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No. 163004
>>163002Yeah, it's overly romanticized. Super revisionist. I don't know about others, but my teenage years were shit. I had terrible skin and didn't know how to do my hair and makeup, I gained weight because puberty, I wasn't sure how to dress properly, and I cared about stupid shit. Maybe if I had a typical shoujo manga high school and perfect skin and hair and figure and knew what I know now….actually, no, fuck it. I would never want to be 16 again.
Just embrace age because it's inevitable. Get over your complex that you're gonna be ugly old witches when you hit your 20s and 30s. Just take care of your diet, skin, and hair, and think about PT when you wanna dress younger than you are, and you should be fine.
No. 163005
>>163002you know this place is for 18+ right?
I had a fucked up childhood so I dont miss being a kid/teen. Life is meant to be enjoyed in stages. You can still be beautiful at any age as long as you take care of yourself.
No. 163008
Not really when I was 16 I was always mistaken for 12 and never got any attention from anyone and people would always treat me like a child. Tbh even when I was 18 I got the same treatment.
Now I'm 21 at least guys look at me and I get hit on and people take me slightly more seriously and don't ask me where my parents are. I hated my teenage years so much. I had such a chubby face (still do, but seriously looked like I was 12 back then) and bad acne and zero hips. God. I think there is like one decent picture of me from before 18 and it was photoshopped.
Tbh I'm dominant in personality so I don't mind getting older. I wanna be a hot MILF who fucks handsome young guys interchangeably.
No. 163010
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Sounds like a lot of wannabe living doll's in this thread…
No. 163016
>>162995i definitely don't miss the skin and spoopy problems i had in my teens.
i miss the feeling that i could do anything in life though. i have more money and independence now but it doesn't feel like the world is my oyster anymore. i hate feeling so much regret over life choices.
No. 163017
>>16299516yos look better now that photoshop is rampant
Dakota Rose never could have existed in the 90s or 00s lol
No. 163019
>>163012I want to be hot when I'm older, so I am probably going to get it soon. My doctor says it helps fine lines, but not deep set wrinkles, so I am definitely going to get it before then.
Being older means having money to do the things I wanted to do when I was a teenager though, like get laser skincare and wear expensive makeup.
No. 163021
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>>163020Plays a teenage girl on tv but is actually 24.
I think this is one of the reasons teenage years are glorified so much because these shows hire grown women to play 16 year olds, and people think being a teen is all hot and exciting.
No. 163022
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>>163021Another example is Buffy who was like 20-21 when they show started and was playing a freshmen I think?
No. 163024
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>>163021>>163022exactly. i have no idea why people sexualize teenagers so much. teens are ugly af in real life: acne-ridden, shitty makeup, dress like retards, often still look like kids.
OP my suggestions for you, are get off the internet, especially the chans. i know guys on these boards LOVE to perv over 16 year olds, but that's because they are pedos… not because 16 year olds are actually hot. kek. pic related, your average 16 year old girl.
No. 163026
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>>163024Movies/tv make teenage girls seem like these exciting, playful and sexy things but the reality is that the women playing these roles are usually 20+
The person who played Regina George in mean girls was 25 at the time. It's so funny how it is. Then people have it in their minds that it's totally normal for a 16 year old girl to look like that.
No. 163027
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>>163026Yeah, Regina was actually 25. Meanwhile irl people think 25 is old.
It's retarded because young girl grow up thinking they are ugly, because they compare themselves to adult women playing teenagers.
Then when they grow up, they think they are ugly, because they compare themselves to teenagers being played by adult women.
No. 163028
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>>163027Sometimes I watch these movies/shows and it makes me feel old then I google the actresses and they're just as "old" as me lol
No. 163034
>>163033this. i've gotten fillers for them once, but those are temporary. getting a more invasive surgery in a few months.
>>163031my mom is almost 50 with few wrinkles and not sagging either, but i'm still afraid of aging poorly. she is also fit and has had a good diet her entire life. i've exercised my whole life save for a bad 2-3 year period, and i also don't smoke/do drugs/drink. i've worn sunscreen daily since i was 14, and before that whenever i'd be outside for several hours. however, i eat too many sweets, dont' sleep well, and have stress problems. my weight has fluctuated about 20lbs every year since i was 18 (and i'm now 24), so i'm sure that's not good. i wish i was 18-20, basically.
>>163004there were girls in my high school that looked like shoujo antagonists – too perfect for high school, basically. they were just early bloomers, though, and now they look busted in their mid 20's…
No. 163035
>>163032yeah but you can maintain it tho
look after yourself
No. 163036
>>163031my mom is okay for her age because of her youthful face, but she's got a lot of wrinkles because she drank/smoke/partied for all her youth.
i don't drink/smoke/do drugs and i have a decent diet and stay healthy and slightly underweight. i don't really go outside but when i do i put on spf.
i haven't gotten any wrinkles yet except my eye bags kill me too. but my skin is covered in acne still (21) which makes the whole "no wrinkles" thing not matter to me, because what's the point if i'm all covered in acne.
No. 163037
>>163035Yeah but the reality is you won't be able to look all cutesy and kawaii forever. You can be Beautiful woman, just accept that after the age of 35 you won't be a cutesy living doll.
No amount of skin care, plastic surgery etc can change that
No. 163038
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>>163037Unless your Asian, like I think Misako is in her 30's but looks young and cute.
One of those times I wish I was Asian, they are truly blessed with youthful looks.
No. 163039
>>163038She's not over the age of 35 though. I'd like to see her at 40-70 dressing like that.
She's 33 and looks 33 imo
No. 163041
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She looks 33 imo. But I guess because she dresses cute, takes care of skin, has a Japanese diet she does look cuter than the average black or white woman the same age.
No. 163042
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>>163039Tomoko Kawase looks pretty good for 40
No. 163044
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>>163039She said she wants to dress that way, even when she is a grandma.
Q. Do you still see yourself wearing lolita ten years from now?
A. Yes! Even if I grow older, I’d like to wear kawaii fashion.
Q. In Japan, is there an age that someone can be considered too old to wear Lolita?
A. Some might stop (wearing Lolita)… I don’t think there is any age limit. I’d like to wear Lolita even after becoming a grandmother.
Asian women just age so much better. Compared to non-Asians, especially whites, she looks young and cute. They don't show wrinkles and sagging as early because they have thicker skin and they also have petite facial features which helps.
The lady in the picture is 47 I think
>>163043This, like a lot of white women have more sharper features. Longer and broader noses, larger jaws and deeper set eyes. Asian women have rounder faces and smaller noses and those features are associated with children. Their eyes aren't deep set and can be easily made to look large with circles lenses and eye tape.
No. 163045
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>>163044I wonder if there is a surgery to get a button nose. Most people get plastic surgery for a long pointy nose
No. 163048
>>163031If you truly like those styles, wear it. Yes people will judge you but you aren't hurting anyone. People will judge you no matter what you do.
>>163038Misako is a model, of course she will look good for her age. Look at street snaps, plenty of young Japanese girls with busted old looking faces.
>>163044I have seen those sites talking about super young looking older Asian women (like that woman in the photo). If it was so common, why do these sites make a big deal out of it? It should be nothing new to them. Not all Asian girls have little features, I saw a girl in a street snap with a hooked nose and some have large jaws.
No. 163050
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I'm 25 and turning 26 in December.
Had depression and anxiety my whole life with the last few years being my worst.
Trying to be more positive, taking better care of myself and my skin but the stress defiantly took its toll.
Not that I was good looking at 16 but damn, not better now lol
>if I could turn back time, if I could find a waaaay ♬
No. 163058
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Born in 1981