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No. 1456052
where idiotic questions get silly answers
>>>/ot/1433502 No. 1456170
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why is every hobby moid on youtube an evangelical/tradcath? can’t even watch cute goldfish vids without finding a weird scrote peddling jesus.
No. 1456177
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Who's the target group for Hallmark christmas movies?
Bonus: Is it target group for or target group of?
No. 1456179
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Nonnas, help. Is there any way to recover your accidentally deleted hard drive from your USB?
I wanted to reinstall windows because my PC crashed and guide didn't mention that it would nuke everything from your hard drive.
I downloaded Recuva but so far it doesn't seem to give any good news… 6% and 22 files found, it needs 16hrs to try finding everything that was lost.
No. 1456209
File: 1672166235422.jpg (332.11 KB, 1400x1400, Vagina_lady.1485099571.jpg)

Why do american feminists think that choosing stereotypical feminine hobbies (like knitting, crocheting) and jobs is somehow revolutionary?
The reality is that 99% of the population will look down upon you and will think of you as a stupid npc woman.
Feminine hobbies are inherently stupid (otherwise men would claim them) and janitorial.
Choosing a feminine profession is even worse, nobody will respect you and you will live in poverty for the rest of your life.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1456210
>>1456209The fuck anon? There's a reason why these hobbies are disrespected and it's not because they're useless or bullshit. It's because women are into them. If women were massively into programming it would be considered useless and "janitorial" too. And that's based on a real example kek
Embarrassing post.
No. 1456212
>>1456210Yeah, anon needs to pull their head out of their ass. Programming is a good example, now entirely a
toxic bro club but originally it was mostly female. Men shoehorn their way into any profitable female professions and take over, the reality is a woman can excel at any role, particularly technical roles. "women's hobbies" and jobs are simply the ones men deem not profitable enough to bully us out of. Watch if there was some inane revival of knitting where all the dumbass NFT get rich quick scheme bros figured out a way to monetize it, suddenly it would be something only galaxy brains can do (because they are doing it)
No. 1456336
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Is "becoming confident in a dinosaur culture" some, idk, known meme I'm not aware of? I've been rereading Hyperbole and Half comics recently, in one of which she recalls having a dinosaur costume that gave her confidence to do things she wouldn't normally do, then I ran into this item in Danganronpa game… it feels too specific to be a coincidence but then again I've never heard of such thing before, so I wonder, is it a coincidence after all then? Or is it actually some known phenomena I've just somehow never heard of
No. 1456367
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>>1456336I don’t know, but this one definitely predates all the other ones. (Brad Neely, Creased Comics, early to mid 00’s.) It was popular on MySpace and then I think a lot of “omg so quirky” types probably identified with it and made their own versions.
No. 1456546
>>1456515It’s been a long time since I was in philosophy classes and writing about Descartes, but you should read the rest of his Meditations on First Philosophy for a better idea of what he’s writing about.
Also fuck Rene Descartes.
No. 1456563
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Good afternoon nonners, here's my stupid question: is it normal for the flow of your period to change?
For example, my last few periods were quite heavy with some clots (but not insane bleeding or lots of clots). However, I just received this months period a few days early and I had absolutely no cramping and a very light flow.
Is this normal? I'm guessing there just wasn't as much lining to shed this month, if that's even how it works?
Picrel to make any lurking trannies seethe.
No. 1456708
Do any other anons have experience with being objectified abroad based on their origin, but not expecting it? I always knew "foreign" girls were fetishised based on their ethnicity, such as East-Asians, South-Americans, or even Mexicans for Americans. However, I never knew it even applied to me, which was of course naive. I spent a semester abroad in the USA and experienced so much blatant fetishisation, it was remarkable. Everything was related to me being European. I have a typical Nordic appearance of blonde hair and blue eyes, so I received a lot of comments to relating to how "exotic" I am..??? I laughed at them and said I am not Carribbean or anything, so how am I exotic… When guys complained that I wasn't into slapping and choking during sex, I said it's because most normal women want love, not pain. He said "no, it's just 'causs you aren't American." ……. Finally, because I was an international student, I made friends with other girls who came from abroad. The girls from East Asia told me how when I come to visit their country, I may be approached by men on the street and I should avoid them like the plague. Vice versa, I told them about how they should be wary of guys here and their treatment of how they are foreign. I know women get objectified based on anything, whether they are from abroad or not, but this theme was something I experienced a lot around. I'd love to hear about your experiences and thoughts
No. 1456719
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Why don’t men kill themselves and each other more often?
No. 1456784
>>1456723This is just a scheme to drag it out until the Paypal window closes. Let PayPal deal with it. Show PayPal screenshots of how it hasn't shipped.
>>1456761Take Adderall like the rest of us with ADHD.
No. 1456818
>>1456752You're right. I told him off
>>1456754That's so true, I forget this sometimes…
No. 1456829
>>1456822she used to be part of a anti-SJW comedy group during the gamergate era, when her MLM videos started gaining traction and started attracting a mostly left leaning audience and so she scrubbed all instances of her "
problematic" past and that's about it, she also has a history of plagiarizing from smaller Anti-MLM creators and not giving credit
No. 1456887
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>>1456864Avatar 2 sucked ass if you're expecting plot or seriousness. It's great for special effects though. I would take the chance on Puss in Boots, at least it acknowledges that it's a comedy. Also, look at these hair styles they gave the characters.
No. 1456995
>>1456989Grit your teeth and push through the pain.
Also meditation.
No. 1457147
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les/bi nonnies, who do you think would be the best in bed between tove lo, dua lipa and charli xcx?
No. 1457218
>>1457217Ashen skin tone or unusually red skin tone? poorly kept hair? Bags under your eyes or bloodshot eyes? Resting bitch face?
before I finished reading your post I was going to guess it was something about not wearing makeup lol. But you don't have to wear makeup.
You might want to ask someone in real life who can see your face and answer you honestly. Maybe you really do look sick or maybe your coworkers are dicks and just want you to use makeup. We don't know.
No. 1457488
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>>1457314If you're deep enough in it these gifs seem fitting or funny, probably because you also know the context behind a lot of them. I still have pics like picrel saved where I'm not sure if it's really funny or just the after effects of being a kpopfag years ago.
No. 1457630
>>1457400I do worry if I'm somehow left off with a weird but harmless side effect that I probably would never stop thinking "I did this to myself" kek. I'm already used to being blind as shit without my glasses but shit like chronic dry eyes or starbursts or haze or whatever the fuck else harmless things that might happen feel like an unnecessary annoyance to bring upon myself.
>>1457429I've never considered the surgery to appease others, my main consideration was just to "reset" my eyesight since it's already pretty bad.
>>1457485Lasik and the flap cutting really freaks me out! I was looking more into PRK today because an athlete I follow said it was the only one she qualified for, and it uses a laser so no cutting. I didn't know about the destroying eye muscles thing though! I've sort of been skimming through how the procedure works but I don't get the real nitty gritty of it all. I'll look into it more!
No. 1457662
>>1457485My eyes were really bad, like I was legally blind without glasses. I got it at 25 year old and I've been very happy with it.
Downsides: I can no longer see at night, especially in high contrast situations. So if it's night and everyone has their headlights on, I'll go five below the speed limit in the right lane or else I just won't drive. The light from the headlights seems to take up the entirety of my vision and I can't see anything but. I have heard that I can wear glasses to correct this, but I didn't pay all that money for nothing so I won't. However, there's also a daily drop I can do for life (CanC or something) but I'm lazy.
Upsides: no dirty or scratched glasses, can swim or shower on a lark while seeing everything, I can wear swimming googles without paying out the nose for prescription ones, and they actually corrected my vision to better than average (20/15).
No. 1457695
>>1457630almost certain that PRK is even shittier than LASIK. My nigel had terrible eyesight and got the SMILE operation done which instead of a flap just makes a tiny hole that seals up without worrying of it bursting in the future
cost like 5 grand though but the recovery wad two days now he has above average vision
No. 1457705
>>1457662Thanks for the insight nona! What type of procedure did you have done?
>>1457695Is it? I've been reading good things about it over lasik besides longer recovery time. I was reading about smile too but some people did mention they were hesitant about it since it hasn't been around as long as doesn't have as much long term data compared to lasik and prk.
No. 1457830
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How do asexual people rationalize claiming asexuality but still masturbating/having sex? “Asexuals can still have and enjoy sex!” Huh??? Can someone who used to be an sjw explain
No. 1457869
>>1457830they can still enjoy the physical sensations of sex/masurbation but for most of them they're not going to be actively seeking out sexual encounters, bc as the other anon said they dont experience sexual attraction towards people.
asexuality is a pretty broad term, bc some of them want nothing to do with sex whatsoever while others are regularly having sex often bc its something their partners enjoy
No. 1457909
>>1457898cooked if you're serving it same-day. if you're doing some make-ahead party prep then use raw.
next level bruschetta technique: rub raw garlic on the still-warm toasted bread slices.
No. 1457937
>>1457912ok so if a woman
>has no genuine desire to actually have relationships or sex with men>can find heterosexual sex arousing but only in theory>does desire relationships and/or sex with women both in theory and in real lifedoes she count as bisexual or a lesbian? not counting a deliberate decision on hetero-abstinence in the name of self-preservation or feminism but genuine lack of desire to actually engage in heterosexual sex.
No. 1457960
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Does electricity have a smell to you? I swear I can smell something when something is staticky. For example like a big old crt tv, or when I have a plushie rub against my blanket and it creates static, I can almost smell it if it’s strong enough. Does anyone else smell this?
