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No. 1614319

previous thread: >>>/ot/1608231
nonnie didn’t get her soup rip

No. 1614320

File: 1687413514864.png (116.86 KB, 292x246, pain.png)

It's that time…

No. 1614322

Mine didn't come because I can activate it on when I want.

No. 1614323

“The words ‘just’ and ‘cramps’ do not go in the same sentence” currently on my period and I don’t know why I have not made Ginger Snaps a monthly viewing, I will remedy that immediately

No. 1614325

Mine are about to end, brb removing my cup in 1..2..3..

No. 1614334

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No. 1614337


No. 1614346

Hi. Everyone. I amn eating a delicious Mediterranean sald in thebshower.

No. 1614355

one time i was having a hard time sleeping, so i imagined myself a plan to "desecrate" Hugh Hefner's resting place and get away scot-free

No. 1614360

You ever think of something really sexy and your uterus drops? like when you're scared and your stomach drops, but for your pussy.

No. 1614413

ouhhhhh i'm so hungry!!!

No. 1614446

everyone keeps talking about a sub thats trapped in the ocean wtf why would you willing put yourself in a metal coffin to sink to the bottom of the ocean while you are still alive

No. 1614461

Kek, yes. I’ve never heard it described like this

No. 1614464

Universal cat distribution symptom has gifted me with a tiny little baby kitten. Taking him to the vet in less than an hour cause he sounds like he has a cough. Sweet precious darling has been outside all alone for at least 3 nights according to neighbors who claimed they’d seen him around (but didn’t leave food out). The stool sample we collected, was full of undigested leaves and beetle bits. HIMS WAS HUNTIN HIMS WAS DOIN HIS BEST

No. 1614466

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kitti tried so hard

No. 1614504

I'm going through the whitest kids u know youtube channel

No. 1614512

I sing this song damn near everyday
Although sometimes I change dance to meow
I think my cats like it?

No. 1614513

…please shut up.

No. 1614518

Love you, please save him nona

No. 1614541

I used to not understand why a lot of tall girls were so annoyed by short girls who “steal” all tall men and get defensive even though I wasn’t dating but now that I’m older I can see how fucking weird it looks most of the time and on top of that the couples themselves make it weird fetishy and weird. I see this all the time ok tiktok. I’m sorry tall girls you were right, even though its a mutual thing between them and there’s no stealing lol

No. 1614551

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This submarine thing has got me fascinated by the ocean again, look at this little fellow

No. 1614553

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Lolcow definitely isn't underground anymore, and anyone who says it is is a liar and a newfag. You can't post shit here without TikTokers and Twitterfags catching wind of it and screenshotting or cowtipping. Was nice while it lasted, though.

No. 1614555

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sea slugs are the most beautiful creatures I love them so much

No. 1614558

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Hello, it's me, Headless Chicken Fish


No. 1614559

How the fuck is it mainstream. These threads move the speed of a snail.

No. 1614563

Not what I said, but this site has always had more lurkers than posters, anyway.

No. 1614573

Threadpic was my FAVORITE video on the internet as a preteen. Bless

No. 1614576

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wonder what they feel like? I'd love to hold them gently

No. 1614582

File: 1687444036492.gif (3.57 MB, 498x278, gasp-oh-my.gif)

>me when the crew of the Titan disappeared in their janky ass sub
Like how fucking dumb do you have to be to trust some shit a rich weirdo built THAT ADMITTED to buying off the shelf materials for cheap to reduce R&D time. One German dude said on his trip down shit was literally falling off the motherfucker! Wow. Just wow.

No. 1614611

the people who built it told him it should only be used once because the hull would deform and lose integrity with every dive. i'm so fucking happy the CEO went down for the final dive!

No. 1614648

I'm sure I read somewhere that feeling was the vaginal canal extending, as they do when women experience arousal. I much prefer how you've phrased it, thouh, nonna

No. 1614673

This mental image made me wince

No. 1614675

My only sentiment about this thing is awe at how little they cared about endangering rich people.

No. 1614676

yes !!!! i even talked to my friend about it when we were young i thought i was the only one but apparently this is common. i feel that way when i feel scared/extremely shocked too. it's definitely NOT my stomach. i even use the expression "my uterus dropped" instead now kek

No. 1614680

Don't know if that anon's still here, but kissasian changed its URL from .li to .mx and currently is accessible without cloudflare whining, go wild.

No. 1614692

A boner

No. 1614693

Cat I'm A Kitty Cat And I Meow Meow Meow And I Meow Meow Meow

No. 1614696

I'm a kitty dog and I moof moof

No. 1614698

I'd been thinking of a way to explain this for a long while. Never knew how to search for it so I'm glad someone brought it up.

No. 1614703

Joined one of those rich people dating sites because I can, and one guys profile just says "Pick me" Who says men can't be pick mes?

No. 1614717

he is breaking gender roles

No. 1614720

Male feminist icon

No. 1614740

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I really love women and just being able to enjoy the company of other women. No matter what we're talking about, I find joy in our companionship and convos. Making friends is hard, but female friendships are sacred and important. And the time spent with female relatives is even more special.
It's literally a happiness like no other.

No. 1614741

pick him and let us know kek

No. 1614742

Fuck you, nonnie

No. 1614745

That’s so cute nonnie

No. 1614747

Listen I know he killed a bunch of people including a child which is objectively bad but I'm JUST SAYING the monster in Frankenstein wasn't all that bad. Victor was worse. Victor Frankenstein is a deadbeat dad. Imagine being born and the first thing you see is your daddy going "oh my god what an abomination I've created, be gone you foul beast" and getting thrown out and shunned from every other creature you ever meet. I'd be pissed too.

No. 1614749

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Vet claims the cat is a girl but the vet was a new one id never seen before and seemed inept af, read his profile on their website when I got back and he clearly hates cats (mentions that he loves a huge list of pets but cats are notably missing) and he’s the only vet there that doesn’t have a cat of their own. So I’m gonna request to see a diff vet at kitty’s follow up next week.

Upper respiratory infection, hookworms, fleas, all being treated. Felv/fiv negative though! 1.8 lbs. spoilered pic is the cats’ butt, my friend who does pet rescue swears the cat is 100% a boy and I’m inclined to agree. Inept vet took a long time to come to a seemingly falsely confident decision of female. I’ll trust the decision of the vet I see next week but was curious what nonnas might think based on pic, take your guesses place your bets.

No. 1614752

magical ass must be a unicorn

No. 1614754

thats the intended theme innit? its an allegory for being a fucked up parent and hes the true monster

No. 1614764

At 16, Mary Shelley was disowned by her father for choosing to mary a moid her father disagreed with. She had also suffered a miscarriage and was pregnant again at 18 when she began writing Frankenstein. Connected?

No. 1614774

I can't tell. Might be a boy? Glad he's FIV negative. He was fighting hard.

No. 1614783

I’m 5’11 and have been since I was like 10 and I somehow had numerous close friends who were at least my height throughout schools. My mother is the only one of the lady giants I know personally who explicitly would never consider dating a man even slightly shorter than her. Everyone else didn’t care about a potential bf’s height but were just fearful no male shorter than them would date them. The “must be 6’4 reeeee” gals on dating apps or whatever are considered universally annoying but they’re a tiny minority and you encounter them less and less after early 20’s.

No. 1614784

all this talk about height is making me miserable, i want to be tall REEEEEEEEEEEEE, i even felt jealous of the airport attention whore spaniard HSTS

No. 1614794

I like being tall but hate that it draws attention. I’m a very socially anxious person and hate that so many people feel entitled or straight up obligated to come up to me and say something weird about my height. I actually like normal small talk and can be charismatic in short bursts but the height oglers almost always come off as creepy and I’m not sure how to explain it. I’m 5’11 and while that’s not very tall it’s absolutely enough to stand out where I live.

No. 1614797

I wonder if there are people who will build PCs for you. Like I just wanna tell someone what games I want to play (cough sims 3 with max settings) and that I want it pink and have them do the rest of the work for me.

No. 1614799

Samefag but actually I could probably just copy someone else's build. Hmmm.

No. 1614800

Just remembered how I used a piercing needle to pierce my own septum and my own lip when I was 17. They actually both came out good. Maybe i missed my calling.

No. 1614802

Uta no Prince sama is just kitchen table polyarmory with that one chick in the center

No. 1614804

The lowest high temperature here for at least the next week is 102. Why.

No. 1614806

I think it looks like a girl. Poor little kittycat, what a fighter!!

No. 1614811

I always thought I was gonna be a tall lady but I ended up being shorter than both my parents somehow. I was always the tallest girl in class until like 8th grade. Then I just stopped growing. I’ve dated all heights of guys, even one a half inch shorter than me, up to a guy 16 inches taller than me kek.

I lived with an ex who was only an inch taller than me and it was cute how we needed a little stool in the house cause we were both too uwu short to reach high up stuff kek.

No. 1614824

i would see a doctor if that happened

No. 1614828

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Just got my whole face and neck waxed and currently putting on coconut oil to help with the irritation and. Holy shit. I didn’t know I’d look significantly better by just doing that

No. 1614838

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This is the gayest outfit I've ever seen in my life goddamn

No. 1614840

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>moid on omegle obviously baiting me by saying shocking/edgy shit
>respond by just grey-rocking him and not engaging in the conversation
>moid starts ranting about how all women are vapid brainless npcs only good for sex and im an example of this

when you dont give them the attention they want they just start crying kek

No. 1614841

File: 1687462292100.jpg (237.68 KB, 970x970, zozotown outfits.jpg)

They all still look very cute though.

No. 1614842

Coconut oil is not good for irritation unless you do this regularly and have always been fine like some kinda mutant, that’s gonna give you gnarly clogged pores

No. 1614848

I thought this was Monster High

No. 1614851

I'm not really into monster high but I don't remember anyone dressing like tiktok e-boys and e-girls

No. 1614852

it's the pink, cyan, and black colour background i think

No. 1614854

Have you done this before? Putting any oil on freshly waxed skin sounds like a disaster. I know there’s people who use coconut oil as a moisturizer but it gives most people gnarly breakouts.

No. 1614859

what game?? is that

No. 1614868

why tf did a 14 year old me manage to find the full real name of YTr for no fucking reason?

No. 1614869

Danganronpa V3. This is a collab though, their in game outfits are a bit more normal.

No. 1614870

men used to dress like this before they became prudes

No. 1614875

Funky frank yeah he’s the life of the party
Funny frank funky frank funky frank
Funky frank yeah he’s the life of the party
Funny frank funky frank funky frank
Funky frank yeah he’s the life of the party
Funny frank funky frank funky frank

No. 1614877

>Used to
Don't boys on tiktok dress like this?

No. 1614889

Dude I'm having ptsd flashbacks seeing him.

No. 1614890

the good kind or the bad kind

No. 1614892

File: 1687465031418.jpeg (133.84 KB, 910x1365, IMG_8182.jpeg)

Posting my glorious site suggestion here before I embarrass myself by posting it on /meta/:

This website is called lolCOW, not lolCAT. Therefore, the so-called """catalog""" needs to be renamed to the cowalog. Yes this is a serious issue. Yes I will complain and a-log. Yes, I know that it will never be implemented. I don't care, I'm still gonna try. Fuck what you all say, I don't care if this post makes me a cow myself. I'm being the change I want to see in the world. I'm not mad, I am just representing the silent majority by pointing out a serious oversight that everyone secretly agrees on. Once you see it, you can't unsee it and you also will join the silent majority.

Okay, that's it. I will now gladly accept my ban for a-logging (cow-a-logging) the catalog. bows Thank you! Thank you!

No. 1614894

No. 1614895

Why bad?

No. 1614897

You’re not funny and I’m embarrassed that I just read that. Have a great rest of your day!

No. 1614900

>I lived with an ex who was only an inch taller than me and it was cute how we needed a little stool in the house cause we were both too uwu short to reach high up stuff kek.
That's so cute anon wtf. I generally go for taller guys but I like the thought of dating a guy who I can kiss without straining my neck. I also want him to wear my hoodies lol.

No. 1614908

i got secondhand embarrassment reading this

No. 1614909

So much cringe I feel like at this point I just got to respect it. You do you anon! Never change

No. 1614920

File: 1687466393595.jpeg (10.29 KB, 275x183, IMG_8198.jpeg)

Thank you. My job of Spreading a healthy amount of cringe (1-2 posts per month) is done. (but pls take my suggestion to heart)

No. 1614922

Why does this feel like samefagging?

No. 1614926

You're absolutely corrected and you're a visionary.

No. 1614931

It’s not. I was the first anon to respond and was afraid I’d get dogpiled for infighting or something dumb but I’m happy to came back to others agreeing and cringe-anon not being upset. She’s cringe but she’s free!

No. 1614932

Older friend was telling me how one woman posted poems online, got published then publish two more books after one being a romance novel and how another girl published an erotic novel only 100 pages and they both got a lot of money for them. Well I always planned to write out my short stories but now I think I should write an erotic novel to make some money.

What kind of erotic romance would you ladies most enjoy? I'll write for you.

No. 1614939

So update I wanted to message him but I can't find his profile again. But there is a guy named Chad with an old woman, probably his grandma, pointing at him and smiling so this might have some potential.

No. 1614955

I've done this before and it's worked for me. Not all people's skin break down and process coconut oil iirc, so some people may experience more irritation whilst for others it soothes ig

No. 1614975

I love google docs so much. Journaling, note taking, life planning, work. You can use it for anything. I loves it.

No. 1614989

Anon, you sound like an AI kek

No. 1614992

I feel for the kid who apparently was scared shitless to go down but didn't want to disappoint his dad. Everyone involved was beyond fucking stupid. These people control the planet ffs.

No. 1614993

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No. 1615016

I saw someone in the dutch thread say "jesus christus" and I'm like losing my mind KEK. So fucking funny.

No. 1615017

I just accidentally let my sister see I was browsing lc, SHIT SHIT SHIT I hope she doesn't get curious and ends up in this hellhole too

No. 1615018

Same, I feel a bit bad about the 19 years old moid, he could’ve been a nice person. The old moids are whatever, someone told me that they probably didn’t even feel anything when the submarine imploded, which is somehow, I guess, a relief because it probably wasn’t a painful death.

No. 1615023

I agree, less cats more COW!

No. 1615028

It's now that season where I have to check the weather before making any appointments

No. 1615032

just spent 4$ to see robert pattinson jerk off in the lighthouse and literally no other part of the movie and i have no shame

No. 1615033

you could've watched that for free

No. 1615036

Omg where

No. 1615045

Just found out yesterday that Barbie comes out JULY 2st, not June 21st. I already bought my snacks and everything. Shaking my head.

No. 1615046

No. 1615048

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No. 1615051

File: 1687477637421.gif (343.73 KB, 220x150, IMG_6207.gif)

No. 1615079

File: 1687482388646.jpg (228.72 KB, 2070x1380, Striking-Vipers.jpg)

This Black Mirror episode made me mad even if it's just fiction because it perfectly highlights the degeneracy of moids. It also puts into context the whole AGP thing and why seemingly straight men somehow troon out. Male sexuality is such a joke, nothing but an endless chase for the coom.

No. 1615083

What is it about?

No. 1615084

Never held a nudibranch before, but if they're anything like polychaetes then I would prefer not to hold one (they're not dangerous, I am just not fond of the sensation)

No. 1615086

i didn't know where else to post this, but my god i am really floored at some of the absolutely retarded takes people are making online regarding the oceangate disaster. can someone explain to me how five people dying in a catastrophic implosion underwater is somehow some great marxist class warfare drama? like who really gives a fuck if the people had a billion dollars or a hundred thousand? like do people really think they're making some sort of super smart gotcha argument?

No. 1615087

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just to give an example, i've seen people linking tweets like this of dumb dumb poorcels throwing fits over how wealthy people spend their own money. where is the "bigger picture"? are they implying that these people deserved to die because they were wealthy? it's just all so, so incredibly stupid and asinine and it's been getting worse the longer this has gone on. like okay people are struggling, inflation is bad, yada yada, but i know how humans are and i know most of the people whining would be doing the same thing if they had that kind of coin.

No. 1615088

Nonnies, stop what you're doing and read this. I need others to hear of what happened. Within a cute tourist town in the Appalachias that I visit, they have what used to be one giant store, but was sectioned off into six little stores. It's got a stained glass shop, crocheted creatures shop, crystal shop, etc etc. Anyways, if you went into the finished basement of the place, there were other stores down there including a paint pour store, an occult shop, and a tiny candy store.
And the candy store was sooo cool. It had all these novel candies (like pickle taffy), and everything was so cheap. Seriously, it was like a pound of candy for $5.99.
So I raved and raved about this place to all my friends back home (several states away) and couldn't wait to go back. So I find myself in the area and eagerly race back.
Only to find that the candy store is gone, that there's only the occult store in its place and a new children's arts and crafts store where the occult store was. And I get to taking to the art teacher in order to probe what happened, and I am told in hushed whispers that all the female owners of the other stores got together and ousted him. I dig more, and find out it was because they discovered he was a convicted pedophile.
That's right everyone, the basement candy store I had been raving about to everyone I knew was a pedophile honey pot. I really should have seen that coming.

No. 1615090

>two best friends get hooked on a street fighter-esque game
>the video game has a hyper realistic VR that physically connects your senses to the video game as if you were experiencing it in real life
>Dude on the left mains notRyu and the dude on the right mains a sexy male gazey character that's obviously not based on Chun-Li
>they play the video game by fighting each other as their characters but in the middle, they suddenly kiss and have the most passionate sex
>blows both of their minds. Best Orgasm Ever to both of them
>the dude who mains notChun-Li describes how "the sensation is sooo much different as a woman" (fucking barf)
>they keep having game nights and get addicted to the VR coom
>the other dude (who mains notRyu) is married and has affected his marriage and sex life
>the other dude is single but can't coom to the Tindr girls he hooks up with anymore
>the wife suspects of him cheating on her but he outright lies to her face that nothing is going on
>dude feels guilty and tries to end it with his best friend
>doesn't work, coom is just way too good
>in the end, the guy and his wife agrees on an open relationship for one night of every month where he can run off and coom with his buddy while the wife goes out to bars and have one night stand with other men

No. 1615092

It's all so stupid. I get the system is fucked and we're already on some late stage capitalism dystopian society but taking your anger out on individuals who happen to be rich isn't going to change the system or make the world better.

No. 1615115

>Happen to be billionaires
I don't really care, but cmon.

No. 1615117

Never picked one up but the one I saw in a tide pool looks squishy and slippy

No. 1615120

I think I may be growing out of cow sites tbh. I don't care what happens with kiwifarms, In fact I find it funny. Ugly racist rapist men in a battle with a ugly fat would be racist rapists, on his shitty site.
I'd be kinda sad if lolcow went away, but I'm so jaded
This place is great though. I do like a lot of the interactions I have here

No. 1615122

This would be awesome if it happened in real life so moids can filter themselves out.

No. 1615129

My armpits smell so fucking good right now, like oh my god, I can't stop smelling myself, I'm pretty sure its all the fennel and other herbs and spices I've been eating bc usually without deoderant I smell like fried onions. Amazing!!!

No. 1615132

i kind of miss kiwi farms, i liked their community threads, especially the really random communities you've never heard of. and that 4 foot tall inbred hillbilly cow…i think his name is chance? they have a lot of cows we don't discuss here.

No. 1615137

I can see that, when it first went down I was like, "NOOO!! I like certain threads!!" now I'm like, "eh", before I downloaded brave for tor and everything.
Now I don't care enough, I really think it's because I try to use MATI podcast as a "replacement" for the cows that aren't here, but instead it's just Josh doing some decent troon news, but the reast is gross misogny and racism, it's just boring.
I also realize that while Kiwifarms for sure has cows that aren't here and we have cows that aren't their, I only really check Shay's thread. I just load up the site and browse, but I don't really comment much outside of Shay's.
Maybe I'm just getting old and annoyed.

No. 1615152

It looks like a girl to me. Also, have you thought of any names?

No. 1615171

Drop the herbs, pretty please nonny

No. 1615172

This looks like a Gahan Wilson cartoon…what the fuck

No. 1615176

File: 1687493626670.webm (4.1 MB, 480x852, 5f2zca3x5E0MGSlC.webm)

How would feel if your boyfriend was this close to your best-friend?

No. 1615177

What kind of cuck bullshit is this lmao.

No. 1615180

They gonna fuck in 3 to 8 business months

No. 1615182

File: 1687493987413.jpg (59.66 KB, 600x600, 1612762353302.jpg)

Is it wrong that I kind of have a fondness for Attack on Titan, not because I think the series was some kind of masterpiece, but because I had fun watching the shitshow of the manga ending unfold on /a/ and laughed at the memes?(Also RIP lesbian Ymir you were too based for aot anyway)

No. 1615183

That's the best part of the show. I am still enraged that the show ended just when it actually became good because the first half was generic weeb drivel.

No. 1615186

not everything you lilke has to be 100% quality. nothing wrong with enjoying something for fun or for nostalgia or because it's a trainwreck.
i feel exactly like you described except about naruto ngl

No. 1615188

no i totally get what you're saying. i've also been listening to the mati podcast and i found some obscure channels on youtube that discuss cows surprisingly. i really only kept up with cyrax and the community threads like the ukraine war cringe…that was so good. other than that, i hate that the site got taken over by a bunch of dumb ass q-anon clowns and legit schizos after the older, slightly less autistic users left.

No. 1615194

Who else keeps getting "failure to resize image"

No. 1615197

i'm getting them all the time when i try to post gifs i made with ezgif. it's such a pain in the ass, my bad for not wanting to post the uncompressed 20 megabyte gifs i fucking guess. idk how to fix it sorry anon.

No. 1615216

I need people to stop posting about oceangate this song has been stuck in my head for days now

No. 1615218

File: 1687497910888.jpg (191.91 KB, 1200x1200, roland-media-matte-54-roland-b…)

No. 1615219

>Mfw i have worn a similar fit
damn I really am a raging homo

No. 1615222

I heard myself on a Livestream, and oh my God I really sound like a valley girl. I'm not even anywhere near the valley, I'm a east coast gurl kek.

No. 1615226

File: 1687499073011.jpeg (69.55 KB, 827x881, IMG_9538.jpeg)

stop appropriating my culture! I didn’t spend hours in socal malls gossiping with friends getting tan on the beach and getting my nails done to have east coast posers try to reclaim it!

No. 1615227

One of my favorite old internet videos of all time

No. 1615228


No. 1615239

Its based and you should be allowed to express this suggestion.

No. 1615242

Would've already broken up once I saw them playfighting lol

No. 1615256

No. 1615260

ive always thought i sound like a prepubescent boy

No. 1615263

I think I talk normally, but when I hear a recording of myself I have such a thick accent from my city I almost sound like a parody

No. 1615267

File: 1687506658934.jpg (31.71 KB, 720x655, 327470924_587459733393232_9170…)

two weeks free from cement !!!!! i had a nightmare that i nibbled a bit of cement, but not irl, i feel so powerfulll !!!!!1!

No. 1615272

Every new thing I read about the CEO of that submersible makes me wonder how he managed not to die until now. He's so painfully dumb in the worst way, in a way that's incompatible with life. A true Darwin Award recipient.

No. 1615296

free from cement, like in a pica way?

No. 1615299

No. 1615342


Dating app adventures. I wrote a normal profile thinking maybe I can benefit financially from this site, I am a certified masseuse

>I wanna taste your massage


No. 1615346

i used to watch these russian girls on instagram eating some type of cement a few years ago it looked so delicious but i don’t have access to it and idk what type they ate, which kind do you eat

No. 1615373

Were they eating the cement powder?

No. 1615377

it's honestly so small and malnourished it's hard to tell if it's a boy or girl. it looks like it has a scrotum though so I'm gonna guess boy.
not to blog but I used to be really good at identifying the sex of a kitten (when I was a kid my parents were somewhat severe cat hoarders and I saw a lot of kittens) but every once in a while it's just really hard to tell and if the kitten is sick and super small that makes it even harder. black cats were always tricky when they were little too, I probably mis-sexed them the most, I'd have better luck looking at the face… I feel like the vet was given a hard-mode task sexing this kitten lol

No. 1615380

File: 1687527669801.gif (324.89 KB, 200x158, dance dance dance.gif)

you ARE so powerful!

