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No. 1463007
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I'm a good little worker but occasionally I don't want to do something that I decide is wrong and I "forget" to do it. It's so unlike me they always believe it.
No. 1463032
I was young and broke and a bit jaded against men, so I tricked one. See some guy was looking to pay for sex, scummy shit, I met up with him, got a meal, chatted, I never planned do it and I think my nervousness showed, it almost failed. I asked for half first to ensure he has the cash. Then we went together to a motel. That built trust. I said we should shower first, asked if he wanted to go first or me. He went first, put the rest of the cash on the bed and went in. I told him I was going to let my friend know where I am just in case. Grabbed the cash, slipped out the door, and ran. Managed to get one angry text about it before O blocked him. Wtf was he gonna do, say he tried to hire a prostitute illegally and got scammed? There's a chance he got scared to try again. It's not the best way to get cash fast but if the world puts you in this position, survive.
No. 1463045
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I have never done anything illegal.
No. 1463058
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>>1463052this board can get a lil retarded at times so i hope it doesnt devolve into that and they understand is about petty dumb things we did as children or non-illegal mean things. I want the vibe of pic rel for this thread, just dumb petty fun things.
No. 1474121
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>be me
>in apartment
>roommate being loud as fuck
>has some man in there, can hear his shitty moid voice
>knock on her door, she says come in
>tell her to keep it down
>look over at moid
>"and you got some ugly ass man in here too?"
>laugh as I look into his beady eyes
No. 1474465
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I need to admit to a heinous crime. In the elementady/early middle school we all had these McD's Sanic game things picrel, and mine successfully died after some time. Probably the batteries, since I liked to abuse it for several hours at a time, but it was screwed shut so for me it was the end.
Until one day my mum came to pick me up and while dressing up I saw my new holy grail. We had a communal table to leave toys at while studying and there were several games left, including the twin of my sanic. So I quietly swaped them and left into the night.
No. 2068839
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one time i got bored in a summer camp as a kid so i went into a bathroom and locked almost all the stalls by climbing over walls separating them. i walked into the first one, locked it, climbed over to the next one, locked it and so on. the only stall i left open had a broken lock and a family of huge spiders residing on the ceiling above it
i also locked stalls in our camphouse but these had the kind of lock you could manipulate from the outside so i didn't even have to climb
No. 2071229
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When I was in third grade I purposely tried to embarrass a boy I didn't like. My class would do this thing where there was one kid who was "chosen" (idk how else to explain it) and they would have to sit in front of the class and everyone else would write a question for them on a piece of paper and then crumple it up and throw it to the front (typically the questions were written anonymously). And then of course the kid in front would pick the pieces of paper up and read the questions out loud and answer them. There was a time when I decided to write a question pretending to be this boy, and I made the handwriting bad on purpose (since he had bad handwriting) and at the end I wrote "Love, Noah" (since that was his name). When that paper was said out loud the class laughed and ofc he vehemently denied that he wrote it. I still chuckle a bit when I think back on it.
No. 2071724
i stole lipbalm from walmart on two separate occasions when i was 5-6 years old. i once took a white chocolate bar and ate it right there in the store and hid the wrapper. i've stolen washi tapes, two occasions, different places too. i've stolen 6 bracelets and then 3 friendship bracelets from separate places. i stole a ring and a pair of earrings one time, and stole earrings again another time. i once stole an entire pack of glitter pens from some bitch that i had to sit next as per the seating plan by just shoving the pack behind my uniform skirt because with the uniform belt it stuck in place. also from said bitch, i stole some glitter gem stickers and i also ruined a class project of hers to scavenge some more(she was a jackass that would steal my pens and claim they were hers, we ended up slapping each other bc of this). there was a moidlet in my class that was whining about some injury he had on his leg(he was full of shit) and i rolled up a book and hit him right there, he chased after me but i got away, he didn't rat me out either because he knew his injury was bullshit. i used to sneak my phone into school by shoving it in my uniform shorts that i had to wear under the skirt, that was kinda uncomfy so i bought non-uniform shorts that had pockets that i would keep my phone in comfortably. i cheated on a test by doing the former sneak-in method, and another i did by putting my phone in a clear pencil case and put the stationery on the other side, i could use the touchscreen through the plastic and i'd hide my pouch in the desk(with walls on 3 sides, so it was dark inside), i even changed my password to the connect the dots kind and made it a straight line on the bottom three dots so i could open it easily without having to take the whole thing out the desk. worst thing is, i have dreams of stealing things, i go into a store with those cuboid display that spin, and they have stuff like earrings, necklaces, bracelets, keychains, clips, pretty and cute stuff that's ultimately worthless and easy to tarnish, but still i steal them and the joy from getting them and getting away with it is so great, i actually feel disappointed when i wake up and realize it's a dream, sometimes i wake up and search for the stuff i stole in the dream before realizing it never happened.
