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No. 1534702
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Sorta related but not really. This has been quite literally every second millennial couple in New Zealand since 2020. We're about two years away from their 2.6% 5 year interest rates being reset at a 6.5% one year interest rate, followed by coping, followed by a foreclosure sale.
The US is different because everyone gets in with 30 year mortgages. But here it just seems like an inevitable five year countdown as that's the longest you can fix a mortgage for, and that's what everyone fixed theirs at.
No. 1534771
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No. 1535358
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Seen a few headlines like this from Canada. This area is 2 hours out of Toronto and there are 2 universities there but the rest is like a large suburb.
No. 1535420
>>1535358It's just as worse here in Vancouver. They're building houses but it's nowhere near enough to keep up with the demand especially with Canada letting more migrants in. I have no idea what the future is going to look like but it's not good. I think part of it is that there needs to be more structural and institutional change to zoning laws.
>>1535416Lmao I was also taken aback by that. Anon sounds privileged as fuck if she never has to rent a day in her life.
No. 1535458
>>1535420Thats partially why I left Canada. living there is expensive and I wanted to be with my now husband. Hope Canada smartens up and re-evaluates what we need as a country. Gotta help your own first I’m afraid. Unfortunately for me I live in the southern US where housing is high again but it seems like a lot of Northerners are fucking off because rent is too high for what the non banking jobs pay.
My husband and I are saving up for a house and we already have about 70k saved up.
No. 1535485
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>>1535370>I think people who rent forget that they are technically homeless.And landlords are technically unemployed.
No. 1535500
>>1535431i do too.
>>1535370fuck you and your faggot dad.
(Keep it civil.) No. 1535521
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it feels like the system is set up so the average woman can’t live on her own and has no choice but to shack up with a roommate or partner. I’ve seen so many girls just boyfriend hop because they can’t afford to live on their own. It’s just so sad at this point.
>>1535473Get that PHD and go to the country that gives the best options for your degree. I believe in you!! Vancouver is a beautiful city and I’m originally from BC too! My town used to be 4K people but so many moved from Vancouver/Calgary that the population exploded and housing is super hard to find.
No. 1535662
I live in an Eastern Euro country which has in recent years been flooded with Western, specifically British expatriates who are doing the whole digital nomad thing and it's driving housing prices up like crazy.
In my town it's not a big deal because this place is an ugly shithole and nobody actually wants to live here unless they have to, but rent is going up in all the big cities, which is where most of the jobs are for locals, and where the unis are.
Now students going to universities can't find a place to live because Ricky Bobby and Cletus want to go to the spa and pretend they're not crusty deadbeats and I want them out. They will never integrate or learn the language, they do not pay local taxes, they don't use public healthcare, at best they'll manage to knock up some poor teenager who doesn't know better. On top of everything, our PM is a retarded toad man who will gladly sell the entire country to line his pockets and his party is currently holding the parliament hostage so it's not like things will get any better soon.
Because of all of the above my country is now known to be extremely racist, but this is the actual situation and people crying racism are just butthurt that the locals don't want them here, though sadly some tourists catch a lot of the anger by mistake.
No. 1535760
>>1535756If you're the sodomization anon, a-logging like you did above can get you banned if someone decides to report, it's against the rules
Just write normally like you did now
No. 1535840
>>1535788>Dude get a second jobAre you an Amerifat? That's not legal where I live, to prevent people from doing too many hours of work per week so we don't get exploited. I already work 40h a week and even without our labor law, my contract directly prevents me from getting another job on the side because of NDAs and confidentiality.
>so that you meet the income requirementI already do and that's still not enough. You have to be actually rich now to have an apartment in the city where I was born anf raised and where I still live. On top of that for someone who's alone and wants a small apartment it's complicated because landlords prioritze rich students whose rich parents pay for everything, and on top of that prices are way too high because they love putting their shitty furniture that anyone who wants the apartment can't change or remove just to increase prices. I already have my own furniture so you can guess how that's a problem.
No. 1535918
>>1535831I work 2 jobs so I can buy my destitute almost retired parents a house and have worked 3 jobs in the past while studying.
So I am not privileged at all or ouch of touch lel
No. 1536277
>>1534702>>1534704>>1534705UK mortgages work the same way, you get a "30 year" or whatever mortgage, but it's based on refinancing to a new mortgage every 2-5 years.
