File: 1675969866568.jpeg (701.96 KB, 1787x2560, go-eat-worms-scaled.jpeg)

No. 1495358
File: 1675970782171.jpg (275.97 KB, 1280x981, tumblr_b9c54dc48689923056415ca…)

Today I realized that I don't cope well with failure at all, which is a failure in itself.
No. 1495514
>>1495497ayrt and it's usually if not ever not even the parents that force me to guess it's the aunts uncles and the parents' friends etc. i now realize that it may be a culture thing…
like for instance my mom got mad at me because i didn't guess that her niece looks like her, because she doesn't, or didn't anyway. still can't see a resemblance 11 years later though i'm the odd one out because everyone else does
No. 1495551
File: 1675989805703.gif (1.2 MB, 410x308, 4F333A44-E248-4E8D-B71A-A1BB8F…)

I hope all your hair falls out
Your diet crashes
You get fined for your MLM
Your triple chin becomes a quad
You stay a jealous mean troll
You die and I party at the funeral
No. 1495589
File: 1675993085114.jpeg (28.2 KB, 540x409, 7E30FD89-21CF-4EC0-82A0-0C413F…)

I am very afraid someone is going to hurt me and yet here I am SITTING IN THIS HOUSE ALONE, ABOUT TO FALL ASLEEP
No. 1496085
>>1496019Met a lof of moids and still the only intelligent and caring man i ever met was my dad nad he's basically a male version of me. Most probably there aren't any. I can't imagine why would anybody want to get married. Anyway it's ok to be in a relationship if it has good benefits for you, man is just a giant annoying pet so i get you don't want any more kek.
Tried spamming him with houses on the market you like?
No. 1500332
File: 1676434415470.jpg (463.62 KB, 2304x1728, moo.jpg)

You were spoiled, and coddled by your parents and everyone around you. I was so alone. We can't be friends ex-moid, but I'm not mad. I have my nonushka now.
No. 1501206
>>1500438Please don't turn into a 4chan moid
nonnie with the "muh image board"
No. 1501339
>>1501335Embrace it. I'm enjoying being ugly lately. I feel like I must resemble a swamp witch. I only change things up for myself and not for anyone else. That's how it should be. If I want to look "pretty" it's for me, not for anyone else. That's me realizing my own worth I guess
Fuck what moids think
No. 1501901
File: 1676573929501.png (40.45 KB, 945x246, Capture.PNG)

>>1501893Like if this isn't a wine mom or someone's sassy auntie who finally has someone to talk about small gossip. Or Nona's 18 year old tik tok coustin I don't know what this is
No. 1501920
>>1501901Aw, I like her. She's a newfag, but I like when women with new perspectives join.
>>1501912Are they only calling her trump-chan because she's old, or is it because she's actually supported trump?
No. 1502082
>>1501210You sound like one right now, no offense.
>>1501212It becomes 4chan
No. 1502176
File: 1676592447497.webm (961.57 KB, 1280x720, 1675823801023724.webm)

>dragon exists in media
>nobody questions it
>magic exists in media
>nobody questions it
>androgynous character exists.
>"ummm wtf! men/women don't look like that! that's IMPOSSIBLE for a guy to have wide hips!!!"
the hypocrisy continues to annoy me kek
No. 1502189
File: 1676593295451.jpg (168.04 KB, 1500x1312, lobotomy NOW.jpg)

>be me, le devil's advocate
>in art history class
>professor shows photograph of starving african child
>"okay class, discuss the ethics of this photographer!"
>white girl goes on about white liberal leftists exploiting blacks for their liberal agendas
>she hits all the buzzwords
>says the photo is "bad optics" and he should have helped instead of taking a photo
>raise my hand
>say some shit like "you can't enforce rules for art…"
>she turns to me and says "Would you say the N-word for art?"
>laugh awkwardly and say "yEAH, sure!"
>she says "well, at least you're consistent in your beliefs."
I'm not gonna make any friends am I
No. 1502210
>>1502189>and he should have helped instead of taking a photoam i a SJW for agreeing with this part…
>>1502206and this is another thing i'm concerned about, i've seen many men use "art" as an excuse to photograph naked children (and some celebs then hang those photos in their home like a certain someone) or create whole movies focused on that (like pretty baby, the topless scene in american beauty and other films with teenage actresses, etc)
No. 1502234
File: 1676597296177.gif (3.56 MB, 500x318, 1660104591959.gif)

