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No. 164250
>>164249I feel the same.. I'm so jealous of people who get to be "friends" with their family. I haven't even talked to my brother for 5+ years and we live together. Even seeing those kinda "cute things my mom texted me" screen caps bum me out, i could never have that that kind of closeness with my parents.
I'm also really jealous of success and people that are able to just have an income and support themselves..people that get to "live". Even just cam girls/twitch girls, i wish i could put myself out there like that, but its so so difficult. I feel like I'm not good enough to be seen.
No. 552451
>>164249She's rich and doesn't have to worry about money ever, can do whatever she wants. That's the enviable part of her life(style). But she had to marry and bang her old and gross sugardaddy and is gonna baby-trap to secure that lifestyle. That's not a trade-off that's worth it in my book.
I don't really follow any cows anymore so I can't give any examples, but I think the lifestyle of any cow that's born into money or made it themselves is much more enviable.
No. 552510
>>164246Pretty much this.
I'm jealous of cute and pretty girls. Who isn't? But I don't hate them for being cute. If anything, it just makes me more insecure. Very typical body-image issues, I suppose.
No. 552547
>Who is the cow you're most jealous of with their life and attention they get?
If I had to pick, I'd say I'm jelly of Yukapee, I think she's super cute and so comfortable speaking Japanese, which I really struggle with. She also seemed to have a more interesting life in Japan than the average weeb.
>Who is the cow you're LEAST jealous of with their lifestyle/attention?
Any camwhore, they could be the prettiest girl in the world and I'd never be jealous of them. Also prostitutes, sugar babies and girls who married ugly old men for money (eg Taylor is pretty enough I could be jealous, but her husband is so gross it's like - what's the fucking point of being that pretty when all you get out of it is an uggo?). Also girls with tattoos or plastic surgery, I hate the idea of a permanently changed body and wouldn't want that for myself.
>What usually even gives a feeling of jealousy? Money? Partners? Fame? Success?
Just their lifestyle and sometimes looks. I'd hate fame, personally.
>Anything going on in your life that's making you feel jealous you want to talk about.
Nah, I don't get worked up about jealousy, just accept that you can't have everything in life and focus on yourself. It's pointless since someone always has it better than you, and someone always has it better than the person you're jealous of, and no matter what you're envious of there are probably aspects of your life which they'd be jealous of you of.
No. 552831
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Ever since I was a kid I've gotten jealous easily over money. It's stupid because it feels shallow, but I always attended 'rich' schools where the vast majority of students were a lot more well off than I was. They would get a ton of money from their parents and never have to worry about not being able to pay for stuff. It always pissed me off how they'd take that for granted and not be grateful for it, while I was counting pennies to join them for a pizza once a month.
Even now in university I'm salty over most of my fellow students having tuition and living expenses paid for by their parents. I'm living frugally and still racking up a ton of debt on top of working part time. And that's after I had to give up on pursuing the academic career that I really wanted most, solely because I couldn't afford it.
I've also always been big on saving up money and being careful with my purchases, so the knowledge that I'm gathering debt causes me a lot of anxiety. I'm jealous of people who don't even have to consider that. I guess my saltiness kinda makes sense but I still feel bad because I do live in a first world country and have opportunities that a lot of people don't.
In that vein, I'm jealous of cows like Pixielocks who gets to do whatever she likes most withou having to worry about money at all, mostly because of her parents.
Luna Slater also bothers me for this reason (amongst others), as she's had so many chances given to her, with the inheritance money and all that, and she still squandered it.
It's stupid and selfish, but I can't help but think that I'd deserve that money more because I know I'd be careful with it.
No. 553292
>>552831>I can't help but think that I'd deserve that money more because I know I'd be careful with itFellow poorfag here, when I start obsessing about assholes that waste their resources I find it helpful to remember that people our age die every day in boats trying to escape to the chance of something like our lives. There are lots who would give an arm and a leg for my shit minimum wage job, and instead of wasting their time on lolcow eating chips all day and overseeing they would use the internet and any spare time to study and learn something useful or at least go outside and appreciate the sky.
It's an easy way to make me hate myself and it doesn't stop me from being jealous but it helps me cut down some of the time I would spend thinking bitterly about all the things other people have.