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No. 164320
>>164318It does stretch as much as a vagina, wider even!
Try googling goatse, OP.
No. 164323
>>164320no thank you anon, im afraid i don't want to get more scarred.
idk it seems like anal is really popular in porn and a lot of guys beg for it.
>>164319also why is this site like this? i thought it was 'girl talk' for a reason. are there any other websites i can ask these types of questions on? i could google it i guess but i feel like most of the results will just be weird yahoo answers.
No. 164333
>>164330bless you anal sama.
how do you convince guys who dont like butt stuff to do anal?
No. 164341
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my ex and current bf both stated not being interested in anal in the beginning because they thought it was dirty. eventually both of them got interested in rimming, and then that led to wanting anal. do assholes taste good or something? they both told me that they really enjoy the taste of mine (they claim they haven't rimmed anyone else before, which i believe with my ex since we got together as teens but not sure about my current bf).
>>164321pretty sure dudes with big dicks love anal, too. unless you think an 8" dick is small, which may be the case.
>>164330this. you have to relax, use lots of lube, and keep telling yourself to relax if you feel yourself tighten up. i've had horrible experiences and also okay/not painful experiences. i've cried and started shaking because of the pain, but it mostly feels like you're pooping endlessly.
>>164333like i mentioned earlier in my post, my ex and bf both got interested in playing with my butt because of rimming and touching my ass when doing doggy style. then again, every man i've been with also claims that feet are gross and end up sucking my toes.
>>164337i must find the most deviant guys, because i've never met a guy that cares about period blood. even my ex, who was so against feet and anal at first, liked period sex…
No. 164342
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>>164341This. Of my 4 ex partners, two had pretty big cocks and they were the most demanding about having anal. One of them did it slowly, used lots of lube and whatnot but still I couldn't enjoy it.
Any of you guys had luck with males willing to let you do some anal play?
No. 164343
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I fuck my boyfriend's ass sometimes.
Don't know if that counts.
No. 164349
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>>164345Just wanted to show him how does it feel. If he couldn't endure a finger without lube, what made him think I should take a whole dick without lube AND dilatation?
No. 164350
>>164348Yh well I don't blame the initial insecurity surrounding it tbh considering that men are basically brought up being brainwashed into the notion that butt stuff is exclusively gay despite the fact that their G-spot is located there and it produces mind-numbing orgasms.
My bf used to be very nervous and embarrassed about it too but he's opened up to it so much now (pun intended) and has finally started embracing the fact that a large part of him enjoys being nurtured and pampered and submissive.
It's cute because physically he's a Forester/Conservationist, 6'1" with killer cheekbones and like, just so handsome, but he loves spooning and cuddling up to me like a cat at night and enjoys me giving him pedicures/massages and brushing out his long hair and moisturising his face and body and buying him little gifts like LUSH soaps and Dark Angels which he uses everyday now.
I've gone way off topic but handsome/strapping men who are in touch with their sensitive side and don't mind being pampered are A+.
No. 164355
>>164354I think we have to convince men to stop watching it first…
Ffs there's studies that prove that men who watch more porn literally view women as tools according to MRIs. But o no porn is totally ~liberating and empowering~ :) according to most tumblr feminists anyway.
No. 164358
>>164351He's the best human being I've ever met in my life ;__;
>>164352idk we met in a highschool art class when we were both 15. Pure luck I suppose.
No. 164360
>>164330>>164331Anal.sama, I hope you're still lurking!
When I masturbate, I often insert one or two fingers and it feels pretty nice combined with vagie/clitoris. Not sure if I am that interested in actual anal sex, but after my own masturbation experiences I am not against trying some lighter butt stuff. But I am too afraid to propose it to my bf. Mostly for one reason:
the fear of poop.