I have untreated PTSD (from being sexually abused by bio father up until about 7) and ADHD. I am only 27 and already I'm at my limit. The ADHD alone prevents me from getting anything done and my place is constantly disorganized. The PTSD on top of the ADHD symptoms just make everything 100x worse. I push potential friends away because I have no trust in anyone and I'm just unpleasant to be around for long periods of time because my anxiety is a 10 at all times, I can never seem to relax.
Every time I feel a vivid memory come on or something triggers me I want to rip away at my skin and escape my body, then I scream and cry for several minutes before my energy is depleted. Oh and I live in America so there's no help for me.
No. 1502304
>>1502210Nta but I don't think it's SJW at all. It's true that people go to impoverished countries and exploit the people there, and that can also apply to photography. I know anons like to reach and assume, so to be clear I don't think it's always bad to photograph these people, but don't take photos of struggling people if you won't help them. Imo, the girl in anon's story was right about there needing to be rules for "art" (not that photos of starving African children is art).
Anyway, why are we all replying to that post anyway
No. 1502358
>>1502356the anon your responding to
is the cancer.
No. 1503153
File: 1676691288314.jpg (47.61 KB, 275x236, 1660086076302.jpg)

Spoilered because fucking dumb shit that will rot your brain.My mother is such a piece of shit. Holy fuck. Her getting into cOnSpIrAcY ThEoRiEs (she's just a fucking qtard but thinks by saying conspiracy theorist makes her sound edgy, she's not) did not make her batshit insane but it did fuel her to new levels. You CANNOT say even a slightly different opinion than her or else she'll go on a tirade. Fucking showed me a not relevant celebrity who is older and said "omg he aged so much". I answered alcohol can rapidly age a person. You know what this cunt then snottly answers? "No it doesn't because I drink alcohol and it didn't age me". My retarded cunt of a mother IS NOT A FUCKING ALCOHOLIC AND DOESN'T DRINK A LOT ON A DAILY BASIS. I'm so angry. I'm imagining strangling her or hitting her over the head with a hammer. I use to feel guilty fantasizing these horrible scenarios but now idgaf. She's trash and will never change. She thinks just because she believes in god it's all good. I'm dumbfounded. What a good christian she is. She's been a huge piece of shit to me since I was almost a teen. I wanted to kill myself back then because she always knew how to destroy any confidence I had. Did she do this because she thought I was competition or something? I know it pisses her off I've always been skinny. I legit think she thought I get fat once I hit my older teens. She use to comment sometimes on how much I ate. Like wtf. She admitted she hated having her aunt do this to her growing up and also the aunt telling my mom she'd get fat. It's sick. I thought maybe she mellow out when she got older. Lol, no dice. She's just as cunty but now loves blaming the eLiTeS for all the misery in the world. She fucking watches rumble qtard streamers all day which is just crappy propaganda pushing. These streamers are legit just grifting. Why the fuck would one need to join a locals chat (gotta pay 5 bucks to join) to be more 'inform'? Isn't that what their retarded videos are doing supposedly? They keep moving the goalposts while saying tRuSt ThE pLaN. Literally reminds me of troons because both are insane and love to scream bloody murder and say 'wElL aCtUaLlY'. The only good thing is I am no longer a kid because holy shit I would have killed myself back then if my mother acted this way. I still do want to kill myself ironically. I know this is often said but I really never thought I'd make it pass my teens. Besides my insane mother, I got health issues which are getting worse. I wish I'd just get struck with lightening or something because I'm tired of trying. I've been trying to rise above it all since the beginning. I instead get spat in the eye by life. The only thing keeping me near sanity is writing all my thoughts down in my phone. I never had a diary because I was always too paranoid my mom would find it. My phone has a pin and is always by me so I figure I should be good.
No. 1503370
File: 1676728444192.jpeg (889.8 KB, 1170x1426, 408BD4E6-11AE-484F-8C59-217B9D…)

