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No. 1402110
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>>>/ot/1362168>>>/ot/1317882 No. 1402566
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damn no shit it's like straight couples are represented everywhere lol these tweets are always so dumb
No. 1402763
>>1402110 exactly Twitter created content but this pornsick incel moid freak really stalked a non-straight girl he used to work with so that he could make her straight again and posted about it. He's really directly parroting online incel talking points to the cops he's confronted by who are surprisingly being reasonable about the entire interaction. He's so fucking creepy I hope he necks himself soon.
The way that he brings up BDSM porn and rape fantasies to justify his sick desires makes me want to vomit.
(imageboard) No. 1402862
>>1402861the other two replies are dumb but
>>1402807 is right in that most bi or "bi" women mostly or only date men. it shouldn't be controversial to admit this. i'm bi and before i slept with a man for the first time people were always surprised when i told them i'd only been with women
No. 1403029
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Oh my fucking god twitter, I sound like a conspiracy nut but I believe it keeps pushing me tranny tweets because I'm a woman leaning left
No. 1403032
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Twitter verification 2.0 is going well it seems
No. 1403042
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>>1403029No idea why he was arrested and nor do I care but it's interesting how people are losing their fucking minds over this scrote being placed in a men's unit, even calling it a
human rights violation, while he says this. He doesn't even believe his own charade. You hit like a dude because you are a dude, and therefore belong in a dude's prison. 1+1=2.
No. 1403050
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>>1403042There's more too
These numbers are sad
No. 1403056
>>1403050>male troon placed in male facility they're setting her up for serial rape!!1 this is a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION! the men will rape!!
>male troon placed in female facility>what about women's human rights?oh so you're trying to say all trans women are rapists? transphobia! misandry!
They don't even pretend to hide the double standard anymore, fuck these people to hell and back.
No. 1403059
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>>1403050I ain’t gonna lie kinda wild they’re putting this w men lmao
No. 1403126
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>>1403110"Placed among men", as if he isn't one himself. You think his shortness, boob job an BBL give him a pass to be housed with women?
>>1403117He refused to follow the rules of the hotel, the staff called the police on him for disturbing the peace, walking around naked and intentionally throwing water at them and it looks like he tried to mess with the police as well. I guess he was drunk as fuck and acting a fool. He's a piece of shit anyways so I have zero sympathy with him. Pic related.
No. 1403484
>>1403460and it's not even like Nikita even looks like his real life pictures, in the mug shot and the video zoom he sounds like a scrote, looks like one and like he lost a lot of weight.
He'll probably be put in the troon section. Also not our fault he wants to act out, I don't get why nonnies feel mad? A woman hating troon, probably high out of his mind, walked around naked showing people his bits (or remixxed Bits), then threw something at someone.
don't do crime if you don't want to go to a male prision.
Nothing about it is fucked up to me.There's short manlets with big asses or man tits all the time in jail anyway. I know that if Nikita was sent to jail it'd be like "Damn he's not going to have a good time" but thats why you don't do dumb shit.
No. 1403485
>>1402110I fucking hate musk but am I the only one that finds these dramatic tweets funny?
All I do on twitter is posting my fanart and following 1000 other fanartists that are mainly from Asia. I never had any issues with twitter or experienced fandom drama, there are no algorithms either if you use it properly and I don't see ads to begin with so I see no reason to leave.
It's not a good place for art since it has no real tagging system but as long as the artist I follow won't move away I don't give much of a shit.
No. 1403496
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Twitter subhuman literally cannot fathom regional dialects existing in a large country
No. 1403497
>>1402566>>1402843That's why they are annoying. It's not about relationships, they want to belong to a minority because everybody else does the same but they are married to a person of the opposite gender for 30 years so the only label they can come up with is bi because they considered a woman (or guy if it's a guy) good-looking once.
The bisexuals I know just enjoy both, gay and het romances and never talked about representation unless it was them complaining about a lack of gay romances because they ARE rare.
No. 1403502
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I genuinely and unironically wish it was prohibited by law to have opinions on a different continent. N-Americans in particular are the worst people on Earth saying the dumbest shit and legit believing that every country that wasn't the US, Canada and maybe the UK was but a meme. You can literally not say anything without one of these dumb shits coming into your replies assuming you were American because the sheer idea of other countries existing is foreign to them.
It ironically happens particularly with self-acclaimed woke people who will literal categorize your country and the country that genocided your people the same because you both have a similar skin color which is the only thing the US seems to be obsessed about and the only categories Americans know is "black" and "white". If they are really really woke they might have heard of "Asians" too.
No. 1403509
>>1403126some anons have sympathy sorry we are not lashing out at him like moids or wishing he gets raped.
If he was AGP i wouldn't care.
Either way this isnt even important since Nikita got bailed out from prison and they arent even there anymore.
No. 1403550
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>>1403059Have you not seen his mug shot? he looks like a man. It wouldn't be any different from putting soft looking man in jail. I do believe that they would probably still need to separate him from the regular men though, which is what they promised they would do for him in the court hearing.
>>1403502It wouldn't be so bad for the fact that the vast majorities of americans have NEVER left their countries in their lives and never will. They need to own that fact about themselves and shut the fuck up on subjects on other countries unless they have been there or done the research. On the same hand i do think that it's retarded that non-americans get so emotional about US politics as if it affects them when some of them should be focusing on stuff going on in their owns countries instead of crying about trump. I also understand the american politics is shoved down everyone's throats and in a way it would give the illusion that it's more important to non-american citizens then it actually is.
No. 1403574
>>1403509Do you realize that all kinds of men get raped in prison? Why would you privilege one type just because he's short with fake tits and a fake ass? Maybe your real problem is with how male prisons are run, and that isn't an issue of "Just move all the less strong males to the women's prisons, they'll never cause harm!!".
That's not "sympathy", that's just putting the burden on women for men's actions.
No. 1403579
>>1403574this if you are worried about the state of his asshole/neo-vagina, then the issue should be he should be in a different section of a male prision. Nobody's gonna pretend a scrote with breast implants and a fake ass, whose 5'3 isn't going to get sexually assulted or bullied or picked on. The solution should'nt be he should'nt be in a male jail, he should be in a section of jail for mtf troons or at risk males.
Whats kinda funny is that if there's a section like that, half the troons will probably be AGP trans like Chris chan or some shit. His ass should'nt be in a female jail. Also does this confirm he has his hotdog instead of a man made hot pocket?kek
No. 1403582
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>>1403032Wonder how long this takes to shut down. I know they ban impersonators but it takes time, after a lot of people already saw their posts
No. 1403595
>>1403588We didn't start the fire, It was always burning, since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire. No, we didn't light it, so how can we fight it.
>>Scrotes rape eachother in jail regardless of if they are TIMS or not>>YEs Nikita would be at risk more then the average scrote.So what can we do? Also, it's not like he's going to prision, the scrote it is already out. My thing is why do female jails have to have scrotes because shit men started?? Make a whole nother jail for them, sure they'd still do what scrotes do, but "female jail" should'nt be a issue. Even if Nikita did go to jail, just because he's gay and small doesn't mean he's not a danger to women. Violence is still a issue, he says he still hits like a scrote.
No. 1403606
>>1403550>It wouldn't be so bad for the fact that the vast majorities of americans have NEVER left their countries in their lives and never will.I thought the same. They pretend that every US states was a totally different culture because people state X are slightly more religious and louder than those of their own state or have some dialect as if this wasn't the case for every single country in the world.
I still say that there is a fundamental difference between Germany and Russia or India and Serbia that cannot be compared with some variations of dialects or regional varieties. But they will unironically call you offensive if you say so, but at the same time call Africa and Europe a country. It pisses me off, most people there and here killed each others till some decade back or are still fighting wars. Americans don't even know what war means unless they choose to be soldiers.
I am not trying to imply there were better and worse countries, my point is just that it's hurtful and ignorant to erase and ignore all history and identity and culture by claiming that Poland, Italy, Ireland and Russia were the same because they are ""white"". The whole white/black bullshit is only a thing in the US where nationality isn't a thing because everybody is American anyway and most of the colored people are already there for 300 years.
>On the same hand i do think that it's retarded that non-americans get so emotional about US politicsAgree, it poisoned the whole internet. And honestly I know Trump is an asshole and I can't stand this corrupt racist either, but IIRC he killed less foreigners with drones and wars than many of the beloved presidents US leftists are praising and that's the thing I care more about. Related, I remember that some lesbian Iraqi artist was accused of racism by some twitter users because she talked about issues in her own country instead of virtue signalling about BLM, it baffled my mind how people could be that biased and blind.
No. 1404749
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>>1403502I don't get why they compare everything to 9/11 as if it's the worst thing ever
No. 1404774
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>>1404749and we all know that americans definitely don’t do stuff like that…
No. 1404778
>>1404766I watched some to learn about cartoons/movies I missed in the last ten years but youtubers who have 20 other people editing their content for free give me red flags
Not to mention a lot of his first world problem opinions
No. 1405396
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>>1403582This shit is so funny because anyone could've seen this coming. People were literally saying they were going to do stuff like this when it was first announced. Even tumblr is making fun of them (probably because so many twitter users were trying to move over there).
No. 1405543
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No. 1405581
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>>1405543he sounds like a rapist
No. 1406136
>>1406123tumblr has never actually profited on trends or profited at all. i started using the site in 2010 and i cannot tell you a time tumblr has changed something for the better. the only real "changes" tumblr has made was the porn ban which literally killed a significant fraction of its userbase.
sure, some twitterfags will use tumblr, but tumblr corp is too retarded to make money out of that.
No. 1406138
>>1406136How will fandom change? Will all the
toxic people go back to Tumblr?
No. 1406221
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>>1406139seen a lot of twitter users talking about moving to reddit
No. 1406291
>>1405855WordPress 's parent company, Automattic
>>1406153>Manchild drama queenPost milk
No. 1406907
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Having a life doesn’t mean I have to believe men are women
No. 1407012
>>1406926There was very little racebait outside of 4chan. It's more that internet humour in the 2000s was extremely edgy. There was race based humour, this could either be self deprecating or targeted at another race, religion or whatever. People were a lot less sensitive back then and could take a joke.
On 4chan it was mostly confined to /b/ and was more about being anonymous and being able to say what couldn't be said in public. That's why nigger, kike and faggot became so widespread on 4chan. Some of it wasn't hateful and was done for ironic reasons like anons calling each other "my nigga". The joke being that 4chan was mostly white nerds. The /pol/ being obsessed with jews started out as ironic shitposting about 9/11 on /jp/.
>>1406948>I don't think the increasingly vitriolic racism on there was due to white privilege becoming a talking pointI would say it was a factor. I remember coming across white privilege and SJW bullshit and being completely floored that anyone could genuinely believe something that retarded. A lot of people that were neither racist nor privileged found themselves being attacked for simply being white. Gamergate was also a huge event that forced the culture war into the mainstream and drove even more people to the right.
No. 1407043
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So Gallagher (watermelon-smashing dude) died and woke Twitter comedians are rejoicing because he apparently made some vaguely racist or homophobic jokes late in life. I’m probably in the wrong here, but I feel like when old people start saying bizarre or offensive stuff at age 70+, I figure their brains are deteriorating and they aren’t as sound of mind as they used to be and the weird shit they say shouldn’t be taken personally, idk
No. 1407084
>>1406945Some anons will keep ignoring this because it fucks up the "boo hoo the sjws MADE racism happen" narrative, but I know exactly what you're talking about. The internet was always full of racist shit and hostility toward anyone who was visibly not a certain race. You couldn't even play as a kid with a dark-skinned character in certain games without getting racist harassment, you'd purposely be excluded from MySpace groups and bashed over your race in other communities, and don't even get me started on what a cesspool Twitter was in the early 2000s with people shitting on black women. I don't personally engage in harshness toward white people (I think it's all kind of played out), but I definitely have trouble shedding a tear because some schizo on Twitter said "white people bad". If "It was all just jokes and edgy humor" when it was about non-white people, then cool. Enjoy the current era of brand new "jokes" where it's not just the darkies being the punchline. Let's keep it the same both ways.
