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No. 1445047
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hello fellow farmers.
My unpopular opinion is that i think Kevin fits the ideal of the female gaze. I think he is so sexy with his siren eyes sanpaku. He is kind of ethereal looking, like a fallen angel, a perfection among perfection, his confidence and the way he stares at the camera makes me giggle and kick my feet while fangirling.
Now i shout out from the rooftops THIS IS WHAT THE FEMALE GAZE IS SUPOSSED TO BE ABOUT.
No. 1445048
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>>1445047oh wow anon please spoiler that, i just saw that and got so horny
No. 1445050
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i meant to make a new version of this thread last night but then i got lazy
my unpopular opinion is that it's find to hard decent images for the thread pic
>>1445047why does he look like a balding walmart version of kurtis conner
No. 1445056
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Look see yourself, he has a head full of hair. His hair looks so soft like its made from silk.
No. 1445067
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Bumping to get that horrible rat bastard off the front page
No. 1445071
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My popular opinion is that I hate kevin.
No. 1445076
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>>1445070You are causing me to have extremely violent urges that I am struggling to control. I’m not going to tell you to stop because it’s a free country, but just know I am now looking at Pallas’s kittens to help cleanse the rage you have invoked in my soul.
No. 1445080
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I’m sick of seeing his face everywhere. I feel raped just by looking at him.
No. 1445082
>>1445075how the fuck does he look asian, he literally has big sapanpaku eyes with a double eyelid, there is nothing about him that looks asian.
If you are a white moid who is ugly as shit just like Kevin then just say that, but dont resort to racebait you little bitch.
No. 1445088
>>1445085what the hell are you talking about none of that is a asian feature and neither does he look asian.
Wait a minute are you the same retard from before that was calling random anons pedos for being attracted to kpop men?
No. 1445089
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>>1445076But he is so pretty though.
No. 1445096
>>1445094your examples of why you think him having asian features is him being fat and having a round head
>>1445085Just admit you were either trolling or retarded and move on.
No. 1445116
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>>1445076I still can't believe he got a selfie with a real, live Pallas cat!
No. 1445308
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>>1445047My unpopular opinion is that I fucking hate the term "female gaze", especially when women are applying it to their individual, niche preferences. Something about trying to fit women into a box clearly made for males(why would you try to make a term that negatively describes male sexuality, fit women's sexuality in a positive way) is weird enough, but I only ever seem to find "female gaze" used to describe ugly ass men; or things that are just utterly unsexual. If ugly men are your personal preference then you do you, but I am so tired of seeing 5000 word essays on that try to flip some woman's low standards as actually totally a good thing, and apparently I'm supposed to feel the same.
Men can have their stupid gaze, they're literally cavemen obsessed with sex, designed to only like tits and ass. Women are people and individuals, our preferences are just more complex, and that's a good thing.
No. 1445357
>>1445308Yup. People always use "female gaze" to describe ugly ass scrotes or
abusive treatment from men.
No. 1445390
>>1445382I didn't accuse you of anything lol. Your weird pathologization and annoyance about all women not having your ideals is just that: Weird. I don't have any delusions of an actually handsome moid being a "good" person, I just think the males typically pushed as "masculine icons" are unattractive.
>You're either a sad virgin or a hebefile.This is testerical, imagine raging so hard that women don't want to fuck a certain type of man that you sling insults. Cope and seethe.
No. 1445418
>>1445409Because actual women aren't angry about what other women like. If some like more youthful-looking men and I don't, that's more older men for me. If some like older-looking men and I don't, that's more youthful-looking men for me.
There is literally only one demographic who is so emotionally invested in young girls not liking a certain type of male that they type out seetheposts and start bashing women about it.
No. 1445463
>>1445435>>1445441I'm the original anon and when I made the post I had a certain type of terminally online woman in mind and the post you're replying to wasn't even me. Now you're just flinging shit when there are multiple anons itt. Yes, the small niche demographic of women pushing 30 that go out of their way to post pics of 17 year old Leonardo dicaprio and Bjorn Andreson and call it the female gaze are hebefiles.
>>1445435If you are solely obsessed with men who look like teenage boys as an adult you're a hebefile yeah. Does not mean I'm saying women can't like men their age lmfao. It's an internet niche that can be annoying to observe, but it still exists. Also I don't think women who do this are predatory I think they're 2D obsessed shut ins who don't have experience, yes. I also think the adult women who were obsessed with Justin Bieber or 1D when they were young teens were weird and creepy too but again it's just a niche and doesn't account for the majority of women. It's just annoying terminaly online weebs, and we literally just had a hebefile sperg like a month ago kek
No. 1445481
inb4 a 25 year old starts trying to convince me they're not a zoomer and insisting Gen Z starts in 2011 or something lol
No. 1445514
>>1445500>>1445504>not the same anon>>1445463>I'm the original anon and when I made the post I had a certain type of terminally online woman in mind and the post you're replying to wasn't even me.Original anon (again, replying to a post about twinks, which was in response to an image of two adult scrotes, nothing about child models or whatever):
>>1445375>It's a very teenage phenomena […]>>1445382>You're either a sad virgin or a hebefile.The backtracking is ridiculous.
No. 1445532
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>Nonas are being retarded in the unpopular opinions thread again
No. 1445569
>>1445543nta but I'm legit breaking my brain about the liking older women issue.
If majority SSA women like older women, who is going to be the older woman to fulfill the fantasy?
Every time I see the female fantasies thread I have to think about how when I'm an old butch, I'll probably still be into older women. I can't imagine that changing. I think sometimes younger women already show interest and it's not like younger women look bad or anything like that, but even considering it would make me feel like those scrotes who prey on younger women. Differing maturity levels are an issue too and I understand that older women see me the way I view younger women. I'm probably making this more complicated than it has to be.
No. 1445577
I've always thought it's weird that grown women are expected to be these fountains of youth without a single sign of old age up until their 40s, while if a man doesn't look absolutely hit at 30 or even 25, people infantilize him and equate him to a child. I've seen moids seethe at other moids and call them "faggots" for being only slightly muscular with a slender frame, not having a beard, not balding, no beer belly, etc but (IMO) all those things are just called putting a modicum of effort in. If getting some cardio and/or taking care of one's skin is still too much for a man to be doing, why are we, as women, expected to do all those things as a baseline? If that's supposed to be "looking like a teenager", then why is it normal for women to try to look like teenagers? Why do we get shamed when we don't do that? The double standard is fucked up to me.
No. 1445592
>>1445519Going off this, I think women need a word for attractive, skinny men in their early 20 that isn't "twink". It was coined by/for gay scrotes, plus it confuses some people and makes them randomly equate literal 12 year olds to guys like
No. 1445607
>>1445594I agree, it's extremely tacky and gaudy. Cyberpunks and goths often look like they smell of a Party City it some kind of factory in China.
Done one in a while for a festival or event can be very cool though, but as a day to day style choice idgi.
No. 1445632
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>>1445613I miss everyone. The (cyber)goths, the emos, the punks, the lolitas etc. Even if people were maybe cringe or it didn't look great, it was just much better than whatever is happening nowadays.
>>1445619I've never been a proper cyber goth, but when the pandemic hit I wore an old cybergoth gasmask thing for shits and giggles once. Younger zoomers were in awe and very approving kek.
No. 1445666
>>1445662I forgot to mention
>shameless stans/shills/cleaners On lipstickalley. That site is like 4chan but instead of the Fbi watching/posting, it's teams of random celebs posting/watching
No. 1445710
>>1445698I don’t think this is scrote like, I agree. I’ve been listening to an old radio show and the female host talks about her big boobs not infrequently and loves to show them off but will sometimes chastise one of her cohosts for looking??
>>1445670I’ve heard that the wait times in Canada are ridiculous though
No. 1445724
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>>1445643ayrt honestly I'm kinda done being a mature normie and want to wear some of my old gear again more often. Just risk retards taking pics of the cringe. Life is too short.
I think how easily you can buy alternative fashion has homogenized it. People used to complain about hot topic, which was already a step in that direction (but not fully). In my country that never existed, so you either had to diy, order online from a specific alt website or drive hours to some obscure overpriced goth shop. Nowadays you can buy alt looking things in any normie shop or order it cheaply from aliexpress, probably with -core moodboards with links to where you can order everything from. It's so cheap they hop from style to style, never sticking around long enough to form a community. Or get tips from the community, or you feel alienated so then you seek community.
On one hand I might just be a jealous oldfag that people nowadays have an easier time being alt. I have taken some advantage of it myself too with some cool trousers I got fairly recently. On the other I do think it kills creativity and individuality or any form of community when it's this easy.
The whole music aspect has been divorced from it too, which already happened before and it's not necessarily the end of the world, but this is just really extreme.
>>1445670I think the people saying it's great and the people complaining aren't the same people. Usually the people saying it's great are too busy thinking they're better than the Americans, to realize there's still room for improvement and actual problems in their country or worrying developments. It's a heated and dividing topic.
No. 1445732
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>>1445607I was talking about cyberpunk fiction like the video game and anime and shit like Blade Runner, not Cybergoth fashion or music kek, Cybergoth stuff is based as hell
No. 1445753
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>>1445704I mostly meant smug Scandinavians with that comment. Like picrel who posted it in r/images. Some copypasted comments from the thread:
>Post it in r/pics or r/USA for teasing.>Swede here.. we did not pay anything and we stayed 2-3 nights and got some nice meals every day.>I didn't even get a bill when I left the hospital in Canada.>>1445682Right? I know our healthcare is dogshit. I literally live in the Bible Belt. It's where I was born and I can't afford to move somewhere else. How is that our fault or something to laugh at?
The rightoids seething over taxes are stupid but I don't blame them when these people are openly mocking us for getting shot and dying because we can't afford to see a doctor.
No. 1445763
>>1445753Not a Scandi, but I think my country has jinxed itself with smugness. So busy with dunking on the Burgers, that they didn't notice insurance companies saying recently we're going to be paying Burger prices soon, but without the option of being able to throw extra money for better/faster services or being able to find a better doctor if yours sucks. It doesn't matter if it was good a decade ago when it's turning to shit super fast.
>>1445758let's be edgy and nostalgic together
No. 1445768
>>1445670Every country is going to be different because they have different governments, systems and funding, even within countries there can be regional differences. In the U.K. there’s this attitude that “at least it’s free, even if we have to wait months/years and the care is subpar it’s free” but the NHS is now collapsing from underfunding. I haven’t been able to access a dentist for 6 years as all in my area are full. I’ve needed surgery for 4 years but my case is always rejected due to lack of funding despite doctors agreeing it’s necessary.
For medical emergencies it’s okay (though you may be waiting for an ambulance/ in the emergency room for hours) but for some long term issues, you can end up in a similar situation to an uninsured American.
No. 1445881
>>1445664Lol. Incoming rant, I moved to germany from latin america. German public healthcare is not good if you have anything even SLIGHTLY complex. It's fine for broken bones, obvious illness, etc. But if they can't immediately see it, they will just dismiss you. It took me a whole year to get diagnosed, and I had to figure out the disease myself with google and also find a doctor who knew about it.
I am also not allowed to get private insurance because I don't make enough money. So here I am, paying for public insurance with my salary and not using it, and paying out of pocket for private doctors which are very expensive.
German doctors also have no delicacy and the public ones are especially bad. Private doctors in latin american are super nice to you, listen to you, are emphatic to your pain, etc. I have had only 1 good experience with public doctors, and it was a dentist who was not 100% german.
My sister in france also has had bad experiences with doctors. She has had to spend hours in emergency waiting rooms. One of her friends got hit by a car while on a bike and had to wait like 8 hours.
I would rate european public healthcare a 5/10.
No. 1446124
>>1445881Oh, same in the Netherlands. If you say anything about it, you get dogpiled for it though. Public healthcare isn't a thing really, there's mandatory insurance with a deductible that is increasing every year. So everything is technically private, but it's run like it's public, with long waiting lists, gatekeeping and bureaucracy.
Even broken bones get regularly missed by GP's, because people (mostly women and girls) are assumed to be exaggerating and aren't examined properly or referred for an x-ray. "Just have a paracetamol", "sleep it off", "don't whine so much". Which is how I've ended up with a permanently fucked arm since childhood, which can only be fixed if it would be broken again, because I walked around without a cast for way too long and they didn't bother setting it straight. I know I'm not the only one.