No. 1457961
>>1457913I'm a burgerfag but I would assume it's the same in Europe… I'm pretty sure most, if not all, glasses shops will have an optometrist there who will do eye exams. Go in, say you'd like to get your prescription checked and get some glasses. They bring you in, the doc will do the eye exam, and then you'll go and pick out the frames. Some places take a few hours to get you your glasses, my local optometrist always takes like a few days or a week but he's also not a chain store so. Not sure about the exchange policy tbh, but if they don't already give you your prescription info, ask for it so you can shop online for some frames because it'll probably be massively cheaper than in store.
>>1457689This honestly wouldn't bother me that much, but I guess I would be upset if I sank a couple thousand into the procedure and it just ended up being kinda for naught after a few years. I am totally expecting this to happen if I go through with it though.
No. 1457982
>>1457977What did you study and what is your job?
I think some people are meant for certain things, and you haven't found it yet. It's great you studied something if you were interested in it and not for the money, because you can get burnt out. I actually accomplished much of what I wanted and pursuing other passions and careers, and I didn't even finish school. I traveled and lived abroad, learned languages, worked with children. I also make music and write casually, as well as sports, but I do those since young. And I did some massage therapy to make money on the side so now I am getting certified and will work at a spa. I'm also going for my private pilots license.
My point is there's a whole world out there, if you aren't comfortable in your surroundings, change them. I can advice you how to use your education or new paths to take if you have any idea, if not why not just search until something interests you and try it.
No. 1457987
>>1457982>>1457978I studied marketing. I enjoyed my program and participated in related student orgs, but I guess I didn't know to much about the real world because I never had a job before graduating. My parents didn't allow me to work. After university, I've had several jobs in the field working at both corporations and small agencies too, but I've been fired from all of them. I've had conflicts with a couple of my managers over projects, but usually I was just let go with no clear reason.
Longest time I had a professional job was 1.5 years. My current job is remote data entry. I've been doing it for the past 3 years but it's pretty much a dead end job. I get bonuses every quarter for good performance, but have never had a raise. I feel like the only reason why I've had this job for so long is because I'm not in an office and directly interacting with people. My boss usually communicates with me via email. I rarely get a call from him.
Overall I feel stuck and my parents make me feel like a failure. I just wonder if my brain is broken or something and how to fix it.
No. 1458043
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>>1458029Thanks, I’m so bad at making choices. Clearly, since I went with every option lol
No. 1458143
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Is nonnie unique to lolcow? I just saw a tumblr post where someone used it and now I wonder if they’re a farmer, unless the term is also used in other places.
No. 1458153
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i heard Peterson was revealed to be a pedo, deets on this? i'm not surprised tbh but i'm curious how he got outed
No. 1458158
>>1458153I haven't heard this, maybe it's true, but I kind of doubt it. I'm not a fan of him BTW. I remember one of his old videos he was joking about playing with kids and people were making pedo jokes in the comments, but it was pretty obvious in the video it was innocent. not sure if that's where that came from though.
but you just randomly reminded me of when I tried to read maps of meaning, and he mentioned how his cousin was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. if my husband said that I'd leave. he also mentioned that in his h3h3 interview, though at the time I didn't realize he was talking about his cousin. why he felt the need to tell that to the world I'll never know
No. 1458163
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>>1458161maybe it's because he sympathized with milo? but if that's the case that makes a lot of right wingers pedos. No. 1458172
File: 1672394797405.png (1017.37 KB, 1280x480, HellCensorship.png)

What is it with American boomers losing their shit over any kind of religious (mostly christian) reference no matter how minor and harmless it is? "Hell" being considered a swear word has always sounded so silly to me.
No. 1458225
>>1458216Kek he really said that? I had no idea, that's messed up though.
>>1458217Guess I never thought of it that way but that makes sense. I mostly enjoyed that the guests were able to do their stories even if they are completely nuts, he doesn't add anything but doesn't interrupt either and I kind of enjoy that about it. It's like listening to 2 people talking on the train most of the time, I can't sit through 2 hours of it but 10 minute clip I usually find pretty cozy. I didn't know his fans really took him/his guests dead serious though, I know they're probably mostly teenage boys but who would actually say or think he's a good interviewer? Like you said he listens, nods and maybe makes a joke from time to time. I always saw it as a family dinner conversation but I guess many people don't.
No. 1458226
>>1458219Honestly nona I don't think any of us could tell you what's going on but I would consult a psychologist and explain that to them if you really want some insight. It sounds like it's distressing you so that would be a good reason to reach out to a professional, in the meantime would it be possible for you to avoid anything to do with your current husbando?
>Everything I go through is processed and contextualised through the lens of my husbando.That is honestly so relatable though
No. 1458299
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Birth control questions..
Should I be on birth control?
I'm not currently active but if I am in a relationship again, unfortunately most men won't wear condoms and won't be careful. My period is inconsistent so it's hard to track fertility. I don't want to alter my hormones and affect my health in a bad way, I struggle to swallow pills and don't want the daily commitment, and I don't want to insert anything because it's painful and medicine is sadistic against women. So I think pills and iud are out. Does anyone know about the patch, ring, shot, or implant? I will also talk to a doctor about it when I decide, but I am a bit clueless now and want to think about it carefully. I have never been on birth control before.
No. 1458310
>>1458305There are plenty of anons here like that. I would say talk to a doctor, perhaps a female one if you're uncomfortable about it still.
I've been on the pill for issues with my cycle and not for the titular reason, and while my experience won't be the same as everyone else, I have never had an issue with "nasty pimples".
No. 1458355
>>1458299It's up to you. Personally I would take the pill if I was in an active sexual relationship with a man because I don't like pregnancy scares.
I didn't mind taking the pill, you get in the habit and it doesn't feel like any more of a commitment than brushing your teeth. I liked the person control it gave me; I could stock up and start/stop whenever I wanted. I have an IUD now and while I like it a lot for specific personal reasons having to do with PCOS, the fact that I have to go to a doctor to remove it does bother me in the back of my mind and it always has. I don't have weight or acne problems (any more so than my sisters who aren't on bc) but that's just me. I did find that certain pills seemed to affect the size of my breasts and hips but it fluctuated; I read this has something to do with the way estrogen affects fat cells (fyi my breasts and hips are smaller on hormonal bc, which is kind of a bummer).
I'm afraid of the shot, I hear too much negative feedback about it from women in my life. If I was in an
abusive marriage and needed a secret birth control method I would get it but other than that, no.
I think if anyone tells you bc has no side effects or risk they are lying, and if anyone tells you it's definitely going to give you cancer and "ruin" your hormones they are also lying. Talk to your doctor and if they're dismissive of your concerns talk to a different doctor.
No. 1458362
>>1458299No you shouldn't. Unless you have health issues that birth control alleviates, then you have no reason to be on it. Most men won't wear condoms because most men are careless degenerates - however from experience I can confirm that there are a very small percentage of males out there that eagerly wear condoms without you even having to suggest or say anything about it. That's because they are not retarded and also don't want children.
Stay off BC unless you really need it health-wise. There are an insane amount of side effects that come with using it, and I'm not talking acne or weight gain or feeling a little moody. It can, and has, fucked women up for years.
No. 1458365
>>1458362Samefag, at the end of the day there are of course going to be women that have had no issues with being on it but imo hormones are nothing to be fucked with unless it's medically necessary. Don't feel like at some point you
need to be on it because men throw tantrums about condoms - if he's not eagerly wanting to use protection for himself, he is not a man you should be having sex with. More men should be sterilised anyway.
No. 1458398
>>1458388Sell your items on mercari eBay or any other platform.
Ask for help from friends or family members.
Put it on your credit card. (Terrible but I'm exploring options)
Return items at the store that you don't need.
Yard sale
No. 1458408
>>1458388petty theft
perform eight $20 foot rubs
taskrabbit or uber type things probably (I have never)
facebook marketplace or craigslist if you have something to sell that is desirable
No. 1458533
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>>1458522see vid
just kidding. I'm not canadian sorry, maybe someone else can answer you No. 1458538
>>1458529lmao I have a ton of change that I use at vending machines and sometimes I leave small coins there for someone to find xD
I meant more online so I have something in my wallet. I do live streams sometimes and make money but it's unpredictable you know, since it's just a fun thing and sometimes people donate. I will still be streaming, it's like performance art.
No. 1458539
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>>1458522He may or may not be Fidel Castro's illegitimate son. Just kidding, I actually thought he was popular in Canada until a few months ago so I'd like to know too.
No. 1458558
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Are professional skin treatments and facials a meme? Do they just feel nice, and that's it? I spent like 10 years getting memed into the whole 8-step skincare routine thing, so now I'm questioning everything.
No. 1458565
>>1458447I discovered 4chan in 2008 and have used it pretty regularly until 2016. Overall, I had a lot of good and funny times on it and it's rare to say that a website made me cry laugh but 4chan did. Honestly it had its moments. I don't think it was as coomerish as it is today.
For example dark souls threads on /v/ used to be hilarious, if you dare to step into an elden ring thread on /v/ today literally everything you'd see would be coomer art, nothing else.
No. 1458566
>>1458558If you go to a professional, they will tell you what to do. I used to think it was just the things you do when your skin felt greasy and gross, but a friend of my mom did a course and such, she's passionate about skin care, so now that she knows what to do, she is able to tell others what works and what doesn't work for their skin.
Sure, it's not the same as visiting an actual dermatologist, but it works.
No. 1458577
>>1458572do you need it? get it
do you just want it? don't get it
No. 1458586
>>1458558You don't need to do 8 step shit everyday. But you should do weekly masks, and monthly treatments if you want. I wash my face with warm water every morning and night, hot if I take a bath and steam in the shower. I use facewash sparingly bc it can irritate skin, get a gentle one. I use a clay mask twice a week. I use a cariety of creams but only one at a time. Sometimes I use serums or essense but it makes little difference. I used to live in Korea which has a big industry, tried a lot of products, I can only recommend a few based on what worked for my sensitive skin. I also do not wear makeup regularly.
