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No. 1410286
i remade the thread image because previously someone asked rachel to be added as a pic.
>>1410284well if the mods thing that they can move it to snow then.
(interesting thread but the site is currently filled with moids who will use this thread as a excuse to racebait so i will have to be locking this thread, will probably unlock in the future.) No. 1499122
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alright, reposting from the other thread
so picrel is who inspired me to make this thread, I was looking up ashitaka from princess Mononoke on tumblr and came across this blog by a self described "American Ainu" who mainly talked about Emishi/Ainu culture and posted about other indigenous rights issues, when I saw pictures of her she looked very pale and white IRL but I didn't think much of it because she claimed she was mixed and I knew Ainus looked very Caucasian until I dug further and discovered that wasn't the case either, literally no one in her family even identifies as Ainu and the only conformation she had was her grandmother who said she might have ainu ancestry because she's from Hokkido, so she is only 1/4th Japanese and mostly white but considers herself an expert on "ainu culture" and "indigenous rights" No. 1499168
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(Un)surprisingly, there are also quite a few transgender people who identify as transracial
No. 1499221
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>>1499175the last guy sounds like picrel
also the user who said they want to become an elfquest wolfrider among all the other posts about trannies wanting to be latina made me kek
No. 1499305
>>1499175>I am a white transwoman. Uh oh
>My desire is to be transformed into a younger Japanese womanidontknowwhatiexpected.jpeg
No. 1499433
>>1410282There is no generic answer to this because there isn't just one type of Slavaboo. The two most common currents of Slavaboo-ism you see online are Sovietboos and tradthots/sexpats.
The Sovietboo is mainly drawn to Soviet aesthetics and might not even actually care about politics beyond that (usually the case for teenagers whose idea of humour starts and ends at "Communist Bugs Bunny" memes). More serious Sovietboos will usually be some type of tankie/ML obsessed with preaching about the virtues of Soviet society in comparison to its modern successor states. They talk like Cold War propaganda posters and mostly engage in autistic online fights over incredibly niche aspects of leftist theory or things like the Holodomor.
On an opposite note, the right-wing counterparts to the Sovietboo (tradthots and sexpats) romanticise the modern decline of Slavic nations into a more reactionary, regressive social order. They tend to view Slavic nations (especially Russia and Poland) as bastions of white, Christian civilisation untainted by Western "degenerate values", and Slavic women as ideal subservient tradwives. The sexpat is a Western male who wants to have the tradwife, the tradthot is a Western woman who wants to be the tradwife.
Slavaboos in general tend to be Westerners who are in some way disillusioned with Western society. They cling to Slavs in particular because Slavic nations are distinctively non-Western, but also not
too foreign. This middle-ground between familiarity and exoticism combined with a recent history of both socialist and reactionary politics makes Slavic cultures ideal for various types of Western people to project themselves onto.
No. 1499578
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>>1499576compared to americans and brits everyone is skinny
No. 1499628
>>1499433In a roundabout way I consider coquettes larping as eastern Europeans to be (in a very loose abstract way) just a different version of
>>1499184 trying to be black women
>fake broken English>the larp involves signalling to moids that they will let moids degrade them >both are kink-based with the implication being that the race they're larping as are submissive>both are bizarre pornographic caricatures of a culture (Russian bimbo tradwife, those MtF guys who larp as Muslim women in BDSM gear under their Hijab, guy here larping as a bizarre set of black stereotypes >>1499172)The sad part are that coquettes aren't even troons but they still resort to the same pandering tactics an actual man has to pull off for moid attention
No. 1499635
>>1499605Yeah, it's because a lot of users here are weebs, like kpop/dorama, or into chinese bl novels. My theory is that it's kind of harder to fake being japanese/korean/chinese on twitter for chronically online losers.
>>1499624I've noticed a trend with people claiming to be afro-[insert race here] as well and I feel like the only people who actually claim this are the same kind of larpers that claim to be native american two-spirit or ashkenazi jewish kek. They always claim to be part of a tiny minority of people that are definitely not chronically online twitter users. It's always the same kind of races they fake. There's also a huge overlap with american kids larping, especially diaspora.
No. 1499646
>>1499628Its so weird how western women/men have stereotyped slavic women as only being these blonde, blue-eyes hooker golddiggers.
