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No. 161401
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Those staged groping vids.
I don't even know why. Maybe it's the voyeur-lover in me.
No. 161403
>>161402*that said, I don't see how hermaphroditism is something to be ashamed of really. It can seem kind of cool. Though most of the porn involving so called hermes is fake, lots of intersex people exist. It's not all that abnormal or anything.
There's far worse and disgusting.
No. 161404
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>>161401>that picNow THAT is truly revolting. tg you spoilered that shit.
No. 161409
>>161405Sort of second but way worse. I used to masturbate to bestality often and even fantasized about fucking dogs. So glad I never had access to any "sexy" dogs.
Also I tried to masturbate to interracial porn "ironically" but thought the dicks were too gross. I wouldn't feel so bad about my vagina being racist if I didn't used to masturbate to DOGS.
No. 161413
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I'm a huge fan of /d/ related content so there are tons of weird shit I love looking at and no I'm not really ashamed.
Very rarely in a specific mood I'll look at rape things and get off, and feel really horrible afterwards for enjoying such a miserable thing.
No. 161417
>>161416I meant emetophilic. Not sure if that's a word anyway, but it sounds right.
Like the polar opposite to emetophobe.
Anyway, it refer to vomit, or the act of process of/to vomiting. That shit turns me on, but I feel so guilty right after I watch porn.
Sigh, even reading this over makes me feel like a huge girl-creep….
No. 161418
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My progression into porn has been a bizarre journey.
Started with normal hentai > tentacle hentai > bestiality (dogs) > egg laying > rape > loli > and eventually ended up at… guro
After that point, I took a looong internet break because holy shit I was falling down the rabbit hole too quick. that whole porn journey was from ages 14 to 17.
After a break, came back to
ugly guys/hot girls (is there even a term?) > cream pies > cum funnel > double penetration > and now I'm into intense throatfucking/gagging, especially when the girl is lay down, head upside down.
I'm embrassed by it all, tbh. Lol.
I think I'm fucked.
No. 161420
>>161411>>161412Nah a lot of is to do with the bestial nature of mating dogs and the sheer volume of semen a dog produces during ejaculation.
A dog will cum during and throughout sex, but upon reaching orgasm the base of it's dick will swell up to the size of a tennis ball (knotting) in order to plug up the vagina to prevent leakage and prevents the female from escaping. Like, you physically cannot detach from the dog once this has occurred.
It then proceeds to pump enormous amounts of semen inside of you which can last any where between 20-30 mins.
I've heard offhandedly that women who actually fuck dogs reach orgasm the second the dog begins to knot, even when they've never been able to orgasm through sex before.
I would never fuck a dog but as a concept it's pretty appealing.
It'd be sweet if human men could do that…
No. 161426
>>161425I just did a lot of reading into this because I find it really arousing to at least read about, not sure if I could ever actually do it though.
From what I've found out its not really abusive at all especially male dog on female. Lots of people are saying to make sure your animal is comfortable and if they show any resistance to stop or else it does become abuse. I think its a lot worse for male on female dog since they can actually do a lot of accidental harm to them.
No. 161427
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there are these dildos the knot like a dog. I'd be scared to use them because if it got stuck in me and I had to go to the emergency to get it removed…that'd be embarrassing.
No. 161429
>>161428mirroring this
i just picture the anons in this thread being the greasy foreheaded fat girls that browse baddragon forums
No. 161432
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>>161418Oh also if you're still into oviposition you should check out primelhardweres egg depositor. I haven't personally tried it but I hear pretty good things about it if that's your fetish
>oviposition is a huge fetish of mine>mfw I want to drop over $100 on a dildo that shoots out silicon eggs No. 161433
>>161429>>161428I guess in some way it'd be easier if I actually looked like that but truth be told I look like a totally normal, attractive young woman which is somehow worse.
>>161432Man this shit is sick and I want one.
(how do you get them out?)
No. 161441
One time back in like 2010, after I watched 2girls1cup (which wasn't as bad as people made it out to be) for the first time, I followed to this other website that brought me to Bowl girl, then some beastiality shit.
Basically bowlgirl is this Asian chick who throws up into this huge ass bowl then eats it, and throws up again, repeat.
I got turned on, but I felt weird after. I wasn't turned on, but I liked it
And I remebwr laughing like a creep. So I followed a link over to the beastiality video.
And the beastiality one was this bad mid 80s through early 90s teir quality. And it had this man(I think?) Who was just standing around with his butt exposed. Then this big ass horse came up behind him and started fucking him with this huge and long horse penis. I remember how the horse was lifting him up and everything, Jesus it was brutal. The man was crying and shit. This other dude was also filming and laughing. And then, iirc he returned the favor to the horse so to say.
Was I turned on? A little, but I still feel bad. I still think about it up to this day.
Finally that video led me to Meatspin, and then into the world of gay porn.
No. 161443
>>161441Dude, you sure that video you watched wasn't Mr. Hands A.K.A. Kenneth Pinyan?
That video is notorious because the guy featured getting railed by the stallion ended up dying after the horse dick ruptured his anal cavity. video for anybody that is interested in watching a guy getting btfo by horse cock :^) No. 161445
>>161443>>161444Holy shit really??
I never really watched anything beastiality related after watching the video nor did I really search or study up on the guy. If so, I feel bad man. I never heard that happened, my vagina and I feel sad for being slightly turned on. :(
Hah, I'm afraid to click it for search history sake since I just cleared it a while ago, but I could check?