Also, I don't know why some people are pretending only Americans are racist, as if we haven't all been exposed to mentally deranged Balkan scrotes barking about how much they hate blacks and browns from their decrepit post-war village where pretty much everyone's the same color anyway.
No. 1407106
>>1407092>why can't we have an internet where everyone shits on each other equally?That's already happening. Both Twitter and /pol/ exist, except /pol/tards sometimes actually go out on mass killing sprees. I don't really want to see an "equality" to that part anytime soon, so I think one is a bigger problem than the other.
>the mainstream narrative that is being taught to young people, even outside of america, through media.In my personal experience, this isn't really true. I'm not American, and I never see certain talking points outside of the American internet. The whole "mainstream narrative" thing seems massively overstated. I do see Finns go on about gender bullshit sometimes, though.
No. 1407365
>>1407335>>1407341Personally I never bullied anyone online, I just made edgy jokes and no one cared or gave a shit it was a lot of fun.
>>1407012This anon gets it.
No. 1407373
>>1407365Yeah fun to you. Did any
poc tell you that your joke was funny?or was it just other white people?
No. 1407380
>>1407373Oh this is delicious. None of my friends were white KEK and none of us were american, also '
poc' makes you sound like a twitterfag you can say minorities LOL. None of us felt the need to shit and cry over jokes because….. they are jokes.
No. 1407390
>>1407365You are still the same person you were back then. The fact that you are upset about being told you have white privilege just means you can dish it but can't take it.
>>1407387It was pretty brutal. I'd say it wasn't even just limited to racism though, I will never forget when some girl on gaiaonline posted a pic of herself to be rated and people tore her to shreds because she was a weird weeb with faux locs and somewhat questionable fashion sense. I always felt bad for her, but she was very naive. In general the way older men talked to young girls was nasty and that's literally the one thing that hasn't changed in the slightest, but at least now we can call them out for being creepy for initiating contact. I also remember something that was more recent on tumblr where people were defending rape being called a snuggle struggle or whatever.
No. 1407405
>>1407375My country's /int/ threads are just a bunch of self hating mutts and few pedophiles who keep avatarfagging.
>>1407341>How the fuck was I supposed to know you weren’t being really racist and you were just joking?The entire not having bad intentions excuse is basically asking you to be more considerate of their indifference.
No. 1407462
>>1407425>waaahhh stop joking about my race>it's ok when i joke about other races though teehee that's freeze peach>btw not being white is the same as being a tranny!!!I don't say this as a rule because it can isolate other nonnas, but you're too embarrassing to take seriously.
Karen shit.
No. 1407465
>>1407451didnt the nword get unbanned thanks to Elon though? the only reason why edgy zoomers love spoutting the nword is because retards like yourself shit their pants when they read it, it's the easiest form of trolling. There is a reason why its only the nword slur and not sword, or cword, other races dont give a shit and understand they are just trying to get a reaction out of them.
tl;dr: you made the nword ''funny'' because you react to it every single time.
No. 1407472
>>1407462Idc about white women jokes, they don't bother me as long as the people making them aren't hypocrites who get mad when jokes about other demographics are made. You are making yet another asusmption about me because I challenged your point of view.
>btw not being white is the same as being a tranny!!!If you actually made the effort to understand my argument, you would get that I was simply pointing out that there are a lot of people who see this site as being 'transphobic' and would like to see it gone, and they follow the same logic that you do.
No. 1407487
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>>1407473you clearly dont know shit about hispanics
>t.hispanic No. 1407502
>>1407472>>1407460You sound like the embodiment of fedora. Imagine thinking people not entertaining your 12 year old tier obsession with racial slurs is comparable to being thrown in a gulag.
Only a retard would fall for the "Ok other people don't like transphobia, you're the same as them if you don't let me racesperg" cope. In fact, actual trannies say it because they are, in fact, racist.
No. 1407513
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>>1407506I'm genuinely shocked at seeing this type of rhetoric on an ib of all places. It literally says freedom of speech friendly in the description…
No. 1407541
>>1407528I don't even want to ask you what you think the bigger picture is. You may not have an answer. Please stop trying to hawk your ideology that people who say and do racist shit aren't racist and that there are more "important" things to worry about, because those things probably aren't important to other people and you're tired. Take a nap, femchan.
>>1407532I came here to avoid the kiwifarms and chan undesirables, but the pickmes from those boards migrated. Can we all make an effort to ignore her?
No. 1407565
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here we fucking go
No. 1407590
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Spotted a tweet about this airplane collision at Dallas and all crew are dead. Many of the top comments are just making jokes aside from this one, and then the reply underneath it trying to justify it. Maybe it's just me but I just don't see the humor in a horrible accident
No. 1407603
>>1407601I'm redirecting you to what i said here
>>1407505, it's a hyperbolic analogy, I regret ever assuming that people on here can understand figures of speech.
No. 1407622
>>1407618Idk you posted the same post twice
>>1407612 and >>1407609 that's what I meant by that
No. 1407628
>>1407626>muh logical consistencyYou're right to call yourself a retard. Every living person on earth has biases, and I don't owe anything to misogynists or racists. They would never fight for my rights, especially if big tech was supporting them, so I refuse to be a slave to theirs and I give no shits about their fake "plight".
I don't give a fuck about "le edgy jokes" either because I'm not a child. Literally never seen someone get fired for "just making a joke", it's always the unironic freaks.
No. 1407634
Restricting speech on one subject can to be used justify restricting speech on another subject. Some countries have laws against "hate speech". What is hate speech differs by opinion. What if troons get criticism of trannies banned as hate speech? What if moids get criticism of men banned as hate speech? It's better just to have free speech as a protected right. It let's bigots openly out themselves and allows people to say what needs to said.
No. 1407646
>>1407642To me this conversation is not about lolcow in particular, it's about the intenret in general.
>>1407643I literally don't use that word but sure, keep trying to pin me as 'racist' because you have no good counterargument.
>not get criticized for itIMO you should be able to criticise all you want, just not legislatively ban certain words and pursue legal action against people for them.
(derailing the thread to death) No. 1407659
>>1407655Did you literally not read my post
>To me this conversation is not about lolcow in particular, it's about the intenret in general.Lolcow can ban it, doesn't matter idc, but this conversation started with a debate about whether or not the internet race relations were worse before or today. By legislatively ban I mean governments fining people for hate speech and ISPs being bullied out of hosting websites because people don't like or agree with their content.
No. 1407661
>>1407646Go to Mastodon or look into other options of building your own space if you're so against muh big tech. KF is still around, and the attacks on it were about offending
other white men, not the n-word, lmao. Stormfront is extremely racist, advocates for race wars and remains undisturbed, so maybe your priorities are misplaced.
No. 1407670
>>1407663Fair, sorry for derail but this topic really interests me so I tend to sperg out.
>>1407661I agree that people should build their own space and I'm very interested to see how those new platforms develop in the future. KF is still up (by the skin of its teeth), but there is an active effort to make it less accessible to normal people. I just don't think that the only 2 alternatives should be super lib left platforms or literal race war shitholes like Stormfront, and I remain convinced that there is an active effort to polarise people, which ties into the original discussion of if and why race relations have gotten worse thanks to the internet. I will now stop derailing so there, hopefully this clears up my arguments.
No. 1407895
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>Man punches woman with full force
>twiter:wooo karen gets owned
now I will admit she was being combative and she slapped him first but this was a man who clearly larger then her and a hit like he threw could have almost killed her, its not something to joke about
No. 1407961
>>1407943Meanwhile they will fight like their life depends on it if a cop shoots a moid who attacks them or if a woman kills her
abusive husband. They only understand what excessive force means if it's happening to a man, meanwhile if you're a woman and you shoulder check a man while walking away you should prepared to be curb stomped until your head comes open and anything less is inequality
No. 1408003
>>1407985Andrew Tate was run off the internet extremely fast, so I don't know what you mean. Even without censorship from companies, cancel culture is pretty efficient. Yeah it can be shit since it's a loose cannon, but it was actually great to see everyone collectively agree that Andrew Tate is a loser. Meanwhile a decade ago he would've been the next big thing. Those scrotes were having their reign since the 90's with PUA's having whole tv shows and books, to then immediately infecting YouTube.
>moids never have been and will never be sympathetic to feminismYeah I don't give a shit. What matters more to me is that it's not cool anymore to be an antifeminist pickme like June and that it's seen as cringe to be antifeminist. It used to be a cardinal sin to believe the patriarchy was a thing and women were holding up signs explaining why they don't need feminism and how scrotes are actually super duper oppressed and needs men's rights activism. Even scrotes have become less overt, because they realized they can't get laid by being openly overt misogynist wannabe pua's anymore. I don't care that it's superficial, because I'm not attracted to them so I don't have to deal with them in that way, but at least they're not clogging up my online experience as much anymore.
No. 1408008
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The insane projection and coddling trans people get despite their vicious misogyny towards us.
No. 1408012
>>1408009You think Roe v Wade overturning is directly related to this and not how they have been chomping at the bit to get it overturned since it has been a thing?
>andrew tate was run off the internet because sm platforms (like twitter pre-elon musk) are publicly owned and need to make money and they realised that andrew tate was making them look bad and lose moneyIt makes them look bad, because guess what, the popular opinion changed. A decade ago it wouldn't have caused them to lose money, because consumers loved the antifeminist pua mra shit.
No. 1408021
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if twitter is going to give you notifications from accounts you don't follow could they atleast make sure the tweets aren't about troons cooming
No. 1408022
>>1408012>You think Roe v Wade overturning is directly related to this and not how they have been chomping at the bit to get it overturned since it has been a thing?and you don't think that the culture wars (2016 FEMINIZUM DESTROYED vs libfeminist genderspecials) have helped radicalise young men into somehow being even
more hateful towards women than their fathers? the popular opinion changed but somehow sexual violence is completely normal because it's kinky, women do not exist, and reproductive rights are in the garbage bin , so explain how it's beneficial to women that we are now no longer allowed to speak our minds freely without getting scrubbed from every platform, look at what happened to any of the gc/pinkpill subreddits and tell me that women have it
soooooo good on the internet now because our feelings are protected from andrew tate. to link this back to twitter, elon musk buying it will change the platform for better or for worse, and i would like to hear what some nonnas think about that and the impact that it will have on women.
No. 1408074
>>1408022What happened to GC/pinkpill reddit isn't a net negative because women SHOULD have our own fucking platforms and not be at the mercy of literal tranny mods/admins. The only downside is that the subreddits weren't fully archived, which seems like an intentional thing with Reddit. It lets them censor people even more easily. I'm very happy to be on Lolcow, not having to share a board with retarded neanderthal scrotes who bash women, post coomshit and racism everywhere but shit themselves crying whenever anyone insults men or going on about the "poor, innocent" white people who can't attack black and brown people without getting backlash anymore and why trans girls are "
valid" and superior to bio-foids or whatever (ie the current state of 4chan, and sadly, /cgl/ since they have scrote/tranny mods).
The solution isn't to beg for the tranny mods to be nicer to shithead scrotes on their big sites, it's to get better at building and securing our own pro-women spaces, and we don't need to share shit with them.
No. 1408099
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>>1403582I hate Musk but the blue checkmate debacle is funny as fuck and makes twitter much more enjoyable.
None of the official comic artists and writers I follow ever had checkmarks anyway so I wouldn't have a problem if all of the former checkers left. Most of them are annoying youtubers and overhyped celebrities.
No. 1408108
>>1407600It can always happen, see catastrophes like Ramstein or Lviv. I think the "pierced heart" choreography they did in Ramstein got banned worldwide after that accident. Just fly a few meters to the right or be a second too fast or too slow and you might smash into another jet, it's always risky.
>>1408024It doesn't if you use it correctly (on a PC with add-on).
No. 1408153
>>1408008Do they not realize that being a “
terf” is about more than trans people? Most women who become interested in radical feminism don’t just walk it back. It’s pretty impossible to close your eyes to injustices women face once you’ve opened them.
No. 1408281
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God I wish that were me
No. 1408419
File: 1668385107439.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1997, FEF996CD-3DB7-467A-9C69-6EC567…)

