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No. 1452922
>>1452821I think it's good to switch and try a different one, since ADHD meds don't have the wind-up time of things like anti-depressants.
I've tried most of the main stimulant meds before finding a situation that worked for me, and there can be a huge difference between instant release, extended release, and brand depending on the person.
Vyvanse gave me severe dissociation and psychosis, while Ritalin made me too anxious to function long term. I've only recently found a solution with a therapeutic effect that doesn't make me, an otherwise mentally stable person, lose my mind.
No. 1453020
>How do you feel about ADHD memes and other "relatable" content (such as threadpic)? Harmless fun? Makes your symptoms worse?
I hate them, they feel like mockery of what is to have ADHD, sometimes it feel the people who made them don't even suffer from it and just want to be especial somehow.
>Do you take medication? Does it work for you? Or have you tried any therapies/diet changes/other non-medication treatments that have helped you?
I don't take medication, when i was diagnosed my parents hated the idea (because of the addiction the medication at the time had) so i when to therapy it help me but sometimes i still feel lost, confused and tasks are too much for my dumb brain.
>Which of your personal "self-hacks" are you the most proud of?
well i don't know if i got any, but when i cash my self speaking out look at fixed position to get all my attention on what people are telling me, this happen mostly on voice calls with friends.
I feel since i was diagnosed my family, they expect nothing from me, sure i was diagnosed when i was maybe 5 years old, since i was 16 i notice they didn't expect nothing good to come of me,no good job, not a good husband (i'm a lesbian), they even looked disappointed when i went into arts for my career,even my teachers will use my diagnosis as a way to call me lazy or say i my work isn't as good, or they will give a grade for pity, guess been a women had a part on all of it but i'm not really sure.
No. 1453143
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>>1453122>speaking clock appThat sounds very helpful. Will try!
So far I've only tried those alarm apps that offer different methods to wake you up like doing math, or shaking the phone. I think the one I used was called alarmy.
I will piggyback on your post saying that I really need something of an odd request. I'm someone who always needs to have company to work properly and since I work at home atm I need like, someone or something that talks a lot and is pleasant to listen to. So far I've tried:
>vloggers and mukbangsNot many of them are so pleasant to listen to, they always requiere you to pay attention to the video because they're showing something to you, plus their videos are short
>streamers/speedrunnersEven less pleasant than vloggers, they have the personality of a wet sock and most of them are ethots or ugly scrotes
>Brown / Pink / White noise videos or asmrToo distracting and not relaxing at all
>Listening to random musicTakes away my concentration 100% of my time
>Listening to my musicI need to be in the mood to listen to shit
>Going to a physical cafeAgoraphobia is real, I like being warm and comfy at home, I get unsettled around strangers, and I use a desktop so it's just not possible lol.
>Audio books and TVI feel bad for not paying enough attention to audio books and with TV, I only have the option of one channel that does not distract me, but it gets very repetitive after a while.
What am I supposed to do?
No. 1453175
>>1453143>What am I supposed to do?Lectures about random topics, like this channel,
>>Brown / Pink / White noise videos or asmrSpeaking asmr or environmental asmr? This site has hundreds of different environments that can play in the background while working.
>with TV, I only have the option of one channel that does not distract me, but it gets very repetitive after a while.Can you pirate some other tv shows and play them on your phone or another pc.
I don't see podcasts on your lists, have you tried them.
No. 1453178
>>1453143What about makeup artist videos? They can talk for ages about a eyeshadow palette or something.
For me the perfect background video are the POV walking tours in different places. I really like Rambalac's channel because he walks through busy streets and you get the feeling of being there, exploring and I guess of life around you just watching a video. There are also narrated tours but those are a little distracting for me.
No. 1453202
>>1453178>For me the perfect background video are the POV walking tours in different places. I really like Rambalac's channel Hey! I used to watch him too. I think my main problem was that I always ended up wanting to watch where he walked, so I ended up distracted lol
>>1453175>>1453178I will try your solutions nonnies, thank you very much!
No. 1458111
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this is how I've been managing my adhd all these years and let me tell you, it doesn't work
No. 1468326
>>1461661Using it to your advantage probably made it stronger tbh (not judging - happened to me too). If you're really stubborn and tend to just turn alarms off when you don't want to change tasks, try making a compromise with yourself. So when the alarm goes off, your goal is only to start the next task and promise yourself that if you still feel like going back to the first task after a few minutes, you will. Don't set an alarm for that though, if you stay focused on the original task go back to it, but if you forget about it then you succeeded!
