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No. 162445
Hello fellow farmers, is there any other animals lovers in here? Do any of you own any cute or ugly af pets? Tell us about them, about their life, their shitty education about the colors of their poops, anything ya want.
I own one chinchilla cat, it's a super fancy and expensive cat but I actually pick it up in the street all her body was shaved and she was stressed and super scared, her mistress kicked her out because she left too much hair everywhere in the house (wtf people, of course a long haired cat is going to drop hair). So now I have a super adorable cat who love me very much and she is very polite, the only stupid thing that she does is vomit beautiful pink dough from time to time. She is very well educated and still, like most chinchilla cats.
I used to have a dog at my parent house but now we have to give it away because of our neightboor who hate dogs and who run over another dog of the neighboorhood (we have no proof btw…) it make me so sad but the dogs ended up in a wealthy deutch family with two other dogs I think she will be happy (nah I'm not crying ya cunts)
Now I really want to have a dog of my own to cherish and love and to pick up his poop lovingly… My dream is to have a big Afghan Hound, but it is way to big for my small student house!
I'm headed to the sharpei at the moment who is another adorable dog, rather small and just enough scary and punk to look cool (but they are adorable)
So? what about your dog / cat, your dream dog or cat? Do you have cute or sad stories to share?
No. 162446
Sorry for mistakes, its early, amd my tablet sucks.
I once had a lot of pets, which unfortunately died (this killed my soul as a child since I love animals). Good thing that come out of it though is that it strengthen me wanting me become a vet even more, and depending on the sub area of care I choose, I want to be a vet that ran on moderate prices.
You see, most of my pets got really sick because my family couldn't afford to take them to the vet often.
On a note, we never kept buying them. I only adopted one pet, which was a cat. The rest were in my family already.
Story? I don't have much of a story but I could try.
In the beginning before I was born, my family owned four pitbulls. My uncle owned the mother (which was an all white pit, and not too important really. She's just apart of the dog family), and my father owned the other three, the father and two pups. I loved these dogs, when I was about three, I could faintly remember a time where I used to ride on their backs, because they were so tall, and I was really tiny. Even the toughest one (the girl pup) used to let me ride. So its all fun and games until Im in about second grade, and I come home hoping to play with Dappa (the father dog), and learn that he died at the vet.
(Ill start green texting now)
>the girl dog, Nine-Toes (Had five toes on every paw, except for one in which she had four) gets pregnant
>has a litter of puppies
>kept one named Rosie
>Rosie gets sent off to the shelter because…dad can't explain why?
>has another litter
>kept one named Snapper
>either gets stolen or ran away on President's Day, and I hated the holiday ever since
>has another litter
(We never bred animals, she just kept getting pregnant by dogs in the hood)
>finally get to keep two that lives
>I pick the runt and the fattest
>the runt is Crystal, the fatty is Travis
>give away Crystal to neighbor, keep Travis
>Crystal is now this huge ass dog
>Travis ends up short and fat like his mom
>mom is now old as shit and gets pregnant again
>asked fam if we could carry her to the vet this time since she old
>"No, she has done it before, she will do it again"
>our family is at work and school while she gives birth
>lo and behold, she dies with the pups stuck in her so they die too
>Travis and his uncle fight constantly, have to separate them
>brother, Manny, has to go in the back since has calm and not guard dog material like Travis is
>Manny gets sick
>told bro to take him to the vet
>I can't drive yet because parents don't trust me driving for reasons
>bro doesnt care
>contemplated on stealing the car
>bro waits until the poor thing can't move
>I was in school at the time so no final goodbyes
>never heard from him again because dad and bro never checked into the vet despite me pushing them for answers
>only has Travis now
tsfw he has the eyes of my dead older-younger(born before me, died as a stillborn) brother, and makes my mom sad
>thfw when he listens to my conversations and love to play around and sniff me, while when other people from the family around he'll bark and try to bite
oh and…
>we have new extras
>we live on a tropical island
>turtles every and anywhere
>this huge turtle and this small tiny turtle occasionally come into our house because I fed them back to proper health at one point
>named them King Yellowback, and Stamina
>tfw Im going to miss all of this when I leave for college now that I think about it
>tafw everytime I mention becoming a vet, everyone thinks youre some animal murderer, even though I treated each of my pets like family despite family protest
>even the ones who wanted to become vets said that
>even though they don't care two shits about animals, and must wanted the high ground
>I don't care anyway, fuck 'em, I'll be the best vet I could be
>tfw most of the people I speak to only wanted to go into the profession because they believe it makes money, and say they don't really care much for animals
On another note, I would love to specialize in taking care of zoo animals, or farm animals but Im not sure which one. I would probably see which suits me best first if anything. This is just wishful thinking. I gotta look at the closer stuff, for example, what would be a good college/uni to attend in the areas I want to live in.
