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No. 157158
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And here are a couple of pictures just to get things rolling.
No. 157159
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No. 157160
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No. 157161
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No. 157162
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No. 157163
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Aaand that's it from me for now, I guess.
No. 157166
How the hell does one type their hair correctly?
I know it's not important, but I just want to find out.
I have low/medium hair density, and my hair is the total opposite of 'black hair care'.
Can't do the let it air dry and don't put any products in thing because my hair will turn as hard as a rock stone (my stylist's words, not mine).
I even strand getting some shedded hair, and the top curled up like it wanted to be a 4a, but stayed all 4b/3b, and then in the middle it fully curled into a 4a, and then back to 2a?
I know it's in the 4s, but I have strands that are so kinky they look straight, completely straight, somethat look 3c but stick up in the air, 3b, strands that start off looking 4c, but loosen into 4b, and then straight, 4b in the back. Some 4a looking things in the middle, and 4c in the sack dab middle (I think, making it seem shorter than the rest of my hair.
Plus this weird 2b-c strand of chestnut-blonde I keep trying to pull out (cause it looks weird).
I-is my hair just not meant to be typed lolcow?
Also, off of that, my hair is a rebellion. My hair hates or dies at the touch coconut oil, but loves castor oil to an extent. loves Head & Shoulders (shampoos generally, and is responding greatly to Pantene conditioners), loves grease, and hates leave-ins.
Plus, I'm an unlucky one with mostly thin hair (it's somewhat strong though!).
I promise guys, no heat damage or chemical damage here!
No. 157171
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>>157167My mother conditioned me for so long to not do anything with my hair. Grow it out, only get trims @ all the same length, don't even TRY to dye it. "People would kill to have hair like yours"
But it was so boring, and me too I was scared as fuck about bleaching my hair because my mom would make bleaching sound like my hair would literally fall apart and die and I loved my hair too much.
Couple months ago I went and spent just below $300 and got my hair DID. Cut, colored (bleached! It was red for a while but that has since washed out and is now just a gold ombre, which is okay.) My hair is just as alive as it was before. I'm much happier with it now too, it has so much personality.
Honestly Anon, just go for it. As long as you take care of your hair and moisturize on the daily, bleaching your hair will turn up no problems at all.
Sorry for the novel aha
No. 157174
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>>157173Nom, I had to look all the way back, and found some.
Ot: I still feel nervous posting these pics even though they are bad quality, mosiaced… I may delete my post after a day Lmao.
No. 157175
>>157174Nom? What. I meant sorry. Anyway.
Middle and upper - right are wet, bottom right is before it got wet, upper and lower left are like a few day after loosening out braids.
I'm not good at taking back picks, but my bottom neighbours at the back are defin 4a.
No. 157177
>>157176Someone on lipstick alley said that they started to use a homemade garlic conditioner, that their hair started growing thicker and faster( either that or it's retaining length)
Aldo, this isn't a product, but have you tried the inversion method?
No. 157180
>>157179Oh okay, I see. Thanks though! I'll see how far I can get without my hair turning hard (usually I put castor oil right after) then.
Thanks for calling my hair beautiful too ♥
You made me flutter a bit because I'm obsessed with my hair!
No. 157182
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Anybody got any pics of black girls into jfashion who use their natural hair? I have a hard time finding them…..
No. 157183
>>157181I'll tell you right now, you'd have to go to a black or dominican salon. I made the mistake of going to a salon in an area with whose clientèle base was mostly those with long, straight hair.
Not only did the woman not know what the fuck she was doing and had to use 3 different combs and brushes in an attempt to brush out my hair (She started from the roots and attempted to brush all the way down in one go… I'm sorry!?), but after her meager attempt at doing black girl hair, she charged me an extra $15.
every time.
it's also an awful feeling going into the salon having the stylists (and even the receptionists) give you these horrified stares. "Your hair is just… So curly!" No. 157184
>>157183Jfc, that sounds horrible.
Reminds me a bit of this show I watched where there was a white guy working at a black barber shop, and one (black) guy was hired to refuse to let him do his hair just to gauge the other customers' reactions.
No. 157186
>>157183Dominican hairsalons use too much heat and suck too just saying.
(Nothing against dominicans of course)
No. 157189
>>157183Omg anon, I'm sorry that happened to you! Reminds me of this story. Video related.
>>157185Ah, I wish I had the hair you described anon, lol
I'm the anon who posted my hair pics earlier, and my hair will never be voluminous nor thick (I can try to change that though). It grows in a heart-down position sadly.
No. 157190
>>157185Weird considering that's what a lot others with those hair textures consider a really good texture, but w/e.
I always wish to do like 'kawaii' hairstyles, like the ones you see in j fash magazines but with my hair texture. I've seen some cute bow hair and buns, but not much after that. I wish there was someone into j fash who did like cute hair tutorials with her natural hair, but I digress.
