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File: 1666310550298.jpg (881.76 KB, 822x1356, hurrr durr.jpg)

No. 1381303

i'm not actually sure what to call this, it's not memes and it's not pop culture references (ok, thread pic is but it's more than that), it's more like a few people make a situational "relatable" observation and then the entire internet grabs onto it and repeats it like it gives them a fun personality and they're the ones who thought of it? other examples off the top of my head are "i hope ____ steps on a lego", "thanks, it has pockets!!", "do not perceive me" etc etc etc

No. 1381304

reddit in a nutshell

No. 1381305

tumblr too actually

No. 1381307

Most Reddit phrases like "play stupid games win stupid prices" and "take my upvotes"/"this" like just upvote the post without commenting on it. There probably are more that I have forgotten

No. 1381310

Dunno if it counts but i hate when people use based on chans as a form of updoots

No. 1381313

"[thing] is astrology for men"

No. 1381319

The joke is porn/sexual/cum/etc

No. 1381327

I thought "The narwhal bacons at midnight" was so cool. Then I grew up.

No. 1381328

What does that even mean

No. 1381334

It was supposed to be a secret phrase for redditors to identify each other in real life. I think most people thought it was cringe even at the time though, I know I did kek

No. 1381336

even "i like your shoelaces"/"thanks i stole them from the president" was unironically better than this shit

No. 1381339

mommy milkers gotta be the most misogynistic joke ive seen in a while

No. 1381351

>That's enough internet for me today
>"___" must've been on drugs when they made this
>when a popular eceleb is on somebody else's channel "This person is kinda neat, they should start a YouTube channel." and its variations
>literally me

No. 1381354

some severely autistic women and teen girls use it too. automatic block from me

No. 1381356

I hate when I go into the replies of a tweet and the top responses are just a gif or a video we've all seen a million times captioned "chiiiile", "girl I-", or "daaaamn you people should never hav got (insert race)twt". There's no joke there idgi

No. 1381358

People in YouTube comment sections actually think they're the funniest people ever and they literally just post the same things you said word for word under every video

No. 1381362

“The feminism leaving my body when” male does anything. Can’t stand it

No. 1381371

Congrats, you won the internet

No. 1381372

Any reference to The Office.

No. 1381377

99% of YouTube comments. I always just sort by new because the top comments are too cringe.

No. 1381378

Frogs and mushrooms jokes that softboi embys love.

No. 1381392

Reminds me of when people call any woman over 25 for MILF or any woman who dresses in alt fashion for big titty goth gf. It's just sexually harassing women on social media by calling them porn terms. But everyone excuses it because it's a meme

No. 1381396

"I'm just a hole", it actually depresses me when women say shit like that

No. 1381403

>x number of people who [insert reference to the video here] disliked this video

>no one:

>absolutely no one ever:
>[insert character or person here]: obnoxious catchphrase or action

No. 1381411

This one actually angers me.

No. 1381413

>“The feminism leaving my body when” male does anything. Can’t stand it

I've never seen that one, is it supposed to suggest the person is so impressed with the male she's ready to give up her human rights? Crawling to men is a requirement of our society, not a novelty. Women who make it their personalities need to get a grip

Agreed with the rest of this thread. See also the "stealing your meme" memes like you need to announce when you save a picture on the internet ffs

No. 1381419

The feminism joke means that they stop criticizing men the second a hot one does something sexy and I think implies they also wanna be sexually dominated and degraded by him? not sure but it's cringe either way.
I hate the fact that meme is now a synonym for "funny pic"

No. 1381431

And I oop and all the zoomer AVE wannabe slang they use

No. 1381434

I'm pretty sure Valkyrae got "cancelled" for saying aave lmfao

No. 1381441

i fucking HATE the "pretending to be black on the internet" typing style. especially "y'all" - they're clearly not saying that to sound like cowboys or tess holliday or something. it's a fake blaccent and i dont get how the SJW generation all think it's not weird to do that.

i also hate hate HAAAATE all the tweets that are like "is this all life is? wake up, to go work, come home, order doordash, listen to podcasts?" or "me pretending to care what this meeting is about" like fuck off if you live north america, europe, malay peninsula, or australia, you have the power to live a nice life. i don't mean abandon your family and try to make a living sewing costumes for hamsters, but no one's fucking forcing you to go to an overpriced university or work at best buy until you die. you have some fucking agency here.

No. 1381452

YouTube is flooded with videos and comments of the exact same joke: "This didn't age well" "This aged like milk!"

No. 1381454

>Absolutely no one:
>If you're reading this I just wanted to say you are loved and I hope you have a great day
>Like if you're watching in 2022

Youtube comments are actual cancer

No. 1381457

I hate that tumblr meme that's like "she is a 10 but she [blank]". like rating girls on a scale to 10 is such a scrote thing and I have never heard a woman do it. It just irks me that it has become a meme

No. 1381464

NTA but if someone is from the american south then chances are they grew up saying/hearing "yall" along with other AAVE. I get what you mean though since it weirds me out when non-southern people say it–it just sounds cringe and faux woke.

No. 1381466

It is a stupid meme but tbf I have seen it done with guys too. Like "he's a 10 but he likes gospel music"

No. 1381497

>Complaining about wokeness
>Insisting that black people own the word "y'all"

No. 1381502

"say it louder for the people in the back!"
"the way it just fell into my hand" (it's always in the meanest intentions, like on someone who is unattractive or very clearly physically disabled/deformed in some way. ive also only seen it on tiktok comment sections so idk if its that commonly used)
"so i just did a thing!"

No. 1381510

Amongus draw meme

No. 1381511

Reddit “ I’m gonna fuck your wife” jokes. Just kill me already

No. 1381531

i never saw the "the way it just fell into my hand" one and i dont get it

No. 1381552

It’s so dumb because that means that nobody is saying nothing and that’s a double negative so the format is everyone is saying everything? Also reminds me of another think is TikTok’s will say POV and it’s not even a point of view, it’s literally just a sentence and doesn’t directly involve you..

No. 1381553

NTA look at the first comment.

No. 1381577

I didn’t realize that “play stupid games” had become a meme phrase until recently. I always thought of it as some stupid boomer shit my step dad used to say.

No. 1381588

“You can’t compare A to B! That’s an insult to A!”
Just shut the fuck up already.

No. 1381613

everyone I know in the US uses y'all…

No. 1381617

That’s pretty much it yeah. I’ve seen it numerous times on Instagram and no matter the number of times I click not interested it still manages to crawl back into my feed mixed with posts I do want to see and I hate it.

No. 1381619

"doing ur mom" jokes have never been funny, like ok you're into older women, why should i care about your fetish?

No. 1381637

I see it on tiktok a lot, like "the way my pants just got unzipped", i.e. the man who wrote it is implying he's hard

No. 1381654

It's not really a meme phrase but it's overused on Reddit and most of the times adds nothing to the conversation

No. 1381677

y'all is lost to any specific group in the US, it's common everywhere. I've been fighting it my whole life but now I'm the weirdo if I don't say it and frankly I folded about a year ago. everyone is y'all now, ok fine.


No. 1381682

>"the way it just fell into my hand"
Wooow. Gross! NTA but I'd never heard that…. I don't use tiktok.

No. 1381707

File: 1666355926326.jpeg (170.79 KB, 1080x682, CBF57CC7-DEE9-471B-83E3-F222A8…)

I’m so tired of porn jokes specifically this one. I don’t watch porn yet because of the internet’s increasing sexualisation i’m exposed to this shit.

No. 1381726

yeah i mean people who aren't from south of the mason-dixon line shouldn't say it. obviously if you are actually southern you are probably saying y'all for real

No. 1381728

No. 1381731

Wtf that didn't even cross my mind when watching the movie. Wtf is wrong with people

No. 1381732

I have no idea what the joke in the pic is, can someone help me out

No. 1381735

File: 1666357818188.jpeg (Spoiler Image,423.71 KB, 828x532, C4F548B1-99AA-4719-B967-BDF502…)

They're saying it's like this porn meme.

No. 1381766


i thought it was a reference to "donkey shows"

No. 1381767

God i hate this meme; this and casting couch one

No. 1381790

Maybe I'm just deeply immature but that one comment, "I want to have sex with this guy's dead wife", will never not be funny to me.

No. 1381797

ugh i hate this meme. not to bodyshame a grown woman but she literally looks 12 years old at most, and that's the main appeal. disgusting.

No. 1381806

its so weird to me how the same girls that call women over 25 ''milfs'' are also the ones who call 50 year old men ''my innocent little cinnamon roll baby''.
Like they're just aging up women for no reason while they infantilize the geriatric males that they stan.

No. 1381809

not to gatekeep but when only a few years ago I'd be made fun of for saying y'all, y'all're and y'all'd've it's a little weird.

No. 1381818

I hate this meme sooooo much

No. 1381824

im from new york and literally everyone who isnt a yuppie says "yall"

No. 1381867

If you try to step out of your boundaries you will see how difficult it is and how many gates there are, especially if you're a woman coming from a lower class, uneducated background. It's not impossible, but a lot of the opportunities and the chance of it going well hinge on luck. I understand why many just give up and complain about their mediocre life instead.

No. 1381942

Twitter satire is pretty terrible in general but I absolutely do not understand this gens retarded need to make every single post online about their stupid pop music bias. Or like the nicki vs cardi stans. In general young gays are absolutely some of the dumbest people alive and the only thing they’re capable of doing is shitting on women and saying “Nicki is big”

No. 1381992

exactly yeah that's what i meant. the non-southern people using that kind of language are clearly doing a "american black person" impression. acting southern or doing a southern white redneck voice isn't cool and in fact a lot of terminally online people randomly shit on those people for some reason. that's why i hate all the "y'all" and "cookout" and other southern language being used by non southern, or even non usa people are talking like that for some reason now. idk it just seems to me like they're doing the voice of the sassy black people in the 2000s reaction gifs

No. 1382060

stuff like "eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man", i saw someone on twitter calling that taylor swift line "buzzfeed ass lyrics" and loled

No. 1382066

any "ratio'ing" and taking that as a some kind of a win. always make me full-body cringe, maybe that's the point idk.

No. 1382075

The "sigh unzips" thing that Redditor coomers do, it makes me want to a-log so bad

No. 1382077

moids commenting ''its a trap/man'' to clips of vtubers/female streamers being funny, because god forbid a female makes them even chuckle

No. 1382091

There’s nothing wrong with saying yall, I think it’s just a kneejerk reaction to the OTT aave infested stupidity that comes from people who have no business using it. Like yawl need to relax chile no cap frfr oml finna whatever. It sounds like the feds are about to raid you.

No. 1382092

This, and any other sleazy sex jokes. Men on the internet are either acting up like they’re in a Carry On film, troons, or threatening to murder you. Only three options.

No. 1382107

File: 1666382368592.gif (253.95 KB, 291x200, 5FFC389C-E6E4-4F49-A5B2-4D98A2…)

Reddit moids using this gif whenever a conventionally attractive female rapes a student. They spam the comments of news stories with shit about how they wish something like that had happened to them even though the entire point of the episode was to show how fucked that line of thinking is.

No. 1382111

Yup. They all type like future serial killers.

No. 1382117

>I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going!
>That's what she said!
(Seriously, what fucking year is it?)
I used to acutally leave Reddit TTS videos on in the background at work sometimes and I hated the ones that would read off the first few top comments. It's literally the same thing over, and over, and over.

No. 1382127

He/she is a 10 but..

Krissy wake up I don’t like this

Tell me you’re xyz without telling me you’re xyz

Comparing nationalities with the most stupid stereotypes or glamorizing toxic behavior as “culture”

No. 1382148

yes this, you explained better! i was the original complainer kek thanks for having better english that me

No. 1382165

No problem. I really think it’s just become a subconscious reaction because it’s now associated with broccoli haircut suburban teenage boys that say the stupidest shit you’ve ever heard, to no fault of the word itself.

No. 1382178

Loss is annoying

No. 1382186

The twitter versions of this thankfully let you know at the very beginning that a stale political joke is incoming so you can quickly skip it
>ah yes
>It's almost as if
>my brother in christ

No. 1382187

Holy shit I hate the Krissy wake up one

No. 1382191

My brother in christ got a ton of backlash on tumblr because some users were saying that non black people were using it as a stand in for the n-word

No. 1382207

It was funny the first time, but afterwards like true twitter fashion, they ran the fucking joke down the ground. I hate it so much

No. 1382223

Wtf is this one? Who the fuck is Krissy?

No. 1382231

> ___and I'M HERE FOR IT.
>Fuck around and find out
>___, and I can’t stress this enough, ___.

No. 1382232

Any meme that gets reposted on specific days of the week like that Lucky Star post on Tumblr that people reblog every single Thursday.

No. 1382234

Anything with Jerma. I don’t even dislike him or care about him

No. 1382237

>and is [x] in the room with us right now
At first that was funny but people overused it and beat it into the ground

No. 1382239

you're getting a lot of pushback from the other replies, kek, but as for me I know EXACTLY what you mean. I'm in a city in Northern California, where absolutely none of my friends said "y'all" for our entire lives and now within the last 4 years these same exact people are suddenly posting it on social media on their "clapback" posts

No. 1382246

"[adult celebrity male] is pure and must be protected at all costs"

No. 1382251

what does that one mean? i don't have twitter so i don't know some of these sorry

No. 1382253

ayrt yeah "clpaback" too! that's something from american southern english that isn't natural to say unless you're from there, right? and really unlikely that white internet girls are talking like that to seem cowgirl-ish, no? to me it sounds like they are doing a "black" voice (am eurochan so correct if that's not how they're imitating).

