File: 1439420843318.jpg (38.73 KB, 289x422, 1434393336593.jpg)

No. 159231
File: 1439420920893.gif (45.15 KB, 412x315,

these are nearly like 8-9 years old tho now
No. 159232
File: 1439421014013.jpg (27.15 KB, 330x339, 100215400_shop2_246552c.jpg)

when every fucker had pon & zi on their piczo/myspace
No. 159238
File: 1439524609462.gif (4.25 KB, 100x100, bushloading.gif)

lj-era moreso, but here's my favorite
No. 159239
File: 1439524753293.gif (38.91 KB, 100x100, tetrisyaoi.gif)

another classic
No. 159240
File: 1439527198858.gif (8.41 KB, 314x106, picgifs-glitter-text-0316007.g…)

Glitter text anyone? This shit was all over my stupid, stupid Myspace page…
No. 159241
File: 1439546453510.gif (85.46 KB, 150x100, fatladyml0.gif)

holy shit nostalgia bomb
I managed to find my old blog from 2006 and all that's left is this.
Everything else is imageshack 404
No. 159242
File: 1439546553631.jpg (70.61 KB, 281x285, myspace-girlie-graphics31.jpg)

No. 159243
>>159241omg that fat kid
forgot but that girl died you know
No. 159245
File: 1439555774841.gif (46.82 KB, 400x322, anigif_mobile_0888f4c280efaeb3…)

everyone in my high school during first year used to use this shit
No. 159248
File: 1439555902592.gif (12.1 KB, 260x177, anigif_mobile_0888f4c280efaeb3…)

>>159247every aspiring skank's fav
No. 159249
File: 1439555982322.gif (130.67 KB, 400x250, anigif_mobile_0888f4c280efaeb3…)

does anyone know who used to make these tho?
No. 159250
File: 1439556037508.gif (1.91 MB, 400x250, anigif_mobile_0888f4c280efaeb3…)

No. 159251
File: 1439556075805.gif (283.42 KB, 400x250, anigif_mobile_0888f4c280efaeb3…)

the scenery s were so random but so so cute
No. 159253
File: 1439556198126.gif (330.38 KB, 400x250, anigif_mobile_0888f4c280efaeb3…)

No. 159254
File: 1439556433432.gif (451.69 KB, 400x250, tumblr_nhtybbmkdz1sgixyoo6_500…)

No. 159259
File: 1439590168095.gif (16.14 KB, 400x115, sayclubsample.gif)

Kao-Ani, Blinkies, dollmakers… that takes me back. I wish I could relive my happiness and excitement for that shit from those days.
also, sayclub best doll. unique a shit.
>>159246I'm imagining little girls putting this one up on their blogs w/o knowing what a sugar daddy even means. I love it.
No. 159264
File: 1439592696658.jpg (149.06 KB, 423x415, 714062b7540b2932cecc5e1b35cb32…)

>>159259candybar dolls… who the fuck had the time to make all these tho?
No. 159266
File: 1439599158810.png (30.82 KB, 157x207, Screen shot 2015-08-14 at 7.35…)

I totally just made this just now because these were the dolls I remember making in high school.
No. 159269
File: 1439609620329.jpg (510.91 KB, 700x695, 020-3.jpg)

>>159232I remember these used to be 3edgy5me, then I guess the artist grew out of it around 2008~2009 and turned the strips into some tame Owl City lyrics-tier shit (pic related). Unsurprisingly, their popularity waned.
And yeah, I'm pretty sure he did sperg out about his art being "stolen" at one point because some of his old shit has a watermark slapped on it (as if everyone hadn't already saved/reposted the "clean" versions).
No. 159270
File: 1439686728591.jpg (146.55 KB, 400x400, photo.jpg)

i "collect" gifs like this i love them
No. 159271
File: 1439686827008.gif (362.36 KB, 268x372, 745176008_1418099.gif)

No. 159273
File: 1439702465359.jpg (11.51 KB, 298x287, m8i9jfqw6l0h8m9l.jpg)

this shit anyone?
No. 159276
File: 1439703579810.jpg (213.76 KB, 800x1081, Emo_VS_Prep.jpg)