If you're at the point where you habitually ignore your most basic needs until you're sick or in pain then you might still have trouble with the just-start-see-if-it-sticks strategy and keep turning off alarms because you (consciously or subconsciously) don't want it to work. In that case, you should also try scheduling a <5 minute break every few hours and be extremely strict with yourself about taking it. The "trick" is making the scheduled break as short as you need to (even 20 seconds) so that you will actually stop what you're doing and physically turn your head and look somewhere else for that amount of time. You also don't have to time it, you could just stare at the wall and count to 20, but you probably shouldn't schedule it as time to do another task, at least at first. Like, if you set an alarm for 3 hours from now telling yourself that's when you'll go get something to drink, there's a good chance that when the alarm goes off you'll think "I'll do it in just a minute, I'm not that thirsty" and then another 3 hours goes by. If you don't plan anything, hopefully when the alarm goes off you'll think "I promised I'd stop for 30 seconds after 3 hours… I'm kinda thirsty, the 30 seconds will go by faster if I get a drink instead of just sitting here."
A place I used to work at had this incredibly irritating software that would freeze my screen for like 2 minutes every few hours and demand that I do some random stretches. I usually didn't do the stretches, mostly I just went to get a drink or to the bathroom or something. At first it totally messed up my workflow and it was hard to continue exactly from where I left off and I HATED IT but after a while (months) it started to feel refreshing, and I noticed that I didn't waste nearly as much time iterating on random insignificant details of my work. (Not to mention I was taking much better care of myself.) Eventually, I could easily choose what to do after the break based on my priorities instead of being stuck on one thing no matter how much I need to divide my effort.
Sorry for the blog but you should know you'll probably feel like everything is getting worse for some amount of time while you're breaking the habit, but if you keep trying you WILL get better at it.
If you're really stubborn and tend to ignore alarms, try this compromise:
>When the alarm goes off, you'll just start the next task. >If you still feel like going back to the first task after a few minutes, that's okay. >If not, you win!If you try that and you're still ignoring alarms, try this too:
>Schedule a very short break every few hours and do your absolute best to actually stop and (at least) turn your head away and look at something other than what you were doing. >Do not plan to use that break for anything because you'll be tempted to procrastinate.>Instead, plan to use that break to stare at the wall. Hopefully that will make you think of getting water/going bathroom/stretching as an alternative to staring at the wall instead of as an interruption, since the interruption already happened when you turned to look at the wall.>At first it might feel like the breaks are making everything worse and you'll definitely want to stop, but stick with it and you WILL improve. No. 1478329
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My preparation for my exams the last couple of weeks has just been going to the library every day and then end up refreshing lolcow, 4chan and tumblr for several hours instead of doing any studying. I can't concentrate and my meds aren't fucking working: Ideally I would just turn my computer off but since everything is digitalized in this day and age I need it to study. My exams is very soon and I feel so underprepared I'm going to fail
No. 1478391
>>1478329Have you tried using a library computer instead of your laptop? Using a different device that's missing your normal settings and browser history can help with avoiding the usual distractions.
You could also try a different location than the library, like a cafe or something. I feel like my study locations get poisoned if I spend a lot of time "playing" in them but that might just be me.
No. 1478529
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Someone I used to be friends with has ADHD and it was all she ever talked about. Literally everything was just about how she has ADHD. I have it to, but she claimed I didn't because I actually did things to help myself and the way my ADHD presented wasn't in line with hers. Most of what she posted was just relatable meme garbage. The thing that set me off is when she posted picrel. Like no, you're just a narcissistic/egocentric (she actually couldn't talk about anything unless it related to herself), fuck off.
No. 1541999
>>1541959Yeah, that's a normal part of conversation.
I see it in all threads about disorders here and on the rest of the Internet, some presumably young person will make their disorder their entire personality, and then they will tend to attribute every tiny thing they do to it, not being aware literally everyone does it.
No. 1542001
>>1541959Neurotypicals tend to find it rude and self-centered and can’t understand how it wouldn’t be anything but narcissism. Literally bonkers I don’t even try to have NT friends cause I can’t make myself understand how their brains work, but I possibly have autism as well so idk.