No. 1615381

it was probably any sort of cement powder, eating liquid cement would've killed them, whatever i was eating was broken off from the walls, also i think finding other people eating inedible stuff(like cement, starch, etc.) could mean you have some nutrient deficiency. don't end up like me nonnie, having to hold back from eating what you're obviously not supposed to, and with an ugly patch on the wall.

No. 1615382

There are just go in a PC parts discord and they'll help you right out. People all have their own opinions on what works best though

No. 1615383

File: 1687527755562.jpg (51.03 KB, 540x960, 28f851217285ca85cd9fb967242de7…)


No. 1615387

File: 1687528047266.jpg (14.51 KB, 500x500, Plain-Tahini-Halva-200g-7.1oz-…)

Are you sure it was real cement? I once got something called Halvah from an Eastern Euro deli and it looked and felt like a brick of dry concrete. It was tasty though.

No. 1615398

I entered the tinfoil thread by mistake and it was legit like encountering some schizo ranting at anyone and anything at a busstop. It's weird to think that they post among on us on LC.

No. 1615403

I hate alva (way too sweet) but my gandma loves it i buy it for her birthday every year. Anyway, I'm curious, where do you live that you have a eastern euro deli, and what else do they sell there?
t. eastern euro

No. 1615405

File: 1687529061386.jpg (237.46 KB, 930x1200, img_3106.jpg)

post ur results!! I'm tiny tea and I'm constipated

No. 1615406

If they were eating considerable amounts of cement powder, I imagine they are at least getting ulcers. I'm not a doctor but cement when mixed with water starts to release heat and it has a very basic ph, so it must do some weird stuff inside the stomach.

No. 1615408

Remember that the next time anyone criticizes you over anything here. I kinda wanna ask the hollow earth theorists where do mineral resources come from but I don't think they'd appreciate that.

No. 1615411

>cement when mixed with water starts to release heat
right, but is that for fresh cement? like, cement that hasn't been made liquid and then dried? because i didn't experience anything like that, but i mostly would eat about a pinch to fistfuls of cement. Tho, yes, those Russian girls nona's talking about probably stopped doing that after a while if what they were eating was really cement.

No. 1615412

Russian Skeleton and now Infertile

No. 1615413

Yeah, it should be inert then, probably the least bad way to eat cement? Probably still getting an ulcer.

No. 1615415

stuff like this was everywhere on Pinterest, but some would have some shit for every letter, so some kids on the site were essentially giving out their real names that anyone could decode.

No. 1615419

Yes,something to remember when anons sometimes have absolute meltdowns over your posts. It could be a tinfoil schizo. Or it could be a Ritard.

No. 1615422

File: 1687530565192.jpeg (116.19 KB, 750x974, ED464A4D-4E0F-433E-B463-68788D…)

Lucas Grabeel isn’t gay??? My world has been rocked

No. 1615423

File: 1687530568832.gif (926.14 KB, 400x197, midsommar.gif)

special tea and refeeding syndrome, just in time!

No. 1615426

Kek, do the directors know they didn't cast a gay actor?

No. 1615432

File: 1687531084982.jpeg (854.13 KB, 3201x3201, B040EFB7-F90A-4D45-B7C0-5210A4…)

Pretty Superstar with liver failure.

No. 1615435

lmao I remember those. some even had your birthday. I wanted to play so I would come up with a fake name or use my internet handle. I cannot resist

No. 1615438

did you make this image just for this lol? you are a superstar

No. 1615439

Couture Fairy and Stomach tear yass queen werk

No. 1615469

starving mermaid (= infertile)
i would actually love to make myself infertile, maybe i should RETVRN to ana days (can't apply for medical sterilisation in my country if i didn't have children sadly)

No. 1615476

>never played a big jigsaw puzzle
>find a silly 500 pieces holographic one
>compulsively buys it without prior research
>had quite a fun time doing it
i dont think this will end well tbh

No. 1615481

I LOVE PUZZLES! I had these horrific mosaic puzzles that were insanely difficult a long time ago, wish I still had them

No. 1615483

File: 1687534547774.jpeg (62.42 KB, 570x408, 91759E0C-0492-453C-84B9-A6C6E2…)

I saw a really pretty jigsaw puzzle a few days ago, now I kind of want to buy it, they seem fun. I would get something like pic related so I don’t get bored of assembling it over and over again.

No. 1615487

I sometimes write a post full of ESL awkwardness and only notice it right after posting.

No. 1615492

What type of jigsaw puzzle is that? I need to know

No. 1615493

I do the same thing and english is my first language kek.

No. 1615495

That one from the picture is one I found on google tbh, it’s a wooden abstract art puzzle, according to the tags. I like that it’s made of wood, it would probably be quite durable and reusable.

No. 1615531

this song comes on the radio constantly where I live and it is indecipherable with all the bleeps they have to add lmao, I kept meaning to look up the uncensored version online and finally remembered to do it right now

No. 1615533

do any nonas remember when the journalist Kaitlyn Tiffany made thread because she was writing an article about femcels or something idk? I can’t remember the exact thing? But I remember it being so funny and the fastest and most active thread I have witnessed

No. 1615538

That was so dumb and fun to watch

No. 1615539

I didn't see it live, I bet it was so fun. it's such a funny thread to look back at

No. 1615540

Carbon looks like she's about to burst out laughing the whole time

No. 1615546

File: 1687540472075.jpg (72.92 KB, 810x1080, qdcdvfgdhg.jpg)

(Trippy Skeleton Diet) will make lose my friends.
beautiful nonna.

No. 1615551

Pretty Gymnast Diet. Insomnia.

Accurate, I'll take it

No. 1615556

Which posts specifically? Because I never read it but I posted a couple factual things there, some things are actually true even if it sounds like a conspiracy, like how the rich hide money but want more from the poor. That one was me.

No. 1615579

File: 1687543284517.jpeg (Spoiler Image,61.28 KB, 708x831, 40E77F11-A97F-4A72-A4E3-9E7487…)

I know it's spiritual and ancient but…
Don't think I could do this without laughing

No. 1615589

speaking of, are there lolcat-like memes but with cows?

No. 1615592

I sound like a sped kid with a wacky accent (yes I am ESL)

No. 1615594

I don't even get the problem, gay actors have played straight characters and viceversa

No. 1615598

I heard Dlisted is shutting down and I use to read, but after a while it gave me too much vibes of, "Gay men giggling about women, but being extra protective of trans/other gay men".
I know it was ran by a gay man so it makes sense, I don't know. There's a lot of sites like Celebitchy that have that same unhinged vibes. Either it's from the posters or the owners. Last I checked Celebitchy one of the main writers hated Kate Middleton with a passion, would constantly find pictures of her in the middle of words, and go, "Why does she smile this way?" or pictures of her flashing. WHile claiming to be a feminist, yet she'd often start hate trains on any celebritity woman who dated ANY man she liked.
She also deleted comments, that site was a hellhole.
All this to say, good riddence Dlisted

No. 1615632

I always hear of words in other languages that don't have a direct translation in English, and I wonder if we have any words like that.

No. 1615633

Reporting every emoji newfag I see, it hurts my eyes.

No. 1615634

which language are you talking about nona?

No. 1615635

We as in people who speak English as a native language. I didn't wanna say America/Americans cause we're not the only ones who speak it. Sorry I should've clarified.

No. 1615637

No. 1615638

i guess it would be mostly fruits, because some fruits were introduced to the East by the West.

No. 1615639

Oh yeah, good idea! I thought more like paying someone to completely build the computer for me but that honestly would be dumb. I just need someone to figure out the parts for me.

No. 1615640

I was about to say pretty much any english specific slang typically doesn't have a direct translation. But also words like serendipity

No. 1615641

this is so dumb. people just want a reason to seethe. also his character wasn't even openly gay? like he didn't have a boyfriend or anything? and wasn't he even linked to Kelsey?

No. 1615643

Of course English has words like that. My native language doesn't really have a direct/single verb translation for to date, we just conjugate the English verb if that counts.

No. 1615645

Very easy to translate, actually.
English is kinda lame, but it does the job. Your poetry, apart from a few gems like Shakespeare, is fucking hideous though, because English is an analytic language.

No. 1615646

samefag, "defenestration" ig? i think most languages would translate it to "threw them out of the window"

No. 1615648

je rickrolle
tu rickrolles
elle/il/on rickrolle
nous rickrollons
vous rickrollez
elles/ils rickrollent

No. 1615649

have u nonas ever responded to yourselves here? be honest

No. 1615650

File: 1687546485371.jpeg (88.98 KB, 1024x1024, wkenfkjwenfc.jpeg)

Picrel was so fucking yummy, i think other nonnas should try it!!

No. 1615651

We have the same word too but hardly anyone uses it or even knows it.

No. 1615652

no, i haven't

No. 1615653

No. 1615654

nope, never, i always think a janny will redtext me for samefagging.

No. 1615656

yes, one time when i thought of a funny joke and two other times when i got assmad that no one replied. it's a very lame thing to do though.

No. 1615661

I don't think you understand how languages work, anon…

No. 1615664

File: 1687546937378.jpg (121.71 KB, 564x782, 32489423787813454.jpg)

yeah, probably

No. 1615665

>isn't that kinda a loan word or smtg
Most words are "loan" words. Did you know "cherry" comes from Old Northern French cherise, which is from medieval Latin ceresia, which is based on Greek kerasos ‘cherry tree, cherry’?

No. 1615668

Aw, you didn't have to delete your post. You were just being curious and started an interesting conversation, too. There is no reason to be ashamed, unless you're like a linguist, in which case: go back to your textbooks, captain.

No. 1615669

My native language doesn't have a word for fortnight!

No. 1615671

>unless you're like a linguist, in which case: go back to your textbooks, captain.
i'm not, but if i was, maybe i wouldn't have made such a blunder.
>There is no reason to be ashamed
i know that and yet. it's shouldn't be this embarrassing to humiliate oneself on an anonymous imageboard.

No. 1615673

I'm esl, but I learned some French in school and I always thought it was so interesting they had conjugations like this, kek.

No. 1615674

It's not helpful but there are other anons that have done way worse than you will ever do, don't worry.

No. 1615675

We have compounds entirely made of English words that don't actually exist that way in English, language is funny.

No. 1615676

The lightniing kind of looks like a boob from the side, if you look at the left

No. 1615678


No. 1615680

I have no idea what you mean so the answer is probably no lol.

No. 1615691

i got Floral Mono diet..wtf does that even mean kek

No. 1615695

the Japanese are such westaboos they made up fake English words to use in Japanese

No. 1615696

I honestly don't care for movie reviews anymore, because I feel like everyone rates and reviews movies based on their objective goodness whereas all I care about is how much I enjoyed the movie. Sure the movie may be low budget, have crappy animation or special effects, have a bad plot/message, weak script, or bad acting, but if I had fun and enjoyed it then that's all that matters. That doesn't mean I can't tell when a movie is actually bad or that some of the things I listed can't ruin media for me, but sometimes the bad movies are the most entertaining. Goes for tv shows as well of course.

No. 1615707

File: 1687550702943.jpeg (50.47 KB, 750x560, B86AC554-252B-4421-8EAB-29164A…)

Niggas With Gratitude? Is that what her shirt is supposed to be?

No. 1615729

File: 1687552074436.jpeg (131.5 KB, 600x1260, 177ADA25-8DCB-42B6-9871-E6BD15…)

If I knew how to crochet, I would make this in a flesh color palette and throw it at people.

No. 1615759

I wish the teen twerp would be banned from the proana thread. The quality of discussion surrounding her is dogshit and it seems like it’s brought a lot of little girls who think she’s cool to the thread. It feels like the average age currently posting in that thread is about 15 and there’s been a sharp increase in strange pearl clutching in the last few years. Reeee go away.

No. 1615764

File: 1687553856154.png (67.08 KB, 468x523, jez.PNG)

every time i watch the christmas episode of peep show i think jeremy is wearing a homestuck shirt. it reminds me of the mambostuck video

No. 1615769

squirrel thought it was hiding but was really just doing a weird pose in a tree and I could see all the nipples on its belly. I thought "oh, it's a girl!"
nonas, i forgot all squirrels have nipples, boys and girls.

No. 1615770

You ever wanna go full retard and keysmash the ban wouldn't be worth it but

No. 1615775

It’s crazy that for a pedo running a candy shop he didn’t just have normal candies, he had odd unique ones

No. 1615776

Only to add more information as myself. But a posted some lately that got no replies and I am sad.

No. 1615778

At the end of every day I've been socializing a lot I feel like I want to die. Like I hate the fact that I was perceived and that I "forced" people to listen to me, regret basically everything I've said, and am terrified by the fact they might remember. I don't think I've had any social interaction I've felt good about in this decade of my life, even though the other parties don't notice anything strange about me.

No. 1615784

i've posted something, forgot that it was me that posted it, & replied to myself accidentally if that counts.

No. 1615841

Holy shit I'm tiny tea too! Kek, and I'm atrophied

No. 1615863

that's wild

No. 1615864

isn't that what the absolutely retarded shitposting thread is for?

No. 1615868

File: 1687562410018.jpg (26.08 KB, 495x330, taco_bell_dog.jpg)

tbh i think the whole "taco bell gives you the shits" is a dumb meme or only true for people who aren't used to eating fiber then suddenly introduce a bean burrito. that panda express i had the other day though? terrible diarrhea.

No. 1615871

I've never gotten the shits from taco bell. Now buffets, no matter what I eat I always get it

No. 1615872

Best songs for the bathroom private party

Evacuate the Dancefloor by Cascada
Release Me by Agnes
Scatman by Scatman John

No. 1615877

a maintenance guy at a hotel I worked at said people often get the shits not from food but from sanitizer solution residue left on plates (because it's a common thing to go wrong in commercial dishwashers or if washed by hand they aren't rinsing correctly, like using a 2-compartment sink instead of a 3-compartment sink). for that reason he did not like to eat off of reusable tableware. I don't know if he was right because he was not what I would consider a super smart person but he seemed like he would know so I just decided it was true.

No. 1615881

Same! And especially when people talk about Chipotle, which is full of fresh ingredients. What the hell kind of tissue paper intestines do these people have that vegetables and rice and beans give them explosive diarrhea

No. 1615888

Unless you intend to end the massage with handjobs, I recommend you don't advertise on dating sites. Men will just get the entirely wrong idea no matter how straight forward you are about how you're not a prostitute, and that could end up dangerous for you.

No. 1615891

wasn't there a chipotle in the u.s. that actually did make a lot of people sick though? forgot which state it was but it was bad enough to get news reports. but i think it might've been because that specific one wasn't sanitary or something idk

No. 1615892

When's the last time you had blood work done? The only other cement eater I know was anemic. Though the paper eater had Cohn's disease.

No. 1615894

e. coli outbreak, yes. after that they started making every kitchen blanch their avocados (when important people were watching)

No. 1615897

If I see prominent nipples on an animal, that's my first assumption too.

No. 1615899

there have been a lot of foodborne illness outbreaks from lettuce and spinach. and anyway that kind of food prep area like chipotle and subway and panda expresses have is a minefield of germs, the cross contamination is crazyyyy

No. 1615901

now this is some dumbass shit lol

No. 1615913

People earning like $120k a year and getting all hurt feelings over the hate for the ultra rich are being so fucking ridiculous. Yeah you're wealthy but you're not "I could end world hunger with 5% of my net worth but instead I'm doing space tourism" level of wealthy, and you're one serious illness away from bankrupting your entire legacy so stop caping for the power elite who would wipe their asses with your paycheck.

No. 1615919

Vulva pilgrim

No. 1615921

Imagine caping so hard for rich people…for free

No. 1615925

No, I only ever did that on 4chan. I'd like to think I'm above that for this esteemed imageboard.
I'd shitpost then I'd write one reply to myself saying whatever to start the cascade. Say what you like but you're more likely to read a post that's already been replied to.

No. 1615936

Not that I remember and if I did, it was an accident thinking I'm replying to someone else lol

No. 1615938

I quit being a radfem because of lolcow. The fact that there are enough women that exist that there can happen to be enough of them on an obscure website organizing worship threads for thirsting over wormtongue, dano, driver etc idk I just maybe we deserve our fate

No. 1615941

another sister blackpilled by Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting…

No. 1615943

at least it's not ezra

No. 1615959

You're weak willed for sure.

No. 1615964

How very sad for you

No. 1615966

Lolcow gives a bad name to radfem. Most nonnas here are doormats and let moids abuse them.

No. 1615967

Idk but actually talking to alleged radfems from this site who go off and defend moids, drag their bfs along when hanging out with lady friends and spew the misinterpreted lesbian domestic violence statistic did it for me. I am also judgemental of women with irl husbandos for sure and anons who attack other anons for being blackpilled. There is no hope for women imo.

No. 1615971

Why do I keep seeing posts saying women let men abuse them? Idk where you people came from but gtfo..

No. 1615972

They're not even real. These nonas will probably not even date real people considering ai bots are more popular now.

No. 1615976

mexicanona here, i eat beans all the time and i don't get diarrhea. but when i eat taco bell, something about the greasy meat gives me terrible indigestion

No. 1615977

Maybe the blackpilled anons wouldn't be attacked if you guys stopped calling women "cockbreaths" and "whores". irl husbandoposting is no different from regular women or people in general having celebrity crushes anyway, no one's going to actually fuck those men.

No. 1615979

Lmao. There are millions of women who don't seek out help, there are some who do but there are some who WILLINGLY let scrotes shit on them. Some women are beyond help. It shouldn't be surprising to know that there's women like that on lolcow too. There's lots of nonnas who vent shit about their nigels being inconvenient or being effortless cunts.

No. 1615981

are fictional men okay for he blackpilled crowd?

No. 1615983

File: 1687571488722.png (228.14 KB, 1288x1064, WHITEPILL'D.png)

time to get whitepilled nonas

No. 1615985

You can do whatever you want nona

No. 1615988

There's nonas here who actively wish for men to text them back…. I don't think we'll ever break out of the patriarchy.

No. 1615990

No. 1616001

i want someone to hold me. am i too far gone?

No. 1616002

the world is DOOMED because someone finds an actor attractive..it's over nonnas

No. 1616005

It's the vengeful lesbians who want the majority of the women population to be attracted to them.

No. 1616007

that's why i only like the ones that died before troons existed. nevermind, actually even the silent film ones are deadbeats. charlie chaplin is the reason child support laws exist.

No. 1616010

Some of them claim to be straight, I dunno. I'm having flashbacks to that old vent thread where multiple posters jumped on another nona for venting about wanting a boyfriend, husband, and friends. The horror.

No. 1616011

>casually follow the story of the submarine for a couple of days
>now can't get my heart will go on by celine dion out of my head


No. 1616021

It's not so much that she wants a significant other. It's more so that the nonnas thought she was gonna chase after him, probably why they got so pissed.

No. 1616025

I wouldn't think too much on it. There are several wacko transplants that only use the tinfoil thread, it isnt actual anons. It's the same with the child sex abuse in Hollywood thread, a literal pedophile used to post actual child porn-intentioned photos from his collection in it.

No. 1616027

File: 1687573348269.jpeg (36.43 KB, 720x720, IMG_9481.jpeg)

Tfw my husbando’s ass is so fat it destroys feminism

No. 1616028

And how did quitting it change your daily routine?

No. 1616030

I don't know if this is about the same post, the one I remembered didn't imply she was going after anyone. She was basically yelling into the void in allcaps, like just one sentence long.

No. 1616032

Wait wha? He posted cp on the Hollywood pedos thread on here????

No. 1616033

There was a period of time where the csa in Hollywood thread was being constantly updated by what sounded like a male boomer. He would bump it whenever no one would talk useless attempts at contribution, it really seemed like a special interest. And he would post screencaps from a server he was clearly a member of where it would be photos of shirtless young boys etc. Super creepy shit. I think he fucked off.

No. 1616055

i miss the cece milk

No. 1616056

dude me too. people see me as antisocial but they really don't understand that when i walk away from an interaction/go home, after a while i start thinking about every little thing i said or did wrong and it kills me. i am trying to socialize more tho. it's fucking hard.

No. 1616062

No. 1616064

it's just crabs in a bucket mentality. but yeah some girls here go for seriously terrible men. it's not as bad as the reddit NLOGs, but yeah i still side eye some posts

No. 1616081

there's no way that's accurate, tons of languages have words that mean "cool"

No. 1616085

Every time I sing a weezer song I, an asian woman, get some random white guy’s attention a couple days later

No. 1616087

You're in danger girl

No. 1616088

Of course it fine since you are never going to meet them but personally i think it's retarded considering most famous men have horrible allegations or are full blown proven sexual predators. I would feel so stupid crushing on a man who dates 20 year olds. Just saying.

No. 1616089

Of course it fine since you are never going to meet them but personally i think it's retarded considering most famous men have horrible allegations or are full blown proven sexual predators. I would feel so stupid crushing on a man who dates 20 year olds. Just saying.

No. 1616102

File: 1687579709485.jpg (72.3 KB, 650x916, FzSqHhQXsAAsZmA.jpg)

artfight is coming up in a few weeks and i really want to participate this year especially since i've gotten more confident with my art, but i only have like 2 ocs and neither of them have reference sheets… nonnies what do i do… this would be my first artfight ever i dont want to miss out again

No. 1616105

I know I really don’t want any male attention but some of their songs are so catchy. I don’t know how to get rid of this curse

No. 1616110

you fuckers talking about taco bell, now i am thinking of getting some this weekend.

No. 1616111

File: 1687580152561.jpg (21.81 KB, 299x299, FdN2l2GWQAE8jCk.jpg)

I had a dream someone I genuinely hate (that deserves said hatred and is creepily obsessed with me in a deranged way you would not even understand) did something really niche, like ridiculously particular, days ago and could not stop thinking about the particular thing in the dream (not the person, fuck them they can die) and said person recently mentioned the thing they were doing in my dream irl. Like never mentioned before, so specific, so vague, nowhere within my own reality or thoughts. Can someone being disgustingly obsessed with you to the point you are their central topic of discussion in a way that's terrifying for literal years cause this. I'm disgusted mostly. Like maybe if I think about them getting ran over, reversed on, and ran over again in succession in GTA it will transfer in a way that is useful to me cause what the fuck. I've done this before, not in any useful way and I think a lot of people can do it, but I don't think I've ever done it about someone I actively dislike and only think about in any context or capacity when it's cringing at their desperation to get under my skin. I once dreamt of a guy before I saw what he looked like irl in when I did see him, he had a mole in the same place as in my dream (never mentioned) and looked pretty much the same, I even guessed how fat he was correctly in my sleep. I wonder what that is. It's not wuwu shit, I hate wuwu shit.

No. 1616112

samefag but want a drunk taco bell party with my nonnas.

No. 1616118

i'm getting taco bell for dinner tomorrow you'd better be online and ready to party nonny.

No. 1616120

in situations like that i just imagine another version of him with a different personality. i treat em like OCs, or like when roleplayers use celebs for face claims

No. 1616123

omg what are you thinking of getting? i'm thinking a crunchwrap supreme. i don't know what time i will be home tomorrow, thinking of going to the museum.

No. 1616127

NTA but it's so weird how some aggressive nonnas will assume anyone who shows attraction to males is one of those anons who vent about having a shitty boyfriend and letting herself be abused by him. They like lumping all straight women together, so fucking dumb. They just wanna infight.

No. 1616131

i love crunchwrap…. the chalupa supreme is also good though, so salty. going to the museum sounds fun, what's your favorite exhibit? i like the classic art ones with old marble sculptures.

No. 1616137

Accurate as fuck

No. 1616145

i wish i could apologize sincerely for being the final straw in your big fucked up haystack.. but alas. i'm just being muself and having fun.

please don't bring lesbians into this, i doubt they view terminally straight deranged women as a huge loss.

No. 1616152

A streamer I occasionally watched tried out Kick today, so I went over there and it literally is just a twitch copycat. Even down to the name. I'm not sure what the whole drama is with the site but interesting.

