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No. 1449838
>>1449826Because males are not brought up in the world where they're told that their worth depends on how fuckable/useful to men they are since the moment they're born.
>>1449828That's not comparable. 'Male feminists' are predators pretending to care about female issues to get laid. Nlogs have no sense of self outside of male validation and have internalized mysoginy so they probably hate themselves and would pick a man over any woman. Male feminists still have male class solidarity and defend fellow rapist scrotes.
No. 1449840
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>>1449826>>1449828We should also use this term for male NLOGs or Not Like Other Guys. There's a shiiiiiiiiiiiiit tone of those in the wild, maybe even more than women. I made the thread so feel free to
No. 1449843
>>1449838useful to women* in this case
>>1449841nlogs are a flavor of pick mes tbh
No. 1449853
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>>1449839Nlogs don't have to reject femininity as long as they claim to be different from 'other girls'. A lot sex workers have nlogs in a 'I'm not like those boring prudes' kind of way but it's mostly a cope from all the abuse they go through. Picrel is what I mean
No. 1449855
>>1449854NLOG’ism and Pickme’ism is way more nuanced than that
No. 1449856
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The term NLOG is just a way to silence and tear down women acknowledging their own reality. Some people really are not like the other girls
No. 1449862
>>1449856Has she returned to tumblr yet? I haven’t checked in a while.
Ultimately pick mes and nlogs both want to be picked, they just go about it in different ways.
No. 1449865
>>1449854Nlogs act like they're nlogs because they're pickmes. They do it for male attention. There's nothing wrong with rejecting traditionally feminine things on its own and not all nlogs do that. Barely any nlogs are actually gnc, most are still feminine just in a quirky way unlike those 'sluts'. They can have long hair, wear make up and watch shoujo anime but claim they're nlogs because they're not wearing a fake tan and a mini skirt. Look at all the classic nlog comics, it's always feminine girls who are more nerdy or don't follow trends, never have I seen a butch nlog.
>>1449856Also this. Nowadays this term is mostly used by handmaidens to shame women who don't conform, not women who try be 'cool girls' because that's essentially what nlogs should be. I've seen countless instances where a woman will mention not shaving or wearing make up and instantly getting called an nlog.
Nlogs are just a type of pick me but people always ignore that part.
No. 1449878
>>1449856Maxine Harlow is my spirit dyke.
>>1449865good shout for adding 'cool girl', I think the way gone girl handled it is both humanizing and critical
No. 1449889
I am cute and could potentially post my cute face to the internet but I just decide not to because what's the point. An ex friend of mine who was an actual big NLOG once told me that I should, because I would get a lot of followers etc. I just don't see the appeal like why would you expose yourself like this. Sorry if I sound unhinged idk I haven't slept well these past days.
No. 1450897
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>>1449886>who's the artist of this?maxineharlow!
>>1449862>Has she returned to tumblr yet? I haven’t checked in a while.Seems not, last post was in November last year. Her Instagram has also been inactive for just as long.
No. 1450901
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I think this is an interesting discussion but we need a better term then NLOG, I've come to despise the term NLOG cause I'm seeing It used everywhere, it seems like its just used to insult women or girls who have alternative interests and try to insinuate the reason for their interests is purely internalized misogyny and its ridiculous, Its like saying that Metalheads are misandrist and secretly hate other men cause they don't like mainstream music
I've seen some girls online vent that they can't even share their interests with people because most of their interests were not stereotypically feminine and therefor will get them labelled nlog. saying you don't like pop music is enough to get you labelled nlog now.
most of the original "me vs other girls" were a handful of comics created by alternative outcasts who didn't fit in with any group, it's not some that deep
No. 1450980
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>>1450901is it bad that my story ends up in panel 6? Is2g it's not because "other girls are icky ew" I just am an autist
No. 1451013
My bf once out right called me nlog after I made a self deprecating joke lmao. I think the issue is these men hate women or hang around women they dislike hoping to get laid, then they find one they like and start thinking she must be so different. Turns out they are the problem, not women.
>>1449856>Some people really are not like the other girlsYeah, young girls start believing this and then troon out. Thanks for supporting that.
No. 1451026
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>>1450901Responding to the comic, they rarely ask you to sit with them though. If other women have to spend time with me, like back at college or at work, eventually I'm warmed up to and they realize whatever fears or preconceived notions about GNC women they had, aren't correct. If they aren't "forced" to interact with me though, they'd rather not. Which is fine. It's just weird I'm supposedly the bigoted one for accurately pointing out that lesbophobia is still a thing. The only time I'm approached is if any woman needs help or protection of themselves or something, I'm always the designated bag guardian even for complete strangers kek.
>>1450975nta yeah, I didn't think she'd give a shit about that though. So idk what is going on with her. Hope she's alright.
>>1451013You don't automatically troon out if you acknowledge you're different. If anything, swearing up and down that it's impossible to feel different for being a masculine lesbian and that you're the real bigot for feeling excluded, is more likely to make someone go "oh I guess it's not normal to feel like this for being a masc lesbian, maybe I'm not a real woman". Pretending lesbophobia doesn't exist, is more likely to cause confusion. Understanding why you're different and that you're being excluded because other women have internalized misogyny and lesbophobia, does the opposite of causing you to troon out. Same thing with pretending that autistic girls and women aren't treated differently, gaslighting doesn't prevent trooning out, it just makes them question their own reality and makes trooning out more likely.
No. 1451047
>>1451026>Responding to the comic, they rarely ask you to sit with them though>If they aren't "forced" to interact with me though, they'd rather notThis has happened to me too, and I'm not even a hardcore GNC woman. I'm tomboyish and I guess not traditionally femenine. There has been instances of women approaching me in good faith but in other instances they just do it to try to figure out why I am the way I am and it's weird. They almost pity me in a condensending way. I'm thankful for the times when women have been genuinely nice to me though.