No. 2071833
>go to university
>bag full of metal samples clanks with every step like i'm wearing full plate amour, this is relevant
>walking to hotel, it is night time, the campus is a ghost town because holidays
>i zone out listening to my documentary about baboons because monkeys are cool
>there is me and another guy walking the same path
>hes walking really slow, like to the point where its taking the piss
>The path is to narrow to walk around him so every time he slows down, I have to slow down too
>Eventually I am right behind him because try as I may I cannot under-speed his shuffling gait. He suddenly stops as my clanks catch his attention
>Turns around, sees me, turns back around, walks faster
>I follow, thinking he is politely hustling along
>The clanks speed up, he walks faster, I speed up, clanks get louder
>There is a split in the road, I speed up to get past him sensing my freedom
>he shouts something in my direction
>I pull my earphones out, baboon noises spill into the night 'what'
>'are you a student here?'
>'no' I don't know why I said that. His slowness pissed me off so much I just wanted to fuck with him I guess.
>he runs off in the opposite direction
>I see security staff running around campus looking for the clank freak
>feels good
No. 2072358
Every greentext is a different devilish moment
>2011 to 2013, my little brother was a pot dealer and was driving my mother crazy. I'd steal some of his pot if he had an abundance and I was out.
>2014 to 2020, I shared my prescription stimulant medication with my boyfriend. He got his own prescription. We shared it with each other when we were "out". He admitted to recording me while we were having sex as soon as we signed a lease. Other sexually abusive behavior occurred intermittently afterward. Hatred and rage grew - I started stealing his fucking prescription. Justification: I hated him. I am now single and not taking stimulant medication lol
>stole things from the college cafeteria by sticking my hands through the grates and taking expensive plastic containers of chocolate-covered almonds and gummy worms
>did MDMA (or what was probably MDMA) in a women's art history class
>did mushrooms and crawled around rich people's properties on an island
>did acid and climbed up and down the fire escape (we were not permitted)
>did xanax and almost got kicked out of school for nodding off in class at 8 AM (Also lied through my teeth to get out of punishment)
>broke the rules in the college dorms several times regarding smoking cigarettes and weed in the bathroom with my friends - after the "third strike" they had me do "community service" where I made an event to show people how to clean things with natural products. Only two people showed up and then I was off the hook.
>drove around in an unregistered vehicle with the previous owners' license, no insurance lol (I bought it from my friend and didn't want to wait to make it legal)
>drank a THC delta 8 or 9 (couldn't remember what) shot in the last 30 minutes of work and had to work hard to be normal
>took a library book from a city I used to live in and never returned it
>gave a man the wrong number to the local police because he wanted to get some homeless guy off his stoop and the way he was talking about the homeless guy pissed me off
>graffiti in bathrooms
>graffiti on road signs and bridges
>someone at work was harassing me and my coworkers, so I found out their name, e-mail, address, and social media, made a burner e-mail, and sent them a message saying "Hi (person's name)" to freak them out. They replied and I deleted the email account
>some guy called work and was jacking off, coworker unfortunately took the call, I googled the number, downloaded a burner phone app, and texted them shit like "shame on you" and "I know who you are"
>went into a local school district group on facebook and started fighting everyone that said stupid shit about teachers and school, got banned, somehow made a fake account on facebook without having to verify myself, went back into the group, and started popping off again
>ate my friend's pizza because they were being a huge bitch all fucking day and the day before and I was sick of their shit
>I owe a toll booth somewhere in the state $1 and I still haven't paid it
>purchased CDs with trevor brown art on them specifically because the art was shocking, horrifying, disgusting, grotesque
>wipe my boogers on the underside of my desk
yes I was raised Catholic
No. 2076624
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>>2072671I saw people looking for one of them today and felt a deliciously evil thrill run through me muahah
No. 2085361
>>2084851based, I do the same