As a bongland resident, I wouldn't say we are more civilized than NZ at all kek
No. 1536593
>>1536014I'm pretty certain my friend postponed the breakup with her then bf because they lived in a nice apartment, their relationship wasn't even
toxic and the breakup was peaceful but it's sad that she wasted so much time just because it's hard to find a place to live when you're alone.
No. 1536714
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>>1534700I will never be able to afford a home, at least not while I'm still young. I wonder if I could buy land somewhere cheap and plop a trailer home on it. It's not exactly fabulous but it would be nice to have my own space and no rent.
No. 1536839
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>>1536774>A small trailer costs over $100kI'm talking about a 5th wheel (or even smaller), not a manufactured home, and you can get used 5th wheelers for wayyyy cheaper than $100k. I wouldn't mind tearing it up from the inside and remodeling it to look comfy
>>1536818buy a water tank till you can get a well dug
No. 1536845
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>>1536775you could prevent that with a shelter, and make it look more home like in the process
No. 1536947
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>>1536853>renovating an old RVI'm talking purely about aesthetics, the new RV's are just as ugly interior wise as the ones produced 10 years ago.
>you could just buy a better RV in the first placelmfao "just throw in an extra 88k if you want painted different cabinets and wallpaper" …
nonnie …
>Where are you planning to live while you're gutting the RV, anyway?I am pretty fortunate, I live with elderly family members. I pay dirt cheap rent in exchange that I take care of them. Of course this puts a time constraint on saving for land and a trailer, so it's something I do need to start seriously acting on.
>you have $30k to buy a house liveable houses that are 30k in america are in high crime shitholes
No. 1537282
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>>1537152>can't even go to an art galleryHow terrible
>>1537218But isn't most housing the south just shacks?
No. 1537325
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I lived in a camper for about 6 months so April-November. It fucking sucked dick. You also run the risk of your RV getting mold in the winter. My family owns a trailer park and I think you’re better off buying a brand new trailer (or one that isn’t older than the 80s). We see people renovate their trailers once they start falling apart and they typically replace it with higher quality materials. Like seriously there’s some really nice trailers out there.
No. 1537477
>>1537282They're either legacy buildings or they're in areas where there's poor law enforcement.
Here there's government software running that scrapes google maps satellites for any new structures, and they investigate it if they pick something up after a year. If it's got anything digging into the ground for support, it has to be certified several times over.
No. 1537634
>>1534796>His excuse is that it's pointless to do any more because the tenants don't care about where they live and wreck the apartments.They absolutely do destroy apartments. My parents house was rented by worthless hippie fucks before my parents bought it, they left the south-facing attic windows open nonstop for years, and let rain gush in and destroy the ceilings and walls. In the house next door, some renters got kicked out, they turned a faucet on when they left, and it ran for days and flooded the basement. I knew a lady who tried to rent her late mother's house, the people that moved in tore the house apart on the inside, and then sued her over the condition of the property. She lost in court, because there was no way to hire a contractor to fix everything within one month, and she had to sell the house to pay all the court fines. It was her only asset, she lost everything.
No. 1537676
>>1536014>>1536593I'm not in a
toxic relationship, but like your friend I am currently only staying because neither me nor my boyfriend can live alone and I've been saving what I can for two years now while waiting to get out. The pandemic really screwed me over when it comes to my job and career, so I'm slowly crawling back up the ladder. It's going to feel so good when I finally make it out, though.
No. 1537746
>>1537152>>1534702Late to the party but I have never felt as validated in my future plans as I have while reading these posts. I’m only in college but have never really given a shit about the prospect of homeownership. It was like the #1 goal of my ex who kept trying to convince me that rent was flushing money down the toilet (as pictured in the hoomer meme), but I didn’t understand how a mortgage could be that much better. That combined with the prospect of a mortgage locking you into one place to live until it’s paid off.
Is it bad to just want to be a renting city dweller for the rest of my days? I don’t plan on having kids so idc about building generational wealth.