Dream pet? A pom, a husky, a horse (I always wanted to live on a livestock farm), a pot belly pig, a snake, a rottweiler, or a corgi. Currently, I would love to get another rabbit though!
No. 162448
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>cows prohibided
>mfw cows are my favourite animal
I live near a farm. There are cows and pigs. I like to watch the cows, but I sometimes go and bring the pigs food and scratch their stomachs and stuff. They are so adorable, they make the cutest grunts when you get the right spot on their tummies.
No. 162449
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Not dog or cat related, but I fucking love all rodents. Mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, you name it. They are so god damn cute.
No. 162451
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silkies anyone? i used to keep larger chooks but my mum didnt like them, so i got 3 little silkie gals and theyre so cute.
one of them came in the house this morning so she joined me for some banana and yoghurt for breakfast.
No. 162455
>>162448 Yeah I adore farms animals! I'm vegetarian, but I really want to end up living in a cute farm with some rescue animals, I would take great care of them <3
>>162449>>162450I used to have two Husky rats and they where such cute little dolls, I never understand how people could find them ugly or disgusting, they where nice and good smelling, but yeah they lived 4 yrs old and it's sad to see a pet go away so fast :( Loved them, they where named Lully and Rococo. RIP my bae
No. 162456
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>>162452Theyre pretty clean.
Ive only had to give one a full bath, sometimes they get a bit of poop stuck in their butt feathers but you can just get a wet wipe.
Theyre not amazing layers but one of them popped out 3 little eggs last week, Im going to dye them. ~see pic, regular 700g egg for comparison
>>162453This website is a godsend for anything to do with chookies you live in an area with owls/hawks/foxes/snakes?
You will need to make sure your coop/run has no gaps and a wire floor so predators cant get in. (I live in an inner city area, never had any problems except for mice but the cat collects those for me)
Larger birds like Leghorns and Isa Browns really can mess up your garden. They will turn their run into dust then start jumping the fence to get at the lawn.
Silkies and bantams are much more managable, they cant jump as high, do less damage to the grass and dont cluck as loud.
Most days Im up at 6am to let them out/feed/water and they put themselves to bed around 6pm. I change the bedding once a week and try and clean the roost about once a month.
No. 162459
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>>162457>get at least 2, rats NEED intraspecies company>be prepared to front-load a few costs like caging (somewhat expensive [$100+]), bedding and food; otherwise they're low maintenance>get either all females, or all males. Or be ready to neuter (not too expensive) and spay (costly) >Rats love you and want your attention, at least an hour a day of roaming and time with you; I let mine out when I'm studying >Females tend to be curious and active, Males lean towards being lazy and cuddly. Both can be very affectionate and have their own personalities >They take a little while to bond to you, but afterwards they don't forget about you like other exotics (e.g: hedgehogs) are apt to. Check out the sidebar at:
> No. 162462
>>162458i havent had trouble with cats, but i think thats because my one beats the shit out of any cat who steps on his lawn.
