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No. 159088
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That isn't the body most people here want. They want that childlike, soft and fragile body.
No. 159090
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No. 159092
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No. 159093
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Absolutely. I finally feel strong, healthy and happy in my body. I've been down the starving route and it's fucking ridiculous. I was never happy with myself.
No. 159097
>>159089LIFE GOALS.
What workouts do you guys do? Youtube workouts have changed my life.
No. 159098
>>159096They go out and exercise that's why
running / gym / sports / eat well
but shut ins just encourage the "dont eat and it'll b okay"
No. 159099
>>159097I just prefer running at the moment. Smoothie each morning, healthy lunch and dinner. Just keep the calories low, treat meal every weekend and running.
I'm shit at sports
No. 159105
>>159101Oh for crying out loud, it's a thread for FITSPO which YES it does feature girls who are slim. But at the same time the thread is SUPPOSED to be abut diet/exercise/girls with muscle/girls who sport ect
Not everyone wants a thread about a bunch of stick thin women, how many grape seeds they've swallowed today and can pull off so and so clothing.
Please get over yourself, if you don't like the thread then why be on here? Go back to the THINSPO thread. Fuck off.
No. 159106
>>159105It'd be all the same if there was a curvy thread, it'd just be flocked with fucks from the THINSPO thread spamming it up with shit.
Go back to your thread then and stay out of this one.
No. 159107
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No. 159108
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No. 159109
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i actually feel so so attracted to this tho
No. 159111
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No. 159112
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No. 159114
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No. 159115
>>159113If you want abs and stuff you need to take care of macros too
In the related video - they're a whole house full of body builders/fitness freaks and they're obsessed with their macros
No. 159117
>>159116look up bodyweight exercises, they are most effective for building muscle as a fatty.
walking – not leisurely, like almost jogging – for 2 hours a day (not all at once).
No. 159119
>>159118I just don't want to look like and orc woman. I work out but I'm not trying to get big muscle thighs like
>>159114 or too defined abs.
No. 159123
>>159118I don't get why people are coming on this thread complaining
if y'all wanna be stick thin then go on the thinspo thread?
No. 159126
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No. 159128
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No. 159130
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No. 159134
>>159133I would say it was opened when this statement was made by OP
>other than starving themselves or loathing in self pityThe salty-ness was already here so I don't blame anyone for responding since that statement is kinda silly.
No. 159137
no 1 curr
No. 159138
>>159136is she fat now?
so is the bitch i asked about photoshopping her shit or what? i mean, i know exercise can give you a great body, but that ribcage is like seriously 16 inches.
No. 159141
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Does anyone here remember Miyu? She became fit as hell, even fitter than the last time she was still doing cosplay
No. 159144
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No. 159145
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No. 159153
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No. 159154
Question, why are almost all fit girls (really) tanned? I mean the type of fit girls like in OP pic are usually also kind that also post pictures of healthy fruit and veg and shit on their IG. If they care so much for their health, why get tans like that?
>>159153That is…grotesque. I really try not to swole shame women, but her body looks fucking roided to hell, and the breast implants are gigantic too. If she laid off the roids and tanning, just went natty, she'd have had a nice body.
…her clit must look like a penis
No. 159155
>>159154>why are almost all fit girls (really) tannedBecause being tan is like a cheating weigh to make it look like you have more muscle definition. All the fit males do this, too. I only saw one pic of a shredded fit male with pasty skin and I wish I saved it.
I really like super pale skin and I wish more fit people would stop getting trashy tans.
No. 159157
>>159154fried chicken tan
my friends who are both tan & athletic told me they do this because when you work out a lot your veins start to pop out and be more visible which looks bad on pale skin and tan helps to hide it. or something like that.
No. 159158
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>>159156Paige from wwe is super pale. Even though she works out 8 hours a day you can't see nearly as much abs as these girls that just slapped a tan on.
Also being pale doesn't make you look thinner, it's the opposite. Being super pale reveals all imperfections which is why it's so much more beautiful to me when it's pulled off.
No. 159159
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first of all, i want to say that i acknowledge that the attached pic is disgusting to most of you, but i like it and consider it fitspo.
