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No. 157323
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I hope everyone is calmer now. I'm probably going to go on an rp hiatus away from them. I also am surprised at the reactions I got. I want to thank you all for your words in my time of despair.
No. 157328
>>157327In my culture you're not really supposed to drink alone. It's not that it's shameful or anything but because it's social, really. When you're with friends or family, you all get a beer, no biggie, but if you're alone home drinking, you learn not to do it (or to excess)
We've got a big culture of drinking (…and a holiday devoted to just that) but I'd say we have less alcoholics on the whole due to the mentality. IDK. it's hard to explain!
No. 157329
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>come into this thread expecting everyone to laugh at OP and call her a pathetic loser for feeling bad about RP group drama
>everyone is being nice and supportive
You're such sweet anons, what the fuck.
No. 157330
>>157329Awwh anon. Well, we're kinda catty and blunt , but for the most part, I think we're all pretty normal girls. (And a few dudes, I think?) I'd take a stab to say that most of us are moderately smart, mid-twenties, probably spent a bit of time on 4chan so we can take a joke and kinda nerdy for something, even if it's make up/clothes or shoes or cosplay or vidya.
It's not a secret that I'd probably befriend most of you anons in real life if I could…And I'd be down for doing a rolld20 campaign with OP or anyone else that does RP
No. 157333
>>157332We've all been there, OP. I'm an incredibly lightweight and can never judge if something is going to put me over my limit. Even just a vodka and orange can make me drunk :/
>>157331No worries! DnD is like riding a bike. You never really forget but that said, I like Pathfinder more because it took 3.5 and made it better. I'm a bit WoD and CoC player, really. I like character driven RP more than fighty dungeons crawlers but occasionally I like to roll up tanky battle characters for a laugh.
No. 157339
>>157336I got kicked out of my D&D group for
making a goat as my character and eating everything.
No. 157344
>>157342Smoke smell usually clings to a person's hair and clothes. I have passed strangers on the street who reek of it so much that I nearly gag. You must not know many heavy smokers or only hang out with light smokers who only smoke outside. I can't imagine not being able to smell stale smoke–have you not been able to smell it on your clothes when you go to wash them after being at a bar?
Pot smells, too, but most people don't walk around reeking of it where I live since it's illegal here. An average person is far more likely to bump into a smelly cigarette smoker than a smelly pot smoker which is probably why you've heard more people complain about the former than the latter.