Skinfood has the most gentle facewash
Innisfree has great masks, I use clay mask
Both brands have nice creams like green tea, honey etc but I don't use daily
Snail cream is really great for eyes
Try to get ACE vitamins for your skin
Aloe, honey, clay also great
Chemical peels are alright
Never get botox or fillers, it destroys your skin
No. 1458591
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>>1458559samefag i think i figured it out..i had to change the time zone first, THEN the hours
No. 1458598
>>1458568Well it's both easy and difficult, especially if you are just starting. You have to get used to being on camera, everything is live so watch what you say and do. Sites have rules and braindead moderation so ppl get banned randomly, only the top people tend to get away with it. A lot if bans are bots automated and you usually don't hear back right away. Appeals don't work either. Be careful.
Best stream sites are Twitch and Tiktok. Twitch you just need small stats to get monetized but you can always put donations or outside links to earn money. Monetized means people can pay you through twitch itself but they take a cut, donations are yours (aha taxes) Streamers are live 4+ hrs. You need an audience and you have to stand out or have streamer friends to get noticed. Big streamers pay people to promote them, they have paid services to increases viewers, more viewers is more ad money, and the site only
promotes top streams so everyone with money does this, many have 0 viewers and earn nothing. You need to talk to chat, if not be visually very appealing.
Tiktok is way easier to get viewers, people like weird things, stream is pushed by likes but you can pay to promote. But viewer count doesn't earn money, only subs and gifts, and it is way harder to earn money on lives alone. I think lives are to promote videos for creator fund, so post videos and lives bring followers. Lives are shorter.
I earned way more on twitch, I had way more viewers on tiktok.
No. 1458603
>>1458598I ran out of space.
I mostly sit and chat with people on twitch, showing my legs, a lot of people came for that casual chat. I gamed with people, walked around, danced many things but the viewers did not come as much as just being legs, outside, chatting. Most money was one or two guys subbing and donating, then bits and ads a smaller number. My viewers told me I am often on in the background, or they just came home from work or school, they are lonely, it really is parasocial over there.
Tiktok I am as weird as I can be and I get thousands of viewers, but very little money in gifts. I actually do well by not talking to anyone. Everyone has a character they play, it's more creative.
No. 1458606
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Where the FUCK did I get pinworms?? I rarely interact with children. I wash my hands compulsively. What the FUCK. How long have I had them?? I want to cry
No. 1458637
>>1458629That's why you either enjoy what you are doing or you are braindead enough to stream all the time, but for a chance at making a lot of money if you market yourself well.
I would advice youtube as a passive income, at least you can edit, do a variety of content; and spend a lot less time on it.
No. 1458680
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Sisters is it true that lolcow now has a word limit per post????? if so, wow how shitty
No. 1458738
>>1458680Shatmin really ruined the site and made it even shittier in the process
I hate this bitch so much it's unreal
No. 1458741
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I have a friend and she can't access the website but I can, are the problems still going on?
No. 1458749
>>1458745It's not that I'm endorsing it for real, but if we
do need a character limit, we'd rather need it the other way round.
No. 1458755
>>1458741yes. tons of people can't access the site and there has so far been no explanation from the admin as to why there are still problems accessing the site.
it was supposed to be a DNS propagation issue that would resolve itself, but we're waaay past the number of days it would take for DNS issues to resolve themselves. (according to what I've been reading anyway)
most of the people who were in the bunker threads and couldn't access the website normally are accessing it via No. 1458847
File: 1672451213861.png (521.42 KB, 519x603, Schermafbeelding 2022-12-31 om…)

Does anyone know where this dress is from? It's beautiful, I love it!
No. 1458915
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anyone here does Youtube? any idea how to get started.
No. 1459033
>>1458915#1 make vidoe
#2 upload 2 yutub
#3 ????
#4 profit
No. 1459036
>>1458163This is straight up not true and he knows it, just listen to people who where actually sexually abused as children and not a scientific study done by science pedos. Both girls and boys grow up markedly disturbed even if they end up functioning at a high level, aka having a good job, family or talents, they still exhibit mental health issues. Many are addicted to drugs and alcohol or have psychological illness and many in lifelong therapy. Many are so disturbed it affects their ability to parent. Many do not ever recover and have difficulties their whole life.Anyone who says this is guaranteed to be a nonce, and the fact that the right wing are so obsessed with calling the left pedos and groomers (which they are sometimes) is pure psychological projection. If JP could have a 12 year old bride, he would. If Milo could have a 12 year old boyfriend, he would. They aren’t attracted to women, women are too mature for their tastes, not small enough, don’t make them feel powerful enough, don’t have the extreme youth ham that they fetishise.
No. 1459055
>>1459036>Anyone who says this is guaranteed to be a nonce, and the fact that the right wing are so obsessed with calling the left pedos and groomers (which they are sometimes) is pure psychological projection.You know I've always found this very funny because right wingers are always talking about how Le modern world is degenerate and we need to go back to "tradition" when it was more socially acceptable for moids to rape and beat their wives, and for an old scrote to rape a 13 year old girl or boy, only difference is that teen girls back then were forced to marry instead of being "sluts" and having sex before marriage. Somehow marriage makes it all acceptable I guess.
No. 1459056
>>1458978thank you!
>>1459042what do you mean? neoteny isn't a concept, it's just a thing. it's a biological term to mean retaining more features for developing slower. for example dogs are more neotenous than wolves, humans are more neotenous than apes. I agree men trying to say that women having childlike faces is what makes us attractive is straight up pedo shit, though. there's no reason why a woman having childlike features in one way or another would signal fertility, if anything it's the opposite, and I'm not sure why this is such a popular concept. actually creatures that are less neotenous become sexually mature a lot faster.
No. 1459100
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Does anyone else get sick when the weather rapidly changes? Like it gets suddenly warm or cold? Where I live it was cold as fuck and it got really hot all of the sudden and I feel so fatigued and have a headache. Idk if this is normal
No. 1459144
>>1457998looks: y2k, alternative punk/goth, hippie
personality: bubbly or total push over, could be normie, overly sexual or like "um…ok" when over sexual jokes are brought up but probably wont protest them
interests: netflix dramas, reality tv, competition tv, or vidya game, probably has her bf as the lock screen/background if it isnt a husbando or kawaii hot topic sort of character (sanrio, san x, pusheen, pastel stuff)
No. 1459232
>>1459056Neoteny is a biology concept but the way moids apply it is so disgusting to me. It's not just women who are neotenious it's men too, men are just retarded and want to prove everyone their degeneracy is
valid or whatever. I fucking hate moids
No. 1459233
>>1459144that's so sad
I'm bi and I'm gc/a stupid tomboy and I would never put anyone but cool art as my phone background
No. 1459256
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Do you recommend Google Calendar to organize habits and daily/monthly reminders (birthdays, cleaning time, check x thing) or there's better apps?
No. 1459269
>>1459261post it
>>1459256I never understood how google calendar works because it doesn't look like a normal calendar to me, plus why would you give that info to google…
No. 1459419
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Please could someone share their opinions on the different kind of kimchi? And which one is the "best" in their opinion? I know it's purely down to personal taste, but recommendations would be really greatly appreciated. I was also wondering, how do you know you've bought good kimchi? Are there any good brands that make it? I buy some from my local korean market but it always seems more watery than pastey like I see in some cookery videos.
No. 1459435
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this image was posted by an anon in the necro'd fakeboi thread. what website is this?
No. 1459452
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>>1459419My favorite is definitely cucumber, but I like them all. Aside from cucumber, my favorites are usually leafy ones (nira chives, scallion, sesame leaf, mustard leaf).
I know my kimchi is not very good when it's watery, too sour, too acidic or a combination of multiple of these.
No. 1459468
>>1459432I'll have to see if I can visit a market like this and buy it from a vendor. That sounds delicious.
>>1459452 cucumber sounds great. I recently tried the radish one and thought it was really yummy.
Do you think I could drain the jar I have now that is quite watery, and add some of the gochujang paste I bought?
No. 1459686
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So I have two husbandos for my first husbandos, one is pure last (Super mutants) the other is a genuine interest picrel, who do you think should be my husbando for 2023?
No. 1459759
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>>1459419I got this at a korean grocery store last month and it was really good. I like kimchee with fish too but I live with a vegetarian who was getting jealous of my fishy kimchee (in a nice way) so I got this to share and I might like it better.
No. 1459761
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>>1459686Listen to your clit, only she can guide you.
No. 1459773
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So I got these heels but both of the heels are a little worn with that screw kinda sticking out and I’m wondering if anyone has any idea of something I could to to fix it?? I really want to bring them back to life but I can’t think of anything to mend it
No. 1459784
>>1459773If you take your heels to a shoe store (like and honest to god shoe store not payless or something) they can easily replace the part of your heel that's missing and they do it all the time, it's not even expensive. When my friend told me she did this with all her worn-down heels it was a fucking revelation.
It was $8USD last time I got it done which was five years ago, so even with inflation it can't cost more than $20 now probably? lol
No. 1459856
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>>1459849Ohhhh no he doesn't, there are some episodes where he gets downright handsy with suspects.
No. 1459929
>>1459919yeah, older zoomer who's lived in both eras: now you're not allowed to like yaoi unless you identify as a trans man because it's "fetishistic and
problematic" also no one calls it yaoi anymore, they just call everything gay
No. 1460072
>>1460065He said that it forces him to really look at himself and reflect on his life and that he feels better after doing it. He has a pretty serious issue with anxiety so he's essentially using it to self-medicate.