I’m frustrated that I was never helped when I was a kid, only boys were ever diagnosed adhd in my area/time period. The only reason I didn’t struggle in school is because I’m weirdly good at schoolwork and always have been. I can barely listen to a lesson and still do well on tests and assignments. But I was constantly getting in trouble for not staying in my seat, for not raising my hand before blurting stuff out, and was constantly forgetting my homework and books at home. But this was all just seen as me being a bad annoying kid whereas boys bad/annoying behavior was coddled and shit. Just because I wasn’t a major disruption and wasn’t a moid I was told I was just bad and annoying.
I didn’t get diagnosed until my life fell apart in my early 20s. Every clinician since has been shocked that I wasn’t diagnosed until adulthood, I have combined type ADHD and it’s fucking debilitating. Makes doing anything except doing nothing so fucking hard.
No. 1542004
>>1542002I am literally a normie. I don't have any disorders.
I'm telling you this is a totally normal practice.
No. 1542042
>>1542023Yeah see you sound like a bitch, and your relative sounds great. I want people to talk to me a ton when I’m upset and I want to hear their experiences with similar situations. I want them to be detailed and specific with what they’re saying. I literally can’t handle normies, you guys are so fucking weird to me, your thought processes just seem so dull and retarded in addition to narcissistic but then you just project your narcissism onto ND behavior patterns and say no ACKTUALLY it’s like you guys live in upside down world. Like why wouldn’t you wanna hear how someone else’s situation related to yours and how they coped with it and what they thought about it? What the fuck do you want to hear? Dumb superficial nothings?? Just a couple succinct phrases to perfectly capture the moment and validate you while not bringing up anything that isn’t related to purely you you you? do neurotypicals not realize we would also like to hear you share information and experiences the same way we share them, is that why you think we are being selfish or whatever tf? It’s not one sided, you’re just choosing to make it one sided by being retarded.
I can’t make myself think neurotypical interaction is the ideal or the normal interactional style, and if that’s what normal is then that’s pretty fucking lame and I’ll just stay a weird ass autist-adjacent adhd freak. I’m glad I don’t have any neurotypical friends cause I can’t stand this line of thinking.
No. 1542046
>>1542002i've got anxiety, depression and bpd and i have complained about someone behind their back for constantly being like "oh that reminds me of x" when i'm trying to process trauma by venting to them.
don't worry, it's not just NTs who hate it.
No. 1542055
>>1542043Anon naming it a pattern doesn't change its a disability to connect with non autists, who are %99 of the population.
>>1542051NTA but imagine gatekeeping mental illnesses, wtf.
No. 1546530
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does anyone have any good tips to how to clean your apartment for someone who is unmedicated? I'm overwhelmed and have no idea how to start my meds are not working and the process for changing brand is complicated but that's besides the point
No. 1547086
>>1546530no really what
>>1546534 said works, but if not that I like to put on high energy music to motivate myself.
Or I mentally prepare myself, my routine is preparing a treat drink (coffee with syrup) and moving to a different room/spot to get into a different mood, it helps.
No. 1547112
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>>1546530my methods
>have a podcast/video playing in the background, a documentary that doesn't have you needing to look at your phone to watch it. I personally like true crime stuff
>if you have a friend okay with this, ask to call them and just chat.I find myself motivated to clean a lot more when I'm on the phone with someone. I can't use my phone as a distraction and I end up walking around tidying stuff up.
>have a tasty drink to sip throughout the cleaning process like a treat for cleaningI have (1) bottle of dr.peepee a week that I drink only when I'm cleaning.
unrelated but I find r/adhd so uncomfortable to browse. When I first got diagnosed I was asking a lot of questions about medication there and it seems like most users there are hyper dependent on the medication. Like obviously it makes a huge difference, but I've wondered if I'll take them forever. One redditor gave me amazing advice and said to use the pills as training wheels basically until you've "trained" yourself to just do what you need to do so you eventually become less dependent on them. S/he got downvoted to hell and I don't even know why. It's good advice. I've cut down to not needing to use it during the weekend because I manage to get what chores I need to do, done. Whereas before I would be completely useless.
They make it seem like their lives are super hard and fucking useless and they're on the brink of suicide or something which I get, I was very depressed and the medicine stabilized my mood a lot. Like literally no downsides I love it, but it seems like redditors refuse to take any personal responsibility at all. picrel seems so fucking dramatic. Do they think "normal" people don't struggle either?? It's always moids that devolve into self pitying, woe is me I can't do anything I'm DISABLED whereas female ADHD queens stay grinding and trying to improve themselves. Even if they don't do anything, they're nowhere near as pathetic as their male counterparts.
