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No. 162636
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I wish I could have christina hendricks's pillowy tits
No. 162645
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>>162644Not a fan of her personally but her fappening pics were pretty tasty.
No. 162646
File: 1443038020009.jpg (628.08 KB, 2024x3000, Kat-Dennings-CBS-023.jpg)

>>162640not according to the thinspo thread!
I think kat dennings has a hot body
No. 162647
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No. 162657
>>162637OP's being sarcastic. Ana-chans get
triggered by anything that's not ashley-tier "thin" (read: a living skeleton) and call stuff like this
>>162645 chubby.
>>162653Also this. Hollywood stars have ridiculous starvation diets. It's no wonder they get addicted to drugs to keep their appetite away.
No. 162658
File: 1443131665839.jpg (Spoiler Image,338.84 KB, 907x1100, tumblr_nos7vpAcHS1rahd2fo1_128…)

Really despise this thread's name but I'm dumping some pictures of Stefania Ferrario.
She's half Italian, half British, born in Australia and I think she's spectacular looking.
No. 162661
File: 1443131808728.jpg (Spoiler Image,500.27 KB, 733x1100, tumblr_nkthghvv7z1rahd2fo1_128…)

>>162660Why do they need a spoiler?
Do we put men's bare chests under a spoiler?
No. 162666
File: 1443132015859.jpg (64.81 KB, 960x960, 11760234_948405078531333_58511…)

>>162665Fuck me she's so UNF.
No. 162676
>>162658Idaf if she's not lolcow material
Fuck…. she's gorgeous
No. 162678
>>162676I'm assuming you came in here from the home page after clicking the image link?
This is the /g/ board lol
No. 162680
>>162679Right, in that case remind me again why a woman's chest and nipples require censorship but a man's chest and nipples doesn't.
This isn't Tumblr it's basic fucking logic and anybody that isn't religious or an American being cucked by the hypersexualiation of women's bodies gets this.
You think the women in my country and the rest of Europe walk around with censors on our tits when we go topless? Get the fuck out, just don't go to France or you might have an aneurysm at the sight of those heathen titties.
No. 162681
File: 1443133112794.jpg (92.76 KB, 634x1024, 634.kimk_.cm_.8712.jpg)