I still used to be a retard who would defend the system and join in with the stoic seeking-care-shaming. Then I actually spoke to immigrants from second world countries (including Eastern Europe) and heard that they're actually getting better care and changed my tune. They don't have to pay as much money for healthcare, but get better and more empathetic doctors, even though they have even less resources than such a rich country. Cuba has the best eye doctors in the world iirc somehow, nobody would expect that.
No. 1446186
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marie from aristocats isnt cute. she looks more like a character designed to mock cute cartoons rather than a character that was designed with the intention of being cute. her bows and eye lashes are just too goofy lookingcan we please get merch of the other characters from this movie? because they where actually cute
No. 1446188
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>>1446186Marie got popular in Japan because she's a cute white girly cat, I remember there being all kinds of things with Marie on it in the 2010s, even Angelic Pretty dresses. I guess this also came to the west for some reason, but I was never fond of the character, I like the black kitty better, he's super adorable. I feel the same way about tinkerbell tbh, I remember there being sooooo much merch about her before but now it's all gone. Next character they did was Stitch and his gf Angel.
There's also Chandu, from the Tokyo Disney Sea park. He's a little tiger. And Dufy the Bear. Those are cute too.
No. 1446191
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>>1446186I think she's cute but I was never crazy for her even tho that was my favourite Disney movie as a kid, I guess my fave was Berlioz
No. 1446206
>>1446109Berlin. Unfortunately I don't think my condition is severe enough to be hospitalized. The chronic pain does make me suicidal tho so maybe I should look into that.
>>1446124Yeah I also know a guy from NL and he told me it was not very good either.
No. 1446222
>>1446188I didn't grow up in Japan but I did remember seeing her on a lot of shirts in the 00's. many the girls in my class had one
>I like the black kitty better>>1446191good to see some berlioz love in this thread. he was my favourite too
ive always found it odd that berlioz was named after a composer, toulouse after a painter but marie was named after marie antoinette. it just botheres me that they couldnt come up with a female artist. either they all should had been named after royalty or they all should had been named after artists this is just inconsistent No. 1446230
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Hello Kitty is the superior Sanrio character, and Doraemon is superior to all Sanrio/San-x characters
No. 1446326
I constantly see left-leaning people online caping for shoplifters and it pisses me off. "If I saw a woman stealing diapers at the store I work at I would simply look the other way!!!" You should do this for self-preservation and to avoid doing more work than you are paid for – but it is asinine to feel you are morally superior for ignoring shoplifters. People shoplift diapers because they know they can either conceal more expensive items inside them, or resell them. Someone "forgetting" to scan her diapers at checkout is one thing, but at the store I work at people usually steal diapers by the cartload. No woman with a baby at home is stealing a CART FULL of diapers, the fuck? She would just make them herself in times of need. Career criminals short the stock of diapers/formula at stores that actual mothers rely on, usually due to accessibility. Additionally, people will cape for people who shoplift nonessentials because "Fuck corporations, those companies have too much money anyways!" I agree that the corporations have too much money and theft doesn't hurt their bottom line, but 1) you are actually making the workers' life more difficult by fucking up their inventory, especially stores that get a lot of online/pickup orders, and 2) stealing nonessentials is just another form of brainless consumerism. Congrats, you got a lipstick you'll never use or some dumb TikTok toy for free. You were still enticed by shit you don't need and now it's sitting around your house gathering dust.
No. 1446626
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Chivalry is fucking annoying. Maybe not so unpopular here, but I think most women just let it be, since it's not actively hurting. It's treated like you're only annoyed if you're an "unreasonable, arrogant feminist" in my country, but it's not that I feel in any way insulted, it's just so fucking unneeded. Like this week, one dude made me go all the way to the back of the elevator and then made me get off first, because of some kind of "ladies first" gentlemen LARP. A dude I met up with literally stood still and refused to go through a narrow pathway in front of me, even though I was waving at him to do it, because he can't possibly walk in front of a lady. It just lead to us dancing around in place for a minute, even though he could have just walked through. One short time fling got mad because I didn't wait for him to get the car door. I also had an ex literally grab my arm and yank me to his other side because of the retarded sidewalk rule. It's not polite, it's not attentive, it's a fucking autistic LARP women have to play along with
No. 1446638
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>>1446230i agree with you, but chococat is also top tier. wish they'd make more merch of him
instead of badtzmaru's ugly FUCK ASS No. 1446643
>>1445768Yeah, the weird thing about american health care to me is that they charge people for life-threatening emergencies, and they have to argue with insurance companies for their life-saving medication. Reading shit like people not asking for an ambulance to be called because of the financial burder is insane to me.
When it comes to generic, non-emergency health care, public healthcares usually fall short. They're overburdened, full of cynical employees, everything moves as a snail's pace and they'll usually throw some canned treatment at you if they won't outright dismiss you. I had to get dental care and decided I don't want to go private since all the treatments would add up to a lot. Well, the dentist I ended up visiting just filled my tooth right up without giving it any canal treatment, slapped that bad boy and said "you're good to go" and when I asked if there was anything else to fix, she asked "do you have any other cavities? no? then go". It was a giant cavity too, so this filling will probably last like a month before giving out and I'll have to go into private care anyway.
No. 1446702
nonnie, I definitely will check this out.
No. 1446882
>>1446865ayrt it opens doors yes, but it can't fix your personality or replace immaterial things. It's better being miserable in a mansion than in a 1 bedroom apartment but at the end of the day you are still miserable.
>>1446871This is what I'm saying.
No. 1447079
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>>1446230I was about to agree, but then I remembered Little Twin Stars. They're the cutest Sanrio characters and also have one of the best merch imo.
No. 1447100
>>1447091Your behavior either fits the autistic way of thinking or doesn't. A mental health professional is the only one that's gonna be able to tell autism and post traumatic behavior apart.
If you don't have an obvious sexual abuse or physical abuse history and your parents/relatives are antisocial or weird you probably have autism.
No. 1447109
>>1446865I was poor growing up so I know where you're coming from, but the one thing money can't guarantee is being born in a nice, loving family. I've met many rich kids with awful parents who will never know what it's like to have normal parents who support them and want what's best for them. That shit affects your whole life, from your personality and how you interact with people to what things you choose for yourself.
Sure you can get therapy, but it can't fix who you become when you've been raised in a certain environment. You can learn how to be functional and cope, but you will still have shit parents you can't speak to.
I'm so incredibly jealous of people who did get to experience such a thing, my parents are traumatized boomers who used me as their personal trauma vessel so my childhood and teen years were dogshit. I have hella money now but it doesn't undo what's been lost to time.
No. 1447111
>>1447097No I mean like brain damage from actual physical shit kek.
>>1447100I have an obvious physical abuse story starting from infancy and my parents are very anti social, (diagnosed) schizo and addicts. Which is why it's kinda weird they immediately jumped to sperg, when there are literal court documents detailing this and how my mother lost custody very early on. Of course being raised by a scrote and not having a mother fucks a girl up too, cannot be socialized female properly. Most recent professionals say they don't know where the sperg diagnosis comes from, that it's more likely PTSD. My thinking is more schizo than tistic.
No. 1447233
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His books are shit
No. 1447260
>>1447229I've been told I write like a man before though (wasn't here), but I guess some GC environments can get very "everyone is a man except me" sometimes kek.
I do feel better than "normies" in some ways sometimes, but it's complicated. Some stuff does feel beneficial in patriarchy; I'm glad I never felt empathy for men and that I'm oppositional and norm breaking. Yet at the same time in an ideal society without patriarchy, it would actually be harmful to be unhinged like me. And I do wish to have more pro-social behavior around women (which I do). Like I don't envy other women when they express being very people pleasing and not choosing for themselves often enough, but I don't think that automatically makes me objectively better than them. Hope that makes sense? Ideally nobody would take advantage of nice people.
No. 1447284
>>1447233Nah you're right. It took me too long to realize this too. As a young little weeb, I discovered him from hype around 1Q84. I got the book but never even finished reading it. I did read and finish Underground, Kafka on the Shore, and Norwegian Wood though. Underground is good and I stand by this fact, but it is only good because it is a piece of non-fiction and his usual weird bullshit doesn't have a place in it. I loved Kafka because it was my first time reading a book with a fun presentation (i.e. even/odd chapters being from a different pov until their stories converge together) but Norwegian Wood was… not good. Wind up Bird Chronicle was a slog that I couldn't get through, was assigned Wild Sheep Chase in college and couldn't read it, and only got about 100 pages into 1Q84. But I kept telling myself he was good because I was a weeb huffing copium like I needed it to live.
Then in college I had assigned readings from other Japanese authors and finally accepted Murakami is shit and his books are a waste of time.
No. 1447761
>>1447442I don't have too many since I actually didn't do a lot of my readings, but off the top of my head I remember particularly enjoying:
>Snakes and Earrings by Hitomi KaneharaI remember a lot of my readings just feeling like the "assigned readings" you just do to do (or not do lol), but I basically read this entire book in one night. Easy read and I really enjoyed it. The author was only 21 when she wrote it, and it won two prizes (Shōsetsu Subaru Literary Prize and Akutagawa Prize)!
>Kokoro by Natsume SosekiA real classic. I read it every year and every time I finish I think "wow that was depressing as fuck" kek. I actually didn't read it when I was supposed to, but I started reading it every year after I graduated. I can't remember all the background I learned but it deals with the transition of past Japan/Meiji era vs modern Japan and having all that background really adds to the novel. Wouldn't blame you if you don't like this book though. I forget the context, but my professor also told me there's doujins of two of the characters (Sensei and K) and I found academic papers supporting the idea of a homoerotic subtext being there by analyzing specific passages and the language used in the original Japanese text kekkkk. I've never read it in Japanese though, so I can't attest to this myself.
>Sea of Fertility Tetralogy by Yukio MishimaA series of four books. I was actually assigned "Confessions of a Mask" in college but also didn't read it at the time (it's on my to read list though!) and another reading from Mishima, so that's how I found out about him. I found out about the tetralogy while reading a review of Evangelion funnily enough, so I decided to read it. I really enjoyed it, and discussed it in the book general thread in m. I'm not very articulate but I really enjoyed the discussion points other nonnies made. Mishima himself is a really interesting character too. If you didn't know, he was a huuuuge nationalist and attempted to stage a coup, but after miserably failing he committed seppuku, and his beheading was botched kek. I also think it's interesting that Confessions of a Mask, which put him on the map, is told from the perspective of a gay man. There's speculation Mishima is gay/bi, but regardless of that, I'm very surprised that Japanese society, in 1949, was so receptive of the book and its subject matter.
I've tried to read Dazai and Akutagawa but they weren't my thing, but I want to try again one day lol. I also have The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa on my to read list. Apologies for my rambling and so many old dead authors, they're all the basic bitch classic authors. Hopefully you'll enjoy at least one of these books! Maybe other nonnies have more modern recommendations.
No. 1448182
>>1447836Ann, Anne, Jan, Leanne, Mandy, Manuela, Samantha, Shenai, Skye, Gertrude, Jude etc.
No. 1448202
>>1448197I haven't really met women like this (there was maybe one, but she was very mentally ill), but tbh I'd class women like that as pickmes, or mild-regret types who cope that sex with a moid made them more knowledgeable about the world (which means that there
has to be something wrong or sad about women who haven't done the same).
No. 1448204
>>1448202then consider yourself lucky because ive met alot of women like that, ironically enough both the conservative and liberal women i know shame voluntary celibate women.
Conservative women get mad when they find out you arent doing it for men, they are okay with it if they think you are being a virgin for that special male to plow you one day, but when they find out you are doing it for yourself and have no interests in men or dating then they get mad and throw the lesbo/traumatized/youll find the right one/ugly/loser accusations at you.
No. 1448212
>>1448201>he gives you that thousand yard empty stare in bed instead of cuddling you, FUCK MOIDSSo specific yet so true kek. I think women of all heights look amazing so idk why we need to nitpick on height when it's one of the few things we can't control.
