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No. 1507746
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i used to drink monster energy drinks in high school. forgot about them, but last year saw they had low-calorie versions now. got completely hooked on them last year because i worked at a callcenter and it was like a tiny bit better than getting hooked on cigarretes like everyone there. now i have a better job but cannot stop drinking this shit everyday. i dont know how i got so hooked so fucking quickly!! i used to drink them when i was stressed but now i drink them every other day with bullshit excuses like "well today its my off day from work i should drink a monster as a reward!".
this about the zero/ultra versions though, the regular monster gives me chest pains and i cannot sleep when i drink them. they also have made me throw up multiple times cause they are so heavy on my stomach. but i do drink them when they are out of the zero versions and always regret it. please help me this shit is so expensive its not funny
No. 1507751
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nonnie I hope it ends up being helpful. So this is kind of embarrassing but step #1 was asking
nigel to hide the weed from me, and that's about 60% of it. As for real strategies for when I start fiending, I remind myself that I actually feel fine and clear headed in the moment, and getting high makes me retarded and sad. I also envision a big pile of burning 100 dollar bills.
No. 1508061
It's time to quit drinking alcohol. I've been drinking on 54 out of 55 days this year so far, mostly around 6 to 9 pints of beer a day. This behaviour isn't new, I have been drinking nearly daily for the past 5 years, to be able to sleep, to be able to live in this shithole, to feel good for a short amount of time. Because of the drinking I've gained 25 kg, I'm nearly as fat as Shayna now and I hate it. I hate the amount of time and money I waste and what I'm doing to my body and my mental health. Fortunately, I'm not physically addicted to alcohol, only my brain is hooked on it, so there are no dangerous side effects if I quit now. Hardest part of getting and staying sober are the first 3 to 5 days for me, as I'm getting unbelievably depressed the first sober days and I'm already depressed as it is, though I wonder if I drink because I'm depressed or if I'm depressed because I drink. Well, guess it's time to find out if my brain will be happier without the alcohol and what I can achieve being sober for the next few months or maybe even years.
This is what I'm trying to quit, wishing all you other nonnas good luck and endurance reaching your goals ♥
No. 1508083
>>1507769Youre gonna end up binging. You gotta be in a deficit, yes, but make the meals smaller and more frequent. This revs metabolism. 3 meals, 2 snacks.
(A tldr version of the weightloss plan made for me by a nutritionist. Down 65 lbs and counting since june)
No. 1508088
>>1507758I'm going through the EXACT same thing wtf. I was actually late to work today because I was doing that last night… I might start setting alarms for a cutoff time so I remember to stop.
>>1507772I try to do this too but I usually just find myself up at 2am again…
No. 1508099
>>1507769Have you tried replacing dessert with something healthy like apple or yogurt? It should help with the sugar cravings after dinner. Good luck
No. 1508241
>>1507746This is me and sugar free Red Bull. I've always had the occasional can but ever since I started drinking them to keep alert while I was doing the books for a friend's business I can not stop. At one point I was drinking more than five a day. I've cut down to two a day by having one less each week.
>>1507769If you want to do OMAD you need to eat one large meal of mainly fat and protein. Half a kilo of belly pork is about 1300 calories, so in a deficit for most people, yet I can almost say with certainty that after eating all that pork you wouldn't want to eat anything else until the same time the next day. Omelettes are also a cheap option for big OMAD meals. Whisk up 4-6 eggs with some heavy cream and melt some cheese on top before serving.
No. 1508253
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I really need to stop picking at my face, it's an obsessive habit borne from anxiety and just gross. Making my skin worse, all the things. I have lots of blackheads on my nose and large pores across my cheeks that get clogged easily. If any nonnie has advice, please help. I spend up to an hour at a time picking and squeezing, I look horrible. Any tips for flakey nose skin and a quality blackhead remover for sensitive skin, I'm all ears. The shame I feel is crippling. Thank you.
No. 1508373
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ayrt let's hope some Stacy dermanonnie is able to save us from ourselves. At least we have each other.