>>162671>>162663>>162661>>162658She has a perfect body imo. Very curvy and not too thin, but she doesn't look fat or flabby. How the fuck do you even get a body like this? Photoshop? Genetics? Surgery?
I want to get more in shape and have a flat stomach but retain my curves. I don't want nasty twig legs/arms and small tits dammit.
Pic related, I know she's a plastic surgery whore bag but Kim K has a similar body.
No. 162683
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>>162681She's 5'8" and 189lbs according to her profiles but she eats a healthy amount, no restriction, and she does weighted exercises so she's pretty muscular underneath all that fat which holds it up and gives it a smoother appearance with no cellulite.
>>162682Why are you browsing lolcow at work? If you get fired for that it's you own lazy fault for not doing the job you're being paid for.
If a woman's bare chest requires censorship here then I want to start seeing images of male's bare chests censored to. You can't have it one way or the other.
No. 162685
>>162680Oh my god who even cares? Not everybody wants to see nudity and like
>>162682 said, some ppl are at work or may have other people/children around them.
All this "free the nipple" shit is utterly retarded.
Just because you want to show everyone your tits, doesn't mean we want to see them.
No. 162686
No. 162687
>>162685You sound like a boring prude.
Don't come to lolcow whilst at work. Do your fucking job at the nunnery or wherever it is you work.
No. 162690
>>162687Keep your shirt on, I'm not a prude at all lol. I like the sex and boobs are very nice. But it's seriously retarded that people get so mad bout nipple censorship.
I'd prefer to choose when I see naked boobs, not just have them randomly in my face without warning. Some people have nasty tits yo.
For the record, I don't want to see men wandering around without their shirts in either. Y'all are a bunch of exhibitionists.
No. 162691
>y'all are a bunch of exhibitionists.And you're a prudent sow.
I feel sorry for your future husband, how let down he'll be when you start insisting on lights out and under the covers and start shopping at Target for your "unmentionables".
Careful now, don't flash an ankle.
No. 162693
>>162690It's none of your business whether or not I choose to take my top off in a country where the men are allowed topless too.
Never come to New York.
No. 162697
>>162691Lmfao oooooookay then Slut Queen. It's not like you know me or how I fuck so keep making baseless assumptions.
>>162693NY is a disgusting shit show, I'll stay away from that cesspool thanks much. If you read my comment you'd see that I don't wanna see shirtless men either.
I hope someone runs by and slaps your titties when you're hanging them out over the street corner for the world to see.
No. 162699
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>>162696Same fam.
I have the exact same body type but after a heavy depression I really let myself go.
One month ago my bf linked me to her Tumblr and I fell in love.
Been working out every night ever since, have dropped 19lbs already and am really starting to see my body tighten up and my booty round.
>we believe women should legally be allowed to go topless as men are also despite there being minimal physiological differences in our chest and we believe that the strict censorship of breasts has lead to female imagery becoming hypersexualised, commodified and seen as objects to sexually abuse".
No. 162701
>>9627>>162698omg she's reaching critical mass
Quick, somebody post some more titties, finish her off!
No. 162702
>>162695>still crying about free the nipple>2015 lol rly?
Tumblrina, just go.
No. 162703
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>>162702I'm screencapping your comments for posterity because they're fucking textual gold.
Who let you out of the convent?
Also you double posted in a titty-induced rage >>9627 >>9624
No. 162705
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She usually wears flowy clothing but Solange has a nice body.
No. 162706
File: 1443135446770.jpg (Spoiler Image,276.62 KB, 1280x853, Yum.jpg)

First off I'm not the anon that first posted about not wanting to see that womans tits.
Double posted cause I have shit net.
She looks dirty af. I love tits as much as the next person, but just spoiler that shit. I'd like to pick whose tits I'd like to see.
You changed the topic from spoilering nudity, to crying about how you all want freedom to be topless. I acknowledge that the chicks tits I look at are whores, and you should acknowledge you're whores too.
I'd prefer my tits to be all for myself and a special few. fuck free the nipple.
No. 162709
>>162681>>162685>>162689>>162690>>162697These all are my posts ya fools. But I guess you can't comprehend that there could be more than one prude-chan in the thread.
Whore is a commonly used adjective btw.
No. 162711
>>162710The fact that you label women you apparently get your rocks off to whores for the crime of acknowledging sebaceous fat deposits on their chest makes me doubt your gender.
You're either a man or an extremely stupid woman.
No. 162714
>>162712Breasts are not biologically sexual at all and absolutely zero role in reproduction, so no, it's not a fact.
Some indigenous tribes actually consider Western men as babies and children for being obsessed with breasts the way a newborn child would be.
No. 162715
>>162713Yeah both those are mine.
Other prude-chan already stated she is not me.
>>162714The are affected by arousal, and stimulated breast will give off the same 'pleasure' hormone as someone stimulating you else-where. The level of stimulation is obv different but breasts are sexual. Get over it.
No. 162716
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>>162715Stimulating, licking, massaging and blowing into the ears also produces the same arousal.
Wanna tell me again about how the ear is sexual and deserves to be censored? :)
I've put this one under a spoiler, just in case it
triggers you.
Careful now.
No. 162717
>>162716Oh shit I forgot my spoiler, sorry, hope it didn't
trigger your PTSD :(
No. 162720
>>162718lol yeah, I'm sure all those straight men and gay women week be utterly repulsed by my perky C cups.
Please never have children, like seriously.
If you do have daughters no doubt you'll instil in them how purile and slutty and disgusting it is when they start developing breasts.
No. 162721
>>162719You're all tumblr-washed. I just have common sense.
I used to think free the nipple was cool…when I was 14. Grow up.
No. 162722
>>162720I've already stated I don't find breasts disgusting, I enjoy them. I find sluts disgusting, yes.
I sure as hell will instil that she shouldn't post nudes of herself on the internet under some sort of guise of ''muh feminism" and teach her to respect herself.
No. 162723
>>162722Do you understand what a slut is?
You somehow think exposing your chest means you have lots of sex for money?
When girls bathe topless, they're constantly having sex?
You're mad, totally brainwashed. Absolutely cracked.
You can't even provide one simple reasoning behind why you believe that exposing your chest means you're more promiscuous and engage in sexual acts with multiple different partners daily or receive monetary compensation in exchange for sex the acts.
So, tell me, how does exposed chest = slut and why does this not apply to men in your tiny little mind?
God Anon if I were related to you I would be so very, deeply ashamed.
No. 162724
File: 1443144450691.gif (885.17 KB, 250x144, shiggy.gif)

