incompetence stuff. It isn't that they aren't dumb - they often are, like
>>1353148 's weirdo sperging out from being denied what he felt entitled to which obviously won't lead to anything - but that a lot are doing it because they've grown accustomed to getting their way.
No. 1353235
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Just found out the man I've been crushing on for a month now is married. I feel pathetic for being genuinely heartbroken about it since he and I have only interacted twice.
But I know the underlying issue is that ever since I failed at developing a relationship with someone I deeply loved, I'm starting to believe I'm unworthy of the kind of love and person that I desire/wish for.
It might not be unworthy in a physical sense (being unattractive), but unworthy in a sense that the cards I'm dealt with in life curses me to never get the love I always hope for.
No. 1353250
>>1352840if u feel like the interest is hindering your ability to have a good time, then that's as good as any reason to let it go.
however, sometimes i get squicked out on certain second wave feminist arguments that wraps itself up in worshipping masculine aesthetics as being the equivalent of freedom. Not shaving/cutting your hair aren't inherently masculine things, it's just your body existing.
Anti-adornment sentiments in general are far more related to WASP/general protestant values, rather than masculinity. Catholics go off with adornment and details, almost to what we consider a "feminine" extent for men. Protestant/stoic masculinity is a vehement reaction to that. This is why men in catholic cultures are considered "metro" to men from protestant faiths. they care about details.
I just feel like hyperfemininity (when done in a girl centered, non-sexy/male gazey way) can be just as liberating. Lolita as a fashion reminds me of this. but again, that is a lot of work so i get it.
No. 1353281
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Found out this morning my big sister, whose always been like a mother to me has breast cancer. Don't know the stage or what kind yet, she didn't want to talk about it, she wants to be alone, but It's been confirmed. Two noticable lumps. She'd been suffering from reoccuring pain in her breast for a few months but didn't think it was anything important, until it became more and more noticeably painful. Initially she wasn't even in any hurry to see a doctor until our mother insisted she see one. I always had this terrible sinking feeling it was cancer, even though they both her laughing and trying to shrug it off as being something else. But I had this sense of unease coming that it was cancer, so the confirmation wasn't that big of a shock. But I'm definitely feeling kind of emotionally numb about it right now, my thinking & feelings are all scattered. It all just feels so ominous, like a story I've heard happening to so many other people and now It's happening in mine, to someone I know. More than anything I feel overcome with so much dread.
No. 1353320
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I've been binge eating like a beetus goblin and my only comfort is knowing I might not have consumed all the calories cause I feed some to my fat bf and dog.
>Waffle House for breakfast hash brown bowl with onions, steak, and bacon, waffle with butter and syrup, fed the leftovers to fat bf
>go to Japanese store and consume a whole bottle of grape ramune
>buy matcha dango and inari pouches
>consume three dango sticks
>free snacks with purchase including 4 inari rice balls and two slices of futomaki
>eat half the futomaki and give rice to dog, eat inari and give rice to dog
>later go to mall, buy mochi snacks and drop $80 at the candy store on gummies and chocolate
>eat a giant Violet crumble bar, some gummies, pop a few pieces of the boba mochi
>go to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner
>order 15 wings and eat 9 of them
>late at night chomp on the gummies and some of bf's chocolates
I'm horrified, I used to be on one meal a day and never hungry. Now I'm scared to even step on the scale to see how much I've fucked myself this past month. Fat bf is like "You really don't eat that much.." WELL OF COURSE YOU WOULDN'T THINK SO YOU FATSO. He probably wants me huge too so I won't get hot and leave. Fuck.
No. 1353346
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>>1352860I do 'love myself' if you mean my self esteem. I think I just realized how much more comfortable (mostly physically) I feel when I dress like picrel kek I noticed a shift in my attitude, it's like I'm suddenly so carefree I guess? I think I need time to figure it out
>>1353250I do actually wear lolita on the side and aren't planning on abandoning it as it ties with my other interests (mainly dolls). I definitely don't think feminine interests are inferior, I grew up with both stereotypically feminine and masculine interests. I guess I feel like I spent too much time being consumed by appearances, although I do enjoy the way things like picrel look.
>>1353284Yeah, that is probably the simplest and most obvious way out of it, I'm taking it too seriously kek I actually always complain about how ugly and unkept moids are but I kind of get it now that I got the taste of it
No. 1353357
>>1353346fred durst? for real?
No. 1353398
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>>1353357Listen, you don't get it how good it feels to go out looking like that with my hairy legs showing making every moid in sight act like someone just puked on their shoes ESPECIALLY right after wearing lolita and being complimented left and right by old ladies
>>1353364He will be once I start skinwalking him
>>1353366Thanks anon! I'll think about it
No. 1353428
>>1353398Fred Durst-chan you are impeccable.
I used to be in a lot of fashion circles and could never find a style i liked that also looked good on me, until i just started not caring and being confident in my t-shirt wearing, beaten up sneaker, baggy jean bumminess, and that particular style looked great on me, or at least I felt great. So yeah, I get where you're coming from.
No. 1353433
>>1353319when i marie kondo my place i set things aside in bags and leave them for a few months. if i come back and still dont want any of that crap it goes off. the shit is that mostly reselling isn't worth the money for the time and effort it takes. but what really gets me into problems is new-ish shoes i bought that just sort of dont fit right, in the kind of way you would have to wear them a mile or two to find out. you cant return them and like, who wants to buy secondhand shoes? but it feels so wasteful to toss $100 shoes to goodwill, but i also cant wear them for health reasons. total shit.
i also have a bunch of belongings that i don't particularly like but they're good enough. at some point you do have to wear SOMETHING. then i have pants that fit me 10 lbs ago and i'm trying to lose the weight but the pants sit there mocking me.
No. 1353436
>>1353320i'm jealous you can eat that much. one time i binged at the indian buffet and spontaneously projectile vomited everything back out in their parking lot. i've never even been bulimic, but if i overeat even slightly i spontaneously puke out some off the top.
but seriously
nonnie get your shit in order, that's a huge waste of money and you don't deserve to do that to your own bank account. how the fuck do fat people afford to be so fucking fat. i eat out like once a month. if i ate like that every day i'd be broke.
No. 1353449
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>close longterm friends with benefits/ex-bf got admitted to psychward, very serious situation
>had broken up with him shortly before because he admitted to seeing a prostitute while we were together (not sure if true because he was very delusional) amongst other things
>stayed at his apartment which he shares with his bestfriend for a few weeks
>started talking with bestfriend, realised that I liked him (not in a deep way)
>ended up really obviously flirting with him by accident (I think?) which the bestfriend obviously caught on to
I said he looked “very cute” in a photo to which he just gave me a look, I also changed into a skirt before talking to him which I pray he didn’t notice. I know he picked up on it because he kind of alluded to the flirting in a very roundabout ironic way during our conversation. This happened four months ago and I’m still agonising over it. I’m so so ashamed, it’s actually killing me. I don’t even know what the fuck I was doing, I wasn’t looking for a sexual opportunity, just wanted to feel what it was like to have a male like me again. Feel free to shame me.
No. 1353452
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>>1353148i fucking hate ragers. i've had gamer moid roommates in the past that have gotten a bit testerical upon losing their pubg or whatever but it's nothing compared to my current roommate, which is my nigel's dearest childhood friend, so i can't rly call him out. he SCREAMS so loud and says stupid shit constantly so i once said to him something like "hey why don't you play single player games? they're rewarding and fun. i only play like 2 multiplayer games. single player can still frustrate me sometimes when i lose to an npc but at least it's not a real person going out of their way to flex on you and teabag and taunt when they beat you" and this smooth brain says "i don't like single player games, i lose interest".
i told my bf later that his raging is kinda concerning, and i said "man if i was his gf i would be afraid if he freaks out so hard at fuckin rocket league i'd be afraid of him getting physical if something actually serious came up." and he flipped on me saying nooo my heckin frienderino could never do that and then hit me with "do you WANT to be his gf?!" no retard i couldn't touch your 400 lb buddy without throwing up, i just wanted to raise a concern i had if he gets a gf AND TARD NEEDS TO SHUT UP OR CLOSE HIS DOOR WHEN PLAYING TOY CAR SOCCER HE HAS A DOOR I DON'T
>>1353412yes my period ended up all sorts of fucked up after i got the vaccine and i always feel like an antivaxxer when i get side eyed for saying "there's some effects of the vaccine that aren't talked about by official sources online like a bunch of women having messed up periods" and i get looked at as if i was just like "YEEHAW FUCK THE VAXX AND ZUCKERBERG I'M EATIN HORSE PASTE" motherfucker i'm pro vax i took it i'm an at risk person! i heard the vax made women that haven't had periods in years like aidens on T and women that have hit menopause get their periods out of nowhere. that's not normal!
i also have ovarian cysts too nona so i know how you feel. i got them recently, from my iud (which i didn't know was even possible till i saw an ad for an iud that said "may cause ovarian cysts" and i was like oh.) which pisses me off i go through all this pain to let my moid jizz in me and for what??? it's worth it to know i won't get pregnant and my bc can't exactly get tampered with there but fuck. i hope you feel better and that one didn't actually burst nona
No. 1353454
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>>1353320Oh good, I'm glad you're dragging your dog into this shit, too.
No. 1353479
>>1353452my narc father used to wake me up at 4 am every morning screaming in rage at video games. one of many reasons i don't speak to him and he will die alone.
men are 6'0 toddlers
No. 1353525
>>1353520I got banned year ago.
>>1353518I really hope you will feel better, for now try to watch dumb shit on yt for example, so you won't go deeper into dark thoughts. It will pass anon, sending love and hugs, you're great and you're doing wonderful.
No. 1353546
>>1353538You have a chance unless you cheated on her. I'm on the same boat.
>>1353540How come you are with another partner if you still love the other one?
No. 1353615
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>>1352592>>1353504please don't kill yourself nonnies
No. 1353640
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How the fuck do people live in places with bad public transport? I've been carless for about 4-5 months now and It's the most miserable I've been. I am limited to where and when I can work, I get to my destination sometimes hours in advance because if I take the bus next I'm 20 minutes late.
It's currently pouring and I finished work and I don't even get to go home. I'm going to be home at 8:00pm for a stinking job that sucks so bad. It sucks, I hate it. I'm so upset, I'm crying. I'm trying to save money by not taking uber/taxi but that shit costs me 3 out of 5 hrs of the hours I work on that day. I'm working for a total of 25$ a day profit. Wtf is this shit. I'm in a shitty fucking bus terminal waiting for my fucking bus and I'm trying my best not to cry. I want to kill myself so badly. I cannot believe I'm in this spot.
No. 1353652
There was once this cartoon reviewer that I'd been obsessed with since 6th grade (11yo). He introduced me to a lot of obscure media, and he even came from the same town as me. I had a crush on him, but I got over it by 8th grade. He had a girlfriend (29), and I thought they were really good for each other, but they eventually broke up.
I've stopped watching his content because I had been busy with school, but I still check in on him every once and a while. Just recently, I discovered that 30 y/o man is dating some 22 y/o TIF, and I've never felt so disgusted. I know for a fact that this isn't a jealousy thing because I was extremely supportive of his previous relationship. The worse thing is that this kid is around the same age as me, and who knows if she was on the same boat as me?
Sorry for sperging out, but this is the first time an internet personality has deeply disappointed me. People don't really like him because he acts like a creep, but I always thought it was a bit. I guess I was wrong.
Am I overreacting? I know they're both legal adults, but something just doesn't sit right with me.
No. 1353664
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still haven't gone to the disability office or talked to the professor
I think I'm just going to read my school library book, return it and then drop the semester so I don't fail out… I've never been so hopeless
No. 1353687
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Because of dental issues I've started to develop a lisp. I only realized it today after hearing my voice after it was recorded without me knowing. Everybody has been listening to me slowly developing a lisp and no one has mentioned it to me. Fml.
No. 1353699
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Randomly seeing a couple interacting genuinely, truly in love on a youtube channel I follow, made me realise that I will never, ever, be able to be like this with a moid. I would never have that amount of trust and comfortability around men, no matter what, never. Just damn. But I guess at least that settles that het question once and for all.
No. 1353707
>>1353699I agree with what
>>1353702 had to say! A lot of youtube moms/wives are definitely not treated as well as the image they try to sell in their videos. I don’t remember who it was but I have a memory of some couple/family vlogging channel being outed for
domestic abuse and infidelity but I’m not gonna lie there’s no way it’s not common, unfortunately.
No. 1353713
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never posted before but longtime lurker so lmk if i fuck up and ill delete it. lol.
anyways. never had a place to vent abt this but here we go:
last year a transfem coworker skinwalked me and made my eating disorder severely worse. she cut her hair like mine, dyed it the same color, started using the exact same mannerisms as me when speaking, etc. she also started identifying as a transbian, and usually idgaf how people id but she only started doing so after i came out to my social circles as a lesbian. before that she id’ed as pan. i was still nice to her and such bc i figured she was just trying to be more femme and i was the only other qbipoc person she interacted with frequently. whatever.
i drew a line when she started saying that people would sometimes “mistake” her for being me. like, girl, what? we genuinely do not look alike unless you’re fucking blind. no one mistook her for me, or vice versa. we have vaguely similar builds in that we’re about the same height (5’4”ish), slim, and tan (bc we’re both SE Asian). the proportional similarities end there (not to mention I’m an alto and she started doing the transfem falsetto thing). unfortunately her comments about this made by body dysmorphia about 8273749577373x worse and i became a full anachan. also didn’t love the fact that her college student male athlete lifestyle and metabolism meant that I’d watch her eat about 5x as much as me while staying slim, when i was anachanning out. she’d also make comments about what I was eating, how much I’d eat, how much I looked like I weighed, and how she “couldn’t believe that she could eat so much and stay slim ~~~”. kms.
i ended up quitting that job and getting a new one bc i couldn’t take the skinwalking and comparisons anymore. don’t see her and according to our mutual friends she looks completely different now. so ig she’s skinwalking some other gal.
tldr; became an anachan after coworker skinwalked me, quit the job, recovered, now she’s skinwalking someone else. don’t miss that era. thanks for listening nonnas.
No. 1353714
>>1353702Oh yeah, it's better not to take it at face value, since you never know. But like you said
>i've never seen a man and woman have a good relationship, like a truly good one. Right? Which is exactly why I was so shook, because it seemed like it, they harmonize very well - at least in that short clip.
>>1353706>>1353707It wasn't a family vlogger,
it was a video by Hannah Lee Duggan but I'm honestly not surprised. It takes really awful money/attention hungry people to display your entire family life, especially the kid's, all over the internet.
No. 1353732
Why do I do this to myself, nonnas? I saw something that reminded me of my ex so I made the classic mistake: I decided to take a look at his social media. Apparently, he's thinking about moving in with his long distance gf and even considering marriage if that is what it takes to stay in her country. This brought back a lot of memories. I felt so sad thinking about our relationship and the good moments we had together. I used to think he was the one who got away, but looking back now, he really wasn't.