>I'm always the designated bag guardian even for complete strangers kek.When I was in secondary I was bigger than other girls, had short hair, never wore the uniform skirt and if I did I would not shave my hair. I was made to feel like an object. Sometimes, people would run and hide behind me like if I was a wall, it's weird to explain but it pissed me off each time. If I was a teen in 2022 with everything that happened to me I would be calling myself a they/it kek. Not because I wanted to be special but because I felt like an outsider. People need to acknowledge some women are indeed just too "out there" for other women, and for society in general
No. 1451049
>>1451038I honestly think it's only normies who think that having one quirky little trait makes them "not like other girls" therefore special little snowflakes. Like, idk. I guess some women also have a justified reaction when they have been ostracized so much. I guess what bothers me is that when women are actually weird outcasts they have nothing to celebrate when they're called NLOGs. And then the normies want to be just like us and that's when they become the true NLOGs. Weird women have what normies never will.
>I just think it's another facet of mysoginy and we're literally wasting time hating on women instead of hating our actual enemy, moids.100% agreed.
No. 1451290
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Two questions
Is the NLOG real or is it a male fantasy because they want quirky manic pixie dream girls to act like "one of the guys"?
Is Ramona even a NLOG or is she just some random girl with colored hair that Scott projected all his insecurities onto?
No. 1451305
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>>1451290The figure of the "nlog" seems to come from a handful of "me vs other girls" from tumblr and that's all, hell majority of these comics were mostly about being weebs compared to other teens
No. 1451332
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>>1451317I think what annoyed me is that some girls and women would confess to me that they have "traditionally unfeminine" hobbies which they were hiding from other women, because they were afraid of being judged. Yet they secretly all had hobbies like that and were hiding it from each other like retards, while also keeping up the pretense that you totally think it's cringe and stupid to like those things, continuing to make each other feel bad for no good reason. I have more respect for the unapologetic cringe weeb, gamer, sports fan, whatever who doesn't hide her hobbies. The cycle has to be broken.
No. 1451371
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>>1451365>It's so weird that even gaming/nerd shit has its own "traditionally feminine and normie" version now.No hate on women who just play stuff like Animal Crossing, it looks really cute and I do like seeing the screenshots and hearing women talk about it. I also enjoy stuff like the Sims occasionally and some more "traditionally feminine and normie" games. It just feels like you get looked at like in picrel if you play games which have a mainly scrote audience for no real reason (they aren't inherently sexist games themselves) and aren't some shooter you can easily get into as a normie.
No. 1451376
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I can't even find the pictures that resonated with me during my nlog days/childhood and teenage days because it's all been replaced with politicised comics shaming girls for feeling excluded from girlhood or from other girls. I do remember coming across picrel and I think that sentiment inspired a lot of the hate for nlogs nowadays. Even when you're talking about being an nlog you're expected to go "oh well it was the internalized misogyny all along! oh and I'm gay!" I feel like during the 2010s with everything becoming politicised a certain crowd went after nlogs and basically shamed them. No wonder that identifying as an enbie became popular because no one online will shame you for it they can express how they truly feel and no one goes "you're doing it for male attention or you have internalized misogyny". I remember bringing up being up how I used to be an nlog to a group of hyper political friends and someone was quick to say "well you're over the internalized misogyny now!"
This is purely from experience but I was bullied by girls during primary school for a bunch of reasons, this obviously impacted me severely. I very much relate to this
>>1450980 but without the autism. I even remember being forced to go to the school counselor and in a few weeks the girls in my class were forced to involve me with whatever they were excluding me from but at that point I didn't even want to talk to them. Later on I still felt out of place during secondary (or middle/high school) I made a few friends but they weren't healthy or good friendships at all. There was one girl who was really kind and I actually got along with her, we bonded over avatar and tumblr bs lol. I used to talk to her about different games I wanted to play and she would give me recommendations based on what her older brother liked. My mum took me to place different sports as a kid I got along with the girls then but because I attended a different school compared to them I still felt like an outsider. I don't remember being very masculine but I wasn't very feminine either, I used to describe myself as a tomboy but I was also very sensitive which tomboys were absolutely not.
I remember online in the communities I was in (tumblr, deviantart, some quiz making website) I would run into girls that were in the same position as me, we were bullied by girls and barely had any female friends so we would just say that we're not like the other girls, it's kind of ironic in a way. I don't remember coming across girls that were saying they were not like the other girls for the same of male attention usually they were proud in NOT wanted to date boys and OMG I'M SO QUEER YA'LL wasn't a mentality back then so no one would attribute it to being a lesbian or ace. I remember there being a huge overlap with geeks, emos, goths, and scene queens in any nlog space
I have more on my mind about this
No. 1451379
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>>1451365pic rel really unsettles me for example
>>1451372Godddd I'll take any animu elitism over people who only watch shingeki or BNHA. They're also the ones making rap songs about Naruto vs Goku or some shit. It's just weird to me.
>>1451376>I have more on my mind about thiscontinue
nonny No. 1451393
>>1451376>I feel like during the 2010s with everything becoming politicised a certain crowd went after nlogs and basically shamed's funny/interesting to me because basically nlogs became nlogs because they got shamed for liking things that others didn't. That's how an nlog is born in the first place. So shaming them even more would turned out badly aka they're all gendies now.
I do remember the time when saying you were not like other girls was like a proto anti bullying stance, or something like that, so other similar girls would connect to how weird you both were, vs the girls who ostracized you for being weird lol. Overtime it just became "I think I'm quirkier than others and I think I'm better than your typical girly girl so please pickme / I want male attention" but I feel like it wasn't always the case.
No. 1451399
>>1451372ayrt I get your point, but as an example I was talking to another woman on a dating app and she had in her bio that she likes anime. So I asked her which anime she likes and why. She listed stuff like highschool of the dead and explicitly said she likes anime for the fanservice and panty shots. It felt like she was trying to impress me like I'm some sort of scrote. I don't know if that makes me an elitist. I'm okay with a lot of stuff, I'm not that much into anime myself anymore and rarely watch it, I wouldn't fault someone for some normie tastes, but I hate that it's become popular to watch anime JUST for the fanservice.
I would accept "I just liked Sailor Moon growing up", not going to fault someone for that, it's a classic. I'm not looking for someone to talk to me about some obscure esoteric shit. Maybe I just want to chill with some wholesome slice of life shit or rewatch an older edgy anime together. I don't want to watch shitty ecchi which mainly revolves around scrote fan service. It's not that I have a problem with just being horny, I'm a lesbian and a pervert myself, but I never understood watching anime just for that purpose, nevermind being proud of it. And it's most of the time those types have shit taste too. I would rather take Lust from FMA or Integra from Hellsing than that girl from Kill la Kill.