I guess I just wish he'd tackle his anxiety issues in a different way. He's recently started therapy though. Idk I have this knee-jerk reaction to drugs because I would never ever use any so it feels scary to hear that he does it (somewhat) frequently.
No. 1460099
>>1460094Focus on something else as a ground technique. I name every school teacher I had. In order. Over and over again. Like a chant to give me something to focus on.
Use one earbud in one ear. The difference in sound helps tell your brain to recheck your audio cues again and can help you stay grounded.
Breathe. 5-2-7 in for five. Hold for two. Out for seven seconds. It over oxygens your brain and helps reset your brain chemistry
No. 1460154
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>>1460144depends on where you live. usually your local post office will have a display to choose from. they might have a website too.
last time I went I got cowboy stamps
No. 1460169
>>1460155hi yes thank you this is good
>>1460163I don't draw, just looking to journal. i feel like moleskines are overrated and wanted to give something else a try.
No. 1460529
>>1458299I've tried the (mini)pill, the patch, the nuvaring and with them all it came down to the exact same issue.. I went from having pretty mild and manageable mental health issues to having a whole new world of issues while on them. Being actively suicidal and in crisis. My sex drive would disappear and the relationship would be falling apart from my mental state anyway. Then the doc would say to just keep taking it for longer to see if it eventually passes. To take an antidepressant on top?
Then I ran into an issue where a family history of breast cancer and high blood pressure worried docs more than any of those psych issues ever did. Aswell as risk factors increasing with age. The only options I haven't tried yet are off limits to me anyway for health reasons. I've exhausted my options and I'm kind of relieved that the option is gone tbh. I know not everyone has that much difficulty with bc but I wish I'd never put myself through so many rounds of trial and error.
No. 1460625
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>>1460580Me. Milk used to make me shart, now that I quit drinking it, I am normal and living my best life!
No. 1460661
>>1460580Yeah. Damage to my intestine caused it to be too hard to digest.
>>1460625Good for you anon. That gif is so cute ♥
No. 1460703
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I am trying to learn how to cook more varied recipes, what are some recipes i could make that are easy and tasty?
No. 1460762
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How linear is the vn ver of higu?
No. 1460933
>>1460823how long is the distance between your jaw and armpit kek. my hair also grows fast, and that would take like 6 months for me so hopefully nona is the same!
>>1460814maybe layers or cutting your bangs shorter will make it looks longer. right now you're still expecting it to look like something else, but once you settle into your new hair you'll feel better.
No. 1460994
>>1460712Ditto on what the other nonas said about insemination etc. Also dairy cows are killed when they stop producing, which takes 2.5-6 years. Cows don't produce milk their whole life. They aren't turned out onto a pasture to chew cud in peace, they're processed for their meat and hide as soon as they stop making milk or if they don't make enough milk.
Normal cow life expectancy is 15-25 years.
No. 1461078
>>1461075the thing is i don't believe its misophonia. i say this because i have experienced misophonia before, and it feels like an intense annoyance at stuff like chewing. this other thing to me feels like motion sickness, it's a deep internal dread and nausea. when i look at the tide approaching and receding, i feel very deeply that something is wrong and I have to let myself get distracted by something else so that it won't bother me anymore.
i don't know if it gets worse with stress, but it does get worse if im already overstimualted. but i don't believe it's misophonia, which is annoying bc thats the only thing google gives me results for lol
No. 1461099
>>1461088nothing majorly traumatic, that im aware of anyway. i have in the past wondered if its OCD, but the thing is i don't really experience much else that's indicative of OCD. you're right though that i would one day like to get to the root of it to hopefully bring me some peace - for now the best thing i can do is find other distractions whenever possible, and that usually helps.
thank you nonna, it helps knowing theres other people similar to me out there
No. 1461134
>>1461071>The person sending checks is busy as fuck too and barely replies to me except to say every suggestion I have won't work. They are holding the money, the checks will probably expire soon. >It's all inheritance money. Pretty sure you have to talk to this person more. They aren't sending it to you in a currency you can use. Tell them a USD paper check is useless to you. They can cancel the check and wire the money to your bank account, a US check isn't currency everywhere.
If all else fails get a lawyer and make them talk to the lawyer handling the estate of whoever died (RIP).
No. 1461177
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How many nonny is childfree?
No. 1461192
>>1461120No because I did not have a registered residence for 5 years, I haven't had a bank account since then. Funny I used to have a few, and now they're all closed, don't have the bank info or cards, and my name has changed since then. I used cash or online wallets. When I had a chance to be in the US I tried every bank and was rejected, and ended up with Chime because I thought I understood it would work abroad, but only the card works, and I cannot add money to it. I also thought I would get my residence with id and bank here sooner. So now I am in purgatory in a way
>>1461134I am also not sure why she sent checks but I just said sure whatever, the money should be on hold anyway. She tried to transfer the money domestically and Chime rejected it. That really blindsided me. I keep blaming myself as if I didn't prepare but how can I prepare for everything to go wrong all the time.
No. 1461259
>>1461194Lots of options here:
You can be walked down the aisle by your mom and dad. You can walk it by yourself. I know people who have done both options. Or you can make your finance walk down the aisle, with one or both parents. Then you go. Or you can both walk down it together.
No. 1461429
How do you make a ridiculously pampered bath? I’ve got one of my favorite bath bombs and usually put music on, but what else should I do to bathmaxx?
>>1461291You should lock your bank cards (if that’s possible with your bank) and contact the bank so they can document the theft and do whatever else needs to be done.
No. 1461534
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What does this mean? its not on my picture by the way I’m just nosy
No. 1461545
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nonnies, is it possible for someone to suffer chronic dehydration in spite of drinking enough water? starting to get extremely suspicious because I felt so much better than usual after taking electrolytes. like, I finally felt kind of human for the first time in months.
No. 1461560
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>>1461545maybe you just needed the salt, nonti.
No. 1461570
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For those who have actually been there, what are fujos/husbandofags like in bed? Their posts on here make me think they’d be lunatics but I wonder if that’s really true
No. 1461587
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>>1461583I worked in a hotel and when guests smoked in the room we used deodorizer sprays (odoban is one that can be purchased by anyone, some were industrial use only) and a giant ozone machine like picrel to clear the smell.
One time a smoking guest sealed all the cracks around the doors and ran the shower on hot full blast until the entire room was thick with steam. When it cleared the smell was completely gone, we didn’t even charge them the smoking fee because there was no proof lol. Apparently that works well.
No. 1461733
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I mean this unironically but is everyone who is like heavily invested in sonic or like super into it autistic?
Every single thing I've seen of the sonic fandom is completely fucking unhinged for a children's videogame where the goal is to hold right but like, for longer than mario would because he's FAST
No. 1461836
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where can i watch movies online 4 free without viruses pls
No. 1461838
>>1461733The three pillars of autism, planes, trains, sonic games
Transistor radios, fnaf, furryism and frog plushes should prob get a shoutout too.
No. 1461918
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>>1461906creative re-use stores sometimes take them or you can make an art project yourself
No. 1461970
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Are there any exmuslims there? It rather, I know there are a few of us, but I'd like to know how you're living through this, how conservative the countries you're from and your familiers are, etc. Are there interesting websites where I can read about exmuslims venting and talking about their personal experiences?
No. 1461976
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>>1461946me and my baby in singapore
No. 1461993
>>1461946I don't know much about Singapore, but between the UK and the US, definitely the UK. My fiancé could get a job in the US and make a shitload of money but we both refuse to live there, more me than him. American society is so brainwashed, consumerist, degraded, perverted. Religion is too prevalent, from politicians wanting to ban abortions because of it to doctors making circumcision a norm.
I know UK isn't great either, but at least there it would be easier to immigrate to a decent country in europe later on if it gets too shitty.
Physically I wouldn't fit in in Singapore so I'm scared my kid could get bullied/discriminated.
No. 1462048
>>1461946I'd spend time in the US or Singapore making shitloads of money, settle down in the UK to have the kid, and encourage my kid to repeat the same cycle.
t. currently halfway through this process
No. 1462054
Pharmaceutical companies are big business and medicine isn't real, I used to work for families that were in pharma companies and they said it's not real it's mostly placebo and marketing, they need people to be sick. And my family does work in government, there are photos and articles with my ggf and the bush family together, they were friends, he knew reagan family too. They have passed but I still have an uncle working in law, who worked as nepo government lawyer and now is a criminal defense lawyer. Yet whenever I say this people think I'm making it up and I get censored, I am not I just choose to maintain my privacy. My family is large so wouldn't know me, I myself am not a part of this and not even in the states anymore, but I am also ostracized. My father threatened me for saying the US was as wrong as Japan during the war for bombing them. My own grandmother tried to put me in an asylum for being sad one day, imagine if they hear me saying this. They already hate me anyway.
But my point is that I always feel like targeted in a way. I see others post nonsense conspiracy theories, or the same truths, and their videos aren't removed. I said such simple things and got violations and bans from social media, but they always tried to frame it as something else.
No. 1462099
>>1462090okay, thats good to hear. thanks for the reassurance
nonny ♥
No. 1462204
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So I recently went to my uncle's house and I talked to my cousin about some of my exes, we know each other well and I trust him but then he began saying things like "you are definitely more on the attractive side", "you are just really fun to talk to" and "I bet a lot of girls wish they had a body like yours" and I'm feeling a bit confused.
What do you think, was my cousin flirting with me or was he trying to cheer me up?
No. 1462392
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>>1462377platinum white/silver bob that's a little short with a blowout to make it rounded. had that in my mid-twenties and everyone thought I was an old lady from the back.
No. 1462407
>>1462372So are the other days spotting?