No. 1382255

What is "oml"?

No. 1382261

It's from a tiktok gimmick account remix of a dialogue from stranger things. Not funny the first time, not funny now. And I like stranger things.

No. 1382265

you don't like out of touch tuesday!?

No. 1382266

sorry i meant thursday…

No. 1382269

That and the ‘it’s corn!’ audio. I hate it

No. 1382270

>"[thing]. Say it again."
>"Louder for the people in the back."
It's always an incredibly common-sense opinion regarding basic human decency, but they post it with a sassy "say it again" for…idk, woke points or internet ass pats I guess?

like "Racism is bad. Say it again."

No. 1382274

"Let that sink in/marinate". Passive aggressive and annoying

No. 1382276

The corn audio thing and people just singing it for no reason makes me so fucking angry, keep that fucking shit in your head.

No. 1382277

That's the only joke I find funny that ik is from Reddit though I haven't been there for years.

No. 1382284

I thought it was a typo of oh my god but I think it might be on my life? One of my friends use it all the time but I have no idea

No. 1382287


i had to mute "my brother in christ" on twitter

No. 1382290

what is the corn audio?

i don't get the tiktoks like where a random audio (e.g. "oh my god, he's dead! aahhh!") plays while a person just tilts their head or waves their hand. it's so bizarre to me for humour to be so standardized, it's like we're in 1950 and you have to tell knock-knock jokes or "what do you call an x crossed with a y" jokes only.

No. 1382293

that one's funny because the joke isn't "lol i fucked your wife", it's the use of grammar to make the joke.

the first guy says that if he could choose one person to go out for dinner with, he would choose his dead wife. the second guy doesn't say "same", as in his own wife, but "i also choose that guy's wife".

No. 1382294

i don't have to let anyone in my house, i don't care if it's a sink, toilet, or even a bidet.

No. 1382313

It means ‘oh my Lord’, I prefer using it over omg for no specific reason

It’s a Tiktok/Reels audio of a kid taking about how much he loves corn and it got remixed into a song, and while it wasn’t funny in the first place everyone beat it into the ground just like Krissy wake up

NTA and while I know it’s somewhat clever I still hate it since it’s the same vein as ‘fucking your wife’ jokes. Maybe I’m just deeply autistic but it came across as necrophilic to me kek I’m probably just retarded though

No. 1382318

No we dont (am not a yuppie either)

No. 1382321

The corn video was really, really cute, but that song makes me want to rip my ears out

No. 1382322

tfw this one nonnie is funnier than the entirety of reddit and youtube combined

No. 1382336

That's it, you won the internet. Shut it all down.

No. 1382337

>That's it, you won the internet. Shut it all down.
i feel like i've seen this one, or some variation of it, on random and barely funny reddit comments way too much

No. 1382351

Yeah, I feel like it's popular among the elderly

No. 1382379

ayrt thank you, can you write that on my resume please

No. 1382384

I think I'm probably the onlybone bothered by this but I really dislike that every video on YouTube is called "X but I did Y" now. Like instead of "Never gonna Give You Up Sonic Parody" it's called "Never gonna give you Up but I animated the Sonic characters dancing to it".
I kinda suspect that it's a rip off the Niconico thing of calling videos "I tried to sing [song]" and "I tried dancing [song]" but the thing is that it wasn't funny on NND either but at least it had been a thing for over a decade. The YT thing just kinda came out of nowhere

No. 1382387

>it's like we're in 1950 and you have to tell knock-knock jokes or "what do you call an x crossed with a y" jokes only.

Humor on the internet went to shit when everything became monetized, these kids are just posting with whatever the most popular audio meme tracks are because it'll pop up in more peoples' feeds and they can get more views. It's so lazy and shitty and I hate it. There's nothing just funny/weird for the sake of being funny anymore.

No. 1382398

File: 1666400018267.jpg (63.21 KB, 900x600, ZOM5PCCOWJANXLOOKGKZSDP574.jpg)

Anything involving these two or this part of FMA. People have been running this joke into the ground since like 2006

No. 1382404

File: 1666400516725.jpeg (110.43 KB, 512x512, 8FB55836-B2EB-42C0-9A10-A7391D…)

The decades long obsession with getting Firefly back on the air is what I think really sparked the reboot overload we’re dealing with now. Pretty funny that out of everything that’s been brought back they still haven’t made a second season kek.

No. 1382405

File: 1666400573019.png (34.84 KB, 886x457, this guys dead wife.PNG)

Nah. He literally said "I also choose this guy's dead wife." No grammar jokes.

It's completely tasteless but I still think it's hilarious.

No. 1382408

It’s so fucked but so, so funny.

No. 1382426

just sexual jokes that keep cropping up. i dont have a tiktok but i watch youtube shorts every now and again and jokes/sound clips i remember hearing and hating is:
>that's what good pussy sounds like (i think this is originally a vine?)
>what are you doing step bro? a scrote friend tried to make that joke once and i immediately crucified him for it. boils my blood just thinking about it. it seemed like this one was all over tiktok?
> anime moaning
on another note, i liked watching the youtuber will tennyson for a while. he seemed like a nice fitbro with a good relationship with women (girlfriend, mom, sister) but he kept making porn jokes that i had to stop. i don't mind sexual jokes if they're more self deprecating or silly. but will's jokes were more about pornography, pornstars, etc. like you watch porn like most scrotes, that doesn't make you relatable it makes you disgusting because you're so forward about it.

No. 1382430

i watched that show when it came out - i was in high school - and it just seemed like whedon's personal coom. whoever wrote it wants to fuck the 14 year old and beat up the prostitute. it's weird.

No. 1382432

yeah the reason that joke is funny is because of the way he phrased it, anon, that's grammar. word choice. etc.

No. 1382437

i hate it too. stop normalizing porn

No. 1382444

> that’s it, THAT’S the tweet
> thanks for coming to my Ted talk
> but y’all ain’t ready for that
> instructions unclear, dick stuck in ceiling fan
> you, my good sir, have won the internet
> in this presentation I will

No. 1382454

i hate that phrases like this and others posted ITT have jumped from the internet to irl where they're somehow even more obnoxious and cringe being spoken aloud. every time someone says "we love to see it!" to me in person i have to resist the urge to murder.

No. 1382465

>ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
Especially in coomer contexts

No. 1382466

>>"face card declined/Validated"!!
Not a joke but can be used as a joke. I don't know it's so corny to me along with-
>>It's the "____" for me
And my brother told me the other day about how annoying the
>women "coffee mug" emoji
Joke is. I've been seeing it everywhere now.

No. 1382467

Me too, especially since the characters in Encanto are from fantasy Latin America (gotta love it when scrotes are racist on top of being misogynistic). Either way, it's disgusting and just another case of gross coomers pornifying everything they can just like they try to "enforce" rule34 like it's a competition.
A bit of a blogpost, but I'm Mexican and I had never even come across that term until I listened to Alestorm's song Mexico, where "donkey shows" are mentioned. A concept that only males could be familiar with, I guess.

No. 1382471

whats women coffee mug? is that like gossip or something?

No. 1382476

I always see it in a misogynistic way. For example-
>> youtube short
>> woman almost trips over a wet floor sign that was in her way
>>surprised by it and moves it not thinking
>>man walks after her falls on his ass
>>gets up and puts wet sign back up
>>scrotes in the comments raging at woman
>> "Women coffee mug emoji
My brother basically said he always sees it in this context, me as well.

No. 1382478

File: 1666405727403.jpg (83.88 KB, 688x449, Screenshot_20221021-222849_Chr…)

Same anonna, I looked it up

No. 1382483

What the actual fuck? Doesn't even make sense

No. 1382484

Words cannot explain how much the meme triggers the living fuck out of me. you can't tell me that these so called "moral" porn companies are foaming at the mouth for any opportunity to make child porn.

No. 1382485

Is it me or is misogyny really coming back into style with gen z? I’m a millennial and misogynistic humor like this was not as common. Definitely lots of idiots who used “rape” to mean “awesome” but this generalized womanhate was limited to 4chan and Reddit. It seems to have left its containment chamber and infected the general population

No. 1382487

I don't think misogyny ever left. Men are hardwired to see women as lesser beings, as a foil to their desires. As long as women stand in their way of having sex and spreading their "legacy", men will always hate women no matter what.

No. 1382488

What's that one? Is that a masturbation joke?

No. 1382494

I know people are going to be like. "Can we have one threads without complaining about the troons?"
But I truly think gender identity has made it more popular.
Notice how all the loud and proud misogynist ALSO happen to be huge TRA's? Vaush, Hassan, H3H3, every edgy youtuber. 90% of bread tube etc. They used to pretend to be male feminist now they mask off and only "respect" "women" who just so happen to be born male. I always see straight up weird and aggressive misogyny by these people hidden as "jokes". You can say you hate women but it has to be white women, or Terfs.

No. 1382496

Males successfully pushed the narrative that women are just as bad as them and that equality of the sexes has been achieved so they get to say and do these things when it's all just modern day misogyny

No. 1382498

File: 1666407197739.png (44.26 KB, 667x213, goeatadick.png)

Does the clapping emoji in-between words count as a joke? This makes me see red. Imagine talking to someone and they start clapping for emphasis while they are speaking (in a very condescending manner). You'd have to be a cool cucumber not to lose your mind with anger.

No. 1382501

Those "jokes" about women fucking dogs, as if that is something that happens regularly.
The scrotes who repeat this shit only do because they get off to the idea, they're not fooling anyone.

No. 1382504

This one makes me want to a-log the most, it’s constantly popping up in my feed and it bleeds over to normal posts when a woman literally does anything mundane. There’s always one of them in the comments like they’re going out of their way to find any post made by a woman just to comment that.

Exactly how I feel, I think the new generation of males just repeat ‘woman bad’ jokes because hur dur funny and they’re immature. Goes for any minority/marginalised groups.

No. 1382505

Ulta is just trying to Wendy's it up and be relatable via social media while also badly adopting AAVE and black womens cultural mannerisms. As well as play the Troon worship card


No. 1382511

1. the bizarre uprising of men joking about being gay, “on the down-low”, being booty bandits or some very pozzed jokes about engaging in homosexual behavior with your fellow bros hurdurdur! it’s so fucking annoying and affirms my tinfoil that 99% of men are faggots and have been indoctrinated to be straight and that explains their hatred of women
2. oversexualized jokes done by men online like joking about two females having a “squirt-off”, sipping women’s bath water or sweaty towel, wanting to lick and eat women’s butts, being an overall creep for laughs, etc. again exposes how awkward, unnatural and nasty male attraction is towards women, it’s such a turn-off and reminds me of a dog wanting to lick peanut butter off a spoon, sloppy and unsanitary
3. idk how we have fallen so fucking far as a species (I truly believe it, we are low quality to begin with) but joking about rape, murder, cosplaying as serial rapists/cannibals/murderers like cosplaying or making skits about jeffrey dahmer, any jokes just making light of real life tragedies or the way women feel unsafe and uncomfortable in many situations

No. 1382512

"Oh how the turntables"

No. 1382518

"White women fuck dogs" is just one of many incel copes, one of those things they say to make women appear as degenerate as them and to blame us for all the evil in the world. I always knew it was extremely misogynistic despite scrotes telling me it was only about one specific kind of woman that's an acceptable target because of white supremacy, and that it's not misogynistic. But all the male communities that tend to make that joke are misogynistic as fuck, such as the aforementioned incels. Not to mention how saying "white women" is just a thinly veiled way to insult women in general without being called out for misogyny. Also scrotes of all races are zoophiles (there are countless cases of moids from around the world raping animals, sometimes even killing the animal in the process) and 99% of the audience of bestiality porn are male, yet somehow ""white women"" are the degenerates, and not the males who jack off to it, who manipulate traumatized women to get into zoophilia in the first place, and whose minds turn even the most innocent thing into something pornographic, right…

No. 1382593

The niconico thing isn't even meant as a joke, it's just a literal translation of utattemita or odottemita lmao

No. 1383140

What is a "face card"

No. 1383559

I fucking HATE that hentai 'jokes' became normalized, and teenagers imitate the hentai porn face and creepy pedo anime moans. Ugh

No. 1383698

have you ever worked customer service in your life? y'all is the easiest way to round up a shit ton of people without accidentally calling long haired uncle jeff ma'am. it is the perfect plural. are you fucking fifteen or a neet?

No. 1384146

nta but that's obviously not the aspect of it she's complaining about.

No. 1384231

any overdone QuIrKy variation on hot girl summer i.e. "forget hot girl summer, time for bog witch autumn!!!" which is of course met with cries of glee and delight and 10.5 retweets each time

No. 1384564

forget hot girl summer, it's time to go outdoors and exercise, then work on job applications for work in your preferred field.