After 15 minutes of suffering, I remembered a shit ton of negative traits he has. He's an emotional manchild with severe anger issues and is very unattractive (but I learned to love his personality so his looks didn't matter). So that made me feel a tad better. I also wouldn't take him back even if he begged me, but I feel pathetic for having felt sad/emotional when I realized that he's thinking about moving to be with another person. I'm in a happy relationship with someone who's more emotionally mature, attractive and sane, so that makes me feel even more ridiculous.
I have no romantic feelings towards him anymore, but I guess I just felt nostalgic for a time that's in the past? No idea, but I feel like a loser.
No. 1353739
Anyone dealing with anger from being assaulted? I got raped by a disgusting troon and he thought it was consensual. I was black out drunk, he was sober. Drove an hour to see me after I had been crying about the death of one of my parents and spared no gory details, and he thought, hey, this girl is vulnerable. I despise men and I was never “twansphobic” but now I see them for what they are. Sexually deviant rapists who hate women, and their brain rot is so bad they actually think a woman wreaking of alcohol who can’t even stand correctly could consent. I didn’t even have shoes on when I went outside to meet him so we could “talk”, I hadn’t showered yet, I was on my period. I WREAKED of alcohol. What the fuck about that is sexually appealing? Then I remember it’s not about sex, it’s about dominating what you deem to be a the weaker sex. He wanted to continue our relationship afterwards and even tried guilting me into responding to his incessant pity party texts like, “I miss you, I’m having a bad mental health day, I hope you’re okay. I can’t wait to see you again” while I was in the fucking ER to get prescribed PREP antiviral meds to prevent HIV. I didn’t go to the cops because they rarely have sympathy for a drunk woman who has been assaulted. I’m so fucking angry, I wish he would just do the world a favor and rope himself. I told him to do the world a favor and stay away from real women. I hope I’m alive long enough to see his deadname in the obits.
No. 1353747
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i'm so nervous whenever i talk to someone. i feel like i'm less than human.
No. 1353854
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I constantly have this huge pressure to be spot on and perfect at everything, whether it’s work or friendships, so I can make people happy. And I constantly feel ashamed whenever I actually need help. After all, I’m a coward, or maybe selfish if I dare ask for assistance.
No. 1353874
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I wish i was born in the USA. I will never forgive my piece of shit dad for refusing to move to the USA despite my mom having family there. It actually hurts more to know that i COULD have lived there, that perhaps in another universe i am in the USA living my best life or shot in the wallmart parking lot, but instead i am trapped in the worst fucking country with literally the worst of the USA and Venezuala, an actual nightmare.
>inb4 muh shooting, muh medical bills
i literally dont care i still wish i had the amount of opportunities amerifats have, i would proudly be 400lbs and go in my scooter to the wallmart to get my 6 gallon bottle of pepsi then get shot if it means i could still be able to whatever i want with my money and persue the career i want.
Also, the men in my country are so fucking ugly holy shit i am dying a virgin.
God it hurts so much, i have spent so much fucking money on psychological help, started going when i was 8 and dropped out of it when i was 19, and my real problem was beyond my reach. I don't know what to do, it just hurts to exist like i feel from another dimension whenever i try to interact with people, even with my parents. I have tried having friends, getting a job, changed 3 times of school because i could never fit in, YEARS of psychological and psychiatric help and they never found anything wrong with me outside of anxiety/depression. Everyone keeps telling me that i could try to move to the USA, but it's not the same, i am stuck in a limbo of always feeling like an outsider. My stomache hurts just from writting this, i just deleted my Discord and whatsapp i cant stand talking with my friends anymore they are just a cruel reminder that i live in a shitty country and my life is ruined.
No. 1353917
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>>1353874I mean I gotta ask, are the moids in your country as awful looking as picrel
No. 1353931
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>>1353917They are pussy drying for sure
No. 1353936
I'm probably overreacting and just being jealous and whiny, but my boyfriend recently reconnecting with an old female friend of his, and now they hang out on discord every night, for hours and hours, and he recently told me about how glad he is that he connected with her again since he had ghosted her in the past, and how she told him recently that (despite her having a husband, though apparently he's very toxic and my bf and their friends are trying to get her to leave him which also factors into this) back before he ghosted her, she had feelings for him.
It's just upsetting because all night I hear him talking to her, and other friends but now he's just spending a LOT of time with her, playing games with her, helping her with things, the only time we do stuff really is before we sleep when we watch tv together.
I'm just scared. We're going through a tough patch too, and he swears he loves me and will never leave me, but my mental health hasn't been great for while now. I don't want to be 'that' type of girlfriend, but the paranoia grows stronger and stronger every day.
No. 1353948
>>1353940I mean, I use it too. It's just the easiest online chatting program.
>>1353944Even if I didn't love him too much to just leave, we live together, all my furniture is here, my job is here. Leaving him would mean losing my home, and my job, and a shitton more things in my life.
No. 1353955
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Why does it always have to be cloudy on interesting astronomical days where I live? Today Jupiter is at it's closest to Earth and I can't see anything.
No. 1353961
>>1353946yeah it's insane my mom and all my family and neighbors are refusing to evacuate because they keep saying the predictions aren't accurate and that it won't actually hit near us
no I have no generator unfortunately and I'm mostly worried about my car and my other valuables getting water damaged since my house is on a canal that floods easily
I'm too poor to afford rent right now but once I can get a decent job somewhere else I'm definitely moving
No. 1353965
>>1353936you're not overreacting or being paranoid nona. i would be really upset if my bf was doing that. this is just my random advice but you need to have an honest conversation with him about how this is making you feel and if he refuses to stop or try to understand your point of view then it's ultimatum time. he doesn't need to be saving some woman from her
toxic husband or whatever the fuck. it pains me to hear you feel stuck with a man because of a job and some furniture, i'm sure there are many other things but you're not even married yet. just think about his behavior and what it says about him as a person and how he sees you. in my opinion you deserve better
No. 1353975
>>1353936>I'm probably overreacting and just being jealous and whiny, but my boyfriend recently reconnecting with an old female friend of hisWithout even reading the rest, there is no reason for a man to "reconnect" with an old female friend other than wanting to fuck
>and now they hang out on discord every night, for hours and hours, and he recently told me about how glad he is that he connected with her again Your relationship is over, sorry to say anon
No. 1353991
>>1353953I sleep with my face pressed into a heating pad when I have a migraine. I know that violates all heating pad safety precautions, but fuck it.
>>1353961Stack your furniture up on bricks, and get some of those plastic Walmart bins and duct tape them shut, address them to yourself. Honestly, you should probably drive to a shelter at a higher elevation. But it probably won't be that bad. It's usually not that bad. That's why people just stop caring. I love the way the whole sky seems to breathe like a giant lung before the storm.
No. 1354004
>>1353991the hurricane wind speeds are like 120mph right now and it's supposed to keep getting stronger until it hits, the highest elevation I can get to here is only slightly above sea level
idk I'll check and see if my area has evacuation orders tomorrow, there's not much I can do except drive somewhere out of the storms expected path
No. 1354058
>>1353936God I hate your boyfriend, everything in this post hits close to really painful parts of my own past. Spending every night with that woman who had feelings for him and he knows it (!!!), trying to get her to leave her husband (ALLEGEDLY
toxic), neglecting you; and you just sit there confused thinking he still may be a good person that will eventually go back to prioritizing you. He wont. I hope you'll muster the strenght to leave him before he hurts you even more.
also point him out to me I'll beat him up No. 1354108
>>1354030Doctors can be so retarded yet get worshipped because they went to medical school which is super tunnel visioned. Then ofc you can't point out peer reviewed studies said otherwise and doctors are indeed human and make mistakes without NPCs screaming "you don't know more than doctors just because you used Google!!!"
I once had a bunch of people claim I was an anti science Karen that was starving my child for saying it's stupid that my kid was considered "behind on weight gain and needed to go on formula" when doubling birth weight at 3 months which is a month or two early, doc also suggested me feed her an insane amount for her age, such as 4-6 oz at 1-3 months old and 6-9 oz at 3-4 months old
No. 1354121
>>1353936You're not paranoid, it's completely reasonable to expect your boyfriend to put up healthy boundaries between him and other friends
Also I have a feeling you know damn well he would have a mental breakdown if you were to do the same with a male friend
No. 1354207
>>1354204>My mom is gonna hit 60 and I wont have done a single thing to make her life easier financiallyGod I feel you. I'm actually in a very similar spot
>I only wish she gave birth to better children.You're already a good child because you love your mom and want to take care of her, the intention is there. I'm sure once you graduate you'll do so much for her. Hang in there, please don't do anything rash and concentrate in your studies and your own future. Graduate and eventually when you get a job you will be able to share so much with her.
No. 1354233
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Being attracted to men is a disability I want cured
No. 1354236
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My dad is so fucking retarded. My brother told me this morning that he got lectured by dad for "healthy eating" and how "it doesn't matter" and he knows because he "had a friend who changed to a healthy diet and then died two months later." He's only saying this because I started cooking healthier for me and my brother, at my brother's request!!! And by "cooking healthier" I mean all I did was switch out the white rice we constantly eat for quinoa. And we eat smaller portions. And he's been opting to eat more oatmeal (I make overnight oats all the time, and he asked me to make some for him too). I already cook relatively healthy meals, so it was just small adjustments so that we could keep this up long term.
Meanwhile my dad will make shrimp tempura every fucking night and expect us to just eat fucking fried shrimp and white rice. Healthy or unhealthy, it's FUCKING BLAND. If I eat unhealthy food, I'm eating it because it tastes good!!! There's at least some reward there!!! Why the fuck am I going to eat something deep fried and bland. I'll just eat plain oatmeal if I feel like having the world's saddest, blandest meal!
Meanwhile my mom and I will cook with lots of vegetables, some form of protein to have some in there, and that will go with rice (now quinoa). It's colorful and it's a variety of flavors, but nooooooo, my bitch ass dad won't eat any of it. If I just opt to make a dish that's only vegetables, he won't eat it at all because there's no meat. He works as a fucking chef but he's somehow got the tastes of a shitty five year old. Also! My mom got told off at their doctors because she has inflammation from eating too many oily foods! Hmmm, yeah, I wonder whose fault that is!
No. 1354269
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I just broke a nail, only a few days after getting them done at a salon two hours away from me by where my parents live. Now I have to spend weeks looking at this broken nail because the color is a niche one and I doubt any salons near me has it. I'm pissed.
No. 1354271
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I'm so tired of having anxiety over a job that doesn't care about my mental well being, shit communication, along with a myriad of other stupid issues, on top of my personal desires of not returning. Some context for the latest bullshit, I've been gone the past 2 weeks for a vacation, last time I checked the schedule, they took me off the last week of Sept. since I was in talks with management about leaving. They offered me the idea of Leave of Absence. I sat on it and then agreed but I was already out of the state by then (which they knew about!). My phone was stolen on my last day of vacation so I come home thinking there's no issue. Apparently I'm back on the schedule again and no one has contacted me about this update up until today. At this point I just want to type up my resignation and leave. I can't do this. Any nonas with sage advice or at least some criticism because anxiety ends up making me sit on my ass and do all of jack-shit.
No. 1354316
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ok nonnies I’m
>>1353102 and want to vent a new frustration related to this… almost all the coworkers Ive talked to about this have said the same thing. “Poor [male]” WHAT ABOUT POOR ME? I’m just getting angrier at the fact that he put me in such an embarrassing situation, and angry at coworkers for sympathising with him. A much older female coworker (65+) even told me I was immature to only say no and walk away.
I also found out he has a pattern of asking girls out, and was so persistent with one to the point she had to ask to not be shifted at the same time as him. He got mad at a 17 year old coworker for saying he probably wasn’t my type. This is so fucking annoying and im pissed that he put me in this situation. Men aren’t human and I’m going to be giving him the cold shoulder on the rare occasions we work together (thank god for different schedules)
No. 1354318
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My ex dumped me a week ago and hasn't reached out wueh
No. 1354321
>>1353568I don't think being dumped face to face is any better. I had a guy do that once (6 months) and he seemed to enjoy lecturing me and having the chance to frame everything to his liking while I didn't have recourse against it because he knew where the conversation was headed and I didn't. so i was just sitting there blindsided after a normal day of work while he jabbered on and on with self-aggrandizing talk like he was delivering a nobel prize acceptance speech. he kept talking and talking and i was getting so fucking irritated because it sounded like he was breaking up with me but he wouldn't get to the point, first he had to paint the entire situation to his liking where basically he pushed everything off as being caused by me. "you don't seem happy" (like excuse me but who are you to tell me how i feel?) when it was his issues that caused it (he had an inferiority complex and always seemed scared of me and trying to act pompous to compensate, and also he was grouchy and mean often and would blame "not being a morning person" or some inane normal thing i did as his
trigger) and then to clear himself further he went on and on about his ex from 5 years ago he was still in love with, even though she's probably forgotten his name by then and lives 3 states over. it just pissed me off how he went about that. he wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise and i had to sit there and listen to 40 minutes of him verbally sucking himself off. he also made it seem like i was coming to spend a night like normal so i'd gone to the trouble of packing all my things and carrying them all day. it was just so inconsiderate. i would have preferred a text message so i didn't have to waste my time. he seriously expected me to beg for his forgiveness and ask him to take me back, or at least argue and try to defend myself, so when i simply got up and grabbed my things to leave he followed me to the hallway and was like, "wait, is that it?!!?"
in hindsight i'm glad i got out of that relationship because he had major
abusive flags and it wouldn't have worked out long term.
men seem to think that breaking up with a woman isn't the end of the relationship, they try to use it as a tool to restack power in their favor, then surprised pikachu face when the woman leaves and doesn't want them back. scrotes are retarded.
No. 1354327
>>1353801what a pussy. i've been fired from tons of jobs. every time i got a new job that was better and paid more. your bf is a drama queen.
i don't know why scrotes think it's cute to throw these antics. they look like an overgrown toddler and it's disgusting.
>>1353845pft. i've never been given severance. what problem does he have? he got a free month+ vacation.
No. 1354329
>>1354291I'm glad I'm not alone in my suffering kek. The chastising attitude is the worst! Aren't parents
supposed to give the opposite sort of talk, like "you eat too much junk food eat a carrot once in a while" sort of thing? I hate that sneering "yeah right" attitude when I want to eat something healthier. I tried to be vegetarian as a kid because I wrote a whole essay for school about how awful the fur trade was (and watched videos of poor animals being skinned alive) and other videos about the farming industry, but my parents both made fun of me for it. To this day my dad will bring it up and make fun of me for it. As an adult I haven't returned to trying to be a vegetarian, but I opt for vegetarian options and less meat overall solely out of taste preferences now.