Chickens are amazing animals, theyve all got different personalities and are full of suprises
No. 162463
>>162459whats the deal with keeping them warm in winter? it doesnt get super cold here, but do i need a heat lamp or anything?
also, how do you make sure youre buying quality rats? theres one or two petstores that sell them, the rest are gumtree sellers….
No. 162464
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>>162460Make sure the cage is vinyl coated, otherwise it's going to smell of pee after a year. And more importantly, be sure the bars are no larger than .5 in wide. You could cut out a length of acrlyic sheet from a hardware store, to accommodate for a bottom
>>162463My general rule is if you're comfortable in gym clothes, so are they. Some people will get fleece tunnels and hammocks, blankets, etc. if they're cold; and a stone tile and a frozen water bottle if they're hot.
Petstores are a pretty bad source of rats, since they get them from what is the rodent equivalent of puppy mills. Look up AFRMA, and what registered breeders are in the area. You can also get a rescue from a shelter (petfinder is a good resource), or look up craigslist to adopt.
No. 162468
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>>162467I've found a few rat proofing methods:
>rat blanket is a good idea, like you said >cover wires up in tubing and duct tape. Childproof open plugs >steel wool or draft guards to prevent them from crawling under doors >carboard walls to keep them away from nooks and crannies you dont want them in No. 162469
I've had rats all my life, got some babies to keep my old rat company as his brother died like I always do, they've all been living together a week now and getting along great, for the past few days I've been ill and had a crazy fever, I live by myself so still struggling to bond with the babies.
Anyway I was walking, felt dizzy and half fainted and stood on one of these 7 week old baby rats, I could feel the spine break under my foot, it clicked three times and I wanted to throw up. I've had rats for 24 years and this has never happened, I'm just staring at the flat, dead rat I have no idea what to do.
I'm not expecting anything from you guys, just wanted to tell someone as I'm too ashamed to tell anyone I know irl, especially my family.
No. 162470
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>>162469I'm sorry what happened to your baby, at least with a spinal break, he passed away pretty painlessly.
No. 162471
>>162469Sorry for your loss anon. Like someone said a spine break is one of the most painless ways to go. Take it easy, ok? Don't beat yourself up about it.
I feel bad segueing this post into a question about rats, but do you guys prefer males or females? I used to have females, and they were sweet but very go go go. I heard boys are more lazy and basically big mushes, which I would like, but that they stink more because they territorily pee more. And also the balls are kinda unnerving.
No. 162472
>>162471I used to get females but since I've started getting males I've gotten a lot less tumours. The majority of males do seem to be more cuddly, but don't expect any of that when they're young as they're still crazy and just want to fight and play. Also unlike the girls, the males don't hump each other.
Males do however get buck grease and stink a lil more but it isn't a problem if you give them enough space, litter train them and clean about once a week.
No. 162473
>>162469I knew a fat girl who sat on, and killed, her friends kitten.
bad things happen, its ok
No. 162474
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I sorta accidentally got a cat today.
I went to a pet store while I was out today just to have a look around. I was browsing and saw they had kittens. I thought that was kind of weird because I'd never seen cats or dogs there before, so I asked one of the employees what the deal was. She said that some crazy local guy has been trying to breed white cats with blue eyes for the last 9 months and keeps dumping the kittens off at their store because they were never "right" and they finally convinced him to give up the parent cats as well. She was telling me how sweet the mom cat was so I asked to see her, and, well…it was love at first sight. She was AMAZINGLY sweet, not shy at all and super calm (even though there was a loud barking dog in the back room with her - also dumped off by the cat breeder guy), let me and my bf hold her like a baby, and when she did run off, she came back immediately when I called to her.
So, I sorta impulse bought a cat. We bring her home tomorrow, and I'm really excited. And it makes me happy for my bf too, because he lost his cat of 16 years earlier this summer, and we've been wanting another cat but never found one that clicked until today.