No. 1451403
>>1451376The hate is so misdirected. Culture, social climate, capitalism and the media dictate what "girl things" are and what aren't. Naturally, there are girls who don't fit the mold and are often bullied as a result of being "not like other girls". When the NLOG articulates this thought, she gets even more hate and is accused of internalized misogyny (because we've come to a point in our culture where femininity equals womanhood and vice versa).
Instead of being mad at the idea that woman = hyperfeminine bimbo, they're mad at women who don't fit the standard (who have always been an acceptable target of bullying). It's bullshit. It's like they feel personally attacked because some women don't think make up and shopping are the end all be all of womanhood. I hate 2022 wokeness man.
No. 1451421
>>1451399>I would rather take Lust from FMA or Integra from Hellsing than that girl from Kill la Kill.Good taste, also all
trigger shows are so painfully male. The worst offender is that one with the pink haired waifu that every other egirl wants to emulate kek. A friend who is also into girls once told me she found it super insulting how they basically let the lesbian in the show die forever alone while everyone else does those weird sexual positions. It's just weird to me.
No. 1451425
>>1451422KEK sorry but I laughed out loud. Taylor Swift sucks ass lmao
Considering TS fans are rabid normies who would defend her to the end, it feels as if now the term NLOG is used to bully anyone who doesn't like popular stuff. Making it a self fulfilling prophecy or paradoxical thing, IDK what to call it kek. NLOGs were supposed to be proud of not liking the same things others do, now they're shamed for it all over again.
No. 1451433
>>1451403>Culture, social climate, capitalism and the media dictate what "girl things" are and what aren't.So true. This is it, and this is correct.
I just wish women didn't pick on each other when they feel intimidated by another woman who doesn't follow the same standard or way of living. It's like being different is an offense towards their entire livehood and that's why women pick each other apart. Because we're all conditioned to be a certain way since birth. This goes for NLOGs and normies alike. I see it here too, we infight all the fucking time about shit that in the end does not matter at all.
No. 1451447
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>>1451413We're already best friends nonna, you just don't know it yet.
No. 1451513
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>>1451481There will be quite a bit
No. 1451518
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No. 1451720
I think it's a bad idea to frame it as a "hating pink v. liking nonfeminine interest" thing because it really muddies the waters and takes attention away from how a lot of the neuroticism around "NLOG" behavior is existential. We live in a rigged system that is obsessed with girls and women as a product, as if on the menu of society in a creepy way, and we grow up rarely allowed to exist without the surveillance of others. So, whatever we are, there's a compulsion to commodify it and have it look or seem a certain way and sometimes other women end up recreating this with all that internalized reactivity and hurt. Assume that a woman is defined by one passion. Or, pathologizing/demonizing a hobby a lot of women enjoy–as if not liking it isn't good enough. Not seeing women as complex people, basically, and a rush to railroad us into strict binaries. Hell. I saw a woman going off about how a flat-chested, but still attractive character design was "anti-woman", kek, what?
The worst part is that these pressures come in from all sides. Maybe something can be said about how society expects women to be a certain way and how being objectified (whether by others or ourselves) and the traumas that can result from it is the primary problem.
No. 1451785
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>>1451720I want to shake every woman who says characters like Furiosa are anti-woman for being one of the few practical, realistically dressed and acting female characters in post apocalyptic and action movies in general. And when they don't complain about those characters, it's like you said
>Hell. I saw a woman going off about how a flat-chested, but still attractive character design was "anti-woman", kek, what?The goalposts are continuously moved. Until you have people saying that women are "acting like men nowadays" for uh having a job and being independent in any way shape or form. Like please, snap out of it. Picrel is Anita Sarkeesian seething about the idea of women fighting for their freedom and using any form of violence.
No. 1451930
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Anyone want to discuss and reflect on being a NLOG yourself? My NLOG phase went like this
>awkward, ugly teen in the 2000's
>Didn't know any other girls who played video games aside from sister and we hated each other
>It wasn't normal to be open about nerdy hobbies like video games, anime, manga, etc at this time
>Afraid to be judged and an outcast
>Played vidya a lot with my step brothers and their lil moid friends
>Thought I was NLOG for being cool with the boys
>Even though I learned later on they only played Smash and other cartoony games with me because they said stuff like Halo was not for girls
>Got my own laptop at 15 and had unlimited unsupervised access to the internet
>Spent a lot of time on dA, 4chan, encyclopedia dramatica, etc
>Saw memes like picrel everywhere
>Wanted to be accepted by boys on the internet so badly and I was being the dreaded ebil gamer girl that boys hate
>Became Not Like Other Girl Gamers
I never even heard of terms like misogyny or sexism until I was 19 and I witnessed and experienced a lot of it. I saw hatred towards other girls for acting a certain way and instead of standing by them, I wanted to hate them too in fear of me being them. I feel sad about spending so much mental energy in my early teens trying to get approval from barely human boys
No. 1451960
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>>1449802>What is an NLOG?i think they're just attention-seeking narcissists, ultimately. it's not a symptom unique to women.
i'm a weeb at my core so i'll compare them to those 3x3 fags that only watch "kino, 2deep4u" anime. they're similar to that, except instead of trying to make themselves more special through what
media they consume, it's how they approach uh…"womanhood", or otherwise present themselves as a "woman". they're only a nlog if they make a big deal out of it btw.
