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No. 155567
i agree with
>>155566feel better, OP. relationships are overrated.
No. 155577
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being cheated on is the worst, especially when he dumped you on valentines day to be with her
its been years. but i seem to have developed a inferiority complex
i was always kind of tubby. and she was supermodel thin (she had an ED though) so that took a blow to my self esteem as well
i've had my new boyfriend for a little over a year now, he says he will stay with me. but i'm always nervous he will find a sweet, skinny girl and run off with her
No. 155581
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Ehhh, I posted here before about my break up but I'm going to go ahead and just kind if vent/update.
My (ex) boyfriend broke up with a little over a month ago.
I'm gonna cheat and just copy and paste from the last thread a little
>boyfriendo dumped me
>"fell out of love"
>"couldn't deal with my depression"
>did some snooping
>found out his skype password
>look through old messages he sent
>found something i never wanted to see
>he was probably in love with another girl the whole time
>girl will probably friendzone him because she already has a boyfriend
>tfw he's going on his life watching animu and playing vidya telling me to get over it on my own
>tfw he doesn't care about me anymore
>tfw he only cares to apologize when the girl he likes tells him to.
>tfw you love someone who doesn't love you back"
After about a week after the break up I finally cut contact with him. The first days after the break up I stupidly went to him begging; trying to "get closure" (secretly hoping that he'd change his mind).
It's becoming super frustrating because I'm spending my time hung up over him, and frankly, I believe he could care less about me now.
Now, it's just starting to effect my well being, I'm spending most of my time sleeping and indoors, moping over him, and my parents are getting really sick of it. I am especially sick of feeling like shit all the time.
He hasn't shown any signs of caring or any signs that he might still love me, and it's just all a put down.
I just feel like right now am stuck, and I can't "move on."
Deep down I'm hoping that he will come running back to me and ask for forgiveness, but I just feel like it'll never happen. I also know that taking him back will hurt me even more.
I'm resisting the urge of plotting to get him back.
I need to get over myself already, for fucks sake and I just need DO something with my life and show him what he took for granted.
No. 155582
All of my relationships have been shit.
>Boyfriend #1
>Talked shit about me to everyone which resulted in the local anime community shunning me completely
>Only used me for sex obviously, but I was dumb enough to fall for his sweet talk
>Dumped me over text message 5 minutes after I had signed up for a boarding school located close to his house, on the other side of the country from where I live (his idea, ~so we could be closer to each other~)
>Boyfriend #2
>Internet relationship, he lived on the other side of the globe
>Spent all of my hard earned savings to visit him for two weeks so we could figure out if it was worth it or not
>Paid for all his food, transport and accomodation cause he had no money
>He dumped me over MSN the moment I got back home
>Couldn't even be bothered to tell me face to face before I left
>Boyfriend #3
>Had no mind of his own, treated me like a goddess who could do no wrong
>Boring as hell, hated my hobbies and tried too hard to pretend he enjoyed them
>Dumped him face to face and never saw him again
>Boyfriend #4
>Talked shit about me to everyone while telling me how much he loved me
>Final con we attended together, he stayed in my room along with two other girls - good friends
>Girl #1 would get into our bed and try to cuddle with him when he and I were lying next to each other
>Girl #1 would get between us when we were walking anywhere so we couldn't hold hands
>All three of them ignored me from saturday morning till sunday evening, and did everything they could to avoid me completely
>Freaked out most weekend
>Caught all of them shittalking me -in my room- sunday evening
>He broke up with me
>Got together with girl #1 right after
>Friends and myself all went full on psycho on them
>They were genuinely surprised that people gave them shit about it and it took them about a year to realise they had done anything wrong
>They broke up, she's quit the internet and he'll likely get his ass kicked if he shows up at another con because everyone hates him at this point
>Boyfriend #5
>Incredibly unstable, had the whole "woe is me" attitude
>Butthurt over everything and overall incredibly negative
>His life was shit so it's understandable
>Broke up with him cause it was fucking me up mentally
>Also pretty sure he wears an invisible fedora on his head so there's that
These are just the undetailed versions.
I'm single now and happy doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about that. Whenever I'm with someone, I always try too hard to make sure everything is ok and I'm never quite able to just be myself. So I'm done with that.
No. 155583
>>155581Something similar happened to me. In summary- was really in love with my boyfriend, everything seemed fine, he dumped me, didn't know why but later found out it's because another girl who he's been seeing and he was really into her.
I felt just like you, tried to get "closure", hoping he would come back to me. I was really depressed and my parents also got really sick of me lol. I also wanted to get "revenge" or whatever but in truth I wanted everything to go back to the way it was before.
All I can say, time heals wounds. It's only been a month and you'll still probably think of him often. But as time passes and you experience more things and meet new people, your eyes will begin to open and he is going to slowly fade away from your mind. You will probably remember him occasionally, but it won't be the same feeling. You will not want to go back to him, you will not want "revenge", you simply won't care anymore. You will improve and do things not to "show him", you'll do it simply for yourself instead.
So my advice is become active, find new interests and hobbies and meet new people and you'll forget about that faggot more faster. You just gotta keep fighting.
No. 155584
High school bf
>8th-12th grade (except for 9th)
>had low self esteem so welcomed his compliments
>he was diagnosed with depression, bi polar, and later schizophrenia
>cocktail of meds every day
>personally also dealing with emotional and cognitive side effects of my own medication
>found him ugly and unattractive
>still couldn't live without him
>was held responsible every time he "acted up" by his parents, our teachers, and even law enforcement
>threatened me with suicide or telling my parents fucked up things
>coerced into giving blowjobs almost every day
>begged to send nudes
>guilted/threatened into having sex maybe five times
>always disgusted by myself
>got cheated on several times
>eventually just afraid to leave
>he ends it because he claims i make him insane
>soon wants me back
>agree to try to be friends
>comes over and snaps off my bra as soon as i turn around
>never speak again
second bf
>1 month
>short, cute guy with cuter accent
>a /b/tard found on college fb group
>accidentally end up dating through a misunderstanding
>just didn't want to hurt his feelings
>wants to have sex after two months of friendship
>warped view of sex bec of ex bf
>fuck it, i'm not pure anyway
>gives me alcohol
>have drunk sex three times
>break up because he has a "dream" about ex
>both relieved and stop speaking
third bf
>3.5 years
>honestly looked like makoto from free
>tall, dem broad shoulders, perfect bishounen face, anime hair
>"bad boy" prince type straight from shoujo
>loved anime and manga
>got into figures, cosplay, etc together
>hated me because i wasn't a virgin
>said he'd never date me
>get sad and go to a big party with friend
>friend keeps handing me double shots
>be 18 and stupid, end up passed out and getting reamed in his bed
>confess this to bishounen boy
>two months of making me feel like dirty, gross shit
>this compounds with secret gross feelings about sex with first two exes
>end up in terrible, unhealthy relationship
>constantly arguing, hurting one another, putting each other down, etc
>highs were higher than anything else, lows absolute worst
>end up having amazing and sometimes kinky sex (10/10) and super fun times
>realize sex is great and that i need to respect myself
>want to marry the shit out of him
>entire 3.5 years barely works, drops out of night school, actual NEET
>leeches off of weird mother who hates me
>confesses to cheating with several girls
>becomes depressed upon realizing hopeless NEET level
>do my best to be there while not smothering
>graduate college and move back to hometown
>immediately dumped
>cry for days
>ex wants to be friends, but i cut contact
>two months later, apparently attempted suicide and became "better"
>contacts me to date again
>realize i need to move on and continue with no contact
fourth bf
>1 month-ish
>old coworker known since first bf
>skyped a lot in college to complain about our relationshits
>towards end of relationshit with 3rd bf, confessed love and told me to leave 3rd bf
>fuck you
>stop talking for almost a year
>~7 months after breakup with 3rd bf, contact old coworker
>hang out that night at bar
>kisses me
>agree to be in a casual, short term relationship
>basically exclusive fuckbuddies (8/10 sex)
>kid ends up trying to marry me in 1 month
>starts harassing me via text and email going from calling me a whore to begging for me to take him back
>threatens suicide, emails picture of gun
>begs me to shoot him
>seriously hundreds of messages within one day
>call suicide hotline and police
>dude gets livid and says i called them for attention
>never speak again
fifth bf (current)
>1.5 years
>met on okcupid
>cute, great face, tall, getting /fit/
>quite boring but enthusiastic about all sports plus all my hobbies
>watch anime, collect figures, gym together
>first bf with college degree, his own place, and any sort of full-time job
>actually pretty okay with money and responsible
>doesn't like to think about things, talk about anything not mundane, etc
>consistent, decent to good vanilla sex but low sex drive
>has history of getting dumped for being too boring
>unlike third and fourth bf, exes aren't super hot and are pretty dumpy
>aesthetic and emotional preferences for girls that are the opposite of me
>overall a boring but stable and nice relationship
>living together for 1+ years, dunno how it will end
sorry, i don't know how to be concise.