No. 1387132

-"(celebrity) is a national treasure"
-"protect (celebrity) at all costs"

No. 1387149

This joke was beaten into the ground over a decade ago. Jesus Christ we fucking get it. Also Meatcanyon is so painfully unfunny I can’t even fathom why he has a fanbase.

No. 1387151

this but with all of Gianni Matragrano's shorts, its always "x popular characters but add in swearing and sex jokes"

No. 1387162

I also hate meat canyon. Kudos for making it as an animator i guess but how lomg can you reallt coast off "haha look its uglt so its funny ooo guys haha cursed image amirite guys??". Even his cameo appearance in a ted nivison video was painfully unfunny

No. 1387175

Aaarrgregrghh I hate the corn thing

No. 1387180

This is pretty autistic but I truly despise the trend of using widely known quotes without quotation marks or quoting memes without q marks when it would be just as easy to post the meme, because it feels like they’re hoping people who haven’t heard it before will attribute it to them and it feels like plagiarism-lite, such as:
>Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.
>More rights for someone else doesn’t mean fewer rights for you, it’s not pie.

No. 1387232

File: 1666810028137.jpg (245.12 KB, 1152x2048, EbDftcHWoAYApxp.jpg)

>Pumpkin Spice - White Woman Season

Just googled and meat-canyon is literally a ugly obese white man.
Whats with all these men making misogynistic jokes about women and then just putting the white label to get away with it, I wish people realized that these are the same men who would make jokes about black women and asian women too 10 years ago when it was socially acceptable.

Also very ironic of meatcanyon to make fun of others weight but he is a tub of lard.

No. 1387244

They love friendly fire, it makes them feel better

No. 1387252

anyone praising a fat defective xy is simply a misogynist

No. 1387256

The "this is the most x ever" shit. It was popular on Tumblr and then Youtube and Reddit scrotes found it and say it all the fuckin' time.

No. 1387259

Anything that men say

No. 1387263

I'm so mad mushrooms are now synonym with tifs named Sock or some other bullshit because they're genuinly both delicious and very interesting organisms.

Yes and I hate how every video on some random subject is called "the rise and fall of" or "the rise and rise of" if there hasnt been a fall yet

No. 1387321

I could write this post myself, I especially hate this joke about drugs. Someone has a little bit of imagination - woooooooow they must've been on druuuugs… And you know it's the most boring person in the world

No. 1387522

"checks notes"
saw this used here and almost went on an infighting spree.
"your local x!"
normally in the context of troon/genderspecial selfies on reddit, e.g "your local trans lesbian programmer witch here!" fuck off none of you are local to me and I will make sure it stays so

No. 1387615

>The YT thing just kinda came out of nowhere
Nah I think it started with the absurdist Nutshack parody videos where they uploaded the intro but with some stupid, random changes. Then both the naming convention and the parody format became even more popular when they did it to We Are Number One. After that, they started applying that name format to everything, not just that specific kind of parody.
And no, you're not the only one who hates it. I can't stand it at all.
It's kinda like the "POV:" tiktok videos where it's so overused that retards now use it in a way that doesn't make sense. I bet if shit like Racist Mario came out today they'd call it "Super Mario but Mario is racist".

No. 1387640

File: 1666832004758.jpg (23.31 KB, 718x87, cringe.jpg)

>See also the "stealing your meme" memes like you need to announce when you save a picture on the internet ffs
Same, especially this one.

No. 1387714

Agreed. "The narwhal bacons at midnight" is the poor man's "I like your shoelaces." Narwhals and bacon are such surface-level "random" things, like llamas or waffles. At least a person stealing shoelaces from the president is a funny mental image. Plus you only partially look like a jackass if you say it to someone who isn't in on the joke. Shoelaces are a weird thing to compliment, but it's at least a clothing item someone could conceivably compliment, unlike the Reddit thing which is just shouting non sequitur in the vein of "I herd u leik mudkipz."

No. 1387715

Or Monty Python and the Holy Grail lbr. I'm guilty of that one.

No. 1387862

Life of Brian references >>>

No. 1387873

Geeky white boys think they’re hot shit for this, also a red(dit) flag. Don’t trust these people.

No. 1387919

This joke was already so old and overdone in 2013. Desperate.
I've noticed that the white moids who love to dunk on white women are always ugly and unkempt, with fucked up beards (Bo Burnham is another example). Bonus points if they are obese too like this specimen right here.

No. 1387923

Sage because late but I think this anon has a point. If you've ever been on tiktok, you've seen the way young gen z (american AND international) speaks. They all use AAVE and it's so embarrassingly forced and unnatural because you can just tell they don't speak like that in their daily lives, especially the non-americans kids who barely understand english grammar as it is.
>omg bro chose violence fr fr nawww he finna get fucked up (skull emoji)
- some 12 year old boy from slovakia
That's why there was this whole drama about people pronouncing 'Chile' like 'Chili' a few years ago. They don't know what the fuck they're saying.

No. 1387943

hate the fact that any time a funny phrase or pic gets popular it gets beaten into the ground by everyone and beyond until it's unrecognisable and there isn't a shred of humour left in it

No. 1387952

but then also they never stop saying it. a lot of things mentioned in this thread are years old and yet still get parroted daily. is feels surreal sometimes when every mainstream social media platform has the same speech/phrases repeated in every comment section/conversation

No. 1387962

>not my proudest fap
as one of the top comments with hundreds of upvotes on a post about something tragic, like a woman who has become facially disfigured or something like slaughterhouse footage. it drives me up the wall.

No. 1387984

I genuinely never want to hear “based” or “my guy” ever again. Also, I don’t know if it counts but I hate “ok cool but” because its so passive aggressive.

No. 1388037

>blorbo or whatever unfunny shit plagues tumblr at the moment
>cringe, hear this a lot irl recently too
>all reddit jokes no exception redditors are the most pretentious and unfunny userbase ever
agree based is fine as long as its used appropriately but not as a +1
god I hate this so much especially when you catch yourself doing it. I dont want to sound like someone who hangs out online too much and I dont get why people think its cool, there is no secret internet club in todays commercialized web you losers.

No. 1388074

>>blorbo or whatever unfunny shit plagues tumblr at the moment
>>cringe, hear this a lot irl recently too
>>all reddit jokes no exception redditors are the most pretentious and unfunny userbase ever
>there is no secret internet club in todays commercialized web you losers.

No. 1388430

before i found out that ong means on god i thought it was a funny misspelling of omg, the online world was so much more tolerable before this realisation…

No. 1388726

Captioning images of celebrities or characters with "submissive and breedable". I don't care if it's ironic.

No. 1389719

>submissive and breedable
So fucking misogynistic. I'd give anything not to have to read that phrase ever again.

No. 1389798

Not really a joke but the obsession of the word “mid” is annoying as fuck to me seeing it everywhere to describe something that’s bad or mediocre. It’s such a lazy word, use any other fucking word please for the love of god open a thesaurus. I view everyone who says mid and thinks it’s funny as some braindead drooling teenager. It’s weird how one word can suddenly be picked up by everyone on the entire internet and they all think they have to use it apparently.

No. 1389837

The fucking femboy meme, makes me think the majority of zoomer males are troonfuckers or (borderline) troons now.

No. 1389888

I don't know if it was posted yet, but being a woman of color /non white woman and dating a white man and the whole "teehee my bf is a colonizer " "I'm a disgrace to my family lol" jokes. Stop

No. 1389932

I'm not American, but whenever I see "y'all" I automatically pronounce it in my head in the most obnoxious, mocking drawl possible.

No. 1389941

File: 1666985693831.gif (5.69 MB, 640x504, white-mans-whore-cry.gif)

Oooo i hate this too anon. I especially hate the whole "white man's whore" joke people use. The phrase was taken from a famous black/mixed race woman describing the horrible things people said to her for having a white husband and now zoomers use it as a joke when talking about their white crushes. It makes me cringe so hard, it comes across as very self hating. Even weirder when I see white women use the phrase. I know it's suppose to be "dark humor" but as someone in an interracial relationship with a white man it just makes me want to punch people in the face

No. 1389945

File: 1666985842106.gif (797.19 KB, 220x220, rolling-ray-eating-takis.gif)

any joke that includes reation gifs like this

No. 1389950

white women calling themselves "white man's whore" or "[non-white race] man's whore"?

No. 1389957

File: 1666986204743.gif (500.17 KB, 220x220, laugh-spit.gif)

This makes me think about the most overused reaction gif on twitter (peaked during the Trump years but can still be seen it to this day)
Like wtf is it even from? What's the origin? There should be a knowyourmeme page about it at this point.

No. 1389962

we should have a "Gif backstory" theard, yes we could google but it'd be fun to discuss them and talk about them

No. 1389964

There are white people posting this shit? My friends and I sometimes make similar jokes because none of us are white, like when we're talking about male celebrities we like. Reminds me of white men complainkng about "white feminism"

No. 1389971

No. 1390074

late af but in my 3+ yrs in specialty coffee (not Starbucks) men order flavored drinks including pumpkin spice more than women. women are usually trying to avoid tons of calories and go for americanos etc. men, especially men like >>1387232 loooove "girly" coffee drinks. age, race do not matter. it was a straight man in his 20s who made me hunt down whipped cream for his uwu mocha today. also
>wypipo dont spice dey food!!
>stupid yt girls and their delicious seasonal spice combination reeeee
pick one

No. 1390105

"Jokes" from women about how the scrote they're screwing can't please them or how dirty the scrotes apartment is. They just look stupid continuing the relationship.

No. 1390111

>No oe does that here in America or knows what that is
I've been hearing Monty Python (holy grail primarily) quotes for decades. I thought most Americans knew what Monty Python was? Flesh Wound, Laden Swallow, Fart in your General direction, are the most quoted ones I hear. It's usually from theater kids or DnD type Redditor nerd moids who try too hard to be funny

No. 1390112

yeah i've seen white women call themselves a white man's whore. It's mostly in response to the whole "white boy of the month" meme, so they'll see a picture of like, harry styles or timothee chalamet and say "ugh i'm such a white man's whore!" I think the joke is the fact they fall for every medicore guy who gets popular. But it makes me uncomfortable, if anyone is gonna joke about it i much rather it be woc

No. 1390119

it doesn't even make sense, at least when it's about another race of men there is this sort of element of subversion, weird as it may sound. literally who is surprised or offended that a white woman likes white men, that's literally just the default expectation for white women.

No. 1390302

I fucking hate the term "malewife" and I think everyone using it just needs to switch to "househusband". Feels insanely misogynistic to use the word wife specifically to convey only the stereotypical expectations/roles behind it

No. 1390310

A lot of Americans know what Monty Python is but that anon is probably just a zoomer with a pathetic peer group

No. 1390315

house husband and house spouse are cuter

No. 1390316

It sounds like your social group is trash because people in America most certainly know Monty Python

No. 1390322

on god is so retarded too

No. 1390361

Thank you. It sounds so vile. Also, I really wish women would stop adopting terms only scrotes used to use. Malewives, femboys, boypussy, etc. All of them are disgusting.

No. 1391613

File: 1667102023486.png (282.69 KB, 601x625, 1660275982774.png)

it sorta validates the opinions of sexist moids 'oh, your husband knows how to turn on the stove and not burn the house down? You don't have a husband, you have a MALE WIFE.' Ugh

No. 1391672

>A whole community filled with drama and buzzwords over a children's show.
Bro, they're spiders…

No. 1391680

kek why are zoomers so against straight ships?

No. 1391687

That's what idpol does to a mf

No. 1391712

File: 1667110637894.jpeg (203.87 KB, 1197x844, 0E7FD2A3-41F4-470B-B7D2-6AEB51…)

Yes! I got so sick of this one in particular.

No. 1391758


These jokes give me a bad feeling in my gut when I think of any children that could result from a woman who calls her man a whoremonger, and herself a whore.

No. 1391873

File: 1667129002093.jpeg (356.36 KB, 2059x1697, B580E0C6-F26D-462C-97D9-BCF927…)

>“Submissive and breedable”

No. 1391876

Major kek at the domehead on the left. Imagine having to wait on these gross and foul-smelling creatures. We really need to abolish tipping and pay waitstaff what they're owed because jfc I feel so bad for their waiter/waitress.

No. 1391914

I'm guilty of doing this when I had a short-lived relationship with some scrote, god that was one of the most embarrassing times of my life

No. 1391939

In reddit they also call males breedable, while if a woman says she fucked a guy they will scream how women cant fuck they only get fucked kek.

No. 1391976

I hate the sneed meme. It's not funny just because you repeat it.

No. 1391978

sneed harder

No. 1392009

I don't even thinks that its funny, it would have died down in a couple weeks but for some reason the mods on /tv/ seemed to hate it and deleted any thread mentioning it, so 4tards started posting more and more of it

No. 1392013

Moid humor is just repeating the same joke ad naseum, it's so tiring

No. 1392060

i fucking hate malewife too!!! implies that "wife" is a subservient role and not a female spouse

No. 1392124

What does Sneed mean? I think the sound of the word is cute. I only hear Null say it and i never got it.

No. 1392259

IDK if you're being ironic or not but if you you replace sneed with chuck it becomes "Chuck's fuck and suck".
Really when people say sneed tho, they mean "cope".