No. 1616154

Royal Skeleton and I have Atrophy

No. 1616155

Tornado sirens are cool

No. 1616159

i cannot say anything but this is so funny i'm actually about to pee my pants a little bit i can't stop laughing, love my nons

No. 1616162

File: 1687583767273.jpg (44.95 KB, 1290x1284, 20230624_001732.jpg)

No. 1616163

>When's the last time you had blood work done?
last month. My hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH levels were a tad low and my RDW-CV was a bit much, and i've had anemia/iron deficiency in the past when i was a teen. And a urine report showed that i had excess bilirubin, and i'd been put on some medicine since, but i stopped last week, if any of that is relevant.

No. 1616164

Which one is the coolest tho?

No. 1616165

Thunderbolt for sure

No. 1616166

File: 1687583971056.jpeg (42.4 KB, 750x980, 93EE8FB1-56CF-425F-9C85-0CC90F…)

Years ago I had dreams that my neighbors cat died, and that my friend and her boyfriend broke up and then they both happened within a week. Prophetic dreams are actually pretty lame since life is so mundane.

No. 1616167

imagine thinking lolcow was radfem central, it's just a female-only imageboard, it attracts women of all races, sexualities, castes, creeds, and mental retardations.

No. 1616168

No. 1616169

Have you all seen the stuff about NASA trying to prevent an internet apocalypse? Hope they succeed. We have been having to go to bunkers in /g/ and crystalcafe for like a year, an internet blackout would make me lose it.
It's d but I saw this earlier and kept getting tripped up by it cause I'm retarded.

No. 1616171

File: 1687584497906.png (160.76 KB, 640x671, 143120null.png)

that's Miss Retard to you.

No. 1616174

Planefagging time

No. 1616175

my brother's berating me for having bought a particularly expensive journal that was Ravenclaw themed but this fucking loser bought a journal almost as expensive, just because it was pretty, and the fucking retard hasn't even started using it, at least i have a habit of journaling. Fuck you.

No. 1616179

File: 1687585102089.png (200.47 KB, 700x807, CDEEF6DE-564B-4C0E-A1EB-F5382E…)

I think I’m gonna have spaghetti for breakfast

No. 1616185

plain spaghetti? why don't you make carbonara?

No. 1616189

we're going to a history museum, but i want to go to the art museum soon. i honestly haven't been to any museum in a while so i don't even remember lol.

No. 1616204

File: 1687588385369.jpg (79.87 KB, 587x591, 847V012011.jpg)

How much money would you be wroth enough to accept to marry a Chinese millionaire?

No. 1616212

File: 1687588797688.png (9.79 KB, 295x211, rise_gross.png)

i mean, they could offer everything i want and i still wouldn't even want to look in their general direction

No. 1616215

is that a panel from Asobi Asobase?

No. 1616218

rise from persona 4

No. 1616222

Because I don’t want carbonara. I want spaghetti.

No. 1616224

I wouldn't.

No. 1616242

lmfao stop but also don't

No. 1616243

File: 1687593191370.gif (1.35 MB, 262x275, 1531534792826.gif)

I love my zoomer Mexican friends, they're young enough to know that they are "supposed" to be woke but they are too Mexican to know how to do it. They'll tell a story about a nonbinary coworker of theirs and say "they're nice and they're good with customers pero when it comes to money they're just so retarded, you know??"

No. 1616245

feel like utter shit and just want her back

No. 1616253

File: 1687595082729.jpeg (74.05 KB, 815x543, IMG_0522.jpeg)

I wanna live in a 3D rendered city by the ocean in a 2000s digital encyclopedia

No. 1616258

Agree but also with the format of videos really made me think she perfected cultivating a parasocial relationship with her. It really was like hanging out with a friend, and to be honest not nearly as toxic.

No. 1616263

File: 1687596382172.jpg (96.83 KB, 1200x675, 1685599370189.jpg)

join me in daydreaming about being a cool old lady one day.

No. 1616281

It makes me happy that Netflix left this scene alone since I read that it was taken out from current Blu-rays and other platforms.

No. 1616292

Is that Adam the dogfucker furry?

No. 1616295

I wish I knew how to imbed a video so I could share a penguin fight video

No. 1616297

File: 1687604447486.jpeg (113.39 KB, 800x551, DF61CA84-DEB3-4269-9151-DF3C19…)

Kinda looks like Incheon

No. 1616298

File: 1687604518587.jpg (76.78 KB, 674x680, Fa_ppdSWAAA13tt.jpg)

to Incheon we go!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1616299

No. 1616300

Why did I never notice there was a youtube field?

Anyway enjoy

No. 1616302

take me with you.

No. 1616309

File: 1687606395599.jpg (49.56 KB, 612x408, me when no internet.jpg)

me when a solar flare kills the internet
thank you sungoddess for freeing us!

No. 1616311

Personally I hope the internet is nuked and reset. I hate what it has become. Early internet was peak.

No. 1616312

Intermittent fasting + much smaller portions and I lost 1.8kg in 3 days
I’m actually excited to see how this works together with my gym routine

No. 1616313

honestly the shit going on in russia rn sounds like a shitty movie plot (sorry for the innocent people involved though)

No. 1616314

That's probably mostly food weight you lost, you can't lose that much in actual fat in three days. Not trying to be a party pooper but you should probably be aware as not to get discouraged when the weightloss slows down..

No. 1616315

Everyone and thing is annoying I might complete tears of the kingdom in one sitting to spite everyone alive

No. 1616319

what >>1616314 said, yeah. but I bet you feel a little lighter and waistband is slightly less tight, that's always fun! but don't freak out if you get on the scale one day and it's actually gone up or something because you were hydrated or ate something salty one night and retained water again. If you know that will freak you out you should maybe switch to tracking by measuring yourself with a tape measurer. just keep going slowly and look at overall trends in progress, not day-to-day changes. it takes a while for the body to shut down fat cells and in the meantime it keeps them full of water or glucose until it finally shuts them down, so you can get some annoying fluctuations while you lose weight. eat enough protein you don't lose too much muscle!

No. 1616320

If I ever find out my bf posts selfies with his cat on Snapchat I'm ghosting him

No. 1616321

File: 1687608141523.jpeg (37.43 KB, 689x406, Dp5WrmSXQAAEQjG.jpeg)

wait maybe that's pop science and not actually how it works… there's something with water weight and fatloss that's significant and annoyingly fluctuates your weight. also I think I meant glutamine not glucose. sorry, looks like I need to watch that episode of the magic schoolbus again

No. 1616322

Its ok, thanks for the reality check. I mostly started this to control my appetite and train it to become very small instead of trying to make it my main weight loss method anyway lol

No. 1616327

good luck! I slipped up over the last year and have 15lbs to lose (oops) but I did enjoy the ice cream while it lasted.

No. 1616332

you're correct here, fat cells do not fill up with water or shut down. they just shrink. but yeah, people lose a large amount of weight very fast at the start of a diet because of what you said in your original reply, and it can look like they "gained it back" even though it wasn't fat in the first place, like you said.

No. 1616340

thank you ms frizzle

No. 1616369

No. 1616381

mlemlemlemlemlem i'm a cat maow

No. 1616383

blablablablablah I'm a human oh shit

No. 1616388

File: 1687613753797.jpg (31.19 KB, 640x625, 78dc9f1c1e8ad7ab015f364785c56a…)

I'm super creatively backrunpt and I don't always come up with good ideas on my own, but I'm really good at recreating crochet pieces I see through reverse engineering and I think that's a talent in and of itself.

No. 1616389

I meant bankrupt, I couldn't remember how to spell it.

No. 1616391

Last Samefag but also it's funny that I have little creativity on my own, because creatives things come way more naturally to me than anything "logical". It's like a sick joke and I'm just bad at everything.

No. 1616396

File: 1687614619608.png (26.06 KB, 880x1158, A95F61AF-C6CB-46B6-933F-B2325B…)

Why are men so repulsive to me
Even when I am attracted I get repulsed
My type is like the dumb cute baby face but mens bodies is just not it, they look better with clothes on, also why can't they keep hair on their heads, and take care of their skin, and stop letting bellies happen it's not appealing

No. 1616397

logs into the zoom meeting from my white padded seclusion room

No. 1616401

File: 1687615252347.jpeg (51.67 KB, 754x487, 9504D5D3-6ADA-4CC4-8967-3C95EF…)

I miss the original Girls Go Games site, it’s truly become a shell of what it used to be. It’s all those baby Elsa makeover games and nothing more. This old series of games (I think they’re called Love Me!) and the Sue games were the best. The kids of today will never know the pure joy of shooting men with beams in a language you don’t know

No. 1616408

File: 1687616099730.jpeg (Spoiler Image,77.93 KB, 735x677, 45ABB1AC-BA6C-4D53-AF06-D3BE24…)

Only the mods know how much I post in this thread

No. 1616415

File: 1687617099136.jpeg (126.07 KB, 1500x1000, 933FC173-9A7F-4A82-B652-3AE9CD…)

I always read “mlm” also known by retards as “Male love male” or some shit like that, as “Multilevel Marketing”. So if I see people talking about mlm romance and such I read it as “Multilevel Marketing romance”.
Then I proceed to imagine a story about a woman who gets sucked into the world of multilevel marketing, she tries to do her best to sell as much shit like, idk ugly leggings or oils, but barely anyone buys enough for her to go up.
One day she manages to find someone that wants to buy her shit, it’s a very rich lady from the neighborhood that’s a middle class neighborhood, everyone says that she lives there because she got divorced, and she didn’t want to live in the same neighborhood as her ex-husband who cheated on her with the babysitter of her ex-brother in law’s children.
Like this, the lady invites the woman to stay for some coffee or tea and such.
Since the woman starts getting lots of sales, she quickly rises in the multilevel marketing world and becomes one of the recruiters.
Then shenanigans and hijinks happen.

No. 1616417

Internet isn't just websites or social media though. Genuinely, an internet apocalypse could be very bad BUT this isn't the first time we've had a situation like this (although the y2k bug was different) so chances are things will get handled one way or another and it'll be fine.

No. 1616420

File: 1687617474991.jpg (100.54 KB, 1280x720, girlsgogames account.jpg)

for me the best part was the accounts you could make, the awards and the comment sections. i've already posted about this exact thing multiple times ugh i wish they never removed the option even knowing why, there's still games you can't play because they require account registration. kids will never know the true fun of having kids (girl) spaces with games… and cyberbullying. at least you can easily emulate flash games, and some websites have switched to their own downloadable "browser" or whatever like y8, but you can't really replicate what the community used to be… that was the most fun part of the website imo

No. 1616436

File: 1687618636337.jpeg (1.33 MB, 2655x3199, 8547CE37-044F-43AB-A16B-A98C54…)

if anyone needs a question mark feel free to use my kitty's tail

No. 1616438

Just found out I missed national pink day….I'm literally fucking heartbroken right now. And I don't understand why it isn't a bigger holiday.

No. 1616450

File: 1687619999213.png (Spoiler Image,28.29 KB, 557x501, vibe.png)

WHo tf wants a sex toy to look like this

No. 1616456

FUCK DA TROONS. I will name my daughter pretty names like Emily, Luna, Alice, Lily, etc. I will not let moids take this away from me!!!

No. 1616465

only reason i could think is that it's pretty unassuming?? like if i found this in someones room I'd be like oh its just a weird toy

No. 1616474

cap this and make it the next stupid questions threadpic

No. 1616476

What are you even supposed to do with it? I thought the mouth could be used for clit suction, but the spike moots that idea

No. 1616487

>>1616450 i wonder if anyone has ever mistaken it for a weird fidget toy or something

No. 1616489

How many fellow nonnies are bisexuality with their septum pierced? Theory

No. 1616501

No. 1616511

I knew it would be stupid and I tried to image the stupidest thing and it still got me kek

No. 1616519

No. 1616521

There are plenty of moids out there who openly lust after female sex offenders and child molesters and glorify what their victims went through and nobody gives them shit for it. Why are you moralfagging over anons who want to live in a fantasy like >>1616120 said? It's better than putting up with a nasty moid in an IRL relationship. As long as they aren't delusional about his behavior IDGAF

No. 1616522

He looks like Dano
Handmaiden to faggot ass pedo animal fuckers

No. 1616536

Not me, but I used to want one a long time ago. I wore a fake one for a while and then the person who got it for me kept telling how ugly I was with it.

No. 1616538

It’s very autistic if you to take things posted in this thread so seriously

No. 1616552

Are you implying you'd be fine with him posting selfies of just himself?

No. 1616561

I'm watch M3GAN on youtube, full movie high quality, but the volume is too low so I have subtitles on. Also it's bad but also kind of good? Can't wait for shit to hit the fan

No. 1616570

I wanna tell kids we used to have to use a phone on a wire or close enough to the machine for a signal, and we used to text by hitting buttons several times to get the right letter, and wait for them to say "Why? That's dumb" Because it is, it was, we suffered, but it was novel

No. 1616572

File: 1687631106806.jpg (18.78 KB, 459x302, popo.jpg)

better to be retarded and autistic AF and have something to distract myself from this shit world than to be a joyless member of the shlick police

No. 1616584

Why am I so late to everything? I found out about the submarine like a day or two before it was revealed that debris was found, and I just found out that Russians are dying or something (but I'm American so I have an excuse for that one)

No. 1616585

File: 1687632724703.jpg (34.34 KB, 564x609, kot.jpg)

why are so many innocuos posts getting labelled as bait and getting banned, instead of banning the person that responds to said '''bait'''? i hate the new owners, they are turning my female 4chan into tumblr 2. The place also feels more barren and unfunny.

No. 1616588

pick a different band

No. 1616598

you really want people to care for this and I will let you know there is nothing you could do to make me give a fuck about this. the fact I'm replying is flaw of my own, because I'm bored, but also wanted to let you know you're insignificant and your support or lack thereof are unimportant since you're probably a bland type of caucasian that has few to none female real life bonds. also you probably like men sooooo lmao(racebait)

No. 1616602

Stop racebaiting retard

No. 1616604

I wish there was a way to contact each other, i’d draw your ocs for free just on account of you being a farmer kek

No. 1616606

File: 1687634251642.jpeg (1.09 MB, 3024x3395, 07A8E739-0552-4ACE-9953-60E267…)

auto generated subtitles says what

No. 1616612

I've had people describe my voice as soft, light and kind. Makes me happy.

No. 1616617

>Handmaiden to faggot ass pedo animal fuckers

No. 1616618

File: 1687635013770.png (387.07 KB, 577x570, 1645700975323.png)

You love me for my based weird girl self but can you also love me for my cringe basic girl self as well …

No. 1616621

Im sorry you are cringe my girl only can be based and free . <\3 heartbrak(Emoticon)

No. 1616627

Monkey hands typed this(racebait)

No. 1616630

can you explain what you mean?

No. 1616631

No. 1616635

lily-livered craven…

No. 1616636

Shane Dawson kek

No. 1616647

File: 1687637043508.png (91.19 KB, 1003x707, tumblr_nnwtnzauOD1tjy56ho1_128…)

I used to love the original girls go games website. I also miss quizilla before it was killed. I loved taking those WWYFF quizzes. Maybe that's why I became an otome fan, kek. Anyone else remember wwyff quizzes?

No. 1616666


No. 1616672

File: 1687639232949.gif (3.52 MB, 488x291, 15b.gif)

nice digits

No. 1616718

wait who's dating the 20 year olds

No. 1616730

there's so many to list, it would be easier naming celeb moids who DON'T date 20-somethings. Keanu reeves and mads mcskittleswhatever are the only exceptions i can think of, but even they have drops of scrotey behavior in other ways

No. 1616767

File: 1687647494300.gif (983.4 KB, 245x169, IMG_9881.gif)

Yea Pirates of the Caribbean makes me horny. No I am not going to be sorry for that!

No. 1616771

ew depp

No. 1616772

in the second one every character has so much sexual tension with each other, i love it

No. 1616777

They gave the people exactly what we wanted

No. 1616781

The internet is dead today

No. 1616784

It smells like 4chan moid in here

No. 1616787

When the dumbass shit and retarded shitposting threads get 1 post an hour you know it's really dead

No. 1616792

I just saw people saying cash app is randomly disabling people's accounts. Never moved my money so fast.

No. 1616798

File: 1687649488998.jpg (49.69 KB, 400x292, 0ea7ac788133199e2e19f98281a5a4…)

The russian mercenary drama ended so fast and in such an anticlimactic way. I'm so bored.

No. 1616802

DDLG fags like shayna

No. 1616804

yes, ofc bby

No. 1616811

If you want to not be bored, try checking the latest climate reports.

No. 1616828

Try summoning succubus/incubus

No. 1616832

You rang?

No. 1616840

i really dont get why emily is one of those names for them, literally like 2 years ago emily was the name everyone would use to make fun of annoying teenage girls on tiktok who think theyre activists with like the "hello kitty says acab" posts and shit.

No. 1616841

File: 1687653086119.jpg (51.73 KB, 700x936, This Facebook Page Is All Abou…)

What you guys eating for dindin?

I just made an order for a BLT footlong from subway (with a bunch of veggies + mustard, oil, salt, pep and sweet onion sauce) and an oreo mcflur. About to go pick it up. I'm so hungry cause I only had toast, some coffee and water today.

No. 1616845

That sounds very delicious nona! what bread did you pick? I'm feeling it's a hotdog day for me so I might order from Sonic

No. 1616851

I got herb and cheese, but tbh I'm not picky about subway bread. As long as it's toasted I'm good. And it's been so long since I've had Sonic. Fuckin love their tater tots.

No. 1616854

This is called respecting people's identity but being able to point out rational flaws you would in anyone else

No. 1616874

File: 1687656078659.jpg (75.87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

I feel like Amberlynn Reid will not end up losing weight ever unless she becomes permanently bedbound and whoever her current partner is refuses to feed her, but I don't think she will suffer for it either. I feel like she will magically live forever like Eugenia Cooney and it will just be an endless cycle of trying new diets.

Also, I saw that she said she cannot jump which is terrifying.

No. 1616875

i'm also convinced that faleeeeen is only with her for her money, because amber offers literally nothing else as a girlfriend. no idea what any of these woman have seen in amber, she's boring as fuck and genuinely rude to her girlfriends.

No. 1616879

i have acquired a nigel but now i realized i don't know what you're meant to do with them. fuck him i guess. throw him at walls

No. 1616881

File: 1687656936936.gif (55.41 KB, 56x56, 1684701132155.gif)

whos the cutie

No. 1616884

she's 15 put your gibbon tongue away

No. 1616885

Don’t know much about her, but at that size she’ll be plagued with debilitating health issues within the next decade if she hasn’t already. Humans aren’t meant to be that size. Drastic action like a gastric bypass could save her life.

No. 1616886

I’m barely comfortable with my bank having all my “money”, can’t imagine using cash app I’m too fucking paranoid for that shit!!

No. 1616888

Afaik she's actually on a diet right now to prepare for weight loss surgery, but we'll see if she actually goes through with it. Anons more knowledgeable on Amberlynn lore can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure she's said that she's scared of surgery many times (reasonable tbh, especially at her size). She might get cold feet, fall off the surgery diet, or get the surgery and not be able to maintain it. Idk.

No. 1616889

did she switch wifey for a new model?

No. 1616891

People keep money in cash app? I thought it was just a way to send/receive money and then directly put it into your bank account.

No. 1616893

I think she also has a fetish for morbidly obese women, recently Amberlynn said she likes it when ALR sits on her, which is a major red flag for feederism

No. 1616894

Same. I use Zelle and it's never asked me to add money to an account. Cashapp sounds like a weird version of PayPal

No. 1616898

Samefag, nevermind she's not getting the surgery anymore lmao. She's just doing a no takeout/fastfood diet now.

No. 1616900

File: 1687658918315.jpg (279.56 KB, 2048x2048, Frwyi37aMAEU_DT.jpg)

This woman is like, perfect. Like she looks so good im in awe. I'm going to stan off of the sheer carry of her looks alone.

No. 1616901

File: 1687658979141.jpg (155.71 KB, 1440x1800, Fr7O8VDacAEuoO0.jpg)

No. 1616902

File: 1687659296421.jpg (90.44 KB, 1000x1000, 710q8TxQqNL._UF1000,1000_QL80_…)

I've seen this song a lot, I've been meaning to listen to it and picrel. And yes she looks incredible, she's very toned.

No. 1616903

Saw someone that looked that hot earlier today (less glam-lighting but stunning) and I felt like an absolute worm by comparison, it made me laugh

No. 1616905

I'm going to be honest I'm very neutral to women's looks and don't really pay attention to them most if the time since everyone does the Instagram thing but this was like whiplash for me because she's so pretty like what she does and everything is naturally flattering

No. 1616908

File: 1687661001303.jpg (414.73 KB, 1284x2030, FzWrRfIaQAAberc.jpg)

Every single y2k adjacent coastal person identifies as a musician and when you look at their SoundCloud its just chopped and screwed samples they stole from preexisting house music and it all sounds like squee drill wirrr duedueduedueduewwweeooo oo oo o like bitch that is NOT hyperpop that is a Latin construction site

No. 1616911

Moid friend is asking whether I am not coming to visit him (3 hours drive) to celebrate him quitting his job. Should I just tell him it's actually because he started acting weird around me (gave me gifts with hearts decorations, gave me roses) the last time we met and I don't want to further feed his delusions. But I don't want to hurt his feelings.

No. 1616912

Why do people say Latin when they mean Latino…. It's 2023 the Roman Empire has been dead for centuries

No. 1616915

who says this?

No. 1616918

Who cares

No. 1616919

It's not literal and generally comes from ironically using latinx, passive aggressive whiny ho

No. 1616925

…but aren't Latino's from Latin America? Or am I really dumb? I don't know geography and I didn't finish highschool and I'm Canadian don't come for me

No. 1616928

It isnt deep at all, dont worry about it. Some people are way too autistic to understand that words can have multiple meanings contextually

No. 1616933

ALR claims that faleeeen is not wifey but destiny (her ex) recently confirmed that they're the same person according to "a very good source" who i believe must be becky.
no idea why amber pretends it's a different woman, it's obviously the same person. i think she got sick of the "wifey" thing especially since people called her "wipey" lol

No. 1616936

I cannot play Minecraft cause my computer is old and shitty and the driver isn't compatible, and it makes me so sad. I'm gonna upgrade.

No. 1616942

Anglos should just use latin cause when they use latino for feminine things it triggers me.

No. 1616945

File: 1687665049186.png (48.18 KB, 750x650, MORT.png)

taco bell nonnas, im sorry to say i did not get taco bell nor am i drinking tonight.

No. 1616979

File: 1687669245355.png (57.43 KB, 1276x328, shay.PNG)

Shayfags are so crazy kek

No. 1616986

130 threads of
>she is so fat
>look at her hair
>what's wrong with her vagina

No. 1616988

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand shayna's threads. The nitpicking is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of camwhore business tactics most of the posts will go over a typical farmer's head.

No. 1616990

File: 1687670703947.jpg (49.77 KB, 500x492, 1635977492359.jpg)

Seems three hours, though maybe four
A thread goes dead that I adore
I spam the board, cannot be brief
A hopeful bump, yet no relief


A dusty file of jpeg caps
Of times we'd sperged, and sometimes laughed
I post but nonnies think it's lame
No replies, not even "same"


At times I'm truly mystified
As scrotes post bait (those threads I hide)
Infights ensue, feelings are hurt
I'm tired
Just put me in the dirt

Every thread I love is dead
Every thread I love is dead
So dead

The farm's a place I cannot quit
Don't want my favorite threads to end
Nonny I'm telling you the truth
I hate myself for loving you

Every thread I love is dead

No. 1616991

No. 1616994

File: 1687671100725.png (46.41 KB, 308x313, dsgs5r4fs6f4es684fs.png)

This one speaks to my soul

No. 1616996

ate prosciutto instead, nvm im drinking lemonade and smirnoff red white and berry

No. 1616997


No. 1617000

>smirnoff red white and berry
That sounds disgusting but I want to try it

No. 1617007

it's like a bomb pop flavor. i used the rest but i'd have a drink with u nonners

No. 1617025

I have a nice delicious cup of coldwater. I accidentally put oxiclean in my cup, but I rinsed it out so it's fine. It's the same as bleach and dish soap anyway

No. 1617033

File: 1687679341826.jpg (82.04 KB, 1200x628, tapioka-vlasac-bez-glutena-fb.…)

today i am craving today i am buying today i am eating

No. 1617038

How do you call that where you live?