No. 155586
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OP here, figured i'd do a quick through on all my other ex's as well.
First BF (early high school)
>not very attractive, some kind of ska punk kid
>had a similar group of friends
>rode the same bus
>eventually had first kiss on bus
>started dating
>only date we went on was to the movies in the afternoon
>he only did that so we could make out
>dumped me over aim for another girl who rode our bus
>lasted a few weeks
Second boyfriend
>cute, boy next door type, liked video games and played guitar
>LDR, i lived in pa, he lived in michigan
>always texting each other and sending pictures
>was emotionally satisfying
>met each other over Christmas break after 1 year
>incredibly happy
>came back during spring to take me to a dance
>lost virginity to him
>eventually lost interest
>broke up with him over the phone
>lasted 2 years or so
First BF again
>he wanted to try dating again
>agreed to it
>was more interested in his friends then him
>broke up with him
>lasted a month or two
Third Boyfriend
>average in every possible way
>had a crush on him for the longest time
>started dating and everything was okay at first
>bad sex
>was kind of a jerk
>compared me to other girls
>always felt inferior
>broke up with me over text because we had nothing in common
>lasted 3 weeks
Fourth Boyfriend
>good looking
>met over myyearbook (i think it's meetme now)
>was a couple years older than me
>went on a lot of rides in his truck
>always picked me up after school
>mom was a total sweetheart
>sex was amazing
>he started getting really mean though
>flipped out over the littlest things
>eventually stormed out of my house one night
>assumed it was over
>texted me a few days later wanting me back
>ignored him
>lasted a few months
Fifth Boyfriend
>adorable, nice long hair, tall, somewhat chubby a.k.a my type
>started working at a grocery store
>two weeks into it, find out i'll be training a new kid
>turns out the new kid is in some of my classes at school
>we start talking a lot
>gathered all my courage and asked him to senior ball
>he says yes!
>best night ever
>a few days later, i asked him to officially be mine
>again, he says yes
>we graduate, everything is going amazingly
>we have tons in common, texted and saw each other regularly
>didn't fight much, and if we did it wasn't major
>eventually he started get more distant
>we started fighting more
>he always seemed annoyed or bored with me
>didn't see him for weeks
>his job was literally 3 minutes from my house
>stopped answering my texts
>didn't want to, but had to break up with him over text since he wouldn't answer my calls or come over
>lasted 2 and half years
Sixth boyfriend
>handsome, dark hair, beard, tall, a++
>texted me occasionally when i was with the 5th boyfriend
>always asking if i was single
>texted me a few days after the break up asking the usual
>told him yes i was single!
>we hung out the next day, played video games and went to the park
>had a great time with him
>few days later he asked me out, changed his fb status to in a relationship with me before i could answer
>we always looked back on that and laughed
>worked full time and he lived 30 minutes away
>could only see each other on my days off, but it was all good
>celebrated 21st birthday with him
>we stayed up late, played pokemon, went to mcdonalds at 3 in the morning, overall just had a blast
>his family moved closer so now we only lived 6 miles from each other
>spent the whole summer goofing off and spending time together
>fall comes around and i'm starting college, he's fully supportive
>can only see each other on weekends again
>everything is great up until may
>starts texting me less and less
>makes excuses as to why he cant hang out
>he gets his own place with a roommate
>sees him even less
>ignores me constantly
>always waited for his texts or invitation to come over
>start asking him more if i can come see him
>constant excuses
>eventually he flips on me for always asking him to hang out
>says it's stressing him and causing him anxiety
>breaks up with me over text, calling me a selfish psychopath, but still wants to be civil, and he doesnt want to date anyone blah blah blah
>few days later one of his ex's messages me on tumblr saying he had contacted her, wanting to mend things and whatever else
>probably was cheated on
>yesterday he texted me, asks for his wood carved necklace back, but just to leave it in the mailbox or with his roommate
>realize he's a filthy coward and cant meet me face to face
>drop off his stupid necklace and vow to never take him back
>lasted a year and a half
I'm so sorry for the book, but it feels great to finally get this all out.
No. 155587
>>155585How are you trying to contact him, anon?
If it's through text something may have happened with his phone. Can you reach him through Facebook or anything else?
No. 155589
>>155583>>155583It's probably because I'm still in love with him or whatever. But just the thought of him slowly fading out of my life is super sad.
I just wish I could just not care anymore. I'm scared about seeing him on campus. I'm scared of potentially seeing him with someone else. I am scared that he will never come around.
The guy himself is probably a fuck boy. Like honestly I wish I could take him down from this pedestal I put him on. I'm tired of crying over someone who doesn't give a shit about me. Honestly I want to get back at him but how even start?
No. 155596
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>>155595It makes me sad to think back on tbh.
I need better taste in men.
No. 155597
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> be me
> date big man because he was a cool nerd
> asks man to talk to his friend about him punching me in the arm, after telling the guy to stop.
> he blames his need to punch me in the arm for no reason on me.
> gets angry.
> breaks up with him because he's been doing this kind of shit for months now.
> a friend of his, I will call korean-fag, tries to hook him up with me.
> i turn him down once again.
> cue to nearing end of high school for me.
> gets sexually assaulted by korean-fag.
> reports to authorities and lets ex know.
> he feels bad bro.
> months later he says it's all my fault i got sexually assaulted.
> block him on any possible internet account and ignore him irl.
> graduate high school paranoid as fuck.
No. 155600
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My first ldr ended up so badly I will never once considering having one again. Like I was undiagnosed (severe depression and schizophrenia represent) and going through some really tough times which I get is hard todeal with but it wasn't a secret he knew about. His ass broke up with me two days after a suicide attempt while I was at school and I cried during class where I had people awkwardly consoling me plus he admits a month later he was cheating on me and sends me the fucking messages like, ugh, here's to hoping he gets his.
No. 155606
Dated a sortasorta fobby Korean guy in the army once. Lasted a year, during which he acted like we would visit each other while he was stationed in Korea (he took it to be near family), and when his year there was up, he'd marry me and we would go to his next station together, and after that he'd get out. Got really controlling and emotionally abusive in that subtle, manipulative way over the last six months, beat me down into a submissive, sad husk of myself. Went to Korea, disappeared for a few days, when I finally got a hold of him on Facebook he told me he couldn't trust me because I had too many male friends, that white women are whores and not good wives (funny because it was his Korean ex that cheated on him while deployed and started these trust issues, according to him), and like that he cut me off and left me a sobbing mess on my kitchen floor holding my phone while my roommate hugged me. He blocked me, but not my roommates, who watched him post over the next few days loads of pics of him at clubs in Seoul with beautiful women.
The depression and anxiety over the breakup caused me to drop over 10lb in two weeks, and I'm already very small. Started smoking a lot of weed with my pothead roommate just to be able to eat and function. The self esteem damage took about three years to repair. It wasn't my longest relationship by any means, but it fucked me up the most. I hope that was coherent, talking about it still leaves me in a cold sweat almost four years later.
No. 155611
Dated a guy who started as a friend. Like 3 months into the relationship (about 7 since I'd met him) I got into a car accident and missed his birthday. Called him and told him why I wouldn't be able to make it. He launched into a rant about how I was supposed to meet his family. Even as I was headed to the hospital (Just bruising, but paramedics worried I'd broken something.) he didn't once ask how I was. It was all about him. the next day he broke up with me.
A year or so later we got back into touch. He seemed more mature, and apologized. So we talked. I made it clear I wasn't interested in a relationship. He told me he just wanted to talk. Over two months he had two breakups, walked out of one job, got fired from another, and asked me to a convention just to spite an ex.
He then starts making romantic comments. Once again I make it clear: I don't love him, I barely like him, and I do not want a relationship. He says he just wants to be friends. Comments continue. He still contacts me from time to time, no matter how obviously I try to brush him off.