No. 1537766
>>1537746Note: my answer relates to living in the UK so it may not be relevant to you
What convinced me on buying a house is that all state benefits here seem to be calculated with no rent in mind. Any support you can get is for paying utility bills & food, but not rent, at that point you're kind of expected to own a house. That, and everything
>>1537754 said
Mortgage doesn't lock you in here at all, you can sell and buy a new house, it just makes the process awkward because it becomes what is known as a "chain" sale
I guess that, and a few personal reasons make me a "hoomer". I hate living in white boxes where I'm not allowed to do anything to the walls (no shelves/hangings/even taped posters allowed), where any repairs are delayed by weeks/months (the boiler has broken every winter and left me with no heating/hot water), and where I can get kicked out any given moment (has also happened). I calculated that I should pay off my house in ~20 years so I hope I can retire early and comfortably and be a fun grandma in the future.
>ing4 you will have to pay for your own repairsyes, and it will be worth it.
No. 1537779
>>1537766>ing4 you will have to pay for your own repairsyes, and it will be worth it.
I've paid for every repair that's ever been done in any place I've ever lived. Landlords are worthless parasites who do nothing but take your money and spend it on drugs and porn.
No. 1537891
I live in the bay area and the housing crisis is so bad here. Every day there's a dozen articles about how we desperately need housing, and what they're going to tear down to build new housing. Every single housing development that they build is supposed to have x% be low-income, which is total bullshit. They tore down an orchard near where I live to build a bunch of housing. Not a single unit is under $1.3 million, how is this supposed to help anyone in the state looking for housing? The only people that can afford it are people moving in from out of state for tech jobs, or people in state who just got hired at tech jobs, and the insanely rich overseas asian businessmen who buy up a ton of property so their kids can have a condo or two.
If every single politician is going to whine about building more affordable housing, which the state actually needs, the least they could do is put some rules in place to make it so the housing is actually affordable. I know the thread has mainly focused on bitching about landlords but housing developers are so scummy. Cities are desperate to tell people they're doing something about the housing crisis, and so developers are getting away with building the ugliest things you've ever seen in the worst locations imaginable (like zero schools nearby, places where the roads need years of construction, in lower income neighborhoods for peak gentrification) and with maybe 8% of the units being "under market" (actually affordable). I wish they hadn't sacrificed an old orchard for a bunch of unaffordable townhomes that are only going to be sold to incoming managers at Apple.
No. 1537918
>>1537915Kek it's that obvious
But yeah, it's insane here, and then they have the audacity to have a laundry list of things you aren't allowed to have or do for those prices.
No. 1538032
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>>1538029no they're not.. you really don't know the difference do you?
No. 1538075
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>>1536743Sis have you not seen the prices for even used trailers lately. We have ones from the 70's early 80's going for 65k and up. Brand new ones cost as much as what houses were going for before covid. Nothing personal but a 3/2 for a trailer that's going to cost 150k-250k is not worth it. And good fucking luck if its on some land cause those bitches have been going for 500k up into the millions just cause its on land.
(I live in the south and trailers were always cheap here, but even that's not a thing anymore.)
fucking hate this increase in housing and waiting for that damn bubble to burst.
No. 1538127
>>1538075jesus christ this depresses me, imagine paying that much money to live in fucking apopka
>>1538076agreed, a lot of areas in seminole and orange county are old muck farms that they're selling for housing developments. 90% of land for sale in this state is total flood land. could not imagine buying a house here with how fucked up shit's been with climate change making hurricanes more severe. not to mention the rising sea level
No. 1538494
>>1537675agree 100%
fuck benefit leeches
No. 1538530
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No. 1538542
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>plus you pay $2000 per month 'space rent'
Cali moment
No. 1538739
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No. 1538758
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No. 1538760
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No. 1538803
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No. 1538834
>>1535370Hey so i hope women like you do not call themselve feminists because it would make you a hypocrite.
this post of yours was already bad enough but the one where you were telling anons that they should work multiple Jobs just to afforf rent…was so socipathic. Karma and raincarnation is real.
No. 1539025
>>1538886Why are you apologizing for your fathers success? The man won at life and you will share the bounty. NEVER apologize for success to ANYONE. He managed to create generational wealth and that puts him and by proxy you above the rabble. It really is that simple. Nonna, you must understand that the Internet and imageboards especially are full of failures. Men, women, it doesn't matter. You are arguing with genetic trash with addictions and who knows what mental problems, for no reason. It's pointless to argue, since like all failures they want free things, or more accurately they want YOUR things and they try to make you feel guilty by moralizing and invoking bullshit.
Pay them no heed Nonna. There is no equality in this world, and that's fine. There never will be either. Some people and genetic lines are doomed, and it's okay to see them as beneath you.
