File: 1675473776011.jpeg (39.63 KB, 640x529, 206E523B-EA6D-4067-830F-101A26…)

No. 1490046
File: 1675475449546.gif (5.5 MB, 300x300, 1675457240568.gif)

I love sparrows.
No. 1490051
File: 1675475727045.jpeg (28.2 KB, 500x667, crane-bird-spring-crown-south-…)

No. 1490055
File: 1675475809309.jpg (113.42 KB, 605x908, FXibMc9XoAUdWjX.jpg)

Urutau are amazingly derpy, as such I cannot help but love them.
No. 1490065
File: 1675476847765.jpeg (106.16 KB, 1080x793, don't be mad nonnie.jpeg)

>>1490056All because I accidentally posted a gif of two parrots instead of a sparrow? Damn. Here's a cute picture of two pigeons to make up for my mistake then.
No. 1490102
File: 1675479831271.jpg (105.43 KB, 933x1166, 64gcPS4.jpg)

based thread
No. 1490110
File: 1675480097545.jpg (134.31 KB, 1280x853, orpingtons.jpg)

>>1490085Why so hostile? If we can have threads for cat and dog love, why can't we one for birds?
No. 1490149
File: 1675483284831.jpg (168.01 KB, 1908x1146, a_pair_of_great_tits.jpg)

No. 1490153
File: 1675483825771.png (633.18 KB, 980x784, Goose-300x240.png)

No. 1490154
File: 1675483970065.jpg (102.94 KB, 650x650, ae2730866f4b62bd10f3db93d1106a…)

The day I can own one is the day I am cured of all sadness
No. 1490155
File: 1675483990617.jpg (59.83 KB, 1200x635, WB nutty.jpg)

sage for granny posting but i love sitting at my window and watching my feeders! It's truly one of life's pleasures. It's very hard to pick a favorite visitor, but nuthatches are up there! In the summer I'll occasionally get a visiting gray cat bird, and they're so nimble and magnificent. I also can't help but adore the spunky attitude of blue jays… I always get whole peanuts just for them!
What featered friends have you seen recently nonas?
What's on your to-see wish list?
No. 1490156
File: 1675484141053.jpg (243.39 KB, 1536x2048, 20230203_231458.jpg)

I absolutely love little tiny finches!! Birds have such sweet faces
No. 1490158
File: 1675484399411.jpg (276.44 KB, 1908x1146, BS cygnet.jpg)

If you live near black swans, try feeding them lettuce because it's their favourite food.
No. 1490161
File: 1675484466242.jpg (87.75 KB, 605x454, 1656261059157.jpg)

No. 1490162
File: 1675484513348.jpg (830.98 KB, 4288x2848, eec99187468ebc4770be6d0e454a37…)

No. 1490163
File: 1675484521649.jpg (327.9 KB, 1200x630, sage grouse.jpg)

so handsome
No. 1490166
File: 1675484565253.jpg (242.06 KB, 1306x871, swan_cyg.jpg)

No. 1490167
File: 1675484696963.jpg (62.85 KB, 940x529, fat_bustard.jpg)

No. 1490168
File: 1675484865262.png (81.26 KB, 233x226, 84f6c07d-acf8-4074-96ef-7d5cbf…)

I am glad to have an excuse to post birds
No. 1490173
File: 1675485074692.jpg (724.65 KB, 1920x1200, Blue-footed-booby-2.jpg)

No. 1490174
File: 1675485519332.jpg (133.27 KB, 900x675, Superb Sunbird.jpg)

No. 1490178
File: 1675485606502.jpg (86.45 KB, 900x675, Monotonous Lark.jpg)

No. 1490180
File: 1675485858533.jpg (161.99 KB, 900x675, Camiguin Boobook.jpg)

No. 1490183
File: 1675486165963.jpg (105.29 KB, 900x675, Common Paradise-Kingfisher.jpg)

No. 1490185
File: 1675486420950.jpg (69.24 KB, 800x601, White Monjita.jpg)

No. 1490186
File: 1675486507298.jpeg (508.19 KB, 1800x1350, 2409A36F-76D0-4BE7-8E57-CDC42D…)

I saw one irl when hiking!
No. 1490187
File: 1675486594961.jpg (102.05 KB, 1200x796, Red-headed Bullfinch.jpg)