In reality most slavic women are working women and the women that they describe only make up a small minority of women there.
No. 1499661
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>>1499172>>1499168Dude looks like Chris Lilley in Lunatics kek
> This is not a fetish, you terf ! No. 1499692
Poor Jana. She’s a queen and doesn’t deserve this
No. 1499833
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This story has been posted a couple times already but what are your thoughts on Herman Lehman, he came from a German immigrant family, when he was a child he was kidnapped by Apache natives, taken as a slave and later assimilated into their tribe, rising all the way to the rank of petty chief. He fought in multiple battles with the Apache against Texas Rangers and eventually fled from the tribe after he killed a medicine man in revenge. He was later accepted into the Comanche tribe and eventually adopted by a head chief Quanah Parker, most white people thought he was an Indian as well, his skin had become so tanned due to frequent exposure to the plains that he was "as dark as an aborigine" the only thing that revealed his white heritage was the fact he had a beard and had blue eyes, him and his tribe were eventually captured by the US government and forced on a reservation, even after the revelation of his heritage the US government identified him as an Indian rather then a white man
so here's my question if this man who was 100% white could pass as plains Indian, lived as an plains Indian and was identified by the US government and the Cherokee nation as an Indian, does not that prove transracialism has some basis(derail)
No. 1500307
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>>1499935Nonna, I'm really sorry if I upset you. I was making a silly joke based on the complaints of some local men, you know what the scrotes from the men's movement (and not only them necessarrily) usually say. I should've made it clearer. The way things are is not funny at all, I just find it ironic that while everyone in the world associates slav women with traditional femininity and/or submissiveness, slav men think they're the poor
victims of oppressive matriarchal society.
No. 1501753
>>1499842>>1499833>>1499874why the fuck would something as superficial as skin color matter when he had all those experiences?
read his story, him and other kids and women were stolen, tortured, he miraculously survived (getting roasted over fire) and that's when they deemed him worthy enough to be their child. whatever race he wants to 'identify' with, let him.
No. 1501856
>>1501789>>1501795I actually read his autobiography, he literally couldn't assimilate back into regular society and didn't even recognize his mother and had forgotten his own name
his life with the apahces was awful, he heavily implied that his master regularly sexually abused him when he was a young boy and when he was a teenager the apaches brought a Mexican woman and forced the two have sex while they watched and cheered
when his master died when he was 14 and he had killed another apache in a drunken brawl. he finally escaped and thought about going back to white society but the moment he went near a farm, the farmers shot at him cause he couldn't speak English and his skin had darkened so they had assumed he was an Indian, so he joined another tribe of Indians called the Comanche and they were the first people to treat him with respect, in fact the chief of that tribe adopted him as his son and so he couldn't leave his tribe out of obligation, he even married a Comanche woman and had children with her
No. 1502312
>>1501856So? This isn't transracialism. Why was this guy brought up wtf he got kidnapped for a decade, he wasn't going around saying he deeply felt in his heart and soul he should have been born a different race etc etc all the bullshit they spew. And he wasn't pretending and erasing his family history like racefakers do. He was a white boy who was thrown into a different culture and he had to adapt to survive. Wasn't one of his names when he got captured literally "white boy".
Race, culture, ethnicity, these are all interrelated but not the same.
If you want a more old-timey native transracialist/race faker, look up Grey Owl for starters
No. 1502316
>>1502312>Wasn't one of his names when he got captured literally "white boy".yes, then it became smelly jackal face(cause he was hairy compared to the Indians and had B.O)
>Why was this guy brought up wtf he got kidnapped for a decadeIndians used to to this with other tribes for centuries, raiding other tribes for slaves was the norm, children especially were valuable as child mortality was high and having a child past the age of 3 was a guarantee for a potential member of your tribe, the woman who raised Herman and became like a second mother to him was an apache whose baby had died prematurely and she projected her maternal feelings unto him
No. 1502919
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samefag SO ANYWAY, let's now ignore these one or two tards with poor comprehension who want to racebait or become indigenous or whatever the fuck and get back to cows. I'm currently obsessed with blackfishers, please post any pics you have nonas
No. 1503171
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>>1502543never said he's "pakistani"(which is a multi-ethnic nation), I said he looks an inbred northern sindhi, I swear like I have seen 3 heroin addicts who look exactly like current johnny deep
No. 1503378
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>>1499122 >I feel that chi ga sawagu, the blood clamoring.KEK MY SIDES.