No. 1392388

“Would you still love me if I was a worm” and its spinoffs. Too corny.

No. 1392517

It was cute at first but I've owned birds for going on a decade and people just need to start talking normal again. Personal grudge against Commander Holly for this one. Same for doggo but that one wasn't personally beat into me as much.

No. 1392533

Doggo/pupper felt like it should be dead by now, but I keep seeing it come back for some reason. It made me cringe when it first started to get popular, but now that the only people I hear say it are mid-30s, it feels even more weird.

No. 1392567

>IYKYK (if you know you know)

>suggesting that everyone cheats (not really a meme just a stupid thing)

>"quiet as it's kept"

makes the person sound like a sniveling gossipmonger


I'm not white so it's not like that I just absolutely hate this spelling it sounds utterly unintelligent and borderline handicapped
Less a meme and more just a stupid thing
>That crooked mouth raised eyebrows face that everyone seems to do

Truthfully almost everything that gets repeated online is irritating.

No. 1392574

Also "borb"

Twitter is still crawlinh with "me am doggo huh hooman n am v smol" style humor amd it's incredibly hard not to kill myself

No. 1392581

>jokes about ancient greece and pederasty. bonus if they refer to them as femboys
>”spicy” white memes
>overexaggerated eastern european accents in the vain of “I cooka da meatball”
>rampant sexist jokes aimed at conservative women

No. 1392656

late but “my guy/ my dude” is the worst. themby trying to condescend you phrase, usually has a “bud” thrown in there too. they use the exact same voice and cadence when they say it too so i have to hear it in my head every time i read it. in the same vein, “uncomfy” makes me seethe. it’s always completely tonally inappropriate for whatever they’re trying to say. like it’s ALWAYS some shit like “pedophiles make uncomfy”

No. 1392665

Every time I hear "my dude" or "my guy" it's always from some white girl with short (bonus points if colored) hair who you know likes folk punk and musicals and they always say it in a way that is obvious they are trying to sound like their current 3D husbando. Usually they have the ten billion gender identity pins on. Vans. Hot topic jewelry. Black ripped skinny jeans that you know are a size too tight. I wish a thousand deaths upon the person that first conjured up the phrase.

No. 1392676


can someone explain why twittertards use this instead of saying white?

No. 1392680

twitter 120 character limit

No. 1392697

sounds like they're using a childish word so they dont sound as mean or invested kek

No. 1392926

Isn't it up to 240 now? They can spell "white".

No. 1393039

File: 1667200615223.png (8.26 KB, 281x208, scrote humor.png)

I hate scrotes and their scrote """jokes""" that are about cheating on their girlfriends, raping them or scaring them by ejaculating in their vagina

No. 1393146

>it's giving
>[something] energy
>go off i guess
>oof, yikes
> boypussy and malewife (these especially make me homicidal)

To be honest the list could go on and on lol, I'd probably end up adding every single popular phrase from Twitter or Reddit. I really despise the way people talk online nowadays. I consider it a blessing to encounter a normal, interesting discussion with no lazy, cheap or irritating buzzwords on the internet - usually on slightly old forums or blog posts. If that makes me come across as a snob so fucking be it, I hate when people purposely talk like unfunny retards.

As a sidenote, the whole thing about women supposedly having sex with dogs is so ironic considering the rapid obsession so many men have with dogs, almost to an alarming degree. They even prioritise them or treat them better/more like a human than their actual girlfriends

No. 1393172

those like “I’m so silly and insane and crazy and have many mental illnesses” it’s the new “Im so random lawl ex dee”

No. 1393328

I was about to post this,when will it finally die

No. 1393332

1 out of 10 times, it's funny if you don't expect someone to respond like that

No. 1393337

>touch grass
99% of times it's said by a terminally online person themselves

No. 1394488

when someone says "I'm leaving twitter" (or whatever) and someone thinks it's soooooo smart to respond with ~it's not an airport, you don't have to announce your departure~
yeah people making a big fuss of not updating an account any more is cringe but that response is 100% more annoying.

No. 1394549

Damn I say "my dude" pretty often, it's more of a habit since people say I sound too serious so it's to add levity. Autism is hell, sorry to everybody I've annoyed kek I look like a typical normie, if that helps. I just try to blend in tbh like most autistic women.

I always read it as YouTube at first, it's so dumb.

No. 1395576

it’s ok nonna i almost didn’t say anything because i know it’s in a lot of normal peoples regular lexicon. it’s only annoying when people are using it to be dicks, don’t worry about it

No. 1400751

"meatfluencers" saying
>Don't rub the meat. Pat it. Rub your meat on your own time.

Tired of unfunny scrotes and their dick jokes when I just want a recipe for my smoker

No. 1400758

By "meatfluencer" I thought you meant that community of people who exclusively eat meat. I'm still not sure if you mean them or men who post about their dick.

No. 1400762

Why would a man pat his penis

No. 1400771

Kek I mean the people who always post recipes for grilling and smoking meats like ribs and brisket. Though I'm sure those carnivore diet guys might still be under the same umbrella category

No. 1400772

>Who else came here from [shitty popular zoomer thing]?
>Who else is still watching this in 2022?

No. 1400774

I mean, they do crazier things with their penis.

No. 1400808

There's a tiktok thread

No. 1400810

I thought it was an abbreviation of youtube. Not sure if I have seen a tweet with it.

No. 1400812

>touch grass
>99% of times it's said by a terminally online person themselves

No. 1400834

the only people I see who say this are addicted to porn

No. 1403767

People saying "minor" instead of child or underage. People saying "content" when talking about some uggo guy talking over video game footage.
It's not wrong to use minor or content but at this point I'm so tired of seeing them. Please you some variety in your speech.
I also can't stand when people say "satire" instead of parody. The difference is subtle but they do not mean the same. Satire sounds smarter though so lots of dipshits likes to use it

No. 1403786

I don't get why so many people these past few months all decided to collectively confuse the words: satire, parody, humor, joke, inside joke, meme, irony and sarcasm. It's annoying because you'll have someone trying so hard to sound smart who will then show you a normal joke that's completely devoid of sarcasm and deeper meaning and call it satire. Or you'll have someone literally inventing a joke and everyone else will call it a meme because it used a reaction image, even though the joke lacks that element "game of telephone". And memes aren't inherently jokes.

No. 1403799

I will punch everybody that over-uses "trauma" for absolutely everything. No, your tumblr friend disagreeing with you about a cartoon ship isn't a trauma, you are just a privileged whiny kid that needs to grow up, fuck off.

No. 1403804

Only replying with "This".

No. 1403833

I find this annoying too, but honestly I've done it before because sometimes there's not much to say but "this". Based works too.

No. 1404811

The word “kiddo”. I assume anyone I see using it is a polyamorous genderspecial who’s grooming their child to troon out.

No. 1404943

If there's not much to say then there's no need to post, the endless "This." comments clog up discussions/comment sections. Not an attack on you anon, just in general

No. 1404951

File: 1668162330270.jpeg (73.27 KB, 736x718, death penalty.jpeg)

somewhere, I have a note from 2020 with my least favorite words and my guy/dude are the first entries. I don't care how autistic this is but hearing those words irks me so much and i automatically close out of whatever i'm watching/reading when they crop up. i swear people used it so much 2017-2020. I always think of them in conjunction with those rainbow surreal graphic design memes made by depressive ADHD high school redditors and theater kids, thank god that stuff died out

No. 1406148

idk if this is a joke so much as annoying nerd-language but i hate when people describe their boring stupid urban fantasy vampires as "trashpires" or whatever. trashwolves. trashmaids. trasheverything.

No. 1406242

Late af but for the life of me I still don't get what's supposed to be "hilarious" about this post, I think it's because I'm ESL and I already don't get jokes in my own language because of the 'tism. I've read several explanations and I still don't understand, to me it's just retarded moid humor.

No. 1406279

I am 100% sure the growing popularity of autism jokes is going to cause way more people to start identifying as autistic because it’s going to be cool.

No. 1406280

anyone who thinks identifying as autistic is cool is probably autistic

No. 1406290

it already is "cool" anon

No. 1406292

I guess I also don't get it because I also don't know what's so fucking hilarious about this.

No. 1406297

"He's in your walls" "I'm in your walls" etc. It was funny the first couple of times but now every time I see it I groan internally because it's soooo kpoptwit like at this point it feels like the only people still saying this are retarded kids with echolalia.

No. 1406305

Anything to do with your stepmom/stepsis being stuck in the mashing machine. " Help me stepbro"

No. 1406377

File: 1668267231367.jpg (188.29 KB, 1125x1545, 009d8fcb2fdf0ce223816293fe1f64…)

this image and saying "ma'am this is an arby's" to any story
I try to avoid men when on social media so I'm lucky enough to enever have seen this meme. The only reason I know it exist is because I have seen people mention it on lc. it's so gross

No. 1409028

File: 1668443666612.jpg (122.54 KB, 1105x1390, ohio-oh-carte-politique-dans-l…)

ohio. shut the fuck up about ohio

No. 1409034

it's all over tiktok and i still don't understand what the fuck it's supposed to mean

No. 1409058

i think it came from paranormal art being ironically captioned by randos with "can't have shit in detroit" or "only in ohio", then only ohio stuck. it's so obnoxious it drives me crazy

No. 1409066

This is fandom related but I hate the “you have to fuck my sister Leon!!!!!” Meme from the resident evil fandom

No. 1409078

I think the joke is that Ohio sounds like a very normal and boring state, so they are saying "Ohio" to stuff that is weird. I think, I don't completely get it either.

No. 1409241

anything thats like "thats ____, baby!"

i think it's used by trannys a lot and i don't know why. please get a personality. is it supposed to be funny or what?

No. 1409256

A lot of trannies are painfully corny

No. 1409317

I hate the malewife/girlboss meme and people calling male crushes their waifu or wife. I don't even know what malewife means or why people are using this, maybe some gender inside joke no idea but a lot fandom members do it.

No. 1409329

not really a joke but reading faggots talking about bussy everywhere makes me irrationally angry. it is so gross

No. 1409336

as a native-born Ohioan i can say that that is only the veneer we put on for outsiders. Almost everyone here is deeply disturbed, there is a reason we have both the highest number of astronauts and the highest number of anti-government domestic terrorist groups currently, not to mention we produced both Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer. Oh and Devo.

No. 1409676

>I already don't get jokes in my own language
no explanation will help then, you sound like someone who often does not understand a joke.
after the first guy says "my wife", you'd expect the second to say "i also choose my wife" or "me too" (meaning "i also choose my wife". but instead he says a literal version of "me too' or "same", like he's saying he chooses the exact same person as the first guy. which would be that guy's wife, like, instead of his own.

No. 1409745

NTA, I get it but it’s not funny. Men should stop making jokes altogether, especially ones about women.

No. 1409776

honestly, a lot of it is probably moids who aren't even not straight and are just BeInG IrOnIc

No. 1409824

File: 1668508351203.jpg (60.01 KB, 651x867, sss,small,product,750x1000.jpg)

>why I go to work when I want to lie around instead? Work bad. Let's stop capitalism. Marxist revolution when?

It's stupid and annoying to see the Twitter groupthink repeated but I also think it's such a lazy self victimizing idea to think work as a concept is bad. Especially since most people I know sharing those memes are overpaid freelancers who have to click a few buttons and talk to a few clients a week, they're not exploited by industrial labor, if they wanted to start a Marxist farm commune they have all the resources they could want. But uhhh that sounds like work, we're allergic to work remember. That's why communism is so cool. If you say you can't work you get headpats and others take care of you. Gulags? Never heard of Gulags. What's their IG?

No. 1409829

Ohayooooooooo gozaimasu

No. 1409954

i hate antiwork losers but at the same time, no, we should not all be wasting away at jobs just to be able to have basic human necessities. the world would be ideal if we all lived off the land and had some kind of barter system. i bet the internet wouldn't exist. imagine how awesome that would be.

No. 1409960

No one without a job is happy and sane, rich kids always end up spoiled and half insane with no real direction in life

No. 1409978

I like Devo.

No. 1409985

the job would be living off the land with a real barter system, as i said. cultures that do this right now tend to have much more positive reported life contentment. i know some tribal people do not have a word for common mental problems like "depression" because it doesn't exist. humans are not meant to naturally live under capitalism, we should be all producing our own stuff. that would be great.

No. 1409989

Like Smurfs?

No. 1410003

anti work isn't anti labor and wanting to sit on your ass all day, at least not originally. Most jobs in the first world are unnecessary and just exist because you have to work to be allowed to exist. Adhd is a thing because you cannot function in a cubicle 8 hours a day and were meant to gather. Depression wouldn't be a thing because doing stuff for your survival would get you a steady supply of dopamine. These conditions are new, where the work you do is so far removed from any reward and you don't create anything really and our brains haven't caught up. Where you're expected to supplement fulfillment with drugs, alcohol, food and mediam. The people who still actually create things and do something useful are heavily underpaid and get worked to death or disability, so saying 'just become a manual laborer then lol' is dishonest and becoming a farmer is legally near impossible.