>>162723Women don't get aroused in the same way men can and will. I know dressing skimpily doesn't cause rape but it sure will attract the attention of those who are already willing to rape. Go ahead; shirts are oppressive, wah wah wah. Just don't be surprised when you get felt up. Young ass bitches bein' all naive as shit. Gif marginally
No. 162725
>>162724Good job dodging my entire post.
You don't have a valid argument and you know, that's why you're ignoring my question.
No. 162726
>>162723You're tangent is going on about the word 'whore' not slut btw.
>being nude in the bath = same as posting nude pictures on tumblr. That logicYou don't understand, my opinion is the unpopular one. If I was brainwashed, I'd be speaking out my ass like you. I just have common sense.
Men don't have boobs, they have flat chests. I don't mind female toddlers playing in diapers either. So it doesn't apply sorry.
Why the fuck do you think an anon cares about how you would feel being related to them?
You being 16 is shining through, anon.
No. 162727
>men don't have boobs, they have flat chestsLiterally only the difference is the sebaceous fat.
Want to explain to me how the fat is sexual in it's nature and so different in its chemical makeup that it warrants complete censorship?
Oh boy I am looking forward to this.
>they have flat chestsNo, they don't, they typically have a larger percentage of muscular mass due to the testosterone stimulating the development of LBH, but they also possess sebaceous fats and even mammary glands which is why men can also produce milk.
>I don't mind female toddlers playing in diapers either.Oh but as soon as they mature physically they must be immediately taught to be ashamed of their bodies for developing breasts? What a poor mother you'd make.
>diapersOh, repressed American confirmed, probably strictly Catholic, parents likely abused you religiously and taught you to be ashamed of yourself.
It all makes sense now. I feel sorry for you.
You also obviously have no concept of human physiology as well which is just pathetic tbh.
The entire basis of your argument right now is that "breasts feel good when rubbed so therefore they make you a slut and need to be covered up", but the male of our species also becomes aroused when having their chests rubbed, specifically their nipples.
I really hope you're underaged b& because if you're any older than 16 I'm embarrassed for you on top of the pity.
You're getting your entire argument torn apart here and you have STILL yet to address the exposed chest=you have lots of sex argument you put forward. Just stop.
No. 162728
>>162725I didn't answer your question because it wasn't I whom you asked.
>>162727It's not about shame; it's about modesty. You can tell that someone is looking for attention based on how they choose to present themselves.
If you were raised an atheist, then damn, I feel bad for you, son.
No. 162730
>>162727This anon put it straight
>>162728So I don't have to repeat.
Nope I'm a Finnanon. Promiscuity is the norm here, and I'm sick of it.
No. 162734
>>162731Idiot, it's because diapers is an American word exclusively, so that's how she knew you were American.
Repressed, Christian and dumb. Now there's a stereotype for you.
No. 162736
What word do you think the rest of the English speaking world uses for a diaper? I can only think of nappies but I think that's usually just slang.
>Not wanting to show off my bare tits to the world, or allow my future child to do so>repressedohhkayyy, anon…
Btw, I'm not religious in any form. Is it hard to comprehend that not everyone needs directions from god almighty to not flash their tits around like a attention-starved teenager?
No. 162740
this thread is full of autists
anyway, i love these body types naked. they look SO good naked. in clothes they look less stylish, unfortunately. but im jealous of how they look naked.
No. 162749
>>162748Age, nose, race, height, weight, nipples.
People on here at nuts and obsessed with policing everybody else on how they should act, look and dress.
No. 162750
>>162748looking 40 when you are 20 is bad, yes…
so yes it is an insult dumbass.
No. 162754