>>159156agreed. i'm not super pale, but i'm certainly pale and love pale skin. i've also been lifting somewhat seriously for almost a year and had some fuckarounditis for at least half a year before that along with a background of running and sports. i know i'd look way more impressive with a tan, and i know that's why a lot of fit people get tans. also, you get tan doing shit like running outside, so you might as well have an even one. but i'd still like to see more pale fit girls.
i make sure i hit my macros without eating way over my TDEE (except on cheat days when i eat whatever) and go to the gym four days a week. once you get into this habit, it's actually pretty hard to break. on days i get to do lifts i enjoy, i'm really fucking excited. i used to be your typical skinnyfat girl just because while i worked out, it was almost exclusively cardio with some calisthenics. now i actually have some ab definition and "cut" arms and legs.
No. 159161
>>159118So, what IS your excuse anon? Most of the people talking shit about fitness are in denial about the way they look and their happiness, and try to justify it by talking down those who put the effort in to actively change or maintain their lifestyles.
It does take a lot of work to get a body like that, but it's certainly not impossible. Once you have some knowledge of what exercises, weights, etc. you should be using, it becomes far easier to get yourself into shape like this. Going to a gym and just doing random exercises will probably get you into
better shape, but it requires targeted workouts to get the most out of exercising.
Diet is also a HUGE factor. The number of people I know who hit the gym but still look chub, because they insist on still shoving themselves full of fast food and junk, is just crazy. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with enjoying something like this every once in a while, but so many people have no idea about the basics of nutrition and what is actually in food.
I'd like to end on a note, I'm not some /fit/ fag who's here to call out lazy fatties. I've fluctuated between being underweight and podgy a few times over the past 5 years due to health problems, but i'm still making an active effort to just look after myself.
No. 159163
>>159161it's because salty-chan thinks just being super duper thin is the best way to be
so why bother working out
No. 159164
>>159159I like both pale and tanned toned bodies, as long as its toned and fit
its good
No. 159165
>>159158Shit man the women from WWE have killer bodies. 10/10 would cut a bitch for that kinda body.
Can you guys give some good tips for having around perky butt? Like I know squats but is there anything else?
No. 159167
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No. 159168
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I'm here to give you fitspo without looking like a fucking ape!
Much love.
No. 159170
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No. 159172
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>>159160that's what i love about it, too.
>>159166 is right. honestly, i don't think squats really target glutes. i also don't like lunges, because they fuck with my knees even more than heavy ATG squats. but barbell hip thrusts are number one. pause at the top and have the biggest ROM possible.
cable kickbacks are great but also fuck with my knees. glute pushdowns are AMAZING. but i`d also really recommend weighted hyperextensions. i find that if keep your legs closer together and turn your toes slightly inward, it targets the glutes a lot more. hyperextensions have mostly made my lower back and hamstrings much better so that my ass looks good because of that. i use 1 45lbs plate and do 6 sets of 8-12 reps making sure to get a full ROM and pause at the top. i feel like pistol squats somewhat help.
and don`t forget that sprinting is good, too.
take a look at this article if you have time
> No. 159173
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No. 159174
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gracie gold tho
absolutely love her legs, ice skaters have amazing legs
she's like a real life elsa bless her pixie little face
No. 159175
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>>159174why didnt i become a fuckin sk8er
No. 159176
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>>159175if no ice skating then i cannot help but admire the discipline and effort ballerinas do
love it love it
No. 159177
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No. 159182
>>159179What would you consider fast weight loss? Is 20kg/44lbs in a year too much?
>>159178What the other anons said and also don't forget to moisturise your skin!
>>159180Do you know if dermarollers do anything on really old (like 5 years) stretch marks?
No. 159184
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No. 159185
>>159182what other anon said. healthy weight loss is something like 0.5-1kg a week.
losing a lot doesn't give you skin time to 'elasticise' itself back down (idk how to explain it)
No. 159188
>>159187The best thing you can do for your body is start some kind of resistance training. Bodyweight exercises, pilates, weight training, anything. The benefits of strength/resistance training are amazing and nothing will sculpt your body better.