No. 1490188
File: 1675486776166.jpg (145.32 KB, 800x601, Red-mantled Rosefinch.jpg)

such striking color!
No. 1490190
File: 1675486825278.jpg (289.21 KB, 1200x959, Pelican.jpg)

No. 1490191
File: 1675487146575.jpg (36.59 KB, 1024x612, Spectacled-Eider-male-1024x612…)

No. 1490196
File: 1675487775600.jpg (47.46 KB, 1386x924, 4ef6a681b854c7dec15fab07cfbb18…)

No. 1490198
File: 1675487819324.jpg (30.5 KB, 540x359, CQMbafrUYAAWTOe.jpg)

>>1490155I dont know much about birds I just know I can summon bluejays and robins if I play their calls over my speakerphone. Its kinda funny but sad to see their confusion. Im basically catfishing them.
No. 1490199
File: 1675487876311.jpg (188.04 KB, 1187x1243, 5c6d002c9990e5ca6bc816cc0805dc…)

No. 1490202
File: 1675487946209.jpg (525.5 KB, 3000x2000, 7d9afcadaed8e1685ab10013f55452…)

No. 1490207
File: 1675488149600.jpg (107.56 KB, 1080x1172, 85ece9f74520d394e8cf8b744e2d3d…)

No. 1490209
File: 1675488358931.jpg (71.14 KB, 800x600, 671_5.jpg)

No. 1490211
File: 1675488378607.jpg (56.57 KB, 439x591, baldjay.jpg)

>>1490198Buy some in shell raw peanuts and set them out. They're very fun to watch squabble, and they'll also weigh peanuts out in their beaks to pick the heaviest one. Worth every cent.
Some times they go bald!
No. 1490212
File: 1675488431558.jpeg (2.58 MB, 4255x2836, b4a963f543f1c844c7db638e2d3ec4…)

No. 1490216
File: 1675488633675.jpg (92.17 KB, 900x675, d826d9adee7ee75e198c96d011a6ec…)

No. 1490217
File: 1675488647179.jpg (781.89 KB, 1200x1293, King-PenguinChick-SeaWorldFull…)

ideal life form
No. 1490218
File: 1675488681414.jpg (108.97 KB, 1600x1066, Fantail Pigeon.jpg)

No. 1490219
File: 1675488784601.jpg (3.18 MB, 2244x2244, open-uri20170826-20277-1vb0gnd…)

No. 1490221
>>1490217So cute. I love penguins. And i love you
No. 1490223
File: 1675489284360.jpeg (323.21 KB, 1616x1080, 9FC5DCEB-01E3-4047-815C-FB6F50…)

>>1490222Oops, forgot pic. Here it is
No. 1490230
File: 1675491088217.gif (2 MB, 465x280, nonnie ITT.gif)

>>1490176NTA but you're starting to sound more annoying like that anti-hamsterchan poster.
No. 1490306
File: 1675499524244.jpg (324.44 KB, 2605x1700, Screenshot 2023-02-04 013047.j…)

>>1490221Here are more penguins for you my beloved penguinonna. They watch the lights together every night
No. 1490414
File: 1675516423278.jpg (45.8 KB, 564x848, ec8a8ba0a3d7db0766399eea09b797…)

No. 1490427
File: 1675517677278.jpg (97.2 KB, 960x960, rainbow cutie.jpg)

>>1490085not gatekeeping in a fucking bird thread on andrea dworkins internet. anyways have a parakeet/budgie
No. 1491079
File: 1675556613949.jpg (72.6 KB, 540x667, Horned Grebe.jpg)

The Horned Grebe regularly eats some of its own feathers, enough that its stomach usually contains a matted plug of them. This plug may function as a filter or may hold fish bones in the stomach until they can be digested. The parents even feed feathers to their chicks to get the plug started early.
No. 1491089
File: 1675556860497.jpg (114.92 KB, 450x800, Andean Goose.jpg)

No. 1491091
File: 1675556963058.jpg (120.53 KB, 900x675, Golden-olive Woodpecker.jpg)

No. 1491094
File: 1675557148943.jpg (44.6 KB, 671x637, 1613866541357.jpg)

No. 1491095
File: 1675557214472.jpg (215.48 KB, 819x1024, Tan-capped Catbird.jpg)

No. 1493566
File: 1675812432206.jpg (74.15 KB, 564x752, e65255c33f4ab5095f0b7664907413…)