No. 1539036
>>1539025Your dad's income isn't yours kek. I agree with
>>1538987 he sounds even more obnoxious, knowing he raised a pathetically samefagging daughter like this.
No. 1539604
>>1539359I posted about it earlier in the thread, again, Americans can't lose with 30 years fixed interest mortgages. But five year fixed can absolutely burn many people. Imagine locking in at 3% and then having it reset at 8%, and having to suddenly pay twice the amount to just cover the interest only.
As long as the central bank is printing money and suppressing interest rates, and as long as NIMBYS throttle supply, and as long as the west collectively crams in as many Indians as possible, houses will retain their high value.
The whole thing is absurd though. 50 years ago houses were regarded as just what they were, a bit of building materials, labor and space on a bit of land. Imagine getting a $500,000 mortgage for a glorified wooden box on a bit of dirt.
No. 1540073
mortgage is 2.59 % fixed for ten years
>>1539604the housing market will never crash omfg they’ve been saying it for YEARS it literally will not
No. 1540100
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>>1540099yeah the ‘crash’ of 08 where the average house dropped by 5k and then immediately shot up again
No. 1540114
Im not the other dad landlord anon, but i just wanted to say my dad has rebuilt apts from the 1940s from the wiring out. He bought them with fire damage, condemned and no one else bid on them during a county auction. For 13 years I have helped him relay hardwood, paint and clean apartments. He keeps his rent fixed terribly low (fully renovated 2 bedrooms for $500) because he also requires sober living for residents. He refuses to raise the rent even now because he understands what its like to be dirt poor. He only evicts people after 4-5 months of no payment, and he ALWAYS offers paid work (like simple cleaning tasks, garden upkeep, etc) to those who are struggling.
The city wants to buy the complex and tear it down for parking for a new stadium. My dad doesn't want to see these folks, some of them now sober for many years, lose their homes. Hes refusing to sell.
Idk, incase any of you needed to hear about a nicer landlord, hes out here.
Also, bonus, he made an abusive husband piss his pants one time because of a “conversation” they had after my dad saw his wife had a black eye. That man never came back and shes now completing a degree.
I just thought maybe some positivity might help because the market is horrendous.
No. 1540115
>>1540078in defense of that anon, i believe she is british. the 2008 collapse affected every country differently, and some countries were not really that affected at all by the collapse of the financial system (like many developing nations).
the housing market in the united states collapsed primarily because of subprime lending and multinational banks basically using mortgages to "bet" on low-income or underqualified homeowners who should have never been given loans on homes that they realistically could not afford. but the banks did it anyway, and they collectively had an entire system where they essentially went back and forth to see who could give out the most shitty loans. then there was all the other stuff about wall street, dirty money, the whole "they're too big to fail!" drama when several top banks went under, and conspiracies about it being "planned". i could go on but that's the gist of it.
britain did not have as many issues with their housing market, however they did experience inflation, a hit to gross gdp, and the collapse of several banks. i know as a fellow burger we often have a tendency to see the world from our perspective alone, but what happened in the us was unique to the country even though it had repercussions for the entire system since it took several important banks with it, like the lehman brothers.
No. 1540123
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No. 1540368
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No. 1540507
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No other images, only a picture of himself and what I think is an older image of himself or a fatter twin.
The images are both MTL though the image on the left I corrected the grammar before MTLing. MTL'ed because I can't be bothered
To clear things up, he put up an advert for renting three of his rooms, one being the master bedroom. The rent includes the cost for food too, as he believes that the food is being poisoned with nuclear waste, human flesh and geldings?? He wasn't very clear on that and he's a food hoarder. He's prophet and can expel cancer and viruses if you have any and can see that there is going to be a ww3 soon or a 30 year war, not very clear as I felt like he had MTL his own advert or just has poor spelling and grammar. Beautiful women only, no mothers and he can lead the women to a brighter path along with the woman's loved ones, only love between him and the renter, no obstacles. He's a soldier despite the fact we don't have any active military services in our country and wants the women to come visit his home as he doesn't have a mobile phone and keeps his home locked up but otherwise the rooms are cleaned and ready.
No. 1541646
>>1538601Enjoy the homeless mobs/camp cities.
Cali is such shit one of the reasons everyone is leaving cause they can't afford it.