Or there's the one who became my "best friend" in three days, continuously smelled my hair, and promised he'd really break up with his GIRLFRIEND. And kept a tally of 'points' (things he liked about me, things he didn't.) He was bodies-under-the-floorboards creepy. Never dated though.
Apologies for the novel.
No. 155612
>>155611WAIT HOLD UP
I knew this guy who DID THE SAME THING…He invited me over to his dorm and he hopped in the shower while I waited in his room. saw on his laptop screen a sticky note (like inside the comp ) of things he liked about me and things that were 'bad' about me. needless to say he was batshit crazy
No. 155613
Mine's been being a dickface again but like that's no surprise. I think he might be a sociopath or something tbh. We both post on the same gaming forum, and his latest victimgripe is that he's been cheated on by another new girlfriend, and I'm like… lol… damn shame ppl on the forum don't know what a shitty person you've been to your gfs, so you can keep playing victim. If it was anyone else in the world that this was happening to, I would feel bad for them, but no, it's him, so it's funny as hell. I kind of feel like a jerk for feeling that way, but it is what it is.
>we were in an ldr
>everything great at the beginning, he talks about me moving there and us getting an apartment together, etc. basically everything i ever wanted.
>he makes me feel wanted when no one else did. that's probs why i stayed for so long even with all the huge red flags that came up.
>i worked a lot, and was saving for grad school, but spent 1500$ on a plane and another 1000$ on a hotel to visit him for a week
>won't even buy me so much as a drink while i'm there visiting, and asks to borrow 20 quid before I left
>I was like "lol nope I'm all spent out", but I think he had the impression that I came from money since I know how to save responsibly
>months pass, I'm still working a lot
>he hides his relationship status on fb, shows up in pictures from a club night with some girl
>"nonono but she's just a friend"
>"btw delete these other friends because they did something I won't tell you about"
>he will never, ever get on skype to talk to me anymore
>my best friend dies
>he's not really there for me
>but i loved him
>tells me he's been dealing with family issues, and that's why he's not been around
>fair enough, do what ya gotta do
>then some ex girlfriend shows up somewhere
>it's someone that some of our mutual friends know
>suddenly he can get on skype again to ask about her in a group chat we've got going
>does this while i'm at work, maybe thinking i wouldn't find out
>no one is impressed, esp. after i tell them he's not been around before to chat
>we fight about it
>he disappears for an entire weekend, so like even his mum is worried
>some other chick is posting on his fb
>he responds to her, all happy and shit
>but with me he's mad that i was jealous about his ex, and mad that i was upset that he fucked off for a whole weekend
>months go on where it's week fighting and one week him asking me to send more pics
>i'm looking at a school by him that i really like, because i actually want to be there for him for some reason
>another fight. this one too real for him.
>so he dumps me by blocking me on everything and disappearing
>which was the same thing his ex did to him
>and 2 weeks later is with the girl who he was all chummy with on facebook
bbbbbbbbbut it gets even better!
No. 155614
>>155613because dickface seems to be a fixture in my life, lol.
>that summer, I say fuckit and apply to that school by him that I liked anyway. Not gonna let a bad breakup ruin what could turn out to be a good experience for me (and it did turn out to be a great experience.)>start posting on a gaming forum>oh but it turns out he's there too>isn't saying anything about a girlfriend or anything>is actually being encouraging about me being in school>i pm him my 7 digits>we hang out for a bit>in contact for like a month>we hooked up once after a shitty night out where he tracked me down after I was crying in the girls toilet and took me home. I don't know. I think he might have assaulted me actually. I didn't want to do it, but we were both stripped down already. He told me it was "just sex", and I told him I wasn't ok with that, but I had been matching drinks with him and his friend all night and thought the alternative of him jacking off in my bed and me just sitting there naked in a chair was too awkward, so… yeah.>He starts pulling the same stuff again, dropping off mid conversation, etc., and I call him out for it and tell him to fuck off.>On gaming forum, he starts talking about these extravagant plans to go to a hallowe'en party with his "missus", and how he got them a hotel room and everything>He was with her that whole time>So basically he assaulted me and used me to cheat on her at the same time>and I felt terrible about it>had a wee downward spiral>but then met a new guy who is actually a decent person, so it's not all bad>he brags about his "missus" on the gaming forum all the time until like summer or something, then suddenly stops>lots of pda with her or other girls when he sees me around>has female friends pose as girlfriends when he sees me out in public. This i found out from fb girl later on, because i apologised to her about the whole cheating thing. someone had to.>and then 2 months later starts going out with my friend's tumblr snowflake ex-fiancee>he used to hate tumblr snowflakes>but it's totes awkward seeing them in bars and stuff>they start coming to my school's student union a lot even though neither of them actually go there and don't hang out with anyone there>but she comes over to my group of friends to tell them how great of a guy he is>and I'm like… "gurrrrrl…..">he's trying to show her off a lot, and i think it's just kind of weird at this point and creepy>i thumb down some of his bragging posts on gaming forum because i think relationship bragging to the extent he does it is tacky af>he calls me a jealous cunt, goes on a thumbing down spree of lots of my posts>i'm not rly jealous tho, i just think it's tacky and weird that he has to brag so much>at some point he breaks up with her>sends me an apology letter on gaming forum>I'm like "that's great but please leave me alone, thx">months pass>he tracks down the girl who disappeared, makes a big "poor me" post about it on the gaming forum (it turns out she was going with another guy a month after she dumped him, and was a furry artist)>i lol because he's a hypocrite since he disappeared too>then starts bragging about a new gf like last month>says they're considering moving to my city>i make the mistake of pming him, telling him moving countries for a girl you started going out with last thursday is a dumb idea, and pls not here>he strips it all down>says my city was one a few that they were thinking about (and the one that he chose to mention because why…?)>also says it was my fault he disappeared because i wasn't being sensitive enough when he was going through a tough time with personal stuff when we were going out>personal stuff that i didn't even know about>what i did know is that he was chasing after the ex who disappeared and getting chummy with the girl who basically replaced me on fb, and i was bothered about that>insinuates that i didn't care>says i was "unrepentant" when he apologised a couple months ago, and he didn't really mean it>wow. unrepentant. that's the word fr. norbert would use when talking about god and the gays during mass.>never mind that it's weird af to only apologise if you're expecting something in return>and also i did apologise for being an asshat when i actually was an asshat, but maybe he's forgotten that since his head was too far up fb girl's vag already at that point>i tell him he's got issues, that he's twisting things around, and don't contact me again because I'll delete any further pm's.>he sends anyway>i delete anyway, cos I'm done>today he posts on general discussion how he's found out that new gf (the one he was planning on moving countries with) was cheating on him, and how terrible it was, etc., and her argument was that she was the other guy's gf first or something.>lol>lololol>death by irony>i've not said anything about it, but if only the other people on the forum knew about his cheating and his behaviour towards girlfriends. he would just use it as fuel for gaslighting on there.>i'm also considering reporting that one time he possibly assaulted me, but I'm afraid how he might retaliate. I've got visas and such to worry about, since I want to move back to work and be with my current duder (it'll be 2 years for us in november!), and I'm afraid he might try and spin things around to compromise that.>and i'm counting my stars that i'm not his gf anymore, that i'm doing better than i was with him, that i managed to make the most of being in a strange country without him, finished another degree, found a better, hotter man, and only see dickface through mutual friends or on gaming forums anymore>I'm still worried because he's socio or something, and charming off the bat, and a really good liar, and good at twisting things to suit his needs>scared af, and feeling stupid for letting him into my life, back into my life, and like a failure for letting him bully meso yeah.
No. 155616
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Bf just dumped me via text tonight. Says the relationship is going nowhere.
Fuck that dick. We went to Disney World together three months ago.
No. 155617
>>155614You have my condolences for having to deal with that shit, but you are not stupid as unfortunatly this kinda thing has happened to a friend of mine. No one should make you feel you owe them sex or anything of the sort. Also guys on gaming forums are sociopaths.
>>155616You also have my condolences, but also the right attitude. fuck him.