No. 157194
>>157187That sounds like a really good routine, actually. Does it really help your hair keep conditioned? I find that my hair just gets so crazy frizzy and dry.
>>157191Jesus that is awful. You know what, it used to be a pain in the butt and I used to squirm and whine and pout when my mother did my hair for hours brushing and combing it through, but she did me a service, man. And she didn't tug or rip my hair.
No. 157196
>>157189Mine does too, I'm routine anon,castor oil really helped with thickness.
>>157194It does. Maybe you could start of with deep conditioning your hair, i recently dropped that from my routine because i find i don't need to anymore,but when i first started, my hair was super dry and frizzy, and broke off everywhere.
No. 157198
>>157197I agree!
>>157190I can't make my hair a 4b but a 4b girl can make her hair a 3c.
>>157189tbh you can have that hair with an easy braid out
your hair is gorgeous! That's how my hair grows too but your hair is really cute!
No. 157200
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>>157199well i dont want to touch it as i have fluffy hair too but long kinky hair is just.. <3
No. 157203
>>157186>>157188Yep, but thats because most dominicans have hair that can handle that amount of heat without much damage.
Though even for girls with 4A/B/C hair, they just wrap their hair in a doobi after having it deep conditioned, in curlers and blown out. They then don't apply heat again for a week or two.
I've seen tons of dominican girls hair grow really long even when going through this process for 2 yrs.
I've met a lot of American black people who complain about their styling techniques, but hey it works for Dominicans.
No. 157204
>>157201bout a year. Now it's almost collar bone length when its straightened out.
(You should have heard my mom complain about me ruining my hair before i cut the permed edges off. Now she's always smiling and fawning over it.)
No. 157205
>>157204collarbone length in a year tho?
No. 157208
I want to get a keratin treatment but this scared me: here had one? How legit is this? Can I save myself if I only do it once or something?
No. 157210
>>157209I'm three years in and it's past my shoulders but I don't believe it's collar bone length in a year. Two or a yeah and half. However hair type depends though.
Some naturals have the "my hair grew five foot over night" attitude and its annoying.
No. 157211
>>157210Collar bone anon here, my hair grows pretty fast naturally, and I've been using castor oil to speed up the process as well.
this shit happens sometimes
No. 157212
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embracing my natural hair now. And also growing out an ill advised undercut.. I feel like I did look much nicer with it sleek, but really cannot be bothered with all that. Twist outs are a lifesaver also.
No. 157219
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>tfw natural long hair
>Trying to resist urge to use heat
>Not even stretching is enough.
I-I just want to have straight hair once in a while.
Unrelated, I found this picture from /fa/.
I think it might be useful.
No. 157220
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>>157219I think it's the same person, but I am really 'miring her hair. I might do something like that if I'm brave enough..
No. 157227
>>157226I'm mixed silly. I am just curious how much the rest of you guys loose?
People say "dont comb" cos breakage ect but I can't just leave my hair and let it mat plus finger de tangling doesn't do the job for me. Most of the time I just keep my hair tied up in twists. It's just easier.
No. 157228
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hair envy
No. 157230
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>>157228love these two aswell
No. 157231
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>>157230Beautycrush is a defo fav (can't remember her mix)
No. 157233
>>157224*My hair is a 4 type mixture thing
>I wash my hair around the beginning of the week >a little bit of Head&Shoulders Dandruff Shampoo for my scalp and Pantene conditioner(If my hair feels worse than usual, probably I'll try to mix in H&S eucalyptus conditioner. But I'm trying to co-wash, so I'm weening my hair off of shampoo)
>I let it airdry for as much as it will go without tangling and getting too hard to comb>I then use castor oil or a bit of grease on my strands >Lastly I get it styled/braided/twisted to keep in for about 2 weeks to start the process over(I wanna fit deep conditioning in there somewhere but I never used one so Idk when to do it.)
During the week:
>I keep it up and off my shoulders in a high ponytail or in a cap since I barely leave my house>When I shower I just let the shower soak my hair–never towel dry, and put in castor oil>I also take time to oil my edges and give my hair a good massage every now and then>When approaching my second week, I sometimes put conditioner because by then, my scalp gets dry so I give it a nice soaked scratch>loose out my hair when the week is over, and give it a few days rest before I braid it againThat's basically it anon. Not really much of a routine. I barely leave my hair out, and when I do I end up looking like a lion..or like I got into a fight if in a puff.
No. 157234
>>157233Whoops, forgot to add what the asterisk was for.
I meant to mentiom that I'm this anon:
>>157174And that I think my hair is low porosity (I tried that strand in water test. Sank after a day and few hours because I didn't bother to take it out of the bowl)
No. 157236
>>157233>>157224Oh and, I forgot to mention, this week when it has been my frizziest because apparently the Caribbean is having a drought and we work on systern systems, and we were/are running low on water so I wasn't able to soak my hair like I'm used to, and that means no oils either since I put my oils after my water to keep it in.