My tiny 10 year old self, horrified at how badly animals can be treated in the name of fur coats and the meat on my plate, just wanted to do some good and go vegetarian but I got made fun of because it was unbelievable that I could make a thought for myself like that. Now my adult self, knowing full well I got the shit end of the stick when it comes to diseases I'm genetically predisposed to (diabetes being a big one) try to exercise and eat healthy to stave that off but I'm still told off for "being silly". The food we eat makes such a huge impact on our bodies!
No. 1354333
>>1354108Fuck it's so infuriating to have NPCs reee at you for being "anti science" when the basis of your entire critism is science and second opinions. The fact that we aren't allowed to question a person's understanding, let alone humanities continuously evolving grasp on the medical industry is so fucking obnoxious. I'm glad you thought critically in your situation instead of pumping your baby full of unnecessary calories and making them sick.
The way my doctor did the typical "this moid is belligerent I am going to agree but side eye him while I do it" shut down was so uncomfortable when he simply stated a factual sentence about his disease, taught to him by specialist doctors and medical research. I was genuinely dumbfounded a "medical professional" could be both so pretentious and ignorant of her own field. I've seen negligent doctors in my life but never one who so readily made herself look so stupid.
No. 1354491
nonnie, here it's basic office etiquette to not use a lot of fragrance because it's pretty common for people to have air quality related issues as it is. I feel like I'm kinda telling on myself where I'm from and what type of an office it is, but it's very much expected to not smell like the fragrance section of a department store.
No. 1354547
>>1354527>tfw upload news of Paypal's return service ending screenshot by accidentThat is a vent too.
Anyway, it shouldn't stop you from going and enjoying it by yourself. I went alone while my friend and her husband were late and nothing bad happened. Make your own fun. Reminds me of how there's an upcoming con that I went to for years coming up, but I have no desire of going anymore.
No. 1354629
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>makes a cool logo
>entire group likes it
>gets sick and unable to be there
>other peoples new ideas start ripping into what i had in my logo
>the logo chosen for the project is basically a rendition of my logo with an ugly new font and an element that makes no sense
>this person is always chosen for these projects
>put in another group that’s barely interacting with each other and was placed in it because I wasn’t there
I want to scream. I hate this shit so bad. I have to keep it as vague as possible because I’m paranoid that these people browse imageboards I know it’s near impossible and stupid but it’s like either my ideas get ripped to shit or I am placed on the far bottom of actual duties and tasks because I’m not “talkative” or whatever stupid assumptions they come up with in their head. My ego is saying that person sees me as competition
No. 1354887
Please don't call me a nlog or a pickme because that's not the case. I never dated men and I don't like men, also on the internet I met some girls, including female autists, with similar interests and worldview to mine so I'm perfectly aware there are women I can connect to in this world. Just not where I live. It just so happens that I haven't met any and the only people I socialize irl are my coworkers. And oh boy. The only woman I can connect with is much older than me (she's like 45), we can talk about literature and old movies and weird philosophy shit. But the few women my age who work with me are this painfully stereotypical chatty, gossiping-behind-your-back types. I knew them for over a year and I tried to go out with them and I know some secrets about them so it's not like I didn't have the time to know them better. They are so petty, I can't believe you can be this petty. I can literally see the arousal in their eyes when they can gossip about someone or shit on someone behind their back. Two-faced, all smiley and lovely to someone and then calling that person a cunt when they're gone. Conversations with them revolve around gossip, shitting on others, talking about their (boring) boyfriends, work, sometimes clothes or netflix tv shows and celebrities or maybe some news. Whenever I would try to introduce some other topics, they either had no idea what I'm talking about, or they weren't internested, or both. There are three guys around my age and I can talk to them about many things, and at least sometimes they know what I talk about, or we recommend each other some good books or movies or video games, sometimes they can also tell me something interesting I didn't know about. I wasn't even interested in talking to them at first since I don't feel that comfortable around men, they were the ones starting conversations, but with time I opened up a little bit because I like to talk about my fixations and I need some intellectual stimulation in real life outside of my basement. Also even when I'm not sitting with the guys and just hearing their conversations in the canteen, they never gossping about people and they don't shit on them, they just talk about their interests, the same way they talk to me. I'm not saying they definitely don't gossip, but at least they don't do it at work. It pisses me off bc I would like to have some girls my age to hang out with. Hanging out with my female coworkers is pointless bc in private setting they say the same shit + smoke weed or drink alcohol. I'm going out for dinner with the 45 year old lady tho which I'm happy about
No. 1354988
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Starting to think everyone in that thread dislikes me or something.
No. 1355001
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>>1354989I don't want to say because it's a little embarrassing to even think that people on an anonymous imageboard just do not like you for no discernable reason, y'know? I think I've just been unlucky and maybe haven't been engaging enough with my replies. Also thank u I love u too nonnerton ♥ ♥
No. 1355010
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Hey idk if anyone is still here who recommended I drop my male gynecologist, but you were 100% right. I had my first appointment with the new doctor today and she was so nice and friendly, and really listened to me. I could tell she understood me on a different level. Thanks for the awesome advice nonnas
No. 1355011
>>1355001Heheh, I think I know who you are
nonnie. You can get a little too rowdy at times but you have a good heart.0
No. 1355021
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This food is too spicy for me but I can't stop eating ittttt
No. 1355024
>>1354712I really loved him as a friend and I told him I like him, doesn't mean I wanted to date him or anything. We flirted sometimes, and made out, but nothing beyond that. I know that might've been stupid, but I was happy like that.
Then everything crashed down, not because of what I said, but because he felt comfortable enough to tell me a lot of stuff he hadn't told me before. Awful stuff. Like how every other girl was hitting on him, or just generally yelling at his father in front of me. Then came the last time I saw him. We were casually flirting, and he was on top of me. He told me that is ex denounced him for sexual abuse. I laughed it off, but then I pushed him away and ran off his apartment.
Told him I couldn't spoke to him ever again that night.
After that I realized that he used to guiltrip constantly, and that I used to lie to other people to cover for him, not being aware of the kind of person he was.
He was my best friend, and I really appreciate him for that, but after that I couldn't trust any other man to be my friend again. Hadn't been able to have a best friend again neither, trust issues and all that.
That's why I said that I miss what we had, that connection, but I certainly don't miss him.
No. 1355040
>>1355020there are no basements where I live because they completely flood, it's category 3 right now and supposed to be category 4 when it hits which is like 140mph or more wind speeds and can uproot trees and destroy houses
I live right next to the beach too so there's supposed to be storm surges (which is kind of like a tsunami I think) so yeah I'm absolutely screwed
No. 1355048
>>1355020it's a hurricane not a tornado,
nonnie. basement would just flood. they dont exist in florida anyway to my knowledge since, you know, they would just flood. florida is a giant swamp, and there is no "higher ground", it's completely flat.
the govt told everyone to evacuate and they didn't. this is going to be katrina all over again.
>>1355040report back when you can, but please listen to the govt evac warnings next time.
funny enough i was just in tampa 2 weeks ago. feels strange knowing it's all about to be cat 4'd.
No. 1355081
>>1355058there is a sports arena near me being used as an evac center but really it's also along canals/water and kinda near the beach plus still in the path of the hurricane, there isn't anywhere safe nearby to go unless I had extra gas cans to take with me so I could drive far away
>>1355060basically they said if you don't evacuate you're in danger and there's no emergency services until after the hurricane has passed through
everywhere here is at sea level and along beaches/canals, I really should've gotten an extra canister of gas before it was too late and left a lot earlier to head inland
right now I'm shoving all my books and papers onto the highest shelves in my house and packing a suitcase, my mom won't leave until tomorrow morning so I have to wait out the night and head to the arena evac center in the morning
No. 1355104
>>1355087my posts earlier in this thread? I don't remember talking about this in any other thread unless there's another nona going through the same thing
I definitely am putting myself at risk but I'd never be able to live with myself if I left her behind, she is disabled and cannot be left alone
No. 1355116
>>1355102>>1355113That has never happened to me, the two servers I'm in are cute and everyone is chill. You just need to find the right person
>>1355066>>1353005I still recommend the thread, but you gotta be super patient though.
>>1353019I hate when this happens too but idk, I've been the ghoster too sometimes. It's just hard to make a conversation these days feels like
No. 1355118
>>1355106the evac place doesn't have food or water or anything - you're supposed to bring your own supplies there unfortunately
honestly idk the center will even have wifi but the power is definitely going to go out where I live anyways so it won't make much difference
she wants to wait because the hurricane keeps wobbling and may change paths so that it wouldn't directly hit us, also because almost all of our friends and neighbors are staying in their house and not evacuating so she figured since they've been through hurricanes here that she should copy what they do
No. 1355128
>>1353048>I feel like the anons who visit this site can be so different in their interests and their personality that it's difficult to make friends here.I agree. We all share things in common but even like that, not everyone gets along together or meshes well. It's just life. I would put most nonnies in these categories:
>Normie>Fashionista (includes j-fashion)>Weaboo (anime/manga/japan fan)>Webtoons fan>Kpoppie>Husbandofag (including 3dpd)>Yaoifag>Celebricows poster>Anachan (or ex anachan)>Artsy/Crafty>Artfag (draws anime)>Artfag (actually into art)>Fandom fag>Sportsy health anon>Finances anon>Careerwoman>Housewive>College student>Ex-Tumblrite>Twitterfag>Lost newfag>Neet>4chan reject>Ex-Pulltard>Kiwifarm user>Prude>Depressive girl>BPDfag>NPDfag>Postive vibes fag>Memester shitposter>Toy/Plush/Nostalgia collector>Gamer>Pinkpilled anon>Blackpilled anon>Actually creepy anon>Sex worker>Terminally online anon>Ex-cow (or cow-ish)>Inexperienced in life anon>The chill autistic one>The completely annoying autistic one>Schizo tinfoiler>"Witch">Weird Libfem>Troll Bully / Anger management issues>Pseudointellectual>The secretly racist oneEtc. Mix and match and you'll have your typical lolcow user according to the friend finder thread
No. 1355152
>>1355017Good luck
nonnie, come update us again when you get power/internet back.
My coworker’s parents are in Cape Coral and refused to evacuate (they’ve never been in a hurricane before), so my coworker’s been very worked up all day. Hope you all pull through alright.
No. 1355178
>>1355125I was watching the weather channel and they were making this sound like it's going to be total destruction everywhere, I hope they're just fearmongering
>>1355152thanks nona if my house holds up it'll probably be a few days at least before I get power again, I'll make a post after that
No. 1355228
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>>1353717Gonna try not to kms for wasting 3 weeks of my life. Finally told my dad I went through some mental shit even knowing he's going to leave again and won't care. My friends all know what's going on and they still couldn't stop me.
This mental conniption wasn't even my fault to begin with. What set it off was entirely out of my control. I'm usually strong enough to tough through my schoolwork under duress, not this time. This was supposed to be my graduation semester.
I'll just come up with some BS that implies I need one more credit before I graduate to trick my father and lie my way through early 2023. Didn't want to be here one more semester, but I've missed two quizzes, a test, and a stack of assignments the scrotoid professor probably won't give me any grace on. C'est la vie!
No. 1355242
>>1355175fwiw nonna, I think your perspective is skewed. By "he got to just be fine afterwards" you actually mean he kept being the same traitorous piece of shit who needs to take time to trick people to be around him and who people need to escape from - and how is that NOT a punishment??
idk how people heal from prolonged contact with assholes either but at least take comfort in the fact that now you know what it felt like, you'll be able to recognize it and put an end to this kind of bullshit if it comes your way again.
No. 1355295
nonnie I think handmaidens are
valid subjects of derision
No. 1355339
>>1355307>le societyWomen actively contribute to patriarchy by willingly giving birth to sons and performing traditional gender roles. If you live in the so called "first world country", you have zero excuses. Literally. Unless you want to claim that women have totally no agency on their own. I don't expect anything from men, because they're men. I have some expectations towards women though and women are not immune to criticism. Women are not your friends just because they're women.
>>1355312>wasting all your timeNta but makes you think that's all she's doing? Kek
>>1355313If she doesn't have kids then I don't care (besides the fact she's a handmaiden and I wouldn't want women's resources to be wasted on her). But let's be real, have you ever seen a stay at home woman who never had kids and the scrote being ok with providing for her all the time? Because I haven't. They're all expected to have kids at some point in their lives. And if she has kids, she puts not only herself but also them in danger. Good luck escaping an
abusive situation with no money of your own and not being in the workplace for years, or maybe never, even.
>durr there are institutions helping single mothers escapeThat's still depending on an institution (that may provide shitty conditions for you, like it often happens in my country), not building independence for women. I won't even mention what example she gives to her daughetrs.
valid reason is not an excuse.
No. 1355350
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>>1351685>>1355343Adding because some women were tricked into believing the homemaker lifestyle was ideal, ended being opiate addicts or wine moms
Blah blah blah honestly just bumping because possible post linking child porn (idk im not clicking the link)
No. 1355368
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>>1355362Then please, enlighten us all with your superior knowledge on why you know best for all women and housewives everywhere, we're listening oh scholarly one.
No. 1355371
>>1355368Read one (1) book on radical feminism
>>1355366Go back
No. 1355382
>>1355363idk why there isn't some sort of organized/group evacuations - everyone just clogs up all the highways and buys up all the gas along the way so that nobody leaving after them can properly evacuate
now I may or may not get killed in this hurricane, or have my entire house and all my belongings destroyed, and there is nothing I can do
I'm not even religious but I'm praying anyways since that's all I have left
No. 1355383
>>1355371Are you retarded? I'm not saying there isn't problems with being a housewife and that it hasn't been used by men to place women in
abusive situations before. I'm saying how does that mean all women should not be allowed to be a housewife if they choose too or that they should be looked down upon for making said choice? And you have provided 0 examples as to why and just played pseudo intellectual instead lol.
No. 1355396
>>1355382160mph winds now so much for praying, emergency services said they will not be available until winds go back down to 40mph
it'll probably be declared a category 5 by landfall, I really feel like I'm not gonna make it out of this
No. 1355411
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>>1355396Praying for all my nonnies safety in the hurricane. Remember to locate your non-spoilable food and water and stash some near you when you shelter wherever the strongest room in the house is.
No. 1355412
>>1355400I don't and never said that, and I wouldn't put myself in that position because I don't ever want too. I'm saying it should always be up to the woman to decide if she wants to or not regardless of what anyone else thinks. And that they shouldn't be looked down on for making that choice. But please keep arguing that the less retarded choice is to strip women of the option of being a housewife and shaming the ones that do want it, lol.
>>1355401Wait what? Shitty comparison, a student is in a position below the authority (teacher) and is often a minor. Women aren't below or inferior to men imo so no it doesn't compare. I'm talking about a conscious decision from both parties, I'm obviously not talking about women in forced or
abusive marriages.
