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No. 1488663
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>>1488652nasi goreng here. my sister…
No. 1489145
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>>1489129i'm a disgrace to the entire continent but i honestly cannot stand peppers and anything spicy. i hate spicy paste and i hate feeling like my face is on fire all the while leaking. it's really not fun for me at all, but i'll endure it quietly if the food is especially delicious…
another question to exchange, what are your preferred methods of eating? as in, with your hands, fork and spoons etc, or chopsticks? i was raised on silverware but i just use my hands anyway
to autistically absorb everything including the texture. it enhances the flavor somehow and just is more comfortable to me. i'm so westernized my weeb acquaintances knew how to use chopsticks and i still don't, probably never will
No. 1489161
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>>1488652>>1488663my sisters can i please join you….
No. 1489307
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>>1488652>>1488663>>1489161ahh my fellow SEA nonnies! i'm so happy beyond words!
No. 1489394
>>1489379interesting, we see a lot of urban types do this as well, this culture of "flexxing" their material wealth such as cars and brand name clothes
my father calls it "khusra"(eunnch) behavior
No. 1489446
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>>1489443spoiler broken, now our top secret convo is leaked
No. 1491175
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Is korean culture really as fucked up as manhwa makes it look? there hasn't been a single korean comic that I've read, regardless of genre, where korea isn't depicted as the worst shithole imaginable with seemingly the worst aspects of western and eastern cultures
No. 1491458
>>1491175It's a mix of soap opera plotlines with whatever brand of NLOGism the author wants to sprinkle in. The MC can get revenge, but they need you to know that the MC is a Mary Sue first and foremost.
But yes, Korean culture is shit, though not quite as shit as your picrel for most of the population.
No. 1491635
>>1491175Nah it’s really not, the western media constantly tries to report it as being this terrible place and tries to make it look as bad as possible, partly out of racism and western superiority complex. Sure it has its social issues and culture clash as any country of 52 million people on the other side of the world will have, but generally it’s much cleaner, safer, more civilized (at least on a face to face basis) and convenient than the west. 99.9% of the people I met and interacted with were polite and pleasant, I never had any trouble. In fact, I find Korean men way more more polite than Japanese men.
When I went to Tokyo I felt less safe, as some of the men there were actually starey, felt malevolent and creepy, and I kept worrying about what would happen if I passed out from the heat (it was like 38C while I was there and on the subway it was incredibly hot) I was starting to think I was gonna get molested, raped or even dragged off if I fainted on the train and I ended up having a panic attack.
Anyway I went to Seoul and the Korean countryside in 2018 for 6 months and it was fantastic, makes living in the west feel like absolute shit tbh, I wish I could go back. Miss the food and the shopping, especially the skincare and makeup stores, like you wouldn’t believe.
No. 1491642
>>1491635Oh and I think with regards to Korean manhwa authors depicting Korea as bad, Koreans in general are quite dramatic about social issues and tend to get very riled up about injustices. In Korea for instance, if you are a celebrity and someone says you are rude to staff members or were a bully in school, or even tat you just smoked and drank when you were in your teens etc, you automatically get cancelled and pretty much everyone hates you. They’re just generally very dramatic about ‘bad behavior’ in people.
You have to exaggerate to make a story interesting, most Koreans perception of the west comes from Hollywood movies so they probably think America is some utopia full of skinny attractive model looking people, they don’t really understand how bad it is. There of course have been a few shocking crime cases in recent Korean history but they pale in comparison to even everyday American news stories tbh.
No. 1492057
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>>1491175My faviaorate thing about Manhwas is how often they descent into gang wars in high schools
>How to Fight>Lookism >God of High School>Manger Kim>Reality Quest>Quest Supremacy>Study group>Mercenary Enrollment>The BoxerAll of these series despite their initial premises devolved into korean gang wars shonen fights after a few arcs, picrel are the protagonists from three separate manhwas mentioned above but you literally can't tell the difference
No. 1492065
>>1492057Nta but I will never understand how in lookism they went from
>fantasy manga with slice of life in which a fat guy wakes up as a hot guyTo
>there's no fat guy anymore, hot guy is here 24/7, did you see this 200 parts side quest and backstory about these dudes that are barely interacting with main character btw? Special episode centered on the theme of shit and prison!! No. 1492069
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>>1492065Yeah it's pretty insane. And also a pity that the main plot line about this problem quickly got dropped and it's jsut straght out "look how great it is to be pretty and rich and have powerful friends". It could've said something meaningful, like you haven't seen real Hell Joseon until you learn about their extreme beauty standards culture and the effort that they take to fulfill numerous immutable traits for social status. Parents in SK engage in arms races with their children against other parents as they preform numerous plastic surgeries and hook them up on HGH.
An entire country with the worldview & ideology of incels
No. 1492079
>>1492069This is really fucking sad, and truly, this shit of starting with a story that could've been meaningful and then making it about anything else or trying to make plastic surgery seem like something common and that's totally not fucked up is just miserable.
It makes me tinfoil thinking that maybe the artists want to criticize the society but they either get boycotted or told to change the plot to something else or something bad will happen like getting censored or the sorts.
Because this happened as well in "true beauty" in which a girl learns to do makeup because she's "ugly" without it, and you see her struggles with having to learn all of these trends but then the story isn't even about how makeup isn't necessary if you want to have a happy life and such. If I remember correctly the artist/author goes to the "w-well, makeup will enhance your true beauty" cope.
No. 1492148
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>>1491983I wonder what might happen to Korea in the coming generation, their brithrate I think is the lowest in the world and their population might see a significant decline but people will still be having children, if the next generation will be mostly the children of mentally healthy people we might see some societal improvement
No. 1703482
>>1703441Korea seems to be a fucking shit hole, why is anyone working in that country? This will probably be seen as racebait, but whenever I see videos like the one you posted I keep thinking that maybe I don’t really want to go to Korea, China or Japan even for sightseeing, it seems like asking for trouble at this point, like why even go there if just for the fact that I look different to them, I will get purposely mistreated and/or even assaulted? And yeah, I know that pornsickness is a pandemic that will never stop fucking up the world, but jesus, it’s crazy how even the most low end media they also produce has at least some scenes with sexual assault, it really shows how common it is, I would rather go to the Arab Emirates alone, which is something I’ve done before (It’s not an amazing experience either), than go to China, Japan or Korea alone.
No. 1872882
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So, SK passed a law that allows companies to make their workers work 21.5 hours a day.
No. 2191618
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>that third pic