No. 1503407
You know what I don't really feel offended when people do this, it's just another mental issue and I don't like to pick fun at people with body dysmorphia or other issues. That's a really low iq low self esteem thing to do. There's no point. I don't have unresolved issues where I need to attack and belittle people constantly.
But you know what kind of does get to me… peoples ignorance about features. That eye shapes can vary among all ethnic groups, that ethnic groups themselves are not "pure" but made up of previous groups of people, that not everyone in a nation is the same genetic makeup, and that when we do talk about features because they are common it is not an insult it is just fact. (And btw dna tests cannot tell you what you are, they show you the regions of the world that have the highest percentage of the same dna makeup. It's a guess.)
For a great example, almond eyes and hooded eyes. It is not a uniqur Asian trait, it's fiund everywhere. Two it's about the shape so whether they are big or small eyes does not matter. Three how many people keep saying they have almond and/or hooded eyes when they don't. And four how many people now get surgery to have these eyes, when it was constantly a thing to make fun of before. For an example of these eyes on non Asiatic people look at Jennifer Lawrence or Haley Bennett.
Another thing, changing your skin tone is not trying to change your ethnicity, if your skin can change tone that means it has enough melanin to adapt in the sun without burning, but not so much that you are dark skinned. People try to fit in the beauty standards of their country, othertimes they just find their features look better with a different shade.
People also really don't seem to understand ethnicity and nationality as two different concepts.
People who claim to hate racism are the most racist and insecure people ever. Anyway thought it was important to point this out.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1503415
>>1503378what does that even mean
>>1503407of course ethnicity is a spectrum and there's no such as a thing as a pure race but certain features are more among certain groups, your not gonna find tall, blonde haired blue eyed people in Somalia but but there are some people in the middle east in Iran who have these features and the majority of people in Norway who have those features
the cows posted in this thread who are going out of their way to fake their ethnicity
No. 1503421
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Taylor Lautner is actually one of those Europeans who have darker skin and it confuses the Americans into believing he’s native.
Off topic but my sister does the same thing and LARPS as native. She even got with a native man and had a child with him. She goes to pow wows and feels a rush when they ask what tribe she’s from.
No. 1503448
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>>1503421he got a weird mix of his parents which made him look mixed
No. 1503454
>>1503421he is obviously mixed, i know america is obsessed with race but not every mixed person wants to talk about their ethnicity or disclose everything that they are. It is obvious that his father is half-brown or brown. Taylor's sister also looks ambiguous just like him. And Taylor is literally 4 shades darker than every white person around him.
Also this is a thread about racefishers, not for racial ambiguous people or people born into a specific culture, so can we stop derailing.
No. 1503459
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>>1503407>I don't like to pick fun at people with body dysmorphia or other issues. That's a really low iq low self esteem thing to do.>I don't have unresolved issues where I need to attack and belittle people constantly. we don't take kindly to your kind 'round here
No. 1503466
>>1503460it was partly made with AI actually. what can I say, the original dude is one ugly mf, this is the best that I could do. it's all yours if you wanna fix it
>>1503464sorry kek
No. 1503538
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>>1503466here are my attempts
No. 1503539
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No. 1503540
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No. 1505161
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>>1503421what's funny is that actor cody christian was more native american then Taylor Lautner, his mom was fully a native member of the Penobscot tribe and he grew up on a reservation
No. 1505404
>I don't like to pick fun at people with body dysmorphia or other issues. That's a really low iq low self esteem thing to do.Why is this thread full of troonrace defenders
No. 1599197
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An Indian woman has been catishing as a "republican black girl" to get clout on TikTok. This is so crazy and pathetic, kek. No. 1599202
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>>1599198Apparently she/her family are also casteist.
No. 1633461
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>>1599197Tbf some East Africans look like Indians lol.
>>1499520 Yeah some Tumblr girl named Jennifer Garcia, she was exposed by her own classmates on PULL back in 2016 lol.. the funny thing is she doesn't even look Slavic at all. The sad part is I think as soon as she turned 18 she started doing OF and getting money from old guys.
