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No. 156228
>>156227I think you should try to wear some of them at least once more, decide if you are going to actually wear it at one point. If you have an attachment, I know people do take pictures to keep the memory and then sell the dress.
For places, most people now go onto lacemarket. There is also fb sales groups which are able to reach a lot of lolitas since fb is the new thng. Lolita sales in english is a well known one but not the only, I know there is brand specific groups as well.
No. 156229
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No. 156231
From this day forth, I propose that all lolitas make a vow to stop posting on tumblr. You can still use it, just don't post, reblog, or follow anything lolita related. Tumblr rapes subcultures and cums without protection, infesting them with darkness and evil.
If you have a cute coord, post it where people will appreciate it. Not to fucking tumblr, don't do it nigga.
We often complain about tumblr in lolita, but don't do anything to stop it. Well, the first step is to not expose them to lolita. Reblog some other shit fashion that tumblr will love, like kawaii ghetto or cyber punk.
I mean it. I prefer WEEBS to all the fucking tumblr infesting lolita. At least weebs kind of get it, tumblr kids are just the worst type of normalfag hipsters to ever infest anything, and we're letting them right on in and showing off our clothes to them.
No. 156233
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>>156227Man anyone can keep rocking lolita no matter the age(My personal fav. lolita that is an older lady). I think if you're torn on it keep a few of your favorite pieces, and then sell the rest.
Also the best thing to sell loliat on is LaceMarket.
No. 156239
>>156237Bunch of girls from my comm went.
They seemed to have had a blast.
No. 156240
>>156239It was really fun. A lot of people were pissy because lines, things starting late, etc–but that just comes with the territory of a big con.
Misako and Midori acknowledged my existence and it was amazing hahaha.
No. 156244
>>156243Very. It's one of the crown jewel prints for sweet lolita, like Iron Gate is the apex print for gothic lolita.
Some chick recently spent $1.8k on a Misty Sky set which made me laugh really hard. It's a cute print, but no way in fuck is it worth that much.
No. 156246
>>156244I don't get how lolita trends like this happen where one print becomes super popular and everyone wants it. It's obviously more about the status than the dress.
I like CTP, too, but there are other prints just as nice.
No. 156247
>>156245Well, you know the average retail prices for the big brands but in the cases of these coveted prints, it's really the scalpers who are making the money. Recently, Dream Marine sold out super quick and scalpers went ham with it before AP decided to do a made to order release. Same with Celestial. I think it pisses the designers off–and tightly so. It's such a small niche market that they can sell too, versus a high end brand like Burberry or Chanel.
>>156246Totally agree. I wonder if half the people who own these prints/pine after them even actually love them that much or if they just want them as a status symbol.
No. 156251
I used to like it back when /b/ had a rule about only having one pedo board, but now they regularly have multiple ones and post that shit all over the place.
It makes browsing really depressing and not fun. I think a lot of people feel like this because users have been fleeing rapidly elsewhere and even coming back to cuckchan recently
No. 156254
>>156250The pedo boards have literally no effect on you if you don't visit them. Did you also stop going to /cgl/ because cp was posted on /b/? What happens on other boards doesn't affect you and globals remove cp as soon as possible. The people on those boards also don't bother with any other boards because they know they aren't welcome.
>>156248No shit, retard. 8chan /cgl/ was up for claims about two weeks ago and it had been dead since near creation. If gulls weren't so retarded about wanting an already established board, you'd have one. Bitches just want something without having to do any work.
>>156252Eh, I prefer the smaller boards. It's a good thing that /fem/ died and Swami can't get his shitty IPs back up because HW said he'd be looking at a glass ceiling if he tried anymore. /girltalk/ is nice and 8chan /cgl/ just needs a little tlc. There is also parody boards and /beauty/.
No. 156255
>>156250>>156251You're a fucking retard who's easily manipulated by association fallacies.
>>156249You're a faggot afraid of putting in the effort to pioneer a community.
Sincerely, someone who founded their own community in 8chan with just a bit of work.
No. 156256
>>156249You know, if you posted in 8chans /cgl/ it'd probably gain traffic.