I am so afraid something will be messy, or he will end up with poop stains on his fingers (or the toy), or smell bad. I know, it might sound stupid, but I really don't want him to see that. I know it is dumb and pretentious that we are trained to be seen as perfect human dolls with no body hair and body function, yaddiyadda, but I can't free myself from that thought anyway. The thought of appearing as a human being who poops or is "dirty" even though it is only natural makes me too insecure to ask for butt stuff.
I am even too spaghetti to ask him to get into toys(any kind) ;_;
Since he is bisexual and has made experiences with men (and quite a few with women) he probably knows more about butts than I do. All I would need to do is ask, and maybe guide him a bit. But I am too embarrassed/don#t know how to ask for this.
Sorry for turning this into a blog post.
No. 164363
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Are you ready for this?
>Having anal with bf doggy style
>It feels good, but different than normal
>bf pulls out
>he takes a while to pull his dick out
>wow, why is he pulling out so slow?
>look behind me
>he pulled out a while ago
>it's shit that's coming out of my ass
>bf doesn't notice until shit hits the bed
>his dick is also covered in shit
>Uncontrollable fart incoming
>I'm so fucking embarrassed but I can't stop the fart
>Fart is actually a fart mixed with diarrhea
>Splatter bf with diarrhea all cver his chest, crotch, and some on his face
>Bf jumps of the bed swearing
>"Oh god it fucking smells"
>runs into bathroom to throw up while I haven't moved from my position on the bed from fear of shitting/farting more
>I tell bf I need to use the toilet but he becomes angry
>bf eventually gets off toilet and jumps in shower, I jump on toilet to finish pooping
>I'm farting a lot with diarrhea in between
>The steam from the shower combined with my diarrhea makes the bathroom smell unbearably disgusting and bf gets out of shower to run downstairs
>I want to die
>I noticed that he didn't manage to wash all the shit off himself, it was stuck on pretty good and would probably require something other than water (like a towel) to wash it off. His dick is especially covered in it.
>when I finish, I go downstairs
>bf is at sink
>he's covered in shit that's now wet and hot and it smells horrid
>oh god his face
>He wants to get it off but he doesn't want to touch it with his hands
>He wants me to get it off but I tell him I'm fighting the urge to throw up (I would later find out that I had the stomach flu)
>He wipes it off with toilet paper before getting in shower again and washing rest off
>I'm gonna barf
>Throw up in sink
>No garbage disposal
>Whole house smells like shit and vomit acid
>Have to scoop puke out of sink with big spoon and put it in trash
Anal sex was send by Satan to destroy the White race.
No. 164367
>>164363If this is real oh god I'm so sorry. Lmfao.
Anal is fucking great. I just hate preparing for it because I just wanna do it right away. It's a different feeling.
No. 164372
>>164363Are you guys still together? Jesus christ!
And I have no interest in having my bf's dick up my ass, but I am interested in putting things up his ass. It's slow going, I can barely put two fingers in there before in makes him feel weird (yes we're using lots of lube). Ah well, baby steps…
No. 164375
>>164373no,no, no they are not.
This is a plus/negative for me honestly. His dick is 7 inches which isn't bad but the problem is the width. It's so wide and once I'm warmed up I enjoy it put it's such a pain putting it in :( that shit hurts too much and sometimes I put off sex all together because of the getting it in process is too hard/painful
also anal is out of the question for us sadly
>>164374p. much this lol
No. 164378
>>164371>>164369Good to know I wasn't the only one thinking this. Is there a woman out there who actually enjoys anal? No lol.
I like how the thread turned more towards shoving things up the guys ass though haha.
No. 164379
I really like how y'all are calling out anal for what it is, a pornified fantasy that isn't enjoyable for the girl. It's true and here's a article that goes into it in-depth and about how it can physically destroy a girl:>>164363This story killed me, though.
>He wants to get it off but he doesn't want to touch it with his handsLmaooo
>>164318Anyways, OP, I've only had two experiences with anal. First one was with my then-dom who was a sadist and we did it with no preparation, just lube. Hurt like hell and it was a horrible intro to anal.