No. 162475
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>more active, less cuddly >tend to be more independent>risk of ovarian or breast cancers for non spayed>spaying is expensive Males
>less active, more cuddly >will get big. Up to a lb sometimes >more likely to bond with you easier and cling to you >inter-rat aggression and odor is a problem with non-neutered males >neutering is relatively cheapMy current mischief is 2 females, with one neutered male. I'm planning on adding females as I go along. It's cheaper for me to just neuter a few males than spay several females.
No. 162481
>>162480I worked at a small animal rescue for a while but I had to quit. They were feeding all the rodents on the same sunflower seed and peanut mix which is known to have too much protein for rats and make them all scabby and itchy. The animals themselves were all kept in pretty tiny cages which I wouldn't complain about as these are animals that people had literally been abandoned in dumpsters so better off in the long run but the owners wouldn't let me stay behind to get any of them out or socialise/play with them, even after we had shut, which would have helped adopt them out in the long run, considering 98% of them were terrified or bit. The woman that I assume was my boss (never made clear, it was voluntary work) wouldn't let me adopt any of the rats, even the really old ones you could tell were about to die. This same woman got an injured crow brought into the rescue and put it in this aviary out the back that was inside a shed, hidden out of the way. When it was first brought in she spoke about how much she loved and respected crows and corvids, so msart blah blah. However when the crow had fully healed she refused to let it go and that thing was manic and always trying to attack people.
Lesser note, the few other people that worked there and the main boss lady constantly berated me for wearing makeup 'to clean up shit' everyday for months they commented on my makeup (eyeliner and foundation) asking who I was trying to impress. Pretty sure they were just jelly they all looked like feet.
In contact with a dog rescue now and they people there are amazing, we gossip about pedigree dogs and how much frozen dog sperm is selling for.
No. 162483
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This is my fat asshole.
No. 162485
>>162484hang around *
Are bird friendly animals? Or are they like fish, not caring about you?
No. 162487
Parrots are cool pets but they are needy, loud and messy. Some more so than others - generally the smaller the bird, the smaller those attributes are, but it's not the law.
I have 4 - a parrotlet, a green cheek conure, a blue crown conure and a Senegal. My blue is definitely the loudest and neediest, as in he will fuss for hours straight if he's not allowed out. My other 3 are more independent, but can reach ear splitting levels. They are a lot of work and only if you don't mind noise and have time to work with them constantly they are great pets. And very affectionate l. My green cheek isn't very cuddly, but the other 3 will snuggle up on my shoulder for hours.
If you really want a bird, get a big cage, and be prepared to give them dog-levels of attention, especially if you only have 1. My birds are not housed together, but their cages are close enough that they can see and talk to each other.
No. 162488
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This is my baby; he just turned 3 a month ago. I have no idea how he was bounced around and given up by THREE people before me. He's not barky, very affectionate, and literally 0 aggression. He's a very well-rounded little pom.
No. 162489
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>>162488Oh god his cute little face. I love poms.
I had a chihuahua pom cross that I had to rehome because she wouldn't stop pissing on the carpets and wouldn't take to potty training. She was an angel other than that. The people that I gave her to seemed really lovely and take their dogs on outdoor trips often, like camping and hunting, so she's probably much happier with them anyway.
No. 162491
>>162476>>162478>>162479Thanks guys. She is incredibly sweet. I brought her home at lunch and she's made herself right at home. A little skittish of course, but no hiding at all. (My last cat hid for 4 days.) She is very demanding for pets and right now she's fast asleep on the bed with me.
The only thing I'm worried about is that she peed in the carrier on the way home and hasn't used her litterbox here yet. She knows where it is, I watched her go in it a few times, and she is eating and drinking, but nothing yet.
>>162483Fat squat cats are the cutest.