Does anyone remember an SJW white girl who called herself "Satin" who was pretending to be Native American?
No. 1633523
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>>1633514Did you stretch before you reached this far? Kota's whole aesthetic was about looking like a doll or young anime girl, not slavic..
>>1633463Can we euthanize middle aged white troons already? A lot of them tend to be into race play too. I've seen way more cosplaying as Muslim women and have this fantasy about getting dominated by Arab men. They're all over Twitter just look for "sissy Muslim slave"..
No. 1633532
>>1633523Yes please.
Yes white man, go ahead, go to the ME, they will certainly love you!
No. 1633548
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>>1633542Same anon, just to show you an example of this perversion. They're masochistic gay / bisexual men.. regular BDSM wasn't spicy enough for them, they gotta larp as an oppressed woman.
No. 1633627
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>>1499168Don't hide names of degenerates.
No. 1633630
>>1633605This isn't true. I'm a middle eastern woman and most women would rather date a modern non-Muslim if their family and circle allows them but in %99 cases it doesn't. Stop spreading misinformation, no woman wants to marry their abusers.
>>1633598Kek, they'd get stoned to death in a day.
>>1633542He wouldn't get raped, he'd get killed and he knows that, that's why hell never go there.
No. 1633631
>>1633605There are plenty of women who want to flee opressive situations in the ME. The
abusive scrotes there deserve to play with a bunch of fellow moid perverts instead.
No. 1633680
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This basic ass filipina lilymaymac still has a lot of people thinking hapa or mestiza (mixed white) by making her skin look lighter n nose taller. She was roasted on Twitter and Tiktok a while ago for being a self-hating racist.. she made an apology but ye idk how genuine it is when people had to drag it out of you for years.
No. 1633682
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>>1633680Fake ass brown h0e
(h0e) No. 1633684
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>>1633672>>1633677>>1633678Stop with the derailment already. It doesn't matter.
No. 1633692
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Anyone know what happened to Satin? She was a popular pretendian who completely disappeared after being exposed as fully white.
No. 1633976
>>1633542Oh I get it. I just mean they will simply get thrown off buildings or beheaded. I pray for it, unironically. Fuck them and their misogynistic shit. There are women being killed simply for not wanting to wear a piece of fabric.
All troons, especially Muslima(n) troons, kill yourselves.
No. 1634187
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>>1633514>>1633523>>1633528>>1633540>>1634082Do the Ostregas still post, like Kiki? I was genuinely not expecting to be dogpiled like that. How can I have a vendetta if I'm just asking a question?
I always felt like Dakota thought that slavic models were like her secret source of inspiration and she never liked to acknowledge she rips off their entire looks. The only difference is terrible Photoshop, cosplay-ish outfits and bad makeup because she's not a natural like the slavic model. She's just yet another white girl that lifted her whole image from prettier slavic models.
No. 2078328
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Am i only one who noticed that this trend of making your eyes look 'asian' started slowly in 2018-2019 (coincidentally around the same time kpop got popular) and now its in full force in 2024.
My fyp is filled with girls doing makeup styles that try to make their double eyelids look invisible, make their eyes vertically smaller, elongate their eyes horizontally etc.
The girl in picrel is just a example of that, you would never guess she is 100% white due to the fillers and the way she has her makeup on (and no her eyes don't look like that naturally without makeup).
People love to acusse ppl who like kawaii things of racefishing meanwhile the majority of people who are trying to make their eyes slanted are insta baddie, siren, femme fatale aesthetic girls.
This makeup look and "slanted eye aesthetic" is so ugly to me. People with natural slanted eyes can be beautiful but artificial slanted eyes are ugly.
No. 2079245
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What mental illness causes someone to do this?
No. 2079790
>>2079406>>2079437>>2079438Anons did you even watch the video, is everyone here a newfag now who doesnt know when its a video file.
Im obviously talking about the woman in the video. The one who has had over 10 identities.
No. 2129442
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I came across an Asianfisher on Goodreads. This author claims she's Korean American, but when you look up photos and video of her, it's clears just she's just white.
No. 2129447
>>2079790if dissociative identity disorder were a real thing she'd probably have it kek
now I'm curious how people have clocked her on all this? I assume she changes her appearance with each fake identity, or does she keep it the same? I want to know more lore on this lady
No. 2194054
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