No. 1493802
File: 1675834378220.jpg (35.67 KB, 564x805, 79a45824db0bd561642f5c7d2c6d10…)

No. 1494817
File: 1675914629542.jpg (87.77 KB, 900x675, Surf Scoter.jpg)

>>1493599Welcome to the wet and wild world of wacky waterfowl, my friend!
No. 1494819
File: 1675914671755.jpg (244.56 KB, 1024x768, Falcated Duck.jpg)

No. 1494820
File: 1675914706066.jpg (92.03 KB, 900x675, Harlequin Duck.jpg)

No. 1494821
File: 1675914783380.jpg (89.44 KB, 900x675, Common Goldeneye.jpg)

No. 1494823
File: 1675914809734.jpg (96.8 KB, 900x675, King Eider.jpg)

No. 1494824
File: 1675914847591.jpg (121.44 KB, 900x675, Long-tailed Duck.jpg)

No. 1494833
File: 1675915254469.jpg (63.6 KB, 608x374, pink eared duck .jpg)

No. 1494837
>>1494833Hahaha what the fuck man>>1494821
>>1494817these ducks make my eyes feel high
No. 1494841
File: 1675915556376.jpg (434.6 KB, 1232x839, Torrent Duck.jpg)

An amazing duck of fast-flowing Andean rivers and streams. Usually seen as singles or pairs resting on rocks in rushing water and not associating with other ducks. Feeds by diving in churning water and pools and is somehow able to swim up-current with no apparent exertion.
No. 1494845
File: 1675915731464.jpg (217.19 KB, 1200x900, Mandarin Duck.jpg)

This is probably the most well known funk duck. Such a classic.
No. 1494847
File: 1675915814982.jpg (42.92 KB, 700x500, Wood Duck.jpg)

No. 1494848
File: 1675915831768.jpg (503.72 KB, 1280x960, 18.https___www_inaturalist_org…)

I am an absolute simp for Kakapos and would do almost anything to interact with one.
No. 1494851
File: 1675915995618.jpg (212.66 KB, 900x674, Kakapo.jpg)

>>1494848they are angelic
No. 1494854
File: 1675916104922.jpg (95.4 KB, 636x424, Kakapo 2.jpg)

No. 1494858
File: 1675916271931.jpg (114.46 KB, 1024x1024, Black-naped Monarch.jpg)

No. 1494862
File: 1675916378815.jpg (102.61 KB, 700x567, aqgxBZR_700b.jpg)

>>1494860Forgot the Kakapos
No. 1494864
File: 1675916419578.jpg (113.63 KB, 900x674, Bristle-nosed Barbet.jpg)

No. 1494865
File: 1675916469827.jpg (60.24 KB, 800x533, ahinga.jpg)

No. 1494883
File: 1675918777885.jpg (38.34 KB, 1000x667, content-1645001721-do-geese-ha…)

geeth :)
No. 1494885
File: 1675918860569.jpg (122.46 KB, 960x762, 9a97819cbfc96ccf1dda35b4121531…)

a lady and her fancy husband with a silly little dongle on his head
No. 1494939
File: 1675926649112.jpg (233.43 KB, 1600x1041, White-FrillbackSMALL.jpg)

Pretty pigeon.
No. 1494940
File: 1675926726039.jpg (196.71 KB, 1024x735, macaw-destacado.jpg)

No. 1494941
File: 1675926835849.jpeg (Spoiler Image,11.16 KB, 554x554, 1624050590900.jpeg)

No. 1495705
File: 1676001875828.jpg (58.1 KB, 536x684, pink peli.jpg)

>>1494902This is one of the pelicans that lives in St James's Park, London England. To quote Atlas Obscura:
"The colony of disturbingly large, but friendly, birds include five Eastern Whites and one South American White. Pelicans were first introduced to the park in 1664, a generous gift from a Russian Ambassador. In 2013, three of the five Eastern Whites arrived as a gift from the city of Prague, joining the descendants of the original Russian flock."
No. 1495707
File: 1676001957913.jpg (214.57 KB, 858x671, puna teal.jpg)

No. 1495710
File: 1676002363394.jpg (289.97 KB, 1800x1351, Comb Duck.jpg)

No. 1495713
File: 1676002525375.jpg (7.94 KB, 320x214, LittleGull.jpg)