No. 1544546
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picrel is basically when look for a new place. Basically impossible when I want a bathroom with a bathtub or a place for my own washing machine. I don't even dare to wish for a small balcony kek
No. 1544733
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>>1544715Reminds me of pic related and all the other examples from around the country.
11 orcas live in the blue circle. The yellow circle is the parking lot. Sickening.
No. 1544797
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Just remembered this video that I saw a while ago on twitter, where people waited in a 150m line to view a three bedroom apartment next to a railway line in Berlin. The rent was listed as 1074€.
No. 1544892
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>>1544882i left my apartment because 1. the 'management company' that owned it was sold to a property management company which 2. went raise rent $500. all in a broke mexican neighborhood. fuck that i'm out and i aint coming back.
No. 1545063
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No. 1573727
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>thirteen hundred
>apartment bedroom
>shitty backlot building behind hospital that brings crime
>another hundred for housekeeping
>coin laundry
gotta pay off the mortgage for landlords third vacation home in florida somehow
No. 1576977
>>1576974anyway, basic googling confirms putting a photo/defamation waiver clause in a lease is 100% legal, so what would talking to a lawyer do? my options were: (1) sign the lease or (2) live in my car.
so i'm going back to my original conclusion: kill all landlords.
No. 1581285
>>1535688i'm like a month late to the party but holy fuck,
>pEoPlE wHo rEnT fOrGeT tHaT tHeY'Re TeChNiCalLy HoMeLeSs is one of the funniest and most out of touch things ive read on this site in a while
No. 1581295
>>1535370The tagged replies kek, please my advice for you is to never again tell anyone your father is a landlord or that you "see things from a landlord's perspective" or that the government need to regulate landlord's crazy price increases - they do, but choosing to be a landlord
usually means you are a scumsucking leech draining the bank accounts of hardworking people. Nobody needs to charge tenants 3x their mortgage cost and yet!
No. 1581363
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>>1578043>>1578056You are both right! It is annoyingly hard to find data on birth rate broken down by income and race/religion, but I compiled the shit I did find. Also this is US only so sorry non-amerifags, I have no idea what's going on in yall's countries. Income and class do have a high correlation with birth rate, but so does religion, and education level, and race. Makes sense when you think about it - of the white people still having lots of kids, they're mostly Mormons or other conservative Christians, and more likely to be raised with the traditional homemaker mom and single income dad supporting a ton of kids. So more likely to be poor, less likely to receive adequate education on birth control and so get pregnant earlier, more likely to avoid family planning even if they can't necessarily afford more kids and won't abort because jesus… Versus immigrants where first gen tend to have a lot more kids because many have both the sex education and the ideological mindset of an older, more conservative generation. But also most immigrants come to cities where their kids will likely have decent sex ed, and immigrants also tend to push their kids to succeed or those kids feel like they have to succeed because their parents sacrificed for them - meaning more hours working and studying and less hours fucking around, and more awareness of how an accidental/young pregnancy will totally fuck up your future.
Sorry for sperg, here are my sources: No. 1581478
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>>1578056Lower class families were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me
No. 1581522
>>1581515I'm sitting on my butt smoking weed, not cocaine.
Long ago I started out renting to students that come in the capital to study, expecting to get new student tenants when they finish. But they finish their studies, get a job, get a family, and still stay.
No. 1581632
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>>1581511seethe and cope harder, baitnon
the housing industry should go the way of japan
No. 1581637
>>1581534there are a ton of landlords that put secret cameras and live audio recorders in their properties, the number of stores I've heard of some old scrote bringing up topics that renters discussed only private or otherwise reference things the landlord wouldn't have known are infinite
one of my favorite videos out recently was a series of videos of a crazy landlady (i think wearing pink) freaking out at some college kids for using the oven, and having clothing in the dryer among other things
No. 1581682
>>1581598That's obviously illegal and not what I am referring to. Depending on the country, the current laws can favour the tenant, such as being given time to find a new place to live if the landlord wants to use the property for other purposes, needing a
valid reason to evict a tenant, limits on rent increases, the property has to meet certain legal requirements to be considered safe, etc. All of these tenant protection laws lower the potential profit that can be made from renting out a property. A large corporation is going to lobby the government to remove these laws because they above all else want to maximise profits.
If the rental market was to end up being controlled by a few large corporations, the situation for anyone needing to rent a home would be much worse.