No. 1548541
>>1548527Getting diagnosed as an adult is very worth it and fairly easy. At least it was for me, but every psych I’ve ever seen has pegged me as ADHD almost immediately kek. I’m fidgety and have a really strange speech cadence, so even just me talking about something normal and not my symptoms, it’s obvious.
As for meds, yes most adhd meds are extremely addictive and also fuck your looks up. Amphetamines are so hard on your system, make you extra sensitive to sunlight, dry you out, make you seem like a crackhead. I hated traditional stimulants.
Currently I take modafanil. It is not a traditional stimulant, doesn’t have dependency issues at all (it’s impossible to become addicted to and it doesn’t
trigger euphoric feelings like amphetamine). I would never recommend my adhd friends/family take any adhd med beside modafanil because the side effects and health risks of amphetamines are insane. And anyone who cares about how they look DEF shouldn’t take amphetamines. They age you intensely. Only hurdle I see is that modafanil isn’t approved for adhd treatment so some docs might be weirded out, also it’s a fairly uncommon medication that a lot of docs are unfamiliar with. Educate yourself about modafanil before going to the doctor and ask for it.
No. 1548679
>>1548544Don't worry
nonnie. You literally have two disabling syndromes too. Be nicer to yourself, your situation is in no way comparable to his. He doesn't have shit beyond whining about his mean gf and struggling to apply for jobs.
No. 1557122
Not sure if this is the right thread, but do any anons here think in some cases ADD/ADHD could present similar to symptoms of sociopathy or borderline or whatever?
I don't mean just symptoms being mistaken as that by outside peers. Moreso, could untreated ADD/ADHD in some cases develop into symptoms that overlap with those things?
I know I have ADD and I at least thought I might have borderline or something like it (worse in my youth than present - I'm in my 30s now, for reference). But it doesn't seem like it properly 'fits' and more and more I've come to realize many of my symptoms may just be routed in my ADD.
(For example, I had very low empathy and would do dangerous and risky things, use people, relationships, drugs, violence, crime, etc… However, when I started treating my ADD with medication - all of those things lessened significantly if not stopped; I even for the first time in my life had some level of what 'empathy' meant 'click' into place, where as before that I didn't really understand the concept as tangible and was skeptical it even existed in others). I also had some things that made me wonder if I was spergy - but as I'm fine with socializing I'm doubtful of that.
I don't think I really fit the bill for sociopathy (I love cats to a fault, for example, and Ive felt a deep attachment to my stuffed animals). But I also think I'm a little too independent to fit the bill for borderline. I did often self harm or redefine myself after break ups and have what could be perceived as a fear of abandonment, yet in retrospect I think that I had used those things more as methods of control in respect to perceived power vs fear. I had no issues with abandonment or break ups if my perception was that I was in control or held 'power', so I feel like it was more a lashing out to try to regain power over that person when it would happen. (Yes, I recognize this was unhealthy and no, I do not do this anymore). I think that behavior manifested from a combination of things, but I also think it may have been in large part of my attempts to fill the boredom void of low dopamine from ADD… I've also considered this could all be some weird cope or mental gymnastics so that I don't have to accept my true fears or weaknesses, or something. I don't think so, but I assume if I was I wouldn't think that by design, after all..
Obviously no one here is in a position to diagnose things, but I guess I'm just curious if anyone else with ADD has had similar or witnessed similar (even if maybe to lesser extremes).
I've been to psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and doctors in the past, but I feel like they haven't really served me, and their inability to deattach from their personal emotions, morals and biases makes it hard to really be honest. I can't blame them for that, it's just kind of a moot point to me. Plus, I don't think it's really worth the issues/stigma of being labeled with a potentially problematic diagnosis.
No. 1564603
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fuck my life. I have to write this really important assignment which counts as my exam. I have spend days reading in different books and taking notes and was planning on organazing the notes in a more coherent text. Turns out that I forgot to source which books I used in my notes. I sourced the page number but not the fucking author or book title. I'm going apeshit now I have to start over again
No. 1564695
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>>1564667I'm still messy but the marie kondo method did help me a bit. I used to be obsessed with maximalism and had a bunch of trinkets laying around but I realized how overwhelming it was and how it demotivated me to clean up because even when my room was clean there was still a bunch of decorative items laying around. I also quickly ran out of display space so it ended up on my desk which made it hard to do important work there. So downsizing my stuff did make me feel less overwhelmed and made cleaning a much easier and faster process. I like Marie Kondo style because I still get to have nice stuff. It's a good middle ground between boring minimalism and overwhelming maximalism
>inb4 someone calls picrel room cutetrust me you don't want your room to look like this
No. 1564717
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>>1564667One thing i find to be helpful is to avoid having too many decorative items and confine them in one area. Another thing is to no allow any storage space to be overfilled with stuff, be it a wardrobe, a drawer, anywhere. Also, do not concern yourself too much with the presentation of drawers, as long as everything is visible it's fine.