This shit doesn't happen over night, people actually have to post in the board so it doesn't die.
No. 156257
>>156254I meant pedo threads not boards blah
on /b/ it used to be just 1, but now they have multiple ones, and they make new ones every 2 days or something, so I have to keep hiding them
not to mention that they post this shit in unrelated threads like 'post hot chicks' or 'you laugh you lose' or anything really is an ecuse for them to post pedo shit
hotwheels should've gone down on them hard. Everyone said that if you give them a finger they'll take the whole hand and they were right. The place is rife with pedo shit now
No. 156262
>>156261Same. I made the move in September and honestly haven't seen CP on the boards I visit. The only time CP was ever posted was when that whole gooblygate shit was going on, and Laurelai was posting it to screencap and spread shit that "8chan was full of pedos".
Using that as an excuse to not visit the site is pretty lousy, as if 4chan never had that shit before. All I hear is "4chan is a safe space, so I will stay there" and that you fit right in with the Tumblr/tween crowd that has took over.
First of all, when shit like that is posted on 8chan, it's reported, and Hotwheels deletes it. You're not going to run across that crap unless you are actively looking for it and/or posting it. People act like they're going to go to the site and have their hard-drive infested with CP and that they will go to jail. Besides, like you stated, most of them moved to masterchan many months back and only shit I ever see is the pedo-talk threads that are posted on /b/ (which, as much as I am against all that shit, it does not break any laws for Hotwheels to ban the talk). Don't visit it or just hide it.
It should not take away the experience from the site as a whole, which is a thousand times better than 4chan. If /cgl/ would make the move and have an active mod, it would do really well. They would maybe even get new members that refuse to use 4chan but would like to visit the board with a lot of active people that don't give up because no new posts have been made within a day or two. Stick with it and keep encouraging people to move.
No. 156264
>>156263They act like that shit also didn't exist back on 4chan. Boards always had random pedos coming in and whining about their tfw no underage gf from time to time. /cgl/ had it. /a/ had it. /co/ had it. Even /r9k/ had miserable fuckers and on each board those people were told to fucking leave. I'm starting to feel like the people who whine about this shit are overly sensitive newfags considering all of us accepted it as the norm long ago and learned to report and ignore.
/cgl/ really hasn't been any better in all of this. They pissed and moaned that 8chan was too slow yet did nothing to change that, but instead ran back to 4chan where they know that the site has been overtaken by shitbags and the mods hate them enough to go as far as let trips ruin the place because of that Facebook group bias. Seagulls expected a community to just be established for them on the new site, yet everyone else from the respective big boards did the work to make theirs happen along with the owners of smaller boards. I knew the community was shit at times, but that really showed me how little these cunts really care about anything but themselves.
Shit don't happen overnight. Bitches need to work.
No. 156265
>>156262>All I hear is "4chan is a safe space, so I will stay there"Which is funny cuz how just looking at the 4chan tag on KYM would send every carpet fiber-kin's headmate into a tizzy.
And if anything, fullchan is definitely safer because it hasn't even had its first murderer yet.
No. 156267
>>156262I have seen it every single time I've gone on 8chin.
I only stick to 4chin because of the AA threads other than that 4chan is a waste.
Serious question though when do you guys think 4chan will close down same thing with 8chan?
No. 156269
>>156267I'm honestly curious about what boards you go on where you're seeing cp every single day considering some of us have been there since last fall and haven't seen any. Just because some douchebag troll posts it somewhere doesn't mean that everyone on the board wants it there. You wait until a global removes it.
People have really convenient excuses.
No. 156270
>>156267lol seriously are you going out looking for it? i go on fullchin cgl, svidya, int, beauty, cow, and girltalk and ive never seen any.
>going to /b/ and not expecting cp>t-triggeredhide the thread and get over it, newfag
No. 156273
>>156272The post is gone, but there's this the new board won't suck as much but it looks like the old owner was p much confirmed for being a dramafagging attention whore.
No. 156274
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8chan /cgl/ could have more traffic than 4chan /cgl/. 4chan traffic is already down by a lot.