>“smol” “docile” “feisty” “angry”This pisses me off to no end, slightly OT but whenever a moid uses terms like this towards a short woman I instantly want to chimp out and rip his face off. It fills me with the primal rage of my female ancestors. I am 5ft tall and received a lot of these jokes especially when I was younger, the thing is if you get angry at those words and tell him to stop people will just laugh at you so you can't win either way. I am almost immediately distrustful of men over 5'10 for this reason too, plus the fact so many taller men fetishize short women thanks to them generally having internalized noncery and a porn addiction. I also hate the women who do the same thing and fetishize the fact that they are petite/short - it's actually a shit way to live, most clothes don't fit you properly, you can't consume as much calories in general unless you are muscular, men look at you like a sexualized child and you constantly have to look up to men to talk to them which is humiliating. So many every day scenarios have to be adjusted if you are very short. The only reason people are obsessed with it is probably because they are pornsick freaks who associate small woman=sexier.
Anyway, pardon my dwarf sperging, I think my general point is that 99.9% men should be eradicated from this planet and women should form a based global colony with varying heights. The tall women can pick the best apples from the trees and I, as well as the rest of the short women, will burrow holes into the dirt and forage underground for sacred seeds and nutritious protein-dense worms. The 0.1% of men left can live out their days in flea-ridden Testosterone Huts at the outskirts of the colony and they can fight amongst themselves over the last remaining 30-second Jordan Peterson Youtube Short.
No. 1448219
>>1448201tfw my personal cow from IRL(28 years old) is taller than me and she unironically wears sandals everywhere during summer and spring to seem shorter. what a weirdo.
i remember Ariana Grande would also wear oversized hoodies and crouch irl to seem shorter on photos. i don't understand why some women are like that, you cant change your height and there's nothing wrong with that.
No. 1448284
>>1448235I agree it's cringe to treat dating men in any sort of competitive manner but
>would date a taller woman with easelol no, no man would ever give a shit about how tall a woman is for anything casual, but when it comes to actually dating and bringing you around to meet their friends and family, a lot of moids absolutely avoid women taller than them because they don't want to "look shorter"
No. 1449212
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Will was right.
No. 1449267
>>1448328The hood sucks so much. Too many shitbulls just wandering around unchained and too many people having domestics just outside your window. And also, too many power tripping people related to organized crime who will start drama because they don't like your rubbish being out a certain way or don't want you parking on that side of the street.
The reason to make it in life isn't the money, I couldn't care about that. Work is high school 2.0 gossiping drama for lower class dumbshit jobs, where people antagonize each other just to pass the time. I hate driving home with a broken down car and being left wondering if it's going to fail the next registration test. If I one day have kids, I want them to at least be in a safe neighborhood without having the risk of them getting hooked on drugs or being mauled by a shitbull. I couldn't care about the holidays to France every year of the cocktail parties or whatever else yuppies get up to, I just want to live away from garbage.
I live in a country a lot poorer than the US though, so maybe your perspective is a bit different than mine.
No. 1449472
>>1449463>hair curlers, volumizingI think this is more wave hair than curly.
>permsI swear I didn't know what that was because I've never seen anyone do that to their hair before until I saw the film of the legally blonde girl who was arrested because her alib was to go take a shower but she had a perm so she couldn't have taken a shower. I think that because it's a probably American-only thing, it shouldn't be as lucrative as straightening products.
>>1449465Saying that you like certain ugly characteristics is different from lying and saying that they are better than actually beautiful ones.
>>1449467>no one can like brown eyes more than green or blue eyes, and no one really likes aquilline nosesI never said that. I said it's wrong to lie and say those traits are better than having a perfect nose or straight hair.
No. 1449475
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first person shooters are the worst type of video games. the color palette is always the same (variations of beige, brown, and grey), the screen and menus are crowded, never beginner friendly, and they are way overhyped for what they are. i never understand people who are super fans of first person shooters because they're always flipping their shit when they die.
No. 1449478
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>>1449475>the color palette is always the same (variations of beige, brown, and grey)>never beginner friendlyThe fuck did you just say?
No. 1449483
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>>1449452debatable because straight hair tends to dim people's light being so…..flat and lifeless
No. 1449491
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>>1449483if you really thing this first cavewoman hair is better than the second one you are coping and idk what to tell you. and btw taylor swift looks way better with straight hair
(bait) No. 1449509
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>>1449495yeah i also associate curly hair of any texture with angels because its often seen in art revolving around angels
No. 1449512
>>1449483kind of OT but Swift looks crazy in both of these lol
I swear that's a straight hair wig and she has mega extensions in the curly one
No. 1449515
>>1449494I never said that I was the example of a aryan queen, I'm just saying that this type of hair is ugly and that idealizing obviously unwanted characteristics is a big cope. And I don't take offense at being called a mulatto because that word isn't even a curse word in my country lol.
>>1449499I don't feel that my rights are being taken away. Opinion of chronically online people is not the same as that of irl people. Adriana Lima would never be the supermodel she is today if she kept her cavewoman hair
>>1449495>>1449509>curly hair is angelic>blonde kids with straight or wave hairlmao. I'm going to stop here before the racebait accusations.
No. 1449520
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>>1449515? Many children of all races are born and grow up with curly hair. It's seen as "angelic" because of cherub art, and because it looks soft and "innocent". You sound incredibly hurt, and truly chronically online.
No. 1449526
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>>1449520she dont looks like a cavewoman for obvious reasons but she seems like she had a eletric shock that made her hair like that. still not pretty but you nonnies gonna argue with that for the sake of being woke or for having this type of hair.
No. 1449537
>>1449450twinsies, though I'm not doing maintenance since it's a bit too cold for that in winter. I don't understand why straight hair is automatically seen as more beautiful than curly. What's the point of straight hair when it's thin limp straw?
>>1449462I can't help being attracted to women with curly hair and big noses, to me they're beautiful. Symmetry and health are objective beauty standards, but things like nose size or hair type is subjective. Curly hair isn't objectively ugly, there have been trends throughout history where curly hair was the standard. Same thing with noses, there has been a period from the renaissance to about 1900's where big noses were the beauty standard in Europe.
>>1449495>which probably works for those with more angular, strong featuresIt doesn't, it just makes things look worse. I always felt like having long straight limp hair made me look like a tranny. Short hair gets more volume and due to contrast can actually bring out the more feminine aspects of a face with very angular, strong features ime. I actually get compliments on my face when I have short hair, meanwhile the long hair was like a straw curtain hiding cheekbones, if I didn't wear it in a ponytail permanently.
No. 1449538
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>>1449517The irony is that when you Google "realistic cavewoman", most of the results are the exact opposite of who and what that anon is screeching "cavewoman hair" at. Projection is a bitch.
No. 1449541
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please stop responding to racebait, nonnies. You're better than this
No. 1449549
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>>1449452I fucking wish that was true. Straight hair is so convenient but it looks like shit on my face frame to the point even others noticed it. It's because curly hair is so voluminous.
No. 1449591
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>>1449537>What's the point of straight hair when it's thin limp straw?All hair that is not healthy will be ugly. Healthy curly hair is prettier than thin straight hair but healthy straight hair is very above curly.
>I can't help being attracted to women with curly hair and big noses, to me they're least you know you have bad taste.
>>1449548green/blue are the beauty standard. anyone who disagrees with this is chronically online.
>>1449549But hair with volume its not the same as curly hair. You can have wave hair that would frame your face without looking like you have a bird's nest on your head
>>1449553you are right. zooey deschanel for example dont look so good with blonde hair. but these type of people its like the exception thats prove the rule.
>>1449575>but at least it looks amazing when taken care of - randos stopping me in the street to admire itdo you live in a place where most people dont have curly hair? im asking that because when my mom would work on a poor school the mulato kids would praise her hair even through it didnt have much effect on where i live since most people here have pretty hair too.
>>1449577>Most of these very rarely affects actual beauty thoughmegan fox would not be as pretty if she didnt have green eyes. adriana lima would not be gorgeous with her natural bird nest hair.
No. 1449599
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>>1449591An unkept bird's nest could easily be straight or curly lol, plus Adriana Lima gets her hair curled all the time. It's the groomed part that matters not the texture. Also Megan fox with brown eyes looks just like Jennifer Lopez or Cindy Crawford, both are just as popular if not more popular than Megan fox. You sound like a white girl seething about how eurocentric beauty standards are dying
No. 1449602
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>>1449591Adriana Lima got discovered and kicked off her modeling career when she had her natural super curly hair kek do your research
No. 1449605
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>>1449594Hey look you’re right. Elle Fanning is just cute.
No. 1449608
>>1449594>>1449605ofc i dont look like ellen fanning if i looked like her i would not be arguing with you right now.
>she'd look cute asf even if she had brown and curly hairyeah but not as cute as with blonde and straight hair. im not saying that curly hair cant be pretty. im saying that this straight hair is uglier than curly is a cope. you nonnies can argue all you want on the internet but the beauty standards will be the same irl.
>>1449599>Also Megan fox with brown eyes looks just like Jennifer Lopez or Cindy Crawfordyeah but like i said before she doesnt look as beautiful as megan fox with blue eyes. brown eyes, curly hair and etc can be pretty in addiction with other characteristics but will never be above blue/green eyes and straight hair.
>about how eurocentric beauty standards are dyingin your dreams. even on the most cringe anime sections of internet the white standard is still the norm (belle delphine and etc)
>>1449602i did my research. im brazillian, born and live here. but she dont use her natural bird nest anymore because its clearly ugly and looks messy and dirty
>>1449607she looks like a fairy in blonde hair and a normal library girl and definitely not a celebrity with brown hair.
No. 1449609
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>>1449591>>1449608You, as a a HSTS troon with internalized racism and actual caveman hair (ie straight hair), have no business nitpicking biological women and children from anywhere in the world. We know your hatred for curly hair and insults on biological women and girls with it aren't just rooted in racism. It's because it makes your square jaw and manface that much more apparent to the world. Tons of trannies push this cope and try to shill straight hair as much as possible.
You know what the kinds of racist white people you worship, the ones who live white-majority countries, even the USA, say about Brazil? "We don't want to end up like Brazil, mixed and full of trannies". Even the tranny in pic related, who might be at your level or even higher, thinks he's superior to you (and you probably agree). Stop bringing up the names of women you could never be or match up to. Your male pattern baldness, cheap favela Barbie wig and broad gorilla moid body will never be equated to Elle Fanning, Adriana Lima, Kelly Rowland or Taylor Swift with any hair texture.
No. 1449629
>>1449624I agree, they look so much more lively and inviting.
>>1449605>>1449599In both of these the women look much better with darker eyes, piercing blue eyes just give me a cold demonic feel and makes a face look more sharp and depressing
No. 1449630
>>1449609>HSTS troonno why would a troon explain his point of view here? if i was one i would just post cp here and would not maintain this dialogue. and every line that you wrote acussing me of being a moid you wasted your time
>internalized racismmaybe but i like brazil even with the ugly poor people and troons
>caveman hairlike i said before i have pretty hair not curly
>Tons of trannies push this cope and try to shill straight hairnever saw it? and lurk snow sometimes. i dont think straight hair have anything to do with troon agenda
>You know what the kinds of racist white people you worship, the ones who live white-majority countries, even the USA, say about Brazil? "We don't want to end up like Brazil, mixed and full of trannies"girl its the truth. where i live most people talk bad about brazilians too but there are good ones, its mostly the poor and degenerate people that ruin brazil reputation
>favela Barbielol i loved this nickname
>you will never be Kelly Rowlandfortunately
>>1449613 No. 1449637
>>1449630The looks sperging that's been going on recently from people like you is almost unbearable, it just reeks of BDD and it's annoying as fuck to see. We get it, you're insecure about yourself and find some sort of meaning in life by nitpicking your own appearance, but don't project this onto other women. I guess I can't be surprised given the nasolabial folds saga here but I really question the sanity and mental health of any woman who is willing to think very deeply about the texture of someone's hair, or the colour of their eyes etc and then assign some sort of value to that.