“personal house slave” is a fucking elf
>overwatch player
No. 1408437
File: 1668386792833.jpg (229.49 KB, 1280x1437, tumblr_ou6zx7cXKD1wos2v6o1_128…)

>>1408419OW community is either
>incels and pickmes>SJWs and tranniesI remember how RedKatherine started getting bullied by just drawing picrel. Thats how it all started.
No. 1408449
>>1408361Long range is way better, like pepper spray or a gun, most women wouldn’t want to be in a situation where you’re close enough to do hand to hand combat with a man and then he may be able to grab it or pin you if you’re smaller or less experienced. Knife fights are some of the most dangerous situations and realistically when you stab a psycho they might not even notice at first because of adrenaline and rage. Stab
victims have said it just feels like getting punched when you don’t know what’s happening.
No. 1408785
>>1408772>not as politically chargedit was still full of unhinged racism, misogyny, pro ana shit, pedo's prowling on all the kid's games and spaces, extreme right wing forums everywhere etc. That is still political, just the kind of politics you're seemingly okay with. Not being able to say retarded is retarded, but I don't miss the endless
nigger jokes or Onision tier humor. Sure I miss the niche angelfire websites, but if you go off the surface web, you still find the same shit you used to on the old internet, including entire websites dedicated to carrots and other random shit. Or forums used by repressed Chinese journalists. What is actually killing the internet is that everything is owned and bought up by the same companies and that it's all about self promotion now, not sharing stuff about interests you like. The politics is only a tiny little aspect of that, because it's only relevant in how it's used to market yourself. Or that you can only find irrelevant SEO sites full of ads on search engines now, including DDG, so you can't even search for interesting sites and info anymore. Not that casual racism is now seen as cringe and that the time of "only men are on the internet" jokes are over. It wouldn't even be a problem if you said retarded shit online, if you weren't a retard and attached your public name and image to it, like actually back in the day when you just didn't do that and it was heavily discouraged to not be anonymous. People linked it to real life themselves by attaching their name and image to it.
No. 1408812
File: 1668417530893.png (260.92 KB, 448x378, bateman.png)

>>1408785>just the kind of politics you're seemingly okay withnice assumption there, but it's a fact that there was much less virtue signaling and other related sperging online 15 years ago than today. i do agree that we need to encourage anonymity or at least pseudonymity online, people are way too comfortable putting all of their personal info next to their face and their shitposting/political takes.
IMO the politics are more relevant than just marketing yourself (although that is part of it), it's also about creating engagement on platforms by encouraging outrage posts and the subsequent fighting that always results from them. twitter is the epitome of all of these things, people will really associate their full government name, face, sometimes even school/workplace with their sperging, it's impossible to have rational discussions on there because it's not designed for that.
No. 1409628
File: 1668488964566.png (63.86 KB, 641x454, TcxMDk1NDY1LnBuZw.png)

zoomies are trying to claim that dan povenmire(creator of Phineas and Ferb) was a victim of child abuse, cause he revealed Ferb's relationship with vanessa was based on his own experience dating his older sister's friend when he was a teenager
No. 1409640
>>1408419The literal definition of a party pooper, let the other user enjoy making himself in harry potter in peace without having to take a humanities course, jesus.
>>1408812>but it's a fact that there was much less virtue signaling and other related sperging online 15 years ago than todayI feel like anon was trying to make to make that point when she accused you of agreeing with the political climate of the past internet. I do think that the demographics have changed the political climate on the internet due to the internet being increasingly available to people outside well off white westerners, as well as a general increased sentiment in younger people of not wanting to copy the mistakes of their parents which is honestly where i believe sjw culture comes from.
No. 1409759
File: 1668502856449.jpg (407.45 KB, 1269x1308, tw.jpg)

they're saying lesbianism is trans now but any lesbian that disagrees is a transphobic cis that needs to read wittig
No. 1409762
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I'm just really happy about all of this tbh
No. 1409778
File: 1668505089360.png (47.89 KB, 555x353, Screenshot 2022-11-15 at 09-36…)

apologies for covidposting in the year of our Lord 2k22, but i am so tired of how retarded everything is.
and i mean everything–at every level. every conceivable stratum of social relations is currently characterized by being fucking retarded, and it makes me want to pull my hair out
No. 1409813
File: 1668507177506.jpeg (521.59 KB, 1242x1762, 5BC10A35-B715-4B99-A2F4-96488B…)

why won’t women validate me for the bare minimum go go ga ga
No. 1409816
>>1403579Yes, this is what happens in country like France, but troon right activists are obviously not content with it because ~~transwomen are women~~
>>1405396what is it that makes tumblr brand humor so irritating and cringe?
>>1405603>arabs are white>white hispanics aren'tOk americans
No. 1409856
File: 1668511719532.png (184.82 KB, 609x461, scrote.png)

>How can I make this about me?
No. 1409887
File: 1668514413091.png (411.33 KB, 1280x1437, tumblr_otr4s4HlYm1td5vf7o2_128…)

>>1408437>>1409746thats an edit by a gendie. this is the original image.
No. 1409894
File: 1668515159703.jpg (121.43 KB, 640x820, monique-wittig-962445.jpg)

>>1409759This isn't really a new sadly, a lot of radical feminists argued something similar in the 70's, that lesbians aren't actual women, they transcend the western idea of womanhood by their mere existence cause cause something something pretentious bullshit, this is what happens when you let obvious retards lead your movement instead of actually caring about real issues
No. 1409911
>>1408190what i hate about bystanders the most is the female ones because when they get home they post on their social media how they are such feminists and repost news articles saying stuff like ''how could this happen'' and then when they get into a situation where they see another woman being assaulted they do nothing.
No ones asking you to sacrifice your life to save another woman but atleast have the decency to silently call the police or some other security.
No. 1409915
>>1407590i wish these retards understood that ''coping using comedy'' is ONLY for people who went through that or the people close to them and NOT for strangers like them.
If you are a stranger making posts like that you are not coping kek, you are just a degenerate asshole.
No. 1410293
File: 1668538206494.jpeg (133.61 KB, 1170x1007, 8C143CAB-B64C-41B9-838D-066519…)

Women are doomed
No. 1410347
>>1410293omg I hate this pick me bitch
She's a tranny caper too so not surprising she likes coddling worthless males
No. 1410362
>>1410293I didn't see the aftermath of this, I would bet she delivered it to them and they were like "ok thanks" and after she left they threw it out, young moids would 100% take processed fast food over a home cooked meal, especially if her cooking is bland.
When you think about it aside from her being a colossal doormat pickme, imo she's kinda out of line by telling complete strangers how they should eat.
No. 1410365
File: 1668541611252.png (1.48 MB, 1075x1636, Screenshot_20221115-113804_(1)…)

>>1410293Holy fuck it gets worse.
>>1410352You basically described why this tweet is so weird. There's nothing wrong giving out homemade food to your neighbours but her intentions are kinda sus
No. 1410372
File: 1668542164886.jpg (302.65 KB, 1439x1980, tweet.jpg)

>>1410367She didn't deactivate. Some people were calling her a troon, picrel is one.
No. 1410408
>>1410397kek I was thinking the same thing
>I can cook for you silly boys!!>throws a bunch of hamburger and onions in a pot and calls it a dayA casserole would be more impressive than literal poverty food
No. 1410446
File: 1668546873184.jpeg (147.48 KB, 1242x692, 8F295904-975D-40AB-B56D-A095D7…)

saged bc this is a stupid question but. why isn’t donald trump back on twitter yet since elon musk owns it now? Freedom of speech and all that
He was so funny
No. 1410566
File: 1668552904168.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1039, 29F6035E-4991-44D0-A80E-1B4FEF…)

You do realize that VS still sells lingerie and they used to sell tracksuits back in the 00s too right…
No. 1410908
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>>1410338twitter is kinda cool sometimes
No. 1411060
File: 1668603512494.jpeg (474.97 KB, 1053x579, 57B3A7F9-0105-43F6-A26F-D67C21…)

pickmes in 2022
No. 1411107
>>1409865yeah let's kill mentally ill people who's mental illness's symptom is that they think they need to die what a great idea
>but their life will never get any better!yeah let's kill mentally ill people who's mental illness tells them that their life can't never get any better, obviously a person suffering from depression has a objectional view of their life and future with no influence from their mental illness at all an can give informed consent to dying
No. 1411124
>>1411107Life is getting objectively worse for average people. The whole "best time ever to be alive" period has passed and now we are seeing declining quality of life, declining life expectancy, declining health outcomes like increasing maternal mortality, and it requires more hours of work than ever just to keep a roof over your head and feed yourself. There is no sign that any of this will ever get better, let alone get better within our lifetimes.
Though, the solution is obviously to kill the rich, not their
No. 1411156
>>1411107Byproduct of troon madness. Body autonomy for the mentally delusional and that. A few years for now we will be doing lipo on anorexics.
Obviously trannies are pawns and not the puppermarstes this is 100% the elites fucked transhunanist nonsense but it's all the same school of thought
No. 1411204
File: 1668618349138.jpg (59.03 KB, 608x680, wtf.jpg)

No. 1411332
>>1411317ultimately it's down to their coomerism and lack of empathy for women. women endure childbirth because they want to make a family and have children to love and raise. troons fetishize pregnancy because they refuse to fathom how painful it is for women and what a monumental sacrifice they make for the sake of love. troons just fap to it because they have male brains and porn addictions. no troon would be self sacrificing enough to endure childbirth for the sake of creating life.
if a troon ever had a child, it would be for the purposes of raping and grooming the kid. no coincidence they all also have pedophilic and incestual fetishes, also from overdosing on internet porn. it almost makes you nostalgic for back in the day when "fetishes" were for hairy bush or blowjobs.
No. 1411460
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No. 1411487
File: 1668635291917.png (33.3 KB, 585x222, twitter.PNG)

Maybe I'm just missing something here, but I don't get this tweet. I agree with the sentiment that you don't need to have kids to have a family, but why do people need every phrase or term to include them? People talking starting a family doesn't have to also refer to or include people who don't want children.
No. 1411799
>>1411772Through a historical lens I'd say it's the opposite, though as someone who's from neither place I personally
>barely anyone see's a distinction between you tworeally don't agree with that one. Saying that about the US and Canada would've made much more sense.
No. 1411971
>>1411460holy shit, is that some 15yo weeb that has never been to those countries? If she knew what its like to live in Latvia and Estonia, along with a bunch of other 'good guys' countries she wouldn't have put anything there.
And implying japan with their pedophilia and women mistreatment at work is good, I am not even gonna talk about south Korea…
What an idiot.
No. 1412113
File: 1668700396776.jpeg (103.21 KB, 1242x411, F9DDC872-EA78-44F6-BFBC-BFC44A…)

No such thing as polyamory you’re just a cheater.
No. 1412309
File: 1668710828766.jpeg (219.85 KB, 1170x714, 63D3E124-24F6-49E6-9240-D9DADC…)

Why can’t you just draw yaoi of them like a normal misandrist
No. 1412340
File: 1668712516635.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1168, 75DDE587-4C37-4BEC-AE47-425177…)

There’s no yumejo cringe thread so I’m posting here. I’m scared.
No. 1412343
>>1412309cringe female nerd
>>1412340based female nerd
No. 1412347
File: 1668713137977.png (313.47 KB, 520x477, 1644422927256.png)

>>1412340also, samefagging. A yumejo cringe thread sounds amazing nonna, learning about weird husbandofags is my passion. Please someone make one i have way too many images of crazy husbandofag shrines.
No. 1412506
File: 1668720049945.webm (5.72 MB, 640x360, nylWX342nl39qKu5.webm)

>>1411060>>1411117I genuinely wish to know what was her headlogic when she made this and why she would ever post this after a certain point
No. 1412531
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Gimmick account purge when
No. 1412536
File: 1668721620340.jpg (147.41 KB, 850x478, 5fb27c4f85600a6d293b3c2d.jpg)

