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>If God will fulfill one of your wishes, what would it be?>"I won't rely on somebody granting my wishes. I think you should depend on your own effort and power to fulfill your own dreams!"
>"If somebody grants my wish for me, there is zero meaning. It will only be meaningful if you fulfill your own dream by yourself! So Aiku wants to rely on her own power to chase her dreams, not rely on God. If you really want me to rely on God for anything, I would probably wish God can make everyone laugh happily everyday!"
>"Although I have times when I seem to have lost my way, I have already set my goal. I know where my final destination is, so even if I have to walk a longer way sometimes, I will take up the challenge."
>"When I decided to be serious in my modelling career, I told myself firmly that I have to slim down! I have to become cute! I took on the challenges and tried many different styles and make-up. I wanted to see a brand new me. Although my decision of becoming a model is already made, I would also like to learn more things, so as to broaden my horizons!"
>"Aiku's personal motto is~ Happy&Smile&Peace!">"Whether it is dieting or studying, when I decide I want to work hard, I would then definitely give my all!!! And that is why I want to become a dependable girl who would not change her directions with the crowd. Always <Happy!> <Smile!> <Peace!> "
>"I can continuously improve myself and change myself. Being a girl is the best!">Because I want to become pretty, I believe the most important thing is to never be satisfied with the status quo! I believe improving yourself constantly is really important. Not only on the outside, but also on the inside! Improving yourself constantly will allow you to change. And if you are a girl, you can display this change. I really think I am so blessed to be a girl!
>"Girls cannot feel "Ok. This is good enough!" Girls have to show what you are really made of!">Aiku is always aware that she is a girl! There are some things which only a girl can do, right? Like, using gentle words or dressing up fashionably, dolling up etc. All these are only possible if you are a girl. Just through your hairstyle and make-up, you can look different from others. I believe this is really important.
>"My enemy forever is MYSELF!">"Whenever I feel that dieting is so unbearable, I would go to my blog. When I see my readers' comments that they are working hard to slim down too, I would feel that I cannot admit defeat! And of course I mean I cannot admit defeat to myself! I'm my only enemy."
>"I don't necessarily want to become Number One. I just want to put in my best effort.">"I don't like the feeling of admitting defeat! This does not mean that I have to be No.1 in everything, but it means that I would like to put in my biggest effort! Of course there are times when I am disappointed. And I know if I continue soaking in my own disappointment, it wouldn't solve any problems, so I would immediately get back up and fight on! Being in negative spirits is such a waste of time!" No. 157006
>>157005Cara Delevigne said the same thing on Instagram IIRC.
Models are fake as shit lmao
No. 157007
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No. 157008
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No. 157009
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No. 157010
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