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No. 15021
Why wont you Kawaii Japanese girls date me?
I don't know why you Asian girls are so repulsed by me. I do everything I can to appear attractive to you. I dress nice, I am sophisticated, I am magnificent. I have a secure position teaching English. . . I am polite. I am the supreme gentlemen.
And yet, you Asian girls never give me a chance. I don't know why
I feel so invisible as I walk through the High School I teach. Your revealing mini skirts, your silky black hair, your white skin and round faces. I want one for a girlfriend.
why wont Asian girls date a white male Kpop fan?
why do they insist on going for Asian pretty boys?
I'm a nice guy and a perfect gentleman, and yet no Asian girls will give me the time of day because I'm not in a Korean boy band.
why wont you Asian girls just give me a chance? its like there's something wrong with what you Asian girls are attracted to.
im a white guy and I see all these beautiful Asian girls on campus, taunting me with their soft bodies. I just want to squeeze them. but in all my years I have never been approached by a single Asian girl.
why is their attraction so messed up, that they only want bishonen, and would never give an tall, attractive, white English teacher a chance?
I know so much about Asian culture and have so much to talk about, yet you wont give me a chance and get to know me and I don't know why.
No. 15096
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>>15021wtf if you're this whiny and pathetic, no one much less Asians will want to date you.
No. 15350
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go for japanese high school girls age 14-18. they are so fascinated by europe and america which means theyre interested and theyre sweet too.
No. 15359
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>>15353japanese girls are a bit shy so it might seem like they dont like you but they do. remember, they're not like white girls who will suck a dick on the first date lol thats an exaggeration but its kind of true. buy her some cute stuffed animals, kawaii candies and cakes and she will slowly warm up to u
No. 15470
Hilarious, delicious, samefag.
No. 15696
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No. 15711
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OP is full of shit, but for anyone interested, you've got a far better chance of getting some underage Jap snatch if you get out of Tokyo and other urban centers and head to the more rural areas. The further into the country you get, the more curious the bitches are about white penis.
No. 15874
>>15873…accidently posted to early.
Anyway, keep trying, OP! One day you will find a girl. Be sure to talk about atheism and politics all the time so she knows how smart you truly are.
No. 15928
>>15127japanese women arent obligated to love you because you are white
thats like saying women wearing revealing clothing are obligated to have sex
fuck you