Because nobody’s making a new grimes and elon musk or a celebricows thread I’m just gonna post this here. I can’t find if this has been posted before but I find it really hilarious that she does all this facefagging for some random AGP who committed suicide? Is it just out of sheer woke pressure? and tries as hard as she can to hide the time she called him out for getting into woman face and calling himself a “female producer” (despite obviously being male) from her 14 year old fans lol. Not only that but…he’s dead? If he gets a “grammy” he’s not gonna know about it? And his music was legitimately just the same radio ass Boom Clap shit that was coming out in 2014 for the rest of his career…it’s not like he did anything particularly special. Literally the only reason anyone knows about him is because he was a guy in a dress who killed himself that worked for Charli XCX
No. 1503371
>>1503370Aside from his music not even being that special or entertaining, I’m 100% sure in order to get producer of the year you have to actually
produce music
that year so obviously they’re not gonna include some gay guy who died in like 2018? Not sure what she was thinking kek I’m just imagining her and her lisp bringing up this guy at the board meeting for the grammy awards
>We should have thophie! :} No. 1503373
>>1503370Will she ever stop capeing for scrotes, let alone dead ones?
Still trying to claw her way back to relevancy and favor with the zoomer enbie fandom by riding the corpse dick of a splattered tranny ‘martyr’.
No. 1503453
File: 1676738107752.jpg (104.37 KB, 1289x1241, this is who ur hurting.jpg)

i made the mistake of getting back in touch with my ex, upon making this choice i discover the following:
>he has a gf
>he is writing HANDWRITTEN loveletters to his ex
>he claims to never have loved said ex
>he tries to hit on me, despite both above
really pisses me off because now i wonder what sort of humiliating shit he did behind back.
No. 1503457
Reminds me of how I caused awkward and uncomfortable laughter circa 2009 when I said in a US History class how I thought it was wrong to draft women for war cause we have lives and duties. I'm still not sorry.
No. 1503644
nonny…. my dear
>shotacon someone who's attracted to anime little boys (male version of lolis)
>fujoshi women who are into BL (boys love, a genre of media focused on romance strictly between men)
basically if someone says they are a shotacon fujoshi, feel free to keep your distance from them lmao
No. 1503936
File: 1676774248745.jpeg (126.38 KB, 900x1200, 6y33556890.jpeg)

i'm so tired of hearing about man ass and man holes and man milkers and man titties and puckered assholes and whatever the fuck. i'm straight but all this shit makes me nauseous i can't take it anymore. put men in burkas now.
No. 1503937
>>1503936Ham Smith,I ranted at my brother for 30 mintues on my hate for him.
He agreed
No. 1504083
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No. 1504093
File: 1676792753016.jpg (19.93 KB, 340x315, tumblr_bd03c93cdc2cfbae14fc08c…)

>>1503936Straight women when other women are into men who aren't pixels on a screen
No. 1506317
File: 1677070975752.jpg (55.67 KB, 564x710, 03838c5b3e46afa148a601a5228c48…)

Omggg please just say yes, dammit!!!!!! I don't want a relationship anyway but I just want to make out and cuddle for a bit ugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. I mean hello??? Why else did you choose to respond after weeks of no contact? To just text each other every day??????
No. 1506519
>>1506405The reason is literally J.K. Rowling. Everything started turning around in 2020 after she went full
TERF on main. And for that, you can thank Magdalen Berns. RIP Queen
No. 1509333
File: 1677367600558.jpg (33.73 KB, 340x372, 4742f01de84e1c1df9b92fca2d3a2d…)

I hate that you've revealed yourself to be just another horny scrote and I hate that I can still smell your scent and that I miss it
No. 1509598
>>1509583They never interacted directly to my knowledge, but JKR's
TERF trials began with her liking Magdalen's posts on twitter. It caused a big shitstorm, which Mags thankfully got to see just before she passed. I'm sure other people contributed to JKR's peakening but Mags deserves a lot of credit just for being a bad ass. RIP Queen
No. 1514140
File: 1677877408413.jpeg (87.01 KB, 750x749, 396E6A30-E16F-4924-B0F3-9F2E0C…)

>>1504083Oh it grew worse. What will happen next. Oh hell oh fuck almighty this is not going how I wanted it to, all I can do is disengage and let fate drive the bus. hopefully not off a cliff
No. 1514143
File: 1677877813054.png (37.96 KB, 840x720, e871c63d557ac23d0_88fc27e7_128…)

I'm tired of being nice
No. 1514250
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No. 1514271
File: 1677888477912.jpg (107.65 KB, 768x1024, 1597981817600.jpg)

And a warm and enthusiastic "FUCK OFF SCROTE" to you, boss! Threaten me one more time, I dare ya, I can't wait to tell the art director about your stupid fucking shenanigans. You couldn't lead a girl scout troop.
No. 1515006
File: 1677973032030.jpeg (42.44 KB, 275x251, 1648255234739.jpeg)