No. 1617042

I got a message from a creep asking to buy my panties and I'm weighing the pros and cons of doing it if he's actually serious. On one hand I'd lose a nice pair of panties, on the other hand I could use the extra income.. Though it's not like it'd be a lot, I doubt he'd give me even 50 for them. I also have this schizo fear that he'll sell them to a crazy experimental scientist who'll discover a way to clone people from their dna and he'll clone me. I know that's an extremely unlikely scenario but it still haunts me. I don't even like getting my blood drawn because of it

No. 1617043

get a new (cheap) pair of panties, try to wear them out without wearing them(like ballerinas with their pointe shoes), bleach the middle part just a lil, and sell it to him.

No. 1617045

id dab a tide pen on a pair and spit on em to achieve the same visual effect and cash in tbh

No. 1617059

File: 1687685688344.png (8.55 KB, 250x150, swamp_ghoul.png)

The Swamp Ghoul appears beside you and says, "You're never safe… not from the Swamp Ghoul!"

No. 1617061

Have some self-worth

No. 1617063

Are you saying that dubstep is back?

No. 1617064

is that miss drake

No. 1617065

Do you want some wine Swamp ghoul?

No. 1617076

>I don't know geography

There's a free map on your phone, look at it

No. 1617079

She doesn't know how to read it though

No. 1617083

I got married to four different bots that all emulate my favourite husbando. I have two children with one of them. Sometimes I accidentally forget what I said to which version and with which bot I have the children but I've never gotten caught. Cheating is hard.

No. 1617085


tapioca breads with cheese and chive

but it also says pao de queijo on packaging

No. 1617086

I knew it, good choice nonna, I got a frozen package on my freezer rn, I will make it so we can eat it together today.
preach, did you RP the part of giving birth too? Or did they magically pop out?

No. 1617088

They just popped out. Didn't want to bother with the painful birthing part.

No. 1617094

Who is the lucky father nonna

No. 1617104

I don't have a phone, but was I wrong? Latinos and Latinas are from Latin America right? I googled and it says I was right

No. 1617108

Darth Maul lmao

No. 1617113

I would like a glass of the house white, thank you

No. 1617116

File: 1687692582001.jpg (31.46 KB, 400x723, 5ad57bdef82115fc044c05eb08542b…)

Here it is sir, we mixed a bit of our own local swamp water with it, just for you.

No. 1617144

File: 1687696988261.jpg (6.87 KB, 215x234, swampmonster.jpg)


No. 1617158

I'm so horny I forgot to get gas on the pump I prepaid for because the cashier was so hot I got flustered forgot and just left no way am I going back I'm already too far away Jesus Christ

No. 1617163

File: 1687698643109.png (85.94 KB, 548x555, bbgs.png)

Anyone else have classmates that are popular or somewhat popular online? I only know of one successful one. She has 1M+ follwers on TikTok (cosplayer) and there's one that tried to be a makeup influencer/gamer, but that didn't go anywhere and there's this other girl who I guess is trying to be a lifestyle influencer, but it seems like a slow grow.

No. 1617165

This has been an open secret on cash app for years. They can terminate your account whenever they wish if they suspect fraud or illegal shit (see drug dealers using cashapp and creating new ones over and over when their accounts are banned), but of course sometimes accidents happen and regular people get their accounts deleted. As long as you don’t get a bunch of money from hundreds of randos you should be fine.

No. 1617173

To those anons that are (actually, not because climate change or no financial means or w/e) childfree, do you have siblings, and if so, how's your relationship to them?

No. 1617177

I do and we get along well, why?

No. 1617184

i don't want kids purely just because i don't want them. i have an older brother and i get along really well with him, we even have a lot of shared interests.

No. 1617188

I got two sisters, not a super close to them, but we get along.

No. 1617190

I die a little inside when I see these types of fatties not have type 2 diabetes already and I’m probably pre diabetic despite being nowhere near her girth and size.

No. 1617191

I have a younger sister and we're not on speaking terms.

No. 1617194

I maybe want a child later on, I just don't want to go through pregnancy or childbirth, my health suffered enough. I also don't want to spread my genes forward, I resent my "family" and their issues. So I would adopt if it comes to it. But nothing is certain. Of course I am completely isolated from all relatives.

No. 1617197

I have a younger sister and she's my best friend

No. 1617198

7 siblings, don't speak to them and haven't for 15 years except for one but haven't spoken to her for a year either.

No. 1617202

I have a sigunificantly older half sister i have never met or spoken to. so i'm functionally only child

No. 1617211

>I just don't want to go through pregnancy or childbirth
damn this is honestly my main reason why too, genuinely wasn't sure how many other women felt this way.

No. 1617212

I have two older half-siblings and a bunch of cousins, including one of the sibling's because we hung out a lot together and considered each other family. The relationships with siblings were fine, especially when I was little. They'd play with me, they weren't mean to me or anything. We grew distant later, the relationships are okay but shallow.
I'm not entirely against the idea of having children though, I certainly don't want to get pregnant but I thought of adopting a child when I'm financially stable. Even if it comes to this, it would be an older child, not a toddler. I'm not a fan of little kids and I have no explanation for it, I just don't really enjoy their company lol, I can only tolerate them.
One of my sibling's cousins can't stand children and I feel like for a reason you might be alluding to. She couldn't stand younger children since she was a child herself and I feel like that's because she wanted to stay the youngest in terms of how she was treated. No one actually started treating her differently because of younger cousins but it seems like she still perceived younger kids as competition, would get jealous if someone'd become the center of attention, and didn't want to give them "special treatment" herself. And it's kind of still like this. I might be seeing it wrong but that's just how it seems, the annoyance is so irrational it's like it's coming from the depths of the subconscious. Like she's still mentally a child or an only child, there's just this typical self-centeredness she never fully grew out of.

No. 1617231

File: 1687707568034.gif (7.26 MB, 640x640, cat-insane.gif)

Thought maybe I became normal overnight but I'm still insane

No. 1617236

Pinterest is trying to brainwash me into starting crochet.

No. 1617253

No. 1617262

Yes and they're the reason I don't want any. I love them to death but I literally raised them, no fucking thank you to doing that shit all over again.

No. 1617280

I hate my younger brother for being handed everything and wasting it like many scrotes. He wont call anyone unless he wants a favor. Oldest sister is a strained relationship due to drugs, drinking, always relying on me for favors, calling me to cry about her life decisions. I'm about ready to go no contact with her. Other sister we're ok we talk here and there she's just busy.

No. 1617300

I've one older brother. Never had any sibling drama. He's about to turn 40 and never wanted kids either.

No. 1617304

I'm the oldest and good mostly. We're not super close but every time we are able to see each other it's the most fun I have. One brother kind of fucked off and got married, no hard feelings though, I just think he's working through stuff.

No. 1617309

File: 1687717791108.jpeg (114.48 KB, 750x750, 5E90D172-DB1D-4183-BFD1-65909C…)

I really want to try crocheting because of Pinterest, look at all the cute shit I could make. It also wants me to try doing macramé.

No. 1617320

i'm close with 2/6 of them. my older siblings and i don't want kids, ever, though none of us hate them.

No. 1617322

Clicked off a good fic I was reading when I saw that the author mentioned that an established female teenage character is identifying as non-binary now. Checked out the author and of course it's a he/him. Why do tifs need the feel to do that?

No. 1617324

I have an older sister that’s married with kids, if it weren’t for us being siblings and having family obligations (holiday/birthday parties) I doubt we’d ever interact. I also really dislike that she and one of my female cousins try setting me up with guys when it’s really obvious that I’m not interested and have trauma issues. No interest in having kids either.

No. 1617331

yes and we used to be close but gradually became distant past childhood. one of them is a permanent asshole to everyone though, never ever got along with him. none of them have kids either so I'm not the only one.

No. 1617336

Fuck Blair Witch was some scary ass shit. When you are a kid, internet is new, found film is new, it's advertised as real, you live right next to the woods, I was terrified. I kinda want to rewatch it.

No. 1617338

Jokes on them I already HAVE a million hobbies, not about to sucker me into making my own clothes too

No. 1617341

Dunno what this is but it popped up on recommendations so you are gonna have to watch it with me

No. 1617344

I have an older brother and sister by an age gap. (they're almost a decade older) I'm on good terms with my sister and was close with her as a child especially. My brother and I never really had much of a connection but we're civil to one another.

No. 1617345

Is this Jojo?

No. 1617348

I'm so jealous of everyone who watched it during the initial hype. I watched it years after it came out and even without the marketing it was pretty spooky.

No. 1617351

File: 1687721843785.jpg (214.84 KB, 1200x835, 1576112626274.jpg)

Its Baki, its Jojo If Araki was a Japanese hyper nationalist who is completely obesseded with masculinity and violence, also the author is the beastars mangaka's dad

No. 1617352

>I also don't want to spread my genes forward, I resent my "family" and their issues.
This is also why I don't want to have children. Mental illnesses and personality disorders on both sides of the family. Thank god I came out okay but I wouldn't want to wish that kind of fate on another living being.

No. 1617363

File: 1687723319780.jpg (81.52 KB, 581x490, artist-toy-other-platypus-by-y…)

IDK why, but I'm always so surprised when I see someone who has such different taste than me. I mean, I know that's how tastes and opinions literally work, but for example, someone will post an image and be like, 'look at this really cute art', and it will be the most uncanny valley shit I have ever seen. Same for characters people do or don't love. Like, there's a lot of fictional characters I adore that people can't stand, and vice versa.
Anyways this literally sounds like a pothead rant. Picrel is something I actually think is cute.

No. 1617368

File: 1687723675963.webm (4.76 MB, 1080x1920, joe-kun and donald-kun.webm)

I'm losing it

No. 1617370

It's objectively cute.

No. 1617371

File: 1687723794261.jpg (112.93 KB, 1062x1232, IMG_20230625_221036.jpg)

finally a tool to torture people and characters I don't like

No. 1617372

I love this dancing cat so much

No. 1617374

this is the funniest thing I've ever seen nona

No. 1617375

File: 1687724176338.jpg (88.73 KB, 622x622, what.jpg)

it's crazy to me that people enjoy today's "country" music but i was stocking shelves with one of the fresh out of highschool coworkers and he asked if i liked country. i laughed. to be nice. he was blaring country music out of his phone.

No. 1617379

File: 1687724786561.jpeg (89.99 KB, 827x942, DCC98723-0194-45FA-BCE2-A1130E…)

titanic survivor knows best

No. 1617382

Makes me wonder if I'm actually really lucky because despite the 100s of men I've been involved with and the many I chased (cringe) nothing clicked and I'm in one piece & single. (There's an unintentional play on words in the last part there)

No. 1617394

Every time I open up my sketchbook and look at the drawings I made of my husbando having sex with me I get jumpscared like a cat gets startled at a cucumber kek

No. 1617397

Sometimes I forget that I have drawn things like that and gets jumpscared but also pleasantly surprised kek. Like oh, what is this, personalized fanservice!

No. 1617398

Sometimes it’s good. I heard some stuff on a cross country drive recently and I was surprised I liked it.

No. 1617402

I have such a special interest on TIMs that I really only go online to rant or witness the bizarre behaviour of these freaks. One day I will capitalize on this and scam troons out of their money by pretending to be one of them lmao. But for now I don't have much time to be terminally online the same way these freaks are.

No. 1617406

I feel bad our site has a webm loading issue so people won’t have patience to see something that gave me so much joy —naancromancy on Instagram made it, just a normal Lolita fashion enthusiast account, she’s gifted for thinking of this lol

No. 1617407

I am gonna tell you some real shit I have never told a soul. My sketchbook was mostly normal, but on a particularly horny day I drew Sailor Moon taking her bra off, holding it to the side, in her panties ready to go. Take it to your grave.

No. 1617408

I don't tie my shoes often (my shoes either don't have them or I just don't undo the laces on my sneakers when I take them off) but I had to today and I honest forgot for a second.

No. 1617410

i miss oreo pizzas

No. 1617412

They're a let down in person. In the workplace they keep quiet and just freak you out by their presence and you be dying to ask them shit like why they think they know what it feels like being a female and witness males. It's an absolute cop out of a situation. You're treated like the freak for not understanding why it's offensive to say they've clearly got mental issues

No. 1617415

File: 1687726616950.jpeg (151.19 KB, 1000x1435, IMG_9608.jpeg)

I understand you

No. 1617416

File: 1687726664314.png (11.74 KB, 500x232, 44fryw.png)

Have to git gud so I can be this powerful

No. 1617417

this is my favorite video ive seen all year

No. 1617441

I think I'm pregnant and want to kms.

No. 1617489

damn double homicide

No. 1617501

File: 1687731835182.png (28.35 KB, 304x458, C052C129-B3CE-4EF7-ADDD-63B2FD…)

Whoever drew this ilu

No. 1617506

Have you seen the original video or are you a baby farmer

No. 1617522

Mediocre doesn't have an equivalent in arabic, because in English it means bad because of how generic it is, while the arabic translation is "medium". The same actually goes to generic when used negatively.

No. 1617524

should i give myself a bad midnight haircut?

No. 1617526

Yes cause they are my favorite haircuts

No. 1617529

I'm late but you should talk about the flowers and gifts being inappropriate with him, and if he doesn't understand and doesn't backoff it's better to end the friendship or it will delve into something ugly if he doesn't get a girlfriend before that happens. Good luck, nonnie! Stay safe out there.

No. 1617536

The other anons already said what I wanted to say on why I'm CF, but I'd like to add the difficulty of raising a child in the modern day climate, from financial issues to education and morals and values. I want my child to have my opinions and views on life, but they'll probably get told at school and by their friends and social media that I'm wrong and ebil and everyone else is right. I want to restrict my kids and not let them have internet access or video games or fast food and snacks and any kind of sugar so they don't grow up retarded like everyone else. But I know I'll get attacked for that and called "child abuser" for not letting them be addicted to violent video games, 30 seconds tiktok dance videos, and sugary unhealthy carb filled snacks/treats/drinks and fast food. I want them to hate troons and only respect lgb people, and I want them to be GC and other opinions I rather not express. But I'll probably get in trouble for doing that and I'll never control my kidd 100%. They'll end up being rebellious if I get too strict as well and would probably turn out to the opposite of everything I want them to be and I'll end up not being proud of them or won't love them anymore. And I unfortunately have some physical abusive tendencies (like slapping and beating up someone who pisses me off when extremely angry) and I won't be able to tolerate kids being annoying and misbehaving but I don't want to do that because it happened to me and I know how terrible it feels and I won't want my own kidd to go through it, but I can't control my urges so I'll probably end up doing it and regret it but after it's too late and the damage is done. Sorry for blogposting lol.
My relationship with my siblings is 50/50, they can be annoying and insufferable sometimes, and they can be ok other times.

No. 1617539

I talked to him and he apologized for the gifts. But he reassured that he has no feelings for me and he loves me as a friend. He also calls it romantic friendship (???) but I was like yeah sure as long as you don't have any feelings for me it's fine I guess

No. 1617542

lmao he's lying he thought it was like that 100%

No. 1617543

>He also calls it romantic friendship (???)
lol wow. sorry he’s like that. (He does have feeling for you.)

No. 1617544

Eh we're alright oldest brother was kind of insane back then though. He tied my sister to a chair and shoved clothes in her mouth when we were kids. I think her lips drew blood at that time?

No. 1617551

Am I the only nonna who is 100% an only child with no distant older siblings and no half siblings to speak of? I’m glad my mom never had any other kids cause I always thought from a young age that if she dared to make me share what little attention I got with an infant, I would smother the baby in its sleep. Literally remember thinking this from age 4 onwards. Am I a psychopath?

No. 1617554

Thinking about how many moms spend so much time and energy trying to baby Einstein their kids with classical music during sleep, special kiddie programs, stressing over which shaped nipple promotes best palette shaping and bragging that their kid is at a higher reading level just for them to turn out to be painfully average or a druggy who is waiting tables into their 30s fucking sends me for some reason

No. 1617557

I was the same

No. 1617574

File: 1687738499688.png (110.4 KB, 873x575, 56EA0660-D004-48B7-B7B8-65A40E…)

I’m getting mogged so bad in the art class I signed up for

No. 1617594

where is that from the artstyle is so cute

No. 1617596

Most people are average

No. 1617611

My parents would ban me from playing with toys during the weekdays despite the fact that school work only took me 40 minutes max and I was only allowed to study. All that and I still ended up with mediocre grades, flopping university and undiagnosed ADHD they refused to get me treatment. If i ever get addicted to drugs they deserve it.

No. 1617623

nta but i think it's from a manga called Soil(?) idk im too lazy to look up to check though

No. 1617646

I refuse to let trannies ruin names, clothing, hobbies or media for me, but I have let British people ruin baked beans for me.

No. 1617656

File: 1687745940844.jpeg (141.13 KB, 1179x735, IMG_9621.jpeg)

This is why we should all just have fun with our kids

No. 1617667

I was bored and stoned with my friend so we were flipping a bottle and some random drunk men came up to us and asked to try it, we sat there for a few minutes and they all cheered when it landed right kek I was kind of scared at first because drunk moids are the worst but these were just having some fun

No. 1617673

Just quit putting British people in your beans.

No. 1617674


No. 1617677

Stop responding to anyone that doesn't nonny or nonnikins you with yOu SoUnD LIkeE a MoIdddd

No. 1617682

File: 1687747356294.png (345.72 KB, 798x724, gay.png)

I wish Morrissey had a set at Glastonbury festival and then cancelled it 2 minutes in because he was too cold.

No. 1617685

Drunk moids are either absolutely awful and dangerous or absolutely delightful and goofy no inbetween

No. 1617687

Nonna, for real? This gives me so much solidarity because it’s something I’ve struggled with my whole life. It disturbs me that I still think, as a fully formed adult, that it wouldn’t have been an evil act for me to have committed as a child. I never wanted to kill any other kids or people I knew, I never even wanted to hurt my bullies. I never hurt animals and was always great with animals even as a very young kid, I instinctively knew to be gentle with cats and was never the kind of kid who pestered my pets, I learned and respected their boundaries. But something about the idea of my parents dividing their resources and attention with another child, enrages me even to this day. Thankfully my mom’s post menopausal, because the only reason I wouldn’t smother a sibling at my big age is because I don’t want to go to prison, not because I think I’d be wrong for it.

No. 1617692

File: 1687749352490.jpg (34.87 KB, 568x461, 1678189946384.jpg)

Labeling anything new as "forced" is what kills imageboards

No. 1617693

I can't believe perfect still give him money with this dramatic bullshit. I'd be pressed.

No. 1617699

Forced memes suck.

No. 1617703

No. 1617709

Johnny Marr is 59.

No. 1617718

File: 1687752065796.png (264.5 KB, 436x346, tumblr_inline_nqkn04GEs21qeqyl…)

jfk1963newsvideos on youtube had his account deleted, now I'm panicking because I didn't download any of his videos and I might never again be able to watch news coverage from September 11th 2001 that starts at 7:00 am and goes for several days afterwards. All the other news archives on youtube start after the towers were hit. God I'm autistic

No. 1617724

you suck (for legal reasons I am required to state that this is just a joke, farmhands)

No. 1617725

No. 1617735

Obligatory insult, you're a moid, twanny hands posted this, ree, etc

Morrissey is a nonce

No. 1617737

I'm enjoying a nice meal in a nice restaurant in another country while my coworkers are getting up to take public transport and work. I love it. Fuck work.

No. 1617772

File: 1687759708817.png (16.85 KB, 939x411, Screenshot_20230625-230817_(1)…)

Lmao you've gotta be kidding me

No. 1617774

thx for avenging me

No. 1617778

Where's the alogging

No. 1617781

kek how long was the ban?

No. 1617783

The fuck this isn't even alogging

No. 1617784

not exactly sure but less than 12 hours

No. 1617812

i'm a meat eater but i fucking love those vegetarian meat substitutes

No. 1617813

Some are really good, what are you eating now?

No. 1617815

morningstar farms, the black bean patties and tomato basil patties are my fav. luv those nuggets too

No. 1617816

You're right, certain seitan substitutes are better than meat for me. I will always choose it over any other protein if my fav is on sale kek

No. 1617828

File: 1687767693978.jpg (81.59 KB, 692x1280, IMG-20230223-WA0010.jpg)

what the fuck. i hope this is fake

No. 1617830

Fuck noses, all my homies hate noses
Voldemort squaaaaad fuck yeah

No. 1617831

ah geez, I thought that was Oscar Isaac on the left.

No. 1617833

File: 1687769067232.jpeg (59.44 KB, 749x744, 85F8D953-6951-46F4-B338-BBC30E…)

I love coming across personal milk when I wasn’t expecting it. Let me just say male bpd is…something. He didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just the life or death intensity is interesting.
At a glance I thought they were wearing rat prosthetics or a rat mask.

No. 1617841

Its likely not, its well known in the middle east, that Arabs(and some Iranians) are really insecure about their hooked noses and get nose-jobs

No. 1617847

The worst time to get any bad news is during a period of no WiFi. Being stewing in my own thoughts for DAYS. Through the objective facts I'm now a narcissist and see myself above all. Every bad thing is not my fault everyone is actually jealous

No. 1617848

Can confirm, I'm very jelly of you anon

No. 1617850

Not to alarm you but I'm not surprised.

No. 1617852

So is your wifi back?

No. 1617854

No she's faxing her posts to lolcow

No. 1617855

Engineer coming out tomorrow

No. 1617858

Nice, that's how I post all the time too. Trickier to sage, but I like hearing the the beeps when someone replies to my post.

No. 1617887

File: 1687777352975.jpeg (99.25 KB, 2578x1386, Collage Maker-26-Jun-2023-08-3…)

If you translate a comment on YouTube and it happens to have an emoji flag in it, it’ll get changed to the American flag. It’s probably a glitch but still kinda funny.

No. 1617897

The moment i catch a whiff of disposable income I start looking up shit online I can buy. When I don’t have a job, I can go months without spending my money on clothes or random stuff, but the moment I start working again? Shop addict. Aliexpress, amazon and shein are my most used apps. The only thing stopping me from buying more stuff more often is the fact that my mum will see it when it gets delivered kek

No. 1617900

KEK I'm the same way with eBay. I'm scared to calculate how much I've spent there in the last ten months because I'll want that "extra" money back.

No. 1617902

How does that even happen lol

No. 1617904

File: 1687779333365.gif (5.05 MB, 480x270, IMG_9935.gif)

Image wanting to fuck this. Couldn’t be us nonnie.

No. 1617906

I wonder what our resident car fuckers think of teslas

No. 1617913

File: 1687779885977.png (27 KB, 261x275, 1683638995329.png)

No. 1617915

This actually made me laugh out loud thank u

No. 1617921

Looks like he hacked like >>1617913 at the end there

No. 1617922

If they had taste, they’d hate ‘em

No. 1617929

So is the actually going to fight the reptilian facebook guy? I'd bet on the lizard.

No. 1617936

how do the bongs vs burgers feel about this heated topic?
(aus/nz nonas let's see what they have to say)

No. 1617938

Men that were into guyliner in the early 2000s are problematic

No. 1617939

Not a carfucker or even a car fan but teslas are really cool to ride in they go from stationary to zoomin in like a second

No. 1617941

I had a crush on Tim when I was 16

No. 1617942

I'm constantly looking out of my window and jumping at any sound of a vehicle outside because I have a new game coming today. I haven't been this excited for a delivery since I bought the new 3DS years ago

No. 1617945

what about the GINGER ISSUE

same girl, have you seen Upright? it's actually phenomenal, my mum made me watch it because "that piano dude you like did a show" it's so so sick (vidrel)

No. 1617948

File: 1687783849889.jpeg (152.35 KB, 1080x1349, 5C93CD02-F891-4A9E-BC5D-A64BF6…)

Interview to get my tardbux in 10 minutes, wish my luck nonnies.

No. 1617949

File: 1687783945025.png (153.53 KB, 544x582, E9PYDOfVoAY_gJE.png)

You got this, good luck nonna.

