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No. 156371
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No. 188868
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Was gonna make a new thread but this works. I sometimes want the ~dream~ weeaboo aesthetic room but as I'm getting in my 20s I'm abandoning the thought and looking for more toned down ideas.
No. 188870
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dropped pic fuck
No. 188874
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No. 188875
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This messy room is one of my favorites, I'm not sure why. It looks cozy and lived in.
No. 188880
>>188869Yeah, I have to admit I LOVE that kitchen/ dining room that was posted a year or so ago
>>156371I am a huge packrat, sadly, and have inherited through moving (and actual inheritance) a lot of other people's furniture. I honestly am not even sure what my aesthetic is, but some of those rooms above are just beautiful, even though I think I would actually not like sunlight on my bed.
No. 188881
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Does anyone else like gaudy bedrooms?
No. 188884
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No. 188889
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I think a lot of weebs or ex-weebs can appreciate this (myself included)
No. 188891
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This is basically my (realistic) dream bedroom. I'd probably have an electric fireplace and a shelf for my luxury bags to display across from the bed. ;_; Simple, slightly tacky, and a city view. I've never had a really nice bedroom (mom is a hoarder and has opposite taste + dorm rooms + cheap apartments with short-term leases and never having a city view even when I've lived in big cities has kept me from my dream room). Hoping in a few years when I finally can settle down somewhere that I can make this dream room come true. I know it's not to everyones taste, but it's so comfy and relaxing looking…
No. 188907
>>188895OMFG ANON YES. like damn these rooms are all so nice in a guilty pleasure way.
>>188881but yeah to the gaudy-ish room anon I agree, I used to be really into French rococo furniture a few years ago, perhaps if I become a sugar baby I can live this dream…
No. 188941
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>>188868This is cute as heck.
I get you, the less childish way of going about it would be to decorate with mostly elegant, vintage, or shabby chic accessories and then adding subtle kawaii/weeb stuff in your room. For example, this is what I put on my dresser. Maybe something like this would work for you if you ever get around to putting together your dream room without it being over the top.
No. 188943
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a bit silly but I have a folder saved with some of these.
nice to imagine a comfy place filled with books or some place out in the wild.
No. 188944
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No. 188945
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No. 189012
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I love the feel of cozy, cluttered, warm-toned rooms but the clean freak and perfectionist in me prefers sharp white/black contrast and clean minimalism.
No. 189030
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not sure if this fits this threat but I LOVE skyline/city views, a room like this is an absolute dream.
No. 189084
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>>188943Nice pic. I don't even read much, but LOVE the look and feel of tall bookshelves lined with books.
>>189030>>189047Sooo comfy anon, especially the 2nd photo with the playstation and sunset (any idea which city this is?). Thanks for sharing. I'm
>>188891and obsessed with city views too. Actually scared of heights (partially for the wobbly feeling you mentioned lol) but the view is so comfy and energizing. For me, windows that aren't too big and a little higher up seems like the answer.
No. 189108
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I post the next few pics I have, mostly minimal or books
No. 189109
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No. 189110
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No. 189111
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No. 189112
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No. 189113
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that ladder doe
No. 189114
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No. 189115
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No. 189116
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No. 189117
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No. 189118
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No. 189119
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all for now
No. 189120
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No. 189126
>>189047omg the colors
>>189117I love this. I can never decide if I like a cluttered/busy aesthetic or a calm/minimal aesthetic. I think ideally I'd have a clean and basic bedroom and a cluttered "office".
No. 189188
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i like really colorful rooms
No. 189193
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>>189191sorry for samefagging
"organized clutter" is also something i really like
No. 189224
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I love minimalism but wouldn't mind a house full of plants, as long as they're displayed tastefully.
No. 189282
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No. 189283
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No. 189326
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Room threads are so comfy. Hope you guys don't mind if I dump a few pics (And sorry that they aren't all bedrooms.)
No. 189328
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>>189327My taste is a little on the sterile side, ha.
No. 189354
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>>189352(I feel kinda obligated to apologize to any anons who aren't into minimalist-type decor. I'm sorry that you have to sift through this.)
No. 189375
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No. 189394
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No. 189398
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>>189397Aaand last one. So that's more or less the contents of my interior decor folder. That was a lot more than I anticipated, I'm sorry guys.
No. 189401
>>189386>>189350These are nice.
>>189359I loveee this kitchen, anon!
>>189371Definitely taking inspiration for my bathroom from this. Love the colors and crystals! Thanks for sharing
No. 199860
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No. 200601
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No. 200609
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No. 200872
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No. 200882
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No. 200883
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No. 200884
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i feel like such a weeaboo but dammit i like it
No. 200885
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No. 200886
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No. 200917
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>>200883>>200884Makes me kinda sick to the stomach.
No. 200918
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No. 200920
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No. 200921
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No. 200922
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No. 201001
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