No. 1508485
>>1508061Im also realizing i need to cut back on drinking. This week was particularly bad. I would go out with my sister, have a few drinks together, then get home and keep drinking. Then i would pass out without even taking off my glasses or brushing my teeth and spend all of next day nursing my hangover.
Im generally fine when I do stop for a few days, but I end up feeling so bored or thinking “this show would be funner to watch with a cocktail”
I dont think i want to quit completely and forever, but to how i was before where i only drink when I go out with friends or to dinner
No. 1508493
>>1508253>>1508363I use salicylic acid. There's a variety of acids you can use, start off with the weakest concentration and use it once every three or four days to see how your skin reacts to it. The acid will break down the buildups in your pores, and they help when my skin is flaky and dry despite having a crapload of moisturizer smeared on every ten seconds. Don't use it every day, moisturize, and only use it at night if at all possible. You might need to experiment with a few acids to find the one that works best for your skin. It takes time to really work, but you should start to notice results in a few uses, like brighter skin and less blackheads forming.
I also use micellar water and a konjac sponge to gently clean my face and rinse with cool water. That helps with flaky skin and clogged pores, but I wouldn't recommend using acids on the same day you do this.
No. 1508532
>>1508493Thank you kind
nonnie, you're the best. I will try this. Warm regards from bagcat-chan.
No. 1508561
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I’m addicted to Diet Coke/Pepsi and sugary treats. I’m trying to kick these habits because they’re just unhealthy. I’m not sure why I keep eating or drinking these since they just make me feel sick (sugary makes me feel nauseous and my stomach feels upset, and the sodas make me have the jitters because of caffeine intolerance.) I love water and tea and I love natural sweets like fruits as well. Sometimes it’s just easy to grab a soda or a donut even tho it wastes my money. Help
No. 1508571
>>1508088no way kek I thought I was the only person stupid enough to have this problem as a full grown adult. And I was late to work this morning too wtf!! people have been asking me if I'm ill or if something's wrong and it's like well, there certainly is something wrong (with me) but I can't tell you what it is, kek
I was just like this at 15 but it was normal then because I was 15, kek. But actually I think I figured out why I'm so insane right now. At 15 it was because it was my first time being attracted to someone at all, so of course I went nuts. This time, it's my first time being attracted to a woman, so I'm going nuts again in the same way like a teenager. This revelation however does not help me devise a solution. Godspeed to you
nonny I hope you have more luck kicking this than I have
>>1507772 is a decent idea but even if I put myself to bed at 8pm I'd wind up staying up till 4 anyway, which is then actually more time being retarded and not less kek
No. 1508593
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>>1508587acupressure ring
No. 1508597
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>>1508578oh holy fuck i just gagged nicotine gum is the worst and im a cigarette smoker nona love yourself and get a spearmint
No. 1508625
>>1508485I've been drinking like you describe it while I was younger, now I don't have friends to go out with, so I drink alone, at home, just basic functional alcoholic shit. It's just no joy anymore and I get nothing done besides the things I have to do, I just feel stuck and I'm tired of it, so it's time for me to quit completely. After all, I have been drinking for so many years now, I guess the next 20 years without alcohol wouldn't be so bad, kek.
>>1508524proud of you, Nonna. I will follow in your footsteps, except not with Liquid Death (we don't have canned water in my country), non alcoholic beer will be my saviour.
No. 1509149
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>>1508570>>1508625thank you nonnies, your praise motivates me to keep going
No. 1509184
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I haven't told anyone, but I'm over 3 years free from self harm now. It wasn't easy and sometimes my mind goes back to the idea of it, but I think I will go another 3 years without, just to see what my skin will look like then and if the scars will maybe become less visible. Just wanted to tell someone and I hope every one of you can quit what they want to quit and replace it with something good and healthy.
No. 1509205
>>1509184that's great
nonnie! i'm very happy for you because i know it's hard to stop
i'm trying to quit my phone/internet addiction. i just waste so much time on the internet reading stupid shit
including some of the threads on this site and i just need to do something more stimulating with my free time. i started turning my phone off when i'm home for the day and i'm not expecting any important calls. for some reason i don't endlessly survive the internet on my laptop
No. 1509828
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>>1509199>>1509205>>1509208>>1509227Thank you so much.
