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No. 1451065
>>1451052Now women can work multiple jobs and still not have enough money to leave their
abusive husbands, its almost practically impossible for women to escape
abusive situations immediately nowadays unless they have friends who are willing to let them crash. If you don't have friends and/or certificates/degrees you are ultimately fucked
No. 1451179
>>1451128NTA but that thread is already shit up by people not caring about how to make work better as a mostly inevitable part of life and rationalizing why
they personally shouldn't ever work
No. 1451429
File: 1671376190203.png (904.54 KB, 788x594, 22233232.png)

I think both threads have equal footing so I don't mind using both even if they're literally the same. Like always there's going to be a sad and unnecessary divide on lolcow between the userbase so just let the neets use the other one and the wagies can use this one, whatever, all happy. It's tiring to see people infight on this website.
No. 1452585
>>1451043go back to r/antiwork
>>1452544unions are meme at this point and i won't give up half of my paycheck for these parasites.
>>1451528>4 day work weekthis is retarded idea, guess western office pussies are so lazy and have to have 3 three days off. i worked for entire weeks and i didn't bitch about it, god i hate westerners so much.