No. 1410013

I lived like a rich kid for years and unless you have people around you that can match your lifestyle its very very boring and isolating. I'm way happier working a job and I think I value it a lot more then I previously did. I'm off sick at the moment and my days are so fucking aimless I wish I could do half days or something

No. 1410031

Anon describes how humans have lived for almost all of the past 300,000 years and your mind goes to smurfs kek.

No. 1410046

Smurfs live a natural life

No. 1410071

File: 1668527950436.jpeg (60.2 KB, 828x291, BEE8F5CF-2680-4847-A9B6-F2D4CA…)

The Mandela effect. SHUT UPPPPP.

No. 1410463

they are Ohio's greatest export

No. 1410587

File: 1668554894077.png (167.04 KB, 332x339, 9D19892A-4537-4F93-BB47-52D8A6…)

I’m surprised I haven’t seen the “aw hell naw misspelling of popular character’s name did thing!1!1!!1!1” shitpost, it was never funny. I also hate when zoomers insist that their humor is “broken” or smth because they laugh at lol randumb object + sound effect

No. 1410603

It's supposed to be 'Bernstein' anyway, nobody thought it was Berenstein

No. 1412434

"xyz has entered the chat" what fucking chat? lamest phrase ever uttered along with "x do y challenge." i cant take it. this doesnt even end at the internet i have heard people irl say it out loud and im a thirdie.

No. 1412473

"haha [x] go brr".

No. 1412488

I hate hate HATE the "what are you doing stepbro?" 'jokes'

No. 1412492

I hate how tiktokers say grape and corn instead of rape and porn and yt for whitey, it makes them sound unintelligent. I know they have to do it to avoid getting a ban but it looks dumb. Then they come here misspelling shut like we can't say those no no words dumb ass kids.

No. 1412500

ugh same, I feel like it takes away the heavy and serious nature of the subject like rape and makes it into a jokey little thing.

No. 1412996

>I also hate when zoomers insist that their humor is “broken” or smth because they laugh at lol randumb object + sound effect
They think they're unique and special but it's literally just "rawr xd i'm so random" again kek

No. 1413639

File: 1668808803885.jpeg (529.06 KB, 1168x1823, CA755EB3-46F1-4888-900D-26F530…)

I hate social media managers. Please just be normal and professional

No. 1413683

I work in digital media which means spending a small amount of time on TikTok and all the “jokes” on that cursed app make me rage so fucking hard. Especially “you thought you did something”, “she ATE” and similar cringeworthy fuckery that’s mostly used by faggots/trannies. Special mention to moids that say shit like “can you do it again? I was walking my goldfish” on videos of degenerate e-whores/attention seeking zoomers drawing attention to their tits and/or ass

No. 1413690

Its so they dont get hit with a violation of terms message as most post speaking about those things are informational or trying to tell stories fo their trauma. But usually tiktok does not consider the context of the post so if it gets reported and algorithm picks up the words rape, sexual assault, cp spelled completely then their account could be removed even if it wasn't talking about doing bad stuff

No. 1413709

Trust me most of them would never uttered the cringe they post if they didn't have to

No. 1413728

Fair, I hate the whole system that incentivizes this then

No. 1413747

Fucking hate that so much

No. 1413751

I never saw the appeal of this mem, and I saw people in their late 20's and 30's sharing it. Embarrassing

No. 1413769

Disagree hard I get insane everytime I have a job and quit after year or so to regenerate and do things because I can't do anything but sleeping and working on working days.
No idea how other people do it but I cannot function with less than 10h of sleep and taking this away from the 24h the day has plus the 8-9h work plus the commute that is usually 2h too plus the grocery shopping, cooking, papers etc. I have usually 1-2h left which I use to be depressed and angry at the world and my job.

No. 1413770

Same. It's an instant red flag to me because I will assume that people doing this are legit retarded.

No. 1413836

It's old and isn't used anymore I believe, but I hate a rAnDoM phrase in Russian which basically translates as "be unexpected like a salmon in the blueberry bushes". For example, when it was popular some moids would initiate a conversation in pm saying that they suddenly appear in front of you like a salmon jumping out of the blueberry bushes or something like that. This type of "humor" is… annoying. It's meant to be so spontaneous and original but it's more like someone was bearing down to produce it and was very proud of it and others who lack imagination started throwing it around like it's the wittiest thing they've heard.

No. 1413863

As a non-tiktoker I honestly don't even understand what you are talking about lol
Does someone just casually say to someone else they did something (why? what?) and they casually answer "I ate"?

No. 1413885

Idk beats being poor and having no direction in life.

I don't mind this meme because florida can have a rest now.

No. 1413901

Saying that someone “ate” is basically a synonym for “slayed”, which I also hate with a passion. They’ll make it even more cringeworthy by saying “she ate and left no crumbs” or if they didn’t do a good job it’s “she thinks she ate”. I fucking hate all troon/faggot jargon. I also fucking hate how they’ve all started saying “it’s giving cunt” and using cunt as an adjective like “that’s cunt”. Fucking misogynistic bullshit.

No. 1413919

it's the algorithm's fault

No. 1413946

but it's pronounced like 'Berenstein' so that's the only other spelling that makes sense.

No. 1413995

No they should just talk about "grape" somewhere else

No. 1414004

I've seen a lot of African Americans saying it too. No idea if it evolved from them or twitterfags because I'm not a burger and there's a lot of crossover.

No. 1414144

Yeah I’m not a burger either so maybe it’s not exclusive to/originated with trannies but they’re the only people I see using it besides woketard handmaidens who think misogynistic faggots are just being “sassy”

No. 1414239

Had to unsubscribe from this channel purely because of the retarded "how do you do fellow kids" shit AND retarded moids falling for it in the comment section. Fucking dumbasses.

No. 1414515

File: 1668884500886.jpg (54.94 KB, 324x592, Untitled.jpg)

white people using AAVE makes me feel violent

No. 1414579

Me too, I fucking hate it

No. 1414974

I feel like most, if not all popular humor now is just black people speaking. Years ago when Toy Story 4 came out, every time the stuffed animals (voiced by black men) started speaking, the entire audience would bust out laughing. Like…..what the fuck? Even aave written as text is annoying.

No. 1415027

It really annoys me too, but then I’m irrationally angered by any language butchering

No. 1415054

it's weird cause years ago this was considered cringe and they would've been called wiggers

No. 1415258

Black people on SM need to stop attacking only white people for this because other POC think their cringe behavior gets a pass because they're not getting bullied for it or corrected. I've seen so many POC act like they came out the womb black and the excuse they always use is "I came from the hood cuz", "I grew up around black people".

No. 1416498

Late again but the second dude didn't even say "me too", he literally said "I also choose this guy's dead wife" which sounds like a weird cucking threat, it doesn't even sound like a joke. Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse but I'm desperately trying to understand why so many people are losing their shit on this reddit post.

No. 1417523

"If you know you know", no I don't know.

No. 1417527

someone saying something then "I dont remember asking" in order to shut down their talking

No. 1417536

>tell me you're x without telling me you're x
fuck off

No. 1417589

Then you don’t know. It’s not a joke

No. 1417691

That one meme format where it’s two things being compared or a right/wrong tutorial and some braindead commenter comes in with “they’re dating”. It was cute at first until it started happening with literally every single post with two humanized things on it.

No. 1419850

“you get no bitches”
“it’s so obvious that he’s bitchless”
“no bitches?”

this is all over tiktok & twitter. what the fuck is that? it’s misogynistic as fuck, why the fuck is using bitches as a synonym for women so fucking common. i’ve seen a few viral tweets expressing discomfort over it but it’s still extremely common and i find it so disturbing. “black twitter” does it all the time too. a typical tweet from there would say “my bitch…” or “my hoe…” you can’t even type something like “my girl” or “my gf”? it’s so dehumanizing. and the pickmes will also refer to themselves and other women as bitches or other misogynistic words. “me and my nigga be looking at other bitches’ asses! you hoes just be insecure!”

when will these people mass suicide?

No. 1419900

idk it works against mansplaining

No. 1420186

> 1388037
"based" is so fucking annoying to me but only when males say it. it just seems so agressive and embarrassing for some reason.

No. 1420206

the word "girlboss"

No. 1420238

Somehow the response "based on what" has not gotten old for me but it's a matter of time

No. 1420305

File: 1669312255952.png (112.86 KB, 500x500, ghost.png)

I STILL don't understand where this meme came from. I love watching tik tok cringe comps and it's happened like three times where there are clips spliced in of white men letting their dogs lick the inside of their mouths and one dude slurping his dogs tongue. It is the most putrid display of male degeneracy I've ever seen
Any moid trying to push this meme is confirmed a dog fucker

No. 1420362


No. 1420437

i hate "content" so much, it's bad enough influencers calling themselves "content creators" but now i'm starting to see normal people doing it as well?? don't enable them

No. 1420457

Even those zoophile/zoosadists are all fucking men

No. 1420461

i still never understood this one

No. 1420465

I heard the "no bitches" meme came from tumblr

No. 1420704

holy fuck there's people who literally never saw the books? he thinks it's only a show?

No. 1420706

>you don't understand, we have to censor our speech so the chinese government will publish our content

No. 1420707

what's bussin, is that like bussy? i'm scared to find out.

No. 1420708

terry pratchett did it better

No. 1425218

I absolutely HATE “Oh you sweet summer child”. It’s so dorky and so condescending at the same time and I hate it so much

No. 1425227

This is actually a nice phrase. Most of those substitutes are usually stupider and lack the tradition, longevity and mystery of astrology

No. 1425237

It’s a parody of zoomer-speak. It means ‘good’

No. 1425245

If the “victims” are happy about it what makes you believe it’s rape?

No. 1425250

Btw men frequently die from rabies after raping dogs, especially in 3rd world countries. Like everything else these demons say, it’s purely projection. Do NOT leave your pets unattended in the presence of a scrote. They will shove that damn hamster up their prostates.

No. 1425268

It's gross as fuck. I don't understand how people could make jokes about situations like that.

No. 1425276

Statutory is legally rape and grooming is bad.

No. 1425277

I always wondered if it was some psyop to make women less likely to own a dog in fear of social stigma so they would be easier for incel scrotes to attack since they don't have a potentially violent animal to contend with while trying to commit a crime against a woman.

No. 1425336

Me too, I fucking loathe it so much it makes me want to punch the screen whenever I see it, especially on here. A “fuck off, newfag” would suffice

No. 1425339

And this scrote logic >>1425245 harms women by invalidating our own experiences

No. 1426542

i hate it on reddit when there's a top comment that spurs its own thread of people repeating some variation of it

No. 1426602

ooh i like this tinfoil

No. 1426617

this is really broad but i hate how the youtube comment section has transformed into the majority of users trying to make meme jokes

No. 1426628

Holy shit, yes. It reeks of 2017.

No. 1426669

i hate weezer jokes. tik tok and twutter zoomers have been making them for almost three years now. if i have to see the blue album cover one more time…

No. 1426677

uh no. normal people dont care about incel memes. men just think women fuck literally everything (except them of course.)

No. 1426884

I know normal people don't care, I just think that's what the incels were trying to do, not that it would work but that retard incels would think it would work.

No. 1430345

File: 1670016039396.png (204.74 KB, 464x331, fetch.png)

People are trying to force this word "rizz" to be a thing, which is basically a synonym for "game" when trying to pick up women. It sounds stupid as hell to me.

No. 1430359

File: 1670016608503.gif (4.1 MB, 640x404, B453E167-F4A5-4927-82D6-9E6319…)

"bro" "skull emoji" "be so fr right now" "skill issue" "mid" "bussin" "no cap" fucking stoooppppppp itt

No. 1430382

malewife irritates the living hell out of me, worse is when women use it (online), they think it’s “cute”. I never follow those quirky retarded artists who use it or unfollow them in a instance. Just say house husband or trophy husband like a normal person.

No. 1431119

When people say committing sudoku instead of seppuku, also any variation of doing X in Minecraft, like face the wall in Minecraft, I don't get it, is this some kind of self censorship to avoid getting banned? It's not funny any way.

No. 1431155

It's mostly self-censorship to take off the edge, but there are also literal voice and text filters where you can't even say "suicide" anymore of the content gets flagged, which is why "become unalive" and other shit took off

No. 1431200

i feel similar to people who say stuff like "the new zealand agricultural forum" or "le mongolian basketweaving forum" for kiwifarms or 4chan. as if those places are so esoteric/muh sekret klub that cringe normies don't know about them and you're so smarter than plebbitors even though all those sites have huge crossover.

No. 1431203

File: 1670089624922.jpg (205.34 KB, 680x961, 094.jpg)

Idk I thought this comic was pretty funny

No. 1431233

>When people say committing sudoku instead of seppuku
This is a way older meme than any of that minecraft or censorship stuff. And it's not making fun of suicide, just a joke on mixing up similar japanese words to say something ridiculous

No. 1431344

File: 1670097818066.jpg (366.57 KB, 1600x900, rstea2.jpg)

>being this pressed in a Japanese tea ceremony forum

No. 1431702

Ayrt and I just don't think it's funny, I don't care about making fun of suicide or anything, it's just boomer tier humor to me. I didn't even think it was self censorship or that it had anythingto do with the Minecraft shit, I should have made two different posts actually because they really had nothing to do with each other initially.

