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No. 157068
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Personally, I think it can. It does often tend to look a little heavier though on girls with western features.
A lot of people here seem to really think it looks awful, idk why exactly. The under-eye eyeliner that goes down too low (to create that kawaii Mira look) seems a little strange though.
Otherwise, I think it's very pretty. I used to do it when I was in high school, and it was a lot of fun for me. Just do what you like.
No. 157070
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Yes, as long as you play around with it.
No. 157071
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dumping some western gyaru tutorials
No. 157073
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>>157072>>157072I think even over the top gyaru makeup works on western eyes as long as one doesn't go over the top with the eyebag/ageyo-sal trend.
No. 157086
>>157085Pink and even red eyeshadow can look good and not like you have irritation around your eyes, but you have to know what you're doing and select the right shade for your skin tone.
Also the girl in
>>157071 reminds me of Suzy from Game Grumps without makeup (small eyes, narrow nostrils, thin upper lip) so I distrust her advice by random association.
No. 157088
File: 1438603872979.png (2.39 MB, 1000x1333, black4.png)

>>157079>>157084>>157085>>157086Ah well, that's a really old tutorial. This is what she looks like now. She's gotten better over the years (and mostly moved away from gyaru).
No. 157089
>>157088her lips are so overdrawn, they look like she's attempting drag…
I'd use a plumping gloss if I wanted the illusion of having bigger lips, plus the fact that she's using matte lipstick only draws attention to the exaggerated application.
No. 157091
>>157088I know it was an old tutorial, but she doesn't have any for her current style as far as I know.
I like her makeup now, minus the lips