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No. 161056
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>>161055i thought i'd find lots of other lesbians at art school but so far no luck>>161055
No. 161058
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Where do you meet an experienced cutie that shows you how to practice real life yuri?
I have 0 experience and never even talked to a girl in a flirty way. How do you do it?
No. 161063
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>>161060I want an older, more experienced woman to dominate me. I have teacher fantasies a lot
No. 161064
>>161063Oh yes this would be so wonderful. Where to find?
>>161061Just as I guessed. Also I think in things like pick-up bars that are made for no other reasons than meeting someone for sex is not a good place to find someone.
I don't know if that's a stupid question but are there any places that cuties (that are into other cuties) frequent more often?
Also how do you ask or make it clear that you are not straight?
No. 161065
>>161063This so much. I also would really love it if she was fit or a little chubby with big boobs. I like fit because I want her to be expectant and stern.
I want to be transformed into her perfect girl. I really want to dedicate myself to being her project and confidant and best friend.
No. 161066
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Anybody have any ideas on how to deal with bi feelings when in a relationship? I'm currently married and happy with my husband, I love him very much. But sometimes I really miss being able to hold hands with girls or cuddle them, or be all sexy in bed together. Previous to this SO I'd had a few relationships with girls.
Am I being stupid or is it normal to have these feelings when your interested in both genders? I dont want to do anything to cause disturbances in my marriage because I'm very happy in it, but I can't shake these yuri thoughts.
No. 161069
>>161065>>161064>>161063Around a year ago, I was using some dating app thing out of sheer boredom and I got speaking to a lovely lady who was 29 and I'm myself 21 now.
She had a house, two dogs, she was this gorgeous blonde, very femme and tanned. Now I'm not a bimbo blonde fan, not really my type but she had a pretty face and she dressed nice. The only thing that put me off was that she was a party animal and I'm a quiet girl. I don't really do clubs and parties.
But anyway, she was easy to talk to and sexy. I stopped speaking to her because of depression I was going through at the time and I just didn't feel like I'd be good enough.
She was very sweet, kept saying things like "if we started to date, I'd get so attached you know? you'd be mine" and I think those words, that kind of clinginess was what I liked. The thought of being wanted.
I liked that she was older, not some old woman but 9 years older, with experience and maturity. I would have actually, probably asked her if I kept in touch if we could have had that type of relationship. I'm by no means asking for a sugar mummy to spend her money on me because that isn't what I want. I don't like that. But I mean being spoiled in the sense that she kisses me, cuddles me and generally just makes me feel loved. This sounds disgusting but I never grew up with a father, only a mother, so it's women I feel more closer to than men. I'm bisexual but I probably do edge closer to women. I just feel safer and more relaxed. Plus only girls usually have that feel around them, that it's "okay" you know?
I just think the image of being lopped over her lap watching tv or on my phone huddled up in my pajamas is nice while she drinks her wine and tousles my hair. Whispering shit like "you're such a good girl" and kisses me cheek or neck. I just really love that idea.
I still have that girl's number too, I never deleted it. It's probably about time I did to be honest. She'll have moved on by now, I don't blame her. She's gorgeous and shouldn't be kept waiting. I just hate how me and my insecurities got in the way…
No. 161073
Sage for stupid personal blog entry. I'm really tired and high and I don't know why I'm even writing this, but fuck those lesbian feels.
I don't know what I am, but I'm not "straight." I have very little interest in actual clothes-off sex (I don't like to be naked or have my bare skin touched), but everything up to that…mmmmhmmm. I just want to snuggle and make out and dry-hump. That's probably weird. I think there's something wrong with me.
I'm romantically interested in both men and women, but in different ways. I don't like having sex with a man but I do it anyway; I've never been with a woman and I most likely will never get the chance. I'm in a long-term (8+ years) heterosexual relationship, and my partner is the only person I've ever been intimate with. I do love him, and I'm very committed to him, but the sex thing, ughhhhh. Oh, and there's no way on earth he'd be okay with me being with someone else, male or female.
I don't really interact with women much and I try to suppress my lesbian feels as much as possible and convince myself I'm happy in a relationship with a man. Still, I'm obsessed with the thought of being seduced by a slightly older, experienced lesbian. I feel like a >tfw no gf robot, but I fucking long to feel the touch of a woman. I'm really jealous of younger lesbians and bisexual women who are "out," because I should have fucking done that instead of getting into a serious relationship that isn't right for me. I'm in too deep now and letting go of that relationship just isn't an option.
So I'll forever dream of women and admire them from afar. I'll always remember the last (and almost only) time I got a real hug from a woman who wasn't related to me. It was almost ten fucking years ago. I was so in love with her, but she was straight. She humored me (or, in hindsight, led me on) and let me snuggle up to her and I thought we were going to start making out, but no. It was a pity-snuggle. I can still feel her beautiful, warm, soft body against mine, along with the intense sexual frustration of knowing I could never have her and that she didn't reciprocate my feelings.