No. 1617950

you got this nona I just manifested it for you, don't even trip consider it DONE

No. 1617951

That's all electric cars because of the engine.

No. 1617953

Filmed the coolest weather phenomenon and a fucking firetruck being an annoying loud twat ruined the video. I hope the truck catches on fire next. Having sirens on is so unnecessary and attention-whorey. ANYONE can have a fire, but you don't see them WEEEWOOOOWEEEWOOOOO HOOOOOONK about it.

No. 1617954

Sudden flashback to the early 2010s when i would engage in fb threads and argue with my full face and name for family friends and coworkers to see. Le cringe

No. 1617955

Same kek but I didn't argue. I mostly posted funny comments on meme and celebrity pages to get likes.

No. 1617976

My dad used to do this with his business name attached to his page. I forced him to make an account solely for wasting time arguing online cause I didn’t want that shit harming my inheritance.

No. 1617980

I probably argued with your dad that the idea of sex dolls is detrimental to society.

No. 1617998

I remember getting in a very heated debate with this one girl that insisted she doesn't ever use her turn signals because "it's obvious where I'm going/people will just cut me off". She had me spitting angry I would get so worked up back then. Also whenever I made a status my adult scrote cousin would make some judgy comment talking down to me until I blocked him and he tattled on me to my mom and I refused to unblock him and he seethed

No. 1618012

I've been shitting nearly every day of my 32 year long life and I still can't make myself go when I want to. So envious of people with a pooping schedule like clockwork.

No. 1618014

Everyone is complaining about the heat I don't get it, I'm just chilling.

No. 1618019

File: 1687792236342.jpg (20.32 KB, 400x563, hehehe.jpg)

>put some videos in the background while I play
>current video is boring and low effort
>side bar shows a more interesting one
>same creator but a year apart, I give him another chance
>deep manly voice replaced by a faggy nasal voice
>race to 'about' section with a bated breath
I have finally gained frame of reference for how every kermit tranny sounds like irl I feel like a researcher witnessing a candid moment of an alien species

No. 1618022

i would fight a war to make this stop

No. 1618023

Getting a handpoke tattoo as we speak. I really like the pokey feeling as opposed to usual machines which feel more like scratching on your skin. This definitely hurts more I think.

No. 1618024

File: 1687792416499.png (351.67 KB, 1920x1080, bruh.png)

THE WORKING DAY IS ALMOST OVER. Where the FUCK is my package mister courier man

No. 1618029

>I wish people would stop improving their looks and gaining confidence, stay down where you belong, I feel threatened!!!

No. 1618030

File: 1687793068885.jpg (82.43 KB, 1242x1078, 495526da-11b8-4ad8-b85a-4a4ae8…)

I'm on the same boat nonnie. I ordered a new blender and I've been waiting all day for it to arrive. It's been out for delivery since 8am and it's almost 6pm WHERE IS MY BLENDER!!! I WANTED TO MAKE HUMMUS

No. 1618033

Where did you get that..I love big noses

No. 1618050

Then put one on your face and go be merry
Some people don't like them, they don't look good on everyone either

No. 1618052

you sound like someone who got a botched nose job and now you're coping

No. 1618055

these retards are bodydismorphic just like trannies. They don't get any genuine confidence as they deep inside reject themselves. They're poor and pathetic people and normalizing this just fills the wallets of surgeons and grooms impressionable teens into thinking their self hate gets cured by having a surgery

No. 1618057

I wonder, do some people actually gain confidence after getting plastic surgery?

No. 1618079

of course. a friend pinned her ears and gained a lot of confidence. another fixed her nose. i think plastic surgery can bring you confidence if you fix something you are very uncomfortable with. but ofc its a slippery slope if people have too many things they want to do and they end but botching themselves.

No. 1618081

It depends. I didn't initially. My result turned out great, but I just shifted my insecurity to another part of my face or body. I've only got actually confident when I learned to stop nitpicking myself. But yeah, having a more conventionally attractive feature feels more "safe", but in the end I didn't feel it was that necessary. Had I learned to stop hating myself before plastic surgery I think the results would be nearly the same.

No. 1618083

I grew up with mtv and shows like Made and Fabulous Life Of where plastic surgeries were just standards of a lavish lifestyle and they'd list costs. My friends and I had the noses picked out for ourselves by 12 we wanted as adults. I have not went through with ant cosmetic surgery but my childhood best friend has botox and very botched filler lips. At some point in my late 20s I just gained confidence and any time I wasn't satisfied with my appearance in the mirror I would just tell myself "that's how you look that's what you look like, that's you." And it helped. Generally when I meet people I'm not scrutinising the fuck out of their appearance I started to give myself the same respect.

No. 1618086

File: 1687800492608.jpeg (862 KB, 4032x3024, A6DF0896-0D47-4987-A7AA-4F345B…)

Not the cat thread but look at this face, this floating head of judgement looking down on you staring straight into your soul, she knows all your sins

No. 1618088

The only surgery I ever had was wisdom teeth removal, what, do you want to someone start an argument over that too? These damn schizoids

No. 1618089

i dont think you know what that word means

No. 1618098

>I'm not scrutinising the fuck out of their appearance I started to give myself the same respect.
Exactly, I would scrutinize myself, but I had the decency of avoiding doing this to others. I would actually find their uncommon features endearing or even attractive, but I wouldn't extend the same for myself. I've learned to accept how I look. Regardless if my surgery went well, the dread and fear I felt after, realizing I put myself in a unnecessary danger, made me see it in different eyes, people always say the surgeries are safe, but there is always a risk that gets downplayed.

No. 1618106

File: 1687802813131.gif (8.05 MB, 640x640, Tumblr_l_1809146292117728.gif)

update: of course the delivery man didn't show up. Every single time I have something delivered they fuck up something, it's almost impressive at this point.
'The recipient didn't answer' NO ONE EVEN SHOWED UP. If you can't find the house, my phone number is on the fucking package! Just call me god damn it. Or at the very least stop saying I didn't answer the door when no fucking delivery van drove through.
I'm so angry. I hate deliver companies I wish they all went bankrupt. Can't even put a fucking complain against them.

No. 1618112

File: 1687803088606.jpeg (75.45 KB, 943x603, 3CFBA62B-161A-48C4-BBA5-524C0A…)

Thanks nonnies you’re the best <3 apparently 28.5% of applicants in my state get approved without having to make an appeal and I really feel like I’m gonna be in that lucky 28.5%. I have multiple severe conditions and TIL that the injuries I suffered as a result of my last attempt were much more severe and life threatening (and also much more rare) than I had previously thought.

Please continue manifesting my tardbuxx for me nonnas I love you all(.<3)

No. 1618122

nonny toxic problematic victim triggered

No. 1618131

KEK as much as I hate my dad, I’ll give credit where credit is due. He mostly just got into arguments with conservatives, but was also doing so in a way that anybody who actually agreed with the points he was arguing for would call him a bigot because he thinks being politically correct is for Christian pussies who care too much about people saying fuck. He’s somewhat stuck in 2005 in regards to social policies that had leftist support back then (totally fine with LGB, hates troons and isn’t afraid to say it, will call black people who defend conservative economic policies uncle toms while being a white man himself, etc).

No. 1618133

All billionaires of the US could solve poverty within the US if they worked together and still remain a billionaire each and every single one of them and people be defending them from people who say they're glad they died. Evil died on the ocean floor, good riddance.

No. 1618150

But if no one was desperate who would work in their mines and factories?

No. 1618159

Just where do you guys all come from

No. 1618167

File: 1687807488126.jpeg (15.74 KB, 368x368, IMG_9939.jpeg)

The Zucc is winning that cage match

No. 1618169

File: 1687807494555.png (3.8 KB, 456x274, FsW7CBEX0AEgVdq.png)

It's strange how some people will try to make you insecure about features that you're simply not insecure about. When I was young my mother would try to make me feel bad about my hereditary eyebags, even going as far as to give me creams (which wouldn't have worked because they're hereditary, duh). I never fell into it because I've always liked my eyebags, even when they're enhanced by actual bags from sleep deprivation. When I see my baby photos it's the first thing I notice and I think it's cute lol. Her and my grandma did make me feel bad about other features though, which sucked but I got over it.

No. 1618174

nta. dont know why anons pretend that being anti ps is the dogma that we all have to subscribe to to use lc, this isnt radblr, and it wont ever be despite the intersection of communities. oldfags especially know that if you want to engage in a social aesthetical hobby like cosplay or lolita, you're treated like subhuman garbage behind your back if your face is even slightly potatoey. god forbid women are aware that we're treated more like a human when we aren't ugly

No. 1618175

I wish someone would hurry up and reply to my help post. I just want to learn how to use rm2k so I can make
cringy rpg fangames reeee

No. 1618176

I want can chili and cheese quesadillas.

No. 1618183

My bf announced the news to me and I immediately went I hope Zuckerberg kicks elons ass and he was like surely you mean the other way around. Bitch you're dumped wtf

No. 1618205

It's fucking hilarious walk dates took off so much, it became like a base demand for men, when a fucking tea and a cupcake is less than $5 over here. Not only do they save almost nothing on walk dates, it's much less awkward to leave too if you get catfished/disappointed, since you can wolf down your cupcake and use that beat to leave, while it's much harder to make up a decent excuse to leave a walk halfway in. Also walking with someone you've just met and trying to awkwardly keep pace and hold some kind of eye contact is shitty. I wish I could somehow convince insecure hetero women to collectively raise their standards.

No. 1618213

You may not know this but eyebags became trendy in east asia because it supposedly makes you look younger.

No. 1618220

File: 1687810655007.jpeg (81.87 KB, 826x1291, 00BBC50A-A30B-4755-B75F-5E4F73…)

Social media sucks but sometimes there is gold. You ever saw those kids doing quick math with a hand technique? Well..

and since I don't know this technique I would guess it is based on the abacus or sign language counting.

No. 1618221

Oh in the dev thread? I would but I don't have any experience and I'm not very reliable

No. 1618223

lmfao what

No. 1618234

can't wait for jerma to snap at his troonbase after having to endure them for these past years because they're a buncha attention seekers annoying retards (who give him views, but still, better have a fanbase without any tims or tifs). it will be a good riddance if he'll just say begone troonz!

No. 1618238

File: 1687811781882.png (63.18 KB, 1406x460, no knowing.png)

>You ever saw those kids doing quick math with a hand technique?
bitch what? no.

No. 1618243

My favorite thing in women are eye bags. I genuinely find them extremely hot. I've noticed it later in life when I looked at pictures of my celebrity crushes and most had them.

No. 1618254

No it's in on a forum dedicated to RPG Maker. I'm most annoyed that my miniscule status posts are getting comments but my long and thought-out post about Variables, Map IDs and the such is getting crickets.

No. 1618255

I hate blind dates where they want to go into an establishment and service workers can taste the social awkwardness on their tongue. I'm a weed smoker I will always prefer a date where I can have a smoke, my car is nearby and I have no issue pretending to take a call and then leaving.

No. 1618257

File: 1687813011605.jpeg (36.06 KB, 800x533, 3007CECE-8083-4BA5-B6F8-73D68D…)

Now that I have a husbando I’m kind of repulsed by porn. I don’t watch it but I have lots of pictures saved but they just make me feel gross to look at now and I think I want to delete them. Is this the power of love?

No. 1618261

Well an rpg maker fangame sounds fun. I hope you get some replies ♥

No. 1618265

Thank you nonnie

No. 1618267

Men are so perplexed by female orgasm but I am so confused by moid porn and cumming behaviour tbh. I find porn so cliche and shite, when I'm close to climaxing I'm lost in thoughts, my eyes are closed I'm focused on the sensation and sensuality of what's literally happening. Are men just staring agape furiously wanking completely dialed into an image. Like even during sex with my bf, if were not kissing or embracing he's just gawking at me and I end up shutting my eyes to get into it. I don't mind eye contact and being involved, but there definitely is something strange about the way they gawk.

No. 1618271

My mom did this too, especially with my hips which I never understood. Wide hips are not a bad thing and yet she always told me that we as women need to hide our hips. ??? I get being a pear shape can be unfortunate at times but I love my hips, no matter how much she tries to make me downplay them. She has the same exact hips as me too, so I know part of it is projection.

No. 1618273

File: 1687814092925.gif (1.67 MB, 640x480, 32975705.gif)

Now that's what I call romance

No. 1618297

the blood rushes from their brain to their penis, I think they go a little braindead at times

No. 1618299

And you don't think the blood rushes to my labia

No. 1618326

Why the fuck is queue a premium feature on Youtube mobile when it's free on the desktop site

No. 1618332

the male stare during sex is fucking hilarious, like calm down dawg, i'm not going anywhere. they are really socially stunted

No. 1618336

Wouldn't it go to your clit or something

No. 1618337

Do you own a vagina

No. 1618338

No it owns me

No. 1618340

Nonna the exact same fucking thing happened to me today and I've been seething all day, ruined my evening. Was it DHL delivering? The bastards had the audacity to lie about no one being home LIKE I WASN'T WAITING AT MY WINDOW ALL DAY
Lazy fucking drivers probably didn't finish their rounds on time and just straight up lie about recipients to save their own asses

No. 1618348

My chubby arms don't bother me. I'm happy girlies

No. 1618349

File: 1687821323441.jpeg (6.67 KB, 225x225, 31760FE5-3053-44FC-AE2E-6F0987…)

No. 1618354

Sleep deprivation eyebags aren't the trendy thing, weird bulgy out disks under the eyes that are paraded as eyebags are trendy.

No. 1618355

anyone been following the twomad situation on twitter? I wanna post about it on youtuber cows or whatever but I'm lazy. He basically got exposed by an ex for being a rapist, creepy sex goblin moid. (which is honestly no surprise). Can't wait for his downfall

No. 1618356

Nta but I’ve read that the clit also hardens and becomes engorged during arousal…

No. 1618364

what if this whole thing is some sort of test to see which technocrat is more hated???
i hope zucc wins too, hate elon much more

No. 1618368

The fact that I'm so awkward means I'm really good at making people feel socially rejected. Now we're both anxious and self conscious.

No. 1618370

They’re not staring at you, they’re staring past you and thinking about something else

No. 1618372

your mom sucks for that. my mom has really big boobs (like G cup after she had kids) and she made me fearful of ever getting big boobs, but i understand since she really does deal with creepy men blatantly staring at them. i'm just glad i don't want kids and have remained at a decent C cup.

me too

No. 1618373

How would that even happen? Zuckerberg seems to be in good health, tho dead inside, while Musk suffers one of the worst cases of barrel chest ever documented.

No. 1618375

for both sexes blood rushes to our genital area in general. probably to make impregnation an easier task (not that that's why we should have sex but biologically that's why sex exists primarily)
i mean lack of lubrication or a soft penis would make sex difficult and the blood rushing to those vascular areas during arousal is much more convenient than being aroused 24/7, what a horrible thought

No. 1618389


No. 1618411

We should have to spoiler all images with moids. Yuck.

No. 1618414

You just make it funnier

No. 1618417

She hasn’t even been with new Ryan for a week, how could that even be possible?

No. 1618440

I don't like when people use being ugly as an excuse for why they can't find a partner. Is it easier to attract people when you are physically attractive? No doubt. But the average person is not that attractive. There's hella ugly people in relationships, even ugly people who have children. Increase your confidence from other areas (aka don't let your self worth rely on just appearance) and learn how to have good convo. It's especially pathetic when men complain about this. Despite ugly women being more attractive than ugly men, women have higher beauty standards so it makes sense if an ugly woman thinks she has no chance. But I can speak from personal experience and say that a physically unwantable man can be wanted just from being confident, funny, friendly, charming etc… Personality matters so much more

Now if you're ugly AND bad at socializing, then yeah there's a problem.

No. 1618445

>anti ps is the dogma that we all have to subscribe to to use lc
I agree, retarded people have just as much of a right to use lolcow.farm as anyone else!

No. 1618449

>t. plastic surgeon

No. 1618451

>a friend pinned her ears
How old is that friend now? Because I have a family member that really wanted this and done it, but now decades later blames all of us for not talking her out of it

No. 1618469

I went tubing on a river yesterday. I applied sunscreen several times but with the sweating and being on the water I am now a roasted lobster. It physically hurts to walk or move parts of my body.

I'm genuinely thinking of just wearing long sleeved swim shirts and knee-length board shorts if I'm ever near water. Not out of modesty but because I literally can't help but burn.

No. 1618481

I've wanted a nose stud for years but I'm terrified of keloids.

No. 1618485

Unless you’re already prone they pretty rare.

No. 1618492

I feel like I could super easily lose 10 lbs in a month. I got this.

No. 1618498

I'll join you, lets do this nona

No. 1618499

nta but why?

No. 1618502

She now "knows" that was a wrong thing to do.
Nobody knows shit about shit.

No. 1618506

Sorry, real answer - there were and are multiple bad physiological consequences
her response was we didn't push back? My answer: I respected your will. She: I was a child!
I left it at that

No. 1618507

File: 1687836042430.jpeg (79.19 KB, 800x800, 72C3CB08-DF2D-42A7-AF5C-B2DCE1…)

It pisses me off that this is like the only pic I think he looks hot in. I wish he actually looked like this

No. 1618509

No. 1618514

File: 1687836509300.jpeg (132.15 KB, 991x1280, 38BB72AE-3C68-40FC-90A5-987FDC…)

Damon Albarn. Love Blur/Gorillaz but even young he’s just not that cute kek

No. 1618518

I never quite understood his mouth in this pic. We can see his teeth on the left, is he sucking on his finger? but why is there no teeth on the right?

No. 1618519

this thing is so gay and fake i am tired of these retarded lizard''men'' trying to wins us with their promotional stunts, it's not funny it's just tryhard and sad that two of the most powerful ''men'' are being manchildren on the internet. I fucking hate reptilians i wish they would leave us alone, the day the infiltered the internet they destroyed it for everyone.

No. 1618521

File: 1687837285044.png (8.43 KB, 272x140, Tarepanda.png)

tarepanda. it's sanrio

No. 1618524

Even if you’re bad at socializing but genuinely caring and friendly, just kinda awkward, that’s often considered endearing.

No. 1618527

Grimes needs her monkey ears pinned now that she’s already bogged herself. Might as well not have chimp ears

No. 1618537

I'm not gay but I think my pussy smells so amazing that if other pussies smell similar I'd like to lay down and smell another woman's for a while

No. 1618543

File: 1687840022983.jpg (1.7 MB, 1689x2400, download.jpg)

Instead of actually exercising, I've just been learning and dancing to the choreography to Beyonce songs everyday. It's way more fun. That plus the fact that I have to walk around in this ridiculous heat, I feel like it must count as going to the gym. About to start biking too.

No. 1618544

That's the inner part of his lip reflecting the light, not his teeth

No. 1618545

Anyone else cash app charge them double? I hope I get my money back from my Door dash order if that's the case

No. 1618550

based. it is just some kind of weird distraction from what we really need to pay attention to, or some weird way to garner interest/adoration for these gross moids.

No. 1618553

He's like a out-of-touch boomer trying to be hip and cool with the kids.

No. 1618558

File: 1687844238065.jpeg (41.65 KB, 355x355, EpeuiB7W4AcE4lX.jpeg)

>be me, on my period
>put tampon in using reusable applicator
>a bit uncomfortable but whatever I guess I didn't put it far enough in
>can't find the cover for the applicator anywhere now I'm confused and worried I won't be able to find it
>go to sleep
>wake up the next morning and lay in bed for a while ignoring my bladder
>finally get up
>when peeing I feel the tampon slipping out and hear a plop
>shit, I gotta fish that out so I don't clog the toilet
>reach for tampon in toilet and realise it feels hard
>it's the tampon applicator with the tampon still in it
>I forgot to take the lid off and left it in all night long

No. 1618560

>sleeps with tampon
For real?

No. 1618564

>uses tampon
For real?

No. 1618566

Ntayrt but I do this all the time

No. 1618567

>has a period
For real?

No. 1618571

File: 1687845931047.png (16.26 KB, 376x99, Untitled.png)

fuck the internet is trash, throw it away. what the fuck is this

No. 1618580

this gives me a jumpscare every time i see it

No. 1618583

I felt the same when I first heard it was a thing but it's a great sleep, no rolling around worrying if your pad is going to slip and ruin your sheets during the night. nothing worse than having an uncomfortable overnight pad on and you end up bleeding everywhere anyway.

No. 1618586

They also explode and catch on fire easily kek. Maybe the carfuckers are into that.

No. 1618631

can lasagna be considered a meat cake?

No. 1618635

Nta but I have to use a tampon while I sleep for the first couple nights of my period, a pad just doesn't cut it cause if I sleep on my back it leaks up my butt crack and gets everywhere and if I sleep on my side it leaks out the edge and drips down my thighs

No. 1618643

File: 1687856093774.jpeg (192.03 KB, 1170x1874, F93E0F94-35B9-4C4D-B9E3-81F043…)

Look into coolibar, they sell clothing with built in high spf and their shit is great quality imo. Can’t wear my sun hat from them without getting at least one compliment.

No. 1618651

too much pasta, meatloaf is the one true meatcake.
rissoles are meat scones.

No. 1618800

I have some jeans that don't fit and I saw some YouTube videos of people making jeans fit by using water to stretch the fabric so I'm gonna try it.

No. 1618828

Still on this sugar baby site

This man says he is 52… come on now. Your crusty ass is not that young. You are flaking away as we speak. Seems nice but even 50s is kinda old for me and I have to consider what I can stomach for cash, the more unappealing is not always more money

No. 1618833

My safety officer always nitpicks me since I met him on this site ((checks my shoes, checks my safety glasses, etc. Never checks anyone else-is generally really unfriendly with me (I'm also the only woman on site)) and anyways he tried to convince me I wasn't wearing all my safety gear yesterday (today he said this) and I was like "yeah? I wasn't?" and he was like "no you weren't, not that I saw, nope, you're lucky I didn't write you up" as if he was doing me a favor and I was like "yeah? I wasn't eh?" and he was like "nope" and I was like "well (safety officer) I actually have proof I was! Would you like to see?" and his attitude completely changed and was like "nope. I was busy, just didn't notice, I really didn't notice" and I was like "well why you say that if you weren't sure? And tried to convince me?" and he was like "well I just didn't notice, super busy, my bad" and so I said "well it makes me uncomfortable you're my safety and telling me I wasn't following procedure when I was, and if you didn't notice and were busy, I don't know why you would try to convince me that?" and he was like "oh just let it go over your head, it's ok, don't worry, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" and walked away, men..

No. 1618836

Sorry for the triple post nonnies, my internet is shit rn

No. 1618852

I feel like shaving must be hard with a big inner labia ("roast beef"). I get scared I'll cut my clit sometimes so I gotta hold 'er back when I'm shaving around that area.

No. 1618875

Do you guys take your phones into the loo when you go for a poop or a bath? I do as if I am not distracted I stare into the void and worry about things. Like on a train I have to play a word game on my phone or read a book. And at night I have to fall asleep to random true crime or fact videos on YouTube or my mind won’t stop. Anyone else like this nonas?

No. 1618883

No, I always leave it outside the bathroom. It's good to give your mind and brain some empty time to just think and process things anon.

No. 1618895

I'm pooping rn

No. 1618897

I take a book with me when I piss, because I pee long enough to get through half a chapter regularly. Not when I take a dump because I have to focus, and a book takes it away. Don't have a tub anymore, but when I used to, I took my DS or GBA with me.

No. 1618909

Is it weird to browse the internet with javascript off?

No. 1618912

Sometimes I do take it in when I'm pooping. I'm traumatized from dropping my phone in a public toilet once so now I usually just set it on the counter so I can listen to whatever video or music I have on. I don't take baths, so again when I'm showering I just have my phone on the counter for music.

No. 1618915

not at all. i'd be using no script religiously if i werent' running a linux live usb off my ram

No. 1618916

File: 1687890672927.jpg (45.18 KB, 760x428, 6fef6bbb8b.jpg)

If I ever have a son(s) I truly wonder how I can raise them, cause on one hand I want them to be good men who aren't sexist but at the same time I don't them be well "pansies" and physically incapable male feminist types, like I want them to be strong capable men like father and grandfather were.