No. 1495715
File: 1676002614903.jpg (72.48 KB, 838x629, Heermann's Gull.jpg)

No. 1495718
File: 1676003412534.jpeg (81.5 KB, 889x690, Crested Auklet.jpeg)

No. 1495721
File: 1676003641314.jpg (76.73 KB, 998x436, Ross's Gull.jpg)

No. 1495731
File: 1676004670352.jpeg (46.14 KB, 700x467, Small Pratincole.jpeg)

No. 1495732
File: 1676004731053.jpg (83.95 KB, 900x675, Andean Cock-of-the-rock.jpg)

No. 1495734
File: 1676004914219.jpg (52.77 KB, 499x640, Dovekie.jpg)

No. 1495735
File: 1676005021285.jpg (45.87 KB, 800x565, Jerdon's Courser.jpg)

No. 1495737
File: 1676005162623.jpg (124.3 KB, 780x582, Royal Flycatcher.jpg)

No. 1495767
File: 1676010899358.jpeg (75.45 KB, 612x404, 2D3F4EE2-24E3-4FFB-AF7E-4EF17C…)

the way ducks tuck their beaks under their wings when they go to sleep is the only thing standing between me and mass murder.
No. 1495768
File: 1676011017110.jpeg (193.63 KB, 900x675, 4F2CD4A5-71C0-4235-AE2D-9B2ADE…)

>>1495767Female birds may be more drab (it helps them when they’re sitting on their eggs, to camouflage) but it’s important to remember that they are the sexual selectors. They are responsible for the beauty of their male counterparts. If the male birds could mate without being colourful and beautiful, without doing an elaborate dance, they would.
No. 1495957
File: 1676038736817.jpg (39.44 KB, 320x240, Ground Parrot.jpg)

No. 1495958
File: 1676038769277.jpeg (218.63 KB, 660x440, Araripe Manakin.jpeg)

No. 1495959
File: 1676038815368.jpg (15.75 KB, 537x414, Northern Rosella.jpg)

No. 1495968
File: 1676039840721.jpg (150.59 KB, 850x607, california-quail-male-female-m…)

I love quails
No. 1495977
File: 1676040065016.jpg (63.82 KB, 750x1334, dfirds.jpg)

In awe
No. 1495978
File: 1676040234085.jpg (312.43 KB, 1004x893, quails.jpg)

Why is pinterest so unhinged I just want pics of quails stop bodyshaming them!!!
No. 1495997
File: 1676041408424.jpg (245.85 KB, 640x640, Guianan_Cock-of-the-rock_(Rupi…)

>>1495732hell yeah! The Cockoftherock is an exceptional mystical being looking bird
No. 1496480
File: 1676078673390.jpg (60.69 KB, 555x450, Bare-necked Umbrellabird.jpg)

No. 1496482
File: 1676078758447.jpg (349.66 KB, 952x1285, Pompadour Cotinga.jpg)

No. 1496485
File: 1676078815539.jpg (49.03 KB, 1024x768, Rhinoceros Auklet.jpg)

No. 1496487
File: 1676078915495.jpg (152.31 KB, 923x664, Spangled Cotinga.jpg)

No. 1496489
File: 1676078945106.jpg (51.64 KB, 640x594, White-collared Manakin.jpg)

No. 1496561
File: 1676085929273.jpg (120.9 KB, 900x675, Ochre-rumped Antbird.jpg)

No. 1496900
File: 1676130167605.jpg (48.4 KB, 644x644, 20230105_160539.jpg)

No. 1497095
File: 1676145336251.jpg (100.36 KB, 1280x720, faverolles.jpg)

faverolles chickens my source of happiness
No. 1499374
File: 1676344604397.jpg (41.34 KB, 800x500, coopy.jpg)

Today I saw a cooper's hawk! so delightful.
No. 1499556
File: 1676365392815.jpeg (88.07 KB, 473x1024, 98D1745D-B644-48C0-88B2-6E4728…)

I got to confirm my jenday conure is actually a girl because she laid an egg! She was looking kinda fat before the egg was laid so I’m glad my suspicions were correct, now I can make sure she gets extra calcium in her diet to make up for what she’s lost. She decided to lay it in her food dish kek.
No. 1500325
File: 1676434050440.jpg (136.84 KB, 768x746, a-beautiful-porcelain-brahms-c…)

