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No. 156489
>>156488That's my feelins on it too. Pretty asthetic, but there's so much of –I'm daddy's little princess~~ and not a whole lot of talk on how to be safe.I followed a girl who was in a bdsm relationship and always posted super kawaii desu lolita pictures of her and her daddy. … and then all of a sudden she started freaking out that he wanted to have really kinky sex (suspension, clothespins, pinwheels) and started basically screaming BUT IM A PRINCESS all over tumblr and a lot of kinksters started getting massively buttmad at her. This idea that bdsm is all
spankings and
dressup and
lawlita makes me so upset. So many vulnerable young girls who can be easily preyed on by bad or asshole tops because they want to be a fucking princess.
No. 156490
>>156489exactly. i wish that element of the trend would just kindly float away. they really just don't know what they're getting into, but there are definitely a lot of men who see all these pretty young girls getting into ddlg and are taking advantage of that despite not really knowing what a dom or daddy dom really is.
i mean, you go to even just the caregiver/little side of tumblr and there's a huge difference in [actual] daddy doms vs the sad nymphets daddy doms. in fact the popularization of bdsm in avenues such as knock-off ddlg and 50 shades shit has really gotten me feeling sad for a lot of naive "subs."
No. 156492
>>156491'daddy' being used to reffer to non fathers hasnt just been coming into pop culture recently
i'm hispanic and 'daddy' is very commonly used to describe husbands/boyfriends and isn't overtly sexual in tone when it's used. it's almost an 'endearing' kind of term
No. 156499
>>156490I was lucky enough to be in a relationship with a guy where our DD/lg naturally evolved, but we had been healthy and open for over a year before it came about that I was a sub and he was a top. It naturally progressed, and he takes care of me emotionally. When we act out a scene, it's always followed by tenderness and deep, sweet love that I've never found before.
I really hope that this whole "DD/lg for aesthetic" doesn't give birth to a new wave of feminism that's very anti kink. I've seen a bit of it here and there, but it's come from an older wave of womyn who see any form of kink as rape and abuse. I can easily see all the young 20-somethings/barely legal "baby girls" having a bad relationship or two with a top who is really just an abusive asshole all of a sudden believing that ALL bdsm relationships are abuse and rape.
scares me, quite honestly.
No. 156500
>>156499I have seen countless posts on tumblr about how ddlg is harmful for actual little girls who were molested by their dads because it normalizes their pain (or whatever), or how if a little girl who is being molested by their father and they search google for help they would get just ddlg porn, so it's hurting actual children.
but it's just simply not. you would have to google something dangerously close to daddy dom little girl to get anything kinky.
No. 156502
>>156501are you asking for yourself?
if so, please don't be a creepy manipulative asshole. don't use a trend to get a girl to do something she might not otherwise be into.
there are plenty of girls who are already into sm.
No. 156503
>>156501read up on these type of relationships or go to some sort of sex class (They're usually available through bondage shops and such) before you fuck anything up.
Im really worried that SM is forever going to be fucking ruined by n00bs who want to get spankies and be tied up becuz 50 Shades of Grey or guys that have no idea what they're doing and just want to be dominant without learning how to.
No. 665520
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