File: 1473815133032.jpg (74.13 KB, 540x363, lostinthesauce.jpg)

No. 143674
>>143673Do people expect a lot of you, anon? I know most perfectionists raise people's expectations and are under pressure to be the best.
Anyway, I wish I had normal hair and no matter what I do, I can't get rid of my "pooch" stomach. And I wish I had a sexy voice, not a little girl voice because ffs I'm turning 21 soon.
No. 143683
File: 1473904602232.png (48.08 KB, 154x157, ha ha ha....png)

Why am I so socially retarded? Literally all my problems in life stem from my inability to talk to people.
My family members are all really funny and interesting. The people I grew up around are funny and interesting. Why the hell am I like this?
I'm so painfully awkward and can't come up with shit to say ever. I don't even know if I want friends but I don't think I'd be able to keep a consistent group even if I tried super hard. I'm a huge sperg and I have no creative interests.
I'm probably like, a 5/10 in terms of appearance but I literally have no personality.
I fucking hate it, EVERYONE around me is always having a blast and coming up with witty things to say and having tons of fun conversation and I'm always an outsider. I'm a gigantic party pooper.
I can go on and on forever about it because this kills me inside. I've written like 100 diary entries on this topic over the years since I was 8. There is no way social skills are actually skills. I'm mentally unfit or some shit.
No. 143686
>>143683You might have a touch of social anxiety, but you're clearly over-thinking this and probably mostly suffer from low self-esteem. People who are truly mentally unfit socially. such as those on the autism spectrum, can't hide it, including in the way they type. You sound like a completely normal person in that regard.
You're also putting outgoing people on a pedestal to assume you're boring and have no personality just because you struggle to talk to people. Just because you can easily talk about anything to anybody doesn't mean that everything that comes out of your mouth is going to be thought-provoking, amazing shit.
Silence makes me anxious, personally, so I always feel the need to fill it with conversation. That being said, I don't always have something interesting to talk about, so I tend to assume I'm boring as well. Honestly, I wish I could just keep my mouth shut sometimes.
No. 143691
>>143687Seems totally self-defeating. How can you be sure you wouldn't be capable without trying it first? Social skills take some practice and people aren't generally too concerned over your demeanor the way you might think they are, in my experience anyway. Work on how you relate to people and get any help for social anxiety you may need, if that's the problem. Introverted people can function just fine, it's just about learning to communicate effectively. You don't need to impress everyone you meet with your sociability, in fact, they'll probably see right through that.
Don't despair, you'll be absolutely fine.
No. 143695
oh god where do I begin? I've hated myself for as long as i can remember. having an awful fucking time tonight so I'm venting on the only appropriate thread for me to talk about my sad existence on
I feel like I had so much potential in having a super happy fulfilling life, I was so creative and intelligent, and now… I'm just a painfully unproductive sloth who had to take 5, MAYBE 6 years to graduate. with a fucking visual arts BFA. and no good portfolio or experience to show for it. I chose art because I love it and it;s all I'm decent at and I literally haven't produced anything in my own free time in a good year and all my skills are probably so shitty and subpar now, looking back at my high school work I don't know what made me continue to pursue art when all my contemporaries were MILES ahead.