>>159274ahh yes. prep vs emo. it was a simpler time
No. 159279
No. 159285
>>159280>>159284I'm rather partial to
That site can direct you to just about any type of dress-up game or dollmaker still out there.
No. 159287
Does anyone remember what that one dollmaker thing was called back in like 2000-2003? It had this girl template and you'd stick all kinds of late 90's clothes on it (cropped print t-shirts, flared jeans etc) and you could also put wings on them and make them fairies. I miss it so much and I still remember how the doll looked like, but I can't remember the dollmaker's name to save my life.
>>159274I actually think it was the one on the left, what the fuck was that dollmaker called?
On another note, I miss Kaoanis and cute kawaii nippon pixel gift art. I used to stick them all over my home page.
No. 159288
>>159287For that pic you quoted, there's a lot of dollmakers that use this dolltype, so a lot of dollmakers to browse through. The doll type is called Unique. I remember seeing plenty different ones even with wings and stuff, so it might be difficult to find the particular one… Search up "unique dollmaker fairy" replacing fairy also with angel/magic etc these kinda keywords. Or browse through general ones, they may have wings in props too. I'd do it for you but my net is lagging to hell atm here's an example tho check this
No. 159296
File: 1445407382828.jpg (187.64 KB, 984x704, hqdefault.jpg)

those fuckers
No. 159297
File: 1445415316304.jpg (75.73 KB, 566x800, 2005.jpg)

>>159296"anime girl"
>tfw finding your photobucket from 'the golden years' No. 159298
File: 1445415688946.jpg (824.22 KB, 1179x1593, 15-10-21-03-18-30-241_deco.jpg)

This thread makes me so nostalgic it hurts. I used to be really into that pixel art does anyone remember eden-enchanted where there were pixel doll bases and cutell pixel backgrounds and rps.
Or do you all remember the days of making gifs if your self to have for your MySpace page, when "rawr" was the equivalent of "nyaa" but for emos
No. 159299
File: 1445415824580.jpg (59.58 KB, 500x668, AnimePunkGirl.jpg)

>>159297Dude you gotta have an alternative anime girl as your profile if you want to have the coolest Gaia account.
No. 159302
File: 1445421092456.jpg (6.26 KB, 198x198, Happy-Bunny-happy-bunny-2-2733…)

Bringing it back to the myspace and livejournal days.
No. 159303
File: 1445421251751.jpg (31.57 KB, 396x560, Lilium-Teenager.jpg)

Ohhh man. I found my old Photobucket from my gaiaonline RP days. Y'know when they'd decorate every RP post with a million pictures, song lyrics and fancy graphics. I think this was my most used character, all the images still have their original filenames… What a trainwreck.
No. 159304
File: 1445426281548.jpg (187.95 KB, 495x471, MusicLoveingPunkAnimeGirl1.jpg)

>>159297>>159299God, I used to write rpg with exactly these pics. Sadly I can't look at the rpgs and cringe at myself because they shut the website down two years ago. I wish I could though, would be fun
No. 159305
File: 1445426409797.jpg (173.5 KB, 1024x768, Anime_dj_girl-1024x768.jpg)

No. 159306
File: 1445426561731.jpg (36.49 KB, 467x667, neko-neko-anime-characters-693…)

>that one pic every anime shit used as their profile picture back then
No. 159307
File: 1445426728485.gif (483.12 KB, 400x298, Littlest-Pet-Shop-Blingee-litt…)

No. 159308
File: 1445426791094.gif (573.67 KB, 400x400, selena-blingee-17024941-400-40…)

No. 159310
File: 1445449622778.jpg (8.18 KB, 229x220, images.jpg)

No. 159311
File: 1445520060040.png (97.76 KB, 500x100, miniban.png)

No. 159315
File: 1445544031876.gif (136.83 KB, 400x329, shit.gif)

>>159310I remember this "Emo bang bang!!1!11" shit
No. 159316
>>159313Haha oh man
>>159314I got into MCR when I was 21 or 22 back in the early 2000s. Seems crazy it's been that long already. Thanks for the nostalgia.
No. 159318
File: 1445559260991.gif (867.26 KB, 160x120, gerardwaymcrfunny24.gif)

>>159314Thanks anon. I feel like I'm in high school again
No. 159321
File: 1445588974064.gif (666.78 KB, 160x126, cutie.gif)

>>159313I'm glad you asked, anon.
>tfw finding your photobucket account from 2005>tfw you haven't changed at all No. 159323
File: 1445594509802.jpg (26.54 KB, 500x375, whyomg.jpg)

>>159322What the fuck were we thinking.
No. 159324
File: 1445594599990.jpg (13.36 KB, 300x203, omg.jpg)

>>159316How does this make you feel, anon?
No. 159325
File: 1445594644395.png (12.92 KB, 100x100, ICONATOR_1f59c776de9553325bcc8…)

I'm sorry most of these are icon sized.
No. 159326
File: 1445595040757.jpg (10.83 KB, 313x177, Helena_and_Gerard__by_Finnish_…)