No. 155618
I dated a guy for 6 months, but I only count 3 of these 6 months because the another 3 months were like if I was single. He expected me to be a uguu kawaii weeaboo that obeys and says yes to everyshit he says or proposes. He was a fucking neko-chan even if his friends told me he was super manly, manly? I was the manly one jfc. He was also talking ALL DAY about his ex. "Omg she'd never allow me to do this!111!!!! She was so boosy!11!11! U r like an angel !1!11!" and I thought "well, something in my favor" But then he started to be so annoying, like, "hey, I'm going to a pub with my friends, can I?", I always allowed him to hang out with his friends, because I trusted him. And once he got angry and yelled at me "Why are you always allowing me to hang out with my friends? When will you tell me "no" or coming with me?". I was super shocked and told him that as I have girl nights he can have boy nights, and even told him 'you can also talk about girls as long as it's not in front of me, or do you think I don't give my opinion about guys? Having eyes is not a sin". He then stopped talking me for a week, the went to another country for vacations, and told me he could not send messages because he wouldn't have wifi blablabla. My best friend told me he was all day sending pics of redheads on their group chat (fucking LOL). Then, he expected me to know when he was coming back, when I didnt receive a single text from him, and got angry because I didn't message him and he wanted to see me so bad (kek). I was so tired of his behavior, he acted like if he had mommy issues. I broke up with him and next week he was messaging me asking me to be back again, I started to ignore him and in 2 weeks he had sex with his bestfried's girlfriend. So pathetic. He ended up with an ugly girl and no friends.
No. 155620
>>155615how? personally i mainly date gamers and i think they were good boyfriends.
we played the same games and shared the same views (anti-feminism, etc).
just becareful who you date because theres a lot of shitty people in the gaming community
No. 155627
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I'm gonna post my story, too, but I can’t choose which garbage ex I wanted to write about, so I wrote a little about each. As a disclaimer I'd like to say I am a person with not a lot of friends besides online, so these people were my main sources of human contact irl and I grew easily attached, so my stupid behavior I am basically justifying with that these people were my closest friends that I didn't want to lose
First bf
>we were in the same band class
>thought he was a cool dude and asked him out
>we dated for a few weeks, on and off
>we went to the mall together and he took my hand holding virginity
>ate taco bell
>broke it off after a month because we really were only friends that hung out some times
>he dates this pop culture/grunge chick that hates me
>they broke up after two years because she had a crush on this mexican emo kid in our school
>he cries on me for the longest time about it and I supported him and tried being a good friend
>now whenever she says something mean to me he shows up and white knights for her
>pretty much has become a douchebag that only hits me up when he needs favors
Second bf
>happened a good 2 months after I broke up with bf 1
>I started military school
>he was my age, new in school and I knew his older brother who was qt and really cool, onii chan was older than me though, but why would his little brother be different?
>ask him to military ball
>he says sure and asks me out too
>just wanted to go with him to military ball but didn't want to lose my ball date so I said sure
>break comes and he bikes 15 miles to my house
>get in the pool together
>my brother rips my top off in front of bf
>my flat chest is exposed (am grill if it wasn't obvious but I am flat chested, kill me)
>he is kinda boring but tolerable
>we go to ball
>he tries to kiss me but I wasn't down
>break up with him
>he climbs ranks faster than me due to his brother and pretty much bullies me
>tfw saw him a year later take a chick wearing a literal trash bag to the ball
>lasted like 3 months
No. 155628
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>>155627Third bf
>met him while on summer break with bf 2>he goes to a school near me, a year older than me but in my grade>we talk about vidya games and 4chan and shit and he plays football>he has a rugged build, beautiful eyes and always made me laugh>have a big fat crush on him but can't because bf!!>but then I broke it off with bf>suddenly during winter break he asks me out >I don't respond for like 20 minutes out of pure shock and I am screaming and yelling and jumping, it's like some shit out of a movie>calmly respond with a "sure, why not">I go over his house a lot and he is my first kiss>we watch movies in his room and mostly just make out>but he gets rougher>he eventually starts holding me down by my neck and grinding into me, kissing on my neck>I can't breathe because this asshole is crushing my windpipe>I flail around but he pins my arm back>dislocates my arm>at this point I am screaming but it comes out like this sad little mouse noise because I can't breathe and have expelled all the wind from my lungs>he gets off>"I thought you'd be the kind of girl who liked it rough">I get the hell out of there>he talks it over with me and I dismiss it as a misunderstanding>the next week I do the weekly 30 minute drive over>we watch movies and kiss as usual>he flips me over and gets on top and rips my pants down>I ask him what the hell he is doing and push away as he gropes down my pants>he says he wants to have sex>I look away and can't say no, everything from our relationship reels by in my mind and I can't bring myself to say no, because I knew he would dump me and I don't want to think of our happy memories together becoming bittersweet>he tries to put it in but he can't get past how hard I'm clenching>virginity is safe, for now>after that, the next week he acts cold and distant>we are playing gta together and I ask to sit in his lap>he says no>I do it anyway because I thought he was being coy>he shoves me off as hard as he can and I just look at him so confused>I go home>go to school the next day>come home check phone>didn't see that at 6 am he dumped me with just "I'm breaking up with you :T">I go ballistic and trash my room, cry on my heap of broken stuff >Lasted a year>he doesn't respond to any of my messages or calls>he texts me back a few months later>he went to a mental hospital because he had a laundry list of problems and tried killing himself after he "realized the mistake he made">I say lol>he kept messaging me for years after>this year I just said fuck you and blocked him finally No. 155629
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>>155628Fourth bf
>Had known the guy for 5 years through the internet, he was always there for me and I had the BIGGEST crush on him ever and he never saw it, even when I dropped obvious clues>he was also 5 years older than me>we LDR'd for summer break>he was always there for me, always listened>one day he starts talking about lewd shit>herewegoagain.img>he talks about how he wants to tie me up and rape me and call me his fuckable imoutou>he sends me lewd drawings of me in a maid suit and a vibrator in me>I get the fuck out of that>lasted two months>then he proceeds to date an ugly chick that has the same sweater as me which makes me hate the fuck out of herFifth bf
>meet this guy over summer break while still dating 4th bf>he is /fa/, cute, quirky, hilarious, and says everything I can't out loud>his friends see I have a giant crush on him and clue him in>he makes me ask for his number, I happily do so and a week later we're dating>we have our first kiss next to a waterfall>he teaches me to have pride in myself and made me think I am beautiful>even now I don’t wear makeup>I am completely in love with this guy and the next summer break we have fun adventures together>he says he wants to have sex with me>tell him I am not comfortable with it >he starts setting himself on fire>yoo wtf>He won't stop burning himself until I agree>I start crying and say fine but in a week>he says ok and leaves me sitting there >unhappily lose my virginity>now we just fuck every time we see each other and don't even say anything>slowly things degenerate and I watch as he loves me less and less but I cling to him as hard as I can>one day tell him I'm really depressed and I want to kill myself>he dumps me, lasted 1.5 years>a month later he has told all the people in my classes I'm batshit and ruins my rep> then he says he wants me back and I tell him to go fuck himself for what he did, and I'm dating a new guy No. 155630
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>>155629Sixth bf
>met him on 4chan and thought I'd try LDR again>he was a nice christian boy and he had many interests, seemed like a nice dude and after a month he drove to my state> pinned me down and forcibly made out with me when we met, and on our first date he took me to his hotel room and wanted to fuck me > woah woah woah no> we go to my house and eat taco bell until 1 am> go to the beach and have fun> he leaves and I cry> shit's going good when all of a sudden he calls my phone> "yeah I can't date you because you arent a virgin"> devastation I> I cry and hang up> he comes back again to try again> we go on an excursion and it was a blast> again he says he loves me as a person but he can't get past that I'm not a virgin and calls me a consolation prize> devastation II> I flip the fuck out and have a mental breakdown because what is my luck with 7 shit boyfriends in a row>my pride is damaged beyond repair> I rip up his college sweater he gave me and burn it>lasted 3 monthsSeventh bf
>meet him on /soc/ >he is this 6ft tall blond hot dude>he is interesting and engaging >we go to the beach since it's still warm out and we eat breakfast together too>he knows all these cool spots to go and he is super sweet>he kisses me goodbye and WOW he is an amazing kisser, it feels like my face is so it'll burn off>I get really worried and wonder if he thinks I'm a dork so I get distant since I don't want to go through another failed relationship, especially this piece of perfection>also he looks like a guy who has a wife and kids already and cheaters make me paranoid>lasted like two months>still fap thinking about himIf you take anything from my story, let it be this: being Stacy is hard work! also please farmers don't let guys use you and they are douchebags so watch out loves
sorry that this came out to be longer than expected; tried trimming it down to the important details
No. 155631
> be 18
> trying to start a band, meet this "super cool guy" who's into all the shit that i'm into
> not starting a band but clearly liking each other
> all good to begin with
> doesn't really text me or make any effort to meet up
> starts treating me like shit, just not giving an effort
> not texting me, not trying to meet up
> gets better, decide we're "official" on new years
> always broke even though he earns money, always pay everything for him
> smokes a crazy amount of weed
> very sad over something specific one day, forcing me to come with him to his skate session even though i'm in tears and i told him i wanna stay at home
> he always gets angry and gives me silent treatment
> gets anxiety and doesn't text me for days even though i'm worried, won't even answer calls
> keeps bailing on me, not showing up when we've decided to meet up and so on
> give him a final chance and tell him if he does it again it's over
> gets fucked on night we're supposed to have a date
> doesn't text me for four days
> dump him and move abroad
> best fucking decision of my life
now in a happy, loving relationship with someone who doesn't treat me like shit. god, what was I even thinking
No. 155637
Y'all want some drama? Here goes.