I've cried every day this week That's a new record
No. 1515070
File: 1677979198367.png (278.18 KB, 1080x750, Screenshot_2021-03-10-16-30-50…)

Leave my comfort zone? What do you think a comfort zone is?! Do you think a GENIE magically grant me my comfort zone when I was born? NO!!! Comfort zone is created. Comfort zone is discovered. Comfort zone is conquered. Comfort zone is a mental and spiritual HOME. A home where I put a warmed blanket for my depression so it can sleep for a while. It's where the baklavas are unlimited I can eat! And I can just not eat! It's the place where I can last longer without thinking about SUICIDE. It's the place where I'm FREE.I am NOT moving for it. It will move with ME! I'll fight to defend my comfort zone! I'm not a good fighter by I don't mind dying for my comfort zone. AAaaaAaaaAH!
No. 1515272
File: 1678008839771.jpeg (45.14 KB, 749x926, DEE99443-02C3-4175-A712-FCB519…)

If what I’m thinking happens fucking happens I will fucking SNAP
No. 1515277
>>1495349absolutely agree with you
nonnie, fucking hate it when people say “get out of your comfort zone” when i worked damn hard to create it in the first place
No. 1516742
File: 1678156588858.gif (974.89 KB, 640x424, 1905323568.gif)

gay truthers are getting on my nerves. they won't let women have nothing huh. you do this with literally every man i like no matter how many women he's married or bedded… is there one man who ISN'T gay to you? why cant i have anything huh? why? why won't you let me be happy? can't i daydream a little? why? huh? huh? why. why? why why why. shove your tinfoils up your greasy urethra he is MINE. mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine MINE. die. i just want to fantasize about ONE (1) ONE cute man and you won't let me. die. fuck yourself. please i just want one thing for myself please. please.
No. 1518155
File: 1678295564006.jpg (23.93 KB, 563x416, 3bd57b218b65a6fdd9cb08c630a813…)

So this is supposed to be it? You've got nothing left to say? You're just going to leave it like this and never speak to me again? Wow. WOW.
No. 1518713
File: 1678332510524.jpg (45.17 KB, 339x509, congrats.jpg)

>>1518536It's a rite of passage
No. 1518879
File: 1678350927732.png (815.99 KB, 957x776, 555pd4.png)

I am a spineless moron with way too much patience for obnoxious men.
No. 1519555
File: 1678403368752.jpg (31.42 KB, 563x510, af483807c6cf0308875373cbc1d46d…)

Men are so fucking foul. I don't see other women as competition. You put me on a pedestal for not putting out yet you try to make me jealous with promiscuous women that you only see as a warm hole to fuck and berate. You're a sex pest and delusional if you think trying to make me jealous is going to get a rise out of me. I pity you for being so pathetic and I pity the next woman who'll waste time on you, trying to heal your wounds from your last relationship while you're busy jerking off to porn and being emotionally distant. I hope you fuck up all of your future relationships and I hope that other women see your red flags from a mile away.
No. 1519568
>>1519000wasn't that the coffee date anon? I just read the whole thread and can't remember another one who's attracted to someone else (but it's also late). my personal opinion is that it's a normal thing to happen, especially in a long relationship that has ups and downs. you can't influence it, only if you act on it and cheat on the person. I don't get this black and white thinking, it just sounds naive.
No. 1519990
File: 1678456568170.jpg (13.22 KB, 248x218, e05.jpg)

>>1518536It's alright, some nona on the
terf memes thread said i'm a moid just because i posted a boring meme that i send to translesbian moids.
She didn't even give me a replacement, if i send them anything else from that thread i would be hunted down.
No. 1520014
>>1519990this one? because a couple of normal flags were included
No. 1523766
Dear Celebricow Anon(s),
Just take a mintue. Turn off the cap locks, no listen, before you write a sentence and hit the enter bar twice, how about…you think.
I'm happy you learned to greentext, thats nice but you don't have to do that everytime you post. I know typing words in all caps shows your passion for what you are saying, I know. However, it never matches the context.
Also, lets talk the "milk". Every single article you find on the sidebar of Daily Mail doesn't need to be talked about. If it is…maybe add some commentary? I know you are use to twitter, facebook, maybe even comment sections to lessor known gossip site. Thats not lolcow though.
Maybe you've had too many glasses of wine, or you saw lolcow on a tiktok. Or maybe you were searching the internet for "tea' on your favorite celebrity and you came across lolcow. You clearly like it here. Maybe you should learn the culture.
I wish you the best,
No. 1527999
File: 1679229145299.jpeg (45.49 KB, 640x960, 70F557BD-D261-43F0-A526-46038E…)