No. 1581718
>>1581682large corporations are already lobbying to remove tenant protection laws. they don't need to own the majority of rentals to be able to do that. it's not like small time landlords lobby in the opposite direction. they also pool their resources to rob tenants, for example by colluding on price increases.
the best, kindest, most attentive landlord is still a value-draining parasite depriving others of the opportunity for home ownership.
No. 1581725
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>>1581718>they also pool their resources to rob tenants, for example by colluding on price increases.want to add on to your comment in case anyone is interested in reading more, this is the case in the united states are several other articles linked within this one for even more reading
No. 1581794
>>1581758i'm in a corporate apartment (owned by cushman and wakefield and last weekend i counted 8 broken windows in my building covered with plywood or trashbags. every single security door in this building is broken. both of the fire doors on my hall are broken and permanently kept open. the roach infestation is the second-worst i've ever had to live with (first-worst was also in a large apartment complex).
it's hard to say whether this is worse or better than the 50-year-old house (owned by an LLC representing a single individual) that had shit insulation, no heat, and a porch so rotten that people fell through it and got hurt multiple times (one had to go to the hospital). none of the appliances ever really worked properly, if at all. there were no roaches, but there was black mold on all the walls which made all of us sick. the landlord said the mold was caused by us not running the air conditioning system to dry out the air inside during the summer, but when we ran it for a month (temp set to like 80something b/c we already knew the A/C didn't work) it increased our electric bill by $400 and the mold kept growing anyway.
at least my appliances and heat work and i'm careful about storing food and cleaning everything before cooking so i haven't gotten sick from the roaches (yet). the thought of renting for the rest of my life makes me want to kill myself.
No. 1582562
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No. 1582565
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No. 1582570
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No. 1582575
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No. 1582578
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No. 1582581
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No. 1582582
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No. 1582584
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No. 1582587
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No. 1582588
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No. 1582591
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No. 1582594
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No. 1583086
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tried to find some of these listings but no luck, maybe they're on tt but i don't use it.
the first one, 600/month for a bathroom with two beds in it had me laugh out loud
No. 1592047
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An engaged couple rented a house from a parasite in Canada and asked for the mold to be removed. The parasite chased them down and shot them both in the backs until they died, then had a standoff with police. Other parasites are all saying it was justified and it's actually the fault of the govt board that regulates parasitism. I'm glad the parasite died too, but now his properties will be inherited by his parasite offspring. If you don't kill parasites, they kill you and the people you love.
No. 1592056
>>1592053What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
No. 1592077
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they're trying to demolish that building in Iowa asap without bothering to make sure there's no one left inside. they almost killed an old lady who was only rescued last night. No. 1592198
File: 1685467967964.jpg (102.97 KB, 1074x906, andrew wold slumlord.JPG)

>>1592077Andrew Wold is the slumlord responsible for this tragedy. I wonder what connections he has to get the building slated for demolition while families of missing people protest beside it demanding to know where their relatives are.
No. 1592992
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On the left is the most recent permit record for this building as of yesterday, May 29, using the Wayback Archive: the right is the same record using the current link: yesterday and today, the most recent inspection on May 25 was changed from a pass to a fail.
No. 1631424
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We know how bad child abuse statistics are for step-fathers, now imagine what would happen in this situation, so hopefully this arrangement doesn't become normal. Governments who ignore the housing problem are indirectly condemning people to stay in abusive situations.
No. 1711060
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It's sad that 10% agree (MAID = euthanasia). Any polling question can get a small % of crazy responses but 10% is definitely over the threshold.
No. 1711181
>>1536723>you won't have waterthere's water hookups on most land, if not you can put in a well
>or a gas station or a grocery store. what? where are you thinking of where this is reality?
No. 1711239
>>1631514Yeah at least they should be honest about how for a lot of people they need to do this to afford a roof over their heads. I don't even live in Canada but I'm an Eurofag and even in my country they're shilling community living as this "fun, communal, economical way of living" when in reality you don't get any privacy, you don't have a proper space to call your home and you can't make choices concerning your living space and the people doing it usually had no other choice. I fucking hate how housing has become such a luxury that you have to go to medieval times living quarters, not because labor and materials for building proper apartments isn't available or affordable, but because the companies doing construction work are so fucking greedy they only sell to airbnb hosts and big landlord companies. There should be laws to regulate the market but politicians usually own big shares in housing companies so nobody wants to shoot themselves in the foot.