>>1462388No I love it, that's why I asked
No. 1462432
>>1462424show her a video of him being a raging asshole. record him in secret if you have to.
probably an insane idea you shouldn't do but I think that would work on me.
No. 1462470
>>1462464My thought too, have you had Covid recently
>>1462462 ?
No. 1462496
>>1456052Anyone know good dry shampoos for kitties? I have a long hair manx who doesn’t like to bathe herself. She loves to be brushed at least! My older who cat used to bathe her died recently. I figured it would help her be less grungy.
If there is a pet care thread on this board and I missed it let me know.
No. 1462521
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>>1462496I use picrel, it's actually a foam but you rub it in and brush it out. It smells nice and it doesn't bother my cat at all.
No. 1462566
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Have any nonnas here rejected any men recently? If yes, how were things and what led to you breaking things off? How did the guy take it?
No. 1462597
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My ex and I left things in a really weird grey area the last time we legitimately talked. We haven’t talked in two months until he texted me Happy New Year. No birthday or Christmas text but he picked NYE. What does it mean?
No. 1462602
>>1462566Not too recently but men never take it well.
I just say honestly I have no interest, all I can sense from men is this desperation for sex and validation from women, with nothing to offer but hoping getting you good will make you want them, it doesn't make me feel anything, it has no benefit to me. I actively avoid men as much as possible. As of now I only talk to my landlords family and the local shop employees.
Last I talked to my ex we just tried to have nice conversation and it was south fast, so many feelings there, so we just don't talk anymore.
No. 1462667
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Are fetishes really permanent? Am I really stuck with the strange and fucked up fetishes I memed myself into developing during my porn addiction? (Been using porn for 9 years and stopped almost 2 years ago, but my fetishes are still here
Can i ever become normal again?
No. 1462676
>>1462667No you can fix them, but its not as simple as quitting cold turkey, you have to retrain your brain patters essentially, believe me, I was into really fucked up and violent porn cause I had my own issues and even when I tried quitting porn, It never worked long term
by replacing my urges with more Vanilla Porn, I fixed myself
I'd go from periods of not watching porn at all(3 days) then use my pre-downloaded vanilla porn once a day for 5 days total, then I'd stop watching for 9 days and repeated the same schedule with 5 days, even when I'd fail, I would still always use the vanilla porn
eventually 9 went to 12, then to 15, to 20, then to 30, then 40 and finally after 45 I was finally healed
No. 1462899
>>1462655Read the rules linked at the top of the page but also read this to lurk and integrate before posting
No. 1463173
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What does ‘ cookie monster pajama pants girl’ mean?
No. 1463180
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>>1463173I just associate it with this meme
No. 1463204
>>1463182I can try? Like whispering asmr
>>1463188"this video is dedicated to you my biggest fan: anonymous"
No. 1463232
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>>1463223Hmm, I think so! These were the first ones I ever saw back in 2015
No. 1463509
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Why do spiders keep appearing every time I think of them? Is there a nest inside my house? Am I subconscionously manifesting them? Help
No. 1463538
anonita bonita
No. 1463552
>>1463456I agree with
>>1463476Just an FYI and this may or may not be something you want to do but as a grown child of
abusive parents I wish someone had told me when I was 4 that it's not okay for dad to hit you and he is bad and wrong for doing that and it's not because he loves you and it's not because you did anything wrong. When you're 4 you just believe everything your parents say and it took me years to unlearn some things I was told. She may or may not remember you telling her but it couldn't hurt.
How her mother reacts could change everything. That's the first step. Tell the mother.
No. 1463560
>>1463536honestly I laughed
Idk my face shape maybe oval or diamond
>>1463543hm right if I drive a moped and it's also for flying license so might be a good idea
No. 1463563
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>>1463551Help me nonnas! This is what i have so far (will reorder them once i got more)
No. 1463590
>>1463563If she likes newer charli xcx: used to know me, constant repeat, hot girl, what you think about me
>>1463578Kiss n tell is another really good Kesha song
No. 1463610
>>1463563Rescue by Lucinda Williams
Virgin by Flower Face
Miss Me More by Kelsea Ballerini
I Saw the Light by Wynonna Judd
No. 1463648
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What's the name of this type of fabric? It's polyester, but the specifics
No. 1463651
>>1463649I looked up chiffon, but couldn't find it like that, as in… Full of folds? In japanese they just call it like that (しわ)
I also looked for "pleated", but nothing. I guess I just need the right terminology, but it's been frustrating
No. 1464223
>>1464215I would love to make a sourbread but I don't have the right cooking pans for it, I am in a rental in a small kitchen. I was going for flat bread to cook on the stovetop but now I worry it will stick.
So it's actually been resting for 25 mins and it is a bit less sticky. I will just see how this goes, if it becomes more doughy. Will post results if edible.
No. 1464281
>>1464230>>1464233>>1464245Yeah checked it again and it was the same so I started cooking. I tested a small amount bc my brain keeps thinking it will stick. Nope it cooked fine and tasted it, we have got bread!! My first batch looks wonky but I will show you the next one. It's really more like roti, I just didn't have any oil and didn't want a whole bottle for one more week. Also I've made bread with a machine before but I wanted the real deal.
I'm a baker now ;)
(;)) No. 1464321
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what platform was this poll posted on? anyone any clue? twitter?
No. 1464390
>>1464354Not an expert but in that case using the comma reads easier and looks more natural - it is clear it’s not a typo, and also reflects the emphasis you would use saying it out loud. I normally wouldn’t use it with “had had” though which is the probably the most common case of repeating a word.
>He had had a fright. >He had, had a fright.The second example I would only use if I was really emphasising one of the hads.
No. 1464468
>>1464463That's even less bad, it's been barely any time at all so wtf are you panicking about? I'd understand some anxiety if you ghosted him like, months ago, but in this situation not only is your excuse completely understandable it's only been a few days and he probably doesn't give a shit unless he's a clingy psycho.
It sounds like you need to worry more about your clearly evident social anxiety than what this dude thinks of you forgetting to reply for a short period of time.
No. 1464524
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Who is "Daddy's Little Porkchop" and why do half of these banners make me feel like I'm on a porn site?
No. 1464535
anyone know or think they may know?
No. 1464573
>>1464426if you weren't fighting or anything and you're adults with lives and she didn't send you a lot of serious messages you never answered it should be fine. unless you're leaving something out. might need more details to advise you further.
I would reach out, but I wouldn't expect a response (you did ghost after all).
No. 1464578
>>1464575he wants you.
also lmao why are you laughing at him? you were just shitting bricks over messaging him.
No. 1464596
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Is Cher okay? What’s going on with her? Is something wrong with her or is she just being a boomer on social media? Her tweets read like an unhinged breakdown
No. 1464619
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Can someone help me find the artist who makes drawings like this? They're mostly of some ugly fucker posing with a cute anime boy.
No. 1464748
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>>1464730Omg this just unlocked an old memory, I remember the “it is a mystery” smiley from my old somethingawful days, and there was another one I remember from the byob board where the ghosts’ eyes were flipped so it looked wall-eyed and it said “it is a mistwee” and it made me cry laughing, I couldn’t ever find it after that
No. 1464766
>>1464753Thanks anon! I'm aware that appetite increases when you start working out
I'm one of those people who work out madly for 3 weeks and then drop it but I've never felt this hungry. I'll try adding more protein. I have broccoli, chicken and eggs as my protein sources and thought it would be enough, but I was wrong kek.
No. 1464849
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Do you gain weight if you constantly get diarrhea from eating stuff you’re “allergic” to? I’m lactose and gluten intolerant and get diarrhea a lot I wonder if that’s kind of like ass bulimia?
No. 1464868
>>1464784Oh god anon, I have a few lmao
Clubbed to Death by Rob Dougan. Dream is Collapsing by Hans Zimmer. The Son of Flynn by Daft Punk. Lacrimosa Dominae. Ebla by E.S. Posthumus. Navras by Juno Reactor. Icarus by Michael McCain.
No. 1465095
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Am I depressed? These last few days I've been feeling very angry and upset. I've been crying over miniscule stuff and also literally everything annoys me. I'm always tired, got a headache, my body aches. I'm not on my period so I don't think it's a hormonal thing. Asking because I can't access therapy.
>>1464849I have a food intolerance too. Diarrhea can make you lose water weight, but you'll immediately gain it after eating.
No. 1465215
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>>1465180Get color block sneakers that have beige and white. I don't really like most black sneakers because they can look really ugly.
No. 1465262
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how do you deal with gynaecologist appointments/pap smears when you have sexual trauma? like, how are you even meant to approach it when the thought of having a stranger inspect your vagina with a speculum just triggers all of the shit that happened to you?
my brain instantly associates penetration with pain after many uncomfortable and pressured sexual experiences by scrotes. the only thing I can handle is tampons and my own fingers, even using a dilator is emotional sometimes. I turned 25 a few days ago and I'm already getting texts from the NHS telling me to book a pap smear but it's with a nurse and i have no clue how to even handle this situation.
i know that i have to get this smear test done, but at the same time i'd rather not leave the doctors feeling violated and traumatised all over again.
No. 1465272
>>1465262Hey nonna! Ok, so first dont be afraid to be like “hey, before we start, I am nervous and I dont know what to expect.” And then you should let them know penetration
triggers you. Seriously. Just be forward. It gives the doc/nurse an opportunity to work slower or differently. They will navigate it with you.
Also, can you ask a loved one or friend to be in there with you? They dont have to see whats happening, but they could distract you with conversation.
If there is a planned parenthood or similar, go there. I find the care is kinder but that may be a singular experience.
No. 1465380
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Are red bedrooms ugly, or would it be kinda slay in a tacky way? I want a sexy Don Lothario bedroom. Maybe leopard print sheets and some incense. Tired of the all-white plant mom stuff.
