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No. 1512933
I would stop you anons from making all these threads kek. At first I thought the anons saying there were too many new threads were just being haters, but..
Btw, we have "what would you do if you were president" here
>>>/ot/851293 No. 1512939
>>1512933My first thought upon seeing this thread as well. I have nothing against the
nonny who posted this but I feel like this isn't really a big enough topic to warrant its own thread.
No. 1512957
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I would simplify laws and reduce their number.
I would neither combat degeneracy nor protect it with law, i would do little to remedy the negative consequences of society's own follies, as i would let things flow to their natural conclusions, eventually some groups of people would succumb to their own mistakes or learn to govern themselves rationally, without them being forced to do so.
Also i would try to set up world's economy for space exploration and implement soft eugenics for the aristocrat class.
No. 1512983
>Eat The Rich, Abolish and Death to Capitalism the system Capitalism kill's, Ban Millionaires Billionaires, And, Landlord's.
>Housing paid by the state for everyone and the people! Everyone has shelter and a place to live
>Capitalist War Criminals, Are executed and justice is served
>Zero tolerance policy for, Fascism, Racism
>Everyone will have a right to a, Education
>More mental health place's, Because for example the US DOESN'T take mental health seriously at all
>There would be NO MORE bloodthirsty sanctions, Because sanctions kill and hurt innocent people
>Solve world hunger and start up programs worldwide and add to food biodiversity
>Bring back more, Wildlife Conservation efforts, Put lives above profits
>More Science Industries studies and research
No. 1512994
>>1512987>more acceptable and what exactly is that supposed to mean?
if i ruled the world i would just use all my power to make your life living hell
No. 1512998
>>1512994to elaborate, i wouldn't rule the world out in the open, but in secret. op would imagine living her ordinary life but i would be always out there, doing everything to mess with him. the grocery store cashier will always go on the break just when you're about to step in their line. your bank cards get declined suspiciously often, there just is some kind of error, your pay will often miss little money there and here and getting your full pay will always take so damn long because the wages clerk is on holiday or something. getting an insurance? almost impossible. the microphone of your phone always breaks so that no one can hear you but you can hear them. etc etc.
also i would solve world hunger and other nice things while making sure op is always sold shoes size too small (every store is in the lookout for you, ready to switch them even if you got right size yourself from the shelf) and when she orders something online the packages are always lost or porch pirates (my agents) steal them.
No. 1513000
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This reads like something out of the "pretend to be a moid" thread. You either need to kill yourself in case of xy damage or stop hanging out on autistic pol spaces.