I’m so happy that the dark thick eyebrow trend is dying off, I’m tired of bushy brow women and their “hehe at least we don’t have to draw our eyebrows on” pick me shit that they’ve been saying since 2015
No. 1528012
File: 1679230486467.jpeg (85.72 KB, 828x1216, 9BBA1820-2AA6-4D56-9936-EE9EA8…)

>>1528005>>1528008stop playing stupid kek
No. 1528260
File: 1679252858954.jpg (56.95 KB, 564x667, e63dd5f175b2c369a7a1508f72394f…)

Every year Mother's Day comes around and every time I get jealous of other girls and women who have good, productive and overall nice mothers. I think of you, and the many horrible things you did to me, and all of the times I naturally tried to defend myself and you just painted me out to be the evil daughter. I think of being a child and being unable to dress how I wanted to because you thought it was necessary to make your stupid little comments about my appearance. I think of when I first started growing body hair and you told me to shave it all off immediately and showed me how to wake up extra early for school to put on a full face of makeup and do my hair when I was only 12/13. I think of all the small comments you made about my appearance - you're too thin, you have gained weight, your hair looks stupid in that style, you will end up just like me one day you were the catalyst for my body dysmorphia and why I struggle so much with my image. You didn't let me have the chance to just figure things out on my own.
I remember every time I said no to you, and you would act like I just threatened your life. The time I said I couldn't take you shopping, and you literally kicked me out and I was the one who had to come grovelling back because I had nowhere else to go. I remember every time I told you a secret because I thought you could keep them only to find out that half of the family knew about the secret a few days later. Nothing was private. I remember when you would randomly search my room and give my belongings to other family members without even asking me first, and then get mad when I tried to stand up for myself. I remember when I told you I was sexually assaulted, and you shrugged over your ironing and said "happened to me too" and then walked out the room. No comfort, no asking me how I was doing, nothing. I remember when you'd shout at me in public when I'd have to whisper to stand up for myself - you shouted purely to embarrass me and make me look like a fool. I remember when you even fooled my brothers into thinking that I was the nasty, cold-hearted stroppy teenage girl when in reality it was you who was emotionally abusing me all along. And don't forget, I still remember being 4 years old and seeing you bring strange men home - you didn't give a shit about my physical safety then, because it was just us two, and you cared more about male validation than the safety of your daughter. You have only ever cared about me as an extension of yourself, and not me as a full person with hopes and dreams. And on this Mother's Day, I can only wish you leave this earth soon so I can finally move on from all the shit you caused me to go through.
No. 1528266
File: 1679253618239.jpg (5.33 KB, 235x181, cf82aeb49e58972ac85f2b958acf2e…)

>>1528260I get it, like If my mother died tomorrow I wouldn't celebrate but I wouldn't be sad either and I know that's not normal but she only has self to blame for that
No. 1528461
File: 1679267511742.jpeg (143.54 KB, 736x785, 9A02F29D-B600-43A3-A376-154254…)

I’m tempted to go on myproana, which I’ve never been on, and post pics of myself in my underwear and have them call me disgusting. I’m like a size 10 borderline size 12, 28 inch waist 34 inch hip 35 inch bust, 9 stone 8 pounds. I know they will call me a fat pig. Normal people wouldn’t, but they would. I want them to. I even want to post videos of myself eating large amounts of fatty foods, burger pizza cake whatever and have them call me disgusting and tell me to starve and give me tips on how to starve. I believe it will be good for me and will help me get thinner.
No. 1528631
File: 1679280147175.jpg (45.4 KB, 559x463, 1669294692946.jpg)

Bro you literally cheat on your wife and oogle at teenagers LMAO Don't come at me with your crybaby bullshit
No. 1529347
File: 1679363956320.jpg (25.83 KB, 663x616, KEK2.jpg)