>>1412506Imagine blaming the war in Ukraine on Putins mother, like I posted this previously but 4 of the worst human beings who caused mass deaths and suffering, all had loving relationships with their mothers
Mao, Saddam, Stalin and Hitler, all had saintly religious mothers whom they loved greatly, they also had physically
abusive fathers who beat them like dogs(maybe Putin had a similar life, who knows) but blaming putin's behavior on his potentially apparently unloving mom is fucked up,
No. 1412652
>>1412536Putin's mother is actually an interesting story, his parents were both (as was pretty much everyone) involved in immensely traumatic and fucked up circumstances during WW2 in Leningrad, his mother was a factory worker during the siege and his father was a personal cook to Stalin and later worked for the NKVD probably killing people. They both lived until the late 90s. However, there is another woman who is still living and allegedly his birth mother who gave him up from an
abusive household and those two adopted him.
No. 1412787
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No. 1412981
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damn boy were you just frying chicken in there
No. 1412994
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>>1412990mothers of autistic kids get this too. there was a whole "refrigerator mother" thing in the 90s
No. 1413062
>>1413011Right? All the boy-moms you’d meet are overprotective and defensive over their sons and even show more affection than with their daughters it’s just a lazy excuse to blame the woman for a man’s action as always
If maternal care really affected as much as they claim, then half the women would be mass shooters and murderers
No. 1413095
>>1412787Is this why today i woke up to a mass panicking about twitter closing up for good?
I personally don't believe it but is there even a risk of this happening for real?
No. 1413106
>>1403502Late but this lmao. The internet really got me hating americunts more than ever, fuck them and their temperature room iq opinions, i went back to browse the internet mostly on my native language and the lack of their presence is so fucking refreshing specially if you are trying to have a serious debate about something. Their takes genuinely bring down the quality of conversations I'm not joking.
Also holy shit they are so misogynistic in ways i could not imagine before i was fluid in English. Like for real the nasty shit American men spit about women so casually is something I very rarely saw before in my own lenguage, it's like it's hyper normalized to them to despise women to the point is subconscious already, i don't even know how to describe it, genuinely what the fuck is going on in that country. I feel bad for the normal American women whose dating pool is made up of these fucking vermin.
No. 1413502
File: 1668801843076.webm (13.29 MB, 606x1080, twitterhq.webm)

Someone was projecting their thoughts on Elon Musk over the entrance of Twitter HQ from a neighboring building around 18 hours ago. No. 1413667
>>1410365It's dumb how so many people are defending this, the problem isn't that she decided to do a nice thing for her neighbors but that she framed it as some kind of feminine urge to coddle grown men.
And in return they those guys fixed their own fence, lol.
No. 1413761
File: 1668817999939.jpeg (145.53 KB, 1170x1640, AAB908A9-2D26-4C01-A8C7-4E852B…)

Elon has unbanned Andrew Tate & Jordan Peterson
No. 1413768
>>1413502i don't have any pity for these pampered manbabbies. i've been downsized from several jobs and didn't get any severance pay or unemployment. they've been making six figures for years, they should have enough saved to be able to fucking retire by now, except that they waste all their money on funko pops, gadgets, eating out, and gimmicky bars. they thought the gravy train was never gonna end. the dumb fucks should have saved their wages up instead of blowing it all.
elon is based for shaking out the twitter bugmen nest. they're weak, lazy, and entitled.
No. 1413856
>>1413761his head looks like an inverted toilet bowl
shiniest porcelain
No. 1413894
File: 1668828687267.jpg (111.95 KB, 591x601, 1667592046856.jpg)

>>1413761>Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate got unbanned by muskrat>Nick "I take pictures of men while they're sleeping" Fuentes still banned even after opening champaign and singing praises of MuskratOh my sides.
No. 1413955
File: 1668837420570.png (548.75 KB, 648x900, Screenshot 7.png)

Misogyny against struggling mothers but make it woke
No. 1413959
>>1413761I'd rather he unban trump tbh because at least whilst he was
problematic, he made people laugh. These two bozos are just boring and i want to beat them with crowbars.
No. 1413961
File: 1668837815114.png (192.13 KB, 590x623, wp.png)

>>1410365Now this is on the news. I remember a while ago people were hating on right-wing media for stories mocking how zoomers find certain emojis awkward/rude, which were just based on 1 reddit comment. This is similar outrage bait but from the other side. 99% of users liked what she did and the 1% who disagreed are being blown out of proportion.
No. 1413997
File: 1668843112366.jpg (53.45 KB, 661x296, muhfamily.jpg)

>>1413968are right wingers even pro family? They're just pro nuclear family, pro miniature dictatorship where the patriarch gets full discretion to abuse his wife and children. They don't see the inlaws as actual family and want there to be moral outrage of them encroaching on his freedom if they want the wife and children to be actually safe. They don't actually love family, they cannot even fathom living together with parents, grandparents, aunts etc. They're pro isolated individualistic miniature patriarchy masquerading as a family. They cannot even fathom the pressure family gives and how even if you don't have kids, you might work for your family's benefit anyway, since that is still family.
No. 1414181
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Elon is going full retard today
No. 1414186
File: 1668867026351.jpg (296.16 KB, 1080x1437, IMG_20221119_150636.jpg)

Sorry, but this frustrates me so much
He's trying to appease advertisters but unbanning misogynist redpillers for the sake of "free speech"
if you search the recent bitcoin/ftc collapse, all you get is crypto shilling blue checkmark accounts
I don't care about twitter as a platform, but media has started using it for announcements and quotes from celebrities and in countries like Japan it's the main source of online news. Twitter is unpopular in my country, but this is creating such a toxic shill environment, I hope it collapses.
No. 1414233
File: 1668870071807.jpeg (314.58 KB, 828x958, FC82E5AC-7281-425E-AD7B-0205FE…)

ladies if you don’t bathe 3 times a day everyday you’re a stank hoe. as for moids well it doesn’t matter if they haven’t wiped between their ass cheeks since their mothers did it for them, everyone knows it’s natural for women to constantly smell of heavily perfumed artificial products. if you let yourself smell naturally for even one second you’re not a proper woman!!
No. 1414240
>>1413761He is so fugly kek. Looks like a shaved ape.
>>1413960The way I thought a right-wing account posted this before I checked. They really are the exact same.
No. 1414245
>>1414233Women don't even stink that much if they wash properly. Moids on the other hand will stink even 2 hours after showering because of testosterone and them just not washing their ass even if they're in the shower.
Also these women are projecting. Most people I know that are obsessed with not smelling and always looking "clean" don't wash their asses after shitting, let their skin rot under heavy makeup that makes them sweat and put on a ton of perfume that reeks after the first 5 minutes of applying it.
No. 1414275
>>1414187So you'd rather have more men be radicalized by redpill shit just to make the twannies feel bad
Wow fighting the good fight anon
No. 1414297
>>1414233Women dont need to shower every single day unless they are working in the coal mines or something. Just washing your face every morning and night is fine. wtf
is this the sexism myth that you cant wear the same panties twice in a row?
No. 1414361
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>>1414186Can we talk about what load of bullshit his claim is? How do you censor negative/hate speech?
Twitch has tried for a decade and their attempts have been flops, you can have banned strings of letters but people who spam racist slurs will just use emoji and symbols.
What counts as negative speech? Any hating on big corporations? Can anyone report even an innocent person for hate speech and get them silenced?
The idiot is not even hiding how he wants to manipulate the narrative on twitter.
No. 1414444
>>1414422Any time that i see someone SEETHING at the concept that mothers are vulnerable i know they have a deep mother wound. Can't conceptualize mothers as people because that would mean humanize their own mothers.
>>1412994Maybe it's because their kids are autistic and can't establish a proper relationship. The autism comes frist and the werid relationship comes second. Anyone who actually was next to an autistic child know how unpleasant they can be.
No. 1414476
File: 1668882064322.png (894.86 KB, 1068x1402, Screenshot_20220715-090149.png)

>>1413966From his time with Jaden, America First's treasurer, where totally straight Nick Fuentes would take pictures of Jaden and pass them around.
No. 1414519
>>1414510retail worker nonnas get it.
>>1414507"you're 22 and slept 10 hours last night, get to the back of the line"
are you daft? right the fuck here. what do you call that? she's a nasty hateful bitch with entitlement issues who treats others like trash. and you defend her.
No. 1414558
>>1413502I don't give a fuck about Twitter, but the more people harassing this man, the better. Inshallah Elon Musk will eventually be tortured to death for every act of exploitation and abuse he has facilitated on the destitute. Pornsick /pol/tards with daddy issues, drug-addled, autistic techbros with flatlined empathy, and delusional, social media addicted pickmes who think their hundredth banned Twitter accounts and "
triggering muh libs" are the important matters in the world seethe and cope forever.
No. 1414624
>>1414621>reeee stop bullying /pol/Nope, fuck 4tran, head on back there. They have their tongues rooted firmly in his asshole "b-because he
triggers le lefties who disagree with mee". No one with a brain gives a fuck about any of that shit.
No. 1414653
File: 1668894256223.jpeg (359.29 KB, 1170x1251, 5F1AD6F1-EC7E-408A-9CA0-1D7E49…)

Seems like a lot of women left. 9:28am UTC is 1:28am California time. Can’t blame them.
No. 1414654
File: 1668894328487.jpeg (660.38 KB, 1170x1137, B58CBEF4-33BF-49C5-B47D-CCF9C9…)

soyboys don’t get hard over female characters in a children’s game challenge (failed)
No. 1414708
>>1414702I don't use Twitter, meaning I don't interact with his fans, so no. I do notice they often stray here, get
triggered and reply angrily to anyone who says anything bad about him, though. The Grimes/Musk thread gets them particularly mad
No. 1414766
File: 1668903167943.jpeg (874.64 KB, 1170x1801, A8F26769-E118-455D-A0AE-7FABF3…)

That’s a very philosophical way of saying you’re a faggot
No. 1414819
>>1414797An adult demanding children's movies to cater to their
adult sexual desires is always very suspicious
No. 1414867
>>1414832yet every woman in these movies struts around with perky bubble bazongas. moids go out of their way to ruin female pleasure by destroying manservice and the female gaze. just like in anime with one and only one relevant male character and a harem of women. modern men cannot tolerate competition, modern men are coddled weak little babies. seeing another man's package would make them suicidal with insecurity and envy. men need a sterile safe space where they will never be confronted by the reality that males of every species must compete with other males for female attention. yet women tolerate having honking booba shoved in our face 24/7 and are never allowed to complain.
men need SHOVELS to the face. yes, you wussy little faggot, the actor's dick is bigger than yours.
never watched any marvel movie btw, just generalizing. also anime needs DICKS. stop the boobs. i want PACKAGES. luscious bulging packages. i want as much detailing on anime dicks as goes into anime boobs and anime puffy vulva.
No. 1415167
>>1414233These women willingly put genitals in their mouth. We're all not clean.
>>1414867For me, I want to see more toned hot male tummies. Sick of seeing hard abs and skinnyflab.
No. 1415275
File: 1668943666082.jpg (1.14 MB, 720x10474, f64f784e-77e4-4d81-83c2-2cadb0…)

Alt-right male user who likes to hit up TiFs and claim he can fix them. What's worse, also claims to have a wife and children but still replies to e-thots and OF girls' posts with perverted comments, and claims in different tweets how all his kids are grown up and yet he still has one 8-yr old son and his wife is pregnant in one other tweet.
WTF. Do some mental lonely males like to LARP like that?
No. 1415310
>>1415275the two tifs in the beginning are underage, thats creepy.
Also i do believe the marriage part since some women are desperate and will marry any garbage they can find.
No. 1415603
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>>1415393Kek I remember moids throwing a fit over picrel
No. 1415638
File: 1668968445490.png (165.99 KB, 900x1112, E1vdJJmUUAAg_c8.png)