No. 162492
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Half Chihuahua half Pug mix. He's an ugly little asshole sometimes, but dammit I love him
No. 162497
I have 4 rescue parrots and don't recommend them unless you have lots of time, are fine with them screaming for no reason for at least an hour 3 times a day and are prepared to be bitten for absolutely no reason once in a blue moon. Well, there will be a reason, but you wont understand or it'll be something like 'you changed your hair colour, the curtains moved'
I have an amazon, 2 african greys and an umbrella cockatoo. Amazon is the most chill, never bites but I have had him over 10 years, greys are most flighty, bite often - only had for 3 years, the cockatoo hasn't bitten me in over a year but the last time he did he went right through my thumb and nail. Biting isn't the worst thing about them however, it's their constant need for attention and the fact they're smart enough to know if they fly into the kitchen, open the cupboard door and throw a cup on the floor I will come in and pay attention to them, also they love it when you scream at them, they scream back, louder. One of my greys lands on my chest to scream at my face and shout 'no' in /my/ fucking voice.
Also if you plan to ever have a different sex partner, never get a cockatoo, they are velcro birds that are extremely jealous and if they can't get the 'compitition' to go away they will bite you 'gently' in the face, which fucking hurts.
I'd personally really like conures, they're so fun but extremely loud. This was a bit longer than I wanted, sorry.
No. 162500
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I love beach whales
No. 162501
>>162499ive seen so many sad situations where people think getting a bird is a good idea when they have no clue.
i recon it takes alot of work to keep a happy bird, there should be stricter laws about who can buy one
No. 162502
>>162499ive seen so many sad situations where people think getting a bird is a good idea when they have no clue.
i recon it takes alot of work to keep a happy bird, there should be stricter laws about who can buy one
No. 162505
>>162503I like cats, but I don't really enjoy interacting with other people's cats at all. It's really not the same as bonding with your own. Dogs seem to give affection more freely to anyone, while a cat takes some time and seem to always prefer their owner.
My cats give me head bumps and kisses, they follow me around the house, they don't stink, they don't bite or scratch, and we've developed our own form of communication. They kinda just bumble around like idiots when anyone else is in the house, though.
No. 162507
>>162497Yeah, all of this screams 'reasons why birds should never be sold as pets.'
I'm sure you're good with them, anon, but most average people cant even handle a basic dog.
No. 162508
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>>162507Yeah, I explain it like that on purpose to deter people that would buy a pet or bird on a whim, but I also don't want to be the hypocrite with 4 birds telling people not to get birds, so I try and warn and tell people about adopting birds rather than buying into a baby bird that will reach puberty after two years and turn into a radically different bird (usually when people throw them) all my birds are rescued, the cockatoo was so fucked it was literally forced onto me with a giant cage and everything. I didn't even go into the fact that birds can get depressed, self harm and even have nightmares. It's great fun when the bird you brought home is so stressed in life that it's pulled all it's feathers out, pecked a big ass hole in it's chest and regularly wakes up during the night screaming. I've seen cases of cockatoos in particular that have plucked for so long that even when they get into a stable home with toys, interactions, good food etc they don't know how to stop plucking and have killed themselves by slowly mutilating themselves to death. Also less drastic cases where the birds have plucked for so long the feathers can't grow back so you get these weird looking birds walking about basically looking like they're ready to be put in the oven.
Pic is my birb to end on a happier note, he's stopped plucking mostly after 4 years and has nightmares rarely now, but he is a big, screaming pain in the ass and will fly at and attack anyone that isn't me and sometimes goes for me when I talk to people too long.
No. 162509
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I have a Pekingese!