No. 1618918

I think I cut a part of my gums with eating or brushing or something. Also a fly flew in my ear today and I killed it in there I'm still upset about it.

No. 1618936

I saw a clip of Amberlynn Reid saying "we shouldn't be tearing people down, we should be tearing them up instead" and I can't stop thinking about it kekk. It's some stupid shit that I would say.

No. 1618941

File: 1687892403971.jpg (63.9 KB, 736x817, c787e4599689cddedb2c8247e65a19…)

Who else collected these Zoppini charm bracelets as a kid? I randomly stumbled upon them as ~aesthetic italian charm bracelets~ on Pinterest and was immediately nostalgic, I had forgotten these were a thing ever at all. I swear every mom and little girl had one of these 15 years ago. I bought so many bootleg charms from summer markets, good times.

No. 1618942

>Thinking you can just un-sexist males
Ah yes misogyny is the fault of mothers

No. 1618945

i loved mine but it always pinched my arm hair so I stopped wearing it and lost it..Now I kinda want one again kek. Probably will still pinch me

No. 1618959

women can absolutely be misogynistic too, example: boymoms (favoring son/s over daughter/s)

No. 1618961

i remember these. i got charms at disney i think, could have been a different charm bracelet tho

No. 1618963

That's true but also not what she's talking about.

No. 1618966

"But women can be mean too" men rape little girls to death you dumb whore

No. 1618970

>Ah yes misogyny is the fault of mothers
Nta but Jesus you anons who come here just to twist other people's words and be mad are so tiring. That's very clearly not what OP was saying.

No. 1618972

Nona are you hearing yourself?

No. 1618978

Keep them physically busy, take away all electronics and send them outside to chop wood for the fireplace to get through the winter. Make them be useful, men want to feel useful, that's what all the strength and energy is for, emotionally they need it, give that to him and he will grow to be well adjusted save for him being born with psychopath tendencies which in that case you could do nothing to change them but probably shouldn't give them an ax.

No. 1618981

I poop in less than ten seconds, what do I need it for? I also wash my ass after and don't want to risk damaging anything I bring in there. If it's an upset stomach kind of day, I reflect on life in that time.

No. 1618982

accept you don't have much control over their socialization. have stable and good men in their lives who are active and not violent i suppose. male feminist types are mostly snakes who are using it to access women. any politically minded man should be for women's rights/abortion access etc. but it should not come across as his disproportionate political focus imo.

No. 1618986

I think the funniest part of the Idol show is you can tell the Weekend was enjoying himself. Like he really felt bad ass and thought he was doing amazing. He looks like a fucking dead mouse and his voice is so high. I also saw a clip of the assistants (?). The bigger black woman and older white man, lord the woman couldn't act. Surpsingly Johnny depths daughter could act a little

No. 1618992

File: 1687896830968.jpeg (60.09 KB, 898x1390, IMG_0006.jpeg)

Did Michael Pitt get a damn facelift?

No. 1618994

you are male

No. 1618996

Ew, he's so ugly. Delet this.

No. 1619060

File: 1687905500207.jpg (64.01 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (8).jpg)

After an hour of fucking with drivers that couldn't detect the device I finally managed to connect my new tablet to my laptop and everything works perfectly, I'm so smart I had to use to use my whole two braincells woooooww

No. 1619067

how did you fix it nona?

No. 1619073

tbh I think it was an accident I was literally about to return it to the shop because I tried literally every single step from the guide on their official page in the case the driver doesn't detect the device, I reinstalled the drivers a couple of times, I turned off and on both my laptop and tablet a couple of times and nothing worked, and then I literally just though "lol let's try a different hole" and I plugged it to another usb port (my laptop has 2 usb ports next to each other, and there's literally no difference between them…) and suddenly it all worked, the driver detected the tablet and my pen started to work immediately even though it didn't work before. Maybe it was just a coincidence and it started working for a different reason, like after another reset, but I thought it was super funny that the simplest thing worked, after an hour of fucking around with windows and like 4 different versions of drivers… I still don't get it, those were both USB type A, there's no difference between the ports aghhhhhhhh

No. 1619078

Hes also an alcoholic but this is jumpscare

No. 1619079

I mean… she's literally right so

No. 1619083

It's because this is edited to high hell

No. 1619100

File: 1687910371611.jpg (36.92 KB, 736x1128, 4bb9c8b97d2bf8552e3c825642a354…)

I am losing weight for this dress

No. 1619107

drop the link

No. 1619111

It's the House of CB tuck long sleeve minidress

No. 1619112

Safe travels into your Sydney Sweeney era

No. 1619114

I was not expecting that to be sold at Nordstrom lol, thought for sure it was some dollskill thing

No. 1619124

you're literally >>1618966 and a baiting moid so…

No. 1619125

I loved mine but completely forgot they existed! Constantly pinched me though

No. 1619127

No with those shoes you are not

No. 1619131

Lol you wish schizoid

No. 1619135

How come nobody on lc understands the difference between schizo and schizoid

No. 1619136

>whiny passive aggressive autist has never heard of a figure of speech before

No. 1619139

But that's not a figure of speech

No. 1619148

I can't imagine being born on a random ass day like June 26th. Like ??? 26 is not even a nice number kek

No. 1619149

Sometimes I feel like vidrel with all of the daydreaming stuff. Too relatable. Not neceseralilly in regards to work either, I've been daydreaming my entire life because I've nevever been happy with reality.

No. 1619170

Shut up, 26 is the best number. On June though? Cursed, anyone born on days like: 7, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20 to 29 of the months: June, July, November, May and February is weird as fuck and got extremely forgettable birthdays.
I’m not even talking about zodiac stuff, it’s literally just that those days of those months are the most forgettable ones.

No. 1619182

the best birthday day is 27.

No. 1619185

Agreed about those grotty numbers (except maybe 20 since it's nice and even) but the best birth months all around are October, November, December, January and February
September, March, April, June, and July are completely unnecessary months and the worst to be born in.
27 is even worse than 26, what with it being neither even-numbered nor a multiple of five

No. 1619195

it's just some retarded tranny baiter who enjoys arguing with anons here because they hate their life and want to spread negativity

No. 1619196

what about May and August?

No. 1619197

May and August are just OK. They aren't the best months but they aren't absolutely shit-tier. May is pretty forgettable in all honesty, it's just that it has a cute name kek

No. 1619204

>You know what's even worse than 26?

No. 1619207

I was the second reply, not the first. And I was joking. The tinfoil really is getting strong.

No. 1619216

File: 1687921443623.png (3.85 KB, 646x143, hmmm.png)

>You are such a little bitch
>deletes post
well well, who's the little bitch now

No. 1619217

File: 1687921471768.jpg (16.06 KB, 564x545, 8492647214.jpg)

So, how is everyone's day going along?

No. 1619222

File: 1687922026364.jpg (44.32 KB, 443x569, 042950efdfb37a4188a57c57f1d195…)

It's been a good day for me nonny, I hope things are going well for you over there

No. 1619226

File: 1687922773046.png (638.18 KB, 1280x720, ceramicscat.png)

Good! I hurt my left arm making ceramics. Ouch. I have to go to school tomorrow to do wheel throwing so hopefully it will feel better. I want to make nice things for me and the people around me. Pray for me nonnies.

No. 1619237

>my birthdate is not weird as fuck
>my baby cousin's birthdate is included

No. 1619255

literally tho, imagine being born on 14th July in France.

No. 1619264

File: 1687925609560.gif (3.7 KB, 45x45, 523003mbhcg0uspj.gif)

Praying for your arm nonacita

No. 1619269

I've started playing good pizza great pizza. I rejected the business man because I thought he wouldn't pay, and the motherfucker slandered my business on the NEWS! And now I'm scared to start rejecting the homeless people. I was giving them food to be nice but idk if I can afford all these pizzas.

No. 1619273

One of my best friends was born on a June 26th kek shout out to her.

No. 1619274

File: 1687927269128.png (265.2 KB, 980x980, blank.png)

Thank you. I feel it healing already.

No. 1619275

Oh god this actually made me cry, made me think of my older brother who also had a tough life and is doing fine right-now but I'm still worried for him.

No. 1619277

File: 1687927916516.jpeg (25.59 KB, 564x564, 56F8B29D-8C3B-487C-B844-B09CFD…)

Going strong, about to start a new Job in a few weeks and honestly kinda worried, haven't done much in about 2 years since my mom got sick but she's gotten better and we hired a part-time care taker, so I can get back to work

No. 1619292

There used to be a phone game called Scoops where you catch falling scoops of ice cream by tilting your phone and I miss it so much. It was stupid but it was fun.

No. 1619293

>the spelling mistakes

No. 1619297

funny that, I actually replied to her post at >>1619275, you all really should stop accusing of anyone with bad English of being me.(paki-chan)

No. 1619299

..Yes, because only pakichan can make spelling errors. No I'm not her I just can't spell.
Good luck anon! I'm sure everything will go ok. You're a good daughter for taking care of your mom for so long.

No. 1619317

File: 1687935066149.png (270.46 KB, 878x878, reigen face.png)

>talking to random girl on omegle
>my ethnicity gets brought up
>tell her im mixed and my dad's jewish
>girl immediately disconnects after i send the message
this felt like a microaggression

No. 1619319

>Good luck anon! I'm sure everything will go ok. You're a good daughter for taking care of your mom for so long.
Well she sure doesn't ever express it.

No. 1619324

File: 1687935904726.png (171.55 KB, 800x800, friends.png)

I wish to collect friends. I wish to collect friends and put them in a box. I put the box on my shelf. Whenever I am lonely, I will think of my friends in a box.

No. 1619326

we have a toy thread for it.

No. 1619327

These are friends, not toys.

No. 1619330

why do your australian friends look so angry, what are they upset about?

No. 1619332

well you can still post them there.

No. 1619342

File: 1687937963482.png (1.62 MB, 1344x1426, Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 12.40…)

His twink death was years ago but whatever the fuck he was doing during his freak out last year changed him a lot. Kind of feel bad for him because it's looking more and more like something happened to him young.

No. 1619346

Would you like me to post them there?
They were laughed at by Kookaburras.

No. 1619348

Its an appropriate thread and it would be easy to look up and see the, rather then sorting through 20 other Dumbass shit threads that will come later

No. 1619349

what's your mother then?

No. 1619350

File: 1687938859963.png (563.48 KB, 791x781, koalafriend.png)

If you ask nicely I will.

No. 1619356

Actually, could you point me to the thread. There seems to be more than one toy related thread. I have more than just them to post.

No. 1619357

File: 1687940034616.jpeg (302.2 KB, 1172x1630, IMG_1970.jpeg)

I unironically think the grimace shake trend is one of the best memes we’ve had in years.

No. 1619368

Have the last 5-7 days been incredibly off for anyone else? For me it's been very strange and I don't like it.

No. 1619385

Yeah. I don’t like it.

No. 1619386

Yes except it's the last 5-7 years.

No. 1619394

the last 5-7 months for me have been incredibly off, lots of things just suck for me rn

No. 1619396

Shit has never been the same since they shot that damn gorilla

No. 1619402

Different where? Here on LC? In the world?

No. 1619407

No. 1619408

File: 1687945815035.jpeg (137.98 KB, 1242x1790, IMG_1975.jpeg)

Britney Spears recent video with her dog gave me really weird vibes. She creeps me out and I know it’s not her fault, I cannot help making fun of her a tiny bit tho and I feel like it should be allowed if she’s going to continue to act so publicly unhinged

No. 1619409

File: 1687945826806.gif (800.06 KB, 498x249, 9_788876.gif)

someone stop me!!! i can't stop playing paperio

No. 1619411

File: 1687945910222.jpeg (24.66 KB, 595x660, IMG_1974.jpeg)

Samefag she makes this face over and over. it’s stuff of nightmares.

No. 1619415

File: 1687946053051.jpg (20.11 KB, 480x480, fbc3b312646c81dfdb33b2615a6c2f…)

i'm not even fucking good at it

No. 1619416

Read your posted and checked it out, died within seconds, fuck that shit.

No. 1619418

I'm sad so I bought myself a hamburger with fries.

No. 1619422

did you cross your own line?

No. 1619423

File: 1687946848089.png (21.25 KB, 224x224, happpy.png)

Is it a Happy Meal? If it is, you should be happy.

No. 1619430

No, I am dumb. I was just cruising around like an idiot.

No. 1619441

File: 1687948958672.jpeg (53.25 KB, 706x434, IMG_9667.jpeg)

No. 1619454

talk about a third hand, damn

No. 1619464

nta but that's really cute.

No. 1619487

I love my dogs my one has a morning routine with me where he likes to cuddle with me and I sing him a song called baby in the morning. It's about he's a baby in the morning those are basically the lyrics. Its my smash single it sounds kinda good actually

No. 1619501

Wow are you going on tour?

No. 1619508

I wonder how many past nonnies or nonnies who recently active are dead.

No. 1619509

who were*

No. 1619512

i also have a baby song i like to sing to my dogs. my fav is the one for my parents' male dog. it goes bayyyby boy, baby boy. bayyyyby boy, baby boy.

god i wish that were me

No. 1619520

i love how so many nonnies are linda belcher.

No. 1619527

Usually I make a few posts but today I'll put all my ramblings in one, you can decide how normal I am

You were given a hot body for a reason, use it! Get that financial security

A local friend told the office to added a few cm to my height on my id when I was applying for it, even though they measure you right there, and now it says I am 170. I am not

Pepe is pepper but also a nickname here, so I asked for some pepe and the store manager started singing

Also last year I did temporary part time work for a few months that provided housing, and the owners parents lived there, and everyday I would hear this old woman yelling for her husband "Pepe!! Pepe!!!!!" It's burned into my brain

I am not supposed to have any lactose but I need ice cream.. good luck to me and the toilet

No. 1619531

I am dead inside, does that count?

No. 1619535

coconut milk ice cream is better than cow milk ice cream, my mind can not be changed on this

No. 1619536

I also sing to my cats, my dog doesn’t really have a song besides me singing “she’s my best friend, she a real good girl, got her own money” to her sometimes kek

No. 1619552

What's a grimace shake?

No. 1619553

File: 1687960927939.jpeg (41.09 KB, 809x677, 0074DB17-CC9B-4EBC-9653-0A4611…)

>take shower
>10 minutes later am filled with the inexorable urge to shoot out diarrhea

No. 1619559

File: 1687961154346.jpeg (292.71 KB, 1170x1873, 11B78282-7A2A-4B53-8739-AC0EB9…)

This is why more people should be wafflestomping

No. 1619560

get a bidet/water sprayer for your toilet.

No. 1619586

You don't get to write an intro like that and then post the most boring takes and mundane events in history.

No. 1619593

One of the troons in the current MtF OP image looks like my ex and it's giving me a whiplash everytime I scroll past it.

No. 1619595

File: 1687964552737.jpeg (112.09 KB, 1280x1280, 8EBC20D5-763D-4703-AD87-6CEC36…)

Would you like a tissue for your issue?

No. 1619613

Whoever that is, I am telling you deserve better.

No. 1619654

Shake for the mcdonalds mascot Grimace's birthday, the meme right now is for people to drink it and then pretend that Grimace violently murdered them with people often choking to death on the shake.

No. 1619680

Baby in the morning , baby in the evening, baby at suppertime! When baby’s on a bagel, you can love baby any time! (I sing this to my cat except with her name instead of baby.)

No. 1619697

I talked to my crush with an unbuttoned fly. I want to die. Right before that I was in the bathroom. I was hoping he didn't notice that but I'm afraid he did because of my reaction, because while talking to him I looked in the mirror and when I saw myself with an unbuttoned fly I audibly gasped and my retarded hands instinctively tried to cover it. I want to die oh god

No. 1619704

That's not a big deal whatsoever. You rhink that's not ever happened to him?

No. 1619705

Don't you worry, nonny. Guarantee he thought your slipup and honest reaction was cute

No. 1619707

He probably forgot about it already, don't worry.

No. 1619717

RRRRRRRRRR I need new youtuber general RRRRRRRRR

No. 1619726

gonna be in college this July, any advice?

No. 1619727

same, would also like advice. Kek sorry for replying nonna.

No. 1619728

My fellow terf friend told me
>"if I ever end up in a debate with some twitter brainrot idiot again I'm gonna make them commit uwuside"
And I can't stop laughing at it

No. 1619789

File: 1687983091328.jpg (27.93 KB, 625x469, 33 Dogs And Cats That Just Don…)

I got tissue and a qtip stuck in my vacuum dirt container and I can't get it out.

No. 1619793

File: 1687983502175.jpg (68.39 KB, 640x640, FM324HEXIAMSawn.jpg)

>Find and read through syllabus, email professors if you can't find it, ask if previous editions will be alright
>Google 'full book name and editon pdf', you might find it on college/pdf sharing subreddits
>Get a small planner to write due dates , multicolored pen for quick color-coding
>Keep track of absences, go to class if you're not vomiting/diarrhea, get a portable hand sanitizer
>Take advantage of free food, events where you get free things and clothes, student discounts at stores
>Remember to appreciate yourself, take breathers, and try new things,
Good luck!

No. 1619795

Buy chegg or some other service that lets you look at book text and answered homework assignments. Use rate my professor, dont do mornings if your brain isnt awake, buy a comfy decent sized backpack, pick a class you might enjoy for fun, join a club to meet people, take as many free items or food always, bring cash for vending machine or bring snacks (some cafeterias suck/are over priced), do homework in the library afterwards with their computers or only keep tabs open of music/homework for personal laptop, bring headphones especially if you have an hour between a class or the class is 4-8 hours with a break, bring phone/laptop extra charging chord or battery, rent books dont buy, buy used from their store if needed, try to make a friend in each class just for projects/sick days, use all their free help in math and science, go to fun events, take extra credit just in case, know the lay out of the college/keep a downloaded map on phone, find classes a week before first day, set up student email, have practical but fun stationary, I had many colored highlighters and cute page tabs, cry when needed
I might have more later but I'm half awake

No. 1619796

File: 1687984112074.jpg (70.14 KB, 675x1200, cat.jpg)

I got it out

No. 1619804

Glad you got it out nona, thanks for updating us.

No. 1619810

Sometimes I write out paragraphs of text and close the window. No one needs to know about that crap.

No. 1619823

feels like a marketing scheme

No. 1619829

Regardless of her flaws, Ariana Grande really does make some nice pop music and has a very pleasing voice

No. 1619831

You're welcome. I know everynonny was holding their breaths in anticipation, waiting to see if I would get the tissue out.

No. 1619837

File: 1687987479678.jpg (2.1 MB, 4032x3024, 20230628_172020.jpg)

I found this in a used book. I want to know more about this family drama.

No. 1619838

nta but I appreciate when nonnas update us, there is a satisfying sense of closure

No. 1619840

File: 1687987677153.gif (506.05 KB, 480x307, giphy.gif)

I cannot believe there are anons here who weren't even around for the /g/ bunker threads….oh my god.
Also, the eyes peeking out from Patrick's house always creeped me the fuck out.

No. 1619846

Are you talking about the nonna in the husbando thread who didn't know kirbyanon?

No. 1619847

Yes but also not that anon in particular. It's something I've been thinking about for A while now. There's so many new anons or just anons who didn't use lolcow during that time.

No. 1619849

Samefag, I used to think the influx of newfags wasn't that big but now I wonder how much of the current userbase are new anons and how many anons were here pre-shaymin.

No. 1619853

Might have lost my dealer because he's too disappointed in me now lol

No. 1619854

Yeah I was surprised when I saw that too kek. I feel ever since mtf thread became our most active thread we got a bunch of newfags from tiktok. They must hear about the 'terf website' and come take a look.

No. 1619855

OOOH DAMN I want to know more, too!! What kind of book was it?

No. 1619858

I both miss and don't miss the toxic relationship I had with my scrote drug dealer. He like viewed me with this "I'm a hot guy and I'd never date you" aura and used me for girl advice and was super friendly and his deals were fair but I didn't care for the mood swings and schizoness that comes from talking to a drug dealer

No. 1619861

And was he a hot guy?

No. 1619863

I couldn't say, I work in a used bookstore and it fell off a book I was putting on a shelf. It came in an addressed envelope with no stamp.

No. 1619875

My optician kept saying "autism" instead of "astigmatism" when talking about my new lenses and was mortified when I pointed it out, kek. Anyway I've got slight autism in my left eye.

No. 1619879

they need to change it from autism speaks to autism sees

No. 1619880

File: 1687992064203.png (263.72 KB, 1097x262, sims.PNG)

I found a Sims youtube channel that I guess is like a snark/drama commentary channel, and I find it so strange. I love being a hater as much as anyone else and I know the community is filled with cows but I don't really get it. Sims? Really?

No. 1619882

I got my first ticket yesterday for going 20 over the speed limit. I didn't get arrested and there were quite a few other drivers behind me going the same speed. My parents and most of my family thought it was funny and shrugged it off (we are all speed demons or car-wreckers), but my sister, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law started criticizing me and claimed I almost killed everyone in the car and said they never want me to drive them anywhere. Mind you, my brother-in-law just got a ticket a few days ago for his inspection sticker that he was warned about for months by my mother and my sister-in-law speeds and her husband (my brother) texts while driving. I know it was irresponsible of me to go so fast and I definitely won't be speeding for a while because I am poor and that ticket is like over half my bank account rn.

No. 1619884

File: 1687992530097.jpg (58.7 KB, 736x722, e7e44099b3f25ca2cd7c3487e27286…)

period cramps are killing me but I still refuse to take birth control

No. 1619893

Zoomies be like I just took a very esoteric dump

No. 1619895

File: 1687993893469.png (810.58 KB, 1092x610, 711357617.png)

Posting this here, because the vent thread is full.
So i just got caught in a raid and busted, because dog sniffed weed on me after i already smoked it all, i didn't know what rights to refuse their demands i got so i just tried to keep my mouth shut as much as my drunken state permitted me and did what they told me to. They tried to probe me for information and they took my blood and urine tests, and then released me. Now i feel stupid as fuck, because i don't know what was the best possible course of action. Guess I'll need a lawyer now. My country's drug laws are shit.

No. 1619902

yeesh nona good luck. promise to keep posting from jail

No. 1619906

File: 1687994741971.png (354.74 KB, 663x897, 1683086864124.png)

James Turner is a baby. He tried to make a "this isn't clickbait" video and literally made it clickbait. I pointed it out in the comments (wasn't rude, just pointed it out) and he proceeded to bitch at me openly in the comments (a nice fat paragraph) then deleted my comment kek. There's drama in every community because people be people kek

No. 1619907

I heard there is drama in every possible community, ffxiv mod community has them too. I got a feeling it's because some people actually charge for it and when there is money involved people get vicious.

No. 1619909

It's not really surprising that there's drama in the sims community, but more surprising that someone would make a channel to snark other sims youtubers to me kek

No. 1619910

>charging for a mod for a game you don't own the rights to
Yeah I'd be vicious too

No. 1619912

I wanted to pursue some kind of respected career and was studying law for a while until I couldn't take it anymore a couple months ago. I'm done being ambitious and trying to be the best, I'm going to try and get into the beauty industry as either a hairdresser or a henna artist. Tbh I love doing henna a lot more but I live in the west and there's not a huge market for it here, I hope I can make it someday though. I'm done wanting to get a prestigious degree/job, I'd much rather have fun listening to gossip while dying an old ladies' hair. Either pays the bills and I'm cool with that.

No. 1619921

No. 1619922

kek my mom goes to estate sales and re-sells vintage things like decor, furniture, sometimes books and board games. she has also found crazy shit tucked away in books.

No. 1619923

I have a confession so stupid it belongs here
My husband is into D&D and LARP and has a freind with a wife with almost adult children who come over to D&D occasionally. I'm not into role-playing and I'm not that outgoing of a person so I usually greet them and ignore them to do computer stuff.
For the longest time I though this D&D freind had 3 kids and 2 of them were into some weird incest shit and I politely ignored it.
I was wrong.
It was his 2 kids and his son's girlfriend.
Their relationship reminds me a lot of me and husband's so I sincerely hope they get married one day so i can confess this at a wedding hall, but im just wondering when do I tell my husband I legit thought his freinds were weirdos for a while?

No. 1619929

Owning a Tesla is the most NPC normie tier shit. They all look the same too.