>>1415603>tfw dick grayson will never sit on mewhy live
No. 1415652
>>1415638>>1415603>>1414867Quality men wouldn't be intimidated by this, they would be motivated to work harder.
Stop hanging around with subpar men.
No. 1415660
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My head hurts
No. 1415663
>>1415660I'm all for growing gems in labs because the countries are being exploited for them, especially children.
Meat however, can be sourced locally and humanly, but go off vegan-karen
No. 1415767
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The pick-meism is off the charts
No. 1415791
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This was one of the recommended posts for me after looking at a random news post (I don’t have an account) like wtf I know these troll MRA type of dumbasses exist but the comments were fucking insane and retarded insinuating that women don’t have skills or the ability to hold jobs. It was genuinely sickening, I hate social media it really makes me want horrible things to happen to a certain portion of the population (in Minecraft)
No. 1416058
File: 1668991816641.gif (1.01 MB, 234x176, tumblr_n34nreFrzV1rdmdixo1_250…)

>>1415791When is this crazy bitch gonna get knocked up and leave the internet
No. 1416166
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Kek I thought the original interaction was funny because the Korean user misunderstood the “choose your fighter” meme
But then I saw this QRT and it turned into a different argument, I’m not sure how I feel about people who draw male gazey women (or even dress as such, its not exclusive to art) and try to say you’re the one at fault for seeing it as sexual. The korean user didnt even imply that femininity/sexiness is degrading, she pointed out that being dressed that wouldnt work for fighters No. 1416207
File: 1669002350822.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.36 KB, 540x540, 0ff442dcc5d2d77202b8035bb0a900…)

>>1416166This kind of take bothers me. Whether she intends to or not fact of the matter is her art is heavily appealing to the male gaze. She sells pin-ups of sexy idealized female bodies in her store and who else does that appeal to?
No. 1416240
File: 1669003993267.png (1.32 MB, 1068x1084, Screen Shot 2022-11-20 at 8.12…)

actual facebook boomer tier humor.
No. 1416264
>>1412990idk if theyre still there but there literally used to be two decently popular subreddits dedicated strictly to defending chris watts and brian laundrie, and blaming their partners for their actions and even portraying them as the actual
victims. ive seen multiple videos defending brian as well, filled with comment sections of men defending him. ive also known someone in person who thought chris watts was the
victim/"his wife drove him to do it". They used the pregnancy reveal video as "proof". That, and i quote, "she kept getting herself pregnant and babytrapping him". Their exact words.
No. 1416279
File: 1669007630269.jpeg (112.34 KB, 720x1234, 011A9C1F-5E44-4AED-B734-7B50B1…)

logic is gone
No. 1416309
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>>1416279Omg he’s a they/them AND a “therapist”
No. 1416326
File: 1669011927836.png (237.1 KB, 889x767, GPGGc3z.png)

americans cant go one minute without referencing a marvel movie
No. 1416348
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No. 1416394
>>1416166I saw this. I like drawing sexy women, but that artist gave HEAVY male gaze and pick-me behavior. You just know when something sexy is drawn by a woman for women.
>>1416240I hate this fuckwit so fucking much. I keep getting redpill misogynist tweets since the changes on my feed and I want to abandon twitter, but my favorite korean artists are keeping me, ugh.
No. 1416397
>>1415791I like how Lauren's baby is not even
one fucking year old and she's still constantly on social media sperging about women. So trad and submissive, having someone else feed your child while mommy makes her money on the internet!
This miserable bitch was probably rage tweeting about feminism from the delivery room. Follow your own advice for once and get off social media. You have no business being there by your own logic.
>>1416240Zoomer scrotes eat facebook boomer memes up like nothing else given they're either a) sexual or b) misogynistic. They're malebrained to the max.
No. 1416406
File: 1669020966933.jpg (131.39 KB, 1080x937, IMG_20221121_095334.jpg)

Twitter just suggested me to follow Ben Shapiro.
Call me a paranoid schizo, but there is no way in hell that recommendation makes sense for a ~20 year old woman in Europe who just follows anime news and musicians.
No. 1416438
File: 1669025966685.png (76.88 KB, 652x539, Screenshot 65.png)

I despite western liberals so much, its like we need to convince them that worse misogyny outside the west even exists. this law is still in practice in Iran(cause Iran is an Islamic republic that does not allow a virgin woman to be executed so she has to be married and then raped first) this was also a law in my country and I didn't learn this from islamophobes, I learned this from my grandmother when I was 12 and she lived through that era
No. 1416442
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>>1416440Campist brainrot. The West = bad, ergo not-West = good
No. 1416465
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Anime lol
No. 1416478
File: 1669042031987.jpg (797.25 KB, 1060x1666, Uvxno45.jpg)

>>1416438>>1416442I fucking hate people like this. Bring up Islam around any western liberal woman or diaspora muslimah in the west and prepare to hear the most delusional, retarded and desperate cope you can think of.
>muh western media brainwashing>first religion to give women rights!!>in islam women are the queens of the house!>culture =/= religion!!Moids (muslim or not) in the comment sections laughing their assess off while these fools justify and glorify their own oppression. And notice how it's never women who actually live in these countries who say this shit? Yeah.
No. 1416481
>>1416478doublepost but another thing these women often bring up (in a really snappy way too) is that women in the US "don't even have bodily autonomy" and should therefore be quiet about the allegedly nonexistent misogyny within islam. I don't have words for how evil that "comeback" is. And the defense is never there for Christianity, of course. Since there are no woke asspats to be gained.
These people are hesitant to say that women are female and think they'll be comfortable with islamic ideology of all things fucking kek
No. 1416493
>>1416485Here's the thing, structurally speaking Christianity is a flawed religion, and I mean that in a good way, Judaism and Islam have supplementary theological texts that help fill in spaces, the Talmud, the hadiths and various commentaries on these texts, plus language, jewish remain Hebrew while the Islamic texts remain in 7th century Hijazi arabic
Christianity has translations of the bible whose meanings have been mistranslated and misinterpreted since the beginning, I'm not a Christian and both are equally made up imo, but Christianity has the aspect of Cultural flexibly that Islam lacks
No. 1416503
File: 1669044169777.png (44.31 KB, 127x184, man hands.png)

>>1416465lol he tried to photoshop his man hands
No. 1416504
>>1416478>>1416481Original poster, while these people make me angry(I really want to smack them) I can't blame that much, they are products of American liberalism, which is done by espousing the traditional battles for civil rights and presenting themselves as the sole defenders of morality, of progress and the future of our world.
american liberalism fights for absolute stability and it's almost obsessive with the way it tries to present itself as the only "sensible" choice. It's a moderate force at first sight but a soulless one as it a the natural evolution of capitalist society, It just paints itself in rainbows and green to trick gullible people into supporting it.
and that is what these people and that is what there society made them into
No. 1416555
>>1416543interesting, do you have any more information about these sects, cause the the Quran mentions this sect of Christianity which Islam considers the most sacrilegious, in it God the father, Jesus and Mary are worshipped as part of the trinity
You can imagine the idea of a woman being equal to God was pretty reclusive towards Muslims
No. 1416598
File: 1669051264599.png (659.65 KB, 637x956, pure autism 1.png)

I fucking love that Trumps is disinterested in coming back to twitter so Elon is firing all the cylinders on his autism and is trying to meme him into coming back
No. 1416600
File: 1669051291132.png (415.15 KB, 640x797, pure autism 2.png)

>>1416598Embarrassing. Just embarrassing.
No. 1416611
File: 1669051925468.jpg (415.13 KB, 1080x1643, IMG_20221121_183024.jpg)

Chinese and Korean feminists are based. I know attacking other women is low, but I respect the energy to just tell somebody you find annoying to kill themselves.
No. 1416615
>>1416598Not sure if I am sheltered, but I find it very fucked up for a CEO of a billion dollar company to post shit like this publically?
Yes, moid CEOs would go on pedo tourism in thailand, politicians too, but usually the mockery and acting like a monkey is reserved for lower staff while you need to keep your "reputation".
No. 1416620
>>1416611I'm repeating myself but I hate white anglos who only speak one language and who assume people from completely different ethnicities and continents and cultures have to be fluent in English. She "understood" her English perfectly but didn't even notice the Korean girl is ESL? I have to laugh. Now she's acting like a poor little
victim. I didn't even disagree with any of these two girls before but that one is obnoxious and retarded. She's saying her pinup art with bare titties aren't influenced by the male gaze too, just lol.
No. 1416627
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>>1416611Doubleposting but kek, look at the reply to the tweet. Of course she's call the korean a "bootleg" feminist. Feminism is apparently about mentally ill men and drawings.
No. 1416727
File: 1669057598916.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x1791, 109E5507-1F7A-44C1-A42F-CDFD45…)

Why do moids think it’s funny to take sneaky photos of women
No. 1416732
File: 1669057805123.png (134.75 KB, 1080x540, Screenshot_20221121-110745_(1)…)

>>1416627Looks like they're accusing anyone that doesn't agree with their brand of feminism as terfs now
No. 1417249
File: 1669084674173.jpeg (236.02 KB, 1242x870, A5E0EBCF-26CA-4867-8CCB-4FD4DF…)

Say what you want about tumblr and its cringe but this is literally so true..
been using tumblr for the last two years while only scrolling twitter occasionally, everything is just so chill and laidback on tumblr lol who would’ve guessed that tumblr would be cool again
No. 1417259
>>1417253Sure, they were the powerhouse of tumblr in 2014 maybe. but seriously check it for yourself now, it’s much easier to curate your feed and control what content you interact with easily and there’s plenty of good/insightful users on there
Also radblr is pretty big
No. 1417275
File: 1669085792971.jpg (28.02 KB, 420x247, brandsew.jpg)

I hate brand accounts
No. 1417287
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No. 1417319
>>1416493Judaism is still all kinds of fucked up. The best of the lot (and that's not saying much) is Roman Catholic Christianity cause it had the protestant reformation which started Western Christianity on the path to eventually ditching the most of the extreme sexist bullshit in Christian. Judaism still has the orthodox sects which are misogynistic trash. Even the worst evangelicals aren't as bad as them.
I specified Roman Catholic Christianity cause I have no idea what the deal is with Orthodox Christianity.
No. 1417358
File: 1669091671828.png (28.41 KB, 300x291, thumb_kimberly-biggkim-period-…)

>>1417351Anyone who has had a deep enough friendship with another woman knows for fact other women make gross sexual period jokes all the time unless you're in a mega Christian group. If anything the people who sound like troons are the ones acting like tampon companies making dumb jokes have some evil intentions behind it. Let women live not all women want uwu pure conversations and nothing else. God forbid women have a sense of humor different than yours
No. 1417359
>>1417344oh. well. that's a bit… is that really an advertisement?
>>1417358her i like.
No. 1417367
File: 1669092244747.webm (8.47 MB, 640x360, R4c8fsHGCjLO8qQb.webm)

>>1416478>>1416438vidrel is recent video in Taliban controlled afghanistan where 2 women are lashed and beaten for the crime of listening to music and singing(which Islam explicitly forbids and considers a major sin, like its literally stated in the Quran) this what Islam in practice according to the Quran is
also what makes this even sadder is this from Nuristan province, a region up until 150 years ago didn't follow Islam until they were systemically ethnically cleansed and murdered and forced to convert
No. 1417377
>>1417363>>1417363It's literally a joke about period sex. And you seriously think women never made jokes about "tampons being up a vagina and men aren't"? No one's going to magically start thinking periods are sexual because of one joke. This tweet has literally changed nothing outside of enraged farmers who seem to be misdirecting their anger.
>that's pretty wrong to sexualise a natural function, like people who sexualise breast feeding. Degen and dehumanising to women, simple as.There's literally a TikTok trend of women showing their dinner table and posting "everyone here has sucked my titties" kek. I would barely consider it sexualization until they implied the actions are the same thing, all they did was point out that tampons are in a woman's vagina, and that's where men wish they were. It's not saying that tampons are periods are sexual at all. Similar to breastfeeding jokes, the women pointed out their breasts were sucked on for different ones, one sexual and one not, that's not saying it's the exact same. Either way, just let women live. This is a harmless joke especially compared to the rampant misogyny on Twitter
(ip hopping to defend yourself) No. 1417384
File: 1669094259242.jpeg (8.8 KB, 338x149, descarga.jpeg)