I feel bad because we bought her at a pet store because adopting a dog was so hard for us, and I couldn't understand that as a small child so I kept whining for a dog and my dad eventually gave up and just bought me one. Part of me doesn't feel bad because she was already a year old when we got her, compared to all the younger pups. I still remember sticking my hand in the pen and she was the first to come to me, but then all the younger pups pushed her away and she ran off really sad and scared ; _ ;
My parents spoil the every loving shit out of her and give her treats for no reason and I absolutely hate it when they do it. When I'm home with them I see her go up to them and annoy them because she knows it'll get her a treat, but if it's only me and her and home, she'll mostly be sleeping or trying to play with me but never tries to annoy me for treats. She also has a sensitive stomach so we've had to continously switch up her food, but as of late it's just been straight up boiled beef with rice. I tried to do one of those dog shaming things when she made a mess of her rice all over my floor and started loudly saying "Who did this?! Who left all this rice on my floor? Was it you? Look at the mess you made!" and I intended to clean it up but she actually came in and ate up the bits of rice she left all over the place… (Sorry for the long-ish post, I'm just so in love with my dog and I love telling stories of her)
No. 162512
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This is my pupper, he is 6 months old and a Yorkie
No. 162514
>>162508Lol not to anthropomorphize him, but it looks as though he was caught off guard by your statement and is thinking, "uhh, who me?"
My mom is dying for a cockatoo but every time I see vids online, even when they're cute ones, I get creeped the fuck out.
No. 162517
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>>162510No, I just happened to take the screenshot at a really unfortunate time haha! I just think her face looks hilarious in that picture. Here's a regular picture of her.
>>162511Thank you! One of the main reasons why we have her too is because I really wanted a dog with white fur… We got very lucky that her fur doesn't grow out all the way like a regular pekingese does. Grooming her is still a pain but it's nice to see her all fluffy and pretty.
No. 162522
>>162519The bigger the bird, the bigger their emotional (and physical) needs. Generally the smaller birds are quieter and less prone to behavioral and emotional problems (though I remember reading about someone with an extremely hormonal 'tiel that screamed and humped for a year straight and nearly got the owner evicted).
The chances of having such intense problems with a budgie are very slim. They're noisy/chatty, but will never reach the decibel of a 'too, or even a 'tiel. They're small, easy to tame (or you can get an already tame one for a little more money), and can be very good talkers if you're into that. I think the current record for biggest vocabulary is held by a budgie.
Probably the only issues you'd encounter with a budgie is biting or something.
No. 162523
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>>162503In my experience people give me more shit when I say that cats are just okay/meh, as opposed to just outright disliking them. I just don't interact with them much to form any kind of strong opinion and if I do I tend to avoid them a bit because of minor allergies.
That being said, I have been spending more time at my bf's place and he's got 3 cats, how do I tell if they're starting to come around to my presence? I understand dogs pretty well (pic is mine) but cats are a mystery.
No. 162526
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Me and my be found a stray x months back and she ended up having two little beautiful kittens. A boy and girl.
We kept her and the kittens in the bedroom and my other cat separated until mama was ready to walk around again and leave the babies for a bit.
Now, my fat baby is big but she's also well, a baby. Super meek, purrs and loves to be lazy but playful. The mama was obviously owned previously but had been a stray for a while. (Bone thin , matted fur, garbage smell) but was pretty laid back and sweet. But she loved to pick on my cat haha.
Anyway, me and my bf moved to our house and the mama got out. We haven't seen her for a long time but my old neighbour (small town living) tells me she and her gf have been feeding the mama for the last few weeks now off and on. She pops by, meows and eats then runs off and she's looking really fat apparently. Hoping she found someone to take her in or is mooching off humans who find her pretty. (She was gorgeous)
I'd go and take her back but we really can afford four cats, let alone three. We didn't want to leave a mama and two babies in the coming cold, or to the local SPCA since it's really over crowded with cats already.
We are getting the kittens ready for new homes, and Ben trying to raise them we lots of love, attention and toys. We never named them since we didn't want to get so attached that they felt like ours, but I'm heart broken over this. They will be going to good homes, both families that want them are sweet, but I'm still sad to see them go.
Molly, my cat has actually gotten attached. Licking them, playing and sleeping with them. This is my last "family" photo of them, she looks unimpressed but she just woke up from a long nap bein the kittens pillow, haha.
Anyway, wanted to vent about my lovely kitties and show them off.
No. 162528
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>>162526 Baby girl is gone now, tomorrow baby boy :(
He's been soaking up all of Molly that he can.