And pectoral exercises won't make your boobs smaller, you can't spot reduce fatty tissue. The only way to reduce breast size is to lose weight overall. They may get a little perkier!
No. 159189
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Thank you for all this fitspo, it's very motivating. I'll post some to keep the ball rolling.
No. 159190
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No. 159191
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No. 159194
Posting for motivation, came back a couple months ago from 5 years in france for studies where I was depressed and didn't have regular physical activity, now trying to lose the fat and get those delicious abs / stamina back.
Starting slow with 10km cycling 3/4 times a week. I'm also planning to get back into swimming later too. I hate running, and I killed my shitty old running shoes sole trying last month anyway, and the month before that I tripped on a root and ripped a good chunk of my right knee's skin off.
The gym scares me, I never really knew what to do there and I'm not sure I'd like the part where you are with other people. Only went there when swimming coach told me to and I never was not confused. Maybe some advice on calisthenics if I ever get into the mood for these things ?
>>159192She's aiming to be fit by 25, she can't have been overweight THAT long. And we're talking 160-175lbs / 5'2, not morbid obesity levels of fat.
At that age/weight I wouldn't worry too much about skin elasticity assuming she's commited to improving her health. (if you want a fun elasticity experiment lightly pinch the back of your hand and see how fast the skin loses the pinch mark, then compare with other, older people; it should be nearly instant in your twenties and goes up to like 3~5s when you're 60)
No. 159195
>>159193Well, you can't spot reduce fat, so if your upper arms are too fat for your liking you'll have to eat at a deficit. That's the only way. And it's important to lift weights to preserve your muscle while you're dieting down. Also, you say you're fat but your weight isn't high at all. You probably have a high BF% and need to build muscle mass.
Do you have access to a gym or weights? Hell, you can do most arm exercises with resistance bands and those are really cheap. You can get them on ebay. For arms you'll want to do stuff like bicep curls, hammer curls, shoulder press, tricep overhead extensions. Dips and push ups are great too and you don't need weights for those. It's important to train your shoulders too for that sculpted, proportional look - stuff like front and side raises, upright rows, around the worlds. I highly recommend watching fitness youtubers to see what they do. That really helped me when I was just starting out.
No. 159196
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No. 159197
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No. 159198
>>159087I woke out because I'm terrified of being fat. I weigh 108lbs and I'm 5'7" and have a fast metabolism but I still work out because of vanity or whatever.
Also I have noodly arms and am trying to build some upper body strength
No. 159201
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ok HELPpppp
i read that exercises targeting the gluteus medius and adductor muscles help minimize the appearance of high hips/violin deformity. what are some exercises that do that?
No. 159202
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>>159201sorry this isn't fitspo but i'm treating this like a fitness general lmao
look at these hip dips, poor girl. she is
>5'9.5" and 130lbs No. 159203
>>159200 said is probably your problem. Are you weighing everything? Don't worry, after a while when you can estimate proportions better you won't have to do that anymore.
I used to severely underestimate my portions too.
No. 159206
>>159202Her pants look like they are really low. That, or her belly button is naturally super high up on her stomach
Either way, what the fuck
No. 159210
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No. 159211
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No. 159213
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>>159212Nah, she lifts and has decent muscle mass but a higher BF% than a lot of fitness girls. Just more of a layer of fat covering the muscle. Her arms are pretty pathetic imo but I guess she doesn't want much of a developed upper body.
No. 159214
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No. 159217
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I asked this somewhere else but no response so, does anyone know Kayla Itsines? She has over 4 million followers on Instagram. If somebody know anything about her app, can you share is it good or a scam?
So many people love her in comments and many girls are in her community but also I often see a comment saying her app is a scam and there is no reaction on them.
On the picture is Kayla, and her Instagram is No. 159220
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>>159216eat this shit
mix with whole milk for bonus calories
No. 159221
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>>159220look at these fucking nutrition facts
No. 159223
>>159220whoops just read the part about dairy
almond milk or whatever, then.
No. 159225
>>159222also fiber.
your poops will be as smooth as soft-serve ice cream.
No. 159228
>>159172Literal goal body <3
Short girl thinspo/fitspo is hard to find, being 5'3 is suffering.