No. 1465398
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>>1465380Sexy provided you get this essential furniture to complete the look
No. 1465416
>>1465058>Why the fuck do women on this site like to shit on other women so do you think this site was created kek. it's right in the name.
>>1465114nah at least we don't have a million
>tfw no bfposts and posts about dating 40+ year old men
No. 1465477
>>1465473>>1464321Are there even any other sites that do polls? reddit, but it doesn't look like reddit.
might it be a phone app?
No. 1465507
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>>1465359No but I thought penises were retractable into the body kind of like when dogs randomly have it poking out and that guys had sex by lining up their penis hole thing with a vagina and retracting and pushing out their penises with some kind of muscle which is..really bonkers now that I consider it
No. 1465510
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Have any of you found out your terrible skin was being caused by something unexpected? I basically have 50 or so cysts, pimples, and unhealed scars on my face right now and my skin has only gotten worse in the past months. I tried tretinoin, not doing anything, etc…nothing worked. Already spent so much time and research trying to fix my skin.
And I'm getting up in the years so I don't understand why my acne is worse than ever. I always have had bad skin, just…not this bad.
Also I quit dairy and sugar already.
No. 1465678
>>1465456this is hilarious nona
>>1465482 I agree, we should have some thread about weird misconceptions we had when we were kids
No. 1465940
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>>1465881>after>about toSo before or after, which is it anon????
No. 1466358
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Does dancing at a club get interpreted as flirting? How do I go clubbing without being seen this way? Can you dance with strangers without them assuming you want them?
>be me
>finally in le 18+ age group
>therefore i can do ALL things
>have never been clubbing
>dress in my finest handsomest black shirt and jeans
>now at the club with my friend
>turn on light up skechers
>swag activated
>drink some vodka (mummy's yass juice)
>ready to go
>start dancing with people, jumping in strobe lights
>my friend gets offered ketamine, she denies (we're british so this is normal)
>my friend (experienced clubber) starts snogging a random guy (do people do this at clubs?)
>his friend is there
>seems chill and we vibed
>i think we both start shuffle dancing, apparently i was doing an 'irish jig', and we're dancing together
>he asks to do kissing
>i say im gay (true) but you're a real g
>leave because i feel like i ruined the vibe by not wanting to kiss (bc he's male)
>i don't really know where to go since my friend is sucking face for the whole evening
>mainly just jump up and down with random people for four hours and it's still really fun
Can someone tell me what you're supposed to do at clubs, or what you personally do at clubs? I accidentally picked up a really cute girl with bpd but because of said bpd behaviour we are not in contact anymore. Are you supposed to go in groups? I wish I knew girls I could club with, I just want to dance like a retard.
No. 1466489
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Do you think our Moz is more likely to be gender critical or a troon supporter?
No. 1466569
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Anons when you see posts like these, how many “x hours ago” before you scroll? I am cautious if it’s <4 hours ago.
No. 1466639
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Where is this from ?
No. 1466642
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>>1466583>>1466584>>1466640what about Indians, most North Indian are actually the descendants of many Aryan settles over 3000 years ago, some are pure most are mixed but they aren't technically the first people as Dravidians inhabited the region first
No. 1466929
>>1466918Could it be the same people reposting? I've been accused of stealing stories when in fact, I posted both times. Could be the case
No. 1466937
>>1466843What's your tax rate that the amount you are charging will be considerably taken by taxes? If your taxes are high enough that will make a big difference, then you probably have a higher chance of being audited.
If you're just starting to think of renting a room out now, you won't have to decide about your tax situation until next year in 2024 when you have to file.
I highly doubt someone would report you. If you're renting it illegally, they rented it illegally. This happens all the time and unless you somehow screw this person over or they're a shitbag, they'll probably appreciate the cheap deal you got them. For all apartments, much more so if you are sharing a living space, you should be more concerned with where you will advertise and how you will background check this person.
No. 1467043
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Do you always get low iron levels after a heavy period? I just had mine and it was quite heavy and I feel tired and a bit short of breath like even the usual chores feel more physically demanding.
No. 1467077
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Can someone explain this to me, is this a genuine thing or a shitpost ?
No. 1467116
>>1467099my brother is 5'11 and 180 and he's fit, not skinny in anyway
maybe its an american thing
No. 1467121
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>>1467099That's what I used to think, too, but if you weigh over 200 pounds you're overweight even if you're 6ft+. You'd have to be 6'4" (or 6'1" if you go by the new BMI) to not to be on the cusp between a healthy and overweight BMI. I was surprised when I found how comparatively little even giant humans are supposed to weigh lmao.
No. 1467124
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>>1467121The one I used say its overweight. And I'll believe it.
No. 1467196
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Nonnies, what job would work in the short-term for a complete loser with a social disability, difficulty physically talking because of a jaw deformity, and health issues? I had some troubles in my family and while I do have a side gig (selling stuff online), it turns out I might not really have the time to flesh it out, I need to get more money ASAP.
And yes I hate myself for not getting a full-time job years ago now. Sigh.
No. 1467202
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>>1467196Digitalizing (scanning) books, documents and other sorts of things people like to look at in online libraries. No talking, just scanning and most of the time you sit. Did it for like 4 months. If you're in a second world or third world country, it's possible there's a job where you have to touch up and process the images.
No. 1467304
File: 1673212090558.jpg (35.87 KB, 598x598, 1648335273159.jpg)

Should I suggest to my mom (53 years old) that she set up an online dating profile?
she separated a year ago after a nearly 20 year long marriage. Since then, she's been dating coworkers which I think sucks because they're bad looking appearance-wise and also just bad for her work environment (case in point when she broke up with one, she declined a promotion and change of shift/department which would've improved so much for her only because he would work there too). She's also been in an off-and-on relationship with my step-dad since they separated. I snapped a while ago and told her he was just using her and she took my advice and has put more distance. I guess I feel bad about that and should've stayed out of it but it just really angered me she would just let him continue to take advantage of her. She has recently started dating another coworker. I think she's doing it for validation, my step-dad eroded her self-esteem. Would it be a bad idea? I have no clue what online dating for people in their 50's is like but i think it'd be nice for her to have more men to choose from etc, and go on nice dates and so on. idk
No. 1467362
>>1467304I don't think you should but it seems like your mom has much bigger problems than dating she needs to address. I see this a lot with women; I don't wanna judge cuz I have my own issues, though it's like women with bad self-esteem issues often flipflop from one man to another and this is a self-eating process because it's more likely than not being with men will erode her self-esteem. Most women don't find a man that actually enriches her soul and life, even if the momentary hits of validation are addictive.
Also online dating is a hellpit at the moment and I wouldn't wish it upon her or any woman.
No. 1467378
>>1467362How old are you?
Thing is I think it's too late for her to learn to be fine by herself after a lifetime of emulating what she was taught. I know sounds awful and maybe I'm wrong but I want her to at least go out on dates with more handsome men, and hopefully creates a connection along the way with one of them.
No. 1467401
>>1467378I have regularly seen other women change, even in their twilight years…even if they were dating since they were 12 to 40, many end up finding that after months of deprioritizing men and chasing other interests they feel massive amounts of relief because what ailed them was feeling like they had to be a commodity perpetually in the rat race–which ironically puts them in an even worse place to be dating. It might not seem so, but as people, we adapt to our circumstances and we aren't as rigid as we seem.
Also I'm in my mid 20s and I've just seen hordes of women severely regret forcing men to be in their lives when they are falling apart.
No. 1467459
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Should I document my journey of learning how to sew? Upload on youtube And shit? Like, how many sewers start a channel knowing very little? Idk just might be dumb enough to do it
ill make a cow dress one day, promise
No. 1467480
>>1467124>>1467121BMI doesn't take into consideration muscle mass vs body fat percentage so it's not really a
valid tool to go off of kek
No. 1467543
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Does anyone that sell on ebay struggle with getting engagement on there? I just started. On my other website I regularly get tons of likes, views, etc, even when I was first starting off. Most of my items have sold, but on ebay there's been 0 clicks for my many items. I know I shouldn't really care cuz I'm open to having the listings up for months though I find the lack of anything awkward.
No. 1467562
File: 1673236907813.jpeg (112.55 KB, 839x445, 4A1A509C-655A-45DA-9565-91E380…)

How do I make the photo mode work on the honmaru in the pirated Touken Ranbu Warriors I downloaded for my PC? I can't seem to find the controls that lets me use the photo mode, I keep poking Hasebe and making him freak out but I just want to take a picture of Mikazuki's feet.
No. 1468010
>>1467929It would be a better scam to say they you never got them. Even if the delivery guy takes a picture of them on your porch, Amazon is usually really forgiving about porch pirates.
>>1467939Noise cancelling headphones are going to be your best bet.
You stop your incision a couple millimeters above where the foreskin meets the shaft. The skin will heal enough that there won't be a noticable ridge.
No. 1468022
File: 1673287775412.png (Spoiler Image,171.27 KB, 640x574, Plastibell Steps.png)

>>1467939I can answer your second question,
nonny! But only partially. There's a couple of different methods to circumcision, but I'm only familiar with the plastibell method. It's essentially this:
>Apply topical anesthetic >Use forceps to gently stretch foreskin away from head of the penis then skin is snipped>Foreskin is stretched over sterile plastic cup>Ring on plastic is secured with a string to stop blood flow>Plastic cup stays on for a few days until foreskin falls off naturallyVery oversimplified, but that's more or less it lol.
No. 1468065
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Should I eat the other half of this bagel I bought for lunch or save it for tomorrow? It has tuna salad and a bunch of veg in it.
