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No. 15406
Update: Also added a new board
>>>/g/ for cosplay/girl stuff. Race-related discussion is not allowed there.
For the next 7 days, new threads in /b/ may not be posted if they mention race in any way. Though there were multiple posters, the person most responsible for spamming the same kind of threads over and over has been temporarily banned.
Additionally, avoid persistent or overly hostile racial discussions in the threads that aren't already about race.
Anyone who violates either of those rules may be temporarily banned from all boards.
I've locked some of the recently made threads but kept a few open. Use the existing threads instead of making new ones.
No. 15414
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No. 15480
>>15468I'm white as it gets baby, and if I was that chick (whoever she is because I've never heard of her) I'd be banned right now, like Admin said in their OP? Remember?
I am sick of ALL race related posting, from the psychotic white - supremacist rednecks to the shitskin shills.
Just so fucking stop stop stoooopgchftgxgyiddiyditditdidtditxit
No. 15501
>>15495And it's still going on in that "white beauty" thread.
The level of tard in that thread I swear to kami-sama…
No. 15512
>>15495It's summer and all the kiddies are out. It'll die down when school starts up again.
But yeah, it's pretty ridiculous.
No. 15551
>>15480This. I agree.
>>15536I've seen a lot of people recently on here claiming to be fresh out of middle school or just graduating freshman year of high school. Adults can be really immature too especially if they're only in their early 20's. There's dumb asses of all ages.
No. 15558
>>15551>>15512yea nah kids are out enjoying themselves usually, its loser adults who do this shit. Just look at some of threads on /b most people here have sad pathetic lives and are broke with no friends and fat.
like this guy
>>15552 No. 15598
I've decided to additionally open a new board for discussion of cosplay/girl stuff:
>>>/g/Race-related topics are banned in /g/. I will be moving some /b/ threads there.
The "no new race threads for 7 days in /b/" rule still applies. There are several threads already up where race shit can be discussed.
No. 15615
>>15605Oh yes I'm sorry, I should have clarified Lolita fashion. Is there any way you would add that to the board topics list? If you seem it unecessary, I understand.
Thank you admin, you are truly based.
No. 15620
>>15615I added it. I'm not going to add an exhaustive list of all topics though.
Any topic that has a majority of women vs. men who are interested in it should probably be posted in /g/. Unless the thread is not serious or primarily critical in nature.
No. 15643
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>>15620Thanks again, and I apologize for being so picky and demanding.
>tfw admin sempai will never notice you No. 15693
>>15552You're pretty immature for your age. Why do you keep spamming threads with Asian girls and calling white women ugly all the time?
I get that its your opinion but keep it to one thread?