Anyway this argument is stupid and I'll always believe the real feminism is letting woman make the choice. I'm done going back and forth this is retarded
No. 1355428
>>1355420You're bl
**, I'm calling it now, this reeks of shit stirring male autism.
>>1355422Girl I respect you but I just microwaved a muffin and I wanna eat it while it's hot, and by the looks of your post we pretty much agree on everything like the educated choice aspect so there's nothing more for me to say lol
No. 1355436
>>1355433I was talking about this part here:
>A woman also has the right to jump in front of a train, and there's no difference to me. I also have the right to say what I think about it. Are you now against expressing ideas?It was very shit stirry.
But is no one going to address this one here
>>1355430It made me laugh so hard I nearly inhaled a hot blueberry, is this the tranny? What is going on lol
No. 1355474
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I will never belong anywhere
No. 1355487
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My neighbour doesnt bring in his bin for days after pickup. It pisses me off to no end im not even sure why
No. 1355491
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It's so insane to me how I can be a NEET with zero responsibilities, spend most of the day in bed doing leisure activities, yet surviving every day feels like a Herculean fucking task. Other people are literally enslaved or dying of painful illness or homeless or fleeing from crises… and I'm playing Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch, trying not to punch myself in the head because I had a sad thought. I don't blame the people in my life (and the world over) who can't fathom that mental illness is real. It truly does look like nothings wrong with me. Even at the absolute worst point of my schizo era, where I was convinced I was an AI being tortured and killed over and over by a group of extra dimensional sadists, I still looked fairly normal. Probably the only physical indication of my insanity was the shawl I insisted on wearing in the house, over my head like a hood, to block out the demons in my peripheral vision.
I'm so ashamed to be this way. I want to be normal, and in recent years I've made pretty decent strides in that direction. But I am also ill. Severely ill. There is something deeply wrong with me that nobody can see, and it's mysterious even in my own head. All I know is that I'm not doing well. I won't go outside. I'm tired. I'm going to play Breath of the Wild.
No. 1355528
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What if I stop giving a shit? Employment and the government aren't even real. If I get canceled for being transphobic I could end up in refuge on a womyn's land commune or I could become the state's problem by going feral and stealing from peoples' trash in between naps in the woods. Dying of sepsis might unironically be better than coddling the feelings of a society full of people who are somehow even more retarded than I am. It's not like I even set high expectations for people, just that they might listen to a long-time friend that they know was in their exact position before trying to show them how they were both wrong. But somehow admitting "I was wrong and I contributed to the problem, and you are doing the same thing" is grounds for someone to call you unreasonable and ignorant, even if you have endless proof of the problem at hand, even if the proof comes from unbiased sources, even if some of the sources are biased against your view, but still admit that certain things did happen or are real. I'll say it time and time again: Postmodernism is an oppressive male fantasy. Postmodernism is an abortion of a thought.
No. 1355537
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People in my sewing group were tearing into a certain pattern company for not being size inclusive enough so I looked up their size chart and they range from US size 2 to a US size 34 with H cup. The larger range was especially designed to fit ‘plus size’ bodies rather than simply sized up from the smaller range, too. Yet people still say they’re not inclusive? What more do they want? How big do clothing sizes go? Do people bigger than this even have the mobility to sew clothes anymore? I’ve never seen someone that big in real life let alone in this sewing group, so I get the feeling that the people harping on this are just looking for something to attack this company for.
Sometimes I dream about having a small creative business but the thought of having to pander to people like this turns me right off of it. No matter what you do, it’s never good enough.
No. 1355540
>>1355463I was watching a news clip the other day about how men are fleeing to avoid it, the comment section was full of men supporting that decision and wishing them well. Fair enough but.. how many times have I seen men online using the whole "men get dragged into wars" thing as a reason why "women live life on easy mode" As soon as they're faced with the reality they don't even do it. They book a plane and flee.
I get it but can we at least stop pretending that the average male is going to war and risking his life for us.
No. 1355629
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>give bf opinion criticizing a show we're watching
>he says i'm wrong and it's a good show
>2 weeks later
>bf regurgitates same opinion to me, slightly rephrased, acting like it's his own
No. 1355630
>>1355555Hang in there
nonnie. Are you evacuated out of town or just evacuated to that local shelter?
No. 1355631
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Hey nonnies can someone post these products to Twitter and get this company Holler and Glow canceled for me and any other women sick of the double standards of beauty?
I see picrel whenever I go to target and I’m sick of their stupid masks for “tightening” your butt or boobs when moids can’t let even wipe or wash their asses properly. It makes me want to a-log so fucking bad.
No. 1355638
>>1355631Do you have a moisturizer for your face? And a separate one for your hands? And a third to apply to your shaved skin? Speaking of which, have you bought razors or wax kits lately? No? You can always go for laser hair removal. And don't forget your concealer, your toner, your highlighter, your blush, your lipstick, your eyeliner, your mascara, your lipgloss, and your lipliner. While you're at it, apply this product to your breasts, this product to your butt, and this product to your thighs. And a lady can't be naked–put on your pushup bra, maybe a corset, too. Wear this dress, this hosiery, and these heels–but only when they're in season. Dye and style your hair. No, not like that. Not like that, either. Perfect…for now. Don't eat that, don't smile, don't laugh. Do these workouts, take these pills. Get these surgeries–Ah. You're a man? My mistake. Replace the makeup and products with this shot, this cream, this pill. Get this surgery instead of that one. Wear this binder, and these clothes–Oh, you mean you're an actual male? Nevermind, you're fine, just try not to be
too fat or unhygienic.
No. 1355650
>>1355555it's amazing you were able to evacuate, the winds and flooding here is too bad to drive anywhere
I hope you get to somewhere safe and that your house makes it through
No. 1355660
I was having a good day at work until I got scolded by my boss. Which would've been fine if I did something wrong, but I think it was unjustified. So it really soured my mood, although I'm acting regularly.
A client asked me about some tea, if it was tasty. I said that it was, just that it had too much sugar. And that the option next to it was sugar free. The guy thanked me for the warning, grabbed the sugar free tea and then left.
My boss then was mad at me, saying that I shouldn't be sincere like that. That the client would be the one to judge if it was too sweet or not. Which would be fair - but it didn't say it was bad or even overtly sweet in taste, just that it had too much sugar, which it does! It's literally on the label! I was thinking about people that have digestive or metabolic issues with sugar. Like many clients have said before they do. I guess he could've seen that himself as well, but I was trying to help.
Then she kept going about how she thinks that the tea is very good, even though she doesn't like sugary stuff. That my real opinion doesn't matter and that I should think about selling it. That it was one of the best sellers of the store and that we have like 6 boxes full of these tea in the back so I should push it. Okay, so… If it's one of the best sellers and she bought a lot of boxes because it goes by so quickly, why should it matter that I told the guy the other tea had less sugar? Shouldn't this actually be the way to go, since the sugary tea sells itself? Is she mad because the sugar free tea was cheaper? Fuck, these boxes of tea won't expire until next year, why is she so worried? She kept going for such a long time as well. I really liked working here because it was chill and not so much focused on pushing shit to clients, I have no bonus for selling anything. And even if I had, I liked recommending stuff because I sincerely liked them. If this is the way things are gonna be from now on, I'll be happy to look for other jobs, I was feeling a bit guilty before. good thing I am now cleaning the storage, it relaxed me a bit.
No. 1355674
>>1355616Me leaving at 3am:
sneaks out on tippy toes and gently closes doorOther people leaving at 3am:
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I’m completely out the loop so this is old but I stumbled upon emzotics channel and enjoyed some of her videos, looked her up just to see that she was in the human centipede II where she was graphically raped and mutilated. Why the fuck any woman would want to be involved in stimulating rape in a disgusting horror porn movie is hard to understand. Cropped out the graphic image she shared on twitter years later.
No. 1355892
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>>1355888We are sisters, you and I
No. 1355915
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Today my supervisor snapped at the Russian ladies at work because they kept being loud as shit and they keep just gossiping instead of doing actual work and it got really tense. I am not saying this alpha lady of the little group of Russian ladies at my work are trying to be slow because most of the products we're making go to ukrainian refugees but I think that's what's going on. This lady usually is fast as shit, a goddamn sewing and packing machine, but this week I haven't seen her actually doing any work at all, it's so obvious and the vibes are so off. Sewing jobs are always such odd people magnets, my work place does other stuff too but that's where I work and sometimes I look longingly at the other parts of the building, lemme do office shit for a few hours, it's so loud.
No. 1356023
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A couple of friends of mine and I have been noticing that there seem to be a slow switch in the TRA pendulum. Like there seem to be more people questioning it or daring putting their foot down. Not in a mass peaking way or bringing up the possiblity of troons having other underlying issues that is causing their dysphoria, but more in a "okay, the freak show was fun for a while but enough is enough" kind of way. But it could just be confirmation bias.
What do you think nonnies? Please don't say we are just imagining it, I want it to be true even if it's not the mass peaking I've been praying for
No. 1356058
>>1355463I may be a psycho but as a Russian living here I'm finding some peace in the fact that men have something to worry about that women don't. It's almost relieving to have a national crisis and it not affecting you pretty much just because of your gender. Men will have a taste of their own medicine.
This, of course, won't make them any more compassionate to our gendered problems - if anything they have leverage over us to tell us "at least you don't get drafted, what are you worried about, stop bitching!"
No. 1356074
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I’ve had a bf for not even 2 months and I’ve never been so attracted to anyone before in my life. He is 4 years younger than me and beautiful. I wanna worship his entire body. He is so attractive to me, anything he does is hot and I would probably gladly lick his toes or buttole if he asked me (something I would never in my life have done to my ex or anyone else for that matter), but alas he has not yet at this point. This guy is so cute I wanna eat him up. He rides a motorcycle and I used to think it’s kind of tacky, but I saw him yesterday in his biking gear and it looked so hot. He took me for a ride on the bike and now I think he’s even cooler. When he fucks me and looks me in the eyes I want to tell him «I love you». I hate this feeling. Heterosexuality is not a choice. I know it’s probably just my hormones running haywire and for all I know he could actually look like a little monkey.
No. 1356119
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>try to reach out to people in the friend finder thread
>talk about all the things we share in common
>no response
I'm just too much of a sperg aren't I? I'm sorry to the nonas I might have scared thanks to my overenthusiasm.
No. 1356122
>>1355537I bet you anything it's lead by people who are either trying to or failed to launch a rival product. Or some bitch who's running her own miniature sweatshop and mass producing from a single retail pattern.
>>1355543I'm baffled by the number of women who still get pissy when you tell them it's a dumbass move. What do they gain from it besides temporary scrote validation? Fucking nothing. They act like it's a suppression of their creative spirit or something. It's a shitty naked snapshot in a mirror, that will live on the internet forever, it's not that deep.
>>1355631I hate this wasteful shit. Just buy a single $1 tube of pure cocoa butter. Anything else is useless and probably just going to give you cancer. And nobody should be worried about their asses unless they have chicken bump skin.
No. 1356271
This person with BPD decided that because it was free to contact my place of work, they would harass us endlessly because they don't think we're doing our job. We are doing our job, but this fucking moron wants to call us constantly, bog down the line, call us incompetent, tell us we're "killing people", call our supervisor a rapist, tell us they're going to kill themselves or kill us, and act like a complete fucking unhinged psycho.
Well guess what, bitch, I found your fucking TikTok, and I found all your stupid TERF-bang BLM flag "harm reduction" bullshit and your preachy holier-than-thou clips pretending you give a fuck about people. Meanwhile, you verbally and emotionally abuse my coworkers and me, probably because we can't see your face and you can see ours. They want me to acknowledge all their trauma and take super careful care of them and deescalate them at the drop of a hat and then they'll call us back within 10 minutes and WASTE OUR TIME, lie about the professionals they interact with, and act like a professional fucking victim. And I'm sure it's easy, considering you're an unemployed piece of shit who sits around all day watching liberal news pretending you're woke and verbally harassing us until your poor fucking partner gets home. I feel bad for your dog and your partner but I feel nothing for you.
Why don't you fucking do it then, fucking kill yourself and stop wasting everyone's time with your bullshit. I hope you know I have my own trauma, you stupid bitch, from a person like you I dedicated my life to, and they suicide baited me and brought me into circular arguments and demanded I deescalate them and they WASTED MY TIME! for five years! Fuck you! /rant
No. 1356294
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When will I stop feeling physically like complete shit? I vomited again today and I couldn't be bothered to panic anymore about it despite having a phobia of vomiting. Im so tired I have no idea how im going to get through the next 6 weeks like this. How my mom had 5 children will always baffle me. I can't even manage 1 without fully breaking down.
No. 1356338
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not sure if i'm pregnant or if my period's late and i'm just having the worst pms symptoms of my life
No. 1356375
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My ex dumped me because I was assaulted and the creep wanted to fight him because "anon wont date me because of you!" My ex blamed me and explained how traumatized he was
That was three months ago
He messaged me a few days ago saying how miserable he is. How he's been crying every day this week, losing weight, and how I was the only one who actually wanted to hang with him.
I left him on read
disgusting and useless
No. 1356550
>>1356538that's crazy. i'm 20 BMI and kind of chubby (but still wear a size small?!?!) in reality 90% of americans are just fat as shit and have a warped perspective that anyone who isn't a waddling walrus is "skinny". you have to measure by japanese standards I guess. even europe is getting rather paunchy these days. every day i look outside and see stupendously fat people walking around, i dont know how their knees don't implode. it really makes me rather sick.
>>1356479that's straight up nasty. boomers have no class at all, they're just loud, fat, rude, and stupid.
No. 1356578
>>1356550ayrt I think people can look chubbier than they really are if they lack muscle, I should probably go to the gym more than once a week..
It's true everyone here is so fucking fat. Many of my female coworkers are around bmi 35-40 and I don't understand how they function. I legitimately get mad when they or my boyfriend call me skinny at this weight, it feels like I'm being mocked almost? I try to remember they're all also burgers and are brainwashed by seeing big fatties constantly, but I usually just get irritated and walk away.
No. 1356581
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I swear to god i am cursed, everything i like perishes
>like videogames
>they become devoid of soul, huge cashgrabs full of bugs and indie game circles get infested by troons and annoying fanbases
>like western animation
>Steven universe happens
>like anime
>it was always trash but now its trash that tries to pander to western sensibilities
>love drawing
>some troon in his basement makes an AI that can draw better than me
whats the point of fucking living anymore, i feel crazy for starting to symphatize with the unabomber
No. 1356600
I can't believe the way retards are gobbling up the new Jeffrey Dahmer Netflix show. I see so many braindead takes on social media singing the praises of this show for not romanticizing Dahmer but I completely disagree. Ryan Murphy tried way too hard to portray Dahmer as a sadboi overcome by his BDP and his dada practiced taxidermy with him and inadvertently fostered his future fucked up tendencies. According to most records, the dad knew nothing of the taxidermy shit until the trial, it was a hobby Jeffrey had on his own. I keep seeing it being gassed up as a seriously accurate series when there's piles and piles of completely fabricated bullshit shoved into every episode. The character of Glenda is a mash-up between the real Glenda who lived in a building next to the Oxford apartments and Jeffrey's actual neighbor Pamela Bass. Glenda is the woman who called the police when she found Konerak, the 14 year old
victim who was returned to Jeffrey by the police. Pamela lived next door the Jeffrey in the apartment complex and was seemingly on good terms with him.