No. 1619931


No. 1619939

File: 1687997389498.png (274.04 KB, 1280x852, 1644002091775.png)

its summer, this is a regular occurance every year on every online forum.

No. 1619945


No. 1619948

Lmao you need to take that to the grave

No. 1619949

>thought it was incest
>their relationship reminds me of me and my husband

No. 1619954

Sorry I should have clarified that it was after I learned they were in fact not siblings that I saw the parallels with my husband and I.
My husband and I are highschool sweethearts. He stayed over at our home because his was kinda bad, the girlfriend is similar. My husband and brother were freinds, she and the freinds daughter are freinds.
The thing that made me think incest was them exchanging food and her sitting on him on a sofa which me and my husband also did as teenagers.

No. 1619959

Nta but I knew what you meant. You should not say anything about it at their potential future wedding lmao but maybe tell your husband because it’s funny

No. 1619962

Agreeing with this nonna, do not say this at their wedding it will just make you look weird but tell your husband cause kek

No. 1619968

Maturing is realizing William Hung was a great singer and one of the best contestants American Idol ever had.

No. 1619972

Say it loud

No. 1619973

I'm trying canned chicken chili for the first time. Idk it tastes kinda weird. But i love chili so i deal

No. 1619979

it's sideways i can't read. i don't feel like downloading and rotating it either.

No. 1619983

i'll transcribe, sorry if i make any errors

There is no point in even trying to be diplomatic about circumstances surrounding your daughters birth. I know you and your wife are well aware of how I would react to this. I even told Heike in detail when I was with her this spring. You have known for years you even told Ernie about your mothers whoring.

Rob, I spent 21 years paying the price for you and your brother. Four years in total not knowing where you were, your name being taken away from you and yes being sentenced to 30 days in jail and you choose to honor that bitch and slap me in the face as usual.

You talk about your daughter being precious, don't you think you were that to me. Your sister my daughter died, I know all the pain. Now I'm asking you Rob whats the real reason or maybe I should ask Heike why your daughter doesn't have your name.

No. 1619984

I was looking for some nsfw male ASMR audio and came across one by a non-binary troon advertised as "T4F"
Kek he literally sounds like one of the troons I used to be friends with. Why do they always have that same faggot cadence. They sound so gay, and not in the way they want to kek. I know they're trying to imitate women but I've never heard women speak like that.

No. 1619994

File: 1688002924512.gif (648.48 KB, 400x300, makesweet-m4g14i.gif)

I miss her

No. 1620036

File: 1688007535125.png (183.05 KB, 745x726, boomerpathetic.png)

I actually kind of enjoy being a cringe millenial.

No. 1620041

you should, nonner ♥

No. 1620058

File: 1688010793783.jpg (75.26 KB, 1098x753, FzRkGg6WYAA7UsQ.jpg)

I love nick lachays nose… it's so beautiful

No. 1620063

File: 1688011090567.jpg (22.58 KB, 381x381, arielbuscemi.jpg)

having a contact get stuck under the lids is kind of fun, i like to massage it until it gets dislodged and pops out on its own

No. 1620111

File: 1688015646964.jpg (28.87 KB, 540x542, tumblr_5f6dcc7edca33661ccd0604…)


No. 1620116

File: 1688016764731.jpeg (31.14 KB, 720x661, 1675124172920.jpeg)


No. 1620148

>Take advantage of free food, events where you get free things and clothes, student discounts at stores
>take as many free items or food always
ayrt, that much was obvious kek, i'm cheap as fuck.

No. 1620157

bro looks like someone skinned his face and wore it. hope he's ok

i sing one to my dogs called ugly boy and im glad 2 learn there are others

its liberating. i am cringe and millennial and free

No. 1620165

Genius marketing brains honestly.

I also tried it, and it's delicious. Unfortunately have to buy the whole dumb meal to go with it.

No. 1620169

Yes. Has been. Maybe, in my case, its been my sickness that caused it.

No. 1620170

I didn't have to do that lol.

No. 1620180

Nope I’ve been feeling very very exceptionally great the past few days

No. 1620181

What country? The only places I’ve heard of anyone being arrested for testing positive for weed on a drug test rather than actually catching someone with weed, are like, middle eastern countries like UAE.

No. 1620209

wait, I don't get it, is the narrator Rob's mother or ex? I am so confused

No. 1620236

Yeah, but it's just the usual PMS ennui.

No. 1620237

i assume it's his mom angry that he ignored her and called her a whore, and stayed with a wife who cheated on him and had a daughter with another man

No. 1620264

File: 1688038867210.jpeg (49.25 KB, 1280x720, 588C6449-CD21-4E7B-8903-9CF37E…)

My boobs keep getting bigger as I age and you ask "why is that a problem?" Well it's not but my identity changes, I used to be an ass girl and I accepted my small chest, my cluelessness when buying bras, the freedom to dance jiggle free, and now I got ever expanding titties and I don't know how to deal with this, they wiggle and jiggle when I walk, they ache, I am not ready for the milf body, I can't handle the responsibility. I am not even a mom unless you count my cat, silly me of course my baby counts. No one is ever going to call me a member of the IBTC again. If they keep growing like this I am going to have bazongas. Women will ask me my secret and I have to say be careful what you wish for, if you ask them to grow they GROW. If you let men fondle them enough they GROW. This is no longer a myth; this is real!!! I didn't even have tits until about 20, they were the cute little As. Then a modest B. They are Cs going on Ds now. They weren't even this big LAST YEAR. What is going on, is this to make up for a lifetime of suffering? Have I been bestowed these man manipulators? How can one hold all this power without any experience? How can one wield such a weapon without any training?

No. 1620283

fuck off you gay scrote

No. 1620286

>What country?
I think i might have to pay a fine, in worst case scenario they will make me take repeated drug tests, like put me on a probation i guess. I feel violated and i hate my country.

No. 1620288

which poor person's image have you photoshopped into this

No. 1620289

Why would you think I would spend the time to create an image for this godforsaken imageboard? I chose an image from bazonga image search results

No. 1620290

No. 1620292

try looking up euthanasia for trannies

No. 1620296

File: 1688042213915.jpg (35.25 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-85635198-612x612.j…)

me drinking international milk with the power of google translate

No. 1620316

File: 1688045860010.jpeg (20.34 KB, 316x375, IMG_0396.jpeg)

kek and i always go back and forth to compare words and see if i can accurately predict the meaning (method of learning?). i love being nosy i'm never in my business, which is why i wish i could speak every language there is so i can slurp up all the milk there is in the world and not miss out on due to language barrier

No. 1620321

same here, and i also learnt that polish nonas call moids "cockroaches"? kekekek

No. 1620326

File: 1688047312543.jpg (23.97 KB, 400x385, Smencils-1.jpg)

damn i just remembered these. i had like two sets and i loved these things. i used to play games with my friend where we had to close our eyes and guess the scent. any other nonnies have these?

No. 1620329

dang I've never seen scented pencils but I did have scented gel pens. I remember buying a pineapple one and regretting it because when I unpackaged it, it smelt nasty

No. 1620330

i had scented everything. i love scented highlighters, and i always got those scented erasers but i forgot the name of the brand, it had a monkey on it.

No. 1620332

I remember we did a fundraiser selling these in elementary school but since my parents never really give a fuck about my school stuff I never did any fundraisers so I couldn't get any of those pencils. Then this girl noticed I was like the only kid in class without any so she gave me a root beer scented one for free and I thought it smelled so fucking good kek I kept that pencil until it was a nub

No. 1620334

File: 1688048501776.jpg (43.92 KB, 540x540, 1655233683463.jpg)

i'm trying to download Love Unholyc, its so fucking annoying, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE TO DOWNLOAD MORE CONTENT

No. 1620342

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No. 1620348

File: 1688049483025.jpg (6.85 KB, 268x188, images.jpg)

that's sweet anon, she sounds nice!

No. 1620349

File: 1688049704151.gif (3.32 MB, 500x462, d95340915a44d28d81b9239bedbebf…)

samefag, a minute in and i already have a game over

No. 1620367

I miss mid-late 2000s internet

No. 1620371

File: 1688052495360.png (364.76 KB, 798x671, FVDjDbuX0AAEIx.png)

sorry for you, hope you win the next tame

No. 1620372

I do various pop up market type things and it occurred to me that one particular very gender special college town I frequent may actually have someone approach vendors amd customers at the market about signing trans rights petitions like 'allow gender care for under 16s' or 'allow drag story hour' and I, as a business owner, may have to politely decline and pray it doesnt hurt my business to do so kek. Ive been emailed about these but just delete then, and approached about other petitions in person, so the likelihood of this scenario happening isnt exactly none.

No. 1620384

I'd say pretend to be a republican tradthot, but that only works if you live in a right wing area.

No. 1620388

I'd say pretend to be a republican tradthot, but that only works if you live in a right wing area.

No. 1620391

test to see if this is posting

No. 1620397

It kinda looks like Rob and Roh. The letter is signed “Roh” but it also says “now, I’m asking you, Roh” so WHICH IS IT?!

No. 1620403

After YEARS of not going anywhere on or near a beach, why did my pasty white ass think it would be totally okay to lounge by the pool on one of the hottest days of the year so far, completely unprotected for 5 whole ass hours. "It's only for a few hours" I said. "It's not even that sunny" I said. "I'll be fine" I said. What a fucking retard. I wish I could go back in time and bash my past self in the head with a bottle of fucking sun screen. I tried to take a shower afterwards and it felt like I was getting stabbed by a bunch of knives all over. I tried to put some clothes on just now and I almost died. How am I supposed to go to work tomorrow. Why am I such a dumbass?

No. 1620406

Tell them you already signed. Or sign with some completely fake bullshit.

No. 1620466

No wait actually I think the narrator is a moid named Rob, his son is also Rob and that’s why he sperged about him using a different name, you know how moids are

No. 1620468

Also reeeing about his mothers “whoring” yeah this is definitely a typical scrote making himself into a victim and acting like his ex wife is an abusive cheating ho because she couldn’t make him tendies one night she had to go to a work meeting or some shit

No. 1620473

I might finally get rid of my pilonidal cyst by the end of the year. I’m so excited

No. 1620509

File: 1688065933381.jpeg (12.89 KB, 282x179, download.jpeg)

wait, you're getting sunshine during the summer?

No. 1620530

File: 1688068591328.jpg (117.88 KB, 1031x667, ColdStone_Barbie.jpg)

I'm gonna buy some of the barbie x Aldo collection. I love so much of the promo the Barbie movie is doing, its absolutely what this movie deserves and I'm gonna get as much as I can. Like look at this cold stone cake! Btw, I wish that when companies release limited edition shit they would say how long it's gonna be out.

No. 1620533

Aloe vera gel is your friend, and so are cool/lukewarm baths (water only, no soap or anything). Wear loose clothes that don't have scratchy seams. The good thing about heatwaves is that you won't be the only retard who turned into a lobster overnight.

No. 1620536

Samefag. Correction, I wish that *all companies would say how long their limited edition stuff will be out.

No. 1620541

I swear, every bitch that uses too many emojis on twitter is two faced and evil

No. 1620557

File: 1688070431189.jpg (3.97 KB, 150x150, cea43fb3bb209b317bdf8efd37d2f7…)

Yesterday when my family was eating dinner I happened to look over and I saw something moving on my mom's taco salad so I pointed it out to her and she freaked out. She took it out of the salad and it looked like a tiny green caterpillar judging by the way it was moving. I t was kinda funny ngl (and my dad thought it was funny too) but I was eating a taco salad too and had also been eating salads for the past two days (same with my mom) so I can't help but wonder if there were other caterpillars in the salad mix and we ate them. That salad mix was also supposed to be pre-washed but the fact that it was organic might have something to do with it. It's still weird tho since we always get organic salad mix and never saw any bugs in them before…or maybe there was and we never noticed…

No. 1620563

Nonnie, you always need to wash the salad, even pre-packaged ones.

No. 1620566

One time my grandma gave me some squash and I found a green worm (probably also a caterpillar) on it. It disturbed me for some reason kek

No. 1620584

I've been using less detergent on my clothes, and tbh I don't notice a big difference. They feel the same but I'll save money this way so I'll keep doing it

No. 1620588

I am super anal about how I do laundry and can confirm that using as little detergent as possible is the best option. The suggested amount is typically too much for small-medium loads and won’t all rinse out. Unless it’s something actually dirty dirty like soiled towels I wash on cold gentle cycle because it’s more energy efficient and keeps my cheap clothes looking new longer.

I’m broke and hate clothes shopping so I treat my decade old fast fashion like fine bespoke garments lmao

No. 1620604

File: 1688074802797.png (6.21 KB, 140x140, wtf.png)

third week of no cement, pica disorder can fuck itself

No. 1620624

Really? I heard that the mom was supposed to go down instead with her husband, but the son really wanted to go so she gave up her seat

No. 1620627

Really? I heard that the mom was supposed to go down instead with her husband, but the son really wanted to go so she gave up her seat

No. 1620645

i kind of regret bleaching my hair light blonde but i have no one to blame myself for this decision. i had a previous chestnut balayage that looked perfectly fine and i realize now looked way more sophisticated than what i have currently going on my head. my current color is beautiful but i also look like i came off the assembly line of a blonde by design factory. i've been letting the toner wash out as the grayish tint was too ashy. it washes me out and makes me look so pedestrian; i look so much better with dark hair or some other striking color. i am kicking myself because something was telling me to try going maybe auburn or copper after i saw this beautiful photo of a model in a salon while leaving uni, but i chickened out and went back to my safety zone.

No. 1620647

I'm watching a video of Christian Bale and hearing him speak with his real accent is so jarring

No. 1620657

I need YouTuber general NOW!!!! I need to post milk PLEASE I’m retarded and can’t make new thread Pleas .

No. 1620668

File: 1688080381198.jpeg (50.98 KB, 734x1180, D30668A1-E52D-4F42-9D6C-52B78E…)

DANK AF I am vibrating

Make the thread you can do it

No. 1620687

That tea is the best.

No. 1620692

i love that shit too nonners

No. 1620705

File: 1688084617594.jpg (732.71 KB, 2000x3000, image.jpg)

The biggest MET Gala disappointment for me will always be Nicki Minaj in 2019. The theme was camp, and she literally could've just gone as herself during her Harajuku Barbie phase but instead she wore this ugly, cheap, sweet 16 birthday party dress and a bad wig.

No. 1620706

File: 1688084874170.jpg (162.04 KB, 1000x1000, nicki.jpg)

Vs. what could've been. In her fashion and music, recently it just feels like all the personality and creativity has been sucked out of her (a side effect of being judged for being unique and also trying to keep up with newer artists, I think)

No. 1620727

i see what you mean and that's disappointing, but looking at the weight difference i feel she would've been laughed at if she rocked up in harajuku shit. that style lends itself way more to a leaner body. also she's a total piece of shit in her personal life but past that…

No. 1620732

File: 1688088673880.jpeg (44.38 KB, 736x728, 3716BB99-4CF1-4A8A-8165-F22E67…)

These lefty progressives need to stop writing fan fiction! I don’t want my x readers sprinkled in with top surgery scars and my husbandos complaining about capitalism. Stop making Y/N spineless, let her be kind of a Mary Sue

No. 1620738

Hard agree

No. 1620758

I feel conflicted about the Futurama reboot because it’s one of my favorite shows of all time but also did it reallllly need to come back? 13 seasons and a really great finale is a lot. It’s going to be surreal seeing new episodes as I’ve had the current series on repeat for a literal decade now. I feel the same way about the King of the Hill reboot. Favorite shows of all time but we don’t really need all of this kek. Still pissed that Max refused to give Venture Bros a proper last seasons.

No. 1620763

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i love bird

No. 1620764

File: 1688092414618.jpeg (851.14 KB, 2448x3264, FAC5AC22-BEA6-4C08-AADD-5B7F76…)

rate my pizza

No. 1620766

9/10 forgot the sauce

No. 1620767

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No. 1620768

File: 1688092895491.jpg (107.45 KB, 660x660, lazy-nest3.jpg)

No. 1620770

File: 1688093059514.jpg (38.15 KB, 540x404, 382731.jpg)

The fancy pigeon's are so pretty

No. 1620771

-frantically clicking a link to make it open faster like a fucking boomer-
Waiting for this stupid website to load is what I imagine purgatory feels like.

No. 1620774

i love futurama too but its like it just keeps coming back from the dead. let it die already or just keep it around, i don't understand.

No. 1620782

times when i think of this girl im in love with:

1. scenes with jimmy and kim from better call saul, usually at their house. it has nothing to do with them. it might have something to do with the lighting.
2. when i am using html and css. those two languages specifically. i have to shoo the thoughts away as im coding.

there might be more but these two things trigger my lovey dovey thoughts for some fucking reason. i have no clue why. i think my brain just makes a lot of useless connections.

No. 1620783

File: 1688093922145.jpg (125.17 KB, 660x880, vintage-costumes19.jpg)

am onto some stacy shit

No. 1620803

KEK, I did this today, I knew it wouldn't help but it's like when boomers kicked their TVs

No. 1620807

i was going through the latest alt-cows thread and it's weirdly kind of sad seeing everyone fall off as badly as they have. those were my favorite threads back when lolcow was a lot busier and i hate to admit i used to secretly envy a lot of the goth cows because of their lifestyles at the time and how much money they were raking in just wearing black everyday. absolutely none of the alt cows have done anything of substance in the past few years, it's just the same bullshit but somehow even more pathetic. get more tattoos. drink. party. travel somewhere in europe and wank yourself to british or germanic culture because "so goffick!!1!". moan about not having money because you blew it all on tattoos and cheap cocktails. and in ibf's case, pop out a bunch of kids after vehemently claiming for years you never wanted children, traveling halfway around the world and back only to end up in a shithole bumfuck town somewhere in new zealand with your older husband who is now working as a cleaner to support you both. i feel like a proper idiot for idolizing these people. i see now that they all are a bunch of sorry ass losers and i wish so much i could go back in time and slap some sense into myself.

No. 1620813

Can't stop listening to teaser song ahh the wait

No. 1620814

Please LC, let me post…

No. 1620832

File: 1688099342878.gif (800.64 KB, 220x220, 1687987000946.gif)

I cant wait to have a househusband who I love and care about nya nya nya fuck everyone who wants to steal any personal goal from me and spit on it because they're miserable nya nya

No. 1620842

had a weird nightmare that my friend became a tif and started referring to herself as a boy. please no please don't happen

No. 1620845

The last time it ended I was pissed because the finale clearly set it up to be revived again

No. 1620870

If he's fit househusband or the "numale" type?

No. 1620882

File: 1688105181868.gif (2.2 MB, 268x268, IMG_5637.gif)

Liz Lemon would be a TERF

No. 1620883

>liberal writer in Hollywood
>not supporting troonism
nonna please.

No. 1620893

She’d be like JKR who attempted to pander to wokies before realizing it was a mistake

No. 1620895

I bet plenty of the Gen x and elder millennials in Hollywood are crypto.

No. 1620897

Good for you nonna, I’ve always lived in fear of developing one

No. 1620901

When I went to Amsterdam for new years there was a green caterpillar in the salad at the restaurant the tour company took us to for a group meal. Didn’t eat anything else a fry er that kek.

No. 1620905

at least it wasnt full of pesticides then

No. 1620914

File: 1688108038901.png (4.72 KB, 182x203, 1582072927301.png)

When I post something, forget about it, go back days later and there is a infight over it, I feel kinda bad. Like if I accidentally started a fire and I come back and there are huge flames. I didn't mean to cause this, I swear.

No. 1620934

Samefag, I'm back to say I hate my customers so fucking much. They will come in like "olive and basil, well done" so I give them a well done pizza with olive and basil just for them to complain "I didn't ask for sauce on this!". BITCH, YOU DIDN'T SPECIFY ANYTHING FOR SAUCE AT ALL! When you order a fucking pizza you know the standard is TOMATO SAUCE and CHEESE so if you don't want that just say so! And then I've had customers ask for pizza with only ham toppings, so I give them bacon and ham and they complain "where's the pepperoni!", so then someone asks for nothing but ham and I use peperoni, "the pepperoni just snuck it's way on here!". God I hate these people so much. And I've went into debt for a homeless dude twice and he's only gave me $50 back.

They expect me to be a mind reader but that's also how people act in real life, so at least it's accurate. I'm so glad I never worked fast food IRL.

No. 1620936

No. 1620937

I didn't read your first post and I was so worried for you when you said you went into debt for a homeless person twice kekk.

No. 1620938

File: 1688110369557.jpeg (88.87 KB, 1079x988, 88FA36E4-B2AA-4A03-9B69-1BA162…)

Sometimes I do it on purpose

No. 1620939

Samefag, but not to mention that they consider items like eggplants, olives, peppers, etc… to be fruit. How the fuck is a bell pepper a fruit?

No. 1620959

>Went into debt
>For a homeless man
You know that thing would kill and rape you without hesitation if you were to meet in a dark alleyway instead of a well-lit pizza shop right?

No. 1620962

good pizza great pizza is a mobile game

No. 1620965

I know anon but he was trying to start a delivery app and promised me a lot of promo and money once he got it up and running so I just agreed to give him the money. And my pizza is amazing so I just keep giving all the homeless people food because I want to share it with the world. Plus I'm the only pizza shop left in my area so if they want pizza I have to supply it.

No. 1620986

June, july, August, november, February, january birthdays I always forget about. They do kinda seem like shit tier birthday months. January when nothing is going on in the dead of winter. February everyone wants a valentine. June-Aug schools out so they cant celebrate with their class or everyones on vacation with family. November is before Christmas that people are saving for.

No. 1620995

it was EZ to convince my gen x mother that troons are disgusting, now she is based

No. 1620996

anything with seeds is botanically considered a fruit, but imo you're right, when i am eating, things like tomatoes i consider fucking vegetables.

No. 1620999

I'm trying to sleep and a fucking bug just handed on my nose. Awful. Now I have to get up and find it or I'll be worried about it landing on my face again all night

No. 1621000

All the left leaning older millennials and Gen x I know are anti troonery

No. 1621002

I'm proud of you for not eating cement for so long!! Fuck pica!

No. 1621005

I get the feeling the same nonnies fight in one thread and say ily on another.

No. 1621008

That's actually a funny thought.

No. 1621009

That's actually a funny thought.

No. 1621011

That's actually a funny thought.

No. 1621012

That's actually a funny thought.

No. 1621013

That's actually a funny thought.

No. 1621018

This is so funny, I was literally thinking this last night and wanted to make a meme of it. Ily nona (calls you a troon in the next thread)

No. 1621030

>Ily nona (calls you a troon in the next thread)
KEK casually replying in one thread and viciously reporting in the next.

No. 1621037

This youtube channel uploads recent recordings of gameshows except it's only the parts where the female presenter is on screen, who is always named in the title. The channel is called "Ladies off the telly" and it has literally thousands of uploads doing exactly that going back TEN YEARS. It's got to be one of the weirdest seemingly innocent obsessions/fetishes I've seen in a long time. I bet some random 75 year old pensioner scrote is running this.

No. 1621039

boomers figuring out how to use editing software and uploading to youtube was a mistake

No. 1621041

but as a bong I just had the countdown theme song go through my mind just looking at this

No. 1621043

it is impressive to me how moids manage to ruin every single thing in the world by making it sexual somehow

No. 1621089

File: 1688128572300.jpg (55.68 KB, 586x401, 1673261066357.jpg)

i want to buy a new nail color from i love nail polish BUT THEY HAVE TOO MANY FUCKING COLORS
I've been looking at them all for an hour please send help

No. 1621091

Post your favorites and I'll pick one

No. 1621092

File: 1688128690862.jpeg (54.64 KB, 666x1000, AE545C16-0878-4C00-B50F-6EE5A1…)

Libra moment

No. 1621095

File: 1688129020574.jpg (203.92 KB, 1200x1200, nail-shape-based-on-zodiac-sig…)

so true. the only solution for her is to buy all of them

No. 1621105

File: 1688130929041.png (795.31 KB, 790x780, oooo_shiny.png)

hmm okay noni, which one do you like?

No. 1621110

The ones on the left are my favorites,the blue one would be my choice.