I had a crush in my freshman year of highschool on a senior, Sam. Super handsome, has that charisma that makes people flock to him, exactly my type and I was fugly at the time so I didn't pursue it, just admired him from afar.
Fast forward to 2013 when I'm starting college, when I get a facebook message from Sam and he's just asking where I go to school and what I get up to and what not. Turns out he lives two blocks from my college so we make plans for him to come see me after class. We meet up, I'm very nervous and he thinks I'm cute and we talk for a bit and then I have to go home.
He didn't have a job at the time (warning #1) so he had a lot of time to message me how much he liked me, to come over all the damn time, and then a month later he asks me to be his girlfriend. I of course accept and we date for almost two years. In that time, I get kicked out of my folks' house (long dumb story) so I move in with Sam and his parents until I go to intern at Disney. At this point I know that he's dependent on weed (warning #2) and depressed, won't stay at a job for any substantial length of time. I was also dealing through some stuff so I wasn't as active as I should have been. But anyway. I'll start focusing on more important details from here on, this is already a clusterfuck.
He had been asking me for an open relationship for pretty much the length of our involvement, and I didn't like the idea. Until I started an art class in spring of 2015 and instantly hit it off with a guy there. Then I told Sam we could do the open relationship thing. He got so offended holy shit. He literally got mad that I reconsidered something that he'd been hounding me for for months. He called me out on previously being so adamantly against it.
Whatever. Anyway he had started a new job, and made friends. One of them was a 'lesbian', let's call her Sachiko. He starts talking more and more about Sachiko but he says to me "she's a lesbian, don't worry." Fast forward to June '15, he dumps me and I look through his phone while he's asleep and see all the filthy texts they've been sending back and forth. Whatever. A couple days after that I have a pre-miscarriage I guess? My period had been rather late, which never happens, and a weirdly thick blob came out. When I saw Sam he was sympathetic, but also just barely there. Like he was so excited about whatever was going on in his life. Jeez. When Sachiko's dumb ass read my messages to Sam she said I was probably lying about the miscarriage thing. That nasty ho. I almost took a picture of the blob thing in my hand (i felt something coming out so i reached down, i know its gross) because i had the vile thought that someone wouldn't believe me but decided against it. I tell Sam that 'you're just going to change your mind in three months, anyway.' Alright. Immediately after the breakup he's still hounding me to hang out whenever, I tell him I have plans after work one night and he goes 'Whatever, do that then.'
Like bitch how are you being so possessive after your manwhore ass dumps me? Anyway…
Even before those three months were up, he had already said that he hated Sachiko, that she sucks, she's manipulative (no duh), she cheated on him in the next room. Lovely.
We would still play Destiny sometimes, and he would be all thinking about getting back together and shit. Then the dumb whore deleted me off his account. Like. what. She freaked out over a message I sent to HIS account afterwards where I said 'Hey, future husband! Why did you delete me off PSN when you wouldn't even let me delete you off Facebook?'
blah blah blah…
He keeps asking me out, I reject him a few times, say yes another time then he changes his mind the next day. Terrible person. I just wish I had left him first.
I wish I didn't pick him up from work that one time he was having a panic attack because he hates Sachiko. I wish I had left him that time he was having a nervous breakdown and he begged me to stay because I 'was all he had.' Jeez.
This quickly devolved into nothing meaningful. It just sucks so much because his face is literally the best I've ever seen dammit.
but more importantly, how did it turn out so bad? He said he wishes he could start over and do it right, but won't actually.
No. 155639
I saved up all my cash for a year cause he lived in a different city, fly out out to him. Doesn't pick me up from the airport. Our first meeting, he last minute tells me he's bringing his friends with him. I stayed for around a week, and every time we'd meet up, he'd want to meet at like 3 pm and go home at 6? And then he kept wanting to take 'break days' because he was exhausted or something.
On the last day, he was really hesitant about taking me to the airport until I offered to pay for his cab home. We spend some time walking around the city (which I really didn't get to explore because he wanted to stay home the entire trip) and then he gives all his money to buskers, so I have to pay for his food for the rest of the day.
Fast forward a week or so after coming back home, he tells me he hasn't had feelings for me for months and thats why he didn't want to have sex either, which is a pretty decent thing to do cause I would have felt slime-y after but it's still a bit of a blow to the ego whenever I initiated anything. I didn't particularly have much feelings for him either, but at least I got closure after meeting him that he was a bad guy.
Also the only thing I wanted from him for my birthday/valentines was a drawing by him, we dated for a full year and I had to keep harassing him for it. I still never got the completed drawing, oh boy.
We were better off as just friends, I'll miss him but it was never worth the heartache (and wallet-ache, fuck).
No. 155642
This is long and I come across as really stupid. Forgive me, farmers.
I was with this Alex dude for just under a year. I broke a couple of my ribs in an ice skating incident, so I was laid up in bed popping pain relief and fell asleep. Woke up a few hours later in absolute agony to see that Alex is not only on top of me but stark bollock naked and actually trying to fuck me. Obviously I tell him to get his arse off me because 1. we have literally never discussed fucking while I'm asleep and/or on medication so I felt violated as fuck for that and 2. I had broken fucking ribs so even if I was up for it, it wasn't a good fucking time to save some wanker putting his bodyweight on me.
Alex was sulking like a fat kid that's been forced to do PE. He was mumbling to himself about how other girlfriends let him, about how his friends' girlfriends let them, about a ton of shes and hers that I don't give a flying fuck about. He went on about how "sex between real lovers shouldn't come with restrictions”. I told him I wasn't a huge fan of sex that I didn't want and he turned round all horrified and went, "it wasn't raaaape. You're my girlfriend. I love you more than anything else in the whole world!" I want to point out that I never actually said the word rape, but that's what he reacted to anyway.
At that point I was pretty much over the relationship (didn’t get over him as a person for a while though because I obviously have awful taste in men), partially because my ribs were killing me, partially because he'd just tried to get freaky with my unresponsive self and mostly because he was obviously one of those dudebros that thinks you can fuck who you like when you like if you have ~~good intentions~~.
I told him I didn't wanna be with him anymore which should have been simple as fuck because we were in MY place that he hadn't moved into at any point so none of his stuff was there. Literally all he had to do was fucking walk out the door. Does he? Nah. He sat on the end of my bed and started crying. It was the most pathetic weeping sound I have ever heard. His eyes were dry as fuck with zero tears, he was just making the damn noise. He wasn't even crying about the breakup either, he started whinging about how innocent he was, about his reputation and how we should keep it between us. At one point he quoted some author but I was a little too busy coming to terms with the fact he was gonna sit on my bed forever and monologue or something. I texted my friends to come over so that they could help me and writing it all made me start crying out of panic. So here's your mental image: Him, fake crying on the end of my bed; me, real crying and wondering whether this was going to turn into a misery-type situation.
The whole thing was probably about twenty minutes tops but it felt like forever. He did eventually leave and the break up stuck. It would have looked ridiculous to anybody else but, since I was involved with it, I still state it as a terrifying break up.
No. 155648
A bit similar to the first one in
>>155584 because they were bipolar and used it against me to make me stay with them for 3 years. 7 years later and I still have flashbacks during sex and panic if I run into him.