>Can NLOGs be saved?yeah i mean. i'm pretty sure
everyone has had an NLX (not like "X") stage, it's generally something you grow past with enough life experience. it's also natural to go through…who amongst us has never wanted to stick out. that said, never had a NLOG phase myself, but i was definitely pretentious about my hobbies and would always say things like "well i'm not your capeshitfag i only watch untranslated obscure french shit from the 50's (i am SPECIAL please talk to me)"
>Have you ever been an NLOG or been called one by men/women?no. i was generally too isolated from other people for any of this gender shit to matter. lucky me i guess
>What is the worst type of NLOG?the ones obsessed with femininity, which is fine in itself, i just dislike how they try to make it seem dangerous in any way that matters. at least the ones who don't wear makeup are actually somewhat challenging the system – these types are just, huffing their own glitter-pink farts while thinking men are actually scared or impressed by their skirts and heels and eyeliner.
counterculture that needs to announce itself as counterculture, or is otherwise indistinguishable from the status quo, is cringe to me. just shut the fuck up and kys
>>14498112X being hidden is retarded imo. is it hidden so the moids that infect this place don't get scared or what
No. 1452044
>>1451402>>1451403>>1451395>>1451393>>1451376It's exactly this. I was a teenage NLOG who loved Paramore, Siouxsie, Emilie Autumn and all that, but I didn't care about boys. I was just bullied for my interests. I loved my fellow mallgoth NLOG friends, I never hated other women. It had nothing to do with "cool girls" and I hate men making it all about them. I was just a kid who wanted to sperg out about MCR and gothic lolita but got bullied.
The NLOG comics and drawings from the 2000s like
>>1451376 are clearly drawn out of frustration with the pressure to conform to the bimbofied idea of what a girl 'should' be that was prevalent at the time, nothing in them is drawn to appeal to men at all. They're very obviously drawn for other girls who feel the same. It sucks that they're putting "normal" women down, but these girls were often bullied teens who aren't known for their nuanced thinking.
It just sucks that the pipeline goes like
>bullied for being weird, autistic, not wanting to wear makeup, having "un-feminine" interests>start resenting same type of people who bullied you>get bullied even more, but now you're also literally hitler somehow>try to talk about being bullied and how it affected you>called NLOG>meanwhile same girls who bullied you are now somehow into video games because it's cool and men who laughed at you now want a "big titty goth gf"Can't win on this shit ass planet
No. 1452055
I don't like this term. Teenage girls clumsily expressing how they feel disenfranchised by societal expectations of womanhood, are already dealing with enough shit. Now they can't even express that without being instantly marked as a pickme and becoming even more confused. To be confident in who you are as a woman you basically have to reject all media, mainstream history and culture. But yea let's all pile on these girls who are timidly expressing that they feel 'different' to all that.
And what's wrong with even resenting the women who uphold those social norms, they are brainwashed, traitors to their own kind, lack self awareness, take your pick. A girl maturing into a woman might easily notice that women clearly aren't holding up the fort. She may think to herself 'wow is this what im supposed to be now? some vanity obsessed sexually objectified bimbo? some sad codependent mess? some insufferable complainer with
victim mentality? a literal prostitute? ' Yes some real women are not like this but this is what young girls are being exposed to, even the seemingly empowering 'boss bitch' narratives are subverted, and all 'nerdy girl' archetypes are also compromised (think slutty girl gamers)
There are no good role models in plain view for a teenage girl today. Them deciding 'I dont know what to make of all this, but what I do know is that I am not like these other 'girls'' is the best conclusion they can possibly come to and the definitive crucial first step to truly becoming themselves. But keep hating on silly comic strips of girls harmlessly expressing themselves. Be like the other girls sis, lose your self respect! Consume products! Hide your pores! Always defer to popular culture and conform to the norm!
Agree with
I think some of you are misguided, I get it you want something to hate on, just stop and think first, thanks.
No. 1452105
>>1449870True, since most other girls aren't interested in being your friend, and/or you can't find another girl who you can identify strongly with (which rarely is a young NLOG's fault), feeling lonely and isolated you turn to boys and find that they give you lots of attention. So of course you become a pickme NLOG because you'll get easy attention that way and can finally talk about your interests with someone. But when you grow up, you grow out of it and you realize that what you want is to meet other women who are just like you because scrotes are insufferable and you still feel excluded and isolated no matter what you do to be "one of the boys"; it may have worked in childhood and early teenhood, but as moids grow older they become more hateful and disgusting towards the opposite sex. Or, if you don't grow out of it, you become the NLOGest of NLOGs, enduring constant harassment and abuse in adulthood because your self-esteem has been utterly destroyed after years and years of seeking attention from misogynistic males.
Also when a young girl first becomes a NLOG, perhaps it's not her intention to hate on other girls, it's a way for her to express her hatred towards the stereotypes and roles that are being imposed on her and that she's trying to reject. She may hate pink because she thinks it's stupid that she must like it just because she's female, and/or she likes some other color (probably blue) and hates that her parents are forcing her to wear pink dresses (understandable), but her dumb child brain thinks she must hate girly girls who like pink as well, because they represent what she hates. When she gets older she might hate other women for dressing sexy and hyperfeminine and showing off their body for moids. I think it's perfectly reasonable to think there's something wrong with female beauty standards, but the NLOG, instead of hating society for teaching women that they must dress to turn moids on, hates the women instead, for embodying the stereotypes she hates so much and rejects. This sadly makes her prone to agreeing with males when they make misogynistic comments stereotyping all women as dumb whores. And it becomes harder for her to realize who's really to blame when she was bullied or ostracized by other girls for not fully conforming.
No. 1452114
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>>1452044>meanwhile same girls who bullied you are now somehow into video games because it's cool and men who laughed at you now want a "big titty goth gf"it's always this type of ethot costhot girl too. Notice how they only dress like pornified versions of characters. None of this feels genuine.
No. 1452122
>>1452105You are reaching so hard right now, trying to create a subcategory of woman that barely even exists to justify hatred towards her.
What is wrong with resenting the girls that uphold regressive social norms? You imply that girls being critical of other girls are sliding into male identified thought and spheres of influence. Have you considered that maybe her conclusions are her own? Why should she respect the girls that go against everything she believes in? Why is that misogynistic?
Also it isn't even true that these kinds of girls refuse to befriend other girls and seek male validation. That is something you made up. There's nothing wrong with making friends with boys if the girls around her are brainwashed and are trying to suck her into their madness. Pickmeism is something else entirely.