And no, I didn't replace the self harm with anything. After so many years of doing it, it felt like it was time to move on and that it's okay to stop hurting myself as I suffered long enough. What I can say is, it gets easier the longer you withstand the urge.
No. 1510527
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I went from being so bored that I wanted to die to feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I want since I quit smoking weed. Was emotionally dependant on it for like 15 years, smoking very heavily. I feel so much better now. It was responsible for at least 50% of my crippling anxiety. Withdrawals are no joke though. I downloaded the I am Sober app which sends me a notification to pledge sobriety every morning. That might sound dramatic but those little milestones help keep me motivated.
No. 1517055
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Perhaps you identify with the following questions:
Do you spend far more time <using the substance> than you originally intended?
Are you unsuccessful in efforts to stop or limit your consumption of <substance>?
Has time spent <using the substance> interfered with, or taken precedence over personal or professional commitments, hobbies, or relationships in your life?
Do you go out of your way to keep your <substance> consumption secret?
Has <using the substance> caused significant problems in intimate relationship(s)?
Do you experience a cycle of pleasure and enjoyment before and during <substance> consumption, followed by feelings of shame, guilt, and remorse after?
Do you spend significant amounts of time thinking about <the substance>, even when not <using> it?
Has <using the substance> caused any other negative consequences in your personal or professional life (e.g. missed work, poor performance, neglected relationships, financial problems)?
If you’re a <substance> user that depends on it … at all and for any reason, all you need to do is read on. If you’re here for a loved one, all you need to do is persuade them to read this book. But if unable to persuade them, read the book yourself. Understanding the method assists getting the message across and preventing your children from starting. Don’t be fooled by the fact that they don’t have access to it now – all do before getting hooked.
About the book
This book is a rewritten version of a rewrite of Allen Carr’s EasyWay to Smoking for pornography, it’s free and open source and licensed under CC-BY-SA.
>edited the text a bit, it's from>the website is originally meant to help people quit watching porn, but you can apply it to pretty much anything>in the image, PMO = porn, masturbation, orgasm>>1516969Raw honey is healthy. Chocolate is questionable due to its high oxalate content, which strips your bones, specifically your teeth, from calcium. This forms calcium oxalate (kidney stones). Chocolate isn't alone in this. Beans in general are high in oxalates, regardless of whether they are regular beans, cocoa beans, or coffee beans. The same applies to some leafy greens, such as spinach. If you want to be healthier, ditch refined foods, and foods high in oxalates/oxalic acid.
Your best bet is out of sight, out of mind. Stop buying it. Stop whoever you live with from buying it, or at least tell them to keep it out of sight.
No. 1524097
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I need to stop daydreaming and making up unlikely scenarios in my head that just end up hurting me emotionally, especially when it comes to romantic interests.
No. 1530011
>>1528723I did the same thing. just do it like 10-20 more times and it will eventually stick. gotta keep trying or you'll never quit. cigarettes are sticky like that.
my anxiety dropped off the face of the earth when I quit by the way. it was the nicotine making me anxious apparently.
No. 1530040
>>1524127Great job
nonny!! And yeah, 4 drinks a day is too many drinks a day especially for a woman. Women shouldn’t drink more than 3 alcoholic drinks in one day, and shouldn’t exceed 7 drinks a week total. Having a couple drinks in the weekends is fine, even having one beer or one glass of wine to wind down at the end of the day is fine, but the guidelines are good to stick to.
No. 1544180
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i just realized it's been 84 days since the last time i smoked weed. 8 months since the last time i did hard drugs. i still need to quit drinking though.
No. 1544443
>>1544425Regular coffee is a bit too heavy for my stomach so I drink just a tiny cup in the morning. I tried drinking black tea throughout the day instead, but ended up feeling sick and even vomited once. It means I overdosed on tannins. Green tea actually makes me sleepy instead of alert.
Yesterday I drank just two small cans of energy drink, and supplemented the rest with 6 sachets of Jacob's Milka instant coffee so that kinda worked? It's not as heavy on the stomach as regular coffee.