>>1631776>>1631782And not just child/sex abuse, just general emotional abuse is involved a lot in communities and shared housing. I used to share an apartment with strangers and I felt like I was losing all my hair from the stress and never felt safe in my own goddamn home.
No. 1741183
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>>1631514don't be silly, this is totally healthy and safe.
No. 1795172
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No. 1820857
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No. 1821145
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>>1741183This reminds me of those communal apartments in soviet union where several families moved in together in a single flat after the owner got sent to Siberia. A room per family and shared kitchen/bathroom.
No. 1834318
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Between things like vidrel, Zuckerberg and all the other billionaires buying, I'm convinced that the end might actually be coming, like a complete social collapse.
No. 1834472
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>>1834468reposting from a previous thread, but declining birth rates genuinely aren't really substantially harming the quality for a major population or even the nation as a whole; it's just going to decrease the expectation growth of major corporations. That's it. They won't even lose money or stop growing, just decrease slightly. and so they bagger on about these birth rate crises and they want us to be afraid, but it's simply not true. Even at the complete worst, if all of humanity gets reduced to 10% of its size, it will simply grow again in the next few hundred years.
No. 1836092
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>>1834528already happening in japan
No. 1864485
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Can’t even have trailer parks anymore smh. My family owns one in a tourist town and this has almost happened to us a few times.
No. 1867323
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No. 1871245
>>1867323I'm getting sick of people complaining about groceries NGL. Like, I spend way less than the "low cost" tier in that Tik Tok and I'm not even poor. There is a startling amount of people in this country who can't cook, eat tons of snacks foods and juices and shit, and are unwilling to bend the knee on anything. Imagine if we got out in a situation where we had to go back to victory gardens. I'm convinced half the population would rather go hungry than grow their own potatoes (which is easy as fuck).
Like fuck I feel bad saying it but so many people in the first world are just total pussies.
No. 1871314
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We need to get back to executing landlords and the extreme wealthy buying up properties to use as airbnbs
No. 1872226
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How bad is the situation of Irish housing market so that a partly demolished house with visible fire damage costs 140k? In the middle of nowhere no less
No. 1872285
>>1871245But even food that requires very little "cooking" is still pretty cheap. You can get dehydrated potatoes, a can of greens, and maybe sausage for less than 3-4 dollars each and feed the whole house like that. Sure it's not super healthy but cheaper than everyone going to get fast food or other options.
I can sorta see where a lot of people are coming from though, a lot of people work two or three jobs in America while taking care of a house and/or kids and are simply exhausted and don't want to cook something that requires a lot of prep and don't have time for gardening
I also feel like the junk food and soda addictions are connected with the fact a lot of those people work a lot and use quick fixes for energy
No. 1874376
>>1872495do those houses even sell? In my local Zillow at least I see so many overpriced fixer-uppers stay on the market for months or even years on end. A lot of realtors get obsessed with the rich unicorn coming to buy their overpriced piece of trash to turn into a mansion- they all actually believe some rich person will swoop them up and buy their home instead of letting less rich/poorer people buy the homes. It doesn't even make sense because if you sell like 10 crappy homes in a year you're making more money than hoping enough rich unicorns come along, it's especially funny when the area is like bumfuck midwest or something
I see the same happening with cars and crap too. A lot of people are standing around waiting for someone to pay for overpriced bullshit instead of selling to a -poor- person kek
No. 1874750
>>1874423not to sound like a zoomer but who would want to live in a house where an
abusive moid live? almost all homes like that have a weird energy that lurks around, maybe it's me. I can "feel" if houses homed an abuser
No. 1875005
>>1874376Nope, I’m looking at Zillow right now (I’m
>>1872269 and live in the east coast in the US) and there’s a hundred year old 4bd with a basement that’s been for sale/abandoned since September 2022- they’re selling it for $40k more than they bought it, and they’ve never reduced the price on the listing and it’s being sold by a corporation. It’s a waterfront street but not a waterfront lot, and it’s not a very desirable town to live in.
There’s also a house in the town I live in that was bought by a flipper that ran out of money, they completely GUTTED the house so it’s unlivable in a highly desirable area (also 100 years old but has definitely had been renovated sometime in the 60s/70s. I’d wager the flip was due to cosmetics, not structural issues). This is also a 4bdrm with a basement. The flipper bought it in may of 2022, gutted it all in two months, ran out of money and immediately put a gutted unlivable house back on the market for $70k more than he bought a dated, but most likely livable house for. It’s been abandoned and on the market since July of 2022 and the price has only been lowered by $40k- you’re still spending $30k more than he bought the house for for a house with no floors/walls/ceilings.