No. 1452125
>>1452114Who's to say these women didn't actually have nerdy interests in the first place? Maybe they were hiding it all along, afraid of being seen as weird by moids, until they realized moids liked slutty cosplay, then they felt free to express their geeky interests in a distorted pickme way that appeals to scrotes. I mean, if those are the same women who bullied other girls for not fitting the hyperfeminine mold, it's obvious they were always insecure and probably seeking male approval as well.
Ngl I would like to ask some of these former bullies what the hell they were thinking when they made fun of tomboys or weird girls. What could they possibly get out of it? Why the hatred for someone who's not afraid of being a little different?
No. 1452129
>>1452105This is what bothers me, you're saying that just because girly girls excluded you, you have to try harder and befriend them anyway? They clearly said
no. Especially as an adult, you don't have to get along with everyone, you only need to be in your tribe/clique/niche.
No. 1452136
>>1452129>Especially as an adult, you don't have to get along with everyone, you only need to be in your tribe/clique/niche.Nta and I agree with this, but also feel like if somehow you don't click with some type of women you'll be labeled an NLOG and it'll make you feel wrong all over again. Even with women from lolcow I feel like not all of us are the same, I can't click with everyone the same way even though some of us have pretty much similar interests. It sucks but me also being super picky on friendships doesn't help, I'm basically this
>>1450980 and idk what I'm going with this but it suxxs.
No. 1452138
>>1452137No silly that's just a picture from the internet
Idk why they sexualize Velma so much anyway
No. 1452158
>>1449853NLOG is used in vastly different ways.
a) My idea of a NLOG was more or less what you said and just a kind of pickme who thinks she's super special and unique (maybe because women like her are actually rare around her and it has inflated her ego) and sees other women as competition, ESPECIALLY women who are like her. By this definition a NLOG is someone who constantly shits on other women for being all the same (supposedly) and feels superior to them because moids praise her for (supposedly) not being a stereotype and being closer to them than other women. This one sometimes overlaps with being an elitist in general (hating mainstream stuff that most other women like, purely because other women like it and not because you genuinely aren't interested or because it's actually bad, e.g. hating Twilight because "it's for dumb girls and girly things suck, am I right bros?").
b) But other people use NLOG to refer to girls and women who simply don't want to be defined by stereotypes. No pickme implication there. I think "Not Like Other Girls" is used wrong here, because these girls are far from being alone and there's nothing wrong with hating the expectations that everyone has for women.
c) And even further still, there are bullies who call every girl who doesn't like something popular a NLOG. As if said girls did so to offend others or to announce to the world that they are special. These people think these girls are just contrarians like a). Needless to say, NLOG is used completely wrong here.
It gets really confusing because sometimes you don't know what others mean when they say NLOG.
No. 1452176
I'm gonna post something pretty different than the discussion here. I knew an NLOG unlike any other because this was a bit before clown world internet, we were supposed to be best friends. She ranted and sometimes screamed over mic for evenings to me about other girls being 'dumb bimbo bitches' and flip flopped between smug superiority that she was too good, smarter, stronger, more dominant for anyone around her, then screeching that nobody would ever love her because people prefered prettier, smaller girls. Always bragged about her chest size whenever she wasn't crying about being fat (she wasn't) or pretending it was muscle. She was really proud of using a power drill on a door once and 'scaring' her dad as a 15 year old by breaking something when she lashed out once that stopped him from yelling at her ever again, then she'd say she actually really loves cleaning the house to show off her domestic streak. Her other friends were 'sluts' for going to parties like normal teens while bringing boyfriends along. She used to say she was bisexual and then pansexual way before the gender stuff took off (I think she disapproved of it actually), once said to me 'I bet your pussy looks better than mine', showed me a ton of shock porn. She'd provoke moids too saying things like 'yeah but I bet you'd love fucking a blonde with bigger tits than me' when they were actually getting along then show me the chat log????
She'd pride herself on having such good taste in men that she'd save herself for an anime character who was so much better than real moids then whine some more about how she's going to be alone forever. Really activated her almonds that he'd get shipped with conventionally attractive female characters or yaoi kek. She basically hated yumes and fujos but constantly said her love was different and more special and they didn't know her 2D moid like she did. There was a fanfic she wrote where she was in a love triangle with him and a female character written just to be an annoying obstacle that he epically denies.
Then she finally settled for a creepy autistic Euro simp she met online who has since spent hundreds on her in games and plane tickets to visit each other.
\ I genuinely think she's just de novo insane because her family are pretty normal people who stayed connected in adulthood and her eldest sister is a good, successful woman. The constant NLOGing was so bad I spent years needing to deprogram myself from her influence. Idek if you can call this an NLOG or pickme or what but it was exhausting to be around.
No. 1452192
>>1452105This shit completely falls apart if you're not OSA. Kids aren't fucking stupid. Besides comfort, practicality and whatever muh based radfem reasons (not hating on Rf), I knew what the uniform was for attracting men, boys, whatever. You see it with the women around you, in media and you pick up quickly that it's a form of signaling. What are you going to do when you don't want that? The opposite. Most of my life has been characterized by trying to repulse men and being a desperate pickme for women, trying to be liked and accepted in misguided ways. I only interacted with boys to use their toys or to beat them up. Which has never really changed.
How are you btw even supposed to know to hate society until you find out about feminism? You just go through life seeing women and girls being hurt by scrotes and feeling like the crazy one, not understanding wtf is going on or why anyone would put up with XYZ. It's easy to think someone is just being retarded
No. 1452214
I feel like nlogs are far tamer than pickmes. Most nlogs are healed with time and don't require much further intervention to get on to the right track, but pickmes are definitely more vicious and vile, which is also another path a lot of nlog may walk down. I do think most nlogs are genuine in their non-stereotypical interests or at least are going for a phase. I never really think about them in terms of male attention, i relegate that for pickmes. I do think they have a lot of resentment for not being able to fit in with other women/girls unlike pickmes who can't stand women at all and only see them as competition.
On to my own personal experience, i was definitely somebody who was obsessed with fitting in with other girls when i was in school. I admittedly used to be somebody who was obsessed with the idea of being traditionally feminine, being popular and socially adept. I wanted to experience everything the traditional teenage girl did, go out shopping, wear fashionable clothes, talk to boys and have a nice close knit friendship group. I am cringing so hard when i write this, but i always felt like the only way you could live a worthwhile life was to conform as hard as you can and i did this because i was desperate for validation because i felt ignored.