This is a stereotypically male mentality to obsess over the individual features of women this much. You are no different from the trannies that come here and call tall women "big bitches" (and tbh there is a good chance you are a tranny but I'm willing to entertain otherwise too). If you are genuinely getting this upset over the appearance of women you should be seeing a professional for some assistance with your mental health. It's not normal, and the fact that you have non-curly hair does not make you pretty, or a better person in general.
So, in general, if you are a tranny here's the solution: take a shower, dilate, then kill yourself. If you are actually a real woman, you can do this instead: shower, unfollow r/vindicta, and then go make a doctor's appointment for body dysmorphia.
No. 1449639
>>1449632That's how I clocked this poster, I noticed he actually sounds just like them. It's almost exclusively trannies that go on about these irrelevant details for hours and make them out to be the entire world, and he probably gets a kick out of trying to give actual women his brain worms. Little things like hair texture, color and even certain types of eye makeup and miniskirts become full-blown hyperfixations for them. Actual women can just curl or straighten their hair whenever, depending on what they like and what compliments their natural features. It's not a huge deal when you're a woman either way, and everyone can see that you are. It's all just fashion and personal taste. For crossdressing men, it's another story. They don't have feminine features, so they can't afford to play around, especially not the poorer trannies who work as prostitutes and try to avoid getting hate-crimed by homophobic men. This is a lifestyle for him, he's just using this "Straight hair is definitely pretty girl hair, not just my cover-up-my-male-features hair, curly hair is for ugly bitches, I am pretty, cis women are ugly" to help himself cope, and every post talking to him like he's an actual woman probably just adds to that.
No. 1449640
>>1449615>It turns out that exotic is kind of beautiful where ever you go.yeah because its exotic not because its the beauty standard. if a mixed woman go to a small city on scandinavia even through everyone would praise her hair and skin she would be seem only as exotic and animalic by people and not really like a normal girl that is beautiful.
>>1449619>I hope you'll get pickedits not about mens opinion. if it was about mens opinion about this topic and i said what men think of "exotic" woman (i have a brother) you all would a-log me.
>>1449634no! i actually like where i live but this specific group of brazilians are very agressive and animalic what ruins brazil reputation unfortunately
>>1449637>you're insecure about yourself and find some sort of meaning in life by nitpicking your own appearance, but don't project this onto other womenyou could say that about the curly hair>>straight too through. you guys are ashamed by society for having undesirable traits and then try to downplay women who are the beauty standards.
>unfollow r/vindictaactually the only thing you said that is right. vindicta was good before now its infested with self hated mixed people.
>>1449629>they look much more invitinglol this is so backwards. yeah i love the confidence of woman with cavewoman hair! be who you are!
No. 1449648
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>>1449640>I-It's curly hair that's cave-tier!Today I will remind him
No. 1449655
>>1449640>you guys are ashamed by society for having undesirable traits>vindicta was goodYou are a lost cause, see my suggestions in my previous post. The fact you're really thinking this hard about having muh desirable traits is honestly just really sad, and as someone who used to think similar to you I can only look at your posts in pity - not out of empathy so much as I just think you're fucking retarded and need to go outside.
I hope you learn to love yourself regardless of your appearance one day, you aren't superior because of your desirable-trait-sperging. People look at you and feel sorry for you. They pity you because they're able to have fulfilled, happy lives knowing they don't even think about what traits make them the most fuckable/beautiful or not.
No. 1449656
>>1449639this actually made me laugh. a moid would never say that they prefer blonde dyed hair on women mostly of them have this opinion here
>>1449644>>1449646>He looked like Pharrell Williamsrace aside he is still ugly.
>except in Brazil where he was seen as lesser because he was blackno because if he really was like pharrel williams he was ugly
>>1449649lurking cc makes you more troon that i arguing about beauty standards
No. 1449659
>>1449640Curly hair, dark eyes etc not undesirable, please just get therapy and some self confidence.
>its not about mens opinionYou quite literally parrot the bullshit moids spout and then try to sell it off as general opinion.
No. 1449669
>>1449656Pharrell is not ugly unless you are a racist. Check your eye sight and/or opinions about black people.
>>1449657This is just a racist, white Brazilian who thinks that Brazilian beauty standards are universal She (or he if it is a HSTS moid) needs to get out more and leave their country once in a while.
No. 1449670
>>1449622>>1449624Since when are puddles of shit and coarse frizzy pube hair beautiful lmao. And all these mixed race mutts in here? They don't know what they are, who they truly belong to and wish they were either one or the other instead of mixed because their identity is confused.
>>1449658 It's sad you even have to spend 10 minutes everyday straightening your hair so it doesn't look like a wild unruly pube bush. Be careful not to get crabs in that giant fanny of yours. Shave your head, put a wig on and shut your mouth.
(racebait) No. 1449672
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Autistic people shouldn't have children. Well, no one should have them, but especially people with disorders (I still laughed at picrel kek)
No. 1449679
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>>1449591Has very little to do with health. You could never use a hair dryer, never dye it, never do anything like that and still have it turn out like shit. Keeping straight hair looking nice actually takes effort and is high maintenance too. It can still get frizzy and straw looking, if you live in a country with extremely dry air and a lot of wind. I've asked women I know with pretty straight hair what they do for it and even when they naturally have straight hair, it was too many steps for someone as low maintenance/lazy as me. So I keep it short. I thought there was something wrong with me, when actually all women are struggling with the climate, but they are willing to put in (to me) admirable herculean effort.
>at least you know you have bad taste.I don't have bad taste just because it's different from the taste of mostly retarded scrotes around me. Since when do scrotes get to decide what good taste is? There are so many different beautiful women on the planet and imo you're missing out if you can't appreciate that. Every day I'm amazed, while you're seething.
No. 1449687
>>1449670guys this anon is not me. my english is not that good and i dont thing curly hair looks like pubic hair? at least not my pube hair
>>1449677romanianon has black hair eyes and light tanned skin. idk what are u talking about
No. 1449694
>>1449674fortunately. at least here in brazil theres no muslim moid comunity like there are in europe.
>>1449679the nose of the second one could smell colors, sensations and pheromones
(racebait) No. 1449700
>>1449697i said that aquilines noses are ugly and this is not a black characteristic. you are just trying to bring in your woke twitterfag agenda on me
>>1449696they dont need a wig. they have the right to be ugly.
No. 1449706
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>>1449684Imagine getting angry at the sight of beautiful women, couldn't be me.
No. 1449711
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>>1449706True. Must be a miserable and sad existence thinking that way.
No. 1449715
>>1449709im not replying to myself this anon is probably a angry mixed
nonny with the true things i said and is probably sperging to make me look more agressive and moidy than i am. i dont think black women should wear wigs, they can do what they want. and i definitely dont think european should be raped wtf.
>>1449710at least you agree that they are not the beauty standards.
>>1449706she could hide a saxophone inside that hair
No. 1449716
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>>1449712>>1449705>>1449700>>1449694>>1449692>>1449702>>1449715>>1449713No matter how much you samefag, pretend to be different people and bash women who are black, have brown eyes, have curly hair, have aquilline noses, etc, you will always be a pathetic failmale.
No. 1449722
>>1449716yeah try to cope and invalidate my opinion because you cant accept the truth
>>1449718she cant wear a wig with this type of hair.
No. 1449726
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>>1449711They look so pretty. It's always so funny when trannies claim black women look like them. They really pray and hope that the earth's population doesn't have eyes.
No. 1449737
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>>1449711>>1449726If I'm not careful I'm going to waste my whole day looking at hot black women. I know it's a cliché and I'm probably looking at it with rose tinted glasses, but sometimes I wish I had experienced the 70's.
No. 1449743
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I dislike the whole "cats are feminine, dogs are masculine pets" discourse, and every theorizing around it. The people who write full armchair theories about it, on either side, are probably huffing the same gas Freud did.
No. 1449746
>>1449725I feel like literally only two groups (cosmetic industries, trannies) benefit from attempting to flatten beauty down to ticking a list of boxes, rather than health and overall harmony in a person's features. Troons are against natural beauty because they can't attain it, and it gives them too much to worry about. Companies are against it because it makes it harder to sell mass-produced garbage with false promises of beauty. Actual women just end up suffering from BDD and wasting money because they think they're ugly if they haven't spent money on certain products and surgical procedures, (only for those same industries to later try to sell them their old features back as trends shift).
I think this is especially true in Brazil. The surgery industry dominates there, and there are so many unhinged trannies, it's ridiculous.
No. 1449754
>>1449742This is why I believe only women should have access to guns and self-defense weapons. Also why women should be weight training/making themselves physically strong. It doesn't make you immune to scrote violence no but it would sure as hell put some of them in their place if they knew you've got a gun and have some physical strength behind you. There's actually a bonus to this nowadays too: testosterone levels in men are falling thanks to most of them being low-muscle mass porn addicts, so this is the perfect opportunity for women to reach their peak physical potential. Not only that, but being physically strong improves your health
a lot. This still doesn't change the biological difference between us unfortunately but most men nowadays are either roided out HGH gut freaks who can't walk up the stairs without having a heart attack, or they're dad-bod porn addicted redditors with no muscle at all.
It's disappointing looking at the outcome of moids actually: they could have used their retard strength advantage to become valued protectors of women and children but instead they chose to become our natural predators by subjecting us to extreme sexual and physical violence. They failed their first basic task on this planet and if that doesn't tell you how fucking retarded to the core they are, nothing else will. They couldn't even contain the natural human aggression to use it for the greater good, instead they constantly chimp out and kill eachother and also subject women and children to their inability to control themselves.
No. 1449756
>>1449746>The surgery industry dominates there, and there are so many unhinged tranniesfact. but the troons here are more rejected by society than some other countries like usa or canada.
>>1449753by pretty women i meant a woman who fit the beauty standards
>>1449752i had a friend that was bald. its not your fault anon.
No. 1449758
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>>1449738I'm just envious of the shit tier scrotes who are with them and unappreciative of them. I'm on cloud 9 though because a black Stacy is apparently interested in me. I'm so afraid I'm going to fuck it up.
>>1449750As white as it can get.
>>1449752Bald women can be hot too.
No. 1449784
>>1449777its not my opinion to use pol memes. that anon is trying to make me look moidy because she probably got offended by what i was saying not because she actually agree with me. tbh lying to make themselves seems like a
victim of white imperialist is usual for them. im sure this anon is a curly hair.
No. 1449788
>>1449766same, you are either a bimbo or a NLOG to most people and i hate that. Thankfully i grew up and now i am comfortable being a GNC
terf that hates men and loves TF2 yaoi.
No. 1449793
>>1449786>>1449789im not. a pol moid or someone that is larping as a pol moid like this one
>>1449775 would use these graceless type of meme and argument that white women are better because of labia color or something like that. im not saying anything like that im saying that pretending that beauty standards dont exist is stupid.
No. 1449804
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>racist moid has been baiting for over an hour
wake up tranny jannies i do not not pay you for this
No. 1449806
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>>1449795nta I wonder whether I have some TiF logic, because I always hated wearing pink, but I'm okay with it if it's in a gnc way
No. 1449810
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>>1449806maybe you just hate the childish connotations of pink. Same reason why i hate pink gaming set ups, because they look so childish and tryhard cute, but if the set up was black with dark pink it would look amazing
No. 1449813
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>>1449804tranny jannies when someone is being racist and baiting for hours vs tranny jannies when it's time to "accidentally" ban the wrong ip and make cringe reddit-esque redtexts on posts
No. 1449834
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>>1449810>maybe you just hate the childish connotations of pinkYeah I guess so, it often reminds me of the fully pink aisles of a toy shop, but not always. You make good points.
>>1449817Exactly this. It's like you're not allowed to point out the elephant in the room that you're literally different, which doesn't mean you think you're better than everyone else. Like do I really have to pretend I'm exactly the same and had the exact same life experiences as a straight feminine woman had? People also get it the wrong way around. They think the harsh feelings a gnc teen girl gets as a result of being shunned or bullied are the reason she's gnc in the first place, as if she started dressing that way because she hates other women. Instead of just feeling shit for being shunned, being petty as a result and saying some stupid shit in retaliation. I also hate that comic where it almost puts the responsibility on the "nlog" for having to get over her "bigotry" towards conforming women, when that just makes no sense. If people weren't automatically bigoted towards anyone who doesn't conform to the norm and especially to lesbians, you wouldn't even get the concept of a "nlog" in the first place. Like yeah of course it's a bad and petty attitude to have, but fixing it doesn't automatically make conforming people like you, because that wasn't even the original reason they disliked you.