No. 161446
>>161443Oh Lord, I don't think this is it. But I'm not too sure, I think the lighting was way better in the one I watched, but it's eerily similar. The horses looked the same, but I feel that the penis in the one I watched was longer than this one. Could be wrong….
Poor guy either way. That is not a way to go….(depending on the type of person you are)
No. 161452
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I'm into 2d loli and pretty much anything from guro, zoo, scat, prolapse/body horror etc. I used to feel pretty guilty and disgusted at first but now it's all meh. I'm not hurting anyone and I strictly keep my loli fantasies 2d. I had a pretty fucked up childhood (sexual abuse by my pedophile neighbors) so my sexuality is pretty twisted.
No. 161453
>>161452Dont worry anon, your fellow /d/eviants understand. I think its perfectly fine to like those things in fantasy but maybe not pursue them irl. I'm not personally into loli but I don't thinks it gross or pedophillic. My ex used to really be into haha.
Also please dont try to make yourself or anyone else prolapse in real life, that shit is super dangerous.
No. 161463
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>>161461>>161462I don't particularly like the taste and smell of blood. And I can't stand spooky/bloody movies at all.
But I have a fascination for blood that kind of worries me.
I donated blood as often as I could (every 2 months until I became too depressed to even go outside, I actually counted the days to when I could legally donate again) 50% because it made me feel not worthless for once, 50% because I loved feeling warm blood flowing through the tubing running on my pale skin, and the dark red swirly clouds in the bag. The first time I donated blood I was high / abnormally happy for nearly a week, to the point friends worried I was on drugs.
I rarely remember my dreams but when I do it's always some variation around blood: blood rain on grey dead landscape, blood river, blood pools, blood slowly flowing on immaculate tiling… Fortunately lately I've begun to take back control of my life and now dream of cuddles, warmth and "normie" happiness.
Years ago a psychiatrist had me take an ink blot test. I mostly saw warships, uniforms, war etc. and the psychologist wrote in his report that I had "extreme levels of violence, though effectively sublimated" and "no detectable sex drive, which is repressed by an even greater force".
I've tried to ERP bloodplay with someone once but it fell flat because I'm a horrible RP writer and could't write emotional/erotic things if my life depended upon it.
I sometimes wonder if my father is the cause of this on some level. I admire him, he's an ex-navy vascular surgeon, and loves hunting / fishing. I remember going hunting with him and he'd skin and butcher a deer, or hang a boar on hooks and tell me about what artery he hit with the bullet that caused massive internal bleeding, as we watched blood pouring from the boar's snout and forming a little pond a dog came to drink from. I've been told by people who know my father that he's somewhat blood thirsty.
This whole thing has made me seriously consider a couple times studying to become an hematologist, which I fortunately didn't because that is a horrible reason to pick a career.
This kind of drifted way off topic but after writing the ERP part I felt like I had to let everything go. I've never told this to anyone because:
>That and people tend to have an aversion to blood and think you are a weirdo.I-I don't want people to think I'm a creep / potential serial killer.
No. 161464
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Baby/little kid photos of my boyfriend.
Then I imagined myself as his babysitter, molesting him.
No. 161469
Yeah, it's really fucking embarrassing. I am a chronic anorexic, "severely underweight," and literally the only thing that turns me on is female stuffing (I absolutely can't stand watching vids of men showing off their hairy, bloated abdomens). I remember getting turned on by belly expansion/overeating scenes in movies and shit when I was in like kindergarten, before I even knew what it meant to get "turned on." I used to have this one dress, and I'd stuff a pillow into it and make it look like I had a huge potbelly. I also remember, when I was like 5 years old, getting together with a friend, making a shit ton of popcorn (well, my mom probably made it for us), weighing ourselves, eating as much as we could, and then weighing ourselves again. I got the 5-year-old-girl version of a massive boner when I saw the number on the scale had gone up a pound for me. Around the same time (~5-6 years old), I wrote a several-page-long story about a girl whose parents went out of town and spent like three days stuffing herself with candy and junk food and shit.
Now, once a week or so, I'll head over to YouTube and look up videos of women stuffing themselves, chugging liquid to make their stomach swell, rubbing their stuffed bellies and moaning, talking about how fat they're going to get from it, etc. You'd be surprised (or maybe not) at how many videos like this there actually are. Anyway, I am incredibly turned on until like 5 picoseconds after orgasm, and then the guilt, shame, and disgust set in. I should add that (sorry, I know I'm a douche) I am grossed out by "BBW"s - I only like to see thin girls stuff themselves. The way their bellies look when they're inflated as much as they possibly can be…oh god I am going to have to go over to YouTube now and then deal with the guilt afterward.
No. 161471
>>161465T-thanks I suppose. For what it's worth I'm 0% emo/edgy irl.
>>161466I'm not sure I understand what you mean ? How is that even remotely amazing (I swear I'm not asking to stroke my ego).
No. 161483
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>>161409so you can fap to dogs but not blacks? Whats the difference its bestiality regardless
No. 161484
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>>161461>>161463I also have a blood fetish. I've never been intimate with another
girl with it besides small little cuts I licked up. I wanna get serious at some point.
I don't like Guro though, I also have other fetishes but I just consider them "things I like" with blood being my only fetish.