No. 162530
>>162529Wow rude much?
I did my rechearch ans nobody declared a lost chinchilla in town, she wasn't tattooed neither.
It's a neighbour who told me she knew the cat and the owner, she gaved me the cat's name (and she responded to that name) and basically told me that the cat was better here and that her owner didn't wanted her back.
No. 162531
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I've got a welsh corgi (of the pembroke variety). He's five years old and lazy as shit. Doesn't even like taking walks. I have no idea why that is because when he was younger we used to take semi-long walks every day and it was okay but now I have to pretty much drag him along. But he hasn't gotten super fat yet so I guess that's good.
We also used to have a staffie but the old girl had to be put down back in June. I always feel kinda sad every time I see a similar dog somewhere.
No. 162533
Since I am child I've been a dog person. Cats just… We can't hit it off, is not that I dislike them, quite the contrary, I would love to have a cat, but cats definely don't like me at all.
When I run into any them they usually try to bite the everliving fuck out of my legs or hiss bloody murder at me. Is weird as fuck, I've never been mean to cats, ever, I'm not forceful, hell I even gave up on trying to pet unknown ones years ago, so why do they hate me so? I think the worst injury a cat has ever done to me was an almost severed left hand when I was like 5 years old. Motherfucker bited me so hard it punctured a tendon. I still have the scar on the wrist and my fingers tend to shake and go numb if I let it rest for too long…
Still, I can't seem to start hating cats any time soon, even if they're trying to bite my face off, I just love animals too much and I'm quite stupid and stubborn to learn my lesson.
No. 162536
>>162533you probably do the same mistake as most dog people and try to pet it and treat it like a dog.
if you're seeing a cat for the first time and dont know how friendly it is, dont approach it. If its a friends cat, hold out your hand near it and let it sniff your fingers. Dont just start touching it and expect it to like it.
If you want a cat to like you, you cant force yourself into their life. Just stick around and they will eventually approach you. Cats like doing things at their own pace.
No. 162537
>>162533Are you me? I tried to like cats but they always hiss and scratch/bite my hand when I'm trying to pet them or run away like I'm going to skin them alive. I've never had problems with dogs, they always let me pet them and lick my hand sans a few exceptions.
>>162536I figured I was like this too, but I try to be super careful with cats and hold out my hand for them to let them sniff it and when they push their head against my hand, I pet them as gently as I can yet they still end up biting me. I don't know, I guess I just like dogs more because they trust you better than cats. Cats seem to only like their owner.
No. 162541
>>162540My dog is the biggest lil shit.
When we first got her when I was very young, I had this image of a dog who would cuddle and sleep in my lap and all of those stereotypical dog things but she actually hates being picked up and won't even rest her head on my lap. She only once (after like 20 minutes of petting her once I came home) slowly crawled into and curled up on my lap and I felt as though God was real and blessed me to have that moment.
My dog also learned how to manipulate my parents into giving her treats, but thankfully she knows that shit doesn't fly with me so I never get barked at constantly lol.
No. 162546
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I'm gonna pick up a huge cage this week end. And i'm not kidding when I say huge, it will be as tall as me (5'7).
And after that I'm gonna get 3 baby rats, i'm so exited!
Do any of you had experiences with rats? I had two a few years ago when I was in high school and I miss having them/ They are just so sweet and smart, I can't wait!
No. 162549
>>162546That's awesome! Great choice for getting huge cages. Rats need lots of room to run about it. I hope you'll post pics once you're done.
>>162548Ah okay! That looks awesome. Your ratties are going to love it.