>>162751I don't care if girls judge me irl, at least they can actually physically see me. Nobody here knows anything about anybody.
>AHAHAHAHAH.Did you take your pills today Anon?
No. 162757
>>162756I would have thought it obvious with the one crazed Anon in this thread throwing around words like slutbag and whore. The fact that being topless has become equated with sleeping around or receiving money for sex should be enough of a reason for you to support the legality of female toplessness.
Last year during Summer it was a baking hot day and I was with my boyfriend at the beach, so we both removed our tops and bathed topless.
Guess which one of us received 5 separate instances of abuse that day?
Do you think that's okay?
It's also damaging to developing young women have impressed upon them that their figures are dirty and evil and contributes to men attacking them and the like and it also warps and distorts the idea of what the natural human breast looks like due to people only receiving exposure to them through pornography, therefore promoting the notion that breasts are sexual and exclusively for male consumption.
It's also contributing to cases of women breastfeeding their infant in public being on the receiving end of abuse in public because….. she's using her tit for what it was designed for and feeding her baby? How does that make sense?
I can't believe you think all of these thing are acceptable.
No. 162760
>>162758I disagree.
I think the world wasn't ready for an exposed female chest in 1940. I think it's more than ready in 2015.
Anyway, what is there not to be prepared for?
Oh no, sebaceous fat, mammary glands and a nipple! Cover your eyes! Why is that seen as so radical to you? Why?
>but they are seen as sexualBecause they are being forced as "sexual", and that need to change "now", not later.
I as a kid grew up with a horrendous body image concerning my breasts because I couldn't understand why they didn't "stick" together and sat apart on my chest. I started sleeping on my front with my chest squished together in the hopes they would develop "properly".
Do you know why that is? Because I didn't know what natural breasts looked like, I had only ever seen bad boob jobs and breasts squished together in push up bras on the front of porno mags so I grew up thinking i was deformed and needed to be corrected.
How you can't see how serious of a problem this is is disturbing to me. Wouldn't you feel ashamed if your own daughter experienced what I did?
No. 162761
>>162753Anon, these teenie weenies don't understand evolution and think that we can change what has been seen sexual for thousands and thousands of years to something not sexual because tumblr says it's empowering.
What is wrong with sexuality? I love that my breasts are seen as sexual and add to my sexuality and sex-appeal. Desexualization isn't empowering.
You all cry I'm slut-shaming. I agree with modesty, but I don't see why you are treating the fact that breasts are sexual as if it is shaming our bodies. You all are shaming sexuality.
>>162755Tell me how is the sexual appeal of females nipples damaging women? pls.
>>162756Anon, the girls here are sad they can't be sluts without being called sluts.
>>162757God, just piss off back to tumblr.
Telling someone that something that is seen as sexual is seen as sexual isn't making them feel dirty or evil. Sexuality isn't dirty or evil. I'd hope it'd still be sacred to my kids though, so they don't go flashing their tits around.
I don't think breastfeeding you child can be compared to walking around with your tits out for no reason other than "muh empowerment"
The reality is you can cry about it all you want, but the majority of the world will think you are slutty for walking around with your tits out. It might not be fair, but it's the truth.
This thread is full of girls sounding like fatties when they can't just accept the reality of the world and think the world should change it's age-old perceptions to fit their ideals. God.
No. 162762
>>162760If you think that's really a serious problem, then I envy you.
Everyone past the age of 16 should understand what tit-jobs look like and that porn is not realistic.