You hate sexual shit and hate it when people sexulize cartoon but here you are supporting trannies and calling lesbians creepy for liking vagina. Fuck right off
No. 1529902
File: 1679432274758.gif (216.52 KB, 300x168, korilakkuma.gif)

i hate that all of you lied to me and then decide to push me away when i no longer was entertaining for you. i hate how you guys did not care about my feelings. hope karma gets all of you
No. 1530210
File: 1679462547614.png (58.92 KB, 275x203, DBD46E45-7C4C-4CDE-B957-BCAA45…)

It’s been 5 months and I still miss you. Please come back.
No. 1530216
>>1530213He sounds like a whore
You're probably better off without him, less risk of stds and dealing with a maladaptive personality
No. 1530907
>>1530224Lmao this sounds like some pathetic ass moid
Good for you nona
No. 1531478
File: 1679602225925.jpg (160.88 KB, 1024x768, Desert.jpg)

You watched and criticized while our friends trapped themselves in shitty, toxic relationships with worthless and aggressive moids, yet here you are doing the exact same thing. You even watched it happen to your mom. Your internalized misogyny has turned you into a pathetic, perma depressed wannabe metal head (to appeal to your gross old metal head moid). I'm done trying to help you, I've wasted so many years. Help yourself once, then we'll talk.
No. 1531778
File: 1679631234748.jpeg (65.37 KB, 1078x787, D855C1CD-8E41-491D-A922-12AA68…)

No. 1532372
File: 1679714365262.jpg (39.04 KB, 720x404, Screenshot_20230324-231735_Duc…)

>>1530917When the subject of your vent uses the exact same language in your post calling them a stalker less than 24 hours after said post
No. 1532570
>>1532483Or iron deficiency
>>1532508I have no idea how to check that, but the weather has been abominable lately
No. 1532783
File: 1679773527317.jpg (49.58 KB, 736x897, c8f964a4af4dfa52c4f72d70577fee…)

cool cool cool. yeah everything's alright. everything is fine. great, things are great.
No. 1532810
>>1532795You're right
nonny. I just wish I wouldn't feel so much sometimes.
No. 1533478
File: 1679858214011.gif (696.6 KB, 220x173, awws.gif)

Pinterest has deleted all my boards that I made for my aunt (she's pregnant with a baby girl) because men were being paedophiles & searching up photos of little girls & saving them into their sick boards. The word 'girl' and 'girls' is completely banned now. Love how women have very little time to have one space of their own before they ruin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 1534394
File: 1679952797784.jpg (35.39 KB, 750x452, FraFf2NaUAAb0bx.jpg)

I noticed I keep going through the mental hubris of whether I just want to be open about all my opinions on the internet or curate a perfectly liked non-political character.
Mind you, my political opinions are incredibly mild but I believe that anyone who touches political topics instantly becomes tainted on the internet and unpleasant. For example: Linus tech tips guy spoke up about the Hasan Piker being racist controversy and everyone hated seeing that because he's just a techbro (and he was defending the little incel bitch).
No. 1534840
File: 1680011202406.jpg (28.11 KB, 500x250, tumblr_inline_oll4brsPPL1qgl6q…)