No. 159327
File: 1445595133693.gif (9.24 KB, 100x100, ICONATOR_61ca9cdd86ebf7a7f801f…)

I feel like I'm spamming now, I'm sorry. A lot of my pictures were deleted from my account because of TOS anyway. :(
No. 159328
File: 1445595210508.gif (13.53 KB, 100x100, ICONATOR_d1bb326de22717a60c35c…)

>when icons used to be a majorly big deal
Did.. did anyone else used to do roleplay on forums in the way back? I have way too much cringey shit from that period in my life.
No. 159329
File: 1445595252497.jpg (17.22 KB, 350x358, emo-angel-lmao.jpg)

No. 159330
File: 1445595357975.jpg (2.6 KB, 100x100, stfu.jpg)

If anyone is interested, I have at least a dozen more of stupid old MCR pictures.
>emo faggit til the day i die
No. 159331
File: 1445595419775.jpg (22.74 KB, 300x475, everywhere.jpg)

No. 159333
File: 1445618220945.png (81.61 KB, 269x265, 1444748187053.png)

>>159330post please
i want to journey back to simpler days where i would do shitty frerard rps over msn
No. 159334
File: 1445618444422.gif (33.78 KB, 100x100, mcr1um4gd.gif)

>>159333that was the wrong image i meant to post an MCR icon that i'm pretty sure i used back in the day
i remember changing my icon constantly but it was always something MCR or otherwise emo related
No. 159335
>>159331Holy shit the nostalgia
Where did this picture even stem from? It doesn't look like an obvious VN/artbook scan like
>>159305 or
>>159303 No. 159337
>>159334Gerard way looks like onisions ideal
He's stuck in 2009 and wish he was an emo wet dream
No. 159339
File: 1445660330650.gif (135.52 KB, 200x250, 606.gif)

web 1.0 gifs anyone?
No. 159340
File: 1445667439385.jpg (20.93 KB, 461x347, 4446400_gal (1).jpg)

>>159332>>159333I'm sorry I didn't check the thread guys ;__;
Please wait, I will be dumping shortly. I'm so happy there are other people just like me here <3
>>159338>same No. 159341
File: 1445677453230.jpg (15.08 KB, 236x290, 5ec76300fa6721f345c28e59499243…)

>>159340So I decided against spamming my pictures here…
and made a photobucket instead! I'm sorry if you've seen most of the pictures before (or not sorry, if that's what you were looking for.) Unfortunately this is a new computer and I wasn't able to save the one from my teenage years, so I lost like, 1,000 pics of them.
> hope this makes you smile at least? <3
>tfw I'm still in love with a bunch of slimy potatoes that aren't even a band anymore>tfw at least I got to see them live>tfw neither leathermouth nor gerard come to my part of the country No. 159346
I'm sorry I can't help myself, I try to repress it but deep down I still fucking love panic! and mcr.
god help me.
No. 159350
File: 1456618557857.png (322.28 KB, 399x398, welcome.png)

I found one of my old Neopets user pages and thought I'd share a few of the graphics that were on it
I'm pretty sure it's been untouched since at least 2008.
No. 159351
File: 1456618717281.jpg (8.33 KB, 253x77, 1happy.jpg)

>>159350I loved these mood graphic things, but I was always too lazy to change them.
(as you can see, I was
really into Warriors)
No. 159353
File: 1456618998883.gif (711 B, 68x74, Gold.gif)

>>159352I know, right? I'm honestly surprised at my younger self.
No. 159354
File: 1456620586952.jpg (4.04 KB, 100x100, tumblr_ncqek46ykF1s0xwqvo3_100…)

No. 159355
File: 1456620629330.gif (8.18 KB, 100x100, tumblr_ncqek46ykF1s0xwqvo4_100…)

No. 159357
File: 1459703587101.gif (67.34 KB, 322x182, tmp_9502-emo_saying-284823228.…)

All of you are me. We are each other.
No. 159359
>>159355is this supposed to be a joke? if real girls play video games and eat pocky, why didn't they use a picture of a real girl? why is it a 2d animu waifu who (if i remember the picture this is cropped from) is also a catgirl? wat
No. 159361
>>159360you have to admit how undeniably ludicrous and confusing the internet was in the 2000's.
ah, glory days.
No. 159364
File: 1459727135624.gif (126.83 KB, 420x150, KIBA.gif)

No. 159365
File: 1459727160603.gif (28.51 KB, 100x100, sorarikudance.gif)

No. 159368
File: 1460292600878.jpg (15.07 KB, 324x206, 199162_175096555876176_7127474…)

Back when I was a babby emo I was online friends with some guy who "made" these sort of graphics
>pic related original copyright donut steel