No. 156276
>>156275I quit it the day the admins started cracking down on gossip, that was the lifeblood of /cgl/ and they killed it
Nowadays it feels facebookish tumbrish as you've said, it's really not worth visiting anymore : <
No. 156277
>>156275Not completely, I only visit for the hair threads, convention story/general cgl horror story thread, and the gyaru/nanchette threads if they pop up.
I also lurk to see pretty pictures of cosplayer but that's it. Other than that, imo, it's pretty boring now.
No. 156278
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I used to like mintxmints coords but after that frill fest stunt, I can't stand to look at her face anymore. That was so damn embarrassing
No. 156283
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Well I wouldn't say she's unattractive,
boring and a little self absorbed maybe but she's not ugly
No. 156286
>>156231I think you're worrying too much and trying to police something you have no power over. I kind of went through freaking out about weebs on tumblr too, but they don't do as much damage as you think.
Here's a fun story to explain:
>Knows of an otherkin aspie greasy-haired asian girl>thought she was a god and also an angel (?)>has about 6 twitter accounts and growing for her "alts">also sleeping with some six foot trans girl who is poly and likes every fetish on the internet>went through a brief "kawaii" phase and reblogged some Angelic Pretty>ohdeargodno.gif>Remembers freaking out and telling people she absolutely CANNOT taint lolita with existing within it>thank god for the big price tag>turned out she barely even knew what AP was>didn't have any money for it, much less how to order any of it>later resorted to a thrift store and made a "kawaii fairy kei trans boy set">It was as bad as it sounds>all of lolita was spared from her and the heavens broke out in a choir of angelsThat is why most people on social media and tumblr especially are only onlookers. They watch social issues go by, they watch big tumblr girls post and reblog, and honestly, they're not really apart of anything. They're just sad little people that wish they could be kawaii fashionista or a social justice champion when they have zero power to do so.
I say just leave the tumblr lolita girls who are there alone. The only people I take issue with is not weebs and aspies, but fetishists that lurk there.
No. 156288
>>156231God, you sound like a whiny cunt from tumblr yourself.
>m-muh special subculture that no one is allowed to touch!!! ;_; Pls don't reblog without permission!!!
>Tumblr rapes subcultures and cums without protection, infesting them with darkness and evil.Sure. You know what rapes Lolita? The death of egl on lj, the drama, shitty stuff like the John Leigh drama, e-fame hungry people and the people who give them attention, a missing platform/international forum and so on. Tumblr didn't do anything except maybe provide a new blogging platform.
>If you have a cute coord, post it where people will appreciate it. Not to fucking tumblr, don't do it nigga.Haha oh wow. So, where to post if? CoF, the biggest hugbox "no concrit pls!!1"?. Daily Lolita is dead. Self post on cgl is not appreciated and most people would rather not post to cgl, no matter if on halfchan or 8chan. Many people are too lazy to keep up with a blog on another platform, especially since it might be hard to get followers/readers there.
>We often complain about tumblr in lolita, but don't do anything to stop it. Well, the first step is to not expose them to lolita. Reblog some other shit fashion that tumblr will love, like kawaii ghetto or cyber punk.How about not giving them any attention? Even if your completly unrealistic plan would work, tumblr people will still find out about Lolita. It's not something super unpopular and completly unknown, especially to weebs. They will still do this, even if the whole Lolita Fashion would vanish from tumblr. There will always be people doing stuff you like wrong. Get over it.
You know what we need? We need a new platform, we need to give less attention to e-fame chans, and less people who cry about Lolita being there secret special club table that no one is allowed to sit at. The community changes. The platforms changed. Get your salt somewehere else or do something productive about it.
No. 156298
>>156287I got into it when I was pretty young, somewhere between ~10/12. A friend sent me a picture of Mana and some Malice Mizer music and I was hooked from there.
Growing up I only ever had a peripheral interest in it and didn't really follow it too closely.
Last year I found out Brolita was 'a thing' and my interest has been renewed, my first OP is on order and should be here soon.
No. 156299
>>156231Friendly reminder that anti-social justice warriors are just as annoying as the big baddie of right now.
Moot was a dumb ass but he was right about a few things.
