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No. 1494232
Cheese icecream with chocolate cover
>>1494230That is really good too
No. 1494238
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The chicken butt
No. 1494361
>>1494195peanut butter and pickle sandwiches
starburts with the wrappers on
Non food related, I enjoy watching YouTube compliations of 80s and 90s commercials more than whats on TV nowadays. I've watched hundreds of hours of old commercials over the past 5 years but have only started and finished one new tv show in that time.
No. 1494364
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>>1494218its funny cus eastern and central europeans use something called maggi sometimes. it was used in several countries i lived in and i think its made out of yeast, like a liquid version of vegimite. idk if its weird to you guys but i love adding it to chicken soup
No. 1494376
>>1494238>>1494289isn't that the tail?
>>1494361> I enjoy watching YouTube compliations of 80s and 90s commercials more than whats on TV nowadaysSAME! Commercials just aren't as good as they used to be
No. 1494398
>>1494218Soy sauce is great with almost anything meaty and savory, and I'll die on this hill with you
nonnie. Especially chicken, goulash, carbonara and stews.
No. 1494423
>>1494364ayrt, i've tried this too! my polish s/o introduced it to me. it made me feel so validated about my wanton soy sauce usage
>>1494398thank you nonna i appreciate you. soy sauce with carbonara specifically is so good. i also add it when im making instant ramen, and i thought this was normal until one day i saw the comments of a tiktok where a girl does the same thing and they were ragging on her about sodium intake lmao. like stfu, it tastes good
No. 1494592
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I love the buzzing sound pylons make, I find it so relaxing.
No. 1494895
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I used to chew these like gum. It got so bad when I was a kid that my dentist once yanked out a dried piece of paper in a crevice near my tooth. I sometimes miss them.
I also love pet food, I wish I could eat it normally but it's not human grade so I stopped. If it were human grade, I would just eat that instead of food.
No. 1494900
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>>1494843nonnie that posted this
No. 1494913
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>>1494895Are you still eating toilet paper?
No. 1494922
>>1494230I got a cheese pizza recently which came with a little thing of honey, I was dubious but it was fucking good.
And since we're allowed to say non food related things… I like turbulence on planes. It's so uncomfortable to sit in a little chair for hours so being moved around a bit feels nice. Almost like a rollercoaster.
No. 1495008
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>>1494905There are ducks on lolcow?
No. 1495609
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pretty much everything the cheesecake factory makes that should sound disgusting but is somehow edible
No. 1497800
>>1497657Oh good, ty for letting me know lol
>>1497709I don't know I've never had one before, they'd probably need to go on the bottom rung in the oven though I can't imagine them doing well on top.
No. 1498125
>>1498079Totally safe. I don't eat it constantly nor smell the nail polish constantly, it's just a secret, controled desire.
>>1498108I don't think i'm that anon you are talking about, but there's no need for therapy for pica… paper will always be delicious…
No. 1500356
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I love picking/peeling off skin on myself and others, I guess it's not weird to do to yourself bit I will do it to others too. It's just very satisfying especially if there is new skin underneath
I actually have a pet lizard and am happy to help her take the shed off if she needs it, it relaxes me to soak her and help get the dry skin away
No. 1500701
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>>1500450i don't need to see the posts, i accept her for who she is
No. 1501214
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These little buggers. Yes they are just tiny dried fish, no I can't explain the taste, yes they are great when you are drunk off soju and they're good in bibimbap too., and yes you eat them like this, face and all.
No. 1503658
>>1501214How is this weird? Anyone living near the coast who eats seafood knows you can eat whole fish if they're small enough.
>>1501291Since when is bread and butter not a normal combo
No. 1513475
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I deeply enjoying drying my clothes on the line outside. I like putting the clothes up. I like taking the clothes down. A nice little ritual that is eco-friendly and saves electricity.
No. 1522840
>>1522690i was just doing that with my toes last night. so fun.
>>1513327yes i just tried it for the first time s couple months ago, i was fully prepared to want to spit it out or vomit because of all the reactions I've seen over the years. but's not gross or weird tasting at all. it was pretty good. maybe it is because I'm used to tempeh?
No. 1523085
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Toast with strawberry jam and cottage cheese. Very good sweet & salty combination. I got the idea from my mom who told me it was her favorite breakfast as a child.
No. 1523836
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usually hate bugs but moths, butterflies, ladybugs and roly polies have always charmed me for some reason
there's something whimsical and almost witchy about moths and their more vibrant cousins. minus moths gnawing on wool and clothing.
No. 1917025
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When the porn story takes a couple chapters to actually get to the sex, it feels more earned that way.
No. 1917036
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i like to eat goldfish and chocolate together. i wish they made chocolate covered goldfish
No. 1917043
Croissants with ham, cheese and sandwich spread, add some lettuce, pickles and tomato and you have a great explosion of flavors.
I like to go to the beach and just stare at the sky meeting with the sea, I can do that for hours and I look like a schizo for sure but whatever. But whenever I'm in a pool, I need to sink all of the time, I can't stop doing so, I could be talking to you and I would sink into the water and then come out again to keep talking.
I also like to over-analize whatever media I consume, if I had the drive to type out all of the spergy shit I think about the things I watch, read and listen to, I would be locked up in some asylum forever, because I also somehow always sound retarded and no one understands a word of what I say, so yeah, that would be just the ramblings of a schizo.
No. 2086260
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Eating ice.
I genuinely suspect I have iron deficiency because of it.
No. 2086360
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I like drinking this