>Pamela Bass, Dahmer’s neighbor in the Oxford Apartments, befriended him initially because she felt sorry for this evidently shy and lonely man, and wondered why he had moved into a building full of black people. When police showed up that night in July, she assumed at first that Dahmer had been the victim of a crime, or been set up to take the fall for someone else. Later, she was forced to wonder what had been in the sandwiches he occasionally made her. Her sofa had previously been Dahmer’s, and for a while serial-killer cultists would pay her as much as $50 to come sit on it. [x ] But what is bothering me the most is the fact that the sister of Errol Lindsey, who was a
victim of Dahmer, has spoken out publically against the show.
> When I saw some of the show, it bothered me, especially when I saw myself — when I saw my name come across the screen and this lady saying verbatim exactly what I said.If I didn't know any better, I would've thought it was me. Her hair was like mine, she had on the same clothes. That's why it felt like reliving it all over again. It brought back all the emotions I was feeling back then. I was never contacted about the show. I feel like Netflix should've asked if we mind or how we felt about making it. They didn't ask me anything. They just did it. I could even understand it if they gave some of the money to the
victims' children. Not necessarily their families. I mean, I'm old. I'm very, very comfortable. But the
victims have children and grandchildren. If the show benefited them in some way, it wouldn't feel so harsh and careless. It's sad that they're just making money off of this tragedy. That's just greed.
I do not see how people can just defend these fictional shows being made about serial killers. I was reading some responses people had to the
victim's family speaking out and the consensus seems to be that the family needs to understand how 'informative' this show was and how much it actually brought a spotlight to the
No. 1356634
I'm kinda outgrowing my teen hobbies, which is not a big deal i guess. The problem is that i don't have anything, irl or virtual, to replace them. and that accentuates my loneliness. It's "better" to pretend that i'm still a nerdy teenager than a lonely young woman, even if i feel retarded pretending that i still care about anime, kpop, gacha games or stickers.
The problem is that i'm lonely because i'm truly a person that is hard to like. Not in a bpd way thanks god, but still i'm a child of the internet that was so proud to fit nowere. Well, being a teen that doesn't fit anywhere is far easier than being an adult that doesn't fit anywhere. I see lonely, cripped werid adults and it feels that i'm seeing my future after my parents die. A part of me wants to advert this and a part of me things that it's inevitable and i should enjoy my years of security before it's gone forever. And a part of that is still LARPing as a teen to feel justified to feeling that way. To be in this werid limbo that feels like the best i can aspire, my "peak" because the loneliness wouldn't stop. Because werid woman don't become more desirable over time.
No. 1356658
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>>1356591I can’t believe we keep having this same conversation. No anon, you being bony, pale and sickly is never going to be healthy no matter how much you try to push it, having your bones jutting out is not healthy. There are multiple reasons why Americans are overweight (and it’s reasons you’ll never understand) but you’re never going to make other women feel sorry or stressed or anxious or miserable about the way they look for a moment because you yourself are starving just to look a certain way. Go fuck yourself skeleton bitch
No. 1356662
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Why is every company shoving fags and drag queens down everyone's throat? What does this fugly mugged man have to do with banking and why is it on my screen? I swear I'm not one to complain about seeing troons everywhere but the degradation of society is really showing through media and I'm getting more and more depressed about how the future is going to look. Every commercial I see is just polluted with this garbage, I'm tired.
Spoilered because his face triggers a weird fight or flight response in me
No. 1356685
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>>1356673you are a bitch ass bone rattler and no1curr, only trannies assume that women having some sort of fat makes them a massless “blob” that should stick in extreme categories.
No. 1356695
>>1356685i am at a healthy weight and far from anachan, are you retarded? i've never encouraged women to starve themselves or said underweight is better, i literally just made a neutral comment agreeing with another anon that people in america see average in other countries as skinny… you must be a
triggered fatty b/c why else are u so mad that i'm not overweight
No. 1356704
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>anachans baiting again
>farmers fighting about weight again
Can we all just find something new to talk about
No. 1356713
>>1356704it's just moid(s). see >>1356708
All the infighting all around this site right now (the last few hours) is him samefagging and infighting due to some sort of emotional meltdown he's suffering. Report and ignore
No. 1356714
I give advice and encouragement in a forum designed for abused (currently or formerly) kids and young adults. I was also abused as a kid and I want to help people going through that because I never had any help. It drives me APOPLECTIC in outrage that abuse victims are invalidated and treated like monsters in 2022. I don't get why everyone else gets special protective group rights from the disabled to certain races, or even depending on what genital they prefer to screw, but there is absolutely no legal protection against discrimination for abuse victims, no social media campaign, no push in literature for greater understanding and representation, nothing. And public ignorance continues to injure abuse victims because they are told it's somehow their fault, or there is "no way that happened" and "they're just being dramatic" because "mothers don't DO that lol mommies all love their children!" Or ridiculous layman's assertions that the only way for them to heal is that they need to "open up and talk about it" which in many cases might make it WORSE, or even worse, that the way to cure their "unresolved trauma" is to reconnect with their abuser and have some heart to heart chats over disney movies. That's a great way to get people killed, these fuckwads can't even understand that saying that is the equivalent of telling a rape victim she should just go talk it out with her rapist. Or that saying people who have past traumas need to "come clean about it" and explain it to their curious dating partner, holy fuck a person's trauma isn't their personal circus freak show put on to amuse them, that's like demanding "answers" from a rape victim about why she's (in 1950s verbage) "such a slut who was asking for it." It's the same thing. And people act like they battle for the rights of rape victims but then go on to invalidate child abuse victims just the same way people used to invalidate rape victims. It makes me so tired and angry and no one who wasn't abused can even understand why.
No. 1356730
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>who cares if children have been abused, what about getting my feminine penis sucked and ego stroked?
and this is why people hate troons. I'm glad you kill yourselves so I don't have to be bothered.
No. 1356771
>>1356724same nonna same
living in a city feels so lifeless and seeing the same buildings and concrete all day makes me feel like i am going insane. i wish i could move to the middle of nowhere but i can't uproot my life and anyway i feel like maybe i'd feel trapped in a rural area without the resources of a city. idk what to suggest cuz im in the same boat lol, is there anyway you can break up the monotony somehow? maybe explore different parts of the city, pick up a new hobby?
No. 1356794
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>>1356778I fucking know it's you dude, no woman would describe an assault like this. Mad we stopped talking to you in the shitposting thread?
No. 1356822
>>1356794Nona… maybe not the best post to speculate on… I described childhood sa to my psychologist while laughing because it made me extremely uncomfortable to talk about and that was the reaction that helped me cope. It doesn't mean she's lying or not taking it seriously, it's just a coping mechanism for some people.
>>1356778I am so sorry and I hope the professional services can offer you help and resources for therapy or anything else you need. And I'm sorry some of the users on this site are the way they are. If you'd like to talk I'm sure there's a lot of us willing to listen, I'll be here all night. If not I understand, and I hope you're okay.
No. 1356823
>>1356820you are well intentioned but dumb as shit. The slip up of “the way some of you treat
your own kind is worse than moids” didn’t clue you into the larp?
No. 1356826
>>1356823Then don't reply or report for possible troon and let the mods handle it but speculating on the validity of a possible rape
victim is probably the shittiest thing to do in that case.
No. 1356827
>>1356822That totally explains why he appeared instantly after I called him out, and also why "she" is ranting about kiwifarms and calling everyone cunts without saging. I'm sticking by my guns on this one.
>being raped by a troon is some next level sub human shit You really imagine a woman would call her assault "next level sub human"? Give me a break lmao
No. 1356833
>>1356827The troon is obviously itt causing more confusion while pretending to be empathetic to the anon who was raped by
his own kind and blurring his posts with hers. I thought the kf posts were his but she is separate, maybe I'm wrong. Because of him ruining her chance rn we'd all do best to just drop this
No. 1356836
>>1356827Shut the fuck up, she described the attacker as a sub human which anyone would do in that situation you fucking psychopath, you're so worried about troons invading but look at you're own behavior. If you're wrong (which I really think you are) you are making a rape
victim feel worse, what the fuck kind of person does that? Jfc
No. 1356847
>>1356845nevermind you're obviously baiting
>>1356844Sorry anon shouldn't have doubted you.
No. 1356857
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No. 1356859
>>1356827Look at your evidence to accuse her of lying
>She stated the assault in a way "no woman would"Baseless and incorrect assumption.
>She said "cunt" "your own kind" and "subhuman"Words on a screen probably half the woman I know use.
>She didn't sageWe're in the vent thread, you don't need too.
>She mentioned kiwifarmsProbably a third or more of farmers have been on kiwifarms
>The tranny appearring around the same time as herHe's here all day everyday and comes when someone mentions him, which you did. Are you brand fucking new or just a retarded cunt? Oops I said cunt guess I'm a male now.
Seriously how about next time you retards just ignore and report like you're supposed to instead of devolving into a shrieking mess while potentially making a rape
victim feel like shit.
No. 1356900
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I'm old enough to not really care if my bday isn't made to be a big deal anymore, and this year wasn't a milestone or anything. It's just sad how my family gives the least shit about it.
My boss actually took me and my coworkers out for bday lunch and gave me the rest of the day off–after I already didn't get much shit done that morning. My bf, for as selfishly motivated for food as he is, at least got me a birthday cake with candles when I came home and would have taken me out to dinner we both liked if not for my stepfather inviting me to something (and idk, is he even my stepfather anymore if he and my mom divorced?)
Some of his family were in town for a bluegrass fest and initially sold me the idea of hanging out with them guising it as we would go out for dinner for my bday.
Lmao, one of em didn't even remember it was my birthday–and hoooo boy was she not embarrassed to repeat it like it was a funny joke–and bc nobody actually reserved a dinner spot which were all slammed due to the festival, we wound up dining at some trash restaurant they wanted with shit food that I don't prefer, and bad service to boot.
I took it all with a smile.
Spent the entire evening being a tagalong, cold, doing shit everyone else wanted to do, and I couldn't even enjoy the genre of music at this empty festival. I left early even though I felt obligated to stay since they did buy me a wristband ticket, but my point being: None of these people would have seen me or had ever cared about keeping up appearances of a relationship with me had their precious music festival not given them a reason to be in the area. It's just knowing that your "family" wouldn't even like you or have a relationship with you if not for the title, and their disinterest and indifference makes that fact so obvious? No one owes me shit, but still. It hurt my feelings more than I should perhaps be letting it, cause tbf they pull the same shit with my stepdad i.e. he always has to make the effort to go see them and they only see him when they've got an additional reason to. None of em could even offer me a twenty spot for my once in a lifetime vacation trip next month as I haven't been on a true vacay in years. Not that they asked me questions about it, aside from asking me the process of liquidating my first home with my ex fiance, almost like they revel in hearing about my drama but not my gains like my recent work promotion? Also, not that I care bc my house is being sold like I mentioned, but I suspect one of them gave my narcissist mother I have no contact with my mailing address. So I found a generic bait card from her in my mailbox when I stopped by the house today. Even four years after cutting her out of my life she's still gotta try to control my head by putting her in it on my bday. Bitch can send cash or idgaf about her empty dollar store cards.
I guess it wasn't a horrible birthday, just not swell.
No. 1356982
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Emma chamberlain, someone my age, has a bought a million dollar home in LA off the easy career in youtube money
I will never own a house I will never be a home owner I’ll always be stuck paying rent to a shitty landlord like a stupid loser. but hey at least I get too see celebrities & influencers showing off their gazillion dollar homes while going through the third worst recession of the year
No. 1357012
>>1356581>I swear to god i am cursed, everything i like perishesSay that your interest in anything never evolved past shallow consumption of the most mainstream shit without actually saying it.
There's a lot of genuine passion and amazing work done in all of these industries you listed, you're just too bitter and lazy to actually go deeper into it. Of course it's so much easier to whine, "whats the point of living anymore" boo hoo lmao
No. 1357040
>>1357034It’s okay nonna you really tried your best helping the cat but work is important and you’ll get scolded for being late so it’s completely understandable you left
Maybe you can go back to the park and check if the cat is there? If not then maybe the cat was picked up by another kind stranger
No. 1357042
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>>1356581Nonny I feel that so much…My heart breaks everytime my favorite tv show ends up becoming popular amongst the twitter crowd, after that everything fandom-related turns into xyz pronouns and other bullshit headcanons. I also, weirdly enough, used to be into virtual youtubers (kizuna ai and other ogs most of who don't do anything by now), and ever since the west took over it's been slowly, but rapidly getting worse. Now everyone's mother is a vtuber and it's nothing but e-thots trying to capitalize off parasocial simps with their lewd avatars, pandering, no content, and no soul.
I gave up on anime long time ago, watching only something that I read in the past instead of picking up something new.
No. 1357062
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I really want to do something reckless and not helpful and counterproductive right now. I don't want to write this essay, I don't want to go to class tomorrow, I want to pull an all nighter, I want to do some things to myself, I can't concentrate on anything, I hate myself, I love my cat, I hate that i can't commit to anything long term, I hate that i internalise everything, I want to see my friend, I want to cry, I wish i wasn't so aware of everything and had at least some inkling of ignorance towards my thoughts and emotions, I wish i lived alone, I wish I could rot on my own without having to explain why to anyone, I hate that I exist to other people beyond my physical presence in the moment
No. 1357070
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My mom (and a bunch of other people) is going to be doing an interview about 9/11 survivors and how it affected their lives. She worked on Wall St. at the time and saw the second plane hit firsthand. I'm just worried about what's gonna happen afterwards. Earlier this year she was having a lot of flashbacks relating to it and she got diagnosed with breast cancer (it's apparently linked to 9/11) and I'm fearing the mental toll this'll take on her. She's already been through enough.
No. 1357073
nonny, of course i know, but i think it's okay to complain about it every now and then. my life obviously does not depend on being in a fandom or a tv show, and i blocked a lot of stupid words in order to not show any of this in my feed, but i think it's fine to complain. my friend did almost got cancelled for drawing a canon couple because hc-chans kept claiming how this character 'is totally gay' while never consuming the media they are in.