>>1497095mine are brahmas. they are massive and they have feather pants (fants)
No. 1500327
nonnie. That's actually really cool, love the coin for scale
No. 1500368
File: 1676437616220.jpg (21.55 KB, 300x300, iap_300x300.3305506483_czck5b7…)

me too nonny! I was browsing for pictures, saw this lady and gasped. absolutely chic
No. 1500371
File: 1676437761574.jpg (53.32 KB, 794x1059, il_794xN.2651045066_bl3e.jpg)

>>1500368>>1500369when the chicken is also couture
No. 1500376
File: 1676437983571.jpeg (44.03 KB, 640x428, 1FB40686-F80C-47BB-BC6A-E1DB01…)

My favorite are cochins. I used to take care of one exactly like this, they're so stupidly round, small and goofy
No. 1500613
File: 1676455179078.jpg (1.05 MB, 1920x1080, orpignton.jpg)

>>1500376if I had a garden, I would have some of those and a lot of those fluffy, round orpingtons. Can't wait to maybe one day fulfil this dream.
No. 1500774
File: 1676471228364.png (289.75 KB, 500x298, FUFz1GtXwAApfeT.png)

>>1490155I love all my visitors, but I think my favorites are the titmice. They sing the most and watching them fly away with peanuts the size of their head never stops being cute.
Most interesting bird I've gotten lately is a pileated woodpecker. I see them maybe twice a year and haven't convinced any to become regulars at my feeders yet.
No. 1501449
File: 1676523356022.jpg (152.76 KB, 624x628, oriental darter.jpg)

No. 1501450
File: 1676523379416.jpg (49.12 KB, 535x663, oriental darter 2.jpg)

No. 1501490
File: 1676528071639.gif (682.86 KB, 480x270, 6343FF93-896C-476A-95F1-F309B3…)

Anyone else a fan of corvids?
No. 1505188
>>1500774>>1501449I love these. They look so silly
>>1501490100%. I love when they play in the snow!
No. 1505299
File: 1676948663000.webm (1.99 MB, 608x1080, 1676294000672852.webm)

No. 1505893
File: 1677014525054.jpg (56.05 KB, 640x480, Bare-crowned Antbird.jpg)

No. 1505895
File: 1677014560199.jpg (73.05 KB, 530x632, Crested Pigeon.jpg)

No. 1505898
File: 1677014589043.jpg (99.15 KB, 800x600, Harlequin Antbird.jpg)

No. 1505900
File: 1677014634512.jpg (190.76 KB, 924x694, White-plumed Antbird.jpg)

No. 1508458
File: 1677283128227.jpg (100.55 KB, 650x650, NRR2021202338_0.jpg)

Anyone else collect bird-themed merchandise? Didn't know whether to post this in the consoomer thread or here but I feel like only other bird lovers would really care about this kind of stuff.
No. 1508498
File: 1677286232717.jpeg (658.76 KB, 4032x2268, A62B118D-5EE2-4E7D-9897-FBCFCE…)

No. 1509328
File: 1677367295844.jpg (30.06 KB, 1024x1024, 41P ZaN944L.jpg)

>>1508458I love collecting little ceramic birds, bonus points if they're super round. I don't even know why, it's just a thing I started doing when I was a teenager and now I have a little army of rotund birdies. I love them
No. 1509346
>>1509328Can you share some more of your collection, nonna? Do you have any figurines that have stories about how you got them?
I personally love bird planters. I have 2, 1 owl and 1 toucan. They're super cute because they're on a perch so they can swing, but they don't have much room for plants unfortunately.
No. 1509394
File: 1677372695055.png (815.14 KB, 1206x1200, bluebirdie.png)

>>1509346Actually the one I immediately thought of is the only non-ceramic bird in my collection lol—I have a little glass "blue bird of happiness" that I love so much because it was given to me by my parents, and it had sat on our kitchen windowsill my entire childhood. This isn't my picture, I'm not entirely sure if this is the same bird as I have no idea where or by whom mine was made (currently away from home so I can't photograph it) but this is nearly identical. It's so round!!!
No. 1511631
File: 1677609780479.jpg (206.89 KB, 640x952, 1677376593248608.jpg)

No. 1514969
File: 1677969184522.jpg (132.44 KB, 1772x1181, corvid.jpg)

