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No. 140672
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>>140670I feel like they're trying to artificially recreate the look that actors like Jun Matsumoto have naturally, but they don't understand that less is more and take it way too far.
No. 140673
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If I walked into a kyabakura and these were the kind of guys serving me I'd burst out laughing and walk straight back out.
No. 140674
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I think they all think they look like this though.
No. 140675
>>140674Yeahhhh I think you're right. They're trying way too hard.
Also why do they all have mullets?
No. 140679
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He is kinda popular
No. 140683
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>>140660Host clubs seem like a step up from Hooters to me.
No. 140686
>>140679Cute but I bet he has genital warts
that's not very kakoii kawaii now is it?
No. 140687
>>140678Ew I can believe it. I live in the UK and I got chatting to some Jap guy from Tokyo and he was living here for language school. He doesn't want to go back to Japan, he wants to find a woman and visa basically. Bit of a perv, not best looking and he used to be a host. Told me the stories through his broken english. Being mind this guy was 25 years old and he told me he met up with some girl off Hello talk and she was 16/17. Not sure what happened between them, I don't want to know. Guy was trash as hell.
No. 140689
Me too anon, me too. I wouldn't be able to keep a fucking straight face.
No. 140694
All hosts got std s
No. 140695
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Disgusting foreigners are working at host clubs now
No. 140702
>>140699>>140701I'm not saying he looks good, I'm saying
imo the Japanese hosts look worse. Maybe if they didn't style themselves so stupidly I wouldn't think so.
No. 140714
>>140711I remember when Ryuchalo was introduced to the masses on that Matsuko Deluxe show. Girls Channel really blew up and they didn't hold back their disgust towards the mother. This thread has some great comments and dirt. least it looks like that little boy's look has been toned down these days. Before, he was nothing more than his mom's dress up doll.
No. 140722
>>140720Nah they toned down already
No kira kira suits and weird hairstyles.
They are wearing normal clothes now
No. 140726
>>140662Girls that did not develop well, we also have plenty of weebs here who genuinely like feminine guys.
>>140663Judging by unfortunate nose shape and eyes, he's really UGLY.
>>140725ANIME aesthetics, they genuinely want to look like anime-boys.
No. 140733
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host club manwhores are ugly.
Bara-cafe is the real deal. Your food is served by sexy beefy men.
No. 140743
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>>140733Yes, just yes anon
hnnng No. 140744
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oh Come on, why won't anyone post more ugly hosts and repeat how ugly they are?
No. 140747
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No. 140748
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white male hosts
i bet she had a field day
No. 140752
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>>140744God they all look disgusting.
No. 140753
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^Have some more eye candy, anon. Mmmhmmm…
No. 140754
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>>140742It's your lucky day anon
No. 140757
Tally "Wackers"
I bet ten of them have at least took a trip down the chocolate escalator
No. 140765
>>140762>>140763>>140764Ask and you shall recieve, anons! Going to sage this right now for a long-ass blogish post. Unfortunately, though, I don't have any candids, but I wish I did, he looked like a mix between Marilyn Manson and Detox out of drag but with Asian features.
So, I live near Shinjuku and i can easily walk home from there if i need to, but I have to walk through Kabukicho if I want to get home. Anyway, I was out drinking with my friends at an izakaya and then some bars for the night, and they all went home at around 1 AM. There was no way in hell that I was going to get on the very last train of the night on a weekend, so I decided to walk home. So I was walking through Kabukicho around the time when hosts get off of work and go home in a drunken stupor. I stopped at a convenience store to buy some hot tea and some bread cause I didn't want to be hung over the next day, and he was in check out line behind me.
After I left the store, I noticed that he was walking the same way that I was, so I occasionally looked back, cause he was kind of creepy, and I don't like being followed. The last time I looked behind me, he was getting closer and started to say something to me.
Now, I was super drunk, so I started talking to him, and he asked me why I was alone and where I was going, what I had done that night, etc. About five minutes into the conversation, he asked me if I was hungry and if I wanted to go to a restaurant. And he was gonna pay, so I figured, why not?
After we ate, I said good bye and started walking home again, but he started walking with me, and asked me how far it was to my house cause he had to take out his contacts. So, he basically assumed that he was going home with me. It had been a while since I had any action, so I figured, why not? Hosts are usually really kinky shits anyway, and that's right up my alley. I handed him my bag and made him carry it for me all the way to my apartment.
So, we get to my apartment, he takes his face (eyebrows) off, and takes out the eyelid fold tape that some people use here. I swear it was like a different person was standing infront of me. So after a few awkward moments of idle conversation on my bed, he pulls me to him and kisses me.
It was one of the worst kisses of my life. You all saw how big his mouth was in the video, right? Yeah. He was basically eating my entire face. And he kissed with his mouth open and just left it open. No tongue or anything, just a hanging open mouth. Like, how? Why? Whatever, so I tell him to bite me cause it's gotta be better than his kissing. I was wrong. There is a right way and a wrong way to bite someone so that it actually feels good as opposed to hurting. He bit me like he was diving into one of the giant smoked chicken legs that you can get at ren fests. It did not feel good at all.