Second experience was with my boyfriend who I would do literally anything for. That sounds weirdly abusive but I just really wanted to please him and he didn't ask me but I knew he'd enjoy it. Foreplay makes a HUGE difference and so does romance. I didn't get any physical pleasure from it but knowing I was getting him off was amazing.
This turned out really long, sorry.
No. 164381
Were you sodomised as a kid?
I don't get it.
Your clitoris is above your vagina Anon.
No. 164383
>>164382Because literally the majority of females born to this planet are raised believing that it's our job to be abused without complaint and to accept being overpowered both physically and sexually.
INB4 some idiot comes in and starts screaming "NUH-UH U BIG SJW, DIS NEVA HAPENS TO WOMYN IN 20FURST CENTURY".
They seem to forget that lands exist beyond America and Europe, so yes, the majority of women.
No. 164386
>>164381No, I wasn't sodomized.
>>164384>No woman grows up, becomes sexually active and wants to do anal unless she's pressured by idiot men who watch too much fucking porn. Again, not true for all women.
>Women cannot orgam through anal sex alone, unlike men who have prostates.I can't speak about anal sex since my ex actually hated the idea of anal, but I can get off from masturbating anally just fine. It's clearly not for everybody, but to say all women are pressured into it is ridiculous.
No. 164389
>>164386Second. I've also never had anal sex except for my first bf who lasted about 2 minutes during sex (no exaggeration) so I don't really count it. Current boyfriend refuses to go have anal sex because shit or does some really inept show of not being able to stick his dick in my ass. But he sticks a small dildo up my ass sometimes while we have sex.
I usually only masturbate with my clit but if I'm fingering anything, it's my ass.
No. 164391
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>>164363There's no way this is real, but holy shit
No. 164394
>>164318>what are your experiences? My bf had a bad experience with anal an an ex that really put him off. She had a hairy butthole and hemorrhoids or something, it made him hate anuses
He never wanted to try with me, but one night we were playing poker and we were betting, so he asked for anal if he won. He made sure to win and then we went and tried it, but it just wouldn't go in because I was too nervous.
The end.
No. 164395
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>>164363I don't believe this for a second but my sides went into orbit regardless
No. 164396
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>>164363If you both still love eachother after that then I think you're in it for the long haul.
No. 164405
>>164404If you don't like it, why keep trying?
Like other anons in this thread, to me it just feels like shitting, which imo isn't what I like to think about while fucking. And done wrong it feels like painful shitting.
No. 164406
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>tfw boyfriend just ordered a XL Chance the Stallion
Kinda scared but also very excited.
All memeing aside, Bad Dragon seriously makes some great toys. Their quality is top fucking notch. Really happy about my large Pretzal.
No. 164411
I don't think it's for everyone, you might like it, you might not. If you don't like it but your partner does, don't feel the need to "put out" to please them, if your partner is a decent person, they'd understand that you're not into it and not pester you for their own pleasure.
I hated it but was too weak to really stop it on differing occasions, it constantly felt like I had to take a shit and afterwards, I couldn't shit for days. It also felt worse with lube, even lube specifically for anal, it made my butt feel like it was on fire, jesus christ, I can still remember the intensity of the burning, however, I think I'm just sensitive to lube. I wouldn't recommend anyone going without lube because of the damage it can cause. If you truly want to try it or enjoy it, bare in mind the risks involved with anal sex, take it slowly and planned.
You should still wear a condom while performing anal sex for loads of reasons, you can still contract STDs, you can still get pregnant if there's leakage, fecal matter is full of bacteria that may be harmful to your partner. Additionally, it can cause damage through tears or bowel perforation, which is apparently really rare, just bare in mind if you're going fast/hard. All in all, you know/set your own limits, so just ensure you're safe and enjoy it! There's a lot of people out there that even prefer it to vaginal.
No. 164415
I keep hearing how teenage boys expect it from their dates these days because of porn, it freaks me out. That kind of thing always leads to girls doing stuff they don