No. 1449868
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>>1449834>>1449810>>1449806Pink is such a misunderstood and misused/bastardized color in my opinion, too much of it can be overwhelming, specially when people use it in the childish or hashtag girlboss way. The color itself is fine and I do love it, I love big pink sweaters, it's one of the most comfiest looking colors out there for me. Maybe it's just the hyper femininity and association with capitalistic girlhood that I hate, like, I'll take a comfy pink sweater but not a frilly pink dress if that makes sense? That's just me though, nothing wrong if people like frilly pink dresses. It's just been so pushed onto me that now I'm like "no thank you". Idk if this makes sense sorry.
No. 1449904
>>1449860I'm wondering where you nonnies grew up, I grew up in ex-yugoslavia and most girls didn't care about performing femininity hardcore in childhood and teenage years, and I got along with them just fine. It was cool to play video games, smoke, spit on the street, get in fights and engage in typically aggressive male associated behaviour, but maybe that's because I grew up in a working class town kek. Typically girly girls were kind of the posh minority that got made fun of. Then in later high school years it all kind of equalized and everyone stopped giving a fuck.
It's mostly boys that ignored me and treated me like subhuman because I looked like one.
No. 1449907
>>1449881Men haven't treated me badly over it but they do assume that I'm gay (I'm not) and they have conversations in front of me that no woman wants to overhear. As if there's no woman in the room when I'm there. Idk why my look would make them think I'm cool with hearing this shit. Even if I were gay.. I'm not gonna be like "ah yes, using women for sex is my fave pasttime too!" or "yes I think 13 year olds should be legal"
I'm still a woman and I'm still horrifed.
No. 1449920
>>1449915For real
nonny. It really is an eye opener.
No. 1449924
>>1449890>>1449881nta boys/men left me alone because it has always been a tradition whenever I went to a new school to just beat up the first guy who made a big problem about it. Since they usually would start to show signs they wanted to get violent. Girls would just shun, which is less in your face and I honestly didn't mind being left alone. I guess it's mostly become a problem actually as an adult. In extremely female dominated workplaces, being shunned and then being blamed for bad teamwork, is a bit of a double whammy. Like I had an interview where the man wanted to hire me, but the woman was practically kicking him under the table and saying that she didn't think I would fit in there. He was confused because I have great credentials and he said she was being silly and that he would take responsibility for me. Meanwhile when women interviewed me for a job at a more male dominated workplace, they were happy with me and saw me as someone who could push back well against the men together with them. It's like being nonconforming is seen as not being able to be a teamplayer by a lot of women, which I get the logic of and they might have a point. Or maybe it was lesbophobia. Either way, it's fucking annoying.
>>1449911I don't think I've ever really entertained the lockerroom talk. It always felt disingenuous, being "one of the boys" is always with an asterisk. Hasn't stopped men from trying to relate to me though or trying to become my friend. I never got the point of sleeping with or dating a woman and then shit talking her behind her back, what the fuck kind of logic even is that? You chose her? Why are you so ungrateful?
No. 1449930
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>>1449904>I'm wondering where you nonnies grew up, I grew up in ex-yugoslavia and most girls didn't care about performing femininity hardcore in childhood and teenage yearsI feel like hyper femininity was super hardcore introduced to us from early childhood in the 90's and 2000's in capitalistic societies like north america. I remember so much sparkly and glittery pink shit for girls being pushed down my throat. It didn't take too long for me to hate it, I remember being in 2nd grade of elementary and already being fed up with it. Contrast with this ad for LEGO's in the 70s and yeah, the capitalistic sexism really got weird for us.
When you take in account that most millenial and gen z grew up like this, it makes sense why the tranny movement would become so popular later on. Or the whole goth girl vs girly girl shit. And your typical NLOG crap, too.
No. 1449971
>>1449938Yeah, I have no mother and my father encouraged me to just solve things with violence, it's a wonder that I didn't get in trouble more than I did, other than being sent to the school therapist several times. I bet they wouldn't have sent boys who got into fights to the school therapist, they would've just gotten a "boys will be boys".
Female family members did try to get me to do and wear girly stuff, with the highpoint that my aunt freaked out at her wedding (because I wore a suit) and wanted to send me back to her country to go to a special school where they teach girls to be "ladies".
At some point my father also realized I'm one of those icky women he hates so much, somewhere late in puberty and he suddenly wanted me to start conforming and performing femininity. I felt like a male transvestite crossdresser for trying on a dress and trying to put on make-up in the privacy of my bedroom. Then when I actually went outside while trying to be feminine, I got asked whether I'm a tranny to boot. I guess because I wasn't socialized female properly (didn't learn how to perform femininity) and looked really uncomfortable and obviously had no idea what I was doing, a fish out of the water, I looked like an AGP tranny. In combination with even back then having a large skeleton and also muscle from sports, I guess it just looked weird. So ironically enough I feel like a man whenever trying to perform femininity.
No. 1449988
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>>1449982I'm not autistic, just retarded because of being raised by schizo single father and being motherless.
No. 1450019
>>1450005>ayrt I only did it for a while, then retreated back into being butch and haven't looked back.Based. I'm happy for you.
>I think women are pushier about it, because they don't want you to get shunned and they know about the consequences. They think if you just accept it and learn to do the feminine stuff, you'll be happier for it in the end. Which is a reasoning I get, but that doesn't make the pushing okay.In a sense we're also conditioned since birth to think this is ok and most media and products marketed to us have the pushy message in them. This is one reason why I don't watch most movies made for women, they're almost always written by men anyway. There's always some character who isn't stereotypically feminine that they want to change into a girly girl and they always pain it as a good thing instead of leaving her alone. It's all so tiresome.
No. 1450030
>>1450019>This is one reason why I don't watch most movies made for women, they're almost always written by men anyway. There's always some character who isn't stereotypically feminine that they want to change into a girly girl and they always pain it as a good thing instead of leaving her alone. It's all so tiresome.I get your point, agree and same. It's a one-way ticket to being called a nlog by libfem types though. I get there are women who shit on those movies because they're trying to appeal to some guy, but that doesn't mean everyone who dislikes those movies does for the same reason.
>>1450023The feeling is mutual, gnc straight women are important to us too.
No. 1450039
>>1449904I'm also a balkanon and I think it depends where you grew up. Girls in my town were a weird mix of feminine and not. They wore girly clothes, long hair and jewelry but also arranged fist fights in the schoolyard when they had beef with each other, smoked and mouthed off to teachers a lot.
They still bullied girls they didn't like for different reasons. I got bullied because I dressed like a tomboy and liked anime, and by boys because I was an ugly nerd - so basically not a person in their eyes.
In high school boys just ignored me instead, but girls were catty, mean and always talked shit behind my back because I was weird and 'pathetic'. I actually had to move schools because of it. I got cyberbullied over curiouscat and when I posted photos of fun stuff I was doing, many of them commented on my pictures laughing at me for trying to do anything at all. Baking was cringe, knitting was cringe, having a blog was cringe, wearing [insert clothes here] was cringe. I still have bad self esteem and hate going out in public because I feel like everyone sees me as pathetic.
>>1449930I read an article that mentioned gendered marketing of toys first appeared in the 80s and got bigger over time because it was a way to sell twice as many toys.
No. 1450099
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damn if i knew my unpopular opinion was going to cause racebait for hours i would have kept it to myself, but anyways my new unpopular opinion is that curly hair is not appreciated enough these days like all you ever see is 50 inch straight hair and it's flat AND boring
No. 1450104
>>1450099It's not your fault you
triggered the /pol/ tranny, anon, don't worry, kek. I love curly hair too, it's so beautiful.
No. 1450107
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>>1450099Curly hair is sexier and more playful imo, it's sad that almost every naturally curly celeb decides to straighten it. It makes someone suddenly look way more business-like and cold.
No. 1450111
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>>1450107I love her hair so much.
No. 1450118
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>>1450099last example i made, katy looks good with shorter hair too
No. 1450145
>>1450099you knew what you were doing because this same discussion happened like 5 threads ago
>>>/ot/1369751get an original opinion
No. 1450343
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DMC4 Dante is sexiest Dante. Wish they also gave him (and Vergil too, if not also Nero) a British accent in English, apparently Kamiya initially conceived him as a "British man" and it would have been very funny. Actually I think Dante and Vergil should have had different British accents.
No. 1450354
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>>1450345I like them all, even post-wall 5 Dante, but 4 is just perfect IN MY OPINION THIS IS AN OPINION THREAD
No. 1450564
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Homemade food will always be better than anything you can buy at a restaurant and anyone can cook whatever is sold at literally any restaurants, but most people are just too fucking lazy to do so.
No. 1450579
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>>1450030A good example of this is housebunny. The zeta members were much better before they were bimboified
No. 1450583
>>1450577Are strip clubs even fun to go to?
>>1450402Honestly I wonder who is even the primary consumer base for the live action entries. I play Monster Hunter and I was so disgusted by 5 seconds of the movie trailer that I never looked up more about it ever again.
No. 1450586
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Men are just upset that women can rock baldness far better than they can
No. 1450626
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>I'm invalidating all of your experiences, you're a bunch of imageboard weirdos who make up fake conflicts in your mind to argue about because you're insecure and make up reasons to hate yourself, and then project that hatred onto other people. You're fucked. You're all fucked.
Thanks you won't be missed
If a bunch of women talking about their personal experiences is so annoying to you then just block this website and fuck off
No. 1450635
>>1450630people having different life experiences means they're larping now? Kek wtf. Just because that anon has been lucky in her GNC life it doesn't mean the rest of us haven't had troubles with men/women and how people act toward us. Don't be silly now. If anything that anon is the immature one.
>That never happens!>Because it has never happened to me it means it never happens!>It's all from TV!>You're all fucked you imageboard weirdos!>I'm invalidating all of you!Yeah that sounds totally mature sure.
No. 1451057
>>1451002Every time nonnas mention anything similar in regards to "well you should probably be
trying to be in some form of employment and stop depending on your parents even if they are not good people" you get bombarded with shit as if you haven't just spoken common sense. They always crawl out of the woodwork to defend their choice to be entitled and lazy and act as if you are some mega work-hustle capitalist sympathizer for saying that if you're in your 20s onwards and still choosing to mooch off your parents then bitch about them online, then you should probably be trying to earn your own money so you can get out of there. This is what happens when people have no shame and victimize themselves too much. It's really embarrassing.
No. 1451095
>>1451057its annoying to see them try to take some sort of moral high ground for not working when its incredibly entitled. id be embarrassed, knowing how hard some people work, to declare myself above that, even on an anonymous image board.
there was a period in my life i was too depressed and unstable to work, i understand how it happens. but during that time i felt devistated that i was unable to work to provide for myself, i didnt defend my unemployment as some triumph over wage-slavery.
No. 1451099
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Cutting people off when they slight you in any way you deem is too much needs to be normalised. I'm tired of all the people giving excuses like "oh theu were just showing they cared", "It wasn't that bad".
If you haven't live it then stfu.
No. 1451170
>>1450717nta I think people haven't really learned though. Sure you're allowed to wear trousers, from the women's section. With shitty pockets, shitty fabric and more expensive. If you wear clothes from the men's section, it still gets a negative reaction. People will fall over themselves to say "but you can get it from the women's section, you can get the BOYFRIEND FIT". I fucking hate that concept btw
>In fashion design, "boyfriend" is a style of women's clothing that draws heavily from corresponding men's garments. Boyfriend style clothes are designed to be looser or boxier and tend to be oversized - giving the appearance that one is wearing their boyfriend's clothing.With all due respect to straight women, no I don't want to signal anything like that. Why are you only allowed to wear more masculine type of garments, if it's still in a way men are encouraged to sexualize it and heavily linked to being straight?