>>1417275Is it supposed to be like a gus fring image type joke?
i know the "we are not the same" joke is older but companies just joke about what is popular at the moment and the gus meme is fairly recentIt reminds me of those 4chan jokes kinda
>Picrel No. 1417445
File: 1669100590082.jpg (497.83 KB, 1080x1866, IMG_20221122_080053.jpg)

Why do you think I would care about men's football? I don't follow a single sport. Still trying to radicalize me.
No. 1417452
>>1417352Everyone shitting on you but they overlooked the most retarded comment ever made
>I don't fucking care anon, for one i have never heard a joke like that coming from a woman, only women complaining about moids thinking women get off using tampons. If anything this kind of humor is right up the ally of lib fems whores. I don't find edgy shit like this funny and you are not going to gaslight me into finding retarded moid level humor funny. Go back to 4chan.What does it feel like to be completely devoid of joy and humour? Also you really aren’t as woke as you think you are, calling women whores for talking about our bodies.
No. 1417475
>>1417456This has got to be the weirdest reason to accuse someone of being a moid, there's other tampon brands kek
Hell I've never seen tampax in my life
No. 1417492
>>1417349Brands need to shut the fuck up. Not funny, not relatable. Never buying tampax, not using THEY THEM INSIDE THEM UGUU U KNOW LIKE PEEPEE tranny plugs. Seems to be that those the customers they want.
And yes I'm fucking
triggered. Not even menstrual products are for WOMENS HYGIENE. Everything is for male sexual desires.
No. 1417502
>>1417319grew up catholic, 13 years of catholic schooling. this is UNTRUE. catholics are some of the worst imo
proper pedos. like, I have family members who are
victims of priests. genuinely what the fuck sort of person thinks roman catholic anything is good. it's fire and brimstone shit. in their eyes you're just another sinning brick in hell's basement, don't give them any credit.
sorry to sperg but wtf nona no
No. 1417542
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No. 1417549
>>1417349If being uncomfortable with a product that's supposed to be for women, making jokes catered to men when there is still stigma surrounding tampons and virginity…makes someone a libfem…than i rather be that than a piece of shit tradthot/scrote like you.
Also anons here really need to start gatekeeping the word libfem here so retards like you stop misusing it.
No. 1417578
>>1417456>shitting on tampax makes someone a troon/moid because women have vaginas>ree don’t say tampon companies should cater to women and not make retard twitter sex jokes>multiple anons shit on post while single sperg goes on for hours.Mental illness or bait? Twitter fag, this thread is to make fun of people like you. Someone is
triggered from being called a troon for their retard takes kek.
No. 1417647
File: 1669121974912.jpg (73.53 KB, 720x767, 7bfd951d-8d31-4515-b576-4003cb…)

>redpill moid who hates feminism and especially when women point out how "men rape a lot" and "are aggressive" and "don't treat women like people but window dressing props"
>Also a denier that there are bad men, when see advice on how marriage is a trap for women or men cheat, lies and tries to counter it weakly.
>'Respects' only tradthots and writes them nice messages
>One of the tradthots he associates with (Po), revealed he's pimping women on the downlow
>Believes that women should get married even though he's a PUA dickhole, and that woman's purpose should be to worship, fear and serve men, if not they're not bowing down doormats they're not "respectful". And men should have their wants and needs served by women but men don't need to let women have some freedom for her own hobbies, wants and needs too.
>Also believes in male superiority and "men are better than women"
How do they keep on cruising with this?
No. 1417722
File: 1669129729925.jpg (303.29 KB, 720x1425,…)

>>1402959Good, it's back now. I swear it wasn't there the other day.
No. 1417742
>>1417502 ayrt
It's not a good thing. It's still crazy sexist and covers for pedos. It's a hive of scum and villainy. It's just less sexist than Judaism and Islam right now. That's it.
tl;dr Only when it comes to sexism, the Catholic church is slightly less horrible then Islam and Judaism. It's still bad on everything else.
I'm sure what you went through was horrible, but I also feel sure in saying that you didn't have to legally have your husband's or father's or brother's permission to travel, get a job or go to university. You don't have to wear a hijab or veil or cut off your hair when you get married and wear a wig for the rest of your life. You can actually be alone with men who are not related to you. If you are on a period, you are not considered impure and your husband is allowed to touch you. And if you want to divorce a husband, it's done through the legal system, and you don't need to get your husband's permission to divorce him and then get a religious leader to sign off on it. And if you go to church, you don't have to sit in the back of the church, behind a curtain, or in a basement, or in a parking lot, while men sit in the front. All of this is shit muslim women and women in orthodox judaism have to deal with and christian women, even the ones who live with sexist families, don't, even though Catholicism, and Christianity in general, is still sexist.
I like to acknowledge when orgs become less shitty then they used to be. But that doesn't mean I think that it's good now but someone always takes it that way.
No. 1417822
File: 1669137114011.gif (17.88 KB, 220x206, ED2A35AC-0899-444E-A8AC-62A127…)

if Pakichan is here, that means my gf, Romanianon, is somewhere around here…
No. 1417829
>>1417821Bible Belt south. Rural small towns. Places so small their counties not towns.
>>girls got pulled out to homeschool because they weren’t allowed to learn higher math, their husbands will manage the money >>no other religious books or even green cleaning. My grandmother was even one of the book burners. >>pulling coding books for girls off those same shelves back home right now. >>wouldn’t let me be alone with a boy or man. Needed a chaperone. Threatened to beat any boy with a stick. >>no trick or treating will let the devil in>>carry that rape baby it’s your fault for being a whore >>jeans aren’t for girls. >>stay sweet >>women should be seen and not heard >>blood is thicker than water and god wanted it so let your family member molest youEtc etc
And it keeps going.
No. 1417853
>>1417829that's terrible. women are treated so horribly even by their own families (who are 50% WOMEN themselves!) meanwhile boys are little princes and are allowed anything and given the world. and men have all this privilege and they're still useless retarded goblins who couldn't figure out how to wash their own socks if their life depended on it. the only way men can get ahead is by kneecapping and enslaving women. what a pathetic excuse of a gender.
i actually like catholicism but "christians" do a horrible disservice to Christianity. If you read the bible none of this woman-hatred is even in it, Jesus treated women equally to men. it's just bigotry using religion as an excuse. Jesus would be first in line to beat up misogynists.
No. 1417857
>>1417839did you not read what I was trying to say, Chrisantiy is rare cases like yours can be worse and that's the point, Chrisantiy is an internally flawed and inconsistent religion, since the begging its been filled with mistranslations and misinterpretations, that's why it can take so many bizarre forms throughout various cultures and in history
you can have white nationalist Christians and Black Hebrew Israelites because Christianity because of its deficiency's
the retarded laws in your small town are merely personal interpretations but they don't have scriptural base in Chrisantiy its self
theologically speaking Islam is a perfect religion, it has everything for society, small and large scale and remain consistent in all forms, and has rules for anything you imagine thanks to supplementary texts(that have more scriptural grounding then bible) from the way you should go to the bathroom, the method a land owner should collect taxes, how to treat your wife/wives, how to treat your slaves, the correct method and direction of shitting, how to cut your nails, correct method of drinking water and well literally everything
Muslims across the globe have more similarities in how they conduct daily life in terms of religion then Christians do in the same states
do you understand what I'm saying ?
No. 1417876
>>1417857>> "A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God."Keep telling yourself that. The Bible is rooted in sexism and easy to interrupt the way the churches I grew up did. I wasn’t even sent to any of the communes. Those were worse.
Just because Christians don’t follow not cutting their hair doesn’t mean it doesn’t tell them what to do.
No. 1417904
>>1417895My point is Christians don’t have the power Islam has in the Middle East. That’s why they’re divided and scrambling. There are laws and other cultures here that keep them in place. Your arguing it’s the religion itself that’s better I’m telling you it’s not. Read the goddamn book and don’t trivialize women talking about their religious abuse like that women above who went to Catholic school for your point. The religious fanatics are the ones backing abortion bans in my country and taking women’s rights and it’s spreading.
The actual Bible hates women and was written by sexist pieces of shit who changed things and made women into prostitutes for their own purposes. That’s the book the religious crazies are following. Not the Ten Commandments the “good Christians” remover from Sunday school. I’m not going to agree with you.
No. 1417911
>>1417904I have actually read the bible(to compare and contrast) but again did you read what I said, because I explicitly said the exact opposite and the POINT I WAS TRYING TO STATE TO YOU was not that christianity is theologically flawed, not inherently good or better but having weaknesses that can be exploited
also didn't you claim you lived in the american south(which is famously very protestant) why are you mentioning Catholicism so much
No. 1417914
>>1417904You're arguing with Paki-chan, this kind of exchange always happens. The root of all this is that she minimizes other people's suffering. Islam is indeed a horrific religion, but she doesn't like to acknowledge that Christianity is shit at its core as well, because she likes the idea of a trad conservative western white man. She also mocked American anons who were depressed about Roe v Wade being overturned and said they deserved it because Pakistan is worse for women.
Again, I'm not trying to say Pakistan and Islam are not terrible, but this is a major issue with her (on top of her being racist toward non-white women). It'll never end.
No. 1417925
>>1417914by god, I can acknowledge that I was combative and insensitive in the past, but you are all very much ignoring what I am trying to say and not even reading it, I was the one who started conversation about Islam and the point Was trying point was a scriptural and theological consistency that Islam has over other religions, the only other religion that rivals it is Judaism
that's all I am trying to say right now
No. 1417956
File: 1669144031177.jpg (90.43 KB, 584x356, Sahih Bukhari.jpg)

>>1417944I was being "combative" cause you frequently ignored 99% of what I had written and just focused on stuff that I had never even said, also like your "books" in the bible are tiny, you have an old testament and the accounts of the gospels and that's the bible, If Islam was just the Quran, then Islam maybe would have turned out similar to Chrisantiy
Picrel is Islam, everything you associate and Muslims themselves associate with Islam comes from the Hadiths(the collected sayings and doings of Muhammad and his companions) and these aren't opinions or commentary texts, these have an actual standing with in Islamic canon(much stronger then bible's existence)
No. 1417970
>>1417820I hope pakichan never stops trying to warn women on LC about Islam because if you live in Europe, it's your future.
>>1417853>If you read the bible none of this woman-hatred is even in it, Jesus treated women equally to men. it's just bigotry using religion as an excuse. Jesus would be first in line to beat up misogynists.This. When I read The Bible I was surprised because all the awful things Christianity does to women aren't there. Rape is condemned in both the Old Testament and The New Testament. St. Paul instructs husbands to not beat their wives and Jesus preaches against hate and discrimination. There's also a lot of prominent women in The Bible, such as Ruth and Mary. Christians, especially Catholics, venerate Mary as the mother of the son of God, yet the religion is used as justification to harm women. After reading The Bible it makes no sense.
No. 1417974
File: 1669144534517.jpg (1.01 MB, 2000x1360, 34_akaj-vf.jpg)

