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No. 160711
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Anything by this bitch.
No. 160714
>>160713That guilty pleasure is one that will never fucking leave me.
No matter how hard I try.
No. 160718
>>160716Cat Street
Such a good story, I don't know why isn't it more popular.
No. 160719
>>160716Ore Monogatari!! is very cute if you want something light hearted.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica if you want NGE, but with cute grills.
Princess Tutu is one of my all time favorites.
And I have a weak spot for Say I Love You which is… it's a guilty pleasure for sure.
No. 160720
I love angsty fanfics.
>>160719Madoka isn't shoujo
No. 160724
>>160723I forgot if all of them turns into relationships, but here are shoujo mangas that I remembered about blackmailing premise :
Momoiro Heaven!
Ouran High School Host Club (well technically blackmail, right?)
Watashi ni xx Shinasai! (girl blackmails guy)
No. 160727
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>>160723I liked My Heavenly Hockey Club (has a similarish premise to Ouran, but came out first). It gets kinda all over the place at the end, but I liked it.
The female lead pretty much gets blackmailed into joining the field hockey club after breaking the rear view mirror of the male lead's car.
No. 160733
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I like trashy stripper grinding songs (a$$, anaconda, etc) and it's the only music I can work out to kek.
No. 160735
>>160733Me too! I also love watching videos of professional dancers dance to trashy stripping songs and make it seem so…not trashy lol.
No. 160736
>>160733>>160735Me three.
Some of my favorites:
Lady - Yankin'
La Materialista - La Chapa Que Vibran
Khia - My Neck My Back
Rihanna / Chris Brown - Birthday Cake remix
No. 160738
>>160735>>160736Now this is what I'm talking about
Will throw in two more I've been listening to a lot lately: Gasolina by Daddy Yankee and Hey Mama by David Guetta
No. 160739
>>160737I'm watching 600 lb life right now, I love that tiny no BS doctor.
I love corny 90s/early 2000s bubble gum pop. Aqua, Toy-Box, Crispy etc.
No. 160750
>>160749Oh my god you would absolutely lose it if you knew how fucking idiotic the A arch got. The "ultimate big reveAl"~~~ was such flawed lazy bullshit, and I legit can't understand what the actual fuck Marlene thought it would accomplish. Let's just say that every bit of "evidence" and every hint ever was just bullshit. It meant nothing and everything is just trans people and the liars repeating "we're not in college anymore"
And I fucking hate Shower Harvey FUCK
No. 160752
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>>160750AGREE. I'm just done with Pretty Little Liars now, what a waste of time. And I think this pic sums up what PLL writers are doing to the show preeetty nicely.
No. 160754
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CharacterxReader fanfiction is my secret shame.
Especially the NSFW ones