No. 1431984

that one comic from what feels like over a decade ago about having depression but functioning and cleaning anyway, with the dumbass reddit-tier shoopdewoop art, about doing the THING and gonna do ALL THE THINGS, and how that phrase has now entered common usage in America so now I hear the stereoptypical senior waitress at Denny's talking about how she's gonna DO THE THING. it drives me absolutely insane, this use of phrase. it's nice to watch older movies and shows where no one ever mentions having to DO THE THING. it comrs off as infantilizing, but honestly it's annoying more to me because I know it's origins are internet retarded and it entered the real world anyways.

No. 1461257

i'm pretty sure it's short for charisma i think

No. 1481311

I fucking hate the whole "mother" thing. A woman will do anything and twitterfags will start going "MOTHERRR!!! This is so mother!" I don't fucking get it what the fuck is it even suppose to mean? Like I can understand how "Mommy" caught on just like "Daddy" because of degenerate kink shit a la Freud but this is completely divorced from that and there is no "Father" equivalent, seemingly having no relevance to the actual meaning of the word?

No. 1481318

Haters gonna hate but Allie Brosh was the internet comic GOAT and Hyperbole and a Half is still good.

No. 1482145

based and true. i wish I could be as naturally unhinged as allie

No. 1563568

File: 1682879152474.gif (1.37 MB, 465x498, mauzymice-oooooo-you-like-boys…)

i want to go on a homicidal rampage when i see this faggot furry thing

No. 1563601

File: 1682882236225.jpg (455.86 KB, 1382x2048, mother!.jpg)

Maybe they're referring to the horror movie "Mother!"? I've never seen the movie so I don't know what it would mean if that is actually what they're talking about.

No. 1563607

Mother is used as a term similar to “slay” or “serve” or “ate” it’s just another way of saying someone (in the case of mother, always a woman) did something good or cool. Like when they say Lady Gaga is so mother they mean lady gaga is so cool etc

No. 1563820

Its from a Drag Race, "Mother" is just as aspect of ballroom culture where gay moids in womanface honor other gay moids in womanface

No. 1563931

God my blood boils when I see people put giggles at the start of their sentence. It’s not cute it is obnoxious. I’m so glad it’s dying.

No. 1563932

Hehehe calm down silly

No. 1564023

File: 1682897909183.gif (3.5 MB, 396x498, sazzybarb-saucy-santana.gif)

>Face Card never declines thats on period, pooh! Face card always valid can't never take her face card away! Thats one thing you can't do!!!!!

and people who use gifs like this while using that language, in fact, any gif that includes this scrote. I know gay men (Especailly gay black men) like to say they've created every single popular "Urban" saying, but I wish that shit would just stay there. It annoys the life out of me to see "Ate" "it's the ____ for me!" "FACE CARD VALID/NEVER DECLINES!" being used seriously.
I don't know maybe i'm just in a bad mood.

No. 1564031

What do you mean? The jiggling emoji? Pls explain bc i do that. Why? So many questions

No. 1564228

I think it has more to do with the fact that white gays and teenage girls cling to that shit and like to absorb any lingo others use into their own arsenal. It sounds natural coming from the people who talk like this regularly in their own communities, but when you see the same annoying tryhard men who have no real personality or sense of self steal it like it's a meme format it becomes annoying. They beat everything into the ground.

No. 1564335

>It annoys the life out of me to see "Ate" "it's the ____ for me!" "FACE CARD VALID/NEVER DECLINES!" being used seriously.
Agreed, ‘AAVE’ just sounds so silly.

No. 1564368

every single person who posts this kind of memes is a straight girl who wishes she was a gay boy

No. 1564373

I personally love it idk. It’s just a language at the end of the day. It’s honestly fascinating when you look at it that way but if you don’t want to who am I to force you.

No. 1564379

“Simple as”
I hate it so much. Please kill yourselves.

No. 1564427

The fact "serving cunt" has quickly moved from gay lingo to zoomer online lingo please no

How come we get shit like serving cunt and mother but there are zero shitty new words for men. We get it, we are cunts and mothers, this isn't wit

No. 1564428

"Oh" by itself is the new one and it's 100% used towards women in a passive aggressive mean way

No. 1564651

File: 1682964260277.jpg (64.22 KB, 538x673, 1639243836406.jpg)

"it's giving"
"they/them pussy"
Faggot language is a plague

No. 1564654

>he is so baby girl
Why can't zoomers express attraction in a normal way.

No. 1564655

I think it's funny how no one says anything about "they/them dick" and the enby scrotes are even malding over it.

No. 1564707

The first time I saw "serving cunt" it was by chance on pinterest, written on the picture of a female kpop idol, I was appalled. I still have no idea what it means by the way.

No. 1564712

Me neither, sounds like an insult, like crudely telling someone they're a servant.

No. 1564908

One of my favorite lesser known older shows does this on it's official youtube and I want to die. It's so cringe I hate it. I can't ever link anyone to one of it's clips because it's too terrible.

No. 1564925

calling animals "blud"/"young blud"

No. 1564926

calling animals "blud"/"young blud"

No. 1564927

calling animals "blud"/"young blud"

No. 1564930

it's from the black vogue/ballroom scene. "serving soft and cunt" is a compliment.

it's the usual zoomers retconning black culture to sound "cool" but just coming off retarded.

No. 1564945

but what's being complimented..i don't get it

No. 1565021

Femininity and superiority

No. 1565082

It sounds stupid even in its original sense. I don't care if it's black culture or not, it's misogynistic and retarded

No. 1565197

No not the emoji like the literal word giggles people will put at the start of a sentence

No. 1565442

>they/them pussy

It has the same amount of syllables as "straight girl pussy" at least.

No. 1565468

It's so they can directly address women without getting canceled. Same with how the word big has virtually replaced the word fat in Twitter insults.

No. 1565990

ok so gay men definitely did not invent this, but it's aave therefore originated from black people and the people growing up near them

No. 1566860

The word “hecking” and associated phrases like “hecking valid” and “hecking doggo”


No. 1567638

non-black gay men stealing from black gay men stealing from black women as usual lol

No. 1568805

doesn't matter who said it first, you all sound retarded

No. 1674782

Posting "vaxxed??" when people die in various circumstances, to make fun of covid anti-vax people. Funny at first, now people rush to say it at every death it's annoying.

No. 1674792

Why couldn’t he get liposuction BBLs are an abomination I’ve never seen a realistic one

No. 1674793


No. 1674834

Fuck yes i got sick of rizz the first time I read it on chatbot related forums and have only seen it a million times since.
And I’m sure it’s been mentioned but the porn image of the white girl on a couch surrounded by the black dudes is gross and I see it referenced in random normie memes every so often. Porn isn’t a funny punchline.

No. 1674955

It means fierce. Powerful and confident. Mother/father means "person I really admire".
This one doesn't actually bother me because the people saying that do genuinely admire the women they're talking about to like, obsession levels. It started spreading on TT from a sound clip of Azealia Banks praising women by calling them cunts kek

Phrases that personally drive me insane are >>1417523, >>1417536 and "is the x in the room with us?" Also the word cheugy, nobody except tryhards uses it. It had a moment maybe last year and died because it sounds so ugly.

Omg yes, and all the associated cutesy millennial reddit lingo. "I did a thing", "what the frick frack!", etc

No. 1675446

“gyatt” and adding “girl” to words like girlfail, girl dinner it makes it worse when trannies do the girl thing. i also hate repetitive tiktok audios like “thank you to my man” and the deported by 6 one and when people reference them irl trying to be funny its just so fucking surreal

No. 1675454

No. 1675473

Bro really said

No. 1675525

skull emoji

No. 1675624

File: 1692869918045.png (543.7 KB, 828x770, IMG_9742.png)

Porn addicts and porn stars need to be shamed more. I fucking hate how I get all these references despite never watching it and I hate how dumbass teenagers make these jokes too. Drive them back underground into their goon caves because they aren’t fit to mix with regular people.

No. 1675632

Hopefullly someone reads this, kek but, Male pornstars are very vile, people focus on the women, but i've learned a lot of shit about them on sites like datalounge, because gay men of course, will gossip about pornstars straight/gay. Some "Straight" pornstar who sleeps with women, men and trans, but only trans and women irl and dates a pornstar transgender with a dick (kek) was literally posting online about him and his trans gf, willing to exchange sex for drugs like wtf. Very openly.

So many predators, so many weirdos. I saw a story about some mentally ill Tif, complaining that some disgusting gay scrote she was screwing in a porn set seemed to be very aggressive towards her sexually. The fact there's TIFs sleeping with Positive gay pornstars makes me sick. There's a famous gay pornstar I think his name is Jonny vapid? i can't remember, but he got arrested for choking his girlfriend because she didn't want to have sex with a 14 year old. I don't know if he's still active, he was one of those "gay for pays" who eventually came out as what he was, bisexual, but he would brag about fucking his girlfriend until she bleed.
There's a few pornstars who molested kids, one who gave a Child a STD/STI and I think he's dead. There's a known super degen, some bald white guy who people say has raped people. Natalie Mars is connected to at least 2 young troon pornstars getting into porn and both have major issues. One is the dude from the Goonclown situation.
It's a bunch of gross shit. I can only imagine how horrible the straight performers are.
There's a reality star, who was on one of those VH1 shows, years ago he had a meltdown and blamed it on his dad/depression. Turns out his troon girlfriend was trying to expose him and the directors of the show wanted to have the troon on the show without the scrotes say so. So he threw a man baby fit. Then he cheats on his girlfriend, humilating her, and joking about it. Theres a video of him showing his asshole and the girlfriend immedeitly broke up with him.
Years later, we find out that it's because she probably figured that he was sending ass pictures to transwomen. Now after having a kid, and his rap career failing he decides to come out as disgusting.
He drinks piss, he gets walked on leashes in public, he flashes his ashy dick in public, he's getting pegged and doing gross interviews about his love for transgender dicks and how he's not "Gay".
I kinda wished we had a thread on male pornstar cows. Datalounge has a lot of funny/sad information. I find something so interesting about men who sleep with men but claim to be straight, but eventually 75% of them end up, coming out, or simply "Soft coming out" by dating/fucking troons/along with women. There's also apparently a heavy push for straight men to do scenes with transgenders, as well as gay men to do TIF scenes, that the gay men on Datalounge HATE.

Some of these pornstars even have wives/girlfriends but act like they HAVE to fuck men in the ass to make a living, kek.

No. 1675639

I know this bisexual dude who I met at a school event who is now a semi well known gay porn star right now and is doing pedo-bait saying he is 18 years old when he was born in 2000. He is also an escort on the side and uses many aliases. It's nasty as fuck. I am interested in porn cows thread, they are quite the lulzy bunch.

No. 1675651

I’d be so down for a porncow thread. We have an onlyfans one but I feel like it’s a bit different.

No. 1675690

I am the destroyer of worlds etc., anything barbenheimer related. reddit humour in general.
idk if it's one person makes joke, some people go haha steal/repost, the rest is a million bots and dead internet? if it's genuinely braindead people parroting for updoots is it not bleaker though?

No. 1675727

There should be one for the sex industry in general, there are a lot of cowish women on strippertok

No. 1675734

Tumblr humour is annoying, like "the horrrors…", "girlrotting", and those edgy anime memes that are like "I'm so mentally ill"

No. 1675743

im pretty sure it’s bots, or at least i hope they’re bots

No. 1675748

i’m 100% the people that say this on a daily basis aren’t even people, they’re bots

No. 1675753

The tumblr writing style. I don't even know how to explain it.

No. 1675763

do you mean the way tumblr posts are written or do you mean the way tumblr users write (fake) stories?

No. 1675811

There's a porncow thread on KF if you want to research for a thread or just read it instead

No. 1675963

I hate that word so much. They really really tried so hard to make that word a thing and failed hard.

No. 1676175

File: 1692910514563.png (596.92 KB, 1080x796, Screenshot_20230824-134824.png)

Agree, cunt and cunty is extremely overused and only used as shock value, degrading, or praising gay men. Gay moids use it as "I'm better than women, I'm cunty-er than women, I'll steal your man etc." And for everyone else it's a way to be edgy or woke, like a straight white YouTube man with painted nails saying "I'm serving cunt."
It just feels wrong, makes my skin crawl and I don't have a dissertation to explain why it feels so gross and overdone.
Screenshot is of two songs promoted songs that were on a dance cardio playlists.

No. 1676196

is KF back on the clearnet

No. 1676205

i hate the lyrics of her new song but i love zheani even if she seems like a bit of a cow kek

i have a coworker who uses all the sassy black/gay man/twitter zoomer slang and it's insufferable. i will never understand how a straight white girl whose only connection to the gay scene is rupaul's drag race and once working in our city's gay district doesn't feel embarrassed saying shit like "this is cunt" and "it's giving (blahblahblah)."

No. 1676270

That “Instructions unclear, car on head” thing. Have an original joke for once in your life.

No. 1676648

No. 1677217

“We must stay focused brothers”

No. 1677225

“Eepy.” Holy fuck if you’re going to pretend to be an animal online we’re going to put you down like one

No. 1677227

Ugh yes. Can’t stand the “girls when ___” memes either

No. 1677325

File: 1693009963279.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.11 KB, 1079x1013, 876-0992.jpg)

hey nonny

No. 1677506

It’s kind of irritating when people describe something as being a “vibe.” I need more vocabulary than this!

