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No. 1422619
>>1422608Browsing anonymous image boards.
IF I should ever be able to focus on things again which happens like once a week then reading non-fiction books, gaming and drawing, maybe even writing the script for my own stories, but sadly I didn't have enough concentration power for the latter in 10 years by now. It was so fun when I still had the motivation to do this. So if you can, try this.
No. 1422737
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Sometimes I like doing crafts like jewelry, I mostly workout, then take a nice shower, then do my hair and that's how half of the goes by.
I like to nap from time to time, or play videogames, sometimes I get inspired by something I've read or seen and decide to doodle something, playing with my dog, talking with my best friend, those things take lots of time and don't make you feel like you're wasting your time.
Talking with my family is also something nice, I can be on a call with them for at least an hour or two hours, we talk about random stuff and about how our day went, so that's fun.
Sometimes another nice thing to do is watch old shows and movies that you used to watch during your childhood, it's so cozy, I get some popcorn and pet my dog while watching old Disney movies or shows on my PC.
No. 1424172
>>1422737same nona, breakfast, workout, shower, get dressed/do my hair, lunch then it's already the afternoon. i enjoy listening to podcasts or watching documentaries while i workout as well.
i also tend to my hobbies but they're pretty "intellectually demanding" i guess, so i can't do them for more than 3 hours in total at most.
No. 1424413
>>1424336I mean what else
is there to do? Do you need to rob banks and wrestle bears to be a Stacy?
No. 1432990
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No. 2066864
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making juice is really fun, if you have a bag of apples in the fridge making some apple juice is a wonderful way to pass time and it's so healthy for you
No. 2066935
>>2066929This!! I grew up in a household where either my mum or my grandmum would make bread every Wednesday and I'm proud to have kept up the tradition! I can't even eat the fake garbage like Wonderbread because in my heart I
know what real bread is supposed to taste like! It only takes 15 minutes to mix all the ingredients together, the most annoying part is waiting for it to rise.
No. 2067426
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Smoke! Roll a fucking blunt nonnerina