>>1417956these are the important texts, the authenticated Sahih Bukhari texts, about a six big meaty volumes worth, my grandmother had a collection and a single one was about the 2/3rd size of my torso
but there are library's worth of others, those one's are usually about Muhammad's companions and family members, and there are multiple volumes about them as well and see unlike the apostles of Chrisantiy, the Shahab(companions of Muahmmad) are stated to be the greatest human beings who will ever exist in human history and there aren't 12, like their are over 50
(ENOUGH ALREADY!) No. 1418518
>>1417970well I mean its not that complicated, the old testament is an exaggerated(but still mostl;y historical) text regarding the origins and history of the Hebrew people and their states, the beliefs and mentality you are going to find in the OT is the mentality of bunch of iron age Semites
Jesus is complicated however, cause he and his apostles never had real power, he was just a popular jewish preacher who was murdered by the roman state and somehow some way in his death his cult spread to the internal and border regions of the roman empire, I guess people liked the idea of a god that would die for them, it was a comforting thought maybe
No. 1418661
>>1418317Looking at it now Christianity doesn't seem good for women but in the time of Jesus it would have been. Christianity banned prostitution, ended polygamy and concubinage, condemned violence against women and freed women from needing to wear a head covering. It was radically progressive which is why so many men fought against it and eventually took control of the major branches of the religion.
>>1418537You haven't read The Bible or you would know what happened to the tribe of Benjamin. Obviously the treatment of raped women in The Bible isn't acceptable but it introduces the concept of rape being wrong which at the time didn't exist. Women's rights in the west wouldn't exist without the foundations put forth by Christianity. Look how women are still treated in regions where Christianity wasn't the dominant religion.
No. 1418663
>>1418661again its complicated, you can use Christianity to justify anything cause of the way it is, it did have mass appeal with poor people, slaves and women of all classes, its that, its recorded that Helena mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great was the one guided him to Christianity
one factor that Western Christianity had that really helped in the spread of what we can consider women's rights were nunneries, a space for only women where they had access to knowledge and learned to read and write
No. 1418691
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No. 1418763
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>>1418738It's not like the issues an Americanized Twitter moderator would be promoting would be actually relevant to regular Japanese women, it would be more like shit like picrel
No. 1418820
>>1418695>>1418700Anyone who browses jp twitter knows that this is a schizo post reddit is pushing, I've seen it on discord.
You get character birthdays and anime episodes trending in the top 10 every day, there used to be promoted news articles that have been removed now. There is no evil feminazi scheme, begine tranny.
No. 1418897
>>1418695>>1418691I honestly believe that twitter would stoop to that level.
Does this mean that twitter royally fucked up a whole generation and the entirety of social media because “make people angry” is a profitable model.
No. 1418899
>>1418695Wouldn’t the second largest twitter user base be Canada?
It’s very sad how much power twitter had in general
No. 1418920
>>1418909It reads:
Tokyo Trans March on December 11th:meet at Shinjuku Central Park at 13:30, departude at 14:00
The Waifu Float is based on theme of solidarity between transgeder and allies!
Basically a rally fro troon rights made by troony ex-pats who will be joined by westaboo japaneses. I wonder how it'll go
No. 1418993
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Religious moids making excuses for themselves as usual.
No. 1419844
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No. 1420416
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I hate pick-me's so fucking much
No. 1420430
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No. 1420458
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>>1420416Sports, piss beer, and tits.
No. 1420529
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I hate so much how people like the first bitch in the link are steering up hate against powerless harmless artists for clout.
I refuse to believe that they genuinely care about racism and the people that make these accusations are always white women, usually white US women. She just wants a trophy for searching and finding issues in other people's works if you stare hard enough.
None of these online warriors of justice have ever argued with or attacked a single nazi, they are way too coward for this. They just snap at artists who are minorities or women themselves and endanger them by stirring up hate against them. The rightoids will clap to this. No. 1420566
>>1420534She probably doesn't know that either.
If I am nice I would say she wanted to see black inventors and scientists too, there are some, but they aren't as widely know as Einstein or da Vinci and the artist even said it was commissions and gifts for others, so if anything she would have to blame the people that asked for these scientists.
It's just a cheap method to virtue signal, I hate people that do call outs, it's almost always just some jelly artist dogpiling rivals or good for nothing wokes that farm likes and followers to post their fundme later.
No. 1420695
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Kinda based tbh
No. 1420813
>>1420802she's just an insane schitzoid on tiktok, who believes that
>Ancient Rome never was a ploy by the catholic church >Latin did not exist >Alexzander the great was a woman and Hephaestion's mother she genuinely seems mentally ill and I think is just ranting whatever makes sense in her mind
No. 1421014
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What is with this retarded twink and his obsession with being 19
No. 1421078
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>Gay men stop being pedophilic challenge(impossible) context two teenage boys made a dumb tiktok video and adult gay moids can't help but not make sexualize gross sexual remarks about them. No. 1421108
>>1421093>bitter jealous mid-20+ I’m 21 lol and no one over 25 is jealous over him. I don’t care enough to hate him but he is clearly annoying and unlikable, besides you can tell he gets off on this weird fantasy of being ~soo young~ he’s always in someone’s replies saying he’s 19 it’s just a weird obsession at this point
After all, he is a gay moid and they’re the most degenerate sexual deviants
No. 1421124
>>1421112More apt to believe it’s moronic to cry about someone who is barely an adult acting like someone who is… barely an adult. You all pretend you weren’t annoying at that age which is bullshit.
>>1421108Note how that wasn’t at you and was referring to twitterfags. Crying over a 19 year old acting like a 19 year old is so stupid.
No. 1421346
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Why was this a promoted account
No. 1421736
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I’m so tired of these kinds of posts
No. 1422463
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I agree you should snitch on male cheaters but
>married men are fetishized
No. 1422553
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I don't know the female tiktoker mentioned but why would "actually women are childish sometimes!" be a gotcha. Dylan is still a man.
No. 1422688
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>>1422463People are making up fake back stories to defend him
No. 1422734
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Scrotes being scrotes, reminder that scrotes commit acts of terrorism when women don't give them attention.
No. 1422842
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is twitter dead yet im tired of hearing about it. die already
No. 1422915
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He's a male character and referred to as "he" by other characters in canon lol
No. 1423087
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No. 1423097
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>>1423088this isn't even a fan headcanon btw, he acts autistic in the show and the creators confirmed he was supposed to be autistic
No. 1423104
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No. 1423155
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>>1422915Idol twitter is a flaming pile of shit, a translator got cancelled for having small age gap fanfics on her ao3 (that's pedoshit!)
So now we can't ship any characters aside the designated same age gay ship and they are only allowed to hold hands and be pure babies?
No. 1423249
>>1423087kek english people are so trashy
>>1423163Trannies are so euphoric to be ~oppressed~ by women that they can't handle it when we complain about something that has nothing to do with them
No. 1423450
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>>1422915They're so fucking dumb. He's very obviously meant to be a stereotypically feminine gay man who calls himself "sis" the way James Charles does, not a "trans woman". The other characters even refer to him as an okama. These people really want you to look at picrel and call him a girl with a straight face. Insufferable
>>1423155You can just tell all of them are TiFs. They're as clockable as TiMs.
No. 1423510
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>>1423450the funniest part is that in the english translated game they all claim he's referred to with "she/her pronouns" which is literally not true. every story i've read with him in it has the characters calling him what he is: a male. picrel is one of the chars talking about him
No. 1423672
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no zoomers arent prude they just realized how abusive bdsm is
No. 1423692
File: 1669590389095.gif (2 MB, 200x200, 1640021007449.gif)

>>1423087What did he expect from the most stupid and annoying category of fans known to mankind? It's so well-known that English football fans are mentally ill apes that even a whole pokemon game has characters based on them. Actually, is there anything worse than an English football addict?
No. 1423792
File: 1669596907331.png (1.23 MB, 875x751, china.PNG)>WHY ARE THEY ALL WHITEDude, they're pastel colored horses why does it matter? I get why people (including myself) would prefer a more diverse lineup, but the replies are literally acting like they're whitewashing even though they're fucking horses.
No. 1423799
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>>1423792sorry for horse-sperging but in the bishoujo figure line(which these are based on) they had different skin tones. RD and Luna were darker skin. Still, its fucking autistic to complain about it and it was more than likelly just a budget issue.
No. 1423802
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>>1423799They look different enough from the bishoujo line to me for it to be a different thing, same with how equestria girls looks pretty different from those figures aside from Twilight.
Agreed that it's autistic as fuck though.
No. 1423805
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>>1423802true, also there are so incredibly cute i would love to get Twi, AJ and Cadence
>>1423803i think AJ is supposed to be tanned and RD actually dark skin. I honestly just think its cute they have dif skin tones because i like that they all arent the same. Also because of contrast too, i feel like luna wouldnt look half as cute if she had white skin, same as RD, her rainbow scheme would be kinda lost.
No. 1423809
>>1423792The good thing about MLP characters being cute little pastel horses is that a lot of collaborations can easily imagine their own 'human' versions of the ponies, i think it's neat, but ofc twitterfags always make it about the race. Even about ponies…why
>>1423806NTA but why? I grew up with MLP and always loved Trixie's VA, design and story. I am happy i have never seen the english side of the fandom, but now it leaves me concerned. I recall tumblr keeps throwing hijabs onto fluttershy and making her a troon but thats about it.
No. 1423835
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>>1423832in reply to this tweet
No. 1423938
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we have reached where wokeoids have finally decided that pedophiles are now a protected class
No. 1423948
>>1423938>>1423941redfem(a podcast by two radfem socialists) actually did a great podcast episode regarding this, why so many of the mainstream and far left campaign to remove the age of consent as well as have open accesses to boys and girls, one of the women who was involved in activism during the 80's and 90's talked about how her organization was defending an intellectual who had molested children from "fascists", turned out the fascists were just regular parents who wanted justice for the
victims and their families and that made her leave her group No. 1424593
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No. 1424670
File: 1669667335107.png (1.34 MB, 1323x1688, aging.PNG)

Most of the people rightfully call out OP for implying 30 is some ancient age but still over 100k agreed with her lmao
No. 1424751
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Is this supposed to be funny
No. 1424931
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Genuinely don't wanna racebait, but when I see tweets like this it's always on blk twitter. I'm euro and I don't get it, is life really that fucked up for black women?
No. 1424932
>>1424931they don't even wanna give black women epidurals when they give birth a lot of the time
life is fucking sad for black women at least in America
No. 1424935
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>>1424751i want to believe this just because the youtuber i have a parasocial relationship with hates alcohol and it fuels my gut feeling that he's a bottom in bed
No. 1424937
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I hope
No. 1424940
>>1424670being 30 is really going to hit this generation hard.
>>1424681Imo the biggest thing that aged the Olsen twins was buccal fat surgery.
No. 1424956
>>1424931tbh specifically getting to detail about it would be considered race bait, but there is a serious pickme epidemic in western black women and yes i know all women can be pickmes, but this is kind of different. Women who are like this have convinced themselves that sex needs to be painful and that abuse is ok or else you won't be able to keep a man and you will die alone. The idea of dying alone is constantly being waved in their face and they keep falling for it, especially since a lot of women who do everything to please men usually die alone anyways. Also, there is generally high rates of sexual violence against women in the black community that gets swept under the rug and there is heavy slut shaming towards young girls who haven't even experienced puberty. I wonder if a lot of this hypersexuality is a symptom of that.
>>1424932>>1424933I've heard about this, it's a huge reason why I refuse to ever have children and I don't really like going to the hospital.
No. 1424973
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No. 1425414
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What is this retard doing
No. 1425620
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>>1425531looked it up and apparently its a now popular term used by millennials against young people who are against porn
>Puriteen is a portmanteau of "puritan" and "teenager" used to describe a young person, typically a teenager, who is prudish and uncomfortable about sexual content on the internet.[1] Many are anti-porn[2] >Gen Z are the least sexually active generation in decades.[4][5][6][7] Some argue this is down to greater awareness about consent and trauma as a result of the Me Too movement[3] and increased familiarity with porn leading to increased opposition to it due to increased understanding of it.[8]>Some are critical of the term puriteen, arguing that most teenagers have much more nuanced beliefs on sex, and that only a minority are as prudish as the term puriteen implies.[1] No. 1425626
File: 1669738201148.png (9.79 KB, 598x96, 21dg.png)