Dear god, I am asking for ONE day without diarrhea. Literally just one, hell even 1 hour. Please.
Love, your favorite nonny
No. 1536317
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Idk where to post this, as this is just chaotic rambling, but I was watching some movies with young Audrey Hepburn and I honeslty think she was the most beautiful girl ever put on camera, definitely the most beautiful of Hollywood actresses, also notice just how amazing she looked in her old years, without any surgery. Not saggy like most older people, she was blessed with some great bone structure. Everything about her face was perfect imo, her cheek bones, nose, eyes, face shape, her lips that looked so full even when she smiled widely, her teeth (I'm generally jealous of people with wide palate, when they smile it looks like their mouth is "full" of teeth and those smiles are big, wide and pretty and make their cheek bones pop, meanwhile I have crowded and quite small teeth and you can see that especially when I smile, I hate smiling and I will never have a pretty smile). I loved her style too. I'm a different type and even if I wore hairstyles, make up and clothes similar to hers it wouldn't look as a good on me, I think it just wouldn't fit me because it looks the best on gamines. I wish I was a gamine tbh, it's just that most of the things I like look only great on gamines, and the things that supposedly look good on me are nor aesthetically pleasing to my eyes nor comfortable. I was never into femininw stuff and I never wore make up, now I got a little more interested and I have more money and time than I had as a kid so I wanted to see how certain things look on me and how does it work, as this is a completely different world to me, and it's disappointing to see that the things I actually like don't seem to fit me. I just wish I was as pretty as Audrey anons. I feel like this is my delayed development kicking in, I'm an autist and I became interested in certain things much later than neurotypical people, stuff like grooming myself or sex and dating, or taking care of my own formalities, it only started recently and I'm in my mid 20s. The sphere of looks, friendships or dating just didn't exist to me, I was a mental 13 year old only interested in fiction and science and nothing else, I don't know how to deal with those feelings
No. 1536353
>>1536317I understand you. I've been comparing myself to more beautiful woman all my life and wishing I could look like them. Even my own mother who's a former model and my sister is the one who inherited all her looks and body. My god. Life isn't fair
>want to be doe eyed sharp beautiful strong looking woman with petite slim long bone structure>have disgusting putty soulless sunken eyed perma resting bitch babyface with disgusting doughy body and shit proportionsI just learn to embrace being ugly and don't care what people say. I pretend I don't. Conforming to trends and getting surgery under 30 is fucking ridiculous, if someone can't accept me as a ratty looking Wednesday Addams swamp witch they don't deserve me
But do I wish I was born pretty? Or at least would be considered prettier or less ugly in a different era if I weren't born in this one? Yes. Every single day of my life because my sister and mother live theirs on easy mode
No. 1536364
>>1536354I'm a drama queen, what can I say
I'm usually not very resentful but when I feel like someone's stabbed my heart, removed and cut the artery, it's lofty
No. 1536391
>>1536389oops didn't finish. but im just kind of side eyeing my best friend about it. like i know all of your friends don't have to share all the same opinions and it's good to make a broad range of friends but girl…
and my bsf IS a feminist which is what gets me
No. 1536412
>>1536389Kek this is exactly like a situation of mine too. The whole very religious, constantly caping for men being poor blameless
victims, and unequivocally defending her scrote who is a complete and open porn addict despite her saying that porn is evil and being horny is evil and pathetic. I guess just try to stonewall the religious girl as much as possible and be dry with your responses, respond slow and leave a bunch on read, and avoid her as much as humanly possible to only see your best friend without her.
No. 1536539
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bitch you're fucking insane and all bitches like you who worship literally pixels on a screen are fucking insane as well, I'd even say all of you share the same disgusting traits as each other, and then dare say shit like I am the bad one here? literally what's your fucking problem? your "uwu"isms and fake maturity will kill you in the long run, good riddance immature delusional bitch
No. 1536754
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Thanks for letting me know it's a pointless cause. I hope everyone sees how rancid and immature you are. You do honestly deserve the worst.
No. 1538541
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Why’d you have to be such a colossally retarded fuck-up? Why’d you have to lie so much? The stupidest part is that I still love and care about you, I just can’t ever trust you again. You ruined eeeverything, you stupid bitch
No. 1538909
>>1536477That's very cute
nonnie, thank you
Unfortunately my daughter died and I'm a psychotic useless mess
Why would I be allowed to live if she wasn't
I'm just a waste of everything
She was the most beautiful princess
I'm broken I should just dispose of myself, there's no better
She was my better
But she's gone
No. 1538914
>>1538647Oh dear lord
nonny please tell us who youre talking about. You hear their name on TV?! I wanna know what minor celeb has a tiny cock and a rekt asshole
No. 1538917
>>1538909Ntayrt I have no words of comfort for you, only deep sympathy and a crushing desire to hold you until you can't cry another tear drop. Your pain is unimaginable, I can't even begin to comprehend it, but before you commit to leaving this life I will say one thing about loss… it doesn't get better, but it can get easier. You have a choice and I'm not going to tell you which one you should make, that's not my place. I only wish for your peace.
I'm sure she was beautiful and loved beyond measure.
No. 1548937