I had only been kissed once before, I didn't find him attractive but I didn't have the hard to reject him because he was sweet as sugar, but over time when we had started to have sex he started on the "you would do it if you loved me" bullshit. If I tried to leave him he threatened to kill himself, if I told him he was doing something wrong to me he would start hitting himself and crying disgustingly that I just have up. Eventually I got stronger to take more control of the situation and things became even ok until I finally was able to use moving away to uni as am excuse to leave. Since then I've only been involved with actually good guys. I am working to recover and to try to not blame myself and hope one day to tell him and his mother and friends what he put me through whilst everyone was calling us 'dream couple', but at the same time I don't want to talk to him ever again.
>>155642Don't be afraid to talk about it to anyone, what he did was wrong and I hope you're okay. You don't have to be okay if you aren't, but you deserve to be.
No. 155650
>>155637He had been asking me for an open relationship for pretty much the length of our involvement, and I didn't like the idea. Until I started an art class in spring of 2015 and instantly hit it off with a guy there. Then I told Sam we could do the open relationship thing. He got so offended holy shit. He literally got mad that I reconsidered something that he'd been hounding me for for months. He called me out on previously being so adamantly against it.
>He literally got mad that I reconsidered something that he'd been hounding me for for months.He literally got mad because you didn't like the idea of him sleeping with someone else to the point where you said no to an open relationship, which is 100% fine by itself, and personally I would have broken up with him there. But to later change your mind about that simply because you find you're attracted to someone else like he was is completely hypocritical, and expecting him not to care that you forbade him from doing something that you would later want to do for the exact same reasons is childish.
No. 155652
>>155598Why the hell didn't you report him?
Also, I'm a big believer in older girls looking out for younger girls. If you're at a con and you seem some obviously older dude coming onto much younger girls, call him out.
No. 155656
> he's fine at first> then as per usual, goes nutso> we meet a few times, try to patch it up (maybe)> no avail> i go on vacation> he calls me > he's in a nearby city, demanding i go there too> calls me every bad name in the book> screaming crying> threatens my life > threatens my family's life> "i'd hate for your something bad to happen to your family"> "i'll make your life so horrible, you'll wish you were dead"> "and you will kill yourself"> wtf man> come back from vacation. i think i met him 1 or 2 more times after that. he tried to apologize for that but in my book, that is absolutely unforgivable (daring a depressed person to kill themselves) he called me once after that and said he's over it.
> havent heard since ??? No. 155657
Two of my exes are absolutely vile and they've both been harassing me lately. I'll just mention of them though.
Ex 1 was manipulative and flaky, glorified sadness and was kind of an edgelord. He didn't want our relationship public at all and kept me away from his friends. Stood me up a lot and made me feel bad about myself in general. Probably cheated on me.
He dumped me in a really fucked up way; I had gotten back from a trip and we planned to meet up. First he texted he was coming over to pick me up, then said that he changed his mind and deleted/blocked me from all contact, just out of the blue. I was distraught and confused.
>like a month later
Suddenly contacts me again and wants to meet to apologize for cutting me off without reason. I'm dubious but we set a date. When it arrives, he says he doesn't want to anymore bc he is busy playing dota. I'm fed up with this ass at this point.
>beginning of this year
Texts me (why does he still have my number) as if we're cool and tells me what he's up to, asks if I'm free sometime. I tell him to fuck off and that I'm dating someone else.
Contacts me yet again, saying he is sorry for the shit he put me through and wants to apologize in person. He doesn't care if I have another bf, he just wants to be friends. This sounds alright to me as I think he would be an ok friend, just not bf. We chat for awhile and he starts making sexually implicative comments, I'm like haha what.. and I remind him I have a bf? He suddenly decides he doesn't wanna meet up with me anymore. Realizing this deluded dumbfuck actually thought I would get back together with him, I tell him I wouldn't be interested even if I was single.
To make things worse my current relationship is kinda iffy. My bf spends way to much time on tumblr sluts' blogs looking through+ liking their pics and it really upsets me. Idk if this is really a big deal but I can't handle being with people who aren't completely devoted to me.
No. 155659
>>155657Its pretty shit that nowadays ure just supposed to be '''ok'' with ur partner looking at other people and probably having dirty thoughts about them
>its ok as long as they dont act upon it!!!!fucking bullshit, i know there are people that can only be devoted to one person and well, I found one. Its perfect
Girl, go find a different bf. Its harder to find a person like this but its possible
No. 155661
Well done to anyone who reads this.
First boyfriend:
>I was 15
>gay best friend, clearly gay
>I hated the idea of being sexual, all we did for 3 months? was hold hands
>he suggested we end it on MSN one night and I was like yeah ok, so wuu2?
>later confessed to be bi, then eventually gay
>nothing changed about our friendship throughout, we eventually drifted apart
Second boyfriend:
>my first love, 18-21
>the perfect cock for me, aesthetically pleasing, 6 inches, just the right thickness and no refractory period
>we were both sweet as pie to each other, loved every second together
>I'd get up, first thing go to his and WAKE UP DEAR :)))
>I exhibit similar behaviour that teetered between endearing and grating
>he'd do similar, whenever we were apart he'd buy or create things for me, when together 100% attention was on me
>suddenly some bad shit went on with his family
>slowly, more of the things I did became not so OK, he'd snap at me for being annoying and I'd just cry
>then it became more general things that would set him off, he'd get worse and start name calling
>clearly anger issues stuff
>I felt the injustice, began arguing back, developed depression which he made worse
>what is time apart?
>keep breaking up and getting back the same day
>1 year later for the first time he breaks up with me in a fight
>I decided that was the line
>he begged for me back, I politely declined, he raged, and I reacted calmly, etc
>he eventually acknowledges it, goes quiet
>2 years go by, I'm still not over him (not through lack of trying)
>move out for first time, intend to invite him over for valentine's day
>go on his fb, he has a new gf
>not like the blonde fake tan girls he was trying to shove in my face previously like LOOK AREN'T YOU JEALOUS?
>just a down to earth feminine brunette who seemed to encourage his goals (even though a bit basic)
>oh well, she seems nice
>wrote it off then and there, hoped he had a good life
Third "boyfriend"(during the 2 years of getting over boyfriend 2):
>online friend from r9k
>typical "woe is me I'm 18 and never fucked a girl, best go buy a hooker" guy
>ugly 5 incher, not that I cared
>get into LDR because why not
>just spend time fucking about, gaming, watching porn, showing each other our towns and sending packages
>he seems to care a lot
>I end it because I really didn't care, it felt heartless to continue it
>we're friends who talk once a week to this day
>he's my main confidante because I don't need to worry about being PC and he doesn't know anyone else I know
Fourth "boyfriend":
>awkward virgin (I like virgins), dumb as bricks
>we fucked (his dick was huuuge, thinnish but so satisfying), he was very good at it somehow, made me squirt etc
>he was the first other outdoorsy person I knew, we went everywhere camping (and fucking)
>decided we wouldn't date because he only had those two positives, really
>he said he'd kill himself if I left him
>told him to go ahead
>called his bluff, he now has a gymnast gf
>well done him
Fifth boyfriend:
>so cute, so ordinary!
>nice length, insecure about it, literally the thickest, couldn't fit it in without lube or about an hour of foreplay, still think about it
>first non virgin, I get easily jealous
>he enjoys my possessive and controlling ways, quite sub
>I demand honesty from the start
>about 6 months in (after moving in together) turns out he's told loads of little white lies
>told him it's unacceptable
>he keeps lying about the small things, seems compulsive
>I shout at him a shitload
>we argue a shitload and I get nothing from him when I try to understand
>he's lazy, unmotivated, will only do something if I tell him to
>won't talk to me after an argument unless I start
>eventually I start to give up, he just doesn't care as much
>we end up being basically platonic friends, I leave the flat
>I come over to pick up some thing sometimes
Sixth "boyfriend":
>complete stranger from internet meetup
>tiiiiny dick btw, just terrible
>we connect at random, just as sometimes happens between people
>he's an ugly beast, and still stuck in edgy emo mode
>still I like him
>we do some sexual things because I'm frustrated
>I keep saying it's a bad idea and go back to it
>don't see him for a month
>strengthened my resolve to not do anything
>been a few months since
>we're platonic, nothing more
None of them were really shitty, it was all just unfortunate/my fault.
I really don't deserve a good bf.
No. 155662
>>155657Lady you're bringing this shit on yourself. Just go No Contact with your ex/exes. No friends. Not even answering messages. I mean wtf are you thinking! "He would be an ok friend"? Come the fuck on he's just gonna try and have sex with you!