One day i just realised how i stupid i was. I think i was around 10-12 when i realised this. I wasn't pretty, i was socially inept and people found me wierd and off putting. Nobody wanted to be a friend and tbh, i didn't really care that much about boys either because most of them were really fucking rude and i was beginning to be confused as to why i had to like them or want to marry one of those moids. I feel like my nlog phase started around here. I did attempt talk to all kinds of people, but they were always obsessed with wanting to change me or make me better. They would attempt to pressure me into doing things i do not want to do or give me unsustainable makeovers that made me feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. The meaningless pep talks about how i need to show my true self.. my true self is just the person in your mind you think i should be.
I realised most people, women and girls at that, do not truly care about me or will ever accept me. I had a lot of resentment for not being able to fit in, but at the same time i was trying so hard to cope with the fact that i am not the person i want to be. I made the decision to give up and dive head first into finding hobbies and trying new things. I ended up getting into anime, comics and video games and stopped all attempts at trying to make myself pretty. None of this got me friends as i did not fit in with nerds either and i still do not. At least i had something to be passionate about and keep me going. I did say a lot of nlog things, but at the same time when i would tell other girls i prefer video games over new shoes… i wasn't joking. I meant it with my heart. I never meant it really to say their interests were stupid, it's more so that i don't personally see the value. The only thing i would really bully other women and girls do was for their obsession with dating and i have no shame about it, kek, i still have all those beliefs. They would alsos try and paint me as prude or being difficult. Even though i started to care about my appearance a little now, i am still not a shoe person. I think this experience really was good for my mental health and helped me to become somebody with strong values and beliefs, probably to an obnoxious degree. I'd say the one nlog thing about me that still lingers is the observation that a lot of beautifying processes are primarily to entice the opposite sex. I can't help hearing about a woman shaving her whole entire body when they are not a swimmer or some kind of model and think the only reason they are doing that is to please their scrote.
I wrote too much, but i hope at least one person enjoyed my life story.
No. 1452253
My experience with NLOGs is that they would tell me how I was "only average pretty" and that I got guys for my looks, but they got guys because they were funny and intelligent, even though I never dated or got with guys as a teen. I would get told I didn't look like I watched anime, video games, etc. and it really made it unbearable for me to find any female friends that shared my interests. It felt good surpassing them in standardized tests I didn't study for, etc. but ultimately, it's left me with the feeling that NLOGing is not productive and it further divides women when that isn't needed. I try to be friends with all the women I meet and I feel like there's worth derived from some stereotypically feminine things and things that are not stereotypically feminine. Women that defend NLOGing due to our culture have probably not had to deal with its immediate effects is my guess as to why they defend it. The thing is, NLOG is so relative I don't get why posters above act like the "basic girl" is this bimbo type. For repressive christian/religious communities, an nlog could be a girl who sleeps around. It depends on where you are as to what constitutes an nlog type. I also think that there is quite a bit of overlap between nlogs and pickmeism irl - girls would shit on me for wearing makeup, but their reasoning was that they were so much more attractive to men without it (in my community). The point is, I just don't see how it's a productive thing to focus on in general.
No. 1452395
>>1452192>How are you btw even supposed to know to hate society until you find out about feminism? This. I found feminism very late and before that I hated myself. I even larped as a man. Sadly, finding feminism isn't that easy for some of us.
Two more things need to be said, boys are as disgusting as men and a minority of women will do anything to please them. Other girls/women will do nothing because they are terrified to be bullied. This minority of women will go as far as ignoring men abusing women because they think that those women deserve to be hurt by men. I saw it many times.
No. 1452449
>>1451960>i love makeup and clothes and stereotypically male pandering material goods but i hate men!!!It honestly feels like this type of NLOG is the one who hates other women the most. They hide behind a shield of “I think all men should die” and call themselves misandrists, but they’re psychopathic towards other women while excusing deranged and disgusting behavior from men. Ultimate pickme material. Katherine McMahon on /snow/ is a pretty good example.
And before anybody misinterprets my post, I’m not saying that women who are into makeup and clothes are like this.
No. 1452469
>>1452226You completely missed the point okay. Again, kids aren't stupid. Growing up I did notice what the straight uniform is and what women do to attract men. I think I knew from a very early age, to some degree, that I'm attracted to women and not men. That I don't want the attention I see women and girls are getting, but that I want the attention of women and girls. So besides just the general yeah sure being gnc is comfortable and practical, I do think part of it is that already back then I didn't want to wear the uniform. I'm talking about very early, like age 4 or 5. And it's not like it necessarily works.
Doesn't matter what you look like as a kid, pedos be pedoing. Also later as a teen I kicked a scrote in the scrote, while wearing steel toed boots, because he confessed a crush on me. I was horrified and disgusted. And I don't think I've ever shaved, except ankles for a short phase after seeing that episode in As Told by Ginger.
But like imagine seeing movies, you know. It's not necessarily that I think there's anything bad with being like Evelyn from the Mummy. She's wonderful, it's not internalized misogyny which made me not identify with female characters in films. It's the male love interests which put me off. The logic quickly becomes in a kid's brain, I want Evelyne → Evelyne marries Rick → I'm going to be a retard and dress up like him. Also the constant comments people already make to a young age about kids like oh he's such a lady killer and telling girls who they are so pretty and are going to get a wonderful husband later and that's why they have to wear the dress.
Don't worry, I don't necessarily have that association with other women. I don't have a problem with femme lesbians and I don't think they're any less lesbian. I'm glad you exist too. But in my personal life and upbringing, I just frantically wanted to avoid sending the wrong messages. Yes, I know that doesn't work, men will sexualize anything. Are you going to get into a time machine and explain 4 year old me that?
After a life long of wanting to be the prince, in order to get the princess and not attract the prince and shit like that. Eventually it just gets stuck like that. It's also just more comfortable and takes less effort. Before anyone says that if I don't wear a dress stat I'm totally going to troon out, it doesn't work like that. Being a lesbian is difficult, don't get me wrong and the dating pool is tiny, but I don't think life would be much easier as a dickless manlet, who is in the end still a woman. I'm more likely going into the drag king direction or wish there was something like takarazuka revue in the west. Listen, hear me out, lesbian version of the Mummy.