Probably it is dry, but Idk what else I can do other than deep condition….
No. 157238
>>157227Comb it when its wet.
>>157233I usually add in a deep condition when i wash my hair. I get out of the shower, put mayo, avocado, and if my hair is really dry… coconut oil in and i leave it in for about 30-40 minutes.
You might try a hot oil treatment or two to see if that helps., i recommend you try using leave in conditioner, or curl puddings for your hair. They'll give you definition.
No. 157240
>>157238Eh, I'll have to buy a new Leave - In when I get the money. I already bought a Cantu brand it dried out my hair.
I can't really use Coconut oil since that also dries my hair, but probably I could do the castor oil.
Plus I'm not sure, if a twisting cream and and a curling pudding is the same thing? Because I have As I Am: Twist Defining Cream.
Also, I recently bought this Hair Mayonnaise thing from Organics(??), can I use that as a deep conditioner? Sorry for the questions
No. 157241
>>157210Also depends on where you live (climate wise)
If you live in warmer regions, your hair will grow.
No. 157242
>>157240Yeah, you can use that as a deep conditioner. And if you want your hair to be curly, get the curl pudding stuff. If you want defined twist outs, keep doing what you do.
If coconut oil dries out you hair maybe you could try lavender or something.
No. 157255
>>157245i recently got my first wig from fridatnighthair. its not terrible, it could pass but the lacing is harsh and there's almost no parting room. it kind of smells bad too.
i'm not looking for round the clock wigs which is why i'm hesitant on dropping 300$ for some remy or whatever. i only wear them occasionally when i'm fed up with my curls. it's like going to battle every time i have to do my hair
No. 157258
>>157257Oh shit, I have a story for you
So, a while ago I went to a white friend's house, who lives in the middle of nowhere, there's is legit no black people at all. Her mum was going into the city, and decided to bring me home, but first she had to stop at the salon, and so I go with her.
The lady is a oldish white lady in her 60's who goes batshit over my hair "omg, I love your people's hair" "It's so soooft, and pretty" I was like actually happy someone enjoyed my hair. After a while, she tells me "I wish I could have dated a white guy, my nephew is half black, and I adore his hair" I was like "hahaha ok funny"
Fast forward into 30 minutes, she insisted on washing my hair for free. I told her that washing my hair isn't easy, and the products that you use, is a lot more different than me. She started begging in a way, and was touching my hair (she was still doing my friend's mum hair, but was intrigued by hair, she would stop halfway). In the end, I just let her wash it. I kinda feel like I fulfilled something on her bucket list.
No. 157260
>>157258LOL, yeah man old white ladies i think are the biggest advocates for our hair. i've gotten similar responses. and white hair dressers, sometimes they'll beg to touch it it's like "alllright" haha.
see i don't mind if people touch my hair as long as they ask first. that should just be common sense but so many people try to secretly touch it when i'm not looking. i don't rage like some black women do it's more of "well you could've just asked ^^"
No. 157264
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>>157157are latinas allowed here
i'm half white half latina
thing is my hair is afro-like and it's puffy and big as fuck ; _ ;
my hair is like this
its very thick and coarse
No. 157265
>>157264Anyone is allowed if u have curly hair.
Your hair looks pretty anon!! I understand that thickness feel though. Is there anything you want to do with ur hair or?
No. 157266
>>157265actually i wanted to know
do some of you have dry hair and how do you moisturize them?
I found that when i put olive oil in my hair, they become less puffy (my hair is very damaged) but still remain curly in a nice way
however sometimes it gets too oily because of the olive oil
like how do you guys entertain your curls and stuff
No. 157268
>>157266I don't leave my hair out too much, but I hope this still helps. I leave it in cornrows/free braids/twists so I can do what I like to them.
Anyways, first we have the basics such as drinking a lot of water, no heat, and no sulfates. On a personal note, my hair does not take protein Or at the least coconut well, so I stay away from products that isn't too high in protein.
So basically:
>drinking water>keeping away from proteins>Conditioning/co-washing, deep conditioning whenever I decide to loose out said braids>No sulfates unless it's been a very long while since I've clarified my hair>keeping my hands out of my hair>after wetting my braids in the shower I put castor oil on it>olive oil spritz on a rare day>try not too have too much products in your hair>No heat>Keeping my hair up in ponytailsOh, and while people have been saying grease is a killer for black hair, it's been a savior for me and some others. Despite what I said earlier about coconut oil, it only gets straw dry with virgin coconut oil, and products based on coconuts with other shit in them works(for example Palmer's 'Strong Roots' is working with me this month). So ever since my castor oil recently finished, I've been using this coconut oil grease/conditioner after I showered and it's been working wonders. Then again, I only use it on the strands and ends.
And my hair is 4b-c with rouge waves and straights in there; low porosity.
Both fine and thick strands.
Sorry if this seems like a lot, but it's working to keep my hair soft and I don't have to hear that horrible crunch anymore. Lol