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No. 1469823
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Get into construction nonnie. It pays the bills.
No. 1469832
>>1469824i dont know
nonny, even my friends with a college degree are jobless. Also, working at Starbucks or similar jobs which dont really give you any real life skill seem like a waste of time, what do you do if they fire you? considering that most retail jobs dont hire people over 30.
No. 1469842
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>>1469831not to be mean but that makes me even more anxious. It just feels like there aren't as many possibilities as there used to. I have friends with degrees that dont have jobs and friends with jobs that are scared of getting fired and not being able to get a new job, because even to be a mcdonalds cashier you need a degree. I wish i could be starting my life, but the world moves so fucking fast, i was working off art commissions and them BAM out of nowhere art gets fucked thanks to AI. Right now i am trying to build a platform, become a youtuber or streamer, just because i have no idea what else to do, even coding seems to be kinda fucked.
No. 1469864
>>1469832>working at Starbucks or similar jobs which dont really give you any real life skill seem like a waste of timeI worked retail after college before jumping ship to work a comfy and lazy admin role. You just need to not be stupid and realize how to sell yourself. There are plenty of things you can pull out of a retail/food service job to sell yourself, like prioritization, working in a fast paced environment, working with multiple different personalities (including difficult ones), building relationships with clients/customers, organization, etc etc.
I am very much the optimist and think that retail set up a good foundation for my work ethic. It's just a matter of selling it to prospective employers afterwards.
No. 1469867
>>1469864i see, thank you. Will try the youtube shit for a year then maybe try to apply for a retail job or rope myself if it doesn't work.
>>1469865i see, do you have any future plans? what do you plan to do with your savings? i think that's what i struggle with, so far i mostly used the money i made from art to upgrade my PC, i only have 1k in savings for emergencies.
No. 1469872
>>1469863nah, medical jobs pay like shit and are stressing. The point is getting a stable and good enough job to afford a living, y'now like our parents did a few years ago before automation.
>waste money and have no ambitionseems like you are projecting
No. 1469897
>>1469880what does that have to do with anything, i dont have a crystal ball to know which careers aren't going to be
victims of automation in the future. You sound like that neet rich girl from the antiwork thread or at least someone who never worked in their life.
No. 1470134
>>1469793What country do you live in? That will sway my advice. In America, you can afford a house in very small towns or the country on even a $12 per hour job if you skimp for six years and don't have any children. It sucks that it takes that much effort, but that's the truth about today's real estate market.
>>1469832>most retail jobs dont hire people over 30.This has never been true in my experience.
No. 1470169
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>>1470163thank you, its a bit hard to choose because i hate all of those options, but if the situation get worse and i can't make freelancing work then i will try them. I really hate hearing about my mom/dad/other relatives and older family friends who went from hs drop-outs to owning business or becoming high ranked employees. My mom's bf's always tells me about how nowadays he wouldnt be able to go from truck driver to manager without a degree.
No. 1476477
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another 21 yr old here. my degree is in fashion and textiles (management, design, technology, etc.) and i’m graduating in three semesters.
i’d hate to have a long-term career in anything with that, though. i actually hate the thought of having one career my whole life- there’s so much i want to do!
fuck a long-term career, esp one that could be pulled out from under your feet at any moment bc of AI. doing one thing for too long gets boring, anyways.
it’s 2023, year of the side hustles! now, this might be naively 21-years-old of me, but i believe doors will open if you’re confident in yourself- even if it takes time.
plus, there are homeless junkies that still find a way to make enough money to buy heroin. there will /always/ be a way to support yourself.
Good luck, nonna, i hope we make it out of this
No. 2100953
>>2066927this might be unpopular here but i really do not believe that choosing to use psychedelic drugs always benefits people / legitimately
expands their mind and comprehension of the world. When some retard chokes down some shrooms it can quickly result in drugs and being 'psychedelic' or a crunchy instagram hippie type and not just pondering on shit