>>1564695I'm with you on that one. I actually like lolita and always despised the trend of lolita where you display all your items everywhere around your room. I need everything shoved into a closet and my bedroom as empty as possible. I'd unironcally live like picrel if i wasn't forced to have a bedroom with oversized furniture that i can't get rid of because it was expensive and my dad bought it.
No. 1583349
>>1450684>How do you feel about ADHD memes and other "relatable" content (such as threadpic)? Harmless fun? Makes your symptoms worse?the empathy is nice, but i think it's made me worse because before i do something i think "oh, i don't think my executive functioning is good enough for this so i'm just not going to try".
>Do you take medication? Does it work for you? Or have you tried any therapies/diet changes/other non-medication treatments that have helped you?tried adderall and vyvanse, it worked for 3 days, then stopped. no idea why. turns out however i have fucked up hormones so that might have something to do with it. no idea why else those meds would work for a short period of time and then just not especially considering i'd take them with protein and i was given the highest dose my doc was comfortable with giving me.
>Which of your personal "self-hacks" are you the most proud of?i'm mostly an inattentive ADHDer, and leveraging my inattention to disregard negative thinking has been useful.
>sit on bed>man… i have so many things to do and none of it's getting done. am i gonna be retarded forever?>haha clowns No. 1597026
I want paper prescriptions back, the new system is like specially designed to FUCK me. It's been like 6 years since the last time I got paper prescriptions and it never got any better. It used to be just go to the doctor, get 3 pieces of paper, take the paper to the pharmacy, get medicine. If the pharmacy didn't have it, I could just take my paper somewhere else. Easy! Now, I go to the doctor, then I call the doctor every fucking day to remind that stupid asshole to send my prescription to the pharmacy (they forgot twice, so I had to make harassing them part of my routine to avoid medicine gaps), then I finally get the medicine. Oh, but now there's a shortage! So I have to call a bunch of pharmacies to ask if they have a controlled substance on hand and they ALWAYS treat me like a junkie who has been taking daily dumps at their smoking spot behind the shop. My doctor is an actual retard who can't figure out how to future-date prescriptions so I have to call and remind them to write one every single month. This shithead gets paid $180 every 3 months just to send 3 prescriptions to the pharmacy. It's two minutes of typing, plus 5 minutes asking me questions they would already have the answers to. For $180 they can't even do THAT much. I'm asking for the bare fucking minimum here and I can't get it no matter how much I pay.
No. 1597400
>>1564667Marie Kondo style actually fixed me. I think the most important thing is to not only do all of the junk tossing and reorganizing she recommends, but really take her advice to do it all at once to heart. I don't advocate for med abuse, but I sort of abused my meds while cleaning nonstop for a full 3 days to do it and I'm now going on two years of being organized and clean after finally getting everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) in order all at once.
I'll also note that I became significantly less depressed and significantly more productibe after this. It's incredible how much environment matters, and after experiencing the effect for myself, I doubt I'll relapse unless I experience some kind of serious traumatic event surpassing what I've experienced in the past.
No. 1597434
>>1562855I've tried Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse, and I experienced something similar. It happens.
Vyvanse was the opposite for me, it gave me an energy boost but also ruined my ability to function normally with the gross amount of hyperfocus it'd inflict on random tasks.
Ritalin and Adderall are actually similar in effect for me, but for some reason they stop having an effect and start giving me severe anxiety around the 6 month mark. I have to switch from one to the other periodically to evade this but this has been the magic ticket to functioning on stimulant meds for me for a few years now.
No. 1600269
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is getting a pill box like this weird when I'm in my 20s and only take one type of medicine? my dad said it's kinda weird for young people to use these. Plus I can imagine that their purpose is to help people who takes several types of medicine during the day instead of just one. I just think having my medicine displayed like this might make it easier for me to remember taking it
No. 1601167
>>1600269Totally unnecessary for one medication and they’re usually less than ideal in general because they aren’t airtight.