"But you're a woman, so you have to wear women's clothes, they're the only ones which are supposed to fit you" are we suddenly going to cape for retarded designers or pretend that there's an universal female bodyshape? The fuck are us flatchested inverted triangles supposed to do, when everything is shaped like a trapezium with built-in boob room, but none for shoulders? Especially when some shops have gone in some retarded fahionova direction or whatever the fuck that was called. You don't have to be male to fit in a sweater or shirt from the "men's" section or in trousers. I don't have to or have to want to look beautiful and feminine. It's okay to be a handsome masc woman. That doesn't mean I'm saying I'm exactly masculine like a man, but it's like this nonna said in another thread that a mint green is a bit blueish in comparison to other greens, but still doesn't fit in with a row of blues.
It's like I prefer to wear the clothes associated with the blues, to emphasize my greenness, because if I wear clothes associated with the greens, it just makes all the blueishness standout. This sounds completely schizo if you don't understand the context, but that's ok. It's the same way how I'm convinced that short hair makes my face look more feminine, even though people have this retarded idea that short hair makes women look more like a man. Contrast makes different things stand out.
No. 1451294
>>1451095>there was a period in my life i was too depressed and unstable to work, i understand how it happensMe too nonna, I hope your situation is better now.
>i didnt defend my unemployment as some triumph over wage-slavery.The moral superiority regarding it is what pisses me off, the whole "Oh I'm far too good to work in a factory or in fast-food part time" like bitch no you aren't, you are not
too good for any job just because you enjoy doing art and want something more, and by saying that you're just directly insulting people who work those jobs like they're brainless peons or something. Life is not easy like The Sims where you leave school and land some dream job, most people have to graft from the bottom unless they're born into a rich or comfortable family. It's like they don't want to see the nuance in the situation because they are so hellbent on feeling superior because they're not a "wagie". This also applies to people who simply live to work and feel superior because of that, but I've seen a massive hypocrisy on this site in particular where it's fine to call someone a "wagie" because they have to work but if you call someone lazy and entitled because they leech off their parents then suddenly it's not acceptable.
There was a time when people would be ashamed to do this shit and that's for a good reason - because it is genuinely lazy and entitled to expect everyone else to cater for you. "I didn't ask to be born" sure but neither did anyone else kek. I don't like the current working society we have but at the same time people
should genuinely be embarrassed and ashamed if they're acting like children and mooching off their parents. It's such an online mindset because if you tried to say this shit around people irl and in irl situations they would laugh at you. In my country we call them "dole dossers" because they just sit around on the internet all day, claim benefits (not disability) and then whine about how society doesn't bow down to their every need.
No. 1451316
>>1451294It's very weird double-think where they don't think their mothers and fathers or whatever guardian wouldn't want to pursue meaning either, or to have comfortable savings or extra money to discover hobbies they'd have after an empty nest, because "they chose to have children"
21-30 years ago kek. It's very solipsistic.
No. 1451327
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>>1451316I think we all think that at some point, actually. This is why millenials and gen z aren't having children. No future in a world where labor is not well paid.
No. 1451411
Engineer moids are insufferable, and they can't cope with their mythic bubble of self-importance being burst. In my coutry the biggest technical college was proud of the high dropout rate and low grades, taking it as proof of how hard the material is. Well ever since more women go into electric and chemical engineering, suddenly the grade averages are much higher and the dropout rates and delays in finishing the degree went down significantly. So the material wasn't the problem, it was lazy as fuck moids not studying. Now they reee about the admission requirements being higher too, because women bring much better scores from their maturity exams, and often speak 1-2 languages already too.
I've never met an engineering student moid that didn't also think he was also a master of mathematics, statistics, psychology, economy, film studies, philosophy, and politics. Shut the fuck up, Steve, go draw a blueprint
No. 1451434
>>1451414It's not even moids necessarily, there are unfortunately plenty of women like this. I don't think it's productive to dismiss any retardation as like "oh it's just a moid" sure a lot of the time it is but not always. Women can be retarded too.
>>1451431Fully agreed. Met plenty of workaholic hustle grindset female wagies in my previous jobs and I've also met plenty of spoiled entitled NEET daughters throughout my life. I wish I could say this was limited to the XY Deficiency Disease but it's not unfortunately kek.
No. 1451448
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>>1451427>I feel it'd work out if people stayed "in their lanes" so to say, and didn't feel to insert themselves everywhere.Honestly this is the MAIN problem that the lolcow userbase has and why everyone is dropping out citing infighting as the main cause. Everyone should just stay in their lane and not self insert into shit no one asked them to.
No. 1451450
nonny but maybe you misread my post, I didn't call you male. I simply said: most of the userbase knows that indeed women can hate shit, it's just a matter of infighting being very fucking annoying in this website. Most users are so fed up with it that they're leaving.
No. 1451464
>>1451454Aint calling anon a moid but this way of thinking that every
nonny has the same opinion about different things is so dumb and kinda incel. Idk if its because some nonnies here dont meet a lot of women irl but i study in a female-dominated college and theres so much retarded women as smart women too.
No. 1451468
Unpopular opinion but idk what the hell the anons who say wahmen can only think x are on. From my experience women's spaces have always been full of "drama"* and infighting. So are male spaces, but in a different way. I think women's spaces have more of that nice, open, helpful chill vibe than men spaces, but we still don't have any Universal Sisterhood of Field Frolicking.
>>1451456Women aren't a fucking monolith, there are loads of women who do not understand nuance or have empathy like that. There are stupid, retarded, mean and aggressive women. And they have every right to be that way. You can call them stupid or debate their views, but that does not make them male.
*kek I know I sound like a NLOG but idk how else to word it No. 1451471
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>>1451468thank you for standing up for the rights of aggressive retards
No. 1451476
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>>1451471you must be an aggressive retard too. now, let us commence a 200-post battle and ruin every thread in existence to decide the outcome of who is the most autistic and retarded. i will start: you are a tranny/fat/moid/shaynus/trannyjanny/pakichan/romanianon/silly stinky baby.
No. 1451496
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>>1451468I've also been accused of baiting or aggression when I try to suggest solutions or encouraging someone to take a fight against their problem, and the next thing I know the
nonnie starts talking as if I just shot her dog or called her a slur or something, maybe even across threads. If we want to be very stereotypical, problem-based thinking is moidlike, so I'm just an NLOG Supreme.
No. 1451571
>>1451567I've never given Josh a cent.
My unpopular opinion. Any woman who gives scrotes money even if on Twitch are simps and the scrotes are thots. Josh is a thot who sells himself. I'd never.
No. 1451582
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No. 1451993
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>>1451915The only types of leggings I hate wearing are the thin ones that show your underwear and also these ungodly external-asshole booty scrunch gym leggings. Uncomfortable as shit, and look stupid imo.
No. 1452017
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>>1452012not this shit again…also the best trousers to wear when bloated are oversized mom jeans with the buttons undone over a big jumper.
No. 1452311
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>>1452232I personally think artists should have the least sympathy for their industry being automated, because they disproportionately make out their trade makes them uwu speshial and a deep passionate feeling soul. These types had zero sympathy for working class people being automated out by robots from the 70s to now, and acted all smug with the belief that once robots do everything then humans will do the art.
The artists against AI art are literal luddites, plain and simple. At least the original luddite textile artistans were trying to support families and the like. These people are just crying because they lost their furry art commission paypigs.
Most modern artists were being handheld by software anyway for digital art. If they're really that concerned about purity, they can always grab the paintbrush and do oil painting.
No. 1452369
>>1448289it's pickme behavior if they act above other women
>>1451468I agree, I also see some people dissing lc as women only talking about men when it isn't true depending on the thread. Even then, they would never apply the same standards to 4chan or 8chan. It's also become so normalized to go on 4chan that I feel like lc is more stigmatized but we didn't have massive revenge porn leaks like the fappening or a few live suicides.
No. 1452389
>>1452385Kpop is banned, newfag.
>inb4 but the bunker and kpop spam uwuthose were special occasions retard. There will never be a bunker ever again. This is a dying website.
No. 1452572
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The idea that the real villain of The Devil Wears Prada is Nate and not Miranda is the most libfem take conceivable. Sure Nate is a bit incentive, but Miranda is a self important snob, who abuses her position of power over her employees and treats everyone around her like they're shit. Fuck Miranda Priestly!
No. 1452600
>>1452311i agree. if you can be beaten by a computer program that simply draws from what already exists you are obviously doing something painfully generic. also- at this point AI art is littered with fundamental errors in anatomy that any one with a decent grasp on the fundamentals of drawing would never make.
ps yeah that's a super boring drawing… we have had 100+ years of interesting art… there is art on subjects aside from drawings of sexy ladies and muscle men drawn quasi-photorealistically. if you're threatened by ai, expand your subject matter, expand your style, expand your media.
No. 1452652
>>1452311They don't want to hear it, but you're basically right. I do think there are some issues in actually selling AI art, and the shitty narc techbros harassing artists about this make me rage, but that's a different rant altogether. I don't have sympathy for those who find the time to yell the loudest about this topic when their own art was never actually good enough to make a living off of, they're largely unskilled hobbyists who draw fanart and occasionally get commissions from friends of friends, and they haven't had a single thing they've ever drawn used to train AI. Most of those people aren't actually threatened in any real way by AI art, and I don't think even they believe it's actually taking money from them. They're just having breakdowns because they already feel inferior to more skilled artists, and now feel even further "mogged" by AI. It's petty and juvenile.
Also, I feel like there are people who purposely spread disinfo about how AI art works to either drum up emotions or make more people paranoid about it than they should be, but that's just a tinfoil.
No. 1452659
>>1452311>>1452600>>1452652 Yeah no most of the chatter is due to ai essentially stealing art to create. Doesnt matter how easy it is to replicate an artsyle its just that the content in which these sites are taking from are an infringement of sorts. Now let this have been a music AI…
Its all obviously data farming that uses gullible and smug fucks like you to feed it
No. 1452711
>>1452702What an excellent reason for me to continue pirating. Fuck paying moids.
>>1452684I agree but for me it boils down to being the world’s dullest cliche, just because they’re ‘opposites’ doesn’t mean they attract.
No. 1452842
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I hate suits. they all look the same, its everywhere and yet belongs nowhere, and ignores local cultural mores and fashions. Truly the uniform of the soulless elite.
The suit destroyed male fashion all over the globe
No. 1452848
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>>1452842I want to disagree(because I find suits sexy) but honestly you're not wrong.
No. 1452852
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>>1452848I think suits should be allowed to exist but other cultural clothing should be given a chance as well, like the chokha
No. 1452870
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Men who refuse to eat pussy don't deserve to have sex with women. This should be the mainstream opinion on this subject.
No. 1452900
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>>1452842Real suits are tailored to a man's body. If they are tall and have a well tailored suit, it makes a huge difference. There are so many different types from the colors, to the fabric choice and lapel size. I'm sorry but i hate cheap ugly rented suits, but the art of tailoring is beautiful.
No. 1453144
>>1452572Miranda was kinda shit but Nate was straight up a bitch. He threw a fit when she couldn’t celebrate his birthday because she had once in a lifetime chance for her career. Demonstratively waited sitting on a couch in dark just so he could throw it in her face and make her feel like shit. Like how old was he, any normal adult would just celebrate with her the next day.
She gave up career that she liked for him, ideal ending would be her working in the industry but for someone else.
No. 1453270
>>1452659>ai essentially stealing art to create.Humans copy styles and draw inspiration in the same way kek. It's why Picasso said "good artists borrow, great artists steal". People only got anal about copyrights and not stealing ideas over the last 130 years when capitalism got in full swing. Go back to Shakespeare's time and plots and characters were free to use in whatever way you wanted. Most of the great literature we have is basically fanfiction, like the Aeneid.
It's only greedy corporations and twitter artists that care about "OC DONUT STEAL!!!".
The industrial revolution with textiles proved that mediocre and cheap always beats out expensive but time consuming.
No. 1453300
>>1453283Her quoting a psycho like Picasso like a priest does scripture made me kek.
>>1453210It's very
toxic but I kind of agree. I was a bear all my teen years, yet it seems like very briefly after I lost weight I was plain–and I quickly started looking extremely haggard. I loathe saying this because it's so vain.
No. 1453302
>>1453270You missed the tongue in cheek humor of the picasso quote.