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I hate how jealous I am of your female friends now whenever you mention hanging out with them even though I swore I'd never see another woman as competiton. I hate how insecure I feel. I hate that I want you so bad even though I didn't even want you at all in the beginning when you were super into me. I could go weeks without seeing you and now I miss you after two days. I wish I didn't have the ability to fall in love because this sucks and leaves me an anxious mess. You bring out my fear of abandonment in the worst way and I don't know how to deal with it. I thought I knew myself until I met you.
No. 1549130
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>I miss you a lot
No. 1549571
>>1549564You don't have to sage in ot
No. 1563264
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you're a fucking narc so is your wife and it's no wonder your kids are like that. you being the sanest one in your family is saying a lot too. holy fucking shit.
No. 1582432
>>1548937men who hang with women as friends are a red flag
just distance yourself and set boundaries
he 100% is setting your gut feels off for a reason
t. someone who had guy friends and when they had girlfriends they would talk a lot of shiet about them and try to make moves on me
No. 1592277
>>1592254I get these too. It sucks.
>>1592270This would drive me absolutely insane.
No. 1592314
>>1592277Thank you for the sanity
And unfortunately that friend isn’t the only one, I’ve got another friend that wants to stay at 125 but uses their weight as their standard and so constantly has to “diet” for like 3 days to go back down to 125 or “bulk” when they’re below 125, meaning they’re just incredibly inconsistent. I’ve mentioned that they should just track their calories and keep maintenance but. Somehow or another they’ll find a reason why their winging it method is better for them, apparently. And finally I’ve got a third friend who hasn’t personally caused me any problems but he wants to bulk up without gaining anything in the waist and it’s like. well.
No. 1592331
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So when I was around 11-12 my parents forced me to go to this charter school I hated going to and I despised everyone there. I had no friends, and I didn’t really have anyone supportive around me so I would lash out in anger by doing stupid shit like clogging all the toilets in the bathroom with toilet paper and paper towels so no one could use the bathroom. Eventually I started doing it so the toilet would flood the bathroom and it would be out of order all day. I did this to several of the girls bathrooms at a time, and I never got caught.
No. 1592517
>>1592254>>1592277You might have CPTSD
It's one of the most untalked about and under-diagnosed mental illnesses.
No. 1600264
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In spite of all the bullshit, the stress, the fighting, the crying, how angry you made me, and all the shit I talked about you after you left, I miss you. I wish things could have gone differently between us. I hope you know I really did love you, and I think part of me still does. I think you really did love me too, in your own way, now that we've been apart. I just couldn't do it anymore, I was going insane trying to make things work. But part of me wishes we could start again and have it work out this time. Even though I know that's unrealistic and more than likely a mistake to think. I just hope you're doing better now and that you're happy, wherever you are.
No. 1604335
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ive started to feel really stressed about homeless people for some reason and spending on luxuries idk
No. 1607739
When autistic people, like yourself, are insufferable, it just makes them so hard to deal with and completes their self-fulfilling prophecy.
I get it; I get you've been ostracized by society for so long and you feel like you don't fit in. That's really hard to deal with. But no, it doesn't make you more likeable if you keep calling everyone a normie and keep being passive aggressive to everyone who has even an okay social life, or trying to improve their own. You don't get away with being a misanthrope because people feel bad for you since you have autism. It comes to a point where people understand that if they give you advice on how to talk to people and you don't take it to heart, saying "I will never understand people, they're below me, I don't want to play their stupid games", well, guess what? People's patience runs out, and since you're asking for advice from other normies, they'll take that as an indirect insult to themselves and they won't want to talk to you from your "logical neurodivergent" high horse. You can bring a horse to water but can't make it drink.
It takes just a bit more self-awareness to understand your attitude, not your autism, drives people away from you. You can learn literally everthing in this world, including how to talk to people. But if you're going to pretend like you're uninterested in improving while also talking shit about the people trying to help you, well then, don't be mad at me when i don't talk to you during work hours.
No. 1607850
>>1607739I feel like you wrote this about someone I'm currently struggling with and it's so spot on.
A friend of mine who I have gotten close to is autistic (If you count ADHD as being on the spectrum of autism maybe I'm autistic as well but idk I don't think about it like that) and the way that they behave is… ridiculous.
Like how are you older than me, and so fucking RUDE? Also, so super controlling? They have meltdowns semi-regularly and complain about being autistic and how that burdens them. And yes, I see that. But what am I supposed to do when you're unable to access treatment or afford it?
I get frustrated and think to myself, quite often, just because you're autistic doesn't mean you have a right to be a huge asshole and then follow up with weak apologies like "sorry if I was mean" no you're not, if you were sorry you wouldn't fucking do it again.
I think they're more obsessed with me having a positive opinion of them than they are actually improving anything negative about themselves. It's ridiculous. So my heart is closed now.
No. 1672415
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You're:3 an :3 abuser :3 suffering delusions of victimhood:3 because you know your life is over when you're exposed :3(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)