I feel like a real life version of lolcows that don't know how to photoshop, bc i literally look so different between candids and flattering selfies and every angle makes me look like a different person and idk if it's my body dysmorphia talking but i don't even know what I actually LOOK like
sometimes I feel like i have a v cute flattering body type, but I would trade my small waist in a HEARTBEAT to have even normal or relatively small arms, anything but these fucking lunchlady man arms that are so disproportionate to the rest of my features that literally won't disappear they were big even at my lowest weight and it doesn't make hating how I look much easier
i'm the worst friend ever and now I have about 2-4 people I can realistically consider good friends now that the rest have given up trying to hang out over the years, social anxiety makes me dread casual human interaction and i can't fuckin go outside without at least one paranoid thought that people are judging me
i'm a literally baby and got my first (minimum wage restaurant chain) job at age fucking 21 and I STILL CAN'T FUCKING DRIVE and every time I think about it i wanna have a panic attack over how useless i am that i can't even get a fucking license
ruining my teeth, metabolism and entire body with on and off for a decade eating disorder that i somehow hide from my BF who lives with me and everyone else in my life who has ever cared, and it's just this big huge monster and I cling onto it just because i'm like a "functioning" bulimic and i look healthy. it helps me stay at a weight I don't loathe myself at/ I can stay relatively thin for no effort. but i might die from some terrifying health complication, for the most shallow fucking reasons, and I'm simultaneously so self aware of how bad it is and also really amazing at pretending I don't even have a problem/ "this is the last time/ I can quit whenever I want". GOD it's the most embarrassing shit ever
tl;dr my whole life is like one big wine stain on a white couch that you flip over to the other side so that no one notices
like my problems are fucking lolcow snowflake problems except i'm like self-aware of how embarrassing i am but i can't seem to do anything to change it????
No. 143698
>>143695We're a bit similar anon, I wish arts majors weeded out people with low self esteem or stamina issues so we could have quit whilst we were ahead. I keep clinging to this idea that I'm an artist but I'm nearly 30 and still terrible. I have nothing against older artists but even when I'm 50 I will still be awful. I wish I was inspired by property development or something instead.
By the way do your elbows bend backwards naturally? Mine do and I think it makes them look even more fat. It felt sort of nice to realise.
No. 143699
>>143698>>143698I feel pretty much the same except like… I definitely used to be at least a little talented and creative, and once college happened idk where the fuck it all went. it comes and goes and sometimes I'll actually make somewhat ok things, but lately anything I paint I instantly despise. I KNOW that if I had an iota of motivation or inspiration whatsoever i'd have the potential to do a lot of great things but…. here I am throwing my money away at something i can't even do right
and no i'm not double-jointed whatsoever, but funny you should mention that because I have this huge problem with posture/slouching and i honestly think that half of it is from knowing how slouching my arms forward makes them look smaller from the side and just continuing to do it for years and years
No. 143700
>>143699>>143698>>143695Fuck I know how you guys feel. Except that I quit while I was ahead and I'm not buried in debt. I guess I wasn't taking art seriously enough even tho it is my only talent, and Ive heard too many horror stories about art students and getting no job after their degree. I don't know if it's just me but society pretty much looks down on you when you even tell anyone you have a degree in art. It's like they expect you to be low achievers- in my experience no one has ever been impressed with a fine arts or masters degree.
As of now I'm also pretty much in the same boat as everyone else here, just lost, sad and trying to figure out what to do with my life. its depressing as hell because you get in that vpaid cyclle of blaming and comparing yourself. I'm trying my best to climb out of the hell hole and pursue the rest of my time in the medical field. As for the other annons out there I wish you guys the best and hope you guys find something thatll make life much better
No. 143703
>>143701I know how you feel. My ex still lived with his girlfriend. I was fine with it because "he chose me!!" and "she has nowhere to go"
A couple months in he slowly starts spending less and less time with me. He dumps me after I get angry at her.
Later, things have cooled down somewhat… Untill he mentions watching this stupid anime with her that i wanted us to watch together. We fight, and i try and be reasonable. He says he understands my point of view, that he didn't remember I had wanted to watch it with him, ect.
I actually try and befriend his ex at one point and he's thrilled. We end up sleeping together… I just remember thinking if I was perfect enough, he would want me.
Litteraly 5 fucking minutes after he says that he still wants to sleep with her. I'm devastated. Im still devastated.
I hate how fucking fat and stupid and pathetic I am. I've started self-harming again, I just don't give a shit. I hate how much I wish he would want me. I hate how this happened months ago and i just can't fucking get over it. I feel so goddamn pathetic. He was the only fucking person who really understood me. I try to be strong and not show him but I'm still just… Hurting so fucking much.
No. 143710
>>143702Holy shit man are you me? Same story here, fucked off from math in high school and now I want to complete it so I can take on university courses in art shit but since I'm a fuckin idiot I can't even complete baby math (basic algebra, equations x-y etc) and I'm sitting here now on the verge of a breakdown cause I had a important test today and I'm pretty sure shat all over it.