No. 1357105
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>Psychologist 5 years ago: Looks like you have BPD
>The BPD unit 2 years ago: Nah doesn't check out, too introverted and self-aware. But you can do DBT here anyway.
>New psychologist now: Yeah you have BPD
No. 1357161
>>1357093Maybe because some of the "bait" posts, you paranoid schizo, was a fucking rape
victim trying to vent. Hope you feel like shit, think before you accuse people of lying just because they use words you don't like or that you automatically associate with the troon. I said it before last night but next time you get schizoid about the validity of someone talking about a rape, report/ignore and let the mods handle it. Because if your wrong the risk is making someone who already probably feels at their lowest feel worse, it's not worth the risk. Hope you have a shitty fucking week anon
No. 1357162
>>1356581There are still a few decent new videogames and western animations coming out (it's definitely not the majority), but there are literally thousands and thousands of nice soulful video games. Why don't you go play something older?
And anime still doesn't pander to westerners. The most popular normie friendly shows/manga like Chainsaw Man, Spy x Family, Jujutsu Kaisen, etc have no pandering whatsoever (despite some of them being mindless garbage). Even the new Edgerunners anime doesn't have any pandering despite being set in the west. The showrunners aren't responsible for what twittertards say
No. 1357168
>>1356771My family are from rural areas and I'm tired of people romanticising it. Mostly they are NOT self sufficient, most ruralites don't even own chickens or have a garden. their lives are driving back and forth to walmart, being on welfare, and sitting around watching TV. most ruralites are also fat and uneducated (despite the efforts of the school system, they tend to reject education, and after graduation never read a book again.) these are not good places to be.
sometimes i think about moving rural, buying a bunch of land, and doing some gardening while working remote. but it's exhausting and often disappointing. crops just die for no reason sometimes. chickens are always getting sick or injured. you can't go on vacations or travel because you have to tend the chickens, plants etc. and unless you have a large family the economics of it don't work out. things tend to harvest in big bunches. so you end up with a TON of cabbage in autumn. are just you and your husband going to eat all that? you can't sell it in grocery stores due to regulations and the only people driving past to buy from your farmstand are other locals, who probably have their own cabbage. all in all it's just more trouble than it's worth.
No. 1357172
>>1357093Samefag but one more thing, if you were the one replying with little snarky reply pics you should feel extra fucking terrible. Not only were you "paranoid and mean" you were fucking taking pleasure in accusing that anon of lying about rape and making it into a fun little game for you. You are completely headfucked dude, I hope to god your still under 25 so your brain has time to hopefully develop into an actual human being, you are so terminally online you've lost all common sense and decency. And read up on sexual assault and the reactions
victims can have to it because the comments made about her language surrounding it was so fucking braindead. Despite the anonymity you should feel fucking ashamed of yourself based on conscience alone, disgusting.
No. 1357175
>>1356939i tried reading a post somewhere about someone who had a "they" partner and my brain just crashed. every time i see it i think it's plural and it was fucking me up. honestly i think all nonbinary shit is a bunch of bullshit and inherently misogynistic anyway. "nooo i'm not a woman, i like wearing flannel and have short hair!" women can do that too. you don't need to destroy the language just to posture that you aren't like the other women. god i hate that shit.
that particular teacher sounds like a narcissist. i'm tired of professional standards being thrown in the trash. teaching isn't about validating yourself using a captive group of 10 year olds, it's about getting those dumb 10 year olds to be able to read and do math. teachers really think they're something.
No. 1357271
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Oh, you're back. Oops. Well I stand by what I said, I regret my behavior last night. Okay now I'm reporting
No. 1357280
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I've been frustrated about how I had been binge eating and being way hungrier than usual. Then yesterday evening, I came down with a pretty bad UTI and I never get UTIs. Plus for the past couple weeks I've been uncharacteristically tired–as in, getting a normal night's sleep and waking up normally in the am, yet wanting to linger in bed for a few more hours.
My period was a couple days late.
Took a test. I'm pregnant.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'm glad I can get pregnant because my infertile ex fiancé tried to gaslight me that our inability to conceive had something to do with my body at fault. Up until the doctors confirmed he had no test and zero sperm. I had an abortion before and the covid jab so I momentarily bought into his narrative that my body was fucked, regardless of the fact that not having a baby with my ex was the best possible outcome.
On the other hand, current bf & I are not ready to have a baby so this is pretty much another guaranteed abortion situation for me. However we have talked about our future together and he is excited for marriage and kids, we're just not there financially yet. I'm telling him the result tonight, he's stated he would want an abortion before too and we're both old enough that the logistics/cost wouldn't be an oppressive factor. Thankfully early abortion isn't illegal in my slice of burgerland, and according to my period calculator at most I'm 4 weeks (since last cycle). I'm glad he isn't another infertile scrote. I'm just weirdly…idk, disappointed. Is it too dumb that at my age I don't want to have to get abortions anymore unless it's medically necessary? Like I have to watch the most financially illiterate, stupid, immature people pop out babies and get support for it meanwhile I have to keep denying myself the family I want to build just because I know deep down it's the "right" thing to do? Idk if that makes sense.
No. 1357308
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No. 1357418
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My ex told me that even though we had been together for a decent amount of time I still made him nervous and it’s killing me inside. I’ve always thought that feeling like that was a major red flag but I don’t feel like I was doing anything to him. I could tell whenever we’d meet up he would be somewhat closed off but later in the dates he would become much more relaxed. We always had a lot of fun and and I really loved being around him. He says he has a very hard time opening up emotionally and I like to have deep emotional conversations. I confronted him a few times because I could tell whenever he would be burying stuff and it would help and then get bad again. I feel terrible and like I did something to ruin the relationship for making him feel that way.
No. 1357480
>>1357463scrotes only provide for and act decently towards children who are their biological kids, and even then only to preserve you as his fuck trophy to enrich his "legacy". he feels any $ spent on you is a waste because all he wants is to fuck your mother.
scrotes have no decency, empathy, or morals. every thought of a scrote came from the "head" in their pants. their brains are vestigal organs.
No. 1357585
>>1357552i know it sounds crazy but yes, job choice is mostly it. he's from a family where status is really important, he was bragging to people that i was going to law school before i even applied (which I didn't, went the engineering route).
it's a lot about control, but mostly about how easily he can brag.
thanks for the response nonna, im just happy i have a gr8 mom.
No. 1357675
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Why do I keep attracting men who at first seem to be totally obsessed with me and they put me on a pedestal but the moment I reciprocate their interest, they stop treating me like this amazing otherwordly thing, they turn out to be sexual freaks or lazy slobs with no aspirations and they just expect me to accept every shitty thing they do and want from me? And when I don't accept it, they ghost me and don't even write to me. Why can't I just attract normal people? I'm very quiet and shy and maybe I only attract guys who think they can do literally everything they want with me and when they see I'm not actually submissive they lose interest? I'm so tired of this. I've had 3 men doing this shit to me this year. I'm happy I didn't fuck them and we were still in the dating + kissing phase.
No. 1357723
>>1357719>SchizotroonIdk if we get to say that after calling so many people one person really, maybe that's just be being rational.
Inb4 scrote, etc, I'll just say back oh what women can't be rational so it'll go nowhere and you know it.
No. 1357777
>>1357726Thank you for sharing anons. I guess you're right but it's a hard thing to break out of. I've calmed down a bit but I still feel like shit and like I am undeserving of love. I also think about talking to him and apologizing but I don't think it'll make things better as long as I'm still trapped in my old ways. I just wish I hadn't fucked things up and I wish he was still here but that's not possible and the only way now is forwards. But you inspire me to do better and just hope that next time I'll do things right. Also to
>>1357733 I feel your pain and I hope it'll get better for you soon too. Idk I feel paralyzed sometimes and just replay certain events over and over, spacing out of conversations and viewing myself and others in a very negative light but it won't make anything better. It's really not a good place to be in. Not for you and not for the people around you who just want their friend back.
No. 1357822
nonny I'm glad you're alive. please stay hydrated and safe
No. 1357868
>>1357865Yeah and I'll be here, even if I get deleted or something, it don't matter, I for one will at least be there and I think another nonna will too at least one. So just make the thread or bump one and let's be candid and open where it's more appropriate.
No. 1357876
>>1357822thank you nona some nice guys dropped water off for us earlier today so at least I have stuff to drink
>>1357858thank you nona the national guard is here rescuing stranded people and crews are out fixing power and clearing roads so once the flood water starts going back down things should slowly get better
>>1357846yes the disabled mother that I couldn't leave behind, we would've died for sure if the storm surge made it into my area because there is nowhere here over 2 stories for us to swim to safety
she is traumatized and regrets not evacuating so at least she now knows if we get another hurricane she needs to evacuate with me
No. 1357902
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>>1356162wait for real for real?
No. 1357904
>>1357864Oh shit, I did grow up poor.
Maybe I should get instagram or something, i have been watching youtube vids of apt tours and they're not that helpful. I don't even know how to furnish an apartment, like, what my options are. I've always had curbside sourced furniture. I just want my place to be comfy and less depressing.
No. 1357997
>>1357222I don't watch the Simpsons and sorry if I didn't feel like being "silly" about some cunt chasing off a possible rape
victim. I called one person a troon, you, because that seemed like something he would say. Usually women don't crack jokes when talking about rape. Maybe try being less scrotey next time and you won't come across as a moid.
No. 1358025
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Very interesting the way abusive people are very, very desperate to socially engineer a network of people to isolate you and do their best to be over you and in control of your life at all times. They’re terrified of people liking you, of you making friends, of you living a normal life. They try to drag as many people as possible into their histrionic theater and do so in such a calculating and manipulative way. I would like to know why the people they get in board help them carry out some form of emotional abuse. Surely these people have to realize they’re pawns, right? That the abuser is only using them for personal gain and doesn’t actually view them as anything above a stepping stone, fabricating and forcing a camaraderie so they get what they want? Why are they so desperate to gaslight their victims and try so hard to make others believe they’re some sort of threat? The whole thing is so ridiculous and obvious, so why do these people that go along with it do so? Do they want to be nlogs so bad, or to feel like they’re on some shitty sitcom? Life so empty they crave the drama they create? I will never understand the driving force behind it.
No. 1358031
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>>1358025Hurt people hurt people.
No. 1358044
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Just finished talking to a friend and we were talking about things that were stressful in our lives. I joked "so I guess basically what we're saying is that being in your 20s sucks" and she said "well actually I think I'm doing really well right now." And she started talking about her life and how well she was doing and I was really happy for her, especially because I know in college her mental health was really bad. I just couldn't help comparing my life to hers while she described it and feeling so shitty about myself. It's not that I wish she was doing worse, but I just thought everyone was struggling in their 20s and it wasn't just me. She has friends in her city that participate in all her interests with her, a boyfriend, and just quit her job and is looking for a remote one where she can be flexible with her hours. Meanwhile I one friend where I live and the only thing we have in common is that we work in the same field so I can't do much else with her besides get dinner and talk about work (and sometimes I really don't want to talk about that), work a 40-hour job that is killing my mental health and doesn't offer me a lot of flexibility to travel, and I'm so tired that I barely have time to socialize. She said, "I really admire people like you who can work really stressful, scary jobs because you're really passionate about something" but I don't even know if I'm passionate about my job anymore- I just can't back out since I sunk two years and a ton of money in grad school for it.
I keep telling myself it's temporary and I just need to weather through it. I haven't been working for very long. But what if it isn't temporary? I've reached a point where everyday I say "I want to die" at least once lol and it feels like a waste to be this miserable all the time when I could be enjoying life. Aren't your 20s when you're supposed to be doing fun shit? I know she put in a lot of effort to make friends, so then I feel that's my issue. It feels like I'm this miserable because I'm just not trying hard enough.
No. 1358047
>>1358030Nah ya have a good point there actually, it's so weird that people will just regurgitate their own trauma onto others and then act like they can talk down about anyone else. Repeating your own source of pain is just weak, it's just the sign of a person who can't cope any other way and needs to feel in control. If it makes it any better, even if those types seem to have good lives they don't. They will find ways to make themselves miserable 24/7 instead of seeking out happiness.
>>1358044>It feels like I'm this miserable because I'm just not trying hard enough.Not trying in the right places, I know you've probably heard this a thousand times by now but hobbies with groups is the best way to find friends.
>>1358046> I'm too old to change nowLIAR you are not, you stop that kind of doomposting in your own head. Anyone and everyone can change! Think of all the funny internet pictures you would miss if you died now, but yeah I am lonely too hence why I offer support in the vent thread kek.
No. 1358064
>>1358047Yeah I’ve heard the hobby group idea a lot. And I do think it’s
valid. I just don’t even know what hobby group I’d want to join. And honestly I think I just try so hard at my job and at trying to keep my mental health from tanking that I don’t have the energy to make friends right now. I guess that’s a sign that I shouldn’t be so worried about friends right now anyway. It would only stress me out more probably. It sounds like I’m making a lot of excuses and maybe I am. Just had to vent a little about how shitty I was feeling about myself. Thanks for listening.
No. 1358069
>>1358031Yes that’s totally exactly what causes someone to be an
abusive sociopath thank you for your riveting contribution about male behavior.
No. 1358083
>>1357912I'm going to do it, I'm going to spend like $600 on furniture. Part of it is winterization though so it actually saves money and will keep me from freezing to death, which pleases my inner jew.
It's kind of crazy but used furniture isn't even much cheaper than new. People are assholes on these apps. And god knows what they did to it.
No. 1358113
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I am thinking of selling myself out. Feeling like i am being pressured into it now that all of my streamer/ content creator friends and mutuals end up having lewd content as a clickbait or roleplaying as viewers girlfriend in order to lure them. I am so tired of it all. My friend went from a cute, chatty japanese girl into a '' streaming asmr-only where i pretend to be your gf '' and making this content her entire personality, but because of that she has high viewership and is getting donations and all of the crap off her wishlist. I really joined the twitch crowd for the wrong reasons, huh, after all you seem to be able to 'make it' only by doing things above. All i do is draw and talk to my viewers while playing niche games. I don't even see them as numbers but as my replacement for friends.
No. 1358130
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Bodyshaming doesn’t really bother me personally although I obviously hate to see people dehumanizing women. Like any sort of dysmorphia directed at me does not hurt me in the way people want it to stick. After years of anorexia and orthorexia, I just don’t care. I’m getting too old to care. I think once you reach your late or mid-20s if you don’t find compassion or empathy and get your head out of your ass you’re doomed to shuffle around the earth an empty husk repeating your casual cruelties and projections over and over like you’re in middle school. I am embarrassed for people my age and older than me that still tether themselves to being a bully. If I want to go back to restricted and obsessing over fitness I can, at any time. I just think it’s funny that people try soo hard to chip away at what they perceive as your insecurities because that’s all they have going for them.