Inspiration is not theft. Ai is not inspired it quite literally is based on the copying of already existing art. Not for studies but for product. Oc artists and companies no matter how greedy employ artists who work hard for their craft.
>The industrial revolution with textiles proved that mediocre and cheap always beats out expensive but time consuming.Perhaps that is true but what you seem to forget is that their is still a successful market for the latter.
>Go back to Shakespeare's time and plots and characters were free to use in whatever way you wanted. Most of the great literature we have is basically fanfiction, like the Aeneid.
>Go back to Shakespeare's time and plots and characters were free to use in whatever way you wanted. Most of the great literature we have is basically fanfiction, like the Aeneid. You're right, and guess what? All art stemming from those ideas have their own unique qualities not by pure luck but through effort and true personal quality.
I may paint like picasso but I will never be him.
AI may copy me and it very well may be me.
No. 1453309
>>1453302The AI is literally just drawing "inspiration" in its own way, it's skimming through other art to see what it can draw from, and combines what it perceives into a new product. The same way humans do, except it draws on millions more pictures. There's nothing unique and special about how humans do art. To get to a unicorn you first have to have seen a horse and a horn, and then combine the two concepts.
The whole ludditism comes from the fact that artists think there's something magical and special about their "inspiration". There isn't, it's turning out to be a mundane thing that machines will be able to replicate.
>>1453308It will soon have an aesthetic sense of its own due to people selecting the good looking images it generates and the bad looking ones that get rejected, and being able to see what gains traction and what doesn't.
No. 1453318
>>1453309No, it's not the same way humans do, because it's just a bunch of code. If it would take inspiration in the same way artists do, it would actually understand what it's copying and not fuck up simple things like anatomy and texture.
>It will soonTwo more weeks /ic/ bro kek.
No. 1453333
>>1453321But anon, do you not want every website flooded with incomprehensible generic AI trash in the same way chinese garbage resellers spam markets?
I love having to waste my time digging through several pages to find high quality/handmade/actually good things/artists!
No. 1453347
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>>1453335What the fuck are you trying to imply
No. 1453361
>>1453335This but the opposite.
I’d rather feed the abandoned animals the useless addict/rapist scrotes that the homeless usually are
No. 1453502
>>1453361>>1453335>>1453399Ah yes, the psychopathic thoughts of autistic transsexuals and pedophiles.
Wouldn't expect anything less
>>1453336Indeed, Autistics are little Satans sir. They are cold, stupid, rigid and inhuman just like the computers they worship so much.
>>1453547True, but AI art is so labor intensive right now , it isn't even AI art really. It indirectly plagiarizes are and spits out a few hundred pics based on specific human input text commands, then the human needs to choose the best picture and fix rendering errors etc.
Pathetic, stupid and Dumb.
No. 1454547
>>1454319I think some women make a show out of it and they want somebody to say something to them and feel like a
victim and have a story for their mom's group online. Realistically nobody cares but don't expect me to want to watch I'll make myself scarce
Also some parents will loudly and OTT gush over their children in public to get people to pay attention to them or comment on their kid because they are lonely it's called babystalking. I run into it all the time because I'm a woman and people think I will compliment their baby or child. Which I find funny and also sad
No. 1454786
>>1454623I'm a late zoomer but I never used social media because I was too busy being an anachan to have a social life or be online. It's a completely alien world to me but if I had used social media (especially with all the pro-ana content) I think I would be a lot worse. Seriously, when you've not used this stuff and then start using it, you see how weird it all really is. It's a hyperreal world of mirrors and makes my feminist heart cry.
>>1454637I'm fine with retard but I draw the line at ghetto.
No. 1454955
>>1454623Hard agree. Without social media screen time would be drastically reduced as well.
I have a little voice in the back of my head hoping this site gets the plug pulled because I'm addicted and it's really the only site I spend time on. If it's gone, I'll use the computer to check my email and financials and to look up things. I don't have any other websites that I can or want to spend a significant amount of time on.
I'll miss the cows like hell though.
>especially Shayna No. 1456221
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Ube sucks and is overrated.
No. 1456267
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Damon Albarne was a reverse butterface
No. 1456386
>>1456380True, men who tend to go for young girls tend to also be more manipulative, distant or straight up
abusive which is why they have zero trouble telling cute young girls how ugly they are or what's wrong with their appearance. I also think they believe young women are all confident Stacie's like in movies and porn and are fine with being insulted and need to be ripped apart to "humble themselves" you see this a lot on social media where anytime a woman calls herself attractive men will foam at the mouth and jump through hoops to remind her she's not
No. 1456414
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>>1456397Unfortunately only the aggression men display is focused on instead of looking at the whole picture.
No. 1456461
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No. 1456498
>>1456397Since when are we even allowed to be horny. Even some anons act like other anons/women are selfish just for wanting orgasms and should just enjoy sex because it's "loving" and also get mad at women for having sex outside the bounds of long-term relationships.
Also not disagreeing with you, bpd is probably under diagnosed in men.
No. 1456505
>>1456498Yeah not long ago a woman wanting sex was seen as a symptom of hysteria, nymphomania, hypersexuality etc.
Even when you remove the male aspect, you still get treated like there's something wrong with you for just wanting sex with women, not necessarily dreaming of your future wife one day and for wholesome reasons, but just wanting to fuck and not feeling like a vibrator is a good replacement for that.
A hookup or casual relationship is still not equal to masturbation and there's still a form of intimacy, responding, being able to give not just take. I agree orgasms are important and all that, but like a vibrator can't give a hug, physical contact and some people prefer to give.
I don't think it's selfish, if for you the orgasm is the most important thing, but if it were for me I probably would never have sex and just stick with vibrators (but it's not so).
No. 1456763
>>1456725Gyms are a display of vanity, specifically when it comes to super muscular men, they're hardly ever a sign of being able to do hard work.
All of the most capable hard working men in my life (there aren't many kek) that I know have shied away from lifting weights, but they're able to be their own plumbers, electrical technicians, know how to take care of plants etc.
No. 1456767
>>1456744Everything’s starts becoming over run by young people the older you get and you’ll be judged by people your age and younger for leaving the house
>can’t go to the bar or club because that’s for young people and omg you’re an alcoholic loser trying to be young again!>can’t go to the gym because some zoomer will probably post your unfit body on tiktok as a joke>can’t engage in most hobbies because the zoomers and old people will accuse you of being a pedo for existing around young peopleOnce you’re over 30 it ain’t much to do other than inside hobbies or tv
No. 1456799
>>1456776Some people are just semi shut-ins, tists or have something similar.. shit that doesn't make them an ass but still leaves them prone to being more isolated. I'm understanding if theres a reason like that
I dated someone who had none of those things tho, he was functional but had no friendships. Turned out he was definitely an ass. He'd turn on people and make it his mission to get revenge over small shit or even imagined wrongdoings against him. I had to be so nice and civil during the break up because by then I'd seen that side of him and I knew he'd stoop to low levels if he had any ill feelings as I exited. Man could hold a grudge for years. People who have too many enemies are sus.
No. 1456850
>>1456776i kind of agree. i have 2 long term friends from childhood that i rarely ever get to see or speak to because we dont live close by anymore, but i know we'll always be friends and can always count on each other for support.
i think making new irl friends (not just work acquaintances) as an adult is incredibly hard and i feel awkward trying to spark up new friendships, like im intruding. i wish i had an irl friend to do fun girly things with
No. 1456860
>>1456776Agreed, I have two long term friends and I keep them dear to me. I think anons expect you to keep many friends for a long time and think you have to hang out with them all the time, but that's just not true.
One of my long term friends I catch up with her at least 2 times a year and it's like we talked a week ago. It's realistic, not "You should hang out with your long term friends with any amount of free time you have, it makes you look suspicious if you don't." Lol
No. 1456924
>>1456830I never moved around as a kid but I'm from an expensive city. I hit an age where I knew a mortgage there was impossible and that I'd have to make a big move (and take a big social hit) if I ever wanted to buy a house and not just endlessly sink money into overpriced rent in a city with alot of issues anyway. It was a pretty big move in the end. Fast forward a bit and nearly everyone I know, friends and family have moved too but they moved in all different directions.
If I take time off work and make a trip I tend to prioritize seeing my dad while hes still alive. I can't do what alot of people do and say just make one trip 'home' to catch up with everyone in one general place. I thought that would happen til everyone else made their own moves.
No. 1457183
>>1457011Boy moms + libfems trying to convince women domestic violence is kinky, women should be breadwinning/paying everything because liberation, and letting men be emotional/claim to be oppressed
Men were always shit but now there's a new breed and since there's so many different ideals for them no matter what a woman does she will be bashed for it
No. 1457222
>>1457011fucking absolutely. so many guys i've dated have had the loveliest, albeit doormat pushover mothers. so sweet and would never think of not giving them everything no matter what fucked up horrible shit they do or how much they cost them loss of reputation, legal fees, emotional turmoil, etc.
i always envied the fuck out of these men for having such seemingly amazing mothers. but not ONCE have i ever seen a mom go the lengths for a daughter that they regularly do for sons. i hate it here.
No. 1457320
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>>1457305Nonna and if I’m feeling spicy nonners supremacy.
I like it because it differentiates us from image board scrotes.
No. 1457321
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>>1457305>>1457318>>1457320i propose calling everypony naughty noonoos
No. 1457371
>>1457326I think as soon as the term NLOG/pickme became a meme on Tiktok with zoomies, it lost its meaning.
Before it was reserved for women like shoe0nhead who publicly degraded themselves for males, nowadays NLOG/pickme is every girl who tries to be a bit "different" or quirky.
No. 1457480
>>1457412This is true, and also any man who is into excessively skinny, frail bodies is probably a pedophile.
(no one play fake outrage on this, we know damn well what excessively fat and what excessively skinny look like)
No. 1457522
Eugenics isn't a bad thing
But it shouldn't be determined by ethnic characteristics, it should be determined by personality, skill, and intellect.
Social media should not earn people money. If you create art or a service then you can promote business, but if you create content purely meant for entertainment then you should not profit. And also dropshopping is just upselling products made from slave labor that you can buy on aliexpress.
You shouldn't have plastic in your home for kitchen or bathroom use, you are consuming microplastics. Using glass, metal, and wood is not hard.
Owning dogs is selfish. They were bred to serve people, most of them have genetic mutations that cause health issues and little survival instinct left, yet they still have natural instincts and would turn on any human if hungry enough. And people keep them in their homes, around kids, as toys. And dog lovers are so insufferable.
People should need permission to have children. It's not a right. You are not having a baby you are creating another human being that will be around everyone else and you are responsible for them, people have children because they think they should, they want something cute to play with, they want someone to control, they want someone to take care of them in old age, they don't bring children in to give them a chance at a good life.
No. 1457526
School is too long, no one can focus for hours everyday on things they don't care about, and being well rounded is not the same as memorizing everything the government decided you should. It should be only a few hours a day of study, with fun activities inbetween, and time for the child to do what they want to do. If they want to study more they can. Also exams should not count against you, in real life you aren't punished for bot knowing something you just go look it up. Doctors look at manuals before surgeries ffs. Exams are just a measure of what you already know well.
Mental trauma is physical. This is fact not my opinion, but my thoughts are everyone should have regular counseling and stress relief, like pilates, yoga, massage, something to deal with it regularly, since childhood. It should be free and provided by the government, while their salaries are lowered. Government documents should also be publicly available at any time.
Alright got some deep thoughts out here, now I'm gonna read through this thread a bit
No. 1457592
>>1457522Having to ask for permission to have kids would probably end in people not allowing non-white people to have kids, mixed race couples or people they consider unattractive to have kids. Eugenics sounds good on paper but it’d never work in real life because humans are too stupid and biased. And let’s be real if this was a thing neither of us would have been born lol
Not even the rich would want this to happen because they need a lower class to do the shit they don’t want to do like work at their coffee shops and baby sit their kids.
No. 1457891
I seemed to have sparked a discussion with many interesting points so let's address them. I mean you're right it would be hard to implement because this world is very unfair and relies on bottom society people. The way to handle this would be to create laws, but the ones creating laws are the corrupted. So it's just an idealistic utopia.