No. 155664
>>155660I'm a classy Indian, it's down the loo.
>>155659This is good reassurance, I thought I was overreacting. I'm gonna talk to him when he gets off of work and if it doesn't work out then so be it.
>>155662yeah I'm kind of naive. I've gone no contact with everyone else and it's worked out mostly but this guy pesters me through so many media forms it's tough to ignore. I'm doing my best to block him everywhere now.
No. 155665
1st BF:
>14 year old freshman
>He's 18 which I didn't know
>Emo sk8r boi, wears beanie, black hair, etc
>First kiss
>Later starts gettin REAL needy and emo, "I'M SO UGLY" text messages "WHY DO YOU LIKE ME" nonstop
>Break up with him for being pathetic
2nd BF:
>15 years old
>He's 16, tall, pale, dyed brown hair, blue eyes
>We dated for a couple months, super edgy /mu/fag and /p/fag
>We exchange pics, I gave him a couple boob pics for his dick pics
>Give him a handjob in the school hallway (I was a fucking idiot, I know)
>He drinks cough syrup and huffs compressed air, won't stop even though I keep telling him to
>Continues pressuring me for more sexual activities, I'm not ready
>Begins acting rude to me and calling me fat, won't touch me or let me sit in his lap (I was not even overweight)
>Continues huffing, ends up with some pretty gross burns on his face and fingers
>Find out through our mutual internet friends that he has "cheated" on me with a camwhore
>Breaks up with me right before Valentine's day
>Asks me out a week later and by this time I got over him already so I say no
>Our internet friends choose me, he leaves and never returns
>Hang out with cool internet friends for a couple years
>Find out later that he was using me as a stepping stone to date his oneitis, a mutual friend
>Eventually he dates oneitis
>She breaks up with him because he's a loser
>Tells me he told her he would fuck his dog when he got really horny and was home alone
>Has now been dating one of my ex-friends for years, she's spoopymode so I guess I really was too fat for him lel
3rd "BF":
>Used me as a rebound through two different girlfriends for about a year and a half on and off
>We weren't ever officially together, he just used me as an emotional crutch
>I think he's still with the 2nd gf he was rebounding off of
>She's also skellington
4th BF:
>Dated for 4-6 months
>16 at this point
>He's 15, nerdy asian kid
>LDR, we live 4hrs from each other
>He's really sweet and funny and great
>Super spoiled rich kid, but he's nice to me so I get to benefit off fancy restaurants and nice presents
>We decide to lose our virginities to one another
>Happy experience, but then…
>After getting some, he won't leave me alone for sex
>Pressuring me into sex all day all night
>Shit like taking me to the mall or to lunch, then telling me I owe him sex because of it
>Throwing tantrums when I tell him no
>Asking for sex when I try to sleep, literally won't let me sleep via pinching/prodding/shaking/jumping on the bed until I let him fuck me
>Break up with him as soon as I get home, cries for me to come back
>He goes to a fancy pants super expensive out of state uni
>He's more attractive than he used to be
Current BF:
>Been together for 2 1/2 years
>5 years older than me, hot as fuck, perfect dick
>He's perfect for me, has some childhood shit to get over though
>I went crazy b/c undiagnosed severe depression and almost lost him
>He stayed
>He's still trying to get over the batshit insanity that I fucked him with for so long
>Also dealing with childhood trauma
>But he's the fucking best otherwise
No. 155671
>>155659Seeking out pictures of people to look at to stimulate dirty thoughts (such as what the bf is doing on tumblr) is one thing but the sex drive doesn't turn off when you enter a relationship.
I'd say 'it's ok as long as they don't act on it and aren't perpetuating it and I don't have to hear about it' as a fair rule.
No. 155672
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I broke up with a guy I was infatuated/obsessed with about a month and a half ago. (I'll try to keep it short and sweet as possible) I'm in the process of getting a divorce (a whole other can of worms) and got dickpnotized by a quirky nerdy 6'5 hipster ginger. 3 months in tells me he loves me (I said it first because YOLO/I'm obviously crazy ugh), he agrees to be long distance if we can fuck other people when we aren't in the same zipcode. I go to visit him for 2 weeks and we fuck like rabbits but each passing day hes more and more standoffish. 4 days before I leave he tells me he doesn't actually love me, but wants to try and work it out. Turns out it was a ploy for him to fuck me until I went home since after that he talked to me less and less. He dumped me 3 days before valentines day saying he wanted us to be just friends(he had gotten mad when I tried breaking it off before so I could deal with my divorce) claiming that we were never in a relationship (he was the one who wanted us to be exclusive in the first place).
Its basically a case of dude finds something new and exciting, gets bored when the chase is done and tries to play it off like it wasn't a big deal when he was the one who made it a big deal. I was obsessed but thankfully I can look back and learn from it. I'm kind of heartless (all previous breakups were me breaking it off) so its pretty easy to move on from him, I'm more angry at the fact he led me on and probably isn't even sorry. And the fact there are nudes of me on his laptop haha.
No. 155673
>>155672I used to get shat on all through college for staying a virgin and deciding not to bother with guys the whole time. TBH it's because I knew I wasn't mature and couldn't handle anyone being a dick like in that story I would've stabbed them and myself several times over. Christ. I still don't know if I could just shrug that off.
Kudos to you anon, good luck.
No. 155675
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>>155673Thank you kind anon. I've officially moved on to better, less dickish/immature pastures. Recently dude posted to fb he was in a relationship. Curious me stalked and sees hes now dating a fellow redhead. That should have been a warning sign, more than once he complained of never dating a redhead. Now I just kind of feel bad for the girl because shes probably just another one to add to his checklist. Not my problem though really, I found somebody who doesn't treat me like shit (me: "wait, guys who are actual gentlemen exist?!")and shares the same perversions I do in the bedroom. Goodbye self-centered twat, hello equal footing in a relationship!
No. 155676
>>155675That is a much better ending fuck yes. Uah the thing with the redhead - ngl, my SO complains about the same thing sometimes. Gonna have to keep an eye out for that.
I'm just impressed you found someone who doesn't treat you like shit, it's surprisingly hard in the under 35 crowd.
No. 155677
>>155676>>155675I used to dye my hair red and the only guys that were interested in me were weird as fuck and had super specific specifications of what they wanted in a woman. Nothing ever happened with them (probably because I told them the red hair wasn't natural plus all their other physical requirements I didn't have).
My current boyfriend has an obvious Asian fetish. He mostly dated Asian girls in the past and just casually using his computer/phone he has Asian porn tabs open. He was serious right from the start and wants kids so clearly just with me for white babies.
First boyfriend had a fetish for huge boobed blondes and I'm a flat brunette.
>tfw every guy you date wants something else but has to settle for you No. 155679
>>155677>>155678Then why the hell do
you settle for these guys?
If my bf was huge Asian fetishist (which to me personally is a red flag but ok), so much that it's not simply a fantasy he sometimes masturbates to but seems consume porn of/date them all the time, I wouldn't settle with him. Especially since it seems to be so important to him. Same with the muscles, or boob size.
I know no one finds a perfect partner that meets all the requirements they have, and you always might lack something the other is attracted to, but these huge things like race? Why? Serious question.
Also, it sound skind of a dick move tbh. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's more polite to shut up about certain things. For example, I find my bf's height a bit small, but I wouldn't tell him that and I seriously don't tell him how much I "loooove tall guys, but it's okay bby I'm settling with you anyway! You should shower me in praise for being so accepting!".
No. 155680
>>155679Asian fetish bf here. My last bf was a bipolar manlet nutcase with ED and couldn't last 5 minutes during sex so my standards are pretty low.
Compared to that he's pretty much perfect in every way. Really calm personality, hard worker, does handy man stuff and fishes but yet is secure enough to watch romcoms and pick up tampons for me. 6'2", broad af shoulders, dirty blonde, blue eyes, fit. Penis has no refractory period.
He admitted it to me when I confronted him about the porn and he told me it just happened to be Asians in the porn. And he told me he dumped all his Asian exes because he never planned on being serious with them because he wants kids and not mixed race kids.
No. 155681
>>155680*he didn't admit it to me
And by ED I mean erectile dysfunction
No. 155682
>>155680>fapping to them is awwwrihgt>b-but no dating, I don't want dirty non white kids, ugh gross, Asians are only good for porn, not my precious children!Gross. Don't get me wrong, but he sounds like a real asshole. And you keep up with him because he's so kind and accepting because he wants your white babys?