No. 162552
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>>162531You might really want to keep an eye on him. I had a pemmy with degenerative myelopathy and it started off the same way. He stopped wanting to take walks and generally seemed lazy. Little did we know he just didn't want to do it because he would get frustrated at how hard it was for him to keep his balance. What you need to look for is balance issues. If occasionally his legs fall out from under him or he starts tripping/stumbling a lot you really need to take him to the vet. ASAP to get him examined. It's basically Lhou Gherigs disease for dogs. It's really easy to deal with if you catch it early on and can get him used to the accomodations he will need later in life….but some dogs just won't adapt to using a cart or assistance. The good thing is that since it's a neurological disease they feel absolutely no pain from losing function of their legs. Some dogs do get depressed, though.
We caught it far too late with my dog. He was around 10 years old and he absolutely refused to use a cart. He was so depressed all the time because he was a working dog. He used to herd sheep and play fetch all day. He lived for chasing some sheep.
The last few months of his life he was so depressed that you could rub his belly, give him beef jerkey, or try to get him to 'talk' (three if his favorite things) and he wouldn't even care. Eventually his kidneys failed. Vet said he lost the will to hold on, basically. It was the saddest day of my life.
I regret not noticing it earlier. I feel like if we did we could have gotten him acclimated to the accommodations he would later need and it wouldn't phase him as much…..maybe he would have held on a bit longer.
Man I miss that dog…Every day.
No. 162553
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miss kitty is finally relaxing around the new puppy. im a proud mama
No. 162554
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Sorry to bump a dead thread, but I figured it would be easier than making a new one.
I recently signed up for as a dog/house sitter & dog walker, but I have no idea how much I should charge for something like this. Is $20/hr too much? I only have a part time job and I'm drowning financially, but at the same time I don't want to be greedy and ask for too much just because I'm poor.
Pic related to thread
No. 162555
>>162554Do you have any qualifications? I think you're charging a bit much.
Have you looked at what other people are charging for the same service in your area?
No. 162557
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>>162556And adding to this, my friend who used to house sit claimed she got $30 an hour to watch a house overnight when she was a teenager and had her mom drive her there and back. She said she got the jobs from Craigslist and that was a common rate for her. This was 5 or so years ago in Florida, the state I live in now has a minimum wage of over $9.50 an hour and the cost of living is pretty high, so I want to make enough in addition to my job so that I can make a dent in my medical bills because in my current situation I'm just treating water.
>inb4 just get another jobI've been trying for months, nobody is hiring where I live. I went to a work source center that said I disnt qualify for any of their job placement programs (because i'm not a convict and don't have kids, hilariously) and the JobCorps in my town is literally full. I'm dying here, I've already sold everything I can bear to sell for extra money.
Sage for blogpost
No. 162558
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My stupid cat has a moustache.
No. 162565
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I picked up a little baby rat yesterday and I really wanted to share his cute face.
He is not a naked rat, i don't know if you can see it in this pic but he has very short white hairs in a few spots, he is a double rex.
I love him.
His name is dobby BTW.
No. 162567
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dropping a pic of my baby Julian for rat tax, seeing your baby Dobby kind of makes me miss when he was a baby, so jumpy and ready to climb everything. now he just sits and cuddles and eats. Rats are awesome, like tiny little rodent dogs.
>>162565 No. 162569
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Does anyone have first hand experience with hedgehogs?
Blog: I've had life-long experience with most species of rodent, so I'm not a first timer. I'm interested in hedges because my lone, humane local Degu breeder moved away a while back and I don't want to ship an animal.
Bumping with a pic of my pupper.
No. 162570
>>162569My experience with them is they're the least affectionate rodent you can get as a pet. Many people say they are fearful of humans by default and will tolerate their owner at best. They're cute to look at but not a fun little buddy to have or anything of the sort. It's strange since I grew up with hamsters, rats and guinea pigs and they are incredibly friendly and loving. Maybe there is some hedgehog out there who can prove this trend wrong but I haven't seen it or heard of it. Most of them just curl up and stick out their spines at everyone in fear.
Your dog is adorable btw.
No. 162573
>>162567Your rat is very cute.
Since my rats are very young, I enjoy their energy, I'm very stressed about when they will be old and weak. I hope I can give them a sweet and long live.