>>1544439I actually never tried matcha, I'll try finding it where I live to see if it's better than just regular tea
No. 1631460
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I'm actually out of weed now so I guess I'll try quitting again.
No. 1631711
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I last smoked tobacco/an e-cig about a month and a half ago. I had to abruptly stop because I got sick and decided it would be best to not smoke until I fully recover. I'm a bit torn, my e-cig broke in the meantime (and I definitely don't want to get a new one), and I don't leave the house unless I'm going to get groceries, so I don't want to buy cigarettes or tobacco. It just feels so sudden, I still kind of crave the feeling and I've been smoking on-and-off since high school… I guess it's better that I've stopped, but I'm too used to occupying my hands and mouth with something. I hope the urge subsides soon; I've never had a problem with withdrawal, anyway.
No. 1631820
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>>1631471This has been me since May. I had a rough last couple years of college and it has made me want to act like a summer loving teenager instead of committing to post grad life.
>be in college for 6 years and finally get associates>I dropped out of highschool and am proud I saw this through>you've graduated, now what>don't edit your resume>don't apply for new jobs>don't create a linkedin>time to recover from all the damage both internal and external inflicted on your body and psyche!>sit around, doomscroll, read a few books, finish some attempt at a project or abort it! >but don't do the thing you need to do, anon! No. 1715718
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>>1517055Love this diagram and I notice it with a lot of things. it's hard to tell whether the voice berating me is my inner conscience or the call of the void.
I dunno. I have a weird relationship to eating. No clue how much I weigh (can't know, I'll freak out) but I'll either feel 'too skinny' or 'not that skinny' depending on the day. I have some compulsive tendencies (fixation lol) and whenever I eat anything I feel a crazy push-pull between EXTREME GUILT and EXTREME PLEASURE.
I'm at uni and I like going to dinner with my judo club after our practices. Even if I feel self-conscious, I look forward to the time together and it helps me feel more normal.
It's hard to find a balance, but I'm still young, I guess. I've made a lot of progress since I was a retarded teen.
No. 1717889
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Thank you to whoever made this thread!
I'm here because even though I quitted my porn addiction long ago I have relapsed again and now I feel like shit. I hate porn, I hate "sex work" and I hate men, and I hate these websites so much. I'm making this post because I really need to quit. It's not good for me, for women, it feels like shit, I always end up watching disgusting shit and I hate it. I hate it so much. I hate my addiction prone brain. Time to read easypeasy again.
I've also relapsed into mindlessly scrolling through lolcow all day. It's already such a slow imageboard but my brain seeks the thrill of gossip and human connection with anons. I just think it's very sad. I need something else to fill the void but here I am again undoing all my progress, at least this time I'm taking it easier, not getting into infights, not posting that much, I avoid some boards, but god even like that I feel stupid and also bored as hell lol. It's not like I hate all of LC, my favorite threads are the ones with helpful and smart anons. But I recognize I have a pattern of obsession and internet addiction. I also used to think LC was a "dark website" because of all the gossip kek, but that was around 2015 when I only used the cow boards. God I'm such an oldfag. I guess I'll keep visiting here from time to time because of the familiarity but I feel so dumb everytime I do.
No. 1717906
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I quit this place for months at a time, only to come back whenever I'm bored to death. I don't even care about any of the things discussed here anymore. Quick, someone call me an middle-aged hag and make fun of my nasolabial fold so I can be free.
No. 1717909
>>1717906Nonny I'm
>>1717889 and I'm going through the same exact thing
No. 1736758
>>1736203I did Google it. The only websites that say anything about an effect on birth control efficacy are sketchy no-name blogs.
Just because it affects hormones doesn't mean it changes how your birth control works. Spironolactone is commonly prescribed for pcos alongside birth control for example.
No. 1776097
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>>1715575I'm having a bad time and need to vent… It has now been 3 months and I hate being sober. I'm sick of nightmares, sick of being bored all the time, sick of scrolling lolcow and reddit all day every day. I actually get something done once a week at most and the rest of the time I just sit around doing nothing. I don't even watch movies or TV or play games anymore because everything is stupid or annoying or boring. I thought I was gonna be happier and make more art and do all these cool projects but instead I feel like all my ideas are terrible and there's no point trying to do anything because I'll just fuck it up.