No. 1358137
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I asked a question in the stupid question thread (how to hang out with a moid only as a friend), anons told me it's impossible. Unsurprisingly, you were all right. He literally only wanted to fuck me. I'm just glad nothing bad happened to me and I got home after setting the record straight, but I'm disappointed. I really thought we were friends, I knew him for years, but oh fucking well. I wish I had female friends here.
No. 1358146
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>>1358137didn't read that thread but i am sorry for you,
nonny. sometimes you have to learn it the hard way. men will always hide their ways of wanting to hook up with you or date you, in fact even online moids do that, they instantly start throwing pages of their love confessions to you the second you break up with someone, after all they need nudes from you.
it happened to me too, during a hangout with my childhood friend we were passing by his apartament, he told he needs to grab a book really quick, inviting if i would like to wait for him there just to end up getting assaluted. the thing that saved me was that i told him i am on periods. next time, be careful and aware around moid 'friends'. even the ones who lean towards men more than women are
toxic, in fact, every bi/gay men i talked to always were the worst drama-obsessed magnets, and it's not even about any celeb drama, they would always want to gossip about our own or their own friends and make shit up. even the most 'wholesome and nice men' always feel the need to fuck you or date you.
No. 1358168
>>1358137Sorry, nona. I've dropped and ghosted guys over the years because of this type of shit. I hate how they pretend to be your friend just to try to fuck you. Glad nothing bad happen. Drink some water and let it all out, you'll feel better.
>>1358146>even the most 'wholesome and nice men' always feel the need to fuck you or date you.They act like just because you
smiled at them equals a written invitation.
No. 1358190
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Holy kek. I commented on a youtube video in which a guy said that women who don't like genuine compliments from random men are insecure and low quality and they should not project their shitty experiences with men onto other "good quality, actually attractive" women who definitely like getting compliments from randos on the street. He claims all "biologically healthy" women should appreciate these compliments. I said it's hypocritical to say women can't assume how other women feel about random compliments and then in the same breath say how the women actually feel or should feel according to him. I said I don't like compliments from ugly men because I feel biologically repulsed by them kek. I also said he sounds like a typical normie man despite being an autist and he's no special. And that made him fucking fuming, he wrote a response in which he calls me a bitch like two times
Now he uploaded a new video about my comment. This is getting fun although I almost feel guilty for triggering the autist so hard lmao
No. 1358192
>>1358190Forgot to add
>Its a fact, not a storyThis is my favourite part
No. 1358218
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>>1357012bitch i literally make my own videogames/art, you truly dont know how bad the videogame and art community is until you actually have to interact with them, good luck trying to find programmers for a small project that arent either troons or incels.
>>1356928at this point it's worthless to be hyped for a big release, and i mostly just pirate them because i am not giving my money to greedy companies anymore.
>>1357042twitter crowd discovering Moral Orel hit me like a train, specially how they tried to transwash some characters and how some underage Tifs fell in love with the dad, peak zoomie behaviour to take something serious and turn it into meme shit for massive consumption.
>>1357085i didnt add this because i didnt wanna sound like a coomer but i agree, when i was younger i used to be deeply involved in the yaoi culture(had a radio show about yaoi and several blogs) but i started to distance myself from it when it got infested with moralists, it's so annoying we can't have anything good.
> scrotes colonized cute boys with their femboy trap coomerism anywaythis one is the one that i hate the most, i swear every male character thats not a hairy bara or is slightly nerdy/cute gets called a femboy nowadays.
>>1357162i play a bunch of older stuff, i recently started playing the PS2 GTA games, i was waiting for the remake to play all of them but you know what happened…. I just wish i could look forward newer games, i swear everything is either multiplayer, some generic AAA sci-fi crap, some western visual novel with a dumb gimmick and a rougue like.
No. 1358259
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I wish I could be friends with my therapist in real life. It's really retarded and will never happen and I'll probably just get stuck into paying her forever just to have that one hour in a week with someone I feel comfortable with. She sometimes mentions little things about her own life that we have in common, I guess to make me feel less alienated and alone in how I feel but it makes me feel so much closer to her. She said recently that she could see our work together ending soon-ish because of the progress I've made and just the very idea of that made me cry. Part of me that seems like the reasonable one thinks that I really should discuss that with her so I don't get stuck in this weird one sided dependency but I'm terrified that if I do so, she will stop ever sharing anything about herself and it will become uncomfortable. IDK what to do… has any other anon been in similar situation?
No. 1358323
>>1358315I don't hang out on ot, I haven't been here in months because most of you are assholes, like the women mocking a rape
victim. Typical ot shit though blame everyone else for why your corner of lolcow sucks.
No. 1358326
>>1358315Samefag but oh yes I'm sure ot is great with the copious amount of infighting, sperging, making fun of legitimate schizo nonas and egging on the suicidal ones and calling rape
victims liars. Get real, this place is always a fucking cesspool of the bottom of the barrel type of societal outcasts. Again don't blame the shitty environment you cunts have cooked up over the years because this isn't even my hangout.
No. 1358354
>>1358344>I am a schizo and my gore addiction has been spiraling out of control for a year so that's been making things worse.Yeah you should get help before you hurt someone else or yourself. You're whole post screams ''warning signs'' before something serious happens.
Reminds of that tiktoker who killed her sister who made a bunch of edgy posts about being homicidal and wanting to kill but no one took her seriously until she ended up slashing her disabled sisters throat.
No. 1358359
I have an irrational hatred for a moid co-worker. For background, I work in the gaming industry, and a few weeks back we hired a new dev. Everyone in my work is relatively normal (except for this bitch in HR who keeps trying to push queer crap into the game and who called JKR a transphobe, yawn), but this guy instantly set off my dickhead-alarm.
For starters, he was introduced as having worked extensively with a trans activist organisation on some VR project (maybe it's a virtual reality orchiectomy, how fun), and I looked it up, and it's of course the typical shit with a transwoman lead, trans women are women, privilege this, privilege that.
The guy doesn't seem to be an AGP but for sure is deep in post-modernist/woke garbage. He has this RIDICULOUS hair style where one side is way longer than the other and he constantly has to flick his head to get it out of his eyes. Why did we hire this guy? There are so many devs in the world. Did we have to pick the biggest most cucked faggot we could find? I assume this is the work of that bitch in HR.
He kind of has an AGP smirk in his slack profile picture, I want to punch him right in his doughy flock-of-seagulls-wannabe face. He hasn't done anything to me yet other than just exist as a misogynist, but then again I haven't interacted with him, either (I have a do not interact policy with people I can detect are idiots). I just wish he'd go fuck a tranny and fuck off.
No. 1358368
>>1358354Since I acknowledge the consequences of murder (biggest one being ending another humans life and ruining their families lives forever) I don't feel like I'm going to kill anyone. I feel sick even thinking about anyone's family member being known as "my
victim". It's incredibly fucked up forcing that kind of trauma onto anyone. I don't have an uncontrollable urge to kill and I'm chronically ill so I don't have the energy nor strength to carry out a murder. The problem with kids like that I feel is that they don't really understand how serious taking another humans life is. These aren't simply edgy feelings with no understanding of how fucked up it would be to actually murder someone. The reality of murder and the consequences are ever present in my mind.
No. 1358392
>>1358344I can somewhat imagine where hybristophiliacs come from
Aileen Wuronos, I can understand monsterfuckers, but why the fuck a corpse?
No. 1358400
>>1358344nonna i've been there when i was younger. I even had a necklace with a serial killer on it kek. But when i got over 21 my brain somehow changed inside and i started to value life more. Other people's lives but mostly mine and killing somebody would just ruin your life as well as theirs. It's good that you know you'll never do it and you're not alone. More women have these feelings than you know but just as you, they don't talk about it. Thinking about killing is a trauma coping mechanism for me since i was kid. You definitely need to stop watching gore. I watched it because i didn't want to be scared of anything back then, but i stopped and now it makes me really sick to see it. You brain will get better once you stop indulging in gore.
The bad feelings won't go away completley but it'll get much better if you focus on better things.
No. 1358413
>>1358346You need therapy skank that was not the post to joke about and I wanna vent how a literal fucking serial killer amount of red flags is not the time to go
>Oho women never hurt anyoneI genuinely hope that you get caught in a dark alleyway with an unhinged cat lady and her cats chew on your bones.
Seriously I won't call that out elsewhere but even as a joke you came across as a pure, unhinged lunatic incel if you just switch one word moid with foid, so knock that shit off when it's actually someone saying
>I jack it to gore and worship Jeffrey DahmerCope by calling them a man next time retard.
Go take a bath too I can smell your neet stink from here.
(Tranny spammer) No. 1358417
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I'm smelling something alright, but it's not
>>1358346 No. 1358418
>>1358399I am genuinely attracted to him. We've been together for ten years (five long distance). I didn't expect to meet a male I was attracted to but he was my first genuine crush on a male. We talk about it pretty often he's very supportive/understanding. It's something that I feel I need therapy for to accept and move on with my life. I think it still bothers me because I know my family thinks since I have a husband I'm straight/it was all a phase and will be beyond severely disappointed if I ever admit to those feelings again.
>>1358400Thank you for saying this. I've been working on watching gore less the urge comes and goes. I try to watch horror films to replace watching actual gore when the feeling arises. Ive heard from others that as they've gotten older they've been able to handle gore less too so I do hope that hits for me and over powers the urge to seek out that content.
No. 1358454
>>1358443i've been struggling with my ptsd lately and my mom is pressuring me to tell my dad about how i was raped in college because he "needs to know", despite me telling her that i don't even feel comfortable in a room alone with him because he did sexually
abusive things to me as a child (making me sleep alone with him in just my underwear as a child and spooning me, making sexual comments about my body as a teenager, sneaking into my room pulling my covers off and looking at my naked sleeping body as a teen, mom knows and copes for reasons why im "being dramatic"). why would a man who took advantage of me even care that another moid did? why does my mom cape for my monster father? i hate my parents.
No. 1358462
>>1358434Yeah I've never had friendships with women that didn't end up intense romantically
still never lead to anything seriously physical like sex or making out and I haven't had any female friends at all in a few years so I think that's been heavily contributing to my issues. I'm hypersexual so I can have intense compulsive sexual thoughts about women I'm around and it makes me uncomfortable so I've been avoiding having personal relationships with women platonic or otherwise. I've been actively trying to change that recently by making plans to hang out with some girls I met. I'm hoping that exposure will help? It's strange to think about the fact that I've never had any close platonic relationships with women
since my parents assumed I was gay I wasn't allowed to hangout with any of my female friends growing up. I've been forcing myself to avoid other women because I feel like I'm too fucked up and sexualize them like a man would.
Talking about it now..I have come to the realization that let myself be tricked into thinking I was a predatory dyke. No. 1358497
>>1358462>I'm hypersexual so I can have intense compulsive sexual thoughts about women I'm around and it makes me uncomfortable so I've been avoiding having personal relationships with women platonic or otherwise.I can relate to that, I'm not exactly sure how to deal with that myself yet. Logically I know it's not on par with scrotes probably, but for some reason their hypersexuality is completely accepted.
>I'm hoping that exposure will help?Probably. Especially since you've never had any close platonic relationships with women yet, so there's enough to work on.
No. 1358505
>>1358436If you want a real relationship with someone you will have to take your walls down. If you really feel like he could be a good partner don’t shut it down before he even has a chance to. I understand the hesitation but painting people with broad strokes of assumptions will only keep you from building the life you want to have. Being vulnerable and open with him doesn’t mean you have to fully commit yourself to him forever either. Breaking up purely due to fear is one of the most self destructive things you can do to yourself.
In terms of red flags I think you take a step back and view things objectively. Did things move super fast (like ‘I love you’s’ two weeks in)? Did he talk about serious commitments early on in the relationship even if you weren’t comfortable? Does he act differently around people he can’t gain anything from? Does he respect your boundaries? Can you tell him no to things and he doesn’t get upset? Is he genuinely interested in what you have to say? This is by no means a comprehensive list but these are some things I try to keep in the back of my head while dating someone new. Good luck nonna and allow yourself to be a little more vulnerable.
No. 1358506
>>1358503I just love how, the
first time she does it he completely melts down. The fucking spazz, they try to say they're the logical, emotionless ones but no, for any hysterical woman you point to you will usually see trauma in her past while with men you'll see the exact opposite, coddling.
Sure some trauma men are hysterical but not like the example we are talking about and they usually cry, not seethe so why even handmaiden them outside of a spoiler? No. 1358529
>>1358524>thinking tinder is for anything other than hookups at this pointAnon, I…
Dating apps have been taken over by pickup artist scrotes and sluts, there is no romance to be found on any of them. I wish I had a better suggestion for you, it's hard to date these days period.
No. 1358533
>>1358469Thank you it's been on my mind for a while…I couldn't put the pieces together without writing it out I guess. I'm going to buy a notebook while I'm out today so I can keep track of these feelings better.
>>1358497I know right? It kind of drives me insane knowing that I feel fearful of having relationships with my own sex because I don't want to feel like a pervert while scrotes do not give a single fuck. I try to remind myself that since I can understand how degrading it would be to know a man was having intense sexual thoughts about me (on purpose) and care about making women around me uncomfortable that I'm not similar to scrotes. Even when women are interested in me I feel like shit for having constant sexual thoughts about them. They make the active choice to leer women they find attractive in public. They openly make it known that they're undressing and degrading her in their minds regardless of her attraction to them. If men thought women had constant sexual thoughts about them they wouldn't think of it as degrading. They'd love it. They can't empathize with how infuriating consistently being seen as just a sex object or romantic conquest is. Since i experience that misogyny and these thoughts are against my will I know I'm not nearly as bad as scrotes that don't even think twice about constantly thinking about sex/having porn addictions.
No. 1358557
>>1358551I know for a
fact my pictures have been used for catfishing on dating apps and they won't do shit about it.
No. 1358597
>>1358592Then get the kids out of adult spaces, easy solution, stop bringing your kids where they don't belong.
No. 1358654
I hate how fucking retarded my family is. I tested positive for covid yesterday, so I have all the covid symptoms, and a major headache and really bad nausea. My parents keep gaslighting me that I’m not actually sick, and i seem to be better because apparently from their point of view, my complexion seems fine. Like what the fuck? Who gives a shit about my complexion. It doesn’t really change the fact that Im dizzy as hell, and I have a really bad headache, does it? God, they really don’t give two shits about me, or anyone. At this point, I don’t even know if they’ll even care about me if I’m on the brink of death. Then, this morning, they fucking yelled at me for speaking too quiet because they couldn’t hear, and accused me of watching porn- like what the fuck? Who comes to that conclusion? They completely forgot the fact that I’m FUCKING SICK WITH COVID. Fucking pieces of shit. Then, they fucking have the audacity to ask me why I don’t care about them. Like, ever care to wonder why? Obviously, it’s because of shit like this.
No. 1358681
>>1358668I've had my nipples pierced twice and my septum was my second most painful piercing
first being my philtrum kek. I'm happy it went smoothly for you though nona!