>inb4 this isn't 4chan faggot No. 156300
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>>156247>>156246Not me, man. I fucking love this print so much. Dolly cat is nothing. There is no other cat print I love as much…
No. 156301
>>156255Back in the day I went to various chan sites and some of them DEFINITELY had child porn on them and loli porn and other illegal things and it wouldn't surprise me if 8chan had stuff like that floating around.
It's bad enough browsing /gif/ on 4chan and having shit like Monroe posted.
No. 156302
>>156258Nigga, are you for real?
Do you not live in the states or something? You know what happens when you get shit like that on your computer? You fucking go to jail dude.
No. 156303
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What happened to Opaline Rose?? Everyone is being so hush hush about it, but, I just want to know what happened for closure. I looked up to her a lot.
No. 156307
>>156305oh fuck it's katzixx all over again
that's heartbreaking, she was so lovely.
>>156306that's kind of suspicious. even katzixx was eventually outed as some kind of liver complication, I think? I hope it wasn't anything traumatic.
No. 156312
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>>156311No. She really did die. You can check her facebook. It's already been turned into a memorial account and a family member notified friends via the account right after she died.
No. 156313
>>156312Oh dear, that's so sad.
I can understand the curiosity, however if the family want to keep it a private matter people should respect that.
No. 156318
>>156233>>156234I think this image was originally from CoF. If I remember correctly she was some lolitas mother they decided to dress up. Like I think her mother admired the fashion so she let her borrow some clothes?
Shes really cute and I absolutely ADORE seeing older women into the fashion.
No. 156321
>>156314I guess become active with the online community but if you want to not appear attention whore-y do it in a not annoying way. If you get popular enough you will always have some people dislike you though.
Think of Princess Peachie as an example of a good e-famous lolita. There are people who dislike her or even if you personally dislike her style. She handles a lot of things very graciously and doesnt get caught up in drama.
I don't follow Lor as closely but I feel the same way about her. When the LACE fiasco came up and someone messaged her, she handled it very well and didn't really pick sides.
No. 156322
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I'm going to dump some inspo from my fold.
I mostly save sweet stuff. Some may have been saved because I think they are 10/10 perfect, some may have been saved because I liked one aspect or the idea was neat.
No. 156323
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No. 156350
>>156349Different anon but given the context I think they mean "Search Engine Optimization." Watch some Youtube videos, it explains how if you plant certain keywords onto your websites it can generate more search traffic, thus optimizing.
>>156303Methinks suicide or maybe a really silly accident. Usually when people pass from lengthy illness or accidents that weren't their fault, the families usually say something to the effect of the cause.
Families tend to keep quiet about the ways a loved one died if it was suicide or can bring questions or shame. Tragic, but really cryptic indeed.
No. 156353
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>>156352It depends on the piece tbh. Some bodyline dresses aren't bad, especially their solid dresses as long as they dont have gross lace. Some of their prints are OK too, but you have to really coord them well. I might have a few BL inspos saved so I can dump. I have pic related and its quite nice. (i got it as a cheap dress to wear for a halloween coord, since I only wear sweet and have no black dresses).
The MAIN problem with Bodyline nowadays is how much they've increased their prices, a lot of it isn't really worth it anymore. I wouldn't buy a dress from them unless it was less than $50. However I will say I really love their shoes. The ones I have are comfy and way more sturdy then any taobao ones I've gotten. They dont often re-stock so its kind of a piss of tho.
No. 156354
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No. 156355
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>this one is iffy to me. Has some good points, has some bad
No. 156356
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No. 156360
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No. 156363
Annnd I'll post some decent dresses from their website because I'm bored.
Also I wouldnt recommend their blouses, they are weirdly stiff and scratchy. I dont buy brand blouses but all my blouses come from taobao. 10/10 would recommend.>this ones cute except for the weird cheap chest hair lace. I would consider wearing a bolero/cardigan over top. Or altering the dress perhaps with nice lace check for reviews for a specific dress by googling "bodyline l385 review" but change the number to whatever dress it is's number. Also look around and see others outfits for inspo.
No. 520053
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No. 566957
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