No. 1779897
>>1776097I feel you,
nonny. You probably already know this but you’re in dopamine deficit right now. Getting stoned on the regular flooded your brain with dopamine and so - over time - your brain’s dopamine receptors will have packed up to prevent overload. Now you’ve removed that artificial source, you’re in a very low motivation state and nothing is enjoyable, am I right? I’ve been struggling with it too. I know it feels impossible right now but try to make yourself exercise to help things get back to normal. Also I know Reddit is an absolute cesspit but /r/leaves can be a good read if you derive comfort from knowing that lots of other people have been where you’re at and made it out the other side. I’m rooting for you!
No. 1809003
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>>1779897Thanks anon, I appreciate it. I am rooting for you right back!
Exercise is too boring to contemplate unless it's incidental to working in the garden or something like that. BUT I have been working in the garden more and it really helps. I only feel okay when I spend time working on some kind of project, but sometimes my mood is just so low I can't bring myself to do anything and I get stuck in a loop where I feel bad for doing nothing and I do nothing because I feel bad. I guess I was like that before but weed worked really well at getting me out of my head just long enough to start doing something. Having plants that need regular care helps a lot because doing a little watering/weeding/pruning/pest control gives me the boost I need to do the other things I want to do.
No. 1811367
>>1811358Wishing you all the best in quitting your addiction to posting bait,
nonny. Have you tried making a list of all the things you could accomplish with the time you waste doing this? A lot of people find it to be a very helpful exercise.
No. 1838542
Today for the first time I was honest with someone about my excessive drinking in 3 years. I've hid it from absolutely everyone but every single day I think "tonight is the last night" and it never is. Every single day I think about when I can start drinking again, how I can obtain more alcohol so on. I've come to realise other people do not think about alcohol the way I do. So far I have been able to hide it well and function at work but during Christmas I got a few offhanded comments and I know I can't hide it forever, and even if I could the excessive amount is not helping me. I spent months making excuses for myself to get to this point and it's finally at the point where I HAVE to do something now before it's too late. Drinking used to be fun and help my anxiety but now majority of the time I don't even want to, but then the next day I think about drinking again. I do have some willpower because for 2 years I've had the urge to drink during the day/morning before work and I never do, but at night it's become a constant habit.
I called up an anonymous support line, it took me an hour to muster up the courage to make that call, honestly I mostly just wanted to talk about my anxiety (I was reading about withdrawal symptoms, one of the reasons I put off quitting-that scared me) but I was told to just go to the doctor instead. I made and cancelled an appointment 3 times but finally got myself there. Tomorrow I have a blood test. Lucky for me she said so far my symptoms seem mild so I think a lot of my nausea was anxiety.
If I'm completely honest a large part of me does not want to quit. I used to be someone who was satifised with a drink or two, or a cocktail with friends so I am hoping at the very least I can get to that point again, where it's just something to enjoy with company, but I also know there's probably a point where I won't be able to drink at all.
No. 1838809
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>>1838542That's awesome, nona! Being honest about having a problem and reaching out to get help is really fucking hard, but isn't it also such a relief once you've done it?
>>1838492I'm proud of you too, nona. Being repulsed and putting it away is a sign of good progress!
No. 1839735
nonnie! It sucked so much and I could barely speak because I'm still in the mindset of hiding it. So far I'm trying to deal with the boredom, it's only my second night but around this time is when I would drink. I've done a bit of cleaning and journalling but honestly I'm just so bored
No. 1840357
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I've been doing this since i was a kid because i never had bad consequences from it but i keep pulling my skin from small injuries instead of letting it heal and when i get nervous i start making it worse.
I never use my mouth because that's gross, i just carve with my nails enough to feel my smooth FLESH and that leaves my fingers with so many cuts that never take the time to heal and hurt when i have to wash my dishes or use other products.
I do the same on my lips because they're often dry even though i try to drink enough, i should stop wetting them too because apparently saliva makes them even drier in time but i still have to find good ways to stop doing these things, ugh.