Sage for blog posting-ish, but you people weren't joking about twitter people making things up. I run a daily character bot on twitter where I got +16k accounts blocked (block-chains on porn accs mostly) and now people are calling me a terf because within these 16k people there are transwomen, and using a joke tweet I made a year ago about blocking men as a proof lmao
It amazes me the main character syndrome people on twitter have and the mental gymnastics they do to cancel random people; my favorite thing out of the things they've sent me is picrel, they really are out there making crimes up. Silenced my acc, but it gave me some laughs for the past few hours.
On a related note, why do people even get so worked up about blocks? It's just an app on the phone. They keep preaching to respect boundaries and yet the second someone puts some down they call them out kek
No. 1425654
>>1424614Same and I really hate how widespread people joke s out totally spies and kinks is nowadays.
Totally spies was a really fun cartoon but nowadays it’s reduced to “Hurhurhr fetish”
No. 1425682
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>>1425654>>1424614I never got that cringe "funny feeling in my tummy" when I watched it as a child wtf. I just thought they were cool.
No. 1426174
>>1425417I'm sorry, but it's true. Black women are also significantly more likely to die during child birth than white women. That's literally just because of racism, like the-sun-revolves-around-the-earth era shit. If a black woman tells a doctor she's in pain during labor, even if she were to literally say "I can feel that my colon has ruptured from the use of a surgical instrument," the doctor is going to tell her that pain during birth is normal. The doctor will assume she's being dramatic (because black women are LoUd), or they will outright believe that she's lying. I'm not making this shit up, I've worked at multiple facilities in three different states, and that has been prevalent
everywhere. Doctors do not believe black women. Obviously the worst are white moids, but if I were black, I wouldn't be able to trust anyone because you see that shit from every demographic at least once or twice.
Sorry or blog, I just fucking hate my job so much I want to fucking kms more every day.
No. 1426228
>>1426201>I assume you've seen similar cases.Oh absolutely. Lots of doctors are completely against disability. I worked in an office for a couple of years that was half OBGYN and half Endocrinology (diabetes and hormones), and there were two endos who literally would not sign paperwork saying "Yes, this person's ability to work is significantly hindered," when their patients had to have their feet amputated. Literally will not sign a document, they don't have to write anything, just write their name on a piece of paper. They won't do it. I watched their patients roll their mutilated disgusting stumps into their office and get sent back out saying in "kinder" words they need to get their lazy asses back to work. Doctors are kind of shitty people in general, I went into this industry thinking we all wanted to help people, but then you start actually working and it dawns on you, what kind of person would
want to control whether other human beings live or die? Not good people.
Did you know a surgeon can have a 100% kill rate and still work in a hospital as a surgeon and they're not even required to tell patients?
I've worked with
many doctors who have killed people. A lot of them don't care or even remember it.
I don't know the rules and regulations of other countries, but I can only imagine it's the same types of people getting into this field anywhere.
No. 1426250
>>1426228I'm glad I had mostly decent doctors most of my life then, holy shit, the only one I had that was this retarded was just replacing my usual doctor and tried to convince me I was pregnant when I told her I was throwing up all week long and passing out and couldn't it even though I told her I was a virgin so at least it wasn't for anything too severe and I never met her again. The two doctors you're talking about are fucked in the head, I want to alog so bad.
>I went into this industry thinking we all wanted to help peopleNah, I was in a prestigious high school and all the classmates I had who specialized in science to prepare themselves for medical school were doing it because they wanted the money, a good reputation or because their parents wanted both things by proxy.
No. 1426368
>>1426353I can't say for sure because I've only ever worked and been trained in America,
But I would highly suspect that it's the same
type of person that takes medical jobs anywhere on the planet.
So that would mean, don't trust doctors or surgeons or
male specialists, be highly observant with nurses because they can really go either way, and generally only trust paramedics and female specialists
No. 1426405
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No. 1426428
>Was that actually weird?It's not weird to have a barf bucket, but it is gross to make the barf bucket a bowl you also use for cooking. I don't know about anyone else, but in my family you either went to the toilet or used a basin that was kept in the bathroom when it wasn't being used.
No. 1426499
Germophobes are weird. Bleach, soap, and boiling water exists. Raw chicken, raw pork, organ meat, etc all go in my cooking bowls and wash out perfectly fine with bleach and a run through the dishwasher. Vomit is gross but it's not more dangerous than salmonella.
>>1426418>>1426425If you only throw up once sure but if you're actually sick rushing out of bed to go sit on a cold bathroom floor every ten minutes will make you worse.
>>1426445I can't imagine being so mentally ill that I would immediately throw anything that's been vomited on in the trash. This is why the world is burning, treating items that can easily be sterilized as single use plastics.
No. 1426538
>>1426511I shower daily and wash my hands frequently. Just because I don't have OCD about magical immortal germs doesn't mean I'm unhygienic.
>>1426515You are the weird ones though. If something has been properly sterilized the vomit is gone forever, you're literally having anxiety about the ghost of vomit somehow haunting the object. It makes no sense.
No. 1426559
>>1426549If I marinade raw chicken in a stainless steel bowl and properly sterilize it, can I use the same bowl to bake a cake? Or will the ghost of salmonella get me? I get that it's a yucky mental image for some people but it's not actually gross or unhygienic.
I hope none of y'all ever need to go to a hospital or get surgery, some things are single-use but most equipment goes to an autoclave instead of a landfill.
No. 1426893
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>>1426412Nemu, is that you?!
No. 1426930
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No. 1426950
File: 1669815124746.png (384.4 KB, 907x752, bad news.PNG)

I really hope this won't actually happen. If I wanted to write or read long posts I would have stayed on tumblr or made a wordpress account.
No. 1426971
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>>1425421>be bri’ish man>whole life revolves around muh foohbool and muh beer>get piss drunk >racially abuse footballers>make chimp noises>beat the living daylights out of people for supporting the wrong team>team looses >go home and beat wife in a rageOr
>team wins>get even more piss drunk to “celebrate”>still taunt and bully losers because of insatiable lust for violence >stagger home in a drunken state >beat wife for god knows what reason because they’re probably too twatted to even know themselves‘Ate bri’ish males, I do.
No. 1426978
>>1426930Uh oh.
This terminally fat, genetic dead-end is starting to get real bootyblasted at the reality that he will not receive his Louis Griffin.
Male media lied to a bunch of fat and ugly dudes that they deserve–nay, are entitled–to women above their league and this is the consequence.
No. 1426979
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>>1426559this whole convo is reminding me of this tweet.
And til that a “family sick bowl” is a thing, that’s just revolting.
No. 1426987
>>1426979This just sounds like they aren’t washing their dishes properly or are using porous material incorrectly (again not washing correctly). Your dishes shouldn’t smell when clean, but just like most people don’t wash their hands properly they don’t wash dishes either. Most people I know who own a dishwasher never even clean the thing.
The above conversation sounds like an age difference thing tbh. I feel like as you get older you get better at keeping things clean and less icked out by having to clean the dirty stuff.
No. 1426989
>>1426980I'm pretty sure professional athletes have a tendency to be
abusive, a lot of them are actual clinical narcissists and neglect their families since "ball is life", it's just that they're a small demographic.
Football ultras/tifosi are their own category of terrifying, I have to commute on a subway that connect the city outer skirts to the stadiums, and since I don't follow football, I never know when the matches are, so suddenly you just have cars full of drunk men that jump on bars and seats and get in fights.
No. 1426991
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>>1426979and of course that thread devolved into circlejerking into feeling slightly superior to white people, again based on culinary bullshit that really doesn't matter
No. 1427194
>>1427188Doctors are more likely to discriminate against the poor and obese, so that is technically part of it, but the blatant disregard for humanity applies to all black women. Serena Williams and Beyonce are two examples of healthy, wealthy, well-supported black women who were also treated as subhuman by doctors and both nearly died during child birth.
So, no, that's not
why black women are discriminated against, but yes, adding any of those qualifiers would indeed worsen her survival outcome.
No. 1427199
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Moids seething in the comments
No. 1427222
>>1427219>choosing a broke guy is retarded Why? I don't want an empty transactional relationship and rich men are evil.
Are you from the US?
No. 1427234
>>1426872what's so hard about just having a bowl be used for only throwing up? When I was a kid I had a beach bucket that only got used to be beach once, and the rest of the time it was my throw up bucket.
>>1427222All moids are evil and will put you thru absolute hell if they sense weakness. Might as well get a rich one and use his money until the gig dries up. Broke moids are even more miserable than their rich counterparts. But OP is probably just a troll so who cares?
No. 1427265
>>1427261Nta but
>poor>peopleOnly one of these words is correct. Also no one should be supporting a moocher moid, especially not women considering they are manchildren and expect a servant.
No. 1427269
>>1427261Why are you defending worthless scrotes? You wanna be a pick me for men who have no value at all?
I don't hate poor people, but I sure do hate pickmes.
No. 1427331
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>>1427199The seethe is real. Moids think women will die without a rich man.
No. 1427730
>>1427600>>1427724Men can get away with anything because there's always be bitches like you who are ready to lick boots for a few pennies. You can earn your own money, I don't really understand why an american woman needs to depend on a moid, it's the richest country in the world.
Scrotes know that money can buy women and that's why they really don't care about anything else.
No. 1427738
File: 1669853439802.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1170x1841, B82D7766-47D5-4CCB-8F06-206BFC…)

Imagine tweeting this and wonder why women hate men
No. 1427745
>>1427730Oh and that post
>>1427742 also applies to you.
>You can earn your own moneyI literally said I currently do work. And don't even think I'm a retarded American with no reading comprehension like you please thanks.
No. 1427959
>>1427746They just make that shit up to make themselves feel better about their terrible stroke game. Women don't need to make an effort in sex, just having a pussy is enough and it makes them seethe.
>>1427738The way black men talk about women is what blackpilled me before i could even find radfem stuff. Nobody is allowed to criticise them or else you are bitter and you get dogpilled and hated on by everyone.
No. 1428156
>>1426991I like how all of these things are commonly eaten in East Asia (more so than in Europe or North America actually) but she knew better than to drag them into it. East Asians would've blasted her ass kek.
>>1427085There is no solution for this, this is just yet another opportunity to circlejerk about how much better [insert culture] is, daily occurrence on twitter. From any ethnicity.
>>1427199If she said the opposite they'd STILL seethe because muh gold diggers taking menz moneyz but it is nice to see how height preferences send them into a fit of rage.
No. 1428434
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I feel bad for Hockey dudes, their usually normal dudes compared to most pro-athletes and for some reason fujocoomers latch on to them and write some of the worst and degenerate content featuring them, they don't even care about the sport instead they treat them their fictional characters
No. 1428439
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>>1428434based fujostacies, i hope they send them their used tampons too and make their lifes miserable
No. 1428449
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>>1428439I get it, you suffer from porn addiction, you don't have to express it to the entire world, do it in private, also a fujo by definition can't be a stacy, the average fujocoomer is physically unfit and a cuck by deifnation
picrel is what the average fujo looks like
No. 1428469
>>1428462>Also why does she hate fujos so much? what a weird special interest to haveI hate many things at once, I don't hate you more then I hate even average men, Its just the spaces I go to I am more likely to encounter fujo types, and I think they are disgusting coomers(again not as bad as men but still porn addicts and rather disgusting)
>if pakichan moved to america it would satther her dreams to see the absolute state of the average american scrotedo you have a learning disability, where do I mention that I think all or even majority american men are handsome stars, I know what real amercans are like, I grew up in area where there were some americans and their families living there and even the average illiterate peasant here is aware of the fact that most people in america are just average looking,
No. 1428472
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>>1428469damn must be hard growing up in such a sexually opressive country but dont take it on us we just want to grill(read TF2 yaoi), hope someday you can be as free as fujos
hugz and kissz, my best wishes to u
No. 1428474
>>1428472I don't have an obsession/toleration with fecal matter nor do I have porn rotten brain, but you do you
BL came from a nation almost as worse as mine and spread to you, those who hate women, yourself and are now suffering from porn addiction
No. 1428479
You know what I shall no longer bother, Mods I humbly request that you might delete my original post
>>1428474what are you on about ?
No. 1428490
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No. 1428535
>>1428475You know she browses for the content kek
It has to be one of those cases where the one speaking so loudly against something is the one secretly enjoying said thing.
>>1428515Don't forget that she posted his hand and she wants to fuck Varg
No. 1428598
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>>1428555>varg>hotwhat kind of a brainrot do you have to have to think this way? please love yourself
No. 1428656
>>1428598the young one
nonnie, dont be so dense