No. 1452496
>>1452214>I never really think about them in terms of male attention, i relegate that for pickmes. I do think they have a lot of resentment for not being able to fit in with other women/girls unlike pickmes who can't stand women at all and only see them as competition. This is the exact key difference that I consider between pickmes and NLOGs. Pickmes can be bitter tradthots and doormats who consider themselves superior to other women due to dedicating themselves for male approval while NLOGs rarely have that kind of obsession for bootlicking, but instead feel alienated by the general female stereotype.
>>1452449Literally half of Lolcow. Anons be all about their based radfem manhate but will clean up after Nigel if he just treats them to a nice dinner and then ask for more, all the while having a-log levels of hatred for every woman out there and projects them full of their own insecurities.
Especially if they're not gender-conforming which automatically gets them branded as both NLOGs and pickmes. It's sad and pathetic that even despite knowing how bad men will treat them they would still rather take the punches than find female solidarity.
No. 1452500
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>>1452469samefag just thought of something, yes I did know about women like Annie Lennox, but they are more the exception than the rule. By the late 90's, early 00's, hyperfemininity was pushed hard from a young age and a woman with short hair would be derided as "looks like a man". I didn't see droves of male attention for women like that, so it didn't exactly burst my bubble that dressing masc would automatically repulse men and that it doesn't necessarily work that way. If anything she would be for me someone to point to like if she can do it, why can't I?
No. 1452514
>>1451480same tbh. my hypothesis is that as long as a NLOG has some reasonable female friends and mentors, she'll grow out of the NLOG mindset. if she doesn't have either, she's at risk for the troon hypothesis is that as long as a NLOG has some reasonable female friends and mentors, she'll grow out of the NLOG mindset. if she doesn't have either, she's at risk for the troon pipeline.
I was only saved from the tif pipeline because I made female friends outside of my class, and because the bullying made me super wary of community groupthink so when I saw the exact same stuff happen in artsy tumblr nerd girl groups just in reverse like hating on normies, I noped out. The artsy tumblr nerd girls I almost fell in with are now 85% trooned out and 15% cancelled.
No. 1452553
>>1452509It's often dismissed as superficial liberal identity politics to care about representation in media, but it does have a pretty big effect on how you see yourself while growing up.
>>1452546I didn't delete anything last night? Asking whether I'm attractive in response to me saying that most of my life has been characterized by trying to repulse men, i.e. including in early childhood, is completely irrelevant.
No. 1452566
>>1452526Looks do play a part but a lot of predatory male attraction has to do with your degree of vulnerability. Pickmes get male attention because they're desperate and men can see and exploit it. You could be the hottest woman ever yet if you don't show any weakness and call men out for their bullshit the most you're going to get is rape threats.
>>1452553Amidst all the performative representation song and dance people forget that representation does matter and people growing up without any will have issues with their identity. As much as people meme on it it's all for creating a better tomorrow when more marginalized groups of people feel included and validated for being what they are, but instead of giving little tomboys and baby butches their masculine role models people just want them to ditch that shit and become stereotypically feminine. Thus troons and NLOGs are born.
No. 1452576
>>1452566Thank you for saying this
>Looks do play a part but a lot of predatory male attraction has to do with your degree of vulnerability.That is why I'm angry with
>>1452546 because little girls don't get predated on by pedo's based on attractiveness, but based on vulnerability. Attractiveness in early childhood has practically nothing to do with being chosen by pedo's. Which is why I seethed at the (perceived) suggestion and posted the essay. Since "most of life", includes my childhood. Being attractive or not is mostly irrelevant.
>but instead of giving little tomboys and baby butches their masculine role models people just want them to ditch that shit and become stereotypically feminine. Thus troons and NLOGs are born.Yeah, even when they show a tomboy or masculine character, they give them a makeover halfway through.
No. 1452592
>>1452566I disagree, ugly women are completely invisible to men. I was ugly (fat) my entire youth and totally desperate for male attention. I would have made the perfect
victim for a predatory scrote but not a single man ever paid attention to me. They don't want to prey on someone they don't find attractive. Men are entirely shallow creatures.
No. 1452603
>>1452592At least someone understands me. I was not fat, I was ugly shy and lonely child and I grew into an ugly shy and lonely woman. I was and I am a perfect
victim and yet I never had a need to "repel" anyone.
No. 1452612
>>1452592>>1452603Sure, I was such an insanely attractive baby and child, pedo's just couldn't help themselves. It totally had nothing to do with neglect and lack of protection.
>The study found people are more apt to believe sexual harassment claims by women who are young, “conventionally attractive,” and appear and act feminine. Women who don’t fit that prototype not only are less likely to be believed, but also are presumed to be unharmed by harassing behavior, the study said. >“The findings demonstrate that more masculine and unattractive women are less credible and that they will be less psychologically harmed because they would be less distressed,” said Bryn Bandt-Law, a psychology graduate student and one of the study’s lead authors.>“And that their perpetrators,” she added, “deserve less punishment.”>So when someone who isn’t conventionally attractive is experiencing sexual harassment, “people don’t believe them, or their experiences are not being taken seriously,” Bandt-Law said.>What’s worse, the findings apply to self-perception. If someone believes they aren’t conventionally attractive, they may doubt their own feelings of being targeted.>“People might delude themselves into thinking they wouldn’t be sexually harassed,” Bandt-Law said, “and then not go to the human resources and report it.” No. 1452625
>>1452592And I was an unkempt geeky tomboy growing up yet men still chose to harass me. I had friends who were ugly and overweight and they were severely preyed upon. Chances are you have experienced sexual harassment but due to low self esteem you just don't realize it, that's exactly why scrotes choose people who they consider vulnerable. Like
>>1452612 listed, society believes them to be "unharmed by it" as in "you should be grateful that SOMEONE is giving you attention" which warps the perception entirely. Not all sexual harassment is just catcalling or groping, it takes many different forms.