No. 1468071
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>>1468068Here you go
nonnie!! Enjoy!!!
No. 1468082
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>>1468071oh my god!!!
nonny you are too generous!! we can share! i love you!!!
No. 1468149
>>1467996ok good, thank you
>>1468026i did not
No. 1468153
>>1467595Actually I'm mostly selling books and games.
For example, one of the books is extremely rare (200$~) and the other listings have several watchers even though they're a higher price, but my post has gotten 0 views in a week. I have a few rare games up that follow a similar trend…extremely high traffic for other postings, mine is invisible. I have all the descriptions up, etc.
I'll look more into SEO phrasing because seems like it'd help, though, I didn't know descriptions were that good for the algorithm.
>>1467607Isn't that a special service for serious businesses? I'm not quite there. I'll add more shipping options, though.
No. 1468164
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What are some good places to hide stuff in your own house? See picrel and similar stuff. I know about using pockets on my clothes in my closet, but can't really think of much else.
No. 1468175
How do I gain more confidence with wearing whatever I want? I bought some pink and white shoes recently but I feel like I look like an e-girl (don't want to) even though I really like them. I've been wearing the same outfits/colors for years so going out of my comfort zone feels kind of weird. Maybe I need to wear them to friends' houses first or just fucking get over myself kek.
>>1468164Depends on how big it is but if it fits into a DVD/CD case it's cool (unless you play them all the time kek). If you have childhood dolls left you can hide it in their heads. Also if you have multiple bags, put one you don't wear in your closet and bury it under some clothes.
No. 1468188
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>>1468164I tuck paper money into a clean sanitary pad, seal it back up and keep it with the rest of my period products. You could also buy a stash can like pic rel. There are a range of different products and brands which generally look convincing.
No. 1468321
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>>1468308In the discord Shaymin said more farmhands have been recruited, but if they have there's nothing to show for it. There's more retarded infights and baiting and newfags than ever especially in /w/, the grimes thread, unpopular opinions, and the anime thread. I don't think I've seen any redtexts in a good week and Shaymin's changed her discord name to shatmin and disappeared off the internet again. Nothing new has come from the discord in a while. After the failed update genuinely thought for a minute that Shaymin learned from her mistake of not communicating with her userbase but it's gone right back to the usual raids and cp and farmhands and admin forgetting the site exists.
No. 1468354
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Anyone here heard of infinity hoops? How do they work? I don't get how they're supposed to help someone lose weight.
No. 1468356
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>>1468321she changed her name again several days ago. she now identifies as
No. 1468358
>>1468354it's just a hula hoop with training wheels
if you do it enough it'll burn calories like any aerobic exercise
No. 1468360
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>>1468357>the ball creates resistance when you circle your hips. so your core muscles are pushed more.…did you buy one?
No. 1468367
File: 1673317523161.jpg (84.38 KB, 730x941, wifi turtel shaymin.jpg)

How did Wifi#9652 become the new lolcow point of contact on discord for farmhand applicants?
I don't use discord much and I'm sure they're active in other servers but all I can see if they made one post in the bunker discord and then a week later they were in charge
No. 1468608
>>1468600>Would you agree to be someone’s girlfriend, if you didn’t know that person well?no
>Why do men ask me to be their girlfriend without making any effort at all to get to know me?they're retarded and feel entitled to any woman they see
>Is this some elaborate way of trying to get me to fuck them?always is
No. 1468752
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Anons with art history degrees or with friends/loved ones who have art history degrees, where did you/they end up working?
No. 1468755
>>1466358kek nona you sound like so much fun, I love dancing around like a retard
>turn on light up skechers>swag activatedaudibly kek'd
No. 1468767
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>>1468727gonna say something controversial and choose The Land Before Time. it gets plenty of credit for making children cry lol, but no one ever mentions how the animation is primo. the fluid motions of the dinosaurs gets you more immersed in the tragedy and drama
No. 1468776
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>>1468727the thief and the cobbler
No. 1469110
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>>1469086The site got really glitched so that nobody could log in with their account. The admin said she was gonna update the software for the site to fix the glitch, but I guess eventually she wasn't bothered to do it and just gave up and shut it down
No. 1469140
Am I stupid for feeling this way? I feel bad because there's just so many people who can start social media, seem to effortlessly make content and get popular really quickly. They always look perfect, good at makeup, styled well, confident, and get all this attention. Meanwhile when I try I barely get views, my content doesn't get shown to people, I get striked or banned, and I don't know how to do makeup or how to look good. I know it's just social media and doesn't matter but these people make a ton of money, I have bad anxiety and I struggle so much to get work and survive and I want to just make money at home too, and I just can't. I am so awkward and ugly and unlikeable, it fails everytime, I can't make it. And it reminds me of growing up, how hard it was for me and how easy others had it, and they have it easy all over again. What the hell…. how the hell do they do this I don't get it I just don't…..
No. 1469229
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I fell on my right side while biking yesterday night. I don't think I hit my head, but the area above my left ear is a little sore and I feel a little foggy. Does this sound like a mild concussion symptom?
No. 1469485
>>1469447I'll assume by 'nice' you mean light, short vids covering basic history.
Tasting History and Townsends are staples for the history of food, I like to fall alseep to them sometimes. History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday is a channel focused on royal history, plus some inetersting series about womens' history. If you like typical "history-history" (scrote history) The Great War and Oversimplified cover a lot of conflicts and general era timelines, with The Great War having an episodic structure and going into detail about smaller wars over the course of ww1/2. Extra Credits has some good stuff, too.
There are history channels that shitpost a lot and i wouldn't call their content purely educational, like Karolina Zebrowska (the only fashion historian yt-er i geniunely like and dont find annoying), AlternateHistoryHub and KnowledgeHub. If you were to really stretch the definition of history youtubers, Sam O'Nella's channel has some vids about small historical personalities/events that you would usually find on a Wiki binge or presented as a reddit-y "TIL" fact.
No. 1469550
File: 1673453345663.png (1.09 MB, 1200x701, OriginalGBwebsite.png)

Would it be silly to create a website for providing information for expats but also for monetization purposes?
I see foreigners who moved to my country asking around on various forums about things like how to naturalize their driving licenses and other things about living in this country. Since it's a small country where not many people speak English and there is not much information available in English, I though about creating a sort of FAQ page/expat info page and putting ads on it. Do you guys think this is a good idea?
No. 1469651
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do you consider having a crush while in a relationship to be emotional cheating? does it just depend on severity, whether it's secret/ one-sided/ mutual/ acted upon or not, whether your crush is just physical/ shallow or emotional, those kinds of factors? I am going through a bit of a life crisis bc of mine and would like a general nonny opinion poll before even describing what my own personal sitch is lol
No. 1469706
>>1469651I think it could say something about the relationship you're in now, like there's a subconscious need that isn't being met and your mind is scoping out others who could fulfill that need. It could be something small or big.
I developed a crush on an internet friend I would talk almost daily to for 5 years while we were both in a long term relationship, it basically grew into a crush 4 years in.
My relationship with my boyfriend at the time was a lesson learned, he didn't want to do anything and would spend majority of his time drinking and smoking and sleeping or eyes glued to a video game and he would talk about how he hated the world and everyone was against him almost daily. I felt like I couldn't open up to him often.
From my perspective, my internet friend was someone who would go out and do things every weekend, we were into similar things, he was a doctor, he owned a house with acres of land, he briefly talked of his plans of becoming a father in a few years. I basically admired something I was not going to have with my boyfriend at the time. When I broke up with my boyfriend, I let my friend know of the feelings I had for him and I wanted to get them off my chest to be able to move on and we're good now. I have a current boyfriend who meets the expectations I have and even more. Will another crush develop in the future? Who knows. But I've learned to be more communicative with my boyfriend, or rather, he has the ability to communicate and take feedback, which is crucial.
No. 1469844
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sorry for being so out of touch, what the fuck does aiden even mean? I've seen it constantly for the past months and I never really saw it a year ago. I can't tell if it's some sort of weird tiktok/twitterfag thing because it's usually said in an obnoxious context.
No. 1469898
>>1469651Not necessarily, sometimes crushes develop involuntarily and fade away really quickly, hell I had crushes develop after dreaming about someone I absolutely couldn't stand kek
I usually try not to fantasize about those brief crushes and the feeling tends to go away, or I just forget about it. If it's more severe than that I distance myself from the person.
No. 1469902
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where can i learn the basics of graphic design, just to know which things look good? I sometimes do works for family friends but they look hideous
No. 1469923
>>1469902As a senior GD, you're asking a complicated question here, but that's ok and normal. Idk if this helps but I started out with learning from software tutorials from youtube just to get comfortable with the tools. Then moved on to graphic design theory like the gestalt principles, advanced typography, graphic design history, grid and layout systems, and learning to train your eye for design, etc. You can find most of these things on YouTube or skillshare or in books. When you're out and about look at all the design around you–billboards, packaging, social media ads, everything. Question why these designs work, ask yourself how they are using type, color, and/or imagery to convey their message, and put yourself in the position of their audience and think about what the design is trying to make you do and if it's doing that successfully. Questioning these things help train your eye, aesthetic, and make you a better designer
No. 1469964
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>>1469955this is so cool, thank you! i am going to make the coolest bingo night poster for my grandma
No. 1470527
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How old is "too old" for university/college where you're from? From a social standpoint, i mean. Making connections and all. I understand that there's almost no age limit in the US (though i've never heard of a 55+ y/o so maybe thats the limit) but where I'm from, you have time until you're like 40, then no one really talks to you.
Asking because I'm planning to go to university this year, I'm 20 and already afraid I won't meet anyone new through classes kek.