No. 1358687
>>1358675Naw that's not what I'm talking about that's just board speak.
What I'm talking about is stuff where it's completely unnecessary but the anon will emphasize that the man is a fag instead of just saying they're a man… Like if it's not about sexuality why are you emphasizing a man's sexuality with a negative word rather than just saying he's a man.
It could be lurking trolls. I've noticed how the MTF thread has definitely noticably changed in tone I wonder if other anons have noticed. Definitely think there are some men constantly in the thread
No. 1358704
>>1358668I pierced mine years ago. I didn't want someone else up my nose. I teared up and my nose ran like crazy which made me glad I was alone doing it. I had a sterilized needle kit and did my own nipple months later. Younger me was wild. And probably dumb but I never got infections and my piercings were straight and took well. I got plenty done by professionals but I was weird about wanting privacy for certain ones.
Looking back my piercer was good at his job but a bit of a creep. One appt he started talking to me (and my bf att) about how he has pierced a hermaphrodite before. No idea why he brought that up.
No. 1358745
>>1358736My mom keeps sending these cryptic texts about how she’s soo sorry she was a shit mom (she was very involved but absurdly emotionally
abusive) and how she doesn’t have money “to keep fighting them” (referring to my dad and his batshit insane Mexican “lawyer” wife) but I have no idea what she’s taking about. I hate this I hate everyone and I want to disappear.
No. 1358779
>>1358580>>1358571what if i enjoy perusing packages
it isn't like moids have anything else to offer
No. 1358837
>>1358802Gender dysphoria is currently widely accepted to be self diagnosed without questioning, so why not push other illnesses to self diagnose you with? I'm sure there's a few psychiatrists who are looking for patients and pharmaceutical companies supplying doctors with free samples and contracts.
I've noticed in recent years ADHD is being flaunted like it's autism lite, which is a weird approach. Many of the self diagnosed tend to jump around the two.
No. 1358858
>>1358856also I'm not saying you have bpd but it's not unlikely you have
something and regardless your personal issues need addressed if they've caused you to hurt others
No. 1358859
>>1358852people are always worried but honestly i have never seen anybody go crazy from shrooms. Even the worst mental cases. In most cases it just didnt work on these people.
Depends on where you live but you can find shrooms in the forest in a lof of places i just look for mine for free, it will be shroom season soon. I have also seen people sell them on instagram but i dont know if thats legit.
No. 1358866
>>1358856>>1358858How did you work on your own issues?
I did look into BPD but I don't have too many traits to be diagnosed as such. Although, there were a few traits that I felt like applied to me and reading accounts of the way someone with BPD handle social relationships was relatable to me.
No. 1358867
>>1358859>you can find shrooms in the forestI didn't know that people use common shrooms found in forest, I thought it's only special type.
Now I'm interested, do you have any good sources to read about shrooms? Like newfag starting sources? Nothing in my life worked so I may give it a chance.
No. 1358876
>>1358866Nona, I'm actually very similar to this. I don't have BPD and doctors tell me I don't, but I was
toxic in a relationship and had some of the traits. I recommend looking up "quiet BPD" it's not a real diagnosis but a descriptive term that for me perfectly matches what I have, maybe you'll relate. I'm not 100% where I want to be but taking time away from relationships to work on myself has helped me form a clear mind about what went wrong and what's right. I don't ever want to be that way that I was, it scares me. So really the first step is making a conscious choice to work on yourself and investigate whatever it could be going on inside. Even if it's just improving your self-esteem, something needs to be done. As for how it's a lot to go into but starting with internet searches is fine and learning what's suggested treatment. Therapy like DBT and even CBT are good but if you don't have access there are ways to start them for yourself, by practicing things like acceptance or meditation and monitoring your thoughts. Having someone to talk to like a therapist or just a friend (not a romantic partner) is indispensible. I'm sorry I can't give all the answers in my posts but to improve ourselves it's a big journey that in many ways is unique to each one of us. You're on the right path by questioning yourself and beginning to look into it, most important is to hold on to the feeling of never wanting to hurt another person. If it gets overwhelming and you hate yourself, recognize you can't be perfect but have to be able to admit when you're slipping or in the wrong, just don't give up trying. The fact that you're trying is enough to forgive yourself but that's also why you mustn't stop.
No. 1358886
>>1358868Part of the EU so it should be okay for me (for a while anyway). My whole family experienced WWII so I'm really sensitive to this shit. I want to watch my children grow up happy and not under some horrible regime. Every generation in my family since WWI has experienced war, including cold war if that counts and I feel me and my parents/little cousins are next. I could not have children in a time like this and call it sad but it's the only thing I really wanted to have and if I do they will have to grow up in an awful, turbulent world.
>>1358871Why aren't you worried nonna? Imo what he said was a direct attack on the West, bombs can drop at any time, anything can happen. If someone would have told me there would be a war last year I would have laughed in their face.
No. 1358888
>>1358876>I don't have BPD and doctors tell me I don't, but I was toxic in a relationship and had some of the traits. I recommend looking up "quiet BPD" it's not a real diagnosis but a descriptive term that for me perfectly matches what I have, maybe you'll relate.NTA but I wanna clear up that Quiet BPD
is a subtype of BPD. BPD fleas is the term for when you catch symptoms from someone else.
No. 1358892
>>1358888Huh, ayrt, maybe I caught it from my mother. Anyhow I phrased it like that since apparently Quiet BPD is "unofficial." I read this article about it
that made me cry from how accurate and that's when I was sure that I have it: but it clarifies that it's technically not an official diagnosis
No. 1358932
>>1358914ofc the bath bombs aren't as bad as the horrible things people did to him. i just find it odd that only a few years ago it was (in my eyes anyway) sort of a general consensus that the chris chan timeline had some pretty indefensible moments, and that actually putting this clearly mentally ill person in the spotlight and subjecting him to years of trolling and interfering in his personal life probably wasn't the best thing. but on the other hand i don't think making and selling and more importantly profiting off ironic bathbombs of sonichu – the oc of someone who literally raped his own elderly mother with dementia – is a good look, and neither is buying them? i know i get too autistically mad about this, but it does bother me that people don't really see anything wrong with it
>>1358926yeah you're right about that. kind of boggles my mind to think that they can hear about what chris did and still think he's funny enough to pay homage to. like irdc if people make memes but theres something undeniably weird about taking it into irl and cosplaying and making merch
No. 1358986
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I just got a rejection letter for an internship. Idk what i did wrong
No. 1359046
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I want to go to sleep but my cats have decided that it's play time and are now chasing each other up and down the stairs.
No. 1359058
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My mother's fat manchild husband took the entire bag with all 6 bread buns without leaving a single one. I shouldn't be so mad, yet here I am. Moids were a mistake.
No. 1359106
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I'm tired of living. I've become a neet and there is no way that I am ever going to rejoin society. I've always had the type of personality that would be prone to self isolation but back then I would occasionally go out and have somewhat of a social life. Now I do not leave the house unless I am running out of food or hygiene products. The pandemic and getting into a car accident two years ago just made me 100 times worse. I get severe anxiety from just even getting into a car. I hate being a passenger and don't trust anyone who drives me anywhere. I would prefer to drive myself but I also hate driving since the car accident and I get scared if any car moves a way I don't want to. The pandemic made it worse because I've always been a clean freak who hates interacting with other people's germs and it just got worse. Every time I have to go out, it feels like it'll be my last day alive and it absolutely consumes my mind. I'm tired of living like this and its even affecting my employment since I cannot even imagine of getting a job that isn't remote but at the same time I don't have much to offer so that seems out of my reach. Everything is just going to shit with me and I want to end this life once and for all. I never expected my life to turn out like this but here I am. Once I run out of money, I'm going to ctb. just need the method and I'm out of here for good
No. 1359226
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>my last day of a work trip
>waking up at 6am, enjoying my window view and life for once
>opens discord, a small cutesy otome game server
>i see a person with a foam in their mouth start shittalking about my people and my culture whilist consuming only shitty twitter media
>i still write a respectable wall of text because i am a sleepy silly human
>send it
>regret even thinking about it since my day is already ruined
i am tired
No. 1359246
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so i recently got into Ai art, i managed to get the stable diffusion software running on my smol gaming laptop, it's been really fun until now, other users of the same software began commenting that people on twitter are beginning to get extremely up on arms about it and while at first i was like
>"that's just average twitter, what about it"?
i saw some of the tweets and a lot of them began comparing Ai art to NFTs and i feel like they probably have a point, I'm feeling so guilty, what if i just got into something that will end up destroying people's lives? what if I'm worse than Cryptobros and i haven't noticed, i feel sad and disgusted.
No. 1359358
>>1359352I got harassed last time I posted, accused of being a tranny. I got drunk to deal with a passing of a parent, a tranny I knew and trusted knew this info and used it against me to gain access to me, I was never “transphobic” but now I see them for what they are. I woke up in the back of his car still drunk, he was sober.. I went to the ER after pressure from friends because I didn’t know if I had been raped, I was so wasted. I went for PREP meds which made me sick. He kept texting me through out the days, right after the rape he told me he couldn’t wait to see me again. He was worried about me, he was having a bad “mental health day” etc anything to get me to respond. In the ER I told him I was getting PREP meds and that I was not coherent for what happened, he seemed apologetic but as time went on, it seemed like a game to keep me engaged. I just wanted his STD results.. he gave me his HIV etc ones but not for hepatitis, so I told him to go back, and he obliged. He told me, oh the lady over the phone said I was negative.. I said can I have a PDF file of it like your other results? He said yes, the eventually blocked me. My boyfriend trivializes my rape at every turn because he’s threatened. Men are trash.
No. 1359407
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>>1359358i am sorry this happened anon. seeing you have to put up with other anons' paranoia made me really angry. what you went through sounds horrible, unfortunately a majority of mtf trannoids are rapey parasites. sounds like both the trannoid and your boyfriend dont deserve to breathe air, please get away from your boyfriend if you can, you dont deserve the treatment you're recieving. i hope you can find some legal recourse to this that leads to the tranner being behind bars. manifesting that fire ants colonize his urethra
No. 1359427
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>>1359425very good to hear nonita. i know things hurt a lot now but it will feel less miserable in time. just remember that you're a hundred times more resilient and capable then any pitiful male, no matter what they do to you.
No. 1539751
>>1353714Wait Matt was
abusive to Hannah?
No. 1539772
I'm experiencing extreme guilt from having to rehome one of my cats. I have three, one female, two male (9, 4 and 1 year in order). The two male cats always got along but a couple of months ago I got home to find them fighting like crazy and the 4 year old was covered in shit from the scare. Since that day I've kept them separate, young one in the above floor and the other two in the lower floor. I tried a couple of times to have them see each other but the young one would always attack the glass or door separating them. I've been living with the three isolated for months. I feel like I should have tried more and I didn't neuter the young one early, vet told me to wait a year but now other people tell me I should had done it at 6 months? I feel so shit. In my defense I give both equal time, I even slept several months with the two each night, a couple of hours each every night. I love them so much and wanted the best for them.
Last night it happened, the young one escaped and they had a horrible fight although luckily neither got hurt, but foolishly I tried to stop it and the younger one bit me really badly (I stuck my hand at a bad time, he's a sweetheart it was just a bad decision on my part). I am now taking antibiotics and had to take a tetanus shot for my injury. I took my cat to the vet and I'm paying for them to neuter and to keep him for a couple of days. My other cats are so much peaceful now and I just feel so scared to bring him back, even to try again post neuter because I know it will take a while for the hormones to stabilize and there's no guarantee things will improve. I feel like I failed him. I feel like I'm taking the easy way out or like I'm the worst owner in the world. I can't stop crying, I love him so much but I want to believe this is the best for everyone. I'm just so burned out and I'm scared of it happening again and them hurting themselves.
No. 1539801
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I’m sorry if this is dumb, but I just had a proper first kiss and I didn’t enjoy it at all. It’s not really my first time, but I had one time when I was younger that I physically couldn’t kiss because I kept involuntarily leaning back, and another where the guy was just retarded and objectively terrible at kissing. I thought I would enjoy it now but I really didn’t (this man is the same as the first where I would involuntarily lean back, we’ve had a lot of history but have been friends mainly). I thought I wanted this, and was finally ready to move on and ~blossom~ and be able function normally. Instead I just didn’t understand the sensation. He wasn’t bad, he only would get too quickly into tongue but it just seemed more because it’s what he enjoys and was just inpatient. I just couldn’t even get myself physically orientated, like I couldn’t properly embrace, and our heads felt weird, and it all felt really alien. I know as someone with no experience it is simply a new experience, but people tend to be able to lean into it and indulge, you know. He wasn’t doing anything wrong, and would do whatever I told him/correct himself. I want to like kissing. Maybe it’s just not for me. Even worse, earlier he asked me about the last thing I drew, which happened to be some retarded (but tame) bl shit that I did end up showing him. One was feeding takoyaki to other, and he thought it was a guy and girl and I had to fucking explain it was two guys. I tried to look for a picture of the two characters and they were all rather frisky and it was just a ridiculous situation. I’m not even that much of a fujo, I promise, but have I messed up my expectations? My main gripe is that it didn’t feel like how I imagine it to feel. My head always pictured something so different and imagined a whole different sensation. And I can’t get over it. I do think I should be alone, and I just feel sad I can’t be normal. I’m just sad now. No clue what I’m going to do. This guy likes me and finds it hard to see me as just a friend, but I do love him a lot. I’m just not fiery and passionate it seems. I hate dating anyways. I wanted us to be amy and shadow though, ugh why am I so extremely autistic. I think I want to be just friends though? I’m so lost.
No. 1539803
>>1539801>I wanted us to be amy and shadow I don't speak autist, can someone translate what this means?
Also kek the thing about showing him your BL ship art reminds me of kirbyanon showing kirby porn to her therapist lmfao
No. 1539807
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>>1539801>She wanted her relationship to resemble a Sonic ship>She showed him yaoi fanartKEK this is so autistic anon I'm laughing so hard I'm sorry
No. 1539812
>>1539801You're beautiful and unique,
nonny. Don't let anyone get in your head about it. Whatever awkward nerd shit you did is probably honestly not that big of a deal in the real world with this guy who doesn't seem to know the details of what your fan interests are (which is a good thing honestly)
But also you're about to be affectionately bullied by everynonny here so you should probably not check in on this thread until you're mentally ready for that lol. I wish you happiness
No. 1539820
>>1539801I can understand the disappointment you felt at expecting the situation to be different. Maybe you felt you had a lot in common or you got along well enough. But you may just like him as a friend, and that's ok. Don't force yourself to be in a relationship or force attraction to be "more normal". That usually doesn't end up being a good experience.
Maybe you just need more time to find someone you're attracted to. And that's ok too. I also wish you happiness nona