I really want to get into drawing again but I just don't have it in me. I need some kind of structure and that's why I thought some uni classes would be a good idea but my total retardation when it comes to math just bites me right in the ass. I've been in an existential crisis for quite some time now and I have no fucking idea what to do with my life. It's like I'm waiting for a miracle.
No. 143713
>>143699>>143700What art schools don't like to tell students who walk through the door (because they want your money first and foremost) is just how much time and work goes into making it as a professional artist. Even reaching the notch above complete mediocrity that will at least give you a chance at the entry level grunt jobs will take you several years of regular and thoughtful practice, unless you have really, really good connections to get your foot in the door. Or the goddess of sheer luck smiles down upon you.
It is a fool's dream that art schools in the modern age actually do their job of preparing students to a proficient level. Most of the time, any art student who goes onto finding a job or clients had been going the extra mile to do extra learning and studying on their own outside of school and working on their own side projects. Tuition rates for many art schools today are straight up scams imo, but that's another topic.
It's not good enough to simply be creative relative to your peers, since the tiny sample size of your hometown/city/university is very, very small compared to the giant talent pool available through the internet. Unless you were born a magical genius prodigy, being creative but not having any of the technical skill to execute it won't be enough to coast on. Discipline is so much more valuable in the long run, which people sometimes don't realize when it comes to the arts, since there's still this mysticism surrounding the 'artistic spark' that people like to perpetuate to a fault.
Drawing or producing pieces only when you feel like your muse of inspiration has come for a visit will definitely not get anyone anywhere in a reasonable amount of time.
I'm speaking from an illustrator's point of view, though, and never really dealt with the fine arts side of the art world.
No. 143714
>>143703fuck this guy, holy shit i'm so mad just reading this.
I know its super hard to absorb this but it seems like it's nothing to do with you and everything to do with him being a douchebag. I understand how it feels to want to be loved by someone who's not giving it though, it takes a long time to recover from but eventually it starts feeling better and you can look back and think "damn, i'm glad i'm not with that person"
wishing you the best, anon.
No. 143717
>>143713The same is true for fashion. You have schools who churn out the hopefuls that will never, ever get their dream job, the best they can hope for is retail. Then you have the really good schools, who take in up to a hundred new students a year, but who never graduate more than ten a year, who already have jobs lined up for them when they come out, because they're guaranteed to be only the cream of the crop.
I know only one person like that, and he told me what it's like: years of going only between home and school, working hours everyday, getting real critique from the best teachers every day. Once he literally passed out in class because he was exhausted and a scary teacher was going off at him. Now he's made it, but the other 90% of the students he entered his first year with just slink off into the real world with the knowledge that they didn't make it, and never will.
No. 143721
>>143720Build muscle with strength training instead of just drinking protein shakes. You're going to look skinny if you don't do any physical exercise and don't eat much. That's true for pretty much anybody. Gain some muscle and you'll look less skinny. You obviously don't have to turn into a body builder but some muscle is good for you.
And gain weight with food you do like, you don't have to skip straight to junk food if it's not something you enjoy. You don't have to buy expensive stuff either. Nuts, dried fruit, yoghurt and milk can help you gain weight without being too much to handle.
You should focus primarily on your health rather than your looks to begin with though. It can take a while to look how you want and I think that's why so many people give up. If you think about the health benefits I find it's more motivational. Plus, not doing much physical activity is pretty bad for you no matter how slim you are (unless you were legit starving), so changing that should be a priority.
No. 143722
>>143720I had trouble putting on weight and used weight gainer. Specifically the "1340" brand from GNC. That's 1340 calories in one chocolate shake. Most of it is carbs via maltodextrin.
When you gain weight, it
is going to feel uncomfortable. You will feel grossly full like you couldn't eat another bite, but that's just your body trying to regulate. You need to go above and beyond what is normal if you want to make a change.
When people diet and lose weight, they feel hungry. When you gain weight, you have to fight against your body's feeling of being sated.