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No. 159537
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DOGZ & CATZ was my childhood
No. 159538
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No. 159539
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showing my age now..
theme hospital
No. 159540
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rugrats ps
No. 159541
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>>159540call me a shit house but this level terrified me as a kid
No. 159542
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tomba <3
No. 159543
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jersey devil
No. 159544
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did anyone else lock the butler in the fridge tho?
No. 159546
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No. 159547
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No. 159548
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No. 159549
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No. 159550
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No. 159551
>>159537This and Oddballz were my jam.
>>159544y e s girl
No. 159552
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Nickelodeon Directors Lab with Melissa Joan Hart narrating.
No. 159553
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This total abortion of a game, The 3D Adventures of Sailor Moon. It was horrible.
No. 159554
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i remember having this on pc rom as a kiddie winkie ehehe it was so fun actually
No. 159555
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lion king sega
No. 159557
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>>159556Derp. Forgot the picture.
No. 159558
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Mouse Practice wasn't even a game, it was just a program to… practice using a mouse. I liked it though lmao
No. 159559
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Yukon Trail
No. 159560
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Amazon Trail
No. 159562
>>159556>>159557Hm I missed this entry to the series. Kind of glad, that's a little weird.
I definitely downloaded custom Oddballz people made though. For a hot second the petz community was kind of popping off in like 1998 lol
No. 159565
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>>159563this game was fab
but i got so many babyz they were all either sick or at fucking nonexistent grandma's house
i remember choosing them and seeing babyz which you couldnt get because you needed the 'internet to download them'
this was 1999 and i used to ask "mum what's the internet?"
No. 159566
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there was also "splat the cat" which was like dogz/catz but the more retarded version because the cat used to die if you ignored it for so long and shrink into a fly
No. 159567
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and i used to get so fucking tired of seeing this shit in the stores
it sucked
No. 159569
>>159560>>159568Fucking Amazon Trail. Does anyone remember when some cereals started coming with shitty PC game CDs? I got Amazon Trail 3rd edition out of a box of Cheerios and a couple hours into the game I think my guide died. I was literally paddling around in the Amazon alone with zero guidance. I couldn't talk to my guide (I think it was the spear throwing chick). It was really creepy and the experience haunts me to this day. Just paddling around with the sun setting ominously in the distance. I tried back tracking to NPC locations but they had nothing helpful to say. I wound up quitting because I couldn't progress any further with my suddenly missing guide. It was never explicitly stated that they died but I don't know what else could've happened.
I also got Clue, which by contrast was fucking awesome.
No. 159570
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>>159546>>159550My niggies
>>159567Fight me fag. RT 2 was great.
No. 159571
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No. 159572
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No. 159576
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>>159571thought i was the only one who remembered that
who remembers this?
No. 159578
>>159577i just googled it and found out you can play it in your browser, the black female character is named "princess equality" lmfao
No. 159579
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>>159578also found this, holy shit does anyone remember this? it looked so shitty
No. 159580
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No. 159581
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the detective barbie games were nightmare fuel to my 5 year old self
No. 159583
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>>159581i also loved every barbie makeover game
No. 159585
>>159581I don't think there was a single Barbie game I didn't like when I was a kid. Especially the vet one.
Also I loved where in time is Carmen sandiego. I replayed that so much I still remember random facts about the printing press and the tale of genji n shit
No. 159586
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Anyone else remember Barbie Explorer?
No. 159587
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Just for the record, Secret Agent Barbie was the BEST Barbie pc game.
No. 159588
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I played this until I was old enough to realize that the ponies going over the rainbow was a euphemism for dying. I probably have hundreds of hours invested into this game.
No. 159593
Though I may have some personal bias since my elementary school required us to play this all the fucking time and I was shit at it.
No. 159594
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For me, I grew up on Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Heretic. In high school I got addicted to Neopets.
No. 159596
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Lmao, my elementary school computer teacher made us play this when she didn't feel like doing shit.
The theme song actually started playing in my head when I searched for a picture.
No. 159599
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>>159539>>159538>>159557Torrented all of these recently. so much nostalgia
couldnt get this one to work though. I believe I got it free with a magazine when I was a kid.
No. 159600
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>>159588This game was the shit. I played it all the fucking time
No. 159602
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My age is really showing here.
No. 159604
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I just remember trying to shoot the ducks like crazy as a 5yo
No. 159605
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older sister was obsessed with this game and to this day she still plays it
i only ever watched her but its still nostalgic
I also played
>>159555 No. 159606
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the only game that i was decent at tbh…
No. 159607
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my friend owned a ps1 and whenever she would invite me over wed play this game
No. 159608
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I often bought games from discount stores like ross and I ended up playing a lot of weird shit like creatures and I still don't know what you were actually supposed to do in it.