>>1505188>>1501490I love corvids so much. Blue jays are some of my favorites
No. 1514974
File: 1677969388961.jpg (82.25 KB, 1200x1680, colorful-birds.jpg)

I was looking at mandarin ducks yesterday, and every time I see a pic of them I instinctively think it's an AI image because of how smooth and vibrant but also blurred their colors are.
No. 1514975
File: 1677969425173.png (2.58 MB, 1125x2048, Screenshot_20230304-163652.png)

there was one in NYC several years ago, dubbed "hot duck". i saw him in person, such a beauty.
No. 1514981
File: 1677970191324.jpg (101.29 KB, 564x752, c9e0435d81496691737799589a3326…)

No. 1515016
File: 1677973896229.jpg (81.23 KB, 640x480, a-female-mandarin-duck-with-he…)

>>1514975They look so smooth.
No. 1515041
File: 1677977033608.jpg (48.05 KB, 634x359, corvidstic.jpg)

moar corvidposting
No. 1515043
File: 1677977223345.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1242x1826, E09E88E9-4DE2-46FE-BAB2-EC0B50…)

I look at this picture every day and it keeps me going
No. 1515045
File: 1677977324640.jpeg (61.63 KB, 660x710, cat.jpeg)

>>1515043reminds me of the image of that cat eating milk
No. 1515051
File: 1677977640504.jpg (40.91 KB, 755x596, Rock-Ptarmigan.jpg)

No. 1515055
File: 1677978059911.jpg (56.51 KB, 444x640, White-crownedPigeon2©LillianSt…)

No. 1515063
File: 1677978530942.jpg (308.05 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

there are so many pigeon artists on ig it makes me happy
No. 1516996
File: 1678178699126.jpg (565.45 KB, 1275x1651, 1014f323d7e6eeb817b09bb04708bd…)

No. 1517153
File: 1678198342381.jpeg (52.76 KB, 632x960, birdpocket.jpeg)

No. 1520133
File: 1678466041825.jpg (59.17 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.3487799147_27yn.jpg)

>>1508458Saw some of these at my local bird store and just had to check online to see if there was one that matched my baby green cheek. No dice but the etsy shop is called birbber
No. 1521667
File: 1678608839901.jpg (48.97 KB, 720x960, pigeon water.jpg)

No. 1521668
File: 1678608901038.jpg (56.76 KB, 580x960, pigeons for tea.jpg)

No. 1522176
File: 1678657009861.jpg (35.42 KB, 434x624, parrot.jpg)

No. 1523212
File: 1678795650312.jpg (133.33 KB, 1200x887, crested-screamer-bird-1379956.…)

No. 1523514
File: 1678817233783.jpg (49.76 KB, 375x560, 348e9ea0-52e7-47f1-ad3c-e71a26…)

I like it when birds just stand on animals, walk around on em and the animals are pretty chill about it.
No. 1523535
File: 1678818579565.jpg (61.63 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-868530662-612x612.…)

Muscovy Ducks
>don't quack, females trill while males huff
>woodland fowl more closely related to geese than ducks
>excellent mosquito and flying insect control
>more resistant to avian disease
>happy to see you and will wag their tail feathers much like a dog
>docile and friendly
>not as messy as typical ducks, don't require a pond
>meat tastes similar to sirloin or veal
I plan on raising these little guys next year for eggs and just general enjoyment. Likely won't eat them. They like to roost in trees and have impressive claws on their webbed toes. I love them and find them charming.
No. 1524423
File: 1678899567707.jpg (58.47 KB, 508x677, pigeon-costume.jpg)