No. 1470547
>>1470527>I'm 20You'll be 1000% fine. It starts to get weird at thirty, and for bachelor's, forty is pretty much the hard limit where you'll have nothing in common with your peers. But 20? You'll be able to buy beer in a year and that's a valuable skill to 18 and 19 year olds.
But networking and making friends is a skill, so make sure you put yourself out there.
No. 1470553
>>1470527My mom's best friend did her masters at 40 and met her future husband there, so I assume not even that is too old to make connections and friendships.
It's true that at in your mid 30's it becomes a bit scarce to find someone your age but until then you're fine. In a uni setting, it can be really hard to tell a difference between a 19 year old and a 25 year old in my opinion. I was 20 when I swapped degrees and I had 0 issues getting on with students younger than me, I did have the advantage of providing them with general university knowledge though. Don't worry about it, it's never too late.
No. 1470610
>>1470600No, it's not. It's not a name in any asian language, which is why it's so offensive. I really like JKR and support her being a
terf myself, but my wife is chinese and that shit is legit like calling the character 'ching chong' because it's just not a name. I wish JKR did just a little more research to come up with basic ass name, because cho aint it.
No. 1470613
>>1470600I don't have a definite answer but a bit of a blog: I'm as terfy as they come but when I was like 8 (wasn't old enough to be woke), I was reading HP, came across he name for the first time, and just went "Wtf? Really? CHO CHANG?". Now I still think there's no way that it could plausibly mean something in Chinese, sounds like someone making a cash register noise ffs.
Apparently there's a big debate about her name being feasibly realistic even among Chinese and Korean speakers in the fandom. So there's no definite answer.
I think it still sounds stupid, especially the way it's written. I don't think JKR was racist (as far as i remember nothing about the character was stereotyped, but again, i was 8), I think she was veeeery misguided for just making up a Chinese-sounding name out of thin air
No. 1470633
>>1470623Yeah, you can tell she had no idea how to write non white characters, despite being in the 1990s. I know the internet wasnt a real big home pc thing until 2001/2002, but at that point she should have attempted to do a little research
>>1470626And this is why asians feel afraid to speak up, because of bitch asses like you. Cho chang doesnt make sense. It's basically korean + chinese smashed together. It isnt a name. A lot of Asians have spoken up about this but get told to get over it. It's racist, even if she wasnt intending that. I dont blame her for back then ignorance, but she has a lot of asian HP fans and it's 2023. She should have at least admitted her mistake. There's nothing wrong with pointing out something someone did in the past. It's in her book ffs and Cho was a prominent character, as she dated both Cedric and Harry.
No. 1470640
>>1470633> It's racistHow so? She made up a name without knowing about the culture it is supposedly from. There's nothing hateful or antagonistic about that. It's obvious that JKR is not racist, so what is the point of her addressing it? Placate crybullies on social media? Yeah that always works.
>And this is why asians feel afraid to speak up, because of bitch asses like you.Good, people should not feel comfortable behaving in antisocial ways.
No. 1470655
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>>1470633I worry about diluting the term racism this much. I don't think it will help or be productive in the long term. You'll give people the equivalent of compassion fatigue. By that same definition, this picture is racist, and it's really not, just kinda presumptive from a guy who has noticed patterns of white names.
No. 1470658
>>1470626>Making up a fake name that sounds like it's from another language is not racist. There is nothing to address. JKR was a simple middle aged woman in the 90s. She wrote for an audience of normal people.I dont even care about JKR in the 90s since it was harder to access the internet, but saying she wrote the book for normal people makes you sound like a racist, ignorant fuck. Making up names based on zero prior research about another race is racist or at least a microaggression. Might as well call a black person unga bunga and be okay with it because it happened in the 90s, which was apparently so long ago, people cant bring it up.
I like JKR and think she doesnt deserve any hate for her stance on women's rights because it's very important (and she isnt wrong about the trans agenda. I applaud her for that), but saying shit like this is really gross. She wrote mildly racist stuff back in the 90s and it people can point that out without hating on her or canceling her. It has nothing to do with 'social media brainrot.' Most of her fans are in their 20s and 30s with families of younger children now. I have a daughter now of Chinese descent myself.
The anon asked a simple question and a bunch of anons answered her fine, but you were the only one making it racist to even ask or answer. Saying shit like she wrote books for 'normal people' or a 'normal audience' is racist af, as if Asian people didnt exist back in the 90s britain.
No. 1470667
>>1470658Why are Asians reading British books? That's cultural appropriation and highly
No. 1470678
>>1470672If it hurts you that a foreigner butchers a name in your language to the point that you need to talk about it online and even demand the author address it is insane and you should get over it and it is antisocial to act on these insane feelings.
You know what a normal person does when they come across a butchered name or word in their language in foreign media? Chuckle or roll their eyes, and then live their life as if it had never happened.
No. 1470691
>>1470633>And this is why asians feel afraid to speak up, because of bitch asses like youkek
Imagine westerners losing their minds over butchered names and engrish in anime
No. 1470751
>>1470722>Are there any people age 27+ leftYes
>how do you feel about zoomer anons?They're fine as long as they integrate imo. I have a negative reaction towards zoomers by default but the ones here have sort of been changing my impressions of them, or at least helping me understand them a little better.
No. 1471039
>>1471028> Do they go as far as killing themselves in some way?Yes, several known ones died.
There's different breeds of mounchie. Some don't cause any symptoms and just lie and doctor ship.
Some induce symptoms in themselves based on which diseases they researched, some of these occasionally die because giving yourself sepsis over and over and over will eventually end badly.
Some self harm in weird ways, claim they dindu nothing, and shop around for a munchie compatible diagnosis. The main difference to type 2 is that they don't have anything specific in mind and let the doctors come up with ideas.
The types aren't as neatly separated and there's probably ones that don't fall under these but you get the idea: Yeah, they can accidentally kill themselves.
No. 1471079
>>1471039Oh okay, makes sense. This personal cow has self harmed before, she's had an ED and would have side twitters and tumblr accounts showing her progress. She's also posted nudes on r/gowild years ago. I was skeptical about her surgeries and believing maybe she wasn't faking it, but at a point it was real because she put this upon herself. The Facebook Lives she's hosted while in the various hospital rooms she's been in have irked me.
>>1471037Ugh that sounds so gross. I honestly can't fathom she would do something as extreme as stuffing shit in her tubes, but to do it for internet attention, I guess all morals go out the window.
No. 1471101
>>1471057I was convinced he was trolling in the beginning but now I’m 50/50. Part of me thinks it’s all a grift and he’s just some gay moid who only wanted to do a performance~~ not realising he was gonna get so much attention and now is too afraid to admit he isn’t a troon because he will lose everything and ruin his image. I mean, he went to the fucking whitehouse and spoke to the president kek can you imagine the collective meltdown everyone would have if he uploaded a tiktok saying it was all a lie?
The other part believes he’s just a massive misogynist with a fuck ton of internalised homophobia and conversion-therapied himself into believing he isn’t a fag but an actual woman just because he’s flamboyant and likes girly things.
If I had to bet, my money is on the later.
No. 1471289
>>1471273i feel like im responding to obvious bait here but here we go
why should it matter what your pussy lips look like anon? only pornsick scrotes think vaginas should look smooth and plastic and not wrinkly. its just one more thing they use to make us insecure about ourselves, even though nobody should be seeing that anyway except you and the people you sleep with (who if theyre not complete assholes they shouldnt be judging you on in the first place, wtf.)
please as yourself why you feel the need to change this about yourself
No. 1471308
>>1471153So good. Bed felt roughly the same as any memory foam but the decor felt rich, the sheets were luxurious, the view was amazing, every staff member was so well dressed and groomed. At one point I called down to the front desk and asked for something because my boyfriend was vomiting and within five minutes room service was at the door with Tylenol, Pepto, and a bottle of water. Completely free.
And the gym that was part of it? Free fruit and protein bar buffet with water bottles for guests. And this was like seven years ago so it was a big deal then, but there stationary bikes had individual screen built in that streamed every service at the time. I just binged Netflix while biking. Oh and the towels were super soft and fluffy. 10/10
No. 1471344
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what does this image mean
No. 1471404
>>1471344the artist draws parallels between the person in the picture and Dionysus(purple robes, wine, symposium pose) which is to make a statement about hedonism. The modern hedonism can be seen in a stereotypical NEET room. By putting Dionysus in there it makes a statement about self-awareness but not wanting to change your own ways. Symposium where social affairs and yet here we have modern Dionysus drinking wine satisfied
in their own company. This can both work as a self love image or a loneliness/self isolation image.
If we go with self love: Embracing your own company and doing things for youself not others.
If we go with self isolation: Gods are seen as above humans so the artists portrays the loner NEET as someone who thinks they are too good to society who doesn't wish to make any human connection and only want to self indulge in destructive behaviours such as alcohol and sex. And in a modern society the internet(seen by the computer) and consumerism(seen by the riddler dakimakura). Also note the internet has given us access to sex in whole other ways.
The artist also draws parallels between the modern NEET and Jesus seen by the wound at the rib which Jesus is sometimes portrayed with. The rib wound also parallels Adam and Eve. The Jesus imagery shows the NEET as a martyr. You can see this as a form for self-pity. The Adam and Eve parallels tells us how the internet and consumerism has created a new world and new human relationships/communication. Either the artist means that this rabid evolving society is the new original sin or that it's a beautiful new creation made in god's image just like the original humans where.
There is also other religious imagery on the walls. This can mean sanctuary. So the modern NEET uses their room as a holy ground. Away from society. The religious pictures on the wall can also mean turning yourself into a god. And as mention earlier either that means self love or self isolation.
No. 1471427
THANK YOU art history/fine arts major nonna(?)
this is exactly what i needed