No. 1677530

>Hear me out.
>He/she's a ten, but ____.

No. 1683120

Came here to say this, glad I’m not alone. Troons LOVE this one

No. 1683415

Why do you hate cute funny stuff? Eepy isnt even overused

No. 1900847

I don’t find the “goon cave”/“gooner” thing funny. Those men are just lame porn addicts which isn’t entertaining. I feel like after incels people wanted a new internet subculture to laugh at and this was the only thing they could find.

No. 1900915

Specific to this site, but anons calling a certain actress 'floor poo' in Celebricows thread. Creativity of a five-year-old child.

No. 1900919

It should be against the law to bump threads with ugly thread pics

No. 1901139

File: 1708877839591.gif (1.81 MB, 720x487, enjrvc6p6yjc1.gif)

Any pokemon fans that spend 1 minute in any online community knows the awful and unfunny beaten to death copypasta moids post about wanting to rape Vaporeon…

No. 1901226

same! she's so my type that it hurts and I love her aesthetic and videos. Her music can be hit or miss… I wish it was better produced sometimes.

No. 1901353

The only good pokemon copypasta is "however Flareon is the only fully evolved Fire-type Pokemon that cannot learn SolarBeam"

No. 1901445

the "i think i hauve covid" one. just unfunny imo

No. 1901532

>"hehe he Barbussy"
>Insert "Chris Fucked his mother joke"
I'm going to make a rant about this elsewhere because I have a lot to say about this topic.

No. 1901544

Kinda related but at least floor poo is classic toilet humor. Referring to BPD/women with BPD as “bippies” makes me cringe so hard. Sounds like some cringe cutesy shit pixielocks would say.

No. 1901828

"bestie" and "girlie" make me see red I s2g. also the "this is who you're being mean too btw" trend, idgaf that you're comparing yourself to a sylvanian family doll or stupid cartoon deer. annoying.

No. 1917500

>this is me doing (some shit)
>absolutely neutral unfunny picture
>cute/funny picture which could be posted without "this is meeeee literally meeeeeee ME ME"

No. 1917608

"me when" shit is so cringe and unfunny lmao i agree

No. 1917621

I associate this one primarily with sex pest trannies.
The two I hate that I’m seeing a lot of comments on YouTube with are “womp womp” and “chat is this real”

No. 1917648

I hope no one gets angry at this but I always found the "men can't find the clit" memes weird. Not because I think it's untrue but because of the subject matter being kinda awkward. I specifically remember when fucking Corey Taylor retweeted a meme about the design of a floor of a building resembling a labia, and the emergency door is like the clit, and people were like "men won't be able to find the door haha". Or the flower that couldn't be found by male scientists but female scientists found it and named it after the clit because men cannot find it. It's such a 2010s meme idk how to explain it.

No. 1917672

File: 1710003012817.jpeg (Spoiler Image,144.81 KB, 960x949, IMG_0537.jpeg)

Nah I get what you mean anon and I always thought they were corny. I don’t think it even holds up today with how much pornography is readily accessible for men and if they aren’t complete retards can figure it out on their own. It’s very 2010s libfem tumblr to me.

pic related is one that did make me laugh though

No. 1917703

Men hate pets for the same reason they get jealous of their newborns. They hate when women focus their attention on anything that isn’t a man

No. 1917705

That shit makes the website barely useable. It’s like when a subreddit hits above 20K it becomes typical Reddit trash and annoying to use

No. 1917717

I wish we could go back to proper speech. I wish the AAVE linguistic debate never existed

No. 1917719

"Pussy in bio", I don't even get the "joke".

No. 1917746

It's because porn bots on twitter keep spamming it under tweets, do people turned it into a meme.

No. 1917772

Reddit is possibly the most idiotic social media to exist, topped maybe by YouTube. Idk if it’s the dead internet, bots or what but these people never had an original thought in their life, there’s barely any discussion in mainstream subs, just repetitive posts, unfunny jokes run into the ground and gif spams. Top it off with their extreme coomer mentality.

No. 1917775

Samefag, but the design is also ugly as fuck, I hate that I have to read the most stupid and degenerate opinion possible next to these retarded avatars.

No. 1917805

>le quirky schizoposting
It's especially unfunny when discord trannies do it

No. 1917806

That or a 30 year old TiM

No. 1917898

>and if they aren’t complete retards can figure it out on their own.
Now that's a funny joke

No. 1917915

I want a discord schizoposter and an actual schizo that hurts people and thinks he is being followed by lights in the sky to get locked in a room together

No. 1917920

he turned out to be a pedo groomer, what a shock

No. 1917951

schizo becoming a meme is irritating, it's like "I'm random and quirky" for wannabe edgelords.

No. 1918893

It's like the new
>lol is this person high?

No. 1920084

IJBOL is so blatantly not funny you have to be some kind of retarded to use it

No. 1920220

File: 1710141124449.png (112.86 KB, 500x500, ghost.png)

>tfw thought it said creepypasta

You know what the pokemon ones were awful but I'll take the creepy pasta over the coomer one.

No. 1920225

They think they're ironic and subversive, dont bother trying to pathologize how gay Logged In men think

No. 1920687

Not really a joke but I hate the way people censors themselves with silly words, especially with it comes to serious subject.
Saw "sensual assault" instead of "sexual assault" on Youtube comments recently and was fuming.

No. 1922849

anything to do with lobotomies reeks of misogyny

No. 1922855

even if i'm talking about myself?

No. 1922857

Lobotomies were used to rape and silence women wbk

No. 1935562

File: 1711147753484.png (45.34 KB, 742x535, vGgva.png)

I don't want to hear any convoluted logic explaining how this retard joke is supposedly degrading men, so it's based, To me this stupid joke will always be pure misogyny.

No. 1935582

I have no idea what's going on here, but I'm just glad I don't have twitter, and none of these annoying mutuals

No. 2069052

Any video of character or person reacting in an excited manner, positively or negatively, it never fucking fails to see this comment on top:

"…Dumbledore said calmly."

No. 2069108

I hate that this one makes me laugh

No. 2069242

Anything that goes like "men will never understand what it’s like to put on make up while watching sex and the city and listening to lana del rey blah blah“ or scrotes posting stuff like "haha i don’t want a stacy i want a bisexual goth mommy with piercings to ruin my life im so different“

No. 2069540

The word "oof". I read eromanga and the fucking amount of times I've read the OFFICIAL translations randomly use "oof" completely fucking ruins my immersion. It should've stayed a roblox meme or whatever the fuck. Sucks that I can't read fantranslations anymore because the scangroups take their version down or stop updating when the officials come out so I'm stuck with retarded official translations with internet brainrot.

No. 2070186

All that gay shit from 2015 like "ermagerd" and "all of the things!"

No. 2070206

anything involving the word rizz

No. 2071430

File: 1719715518769.jpg (206.9 KB, 584x584, hook twah.jpg)

This Hawk Tuah! Bullshit is so fucking annoying. Another meme about women being sexualized, big woop!

No. 2073554

"in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant" and "the feminism leaves my body" comments make me wish I could strangle people through the screen. If I heard someone say shit like this irl, I'd probably lose it.

No. 2077739

The Kelly osbourne meme where she says something super ignorant and someone goes “oh that’s not” . 2018 called they want their meme back

No. 2077740

Ok this one is kinda funny

No. 2077745

We can finally blame millennial women for this, not zoomies for pushing that gay ass shit (that ended up making her lose her job at the hands of bitter moids who can’t stand a woman getting in the 15 minutes of spotlight kek)

No. 2077746

All Twitter homosexuals are stuck perpetually in 2018 so you aren't gonna stop hearing that one for awhile

No. 2077776

I blame boomers and millennials for this shit.

No. 2077801

How did she lose her job? Thats ridiculous

No. 2077807

Moids making "cunny" jokes and then pretending they're not pedophiles, gooner/coomer and edging bullshit, memes about wanting their epic jp submissive gf and asians not aging, white women fuck dogs, rape jokes, "ironically" hating women or telling people your real opinion or fetish and repeating the same shit over and over then when it's called out going "it was just a joke bro". Pretty sure if you're repeating the same shit 500 times and also want it irl it isn't ironic anymore. For example when men tell me (insert fetish) and make it their entire "thing" or epic ironic joke meanwhile they DO actually have that fetish. It's disgusting. I also hate the "cultured individual" bullshit moid weebs spout when it's just a porn addiction, not any type of culture

No. 2077828

File: 1720115042944.jpeg (121.02 KB, 750x335, IMG_1589.jpeg)

Nvm, it was a rumor retards were spreading around. I believed it because it’s something that does actually happen to women online kek

No. 2077831

Why is it millennial womens fault? Not arguing just genuinely confused by this statement kek.

No. 2077869

Can you explain how this is a millennial and boomer fault? She looks like a zoomer to me

No. 2077870

ntayrt but i think its because boomers and milennial ladies are the ones who keep posting about her?

No. 2077871

The meme itself is exclusively popular with Facebook boomers

No. 2077875

She quit her job and she's got a team now to try and ride this thang to the bank. Personally think she's underestimating just how fast memes die out now but it wasn't some amazing job she quit either.

No. 2078037

I have a feeling that she's somewhat aware of her 15 minutes of fame, and that she's going to milk it quickly as possible until she has enough assets and money in the bank to quietly ride off into the sunset when her fame fades away.

No. 2078045

File: 1720128200138.webp (54.26 KB, 1125x1215, img_1_1720127829497.jpeg)

You have also moids claiming that 'whamen are sooo triggered by it’, picrel. Literally never saw any woman mentioning this girl besides anons above.

No. 2078046

they always have to pretend women get triggered by everything when they're the ones shitting their pants over memes (like the bear one). I also don't think women dislike this meme for…Being jealous of her? Lmfao. It's just gross and unfunny basically

No. 2078056

I wasn't even aware this existed until seeing this post. I'm glad to be out of touch kek

No. 2078070

I’m not triggered by her specifically, I just think spit is vomit-inducing and the mental image is nasty.

No. 2078071

The reason I found out about this girl was because there was a trending thread on LSA of them whining about her going viral. Theres SOME people who are a tiny bit butthurt about this, but not to a large extent.
It's mostly, "Why did she go viral for something so dumb/gross?"

No. 2078076

We're all irked on how these scrotes are like violent apes bouncing against their cages at the simple innuendo a pretty woman has sex

No. 2078082

She looks like a greased up oily pig, which means she looks like Pokimane whenever she wears makeup

No. 2078097

Was this posted on 4chan or something, nobody gives a fuck about her and I’ve seen numerous videos of people calling it unfunny/didn’t care for the joke and didn’t even know what it meant. I didn’t even know what it was until a few anons kept complaining about it for a few days

No. 2078126

I've seen men triggered by it, arguing with each other about how dateable or not dateable she is. Whether in their fantasy world where she'd date any one of them they'd totally just turn her down anyway because eww sexual. Think my fave was
> She's got all these men sexualizing her, no man wants to deal with that!
The fact that they even have to argue that against other men kinda proves otherwise.

No. 2078182

Yeah I forgot to mention coomers getting super defensive over it. Like claiming if you don't like it you don't get head or smthg

No. 2078222

I remember seeing some conservitard implying people care more about this woman than pride month. I'm still baffled why a certain demographic of white men are so obsessed with this woman, it's not the first time a white woman has said something spicy in one of those retarded redpiller interview things. The only comparison to this is when a somewhat attractive white woman would make a video that's absolutely cringe and unfunny, but white men will swear up and down like she is hilarious and gorgeous purely because they think some feminist someplace, somewhere is seething about the attention she is getting. This is my whole take away from this. Personally, i think she seems embarrassing.
They are correct. There was nothing remarkable about the video. I am honestly shooked men aren't just saying she has a loose vagina or something.

No. 2078285

File: 1720142931587.jpg (118.13 KB, 1080x720, 20240704_202605.jpg)

I thought even moids hated this shit is it a bot magnet or something?

No. 2078358

It’s mostly reposted by boomers, cringe 'haha SEX!' normies and 'PHEMALES got OWNED with this one' types. Depends on moids, 4chan basement dwellers will hate her for mentioning sex and some anti-sjw types will praise her as their anti-feminist hero, anything to bring women down.

No. 2078415

Samefag, but it’s probably the same scrotes claiming that Sydney Sweeney’s breasts ended wokeness or whatever. They would hate seeing any other woman being sexual and would say she’s ran through, but since it’s triggering their imagined femoid adversaries, she’s a cool girl and totes not like these feminazis.

No. 2078998

I thought it's all males hating on her.

No. 2079247

I hate also only seen men triggered and calling her a slut for daring to say a sex joke, and of course complaining how easily women get attention. It is a dumb thing to say but I hope she manages to make some cash of it.

No. 2079334

File: 1720224028958.gif (49.94 KB, 220x139, teng.gif)

Yeah especially because the "hawk" part implies that she's like… sucking snot back from her nasal cavity. So she's not even spitting on his dick, he's firing a snot rocket on it. And then putting the snot back on your mouth when you suck his dick. Oh god, just writing this makes me want to puke. Straight sex is so nauseating.