To remember that I’ve taken a medication I simply flip the bottle over so it’s standing on its cap once I take it. I flip them back upright in the evening when I take my nighttime meds. For the one thing I have to take in the middle of the day I use a recurring reminder on my iPhone.
No. 1601951
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How is medication suppose to make you feel? I just started a new brand and I kinda feel like it's working? I can feel a physical effect on me so I know they are doing something but I have no idea if they are affected my brain. Today I got a bunch of work done in a short time which has never happened to me but I'm scared that it's placebo since this is the first time I take medication in years and I want it to work because it's my last hope to get my life in order. I still got bored and restless but I didn't crave into it as much as I usually do. I know that medicin isn't some miracle cure and you still need to teach yourself self-discipline. But I'm still not sure what the medicin does? I could somewhat focus more on the tasks than what I normally can. At least I think so? It's hard to judge. I haven't even taken the medicin for a week yet but some days I felt the same while other days I felt it easier to motivate myself.
Years ago I took another brand of medicin(but I quit it because of side effects). It didn't make me focus, but it did make my head feel less "heavy" which made it easier to organise my thoughts and thought process and it's kinda the same feeling I get with my new meds. People describe ADHD meds like they make you more mellow and completely change your behaviour but in my experience it just clears the brain fog a little and make it easier for you to deal with your thoughts one at the time. I'm still k forgetful and fall into bad habits like watching shitty youtube videos for hours but people without ADHD do that too, so it's more a sign of me having to practice self-discipline .
Also another question, does anyone else feel like they are more sensitive to caffeine when they have taken their medication? Years ago when I first started medication I became hyper when I drank coffee which never happens when I drink it off-medication
No. 1664692
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Me trying really hard to not impulsively spend money to buy shit for another hobby that I know that I'll realistically do for about 2 weeks max
No. 1667682
>>1450684i've had difficulties with impulse control and academic stuff ever since i can remember but i never got diagnosed as anything (they literally refuse to give me any diagnosis) and i'm tired. i'm switching career and studying has been really difficult for me. what do? i need to understand if i have adhd or if it's just a lot of anxiety, if it's both, or if i'm broken and should give up on life.
anyone who got a late diagnosis got any advice?
No. 1667855
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>>1666138to actually accomplish things I need/want to do I found this method where you sandwich a boring/low dopamine task in between fun things. I also prefer to time myself, like tomato timers which are 20 minutes, because I have a hard time estimating how long it will actually take me to do something. For example if you want to start drawing again you can do a boost activity like playing high energy music, then set a timer for 20 minutes, then commit to draw until the timer ends. usually at that point I can keep going or just keep resetting the timer until I'm done.
No. 1671660
>>1671587Nicotine and caffeine relieve some ADHD symptoms (they are both stimulants). Cocaine and meth actually have therapeutic properties similar to amphetamine (eg, Adderall) for ADHD symptoms at lower-than-recreational doses. I'm the absence of simulants, weed might provide some relief from the feeling of your thoughts moving too fast or feeling like you can't relax or sit still. (That's just personal experience - could be wrong.)
Alcohol otoh makes just about every symptom of ADHD significantly worse for both the user and everyone else in really obvious ways. Your friend is probably just an alcoholic and trying to come up with reasons why he "shouldn't" cut back or stop drinking.
No. 1688220
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does anyone else here suffer from adhd and misophonia/misokinesia? i read it's often comorbid, and i was hoping getting treated for adhd would also help with those symptoms but now that i'm on meds i still can't concentrate because there's constant triggers around me. i tried mentioning it to my psychologist but he doesn't believe misophonia is real so i'm completely at a loss. looking for any advice on how to cope, or really just anyone who can relate
No. 1688261
>>1688220Get a new psychologist. If you have something and the practitioner you see for treatment thinks it isn't real, you gotta get a new one. Can I ask what the hell he thinks is going on, if not misophonia? And is this the guy giving you meds?
Pretty sure I don't have misophonia, I really hope another nonna can help you out while you find someone else.
No. 1688300
>>1688261yeah he's the one prescribing me ritalin. when i asked him about it he said that he doesn't believe it is a separate disorder and that it's the same as "getting distracted easily". But if that's the case then the meds would've fixed it, no?
finding someone new who takes health insurance and doesn't have a 2-year-waitlist is a huge hassle though, sadly, but i'll have to try.