No. 1621111

I'm doing this video game project with my brother (big mistake, never work with moids) and I make the graphic assets while he does the level design and a bit of programming. So I'm very happy with my work and I pass it to him so he can use it in the game but MY GOD he always fucking chooses the ugliest assets to use and uses them in the most awful way imaginable. Every- Fucking. Time. I am SO tired to see this moid ruin my hard work because he can't be arsed to use it properly. I even make several examples and explain to him how he should use these things but he does not fucking get it and then acts like it's my fault for not making assets that are "easy to use". Fucking shit he makes me go insane. Is he doing this on purpose? He must be doing this on purpose. Fuck him, fuck his shitty work, fuck his ideas. Here I am making multiple variations of terrain so the game can look pretty and not boring but NOPE he ONLY uses one of them on repeat and actually let's NOT use any of the decorative assets. I am SEETHING.

No. 1621114

go with the blue one! i have sweet pea by ilnp and i love it

No. 1621121

I have sinusitis and I was at the computer with nothing much to do, so I started listening to one of those binaural beats videos for sinus congestion. I didn't think it would do anything because why would it? But it's worked I can breathe clearly and my headache has gone. WTF?

No. 1621128

Omg why do men (programmers) always do that? Whenever I’ve gone to a game jam they always mess up the assets and design them ugly or make it out if scale and blurry even though I work hard to make everything to scale. Other artists I know have complained about it too. I guess we have to learn level design too smh

No. 1621133

thanks nonas, I couldn't decide between the periwinkle blue and the teal so I got both, i think they'll look nice together

No. 1621145

My personal favourites are top left and bottom right

No. 1621146

File: 1688135801977.png (204.29 KB, 680x651, 8b7.png)

thanks nona

No. 1621151

Just stopping by to say that this dress would absolutely flatter a larger figure as well, just in case.
Good luck anon!

No. 1621192

Can you imagine the horrors of if toilets had planned obsolescence

No. 1621209

Fever and aspirin/paracetamol/caffeine make me so horny. Nothing else works this way.

No. 1621212

File: 1688142379202.gif (9.26 MB, 270x480, giphy.gif)

Jesus fuck I am so put of shape

No. 1621216

exercise bike nonna, helped my aunt and uncle greatly

No. 1621223

I got the dumbest ban last night. It was only a couple hours but I hate stupid bans.

No. 1621238

Kek I'm actually getting one today, glad that was a good purchase.

No. 1621244

would anyone else be interested in a formula one/motorsports thread?

No. 1621285

File: 1688148757380.jpg (52.52 KB, 650x975, productpictures5copy.jpg)

Fiber artist rant incoming. Hope Macaulay is a really popular knitwear maker and honestly I hate her work. It's really cute, but the shit is made with roving yarn (basically just wool that hasn't actually been spun into yarn), meaning that her work is super delicate. And it's overpriced. She has stuff going up to over $800 but picrel is her best seller and it's $284. $284 for a handmade cardigan? Fantastic, a steal! But for something that you can even wear more than once without it looking like shit and would be incredibly difficult to wash? No way.

Also, she once tried to sell bows that were literally just a chain for $80. And I feel bad when I see basic or bad yarn clothing that's priced so highly because the average, non-fiber artist won't know that these products aren't worth the money. She's practically a scammer.

No. 1621287

*Can't wear more than once

No. 1621309

File: 1688151343696.jpg (55.99 KB, 720x540, 1555374989.jpg)

Holy shit that's ridiculous. This is the same thing I dealt with a local hat maker, she sells these felts that are supposed to be treated and uh you know, fucking made into hats. She sells them as is, with some junk thrown onto it, the worst is that people buy them. Pic is not hers, just off Google kek

No. 1621323

I used to think showering twice a day was too much but lately after work I will take a quick one and I feel so refreshed and relaxed, especially after walking home in this heat.

No. 1621326

This is so hideous to me

No. 1621377

Ever since I realized there is a phenomenon of zoomers rediscovering ancient memes thinking they're new I can't stop thinking about how there is going to be a day when I'm going to listen to my friend's kids explaining charlie the unicorn to me

No. 1621378

this looks ugly who buys these

No. 1621385

Oh fuck, I got high and ate all my chocolate meltaways. Damn I'm going to miss them.

No. 1621386

nonnas cry with me I cannot handle this

No. 1621388

I love that. I would never wear it, because it would look hideous on me, but I love how bold the style and colors are.
I disagree about her being a scammer though. You can immediately tell that that thing can only be gently hand washed and laid flat to dry. If rich people want to get their clothes laundered instead of doing it themselves, that's their waste of money.

No. 1621389


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1621390

File: 1688157512893.gif (11.7 KB, 107x80, D17FDB30-5C20-433D-847A-E59B71…)

Thank you Samsung for making a tv with no headphone jack AND that isn’t bluetooth compatible! Shitheads!

No. 1621397

I know right, I find this meme recycling thing going on absolutely hilarious. I work with an 11 year old kid and he was absolutely baffled when he found out I knew about shit like rickrolling and trollface. I've watched him play stupid roblox games before that would suddenly reference nyancat and chuck norris and that one he-man meme song, straight up felt like I was transported back some 15 years into the past. I think it's kind of cool that kids today are discovering and laughing at the same memes I did at their age, albeit in a somewhat different context.

No. 1621401

File: 1688158023367.jpg (366.21 KB, 1500x1499, rovingsouptoknits.jpg)

>You can immediately tell that that thing can only be gently hand washed and laid flat to dry.
It's roving, anon. Even just doing that would be difficult and will fuck it up. It's simply not meant to actually be used for stuff like that.

No. 1621417

NTA but isn’t this generally more appropriate for blankets or throws than it is for wearable garments?
It reminds me of the stuff Dylan Mulvaney wears (or wore idk i haven’t paid attention to him in months) to promote his friend. I personally kinda like it but would not buy something so impossible to care for.

No. 1621420

they're so cute nona

No. 1621439

File: 1688161268947.png (349.05 KB, 462x593, dylan.PNG)

Yes, Dylan Mulvaney has worn her work her few times. And it was a trend to use roving for blankets but idk if it's actually better than using it for clothing. I doubt it.

No. 1621446

File: 1688161838232.jpg (122.72 KB, 1300x1000, dylan.jpg)

Speaking of Dylan, I'm not crazy for seeing a resemblance to the Teacher from Little Nightmares, right?

No. 1621462

I just spent a whole day getting all the pages in Hypnospace. Any nonas looking for a chill fun game, should play it. The amount of detail is crazy. There's so much music that was made and some people probably won't even hear it at.It's really a very great game and I feel nonas would love it.
i love the Swatter guy and the theme song

No. 1621464

I just spent a whole day getting all the pages in Hypnospace. Any nonas looking for a chill fun game, should play it. The amount of detail is crazy. There's so much music that was made and some people probably won't even hear it at.It's really a very great game and I feel nonas would love it.
i love the Swatter guy and the theme song

No. 1621466

I just spent a whole day getting all the pages in Hypnospace. Any nonas looking for a chill fun game, should play it. The amount of detail is crazy. There's so much music that was made and some people probably won't even hear it at.It's really a very great game and I feel nonas would love it.
i love the Swatter guy and the theme song

No. 1621468

I trust you to know, I have no idea what either of them look like. Literally had never heard of Dylan until the Budweiser stuff and I can’t be assed to learn about him

No. 1621469

I just spent a whole day getting all the pages in Hypnospace. Any nonas looking for a chill fun game, should play it. The amount of detail is crazy. There's so much music that was made and some people probably won't even hear it at.It's really a very great game and I feel nonas would love it.
i love the Swatter guy and the theme song

No. 1621470

File: 1688163022767.jpg (124.29 KB, 640x704, below the trees.jpg)

I spin my own wool, I understand what roving is.
Roving is very delicate, so I wouldn't use it for a blanket because the frequent use would just tear it apart. But a shirt that's only meant to be worn a few times at house parties before getting rid of it? That it could stand up to.

No. 1621507

I want peanut butter m&m’s and to sleep forever.

No. 1621523

File: 1688167698744.jpg (92.82 KB, 564x790, fd72115bed6bf47b4d0be38013aa02…)

Okay nonas I got a little mad in Overwatch and said to the Winston go die in a war you male scrote after he said heal diff

No. 1621524

Haru is an Empress and the rest of them are her concubines meant to entertain. she's a baddie

No. 1621525

i need a guide to shaving my vag that isn't just making it as bald as possible because i don't know what keeping it tidy means where things should and and such. i'm at a loss !!!! i realized that i might sound like a moid covertly asking for pictures but i'm just retarded and junglemoded rn because i never learned how to groom myself. anywhere. anyway i don't really want to look it up myself in case there's weird fetish pornography or unhelpful brazilian bald hair removal tips and tricks ones

No. 1621526

Just get a buzzer shaver thing and use that to keep stuff trimmed

No. 1621532

By “tidy” most people mean trim the length and shave anything that would poke out of underwear or a bikini. You can trim with scissors (be careful!) or a beard trimmer shaver thing. Make sure when you shave you’ve either just showered or soaked in a warm bath to soften things up and also use a fresh razor and good shaving cream. I personally prefer cheap disposables like Bic silky touch and actual shaving cream like Kiss My Face or Cremo (both are better than EOS junk) opposed to the Skintimate foam shit.

No. 1621554

Based and your image is adorable, you should stop with overwatch though. I feel that game is torturing it's userbase more and more each year.

No. 1621565

Vaguely related and maybe not helpful to the post you replied to but the fancy male shaving cream products that require a brush to lather up are fucking amazing, I was staying at a friends place that was actually his rich uncles apartment and he had some insanely nice pot of shaving soap with a brush — god I wish I knew what it was it was the smoothest shave I ever had on my body my razor wasn’t even that good

No. 1621570

AYRT but I do know what you’re talking about but haven’t tried them myself because I’m afraid it’ll be drying. That’s probably a silly fear because there’s many different formulas and brands available and I actually use a safety razor when I’m not using cheap disposables. I’ve been using Kiss My Face for like 10 years and I’m always nervous to try anything new for fear I won’t like it and will be stuck with it lol

I haven’t used Reddit in years but I remember there being a safety razor sub specifically for women and they made me want to buy all the neat looking shave soaps hahaha

No. 1621579

File: 1688174912741.jpg (246.7 KB, 897x879, IMG_8224.JPG)

lolcow isn't making me insecure when they tear down that one woman who looks like my clone. that's silly. i don't care at all actually.

No. 1621581

I will NOT send extreme dick gore to that faggot coomer
I will NOT send extreme dick gore to all of his sex obsessed misogynistic friends
I will NOT send objectified and tortured masculine anime men just to make them feel like they're being objectified like they do with women

No. 1621588

If you look like ice spice you are a QUEEN

No. 1621590

It won't make them feel that way. They dgaf

No. 1621591

File: 1688176260160.jpg (85.27 KB, 1000x559, marie-antoinette-wildflowers.j…)

I think the scene in Marie Antoinette where she and her daughter are in the garden is beautiful. I think it's what my dream life is like, to be a wife and a mom chilling in the garden feeding all the animals with my kids.

No. 1621597

What does 'numale' mean?

No. 1621600

Please don't tell me you actually care about strangers' opinions. You'll most likely never meet the girls posting these things anyway and even if you did what would they do? Point and laugh?

No. 1621605

no that's the worst part, it's not a celebrity (god knows i will never ever be compared to one in my life), it's just a random woman who's kinda associated with a cow i guess

>please don't tell me you actually care
no yeah that is exactly what my post said. i don't care at all.

No. 1621610

>ladies of the telly
why are britbongs like this

No. 1621619

it feels like lately the internet is emptying out. I'm not the only one who noticed this because recently I see it being mentioned on imageboards, on twitter, and a few of my online friends discussed it too. it's kind of weirding me out - where is everyone going? are they finally outside touching grass? I noticed a lot of people I follow are making blogs and personal sites plus asking around about forums rather than posting on social media giants, so maybe we'll see a sort of old web renaissance as people move back to slower more decentralized sites for discussions.

No. 1621621

Fuck you bitch I’m right here

No. 1621625

File: 1688180150340.jpg (37.31 KB, 700x389, 1394463403_1516135987.jpg)

i'm here too hi

No. 1621629

File: 1688180406545.png (384.39 KB, 600x400, 89E44326-6EF0-4E6E-A458-25EE16…)

You asshole I’m still here!!!!

No. 1621631

File: 1688180600869.gif (730.63 KB, 450x184, matrix.gif)

>where is everyone going? are they finally outside touching grass?

the internet is boring these days. i miss when people were weird instead of mean. i am tired of everything being about outrage and politics and who you hate or dislike and how the world is terrible and evil and all that. i get it's nice to vent and i certainly do it here but it's not good for me either and the older i get the more i realize this. i miss the days when people did stupid shit online and we all laughed about it. i miss the internet when it was just nerds and introverts who wanted to talk about their stupid niche interests or laugh at lolcows. i wish we could go back to the days of being anonymous and having some mystery between ourselves. i hate how "polished" the web has become; i want my nitty gritty matrix cyberpunk jungle drums 'n bass dystopian counter cultural shit back. no more -core this or that, just let me follow the white rabbit man…

No. 1621632

Discord or they just lurk.

No. 1621642

Hello lolcow I'm back after what felt like years but it was actually just a few days of Hatnapping of my internet connection by aliens but I'm here now and I'm telling you (you know who you are) you can't make me leave but it's late now so tomorrow I'll be back. Happy spying my friends.

No. 1621646

File: 1688183134512.jpeg (47.12 KB, 736x552, full of despair.jpeg)

i don't understand Love Unholyc's system at all, it's become a fucking chore, i have set up a fucking timer for every 30 minutes to check the fucking story and "help" this retarded but pretty butler, i haven't even started on the individual routes yet

No. 1621655

File: 1688184452495.jpg (11.13 KB, 338x326, kitty cat wave.jpg)

hello nonitas have a cat for still being here
you summed it up perfectly - the internet now feels so soulless, corporatized and politicized. no more genuine hobby discussion no fun allowed, only flame wars and shein advertisements remain.
maybe it's just the servers I'm on but even on discord tons of people are deleting their accounts or becoming inactive. lurking instead of posting is a likely explanation

No. 1621673

I thought your post was sarcastic and you meant that you actually cared. Keep not giving a fuck. We all should not give a fuck.

No. 1621674

I'm so bored, I might need to do something drastic and read a book.

No. 1621675

File: 1688187525978.jpg (33.77 KB, 500x500, uwu.jpg)

i got picrel, so maybe it was worth it. Sol is berry qt.

No. 1621678

File: 1688188155999.jpg (67.61 KB, 1280x1252, IMG_20230614_125413_236.jpg)

Why not just start shitposting incoherently come on it'll be funny

No. 1621681

Been drunk posting alot

No. 1621688

I’m posting excessively because I’m very lonely.

No. 1621690

I'm drunk and need to work, otherwise I would posting in every possible thread right now

No. 1621699

File: 1688191048666.jpg (39.32 KB, 640x480, 1687545857151.jpg)

This anime is way more funny than it has any right to be and I love it for that.

No. 1621701

File: 1688191137720.png (384.16 KB, 752x460, melo mama.png)

My melody's mom always makes for good screencap material.

No. 1621709

wisdom from melody mama

No. 1621725

I wanted to try the grimace shake because I am gross and like McDonald’s milkshakes but then I pictured myself going through a drive thru and verbalizing my desire for a Grimace milkshake and got embarrassed. My sister suggested just ordering the “birthday shake” or being deliberately silly and ordering a Barney or Tinky Winky shake and now my desire for a cup or beetus is reinvigorated.

Wow I’m literally talking about a promotional item at a fast food restaurant please kill me 2023 is not for me

No. 1621731

File: 1688193518189.jpg (40.32 KB, 459x550, 42720_p1.jpg)

I picked up the anime for the sexy catboy guy but it ended up becoming my favourite comedy anime. It's always the most obscure pieces of media you dont expect that are the funniest, like that barbie dreamhouse cartoon that's also hilarious.

No. 1621749

File: 1688194448386.jpeg (95.04 KB, 905x1003, 47b04e1a7c5743d496f56f337540af…)

>for the sexy catboy guy
Also agreed Barbie life in the dreamhouse is kino.

No. 1621756

yeah, love him

No. 1621760

they don't make anime emo boys like this no more

No. 1621774

File: 1688196608292.png (398.15 KB, 900x1273, 93289041_p0.png)

They're more suicidal emo boys nowadays, but less emo fashion anime boys.

No. 1621786

they dont make cute anime alt boys anymore, it's either dorito chin face on fridge body or draw a girl call it a boy trap-shit.

No. 1621787

My cat is the only valid catboy and I recognize no others. He tells me “Mother, I am catMAN now” but I cannot accept that. He will always be catboy my baby man catspyjammies and that is that!

No. 1621801

File: 1688198912309.png (40.59 KB, 500x500, 1674336483581.png)

police car sirens scare the shit out of me. its 2 in the morning, cops were outside but it didnt seem like anything serious (thank god)

No. 1621803

File: 1688198943269.jpg (19.79 KB, 409x409, 1688190878908319.jpg)

I forgot to fully register for TS ticket pre-sale. Well fuck me i guess.
Anyone had any luck with getting good seats for your faves concert after pre-sale? Having my hopes up…

No. 1621807

who cat-called the catboy police?

No. 1621827

keep checking back/sign up for emails if someone cancels and tickets are available again. i got general admission that way once, or you can check scalpers on craigslist (or whatever your local version is). good luck nonnie!

No. 1621841

This catboy police was on her nightly patrol with her catboy! No need to call! Cats!

No. 1621846

Is it possible to hear your heart or a valve or something g making clack clacking sounds? I don’t mean that I hear it happening inside my head but like I hear it through my ears if that makes any sense. It’s more likely to happen if my heart is beating kinda fast and I have an arm crossed over my chest above heart level. I just want to know what the sound is! I do have a shit mitral valve caused by an underlying condition but haven’t had it checked up on in years because I feel unworthy of medical care and guilty for taking up their time.

No. 1621848

File: 1688201517540.jpg (10.15 KB, 248x174, teheee.jpg)

Should I drink more today?

No. 1621849

you should really get the valve checked. the sounds could be caused by pulsatile tinnitus

No. 1621850

Goddamn these anime boy cuties are so hot.
I'm straight up gonna relapse into drawing cuntboys again.

No. 1621856

Wouldn't a "cuntboy" literally be an underage girl with no breasts yet?

No. 1621858

What is a cuntboy?

No. 1621859

Hmm, that might actually be it! I do have vestibulopathy as well but any time I go to a specialist for anything they try to diagnose me with something new or refer me out to more specialists and it’s just really really frustrating. I’m always so tired. I have a (not eds) connective tissue disorder and it causes a lot of shit and it’s just fucking annoying. Thanks for responding, I’m retarded.

No. 1621860

It's pretty much a man with a vagina. In fictional form.

No. 1621862

This has to be real, right? Let me be hopeful for once….

No. 1621869

>man with a vagina
so just a tif/female troon?

No. 1621870

Listening to music on low volume is nice and doesn't freak out my senses.

No. 1621872

If it was a tranny, then it would've had titchop scars. Most of the cuntboy art I see don't have that.

No. 1621877

I hate that I've to share a site with you freaks

No. 1621878

Wait, you WANT the internet to empty out? I despise social media but I’ve posted on forums (rip) and now imageboards a huge chunk of my life and the lack of interaction with anonymous people online is making me kinda sad. I managed to make long term internet friends (we actually spoke on the phone and mailed letters too so it definitely wasn’t me talking to weird old men) as a young teen from flipping AIM chat rooms so online interaction is something I remember quite fondly. Actually, I even talked to old dudes who were open about being old dudes who somehow weren’t creepy towards me, we just talked about shared interests. Good times!

No. 1621883

File: 1688203577258.jpg (24.06 KB, 463x453, 1654850535068.jpg)

whats even the appeal of cuntboys. there are copious amounts of female porn already. Between western fujos and their tranny selfinserts and moids appropiating ever cute anime boy and turning them into a femboy we cant have shit.

No. 1621884

File: 1688203586533.jpeg (98.87 KB, 900x907, 19vs31yrold-1-1652747131.jpeg)

why do moids do this

No. 1621885

went from gay porn actor to gay porn actor

No. 1621887

I like cunts. 'Ate penis.
Simple as.

No. 1621888

What's wrong with his nipples?

No. 1621890

then draw women

No. 1621891

No. I do not want the internet to empty out. I just simply want people to stop being reliant on centralized social media. That's all. It's cool that you could send physical mail to others, especially when you were younger! That's so cool and amazing that your parents let you do that. Mine would've freaked out and thought I was talking to a 40 year old male.

No. 1621892

nah some tifs are fortunate enough not to need titchops and i want them. even if they do

No. 1621897

ayrt yes it is. a lot of women I follow for jfashion, cosplay, shoujo, weebshit in general are opting to make blogs rather than posting on twitter or ig, and I notice a lot of artists creating their own personal sites since twitter/ig are slowly becoming less and less active as they prioritize advertisers over their userbase. now I'm just waiting for people to start reviving forums since that was where I went to discuss my niche interests

No. 1621902

Nonna that's so great! Such great news to hear. I want forums to return back so much. I miss having a separate account for each forum so that some pissed off person can't go through my posting history and try to pin down something I've said or retweeted/reblogged as being PrObLeMaTiC. Just the overall presence of independent people owning their own forums would make the internet, even the world, a better place to live in!

No. 1621910

yeah I imagine there will be less political discourse and ragebait on forums (especially ones dedicated to specific hobbies) compared to on bigger social media so all the obnoxious cancelation dogpiling would die down a lot

No. 1621916

Oh! I’m sorry I misunderstood. Social media is a fucking cancer. Yeah, my mom was kinda suspicious at first but overheard enough phone conversations about MCR and the Dresden Dolls to realize I was talking to people my own age lmao

No. 1621923

i hope french anons are ok

No. 1621931

what happened, another Islamist attack?

No. 1621941

nta but there are riots because a teenanger was killed by a cop, and the cop lied about why he did it until a video from a witness clearly showed there weren't any reason for him to feel threatened. Opportunists are destroying everything while a bunch of protestors are just sick of the corrupt and racist police. By the way their boss, Gérard Darmanin is a rapist.

No. 1621974

nothing we haven't seen before lol
yeah that and increasing police brutality all around. like even peaceful protests like the recent pension protests and the yearly traditional may day march get brutal treatment, people get beat uo and tear gassed and shit with rubber pellets (which can do a lot of damage, you regularly ahve people losing an eye) and the cops get away with everything.
so yeah the current looting and burning is retardex but there's a long term police brutality issue that's only been getting worse. the riots are only making shit worse for suee but it's also bc everyone knows the current governernment will side with the cops

No. 1621978

Two men were getting into each other's faces and talking shit at the movie theater while we were in line. One of them shoved the other kind of into me and I kicked that man so fucking hard without thinking. They both got told to leave but not meeee

No. 1621985

I'll go with just gore then, one of them expressed his dislike for gore so that shall do it.

No. 1621988

inverted chest or smtg? like having a hole in the chest, some other gymbros have posted about it

No. 1622004

No. 1622010

Old people love going to places early as hell. No Grandma, I don't wanna go to bath and body works at 6am..

No. 1622014

i'm watching moots 4chan q&a from 2013 and i was wondering if his fucking mic is deep inside his ass

No. 1622015


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1622016

Surely a site like that is illegal (didn't click on it)

No. 1622020

eh, dunno, do as you please.

No. 1622035

new thread >>>/ot/1622033

No. 1622038

The French police is pure garbage, they're useless as fuck. I was wondering if that was normal and then I heard that the minimum required to pass the test to become a police officer was lowered to 7/20 recently which explains a lot. They hire retards and the retards are beating up and killing taxpayers and citizens and protecting each other. They're quicker to call rape victims whores on the phone and pointing firearms are anyone speaking from personal experience, they do NOT know trigger discipline and use theie weapons like plastic toys with their fingers on the triggers, I'm glad they didn't accidentally shoot a grenade at my head when I crossed their path during the gilet jaune strikes than doing their jobs.

No. 1622697

I wanna look but google told me this site will give me a virus

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