I don't know you or your bf personally, but really, maybe you should have some higher standards. Even all the other things you see as positive about him don't cancel out
this, at least in my world. What you describe is behaviour I'd expect from every guy I'm dating, not a major plus point.
No. 155683
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>bf is qt 3.14 chinese boy from a relatively well off family
>…also a bible-thumping recovering heroin addict who prior to the relationshit spent 3 years in chinese christian rehab.
>he showers me with gifts and affection and trips so in my retarded mind everything is fine and dandy.
>he moves out of his halfway house into a studio apartment.
>starts smoking weed again which i didn't think was a huge issue considering he used to smoke literal dope.
>his mom monitors his bank account to make sure he doesn't withdraw cash to buy drugs.
>he worked at a place that'd pay him in cash for a little bit but he got fired.
>"Heeeey Anon, you know what would improve our sex life? If you were a cam model!"
>was considering it until he started asking me for money.
>find out he spends 400+ dollars a month on shatter.
>in addition to trying to pimp me out for marijuanas he also cheated on me with a woman who literally just gave birth while he was staying with his parents for Christmas.
I'm a fucking retard who missed the memo that junkies are garbage, but I'm just glad to be rid of him. Wasn't a very long relationship but it definitely was eventful.
No. 155684
I'm not really trying to solicit advice, but I'm pretty fed up with my ex. It wasn't even that bad (imo), I just broke up with him because it turned out I didn't like his personality and don't agree with some of his approaches to life.
Well since then he's been super bitter and deleted me off of everything, which I think is fair, don't get me wrong. But sometimes he would message me and then make really bitter, condecending remarks before deleting me agian.
Last week he adds me back on skype to say he feels he's ready to be friends again, but I'm still skeptical about it, but don't say much. We talk a bit, but I'm not keen on talking a lot to exes, though I never actively try to shut them out.
Tonight he messages me asking if I want to get some drinks, since is all of his other friends are busy. I say no (out of principle I don't drink with exes, but also because I don't actually feel like it) then he deletes me off of skype again.
I guess to me I'm just so confused. Why do people act like this? Either deal with no longer being a priority or move on.
No. 155685
>>155683Bible thumping
Tries to essentially whore you out
No. 155687
>>155683>400+ a month on dabsjfc are you serious
it's so simple just to make your own.
I mean, I guess it's an improvement from being on heroin (at least it's cheaper, I've never blown through all my weed in a night like I have with horse) but how is he spending all this money without his mom noticing if she's monitoring the bank account?
>he's a bible-thumperhow does he excuse the cheating? or did he even try?
No. 155688
>>155686Yeah it was really naive of me to think it'd work-out perfectly. He was really handsome though. He looked like a less fucked up Edison Chen.
>>155687He delivered medical marijuana and the dispensary he worked for paid him in cash and he also got tips from customers. He didn't push the cam-whoring thing on me until he got fired.
Luckily he didn't bother defending himself; it would've riled me up more. He wasn't always obnoxious about being a born-again, just really hypocritical and he'd quote the old testament whenever we talked about marriage which sort of creeped me out. It feels really nice to get this off of my chest because it's been bothering me for months.
No. 155689
I win the award for worst ex. I met him when I was an awkward kid and he basically groomed my dumb insecure ass. Fast forward to 7 years into the relationship:
>ex bf (age 28) could only get boners for anorexic teenagers>was with him for 7 years>literally would never fuck me, on the rare occasion he did he'd have to jerk off to finish>caught him cheating on me on like three different occasions with over a dozen teenagers, mostly anorexic although not all, with fucked up "daddy" fetishes>would always want threesomes, would call me fat and tell me he wasn't attracted to me because of my stomach (at the time I was 105 lb and 5'2" and the same size since I was 13), hated my tits and ass, thought I was ugly>would say things like "I can't help but be unattracted to you" and "so break up with me, you'll never find anyone else and you'll always be alone">so I stayed with him for over 7 years because he was my first and all I knew, even though I practically cried on a daily basis because of him, he would ignore me for weeks sometimes>btw he was legit obese and a college dropout with no work experience other than working for his dad, at 28 still lived with his parents, basically a fat NEET with porn induced ED and no redeeming qualities idk what I was thinking>porn addicted, he spent five figures $$ on fucking cam sites and went into debt over them>oh yeah the cherry on top: he faked having cancer once to avoid talking to me for 2-3 weeks and spent the entire time at home jerking off to camgirls Fast forward to breaking up
>I broke up with him after I found out he was cheating on me the third time with a 15 year old anorexic girl that I was online friends in a game with (I'm 22, he's 28)>the fact that it was someone I knew and he used me to get to her is what really opened my eyes to what a slimey pedophile predator he was>girls before her were usually anorexics he'd find on tumblr, age 14-18Was friends with a guy, over Christmas break we met up and begun dating by NYE.
>he found out I was in a new relationship in mid-January and proceeded to try to ruin my life >sent my super conservative parents my nudes, shared a bunch of secrets with me, posted my dox on other websites and shared private pictures with strangers of me >told me he'd do anything to ruin my life, that I deserved it, that he hoped I'd kill myself, all while posting my name all over the internet and goading people into sending messages to my supervisor and university dean>parents really mad, pretty much broken relationship with them, dad doesn't even talk to me anymore, mom thinks I'm a useless slut>they didn't even believe me about him (I had a bad relationship with my mom and dad beforehand and when we first broke up my mom texted my ex and asked him what "his side of the story was" because she didn't believe me) and so I had no support other than my friend (who I basically owe my life to)>dropped out of school for the semester because of the depression and low self esteem>he started dating someone 4 days after we broke up, I think that 15 year old girl, while getting mad at me for moving on months laterI literally went through hell. I wish I'd left sooner but for most of this I was in a foreign country all alone and he isolated me from my parents and friends. All I had was him and I believed his lies. I'd spent my days pretty much starving myself and just browsing tumblr or camsites looking at girls that he liked, usually underweight teens. I thought that was literally the only way he'd ever "love" me - now I realize the only person he ever loved was himself. I degraded and debased myself in so many ways that I won't even describe here for him, went completely against my principals. Almost cut my tits off because he liked flat chests and would always bully me about my chest. In the last 6 months of our relationship I didn't realize it at the time but I was really addicted to prescription opiates (codeine, oxys) and I pretty much spent the entire time in a daze.
Typing all this out really helped, I guess. The one thing I always wanted was closure, for someone to believe my version of events, which is the truth. But no one ever did because he always got to them first. I never had proof of his affairs because he'd always delete texts and accounts the second I'd find them (first he'd tie me to the bed so I would stop trying to grab the phone/laptop back). Even my own parents didn't believe the things that happened. That's how good of an abuser he is. I'll never get what I want.
But I can say that life has gotten much better. My current boyfriend is pure, moral, ethical, strong-willed, hardworking and worships me from head to toe. It is like night and day. The way he treats me is unbelievable. I never thought I'd be able to love myself but with his help I'm definitely starting to. It's like every negative thing that was etched into my head is slowly fading away and I'm seeing things in a new light.
No. 155691
>>155689…your entire story…wow.
Why have you not called him out for being a pedophile?
No. 155693
>>155691>>155691I have but no one believes me because he's one of those guys that's like "well if they can bleed you can breed" he's gross as fuck. He still goes around saying that he never cheated on me. When the last time I saw him I found a 15 year olds nudes on his phone, he grabbed it and deleted everything and left. He tried blaming me at first but then when the evidence was gone he just started saying "omg your lying nothing ever happened" After that I never saw him again because I broke up with him but he still claims to have been the good guy who worked so hard on our relationship. (We were together for 7 years and he would never compliment me or say anything nice, while he was writing fucking love letters to his teenage affairs.)
He also claims to have gone to a therapist who said its "perfectly normal" for men his age to still be attracted and going after teenagers (who often look younger because he goes for legit pro-ana ones). I say bullshit but honestly the amount of people who find nothing wrong with it… it's surprising.
>>155690Thank you so much.
No. 155696
>>155695damn i feel sorry for you anon. im currently going through a break up from a nearly 3 year relationship. well…we break up constantly tbh and soon enough it will end for good (might be this time) but tbh im the shitty person in the relationship so maybe i shouldnt feel sorry for myself
hang in there and maybe go out more. that helps me a lot when shit like this happens. keeps you distracted i guess