Next, I'm not sure where race came in. I presented a concept not based on race. Those not fit would bot be able to conceive, if they choose to they receive no help, again this would be hard to implement but people who cannot provide cannot milk society for that. There is less incentive to have kids and adopt kids when you have nothing to gain from it. And because the child won't be registered, it would be obvious when an unallowed child exists in the world. This creates an interesting divide, some might think then only the rich would ever qualify and undesirables would not, but if the rich need those to be slaves, then they would need to reproduce. I was thinking along the lines of, if you have knowledge of an issue in an unborn child and choose to keep it, you do not get any help. If you are not financially able to take care of it, you get no help. Birth control would also need to be available.
You can see why these are opinions, ideal fantasies. Also I don't care if I wouldn't have been born, that would have been a blessing. But my family still qualifies in some ways, everything went wrong 8 years after I was born.
No. 1457904
>>1457891If everyone is smart, financially stable with great personalities who will work the low grade jobs no one wants to do? Also rich people need poor/dumb people to feel motivated to make money so that they can have someone to flex on and be envious of them, rich people need stupid and poor people to buy their shit because an intelligent person wouldn’t fall for consumerist brain washing, the rich need mentally Ill people because they will eventually end up in prison which means free slave labor, rich men need stupid poor women who will fuck for a chanel bag so that it’s easier for them to take advantage of them etc
Our entire worlds system would have to completely change in every single way imaginable for eugenics to work. Yeah saying only mentally stable, intelligent people with their shit together should breed sounds good on paper but it would never work in real life because we need the low lives of world to be the concrete of our society. You think bill gates or a Hilton is going to get their ass out there and work in a coal mine or some shit?
No. 1457921
>>1457915men shouldn’t be judging women professionally based on sexual attraction for anything other than pre-agreed sexual relationships. Your job should never hinge on if your boss wants to fuck you.
For clubs those women are being brought in like prey for the men. Some bartenders roofie them. They aren’t given some magically benefit by being “desired.” It doesn’t just stop at race either. Men do it to overweight women and women who don’t wear makeup make 20% less even in burgerland.
No. 1457929
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>>1457522Eugenics is a bad thing.
Unless there's a live-200-years gene! Then we need to spread that around please. But I'm joking. Eugenics is really bad. We're gonna have, like, toadline bullie people soon if you let the eugenics fanatics do their shit, do not trust anyone who wants to breed anything looking for specific results. The definition of a good "personality, skill, and intellect" is constantly up for debate and people can't be trusted.
Abortion is not eugenics in my opinion. No. 1457958
>>1457823>mixed babies are less likely to have genetic defectsThat's not the entire truth. Mixed race babies are less likely to have some genetic defects, but more likely to have others.
>advocate to kill babies based on physical attractionDon't we already do this though? By refusing to have sex with ugly men, we are killing the potential children of ugly people. I think that should absolutely happen, no ugly/loser men should reproduce, but you make it sound like a bad thing. I'd be interested in seeing how your boyfriend looks, to see if you based any of your attraction based on looks.
No. 1457993
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I like Wendigoon, the majority of his content is engaging background noise because he's so enthusiastic about the topics he selects for himself. I have the VOD of him playing Callisto Protocol on as I do things and hearing him getting so much joy out of it is infectious. I don't understand the intense dislike of him that I've seen on here and worse elsewhere. It seems to all boil down to him being religious or conservative, but he's not an ass or in your face about it.
No. 1458139
>>1458109There are ways to lighten one's skin healthily (it's even a side effect of certain vitamins/supplements), but skin bleaching is out.
>there are usually different reasons behind bothWell yeah, but I'd rather blame society than shame the person who does it (unless they themselves are shitty)
No. 1458329
>>1458313How is this unpopular, only the French are ever complimented for their charming accent.
>>1458324>Just sucks that my native language is the one most commonly spoken. I feel cheated lolI don't understand, why?
No. 1458359
>>1458338>Everyone thinks they can speak my language better than I canWhere are you encountering these people? Online? You can easily opt out from that.
>it's easily accessibleso?
>it's arguably not hard to learnThat depends on your native language
>Wish I could have grown up speaking Finnish or something difficult to grasp as a non-native speakerAgain depends on your native language, Estonians and Hungarians learn Finnish with the same relative ease as native English speakers learn German.
>Everywhere I go I'm most likely to be able to be understood by random people. I would like to have private conversations sometimes without being (most likely) understood.Are you travelling outside your country that often that you'd wanna not be understood by others in public?
Sorry kek not trying to be catty but if anything to me it seems like it's a comfortable position to be in, especially if your native language is widely spoken enough that you don't even have to bother with a second language. I grew up learning 3 foreign languages in addition to my own in school because we're just expected to adapt to everyone else around us.
No. 1458411
>>1458359nta, but it's weird that you have a bone to pick with the poor nonna that got cheated of the obscure native language experience. both sides have pros and cons.
>>1458386WHY does this topic always bring out the worst in people? every time language learning is brought up, some retard wants to brag how they totally speak 5 languages fluently (highly doubt it tbh, you must be deluding yourself unless you have foreign parents) and are learning japanese, arabic, hebrew and klingon like some fucking prodigy. nobody asked.
No. 1458434
>>1458329if it wasn't somehow clear, English is my native language.
I live in another country where English isn't the main language, so when I don't speak that language, it would be nice to have something other than English to default to.
>>1458373I speak another language other than English, idiot~
No. 1458497
>>1458492they're always racist because it's always
PoC from shitty countries with shitty acents
No. 1458509
>>1458496Oi! U wot?
I agree. All my friends from Europe have such cute accents. One girl from Poland is always apologising about her English but I can only speak one and I honestly love listening to her grammatical errors. She calls English speakers "The [forename]" e.g. Say our boss is called Dave. She'll go "The Dave is in today."
No. 1458510
>>1458345They sound very melodic and warm to me for some reason.
Dutch, swiss, finnish, and other accents like that are so grating to my ears and I feel guilty about it but I just can't stand them. "Slight" accents like the video another anon posted are also grating. Somehow they sound very insincere but I think it's just annunciation that makes sense in their language making English sound odd.
No. 1458525
>>1458313I mean, I'm ESL and I feel the same way about a lot of foreigners trying to speak my language. Some accents are worse than others.
>>1458322I think this video is especially annoying because they're speaking in the standard youtube style, with a certain intonation, way of emphasising certain words and so on. I think accents can be more charming when they are speaking English but keeping their native intonation, although it's also more noobish. E.g. I love Aurikatariina's accent, but I'm biased because Finnish accent is very familiar to me.
No. 1459825
>>1458599most people agree they're annoying asf, it's just that it's not really fair to whine to air hostesses about loud babies when there's literally nothing that can be done about it, and most times it's the baby's mother who's feeling the most embarrassed for having their baby cry. like yes in an ideal world we wouldn't have to deal with babies crying on public transport, but sometimes there's no choice but for a mother to travel with a baby and inevitably it will cry at some point or another during the journey.
it would be good if airlines could offer noise cancelling headphones to passengers instead.
No. 1460022
>>1459276Thanks for the keks.
>while moids drain the life force out of youThat's a lot of assumptions. I just said I enjoy dick.
No. 1460040
>>1460025ikr? I genuinely don't know what Sugar was thinking when she wrote Pearl, especially her relationship with Rose. Sure, let's write a story where a
custom-created slave is in unrequited love with their juvenile acting master for a 2010s kid's show, absolutely nothing can go wrong here. /s
No. 1460116
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No. 1460120
>>1460109There is a middle ground between casual sex and being dependent on another person. I don't do casual sex unless I'm between situationships. I just don't plan on settling down with a moid.
>>1460114Idk what to say, I'm not the one calling heterosexuals dick garglers and asking whether femcels are real (typical incel questioning).
No. 1460536
>>1460521As Manifesto-chan once said: Men
know they're inherently worthless biologically speaking, that's why when a woman wants them or cares about them they don't appreciate it because that would imply she stooped to their level, which is low tier. On a male perspective, any women who reciprocates has no worth or self-esteem and deserves what will happen to her next, cause "why would you love something as flawed as me? A failed woman".
About hypersexuality, men project on women a lot, if you simulate their sexual ways they subconsciously perceive you as a man, who is flawed and inherently worthless. That's why they love women who don't reciprocate or act cold, because in their twisted perspective her rejection implies good judgement of the real worth of men
No. 1460546
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What's with all the posts about casual sex the last couple of days?
No. 1460719
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After living in a city full of mentally ill, violent homeless people I think I hate 99% of them now
No. 1460804
>>1460777Straight woman with a sex drive here. After my last relationship ended I laid down some rules for proceeding with life. 1 Live in developed country with abortion rights. 2 Find guy you are sexually compatible with and stick to him. 3 Don't have expectations of him, work on being self-reliant and do the things you enjoy. 4 Wear condoms. 5 Enjoy dick.
This works for me. Of course scrotes will be scrotes, but be consistent and move on if he treats you badly. I'm in a relationship now with a guy 4 years younger who knows I don't want kids and I don't expect the relationship to last forever. I have awesome sex with him without compromising.
No. 1460881
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Anons, I love all insects. They're all very cute.
No. 1460966
>>1460730No you can still have empathy. It's pretty common to start disliking them though. A lot are homeless because they're crazy (naturally or drug-related), and those who aren't crazy are at least a little mentally on edge just from being homeless, so people naturally avoid them because they act weird and occasionally they are very dangerous.
But Portland is kinda fucked up. Totally rotten. Everyone is acclimated to walking past people in crisis and just not looking them in the eye. If someone has a problem in public people assume they're homeless and ignore it. My mailman (in portland) got maced by a thief and when he was sitting on the curb, blinded, he asked some passerbys for help to get back to his truck because he couldn't see and they said "sorry we have somewhere to be" because it was dark and they couldn't see he was a mailman. He had to explain he was a mailman and his truck was unlocked because he'd chased after the thief in the heat of the moment and he needed to go lock it/secure the rest of the mail. Then they were all apologetic because they realized he wasn't a weirdo he just got assaulted and they guided him back to his vehicle.
In portland once I was running and I heard a male voice yelling "help, help, help me" again and again. I wanted to help but I was worried it was gonna be some really fucked up homeless person in an alley having a freak out episode that I couldn't handle. I sucked it up and went to look anyway because he sounded pathetic. Turns out it was literally an old man in his driveway having a stroke. I felt like a huge turd for hesitating to help because why? homeless people scare me? pathetic.
Anyway not really trying to argue with you though. the homeless crisis is bad for society and it sucks to live around.
No. 1460995
>>1460967This is the most male incel logic I've heard.
I'm average looking and I had men change the country and city they live for me. Change their physical appearance, buy new clothes and act nicer for me. Literally change everything for me. Men will change for their gfs if they're not incel retards because in a normal relationship, both sides have to change some things to meet in the middle.
No. 1461001
>>1460999I'm living in a third world country myself, lmao. What are you gonna say about the guy moving cities? That he's moved out of a third world city? Or that I'm some rich woman tricking boys into this?
Most anons only date shitty incels or discord faggots who take advantage of them. I wonder why telling those women they deserve more gets retards like you so upset?
No. 1461005
>>1460722>>1460996I live in near bears and this is terrifying info
nonnie omg
No. 1461009
>>1460722v interesting thank u for sharing
nonnie! As a pnw I’m a little more scared of kayaking in the ocean now kek
No. 1461013
>>1461001Incels? If anything the more of a catch the guy is the less likely he is to change a single
toxic aspect of himself for you. If he knows he's shit he still won't change but he'll try to cover it up. Clothes is just stupid shit that doesn't matter, and any guy will move closer for pussy if he has to
No. 1461032
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>>1461026>>1461009My unpopular opinion is that the SeaWorld attacks were justified and I'd do the same to tiny alien freaks who had me perform all day long for tinier alien freaks when I'm supposed to be the biggest savage in the ocean
No. 1461101
>>1461013Help you really do sound like an incel with the way you think attractive men get pussy simply for existing. No man is gonna be treated nicely if he's not doing stuff for his girl.
Those men weren't incels but average dudes who were interested in pursuing me, an incel wouldn't move for sex, he'd just go to a sex worker.
Also we are religious here so "pussy" isn't something guys get from a short term gf like they'd get in west.