No. 1452707
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>>1452615 I had the same experience growing up too. I am autistic, into anime, very tall and my friends were also vulnerable being overweight and or “weird”. Scrotes would bully us and say rude things whereas the girls didn’t care. It got to the point where I punched one on the bus and the based lady driver looked the other way and said he had it coming. I’ll never forget the time I was being heckled and the fattest girl in school stood up for me and screamed at the guy until he felt awkward and walked away. She’s my moms next door neighbour now and she’s lost all the weight since then. I never wanted to date any high school boy because of these fuckers and that was the best thing I could have ever done. My most notorious bully was outed as a pedophile on Facebook last year when an older teenager lied to him about being 13. The disgusting scrote still wanted to do shit with her after she said that. Moral of the story is to stick up for your vulnerable friends and to always have girls backs.
No. 1452847
>>1452615>>1452707I thought we were talking about men trying to find women to be in an
abusive relationship with, not boys in school being cruel. Obviously men were cruel to me all my life, but none ever wanted to exploit me for sex or whatever because they thought I was disgusting.
>>1452625You are probably attractive despite not being feminine thats why men did that to you.
No. 1452919
>>1452847As if their bullying in school doesn’t continue into adulthood. Once an
abusive scrote will always be an
abusive scrote. Girls who are “weird” will be bullied/harassed no matter how ugly or pretty they are. I never specified if I was ugly (yes I looked like emo coconut head) but being taller than all the boys didn’t help me. Short men will always feel threatened by a taller woman. The most important thing is to recognize that men like vulnerable people and will overpower them at any given opportunity.
No. 1453055
>>1452847Rape isn't about fucking someone you think is attractive retarda. It's an act of violence, meant to be humiliating and establishing power. You have no way of knowing if anon is attractive or not and are ignoring all the instances of mentioned by others when unattractive girls got harrassed, groomed, assaulted and so on.
You're literally talking like a scrote who doesn't believe that women get raped if he doesn't think they're hot enough. Worst of all, the way you're wording this sounds like you believe sexual harrassment is flattering and like you feel lesser because it hasn't happened to you. Just because
YOU are lucky enough to not experience this shit doesn't mean some that some moid bs like
>only hot girls get preyed upon or
>who would want to rape a fattie?and so on have any merit. It never happened to you? Good, I hope it never does. Be grateful for it. But it is not because you were/are ugly. It's because you never at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person.
No. 1453102
>>1452615I had the same experience with scrotes. I feel so blessed to have gone to an all girls school, but i still got bullied by scrotes from other schools at the bus stop who would laugh at me and sometimes say vaguely racist things about me being a black girl or what not, the the approval of their black moid friends at that! It pisses me off that most women will put these exact moids on a pedestal or follow their lead with bullying ugly girls and it really did make me resent other women for being fucking retarded and spineless. I get why the scrotes hated me, but i was especially disgusted by women/girls who felt the need to put down a woman for not being fuckable enough when it is of no concern to them.
>>1452592People always dismiss this argument and it annoys me. Moids have options when it comes to finding prey. The thing is, ugly women are actually quite rare compared to women with inoffensive looks, so they have little motivation to go after a woman who is truly ugly. A lot of women call themselves ugly but are actually not ugly at all, just very plain which is good enough when it comes to attracting moids. My second point is that i feel like the biggest determining factor in all this is how easily the moids think they can get away with it. I tend to find women hang out with moids are going to always get harrassed compared to ones who don't even look them in the eye. They can kind of detect how easily socialable a woman is and they aren't going to bother with a woman who barely says anything, especially when they aren't attractive enough to warrant the effort or certain they can get sex out of them. It also depends on how much of a whore they determine a woman to be. I don't get harassed by scrotes at all, but i've determined that these features are probably the reason why they ignore me.
>>1452893tbf yeah you do get harrassed, but the chances of being sexually harassed are greatly diminished, especially if you do not talk to scrotes in any capacity or ever get left alone with them. I'd say little to no communication with scrotes in general reduces your risk regardless of your levels of attractiveness because most assaults/rapes will be done by a moid you know and not a rando. They see ugly women as subhuman anyways, but it's always good to keep in mind that most scrotes would fuck animals too.
>>1453055Nta, but i am sorry if ugly women saying they don't feel fear about being raped compared to more attractive women is offensive. If scrotes never go out of their way to get close to you, then it's safe to say your chances of being sexually assaulted are greatly diminished. personally i do not feel at risk the same way my friends who can socialise easily with men or get approached by them can. Most assaults or rapes are not done by strangers at the end of the day.
No. 1454513
>>1451960>What is the worst type of NLOG?>the ones obsessed with femininity, which is fine in itself, i just dislike how they try to make it seem dangerous in any way that matters. at least the ones who don't wear makeup are actually somewhat challenging the system – these types are just, huffing their own glitter-pink farts while thinking men are actually scared or impressed by their skirts and heels and eyeliner. >counterculture that needs to announce itself as counterculture, or is otherwise indistinguishable from the status quo, is cringe to me. just shut the fuck up and kysbased.
>>1452449>It honestly feels like this type of NLOG is the one who hates other women the most.agreed, it's actually cringe that they think they're not like other girls.
No. 1455306
>>1451960These women are so annoying. If you want to dress feminine or girly, just do it. No man is afraid of muh hyperfemininity. It comes off as self conscious that they enjoy gender conforming behavior. And there’s a million of these girls on Tiktok, meanwhile all the actual androgynous or gender non conforming women are calling themselves enbies. This never stops them from filling up the #androwomen tag, for some reason. Just two different types of NLOGs obsessed with how people perceive them instead of living their lives the way they are.
Nonas are right, for a lot of women being an nlog is your first foray into feminist analysis and realizing something is wrong with the world. Only self obsessed women continue calling themselves nlogs as adults. Those comics everyone plasters as proof that nlogs were terrorizing muh poor feminine gorls aren’t even about being a tomboy half the time, it was dumbass goth versus prep bs. Like how is a goth girl who wears lace and deep v-necks and skirts not feminine just because she does so in black and doesn’t smile? None of it makes any sense but now these comics will be trotted out forever as proof that evil non-feminine girls must repent for the sin of being imperfect thinkers at age 14 and never think about how gnc women are bullied.