His body wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. But his dick was so small that I almost laughed at him when I finally saw it.
The way he fingered me was like how a high school boy with his first real vagina would finger someone. And he couldn't even find my clit after I guided his hand to it five times.
I just wanted it to end, so I told him to put on a condom and put it in. Thank god he was trying to talk dirty to me cause he he hadn't had said "Yes, I'm all the way in. You can feel all of me, right? Tell me I feel good." I would never have known, it was that small. Like, almost a micropenis.
he only wanted to stick to missionary and he moved like a fucking jack rabbit! I'm so in awe of how fast guys who don't know what they are doing in bed can thrust. But it didn't feel good at all, and he came in like, 5 minutes.
He didn't want to use any of my handcuffs, shibari rope, lube, toys, whips, nothing. It was super unsatisfactory.
So after I went to pee (cause no one likes a UTI), I told him that I was super tired and that I wanted to go to sleep. He moved over on my bed to make space for me, but I looked at him, gave him his underwear, and said "I can't sleep if there is another person next to me, sorry. Plus, the trains are running now, so you can go home."
He looked really confused, but I handed him his clothes and brushed my teeth while he got dressed and went out on my balcony to smoke. After he was done, I walked him to my door and said "Thanks for supper. This was fun. Night." And closed the door in his face.
Until today, I didn't know his name cause I never asked for it. He hasn't tried to contact me beacause he doesn't have any of my information, so he can't.
Annnyyyway, that was my story, sorry for it being so long and bloggy.
No. 140767
>>140766It was a yakiniku place, so not super fancy, but it can get pretty expensive depending on how much meat you eat. And if there is free meat involved, I can put it away like there is no tomorrow. Haha
But those and izakayas and ramen places are usually the only places open at 2:30 AM
No. 140768
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>>140765No need to apologize, that was a bit cringey but just what we asked for. I think if blog posts belong anywhere it's /g/ anyhow.
No. 140769
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>>140765That was wonderful anon. Everything I could've ever hoped for.
No. 140774
>>140765This has to be the cringiest thing I've ever read on Lolcow.
No. 140775
>>140770>>140771I have so many more stories like the one I posted here! Thank you for making the thread!
>>140773There are some, but they're very rare. But yeah, for most hosts, you take away the clothes and the make up and the pineapple waterfall hair, and they are actually kind of unfortunate-looking.
No. 140778
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>>140773literally not one host is attractive. i swear to god you have to be an ugly fucker with tacky style in order to be one.
No. 140780
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>>140765>he takes his face (eyebrows) offOh god.
No. 140781
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>>140765>He bit me like he was diving into one of the giant smoked chicken legs that you can get at ren fests. That was just too much. I had to step away from your story because I was fucking dying. I'm so sorry you had to experience that.
No. 140786
>>140785Should've called the police.
Hosts just aren't attractive to me, the freaking hair and those clothes and the stupid personas are just such turn-offs.
No. 140788
>>140787Yeah some of them are nice
One host also helped me while i was beeing followed
No. 351077
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blonde host from the video.
No. 351078
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No. 351104
>>351086This is actually really interesting
>this guys would be incels if it wasn’t because of makeup>only in japan incel hooker service The world is crazy what the fuck
No. 351116
>>351078This is really the same guy? Wtf everything looked better before ps, if he'd just put the same foundation over his skin abs styled his hair it would have been a better result
Also what video is this even in relation to?
No. 351337 remember reading host stories on this tumblr and waiting for them to update so I could know all the weird deets about some of these host boys. The sex stories are still up lol. Ah memories…
I wish there was still gems like this around that someone would bother to run
No. 351368
>>351337This was my fave, I miss it
What do girls do now instead of this? I want to snoop on someone's diary in the way that this let me
No. 351678
>>351337>>351337Same. I believe I learned about that blog on here. I think the owner got married and out of the host scene these days. Just like with fyeahtanuki (visual kei gossip blog) it'd be cool if someone new would take over and give us some new juicy stories.
Does anyone know if it's possible to retrieve a former host on hostlove? There is this butai actor guy who has had host past rumors, but because his host name has never been known I don't know if it's possible to find him over there, even with some serious digging…
No. 352196
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>>352169Yes. It's this guy. He hasn't really appeared in any major production yet, but I really like him.
In short, his older brother is a (also not too well-known) visual kei vocalist, so browsing through some old Tanuki threads I read some rumors regarding his younger brother allegedely working as a host in Shinjuku. That was before his acting career, and he did live in Tokyo back then. It could be just some baseless rumors, but I became curious. Also because this is what he used to look like a couple years ago (right picture), very host-ish like. Nowadays he has cleaned up his image quite a bit.
I hope this won't be too OT. We could start a 2.5D rumors thread perhaps.