You should be penalized by law for holding onto properties you do not occupy and are not renter-occupied for several years without a reasonable effort to sell. Those houses in particular stand out to me because I see them every time I’m on Zillow, and the sizes and ages of both houses are comparable- those are houses people should have families in, not sit vacant and become a neighborhood eyesore.
No. 1876889
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I honestly don't know what the canadian farmers are worrying about, it's very easy to find a room to rent.
No. 1927235
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Asking price €350000. Ireland.
No. 1927248
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>>1927235Presumably there's a bathroom somewhere. Or are they expected to piss in a bucket in the hallway/kitchen?
No. 1927256
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Have you guys seen the "solarium rooms" that go for rent in Canada? A lot of them are the size of a bedroll
No. 1927401
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Burgers, we need to start eating these slumlords or potentially begin a hunting for sport situation. $400k for a house in Alaska that has been half washed away by a river. “A bit of a fixer upper 1br 1bath” my ass. Look up Riverside Drive Juneau AK, they managed to sell it to either some other poor sucker or it’s one of the billion homes now owned by private equity firms who are ruining everything else in this country.
No. 1928402
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>>1927256People on reddit were talking about sleeping in these and how they just delt with the heatwave in the summer
No. 1932453
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No. 1932648
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>>1932626our options aren't looking great.
No. 1932684
>>1932658I'm not sure if this is happening where I am, but I'm noticing a lot of suburban neighborhoods will only have like 3-4 homes occupied on the street, especially newer "modern farmhouse" type neighborhoods. It definitely could be investors or people buying part-time homes but I also feel like the prices they are charging for basic single-family homes just aren't matching up to the consumer they're targeting
I also notice this is the first time in years where I've seen homes basically rot on Zillow. It's not unusual in my area to see listings stay up for almost a year or more. A lot of it is the overpriced cookie cutter homes but a lot of it is realtors trying to overcharge for fixer uppers hoping the rich unicorn will buy it at like 5x price while doing a bunch of work for a home that will barely be worth it
No. 1932713
>>1932679Samefag to correct myself because I accidentally deleted a part of the sentence
>or example the ownership of all real estate in Vancouver is owned by Chinese buyers.I meant that THIRD of all real estate, not ALL real estate.
>>1932690>they have enough cash they can just elbow out the competition and it's just pocket change to them.Exactly. The rich people in China are so rich they can just buy whatever and it means nothing to them, and of course people selling that real estate are more than happy to make a profit. So the prices soar to the point no working class local can afford them because the market has pushed them out completely.
No. 1933954
>>1933866I am this anon
>>1933541 and I have no idea who you are talking about right now.
No. 1935117
>>1933992I believe it. Zoomers are the ones cancelling and censoring things that are remotely '
triggering' and doxxing people they don't agree with. They're more aggressive and weirdly puritan than boomers, I swear
No. 2087679
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>>1932453i want off this ride
No. 2336909
>>2334453Calm down nonna. It takes a long time to build a life in another country, you're going to have to adjust your expectations a little. The future hasn't happened yet, you don't know what your financial and personal situations will be like in one year, let alone ten. There are laws coming into effect in some places to stop landlords snapping up properties to rent as Airbnbs, which look like they're doing well and are likely to be implemented in more cities in the next few years. There's pressure on landlords to lower rent since everyone is working from home and moving back in with their parents to save money, I don't think this has affected large towns and cities much but I know it's making a difference in some smaller towns in my country.
Inflation is hitting hard too, very few people have enough for a full grocery shop let alone a down payment on a property they can afford. When the economy stops being so retarded you can go back to saving more money and reach your goals quicker, even if properties cost more on average you'll still be able to afford something.
No. 2339525
>>2169927>>2141598>>2140992Also boomers in the USA are not going to take lowball offers because they know their next place is going to be a nursing home, and private rooms (where your demented drooling 85 year old roommate isnt molesting you in your sleep) costs 10k monthly. So they are going to sell to foreign investors with cash in hand for 10% greater than the asking price.
Gen Z or Gen Alpha will be doomed to rental hell life forever
No. 2425905
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