So yeah, fuck those lesbian feels. I'm touching myself tonight (and crying).
No. 161081
>>161066I came here to post about this. Unfortunately (?) I've never been with a girl relationship-wise before. I'm just filling that gap with yuri right now.
I always feel kind of guilty about wanting to have a girl in my life. Like, I don't need it in any way, but sometimes the desire is so strong. I just want a cutie 3.14 to read books, cuddle, bake, drink tea, and dress up with. I always hope I'll get a best friend with those interests soon so that I can fulfill that need (kinda).
At least he'll listen if I'm having girl-feels.
No. 161084
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I'm bisexual and I have this thing on my mind… I obsess over tall girls with blonde long hair and a sporty attitude. Like, I'm not into boyish girls, but I still want a fit, strong, hot girl with those blonde hair and a beautiful face that acts tsunder-ish ;w;
No. 161090
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>>161088I know, I meant that I like nordic girls as well as ukrainian/russian ones, it's easier to find muh perfect waifus there.
>>161089So I'm dropping Katheryn Winnick to please viking-seeking anons >:)
No. 161091
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One of my biggest fantasies is having a teacer dominate me
No. 161093
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>tfw no Suruga gf
What's the point in living ;_;
No. 161094
>>161090I once fell in love with this Ukrainian girl. She was the only girl I ever really had strong, gay 'i want to date you' feelings for. She was rather tall and had short blonde hair and grey eyes.
I was pretty infatuated. If only I wasn't such a sperg around her.
>>161066Ask your husband. From my experience, most dudes really don't mind their girlfriends experimenting with other girls as long as they don't fall in love and cause a rift in the relationship.
But do ask first, Anon. He may very well be open to the idea.
No. 161099
>>161098I think it's cute if they're girly and have a pixie cut. That's fine.
But I'm talking about your actual butch motherfucker. Tanks, man jeans, piercings or trying to look like pubescent justin bieber. I just don't see the appeal.
No. 161100
>>161095I didn't before but now I find some of them very attractive. Not everyone can pull it off though, and most of them are fat or just ugly. Those rare ones though… yeesss please.
Too bad they're a dying breed, now they're all fakebois. Oh well.
No. 161104
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>>161101>>161103Just find a guy who transforms into a magical girl. There are a number of guys out there who don't like to be masculine.
No. 161107
>>161103I feel you. I love girls and I admire the aesthetics of the female body, and I'd be interested in trying out lesbian sex because, why not experiment a bit? I would love to sexually touch a girl's body, preferably a petite girl with small boobs (the opposite of my hourglass big boobs body type).
But I'm mostly sure it is just the typical young adult's curiousity, and I bet there aren't many lesbians around who'd beg to be yet another staight girl's sexual experiment.
Curiously though I dislike feminine men such as
No. 161108
>>161057>>161058And to all other girls like you:
Say out loud in a group of girls that you tried it/want to try it with a girl. Orthat you just want to try to kiss with a girl. Say it with a smile, say it openly and say it while conversation is about shitty or funny stuff. If you are in a group of five conservative girls, four might be judging you by the look, but there is a big chance that one will actually come to you when you are alone and kiss you.
Almost every girl in this world has a fantasy to kiss another girl. It doesn't make a girl gay or bi, it's just a normal curiosity.
Also there is a good chance that that one girl will try to kiss you in a bathroom. Bathrooms are more private + it looks more like a fantasy so they will think it's appropriate. I'm not joking. Girls who are not hardcore lesbians but want to try something with a girl, are actually very sweet and naive in that situation. Good luck :)
No. 161111
>>161110>>161107Hourglass girl here, petites are cute but too small for me.
Can't stand butch girls and I don't see how every lesbian RS always ends up with the girl and dude.
Can't just find… feminine type?
No. 161113
>>161109Agh yes the sex toys. But at the same time I get anxious if we're getting down to it and I feel like I can't do the job with just my mouth/hands so I NEED to have a sex toy…damn things are too expensive to keep buying every time with a new partner.
Has anyone had much experience with finding a match on dating websites?
No. 161118
>>161115>>161116>>161117I don't really think there's a special term for that, it's just personal preference. Sex is so much more than "penis in vagina", so people are bound to like different things on the spectrum. I think women might tend more towards not being very into penetration because for many, it doesn't feel all
that great. But honestly, unless you want a tumblr-esque term for it, I would file it under personal preference.
/sage for OT
No. 161119
>>161111I'm a feminine girl!
I think I'm getting curious, but I'm not sure. I'm also a little afraid. I don't feel sexually aroused when I look at men OR women, except maybe two times this year when I just saw someone my body instantly registered as "cute, sexy or attractive."
I'm not sure what's going on, if that's just how I work, but I'm confused. I don't know much about this whole thing and I just feel a little foolish.
No. 161121
>>161072of you do do a threesome, i think its actually
better to do it with "some random" so you dont get attached and you never have to see them again