No. 2079350

Are you 5 or something?it's none of those.

No. 2079891

“Let him cook”, “no, they’re cooking” etc
also any variables of “ate”

No. 2079899

kek thats exactly it. Like an angry chimpanzee hanging on the bars of the cage, violently wrenching it back and forth and freaking out because they're not the ones having sex with a pretty lady.

No. 2098037

>wyte pepo have no rhythm/can't dance
I'm not even white but this shit is so lame for implying race correlates with dancing out of all things.

No. 2098065

Using car instead of cat
"Are you acoustic?" Or some variation of that
"Hear me out"
"I should call him/her"
"Everything reminds me of her"
"That's what she said"
That snarky ass sideways looking emoji to imply something sexual, plus the eggplant, water droplets, and moaning emojis
And 'wamen bad drivers' seems to be making a big comeback on insta right now, complete with that "I turn now, good luck everybody else!" clip from family guy. I watch a lot of dash cam videos

No. 2098215

File: 1721568824630.jpg (56.4 KB, 640x642, kj01y5xpcxb31.jpg)

>since it’s triggering their imagined femoid adversaries
Right wing scrotes need to pretend they are always triggering le ebil ugly feminists. Even though if anyone is complaining it's because they are tired of how heavily forced this meme is. I haven't even watched it but I know everything about it.

No. 2099022

The hawk tuoah meme needs to die already.

No. 2099187

when people say things like "bro thought he did something", "bro thought he ate", "bro tried to kill the president" etc., followed by a skull emoji.
also starting sentences with "ok but" when you're making a standalone comment and you're not refuting anything or anyone.

No. 2099602

I'm getting so tired of "if I had a nickel every time [insert thing] happened, I'd have two nickels but it's still weird it happened twice". Ngl, the very first time I saw it I thought it was funny, but now people just use it for everything

No. 2099696

People constantly saying "literally me" or "me". Some even go as far as to comment that on something you post, making everything about themselves.

No. 2104080

I hate that one so much. You're not fucking witty for noticing something we all noticed, and you're not funny for quoting Phinneas and Ferb of all shows

No. 2104082

professional hater

No. 2104084

hate how zoomers type, some shitty approximation of black american speech + unfunny observations + emojis

No. 2104089

I'm damn proud of it too

No. 2104177

True, it makes them look so retarded, I avoid these motherfuckers like the plague

No. 2104599

"I wish I could be inside someone/get my dick sucked but I have this stupid vagina"

No. 2108609

aura points is the new thing "she has negative aura points after this" when someone does something embarrassing and GOD why is there a new way to express the same thing every few weeks and everyone rushes to use it on everything shut upp

No. 2115927

NTA, same. They look like speds manufactured in a lab

No. 2126470


same anon, and i really resent charli xcx for now forcing "brat summer" on all of us

No. 2126507

"2024 kids: It's just a song/intro/console/etc.

2000s kids:"


No. 2126668

The new '90s kids.

No. 2129312

"boobas" "mommy milkers", "big pussy disorder" or "beautiful princess disorder" (i hope these faggot moids experience a real bpdcunt sometimes), and that fucking ugly ass Facebook meme "Xavier" dude

No. 2129366

File: 1723262987772.jpg (5.9 KB, 262x108, IMG_20240810_140855.jpg)

The new trend of zoomers commenting "freaky" in fancy cursive text makes me want to strangle each and every one of them, by far the most retarded one since hawk tuah

No. 2129438

but what if lolcow was called freakycow and it ate ass and sucked toes?

No. 2129449

Not funny, didn't laugh

No. 2129474

die in the pits of eternal hell please
at least say sucked tits my god nonny
worse is when they call it a coin slot or some other shit. usually it's gendie teens who say this shit so i turn an eye but it's so cringe.

No. 2129809

the "big tiddy goth gf" joke
sucks that goth subculture has been reduced to just wearing a black tshirt or having black lipstick/nails. literally nothing about the actual music at all.

No. 2129815

i mostly just get annoyed at how often i see posts where it boils down to "suicide is the joke!! XD I want to kill myself!!1"
As someone that struggles with depression, and have personally known people that have died by suicide its not cute and quirky. have to block people on sight as soon as i see it.

No. 2129847

File: 1723303578730.jpg (115.9 KB, 1265x1080, vvsk80z2i56b1.jpg)

Reeeeing and raaaaing at phrases like "chai latte", "naan bread", and other stuff used to be funny but now it's overdone, when i watched Spiderverse 2 and watched this joke play out i made a face like i smelt cowshit. Such a lame lame joke. (OT but)also the montage where it was just glazing the FUCK out of what's-his-face, like "oh i'm naturally muscular", "i'm naturally smart", "i have naturally awesome hair"(which is false, Indian GIRLS have nice hair, Indian scrotes think shaving is gay and would step in shit to cool their feet if no white girls were around). It's such a blatant spineless attempt at gaining the favour of Indian audiences.

No. 2130067

you're no fun
okay fair you're right
what if lolcow was called freakycow and it ate pussy and sucked tits? better?

No. 2130148

All the "creepy and objectifying, but childlike in an ironic way" breast memes make my skin crawl. Tiddy/tiddies, booba, it's suck fucking gross and infantilizing moid shit

No. 2130153

I have a crush on you

No. 2130166

winking kiss face emoji

No. 2130241

I can’t take that shit anymore. I know someone who has depression and constantly makes legitimately horrific suicide jokes, and, having been there myself, it disgusts me.

No. 2134392

I simultaneously hate and like "I'm so cooked" "let him cook"

No. 2134778

the fucking uohhh sob emoji shit is so creepy and annoying. why are moids so pedophilic and defective

No. 2134782

i still can't figure out what it means

No. 2134865

I'm cooked = I'm doomed/I'm in trouble/I messed up
Let him cook = Allow him to execute his plan, he is onto something
You cooked = You did a good job

No. 2134869

I have no idea what that is but I hope I don't see it

No. 2135014

i've been a nasty girl nasty

No. 2141904

I hate any meme involving eating ass. “Legalize eating ass funni” Any person who makes those jokes is an immediate sex pest. I hppe you all get intestinal worm infections.

No. 2141941

I looked up that stupid suicide queen song, I can't remember the actual name but it's just Freddie mercury singing about some guy suicide baiting. The comments were just retards going, "I wanted to die, but then I listened to this song" and then more retards fakely responding "omg, are you okay?!" There was one woman who actually pointed out how hurtful it is to joke about such a terrible thing, and she was being treated like a cow by these people. I genuinely think people are devolving in intelligence.

No. 2142664

The “demure” meme with that obese Mexican caveman once it’s on the news it’s fucking dead

No. 2234343

>They could never make me hate her
I hate this phrase so much and how it seeped into this place from twitter as well

No. 2269299

"______ is speedrunning their downfall"
"she girlbossed to close to the sun"
"(instert fake quote) - famous person, probably"
"if I had a nickel for every time that happened, I'd only have two nickels, but it's weird that it happened twice"
"____ has entered the chat"
"dumbledore spoke calmly"
"this was not on my bingo card"
"I thought ___ was the coolest thing ever. I was also 10"
"my toxic trait is"

I'm sure there's more, but those are some that are always flooding youtube comment sections

No. 2269305

>they could never make me hate her
instantly thought of jodi

No. 2269307

>bro is "doing thing"
>___ ahh response
>"repeating obvious joke in video"
> Haha nice cat video! This reminds me of when my family blew up in flames in a car accident
>I'm a 100 year old moid and i "rant about his TOTALLY depressed life"
>"video about woman related issues" as twans woman I think-

No. 2269342

Femboy and other safe horny jokes. It's not funny and really reveals how gay men actually are but since it's not a full on men it's somehow okay?

No. 2269352

sorry I deleted and reposted. Oh my god the __ahh response one is SO stupid.

Never heard the safe horny one but it sounds stupid as shit

No. 2275859

>mfw many of the phrases you use were brought up itt
i'm a dumb zoomie, nonas.
okay here's some i hate:
>women cup of coffee or
>is it gay to do x with the bros?
>say no homo before x
>this boykisser faggot >>1563568
>wmen puking emoji*

No. 2275880

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The other day I ran into it even in my horny BL webtoon translation, I'm so damn pissed that I can't even enjoy my daily escapism in peace, curse these translators

No. 2276207

I fucking hate those so much

No. 2276626

File: 1732574409111.png (946.19 KB, 878x1202, ew nasty.png)

I hate the words 'dommy mommy' so much, and I hate the men who use those words even more. The memes about it annoy me, and I don't see nearly enough repulsed reactions to it when people say it as a "joke." It's ALWAYS said by some loser who can't wipe his own ass and wants a girlfriend-mother combo to take care of him. Reading about it sends such a shiver of revulsion through me because I just know the person typing them looks like the WoW player from that one South Park episode.

No. 2276679

Demure being used. Shut the fuck up already. I can’t believe a tranny started this trend lmao

No. 2276848

the person who keeps making regina george jokes on here makes me turn my lips down in disgust every time they use that outdated cringe come back

No. 2276892

>”death by snu snu”
>”crush my head between your thighs like a melon”
I hate the dehumanizing way internet people talk about muscular women. why is it considered ok to be creepy in woke circles so long as the target has visible muscles? their rote comments make me feel like they aren’t even genuinely attracted, like it’s just an attempt to demonstrate that you’re ok with “unconventional” women

No. 2276897

ntayrt but fuck, you both just reminded me of the one that's even worse than this one. "Submissive and breedable" ughughlghlgh

No. 2276898

this is why I hate going to 4chan for their Comics and Cartoons board but there's nowhere else I can go for the unhinged /co/ conversations I'm trying to have, kek. It's nothing but this shit and some entertaining stuff in between

No. 2276920

You're schizophrenic

No. 2281543

"Not reading alldat" and the post is like two sentences long

No. 2281599

This and "I'm happy for you, or sorry that happened"

No. 2281729

I hate the chokehold this type of internet meme humor has on regular comedic writing. Is it just me? It fully takes me out because you know exactly what the punchline is.

I went to a comedy show and some dudes stand up set was like scrolling through reels. He even told a joke I saw on an IG reel the week before (vidrel, it's not even the original video I saw lol)

A lot of "nerd" media is unwatchable to me for this exact reason. This "humor" is barely clever and used wayyy too much.

No. 2289370

Right now it's "Queen Never Cry". Congratulations retards, you killed it within the first week. It's just not funny and completely overused. I am so sick of seeing it everywhere.

No. 2289383

If it weren't for you talking about humor I would have thought the video is a quick English lesson for ESL students who don't understand American slang.

No. 2289396

I think it's pathetic how people jump on the next hot internet meme without really understanding it and start slapping it on any and every situation like that makes instant funny. I don't mind clever application of it, but everyone's so desperate not to be left out or left behind that they overdo it and kill whatever made it funny in the first place (assuming it ever was).

No. 2289410

I think the Queen Never Cry was really funny but some retarded unpaid intern misused it for a fast fashion ad so now I can't stand it.

No. 2289457

it had potential but the edit of it where it zooms out of the baby's face dramatically with that shitty sound bit? playing. I don't know what song it is it sounds like speakers attached to your PC failing. But that edit/sound got really popular and I don't get why because it is really unfunny. I've never seen a meme die that fast actually
I saw duolingo made their own version within a day or two and knew it was already dead. it was such a lazy half assed attempt

No. 2293972

If I read 'back' and 'shootings' together in a single compound word I'm going to mentally execute the motherfucker who wrote it; literally what a retarded combination of words

No. 2351744

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"Gooning" is a dogwhistle used by "early porn indoctrination" pedophiles like Gigglygoonclown, where they want people to consume worse and worse porn because of it. So it was weird seeing it turned into a joke over time, just without that context.
I think most people only think of it as a goofy term for masturbating a lot. Picrel, found this user's entries on urbandictionary and the top one being heavily downvoted shows the disconnect. Either way, why do they find mass-porn-addiction so funny?
And it's suspicious to me how it infested those "brainrot" memes which are specifically popular among kids.

No. 2351756

I'm a millennial and I don't know who the fuck this woman is.

No. 2351788

gooning did not start as a dog whistle for whatever the fuck you are saying. there was a gooning subreddit way before gigglyclownwhatever were on anyones radar, where men would post their porn dungeons. it started as a weird sub community for porn addicts. stop with your weird ass conspiracy explanations

No. 2351797

I hate the whole "Is whatever in the room with us now??" Everytime some retard uses it his/hers minion retards laugh and i've only seen troons and faggots use it anyway. Jesus fucking christ just talk normally to people. Don't take every chance to demean them like you're an insecure 14yearold.

No. 2351806

File: 1737198902868.jpg (115.41 KB, 1000x568, 4cafdf63ff6a3b96a32d07b82d20b1…)

Sir this is a Wendy's

No. 2407099

I despise the terms boy kisser and girl kisser

No. 2407185

"Nice try diddy" has gotten really fucking old

No. 2407332

“crash out,” whatever that means

No. 2407354

"Stealing [insert person or idea]'s nachos" like girl what the actual fuck does this mean lmfao

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