>>159581Detective barbie was the best. Whenever the suspect peeked out from behind the wall I'd fucking shit myself. The music on the carnival rides was cute though.
No. 159610
>>159556Damn I feel this so much, I used to love Dogz and Catz 2 and never since the 90's have I been able to make it work on a modern computer. I should try a W95 emulator though but the game is hard to find now.
>>159567No fuck your pussy ass, this game was the shit. I still play it sometimes.
>>159571It's a shame the first game was the only decent one in the series.
No. 159611
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I don't know how old you guys are talking, but ahhh how I miss GTA. My bro got this game along with a PlayStation during Christmas, and I remember hogging him to let me play all day.
I remember I used to sit around, and follow all the traffic rules and get 'lost' because I didn't know the concept of game objectives (I wasn't much of a gamer.), and I got confused easily.
Until one day my bro convinced me to run over a pedestrian and from that day forth, I crashed almost everything to anything. ♥
I actually remember the thrill I got when crashing the plane into the ground or the buildings, but since I didn't know how to land properly, I always died.
No. 159612
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This was the shit
No. 159614
>>159610tycoon was a pile of dog shit
up urzzz
No. 159615
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>>159581barbie as rapunzel was pretty good tho
No. 159616
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>>159615barbie pet rescue tho
No. 159618
>>159616This game was fuckin dabes
I remember to catch the bunny you had to spin the merry go round thing until you could grab him
No. 159619
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No. 159620
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Any of you played nancy drew games? I was obsessed.
No. 159621
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Suikoden, My first RPG. Hell it's still my favorite game.
>>159536I played the shit out of the Dogz demo.
>>159555I tried to play this again recently but I kept getting stuck at the waterfall. I had no problem as a kid. Made me feel old.
No. 159622
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Bugs Bunny PS1 games
No. 159624
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Did anyone play this? It was fucking hilarious.
>>159541holy shit that one scared me too.
it was the noise they made (I was such a puss)
No. 159625
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Why the did I sell my dreamcast at a yard-sale when I was 11…
No. 159627
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nanosaur anyone? i dont know if there was a goal or anything i just used to run around shooting things
No. 159628
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I'm trying to remember the name of a haunted house game from the 90's. It was a 2D side-scroller about exploring rooms with no combat. It might've been MS-DOS and monochromatic green colors. Pic related seems similar but not it. Any ideas?
No. 159632
>>159542Christ I loved that game. But I was shit poor at that time, only had the demo from the playstation game that I played over and over. Years later I watched the let's play, but it didn't feel the same.
The sounds were so juicy. Hard to describe.
No. 159634
>>159627holy shit I used to play that at school on the comps lol.
idk what the goal was either.. I know you had to do something with eggs.. the t-rex scared the shit out of me.
No. 159635
>>159571That soundtrack, man. So depressing.
Yeah, I take it the people in here talking about demos are referring to the ones that came with PlayStation magazine? those were the best.
No. 159636
>>159634i was always cranking nanosaur and that pinball game in computer class.
i fucking suck at computers now
No. 159637
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Spy fox, yes!
No. 159639
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>>159538I actually prefer the first sims to any other sequel, I guess it's because of the nostalgia factor and how revolutionary it as at its time. I used to spend hours just building houses with the expansion packs. It's simple and fun and doesn't require a lot of fucking work to play with unnecessary complications slowing you down. I didn't even bother with Sims 3 anymore, I just kept to the two first ones.
Does anyone remember this bullshit? It must've been the hardest simulation game I've ever played and I never got past buying only one dinosaur until my park went bankrupt. Even as an adult I have no idea how to play this shit despite trying my hardest. It depressed me so much as a kid because I loved dinosaur and sim games so putting them together was an awesome idea, but the game was so relentless at its difficulty regarding the business strategy I never got how the fuck am I going to afford half of the necessary stuff for buying just one dinosaur, let alone an ad campaign to get more guests.
No. 159647
>>159605THE SHIT
the boat and robot scene was scary as fuck
No. 159648
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Medievil with "Sir Daniel Fortesque"…I miss this game so much.
>>159546>>159544I loved Spyro and I used to be OBSESSED with Tomb Raider
No. 159650
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>>159649r u a pure christian qtgrill? we can have all the little globox u want bb
No. 159652
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Too many!
Chrono Trigger, chrono cross (pic related) DK country (my fav was dixie's double trouble),Ratchet and clank, jak and daxter, F-Zero (snes), road rash, zombies ate my neighbors was the shit! idk, I have a whole bunch of games I love.