No. 1524424
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No. 1524426
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No. 1524429
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No. 1524430
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No. 1524439
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No. 1524447
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No. 1524451
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No. 1524693
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No. 1526551
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No. 1544903
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No. 1544904
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No. 1544913
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>>1508827I want to go to Australia and see them
The circumstances of them becoming bin chickens is quite sad though
No. 1545837
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No. 1551945
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No. 1559852
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No. 1559853
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No. 1559868
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No. 1559896
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No. 1564779
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No. 1578941
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No. 1578949
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No. 1578956
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>me being at peace knowing i will never be pathetic enough to selfpost on /ot/
No. 1578973
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No. 1578975
>>1578973This is so cute. It made my day thanks
No. 1578988
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nonnie ♥
No. 1579798
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I am once again asking you to choose
No. 1589864
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Long-tailed tit
No. 1589869
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>>1580094thank god at least one of you answered correctly
No. 1589986
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I love shima-enagas so much, they look like a bunch of snowballs who came to life.
No. 1589987
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>>1589986They also look like talking birds you'd found in old disney movies for some reason kek, they're too adorable that they feel almost animated/fake at times.
No. 1601897
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No. 1602738
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No. 1602761
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No. 1602769
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>>1602757same anon but my family had a lot of ducks as a kid
it was weird, we had lots of animals, guineas and chickens too and just lived in a normal house right next to downtown and one or two hat these silly little puffs on their heads, so cute. smaller than what you see in these pictures but i think it's the same thing going on, whatever causes that i guess. the oldest duck i ever had was like that, her name was Curly because before we knew if they were male or female we named 3 of them Curly, Larry, And Moe. then Curly and Larry started laying eggs. anyways Curly was cool because she had the silly little puff and would chase people down to bite them.
No. 1608901
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Why do ducks look like ducks
No. 1613842
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No. 2152495
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No. 2152507
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>>2152505good thread, thx for bumping it
>>2152495 !!! ♥
No. 2152520
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>>2152517shut up flood message
No. 2152560
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I like canaries a lot (I keep yellow and orange/golden ones and they look so cute together). They're all beautiful but glosters are hilarious to me. Just a little guy with a crazy haircut. So radical.
No. 2152892
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When I was 13 years old, I found this parakeet (like picrel) outside of my apartment building. I put up a bunch of signs because I thought maybe he flew off someone's balcony but nobody ever called. My mum and I ended up keeping him for a few months while we tried to find someone who was willing to take him and give him a good home. I like birds, but I don't like how they live for like decades, it feels like a really big responsibility. Anyway, after like 3 months I ended up teaching him a bunch of words and then we found him a good owner! Now he's living his life with other parakeets and having fun. That's my bird love story.
No. 2153410
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my favourite pastime litely has been going on unsplash, typing whatever bird species name into the search bar and scrolling through photos occasionally saying "woahh" out loud
>>2152892so cute! he's was lucky to meet you
No. 2153418
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>>2153413>>2153414i will after i finish dumping my pic hoard, thanks for the recommendation nona!
No. 2153420
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>>2153419babies 2
flood bypass No. 2153421
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>>2153420i used to be obsessed with barn owls as a kid. they look like aliens with their flat white faces and big black eyes
No. 2153423
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>>2153421awkward teenagers
No. 2153434
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>>2153432now for some puffins. they're so funny looking
No. 2153436
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>>2153434>>2153435you're right, i already do dw
No. 2153442
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>>2153441ok i think that's all. hope you enjoy!
No. 2153810
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Cockatoos are the cutest fucking animals ever. I am a parrot autist and it makes so mad how I can't live in australia and be woken up by cockatoos and lorikeets screeching on my balcony. I hate living in the midwest. We actually had a parrot species endemic to the US found in the midwest called the carolina parakeet, but it was hunted to extinction because humans fucking suck. My copium is that they live in small pockets of isolated parts of the US and they've adapted.
No. 2153891
>>2153823I'm an aussie and you're unlikely to just see dead cockies and lorikeets lying around kek (especially if people are keeping their cats indoors like they're supposed to). Both sulphur-crested cockatoos and rainbow lorikeets are far from struggling btw and have adapted very well to urban areas. A flock of up to 15 sulphur-cresteds visit my yard regularly to get a drink, eat some nuts I put out for them, and just hang out, with a couple interested in being 'friends' with me (perching near me, taking food from my hand, talking to me), and it's really cute when parents 'introduce' their chicks to my garden and me kek. Other parrot visitors that are less common are galahs, corellas, yellow-tailed black cockatoos, king parrots, crimson rosellas, and gang-gangs.
Best birds are the maggies though, adore their song and lately a male and female come visit together to take food from my hand and sing to me. Currawongs are also excellent but they rarely ever visit, same for the bronzewing doves. God I love birds.
Could live without the rainbow lorikeets though to be honest, if only because their incessant racket sets off my pet birds like nothing else kek (and they are absolute bullies towards other birds despite their small size). Kookaburras could also please politely fuck off and stop eating my pond fish. okay sperg over.
No. 2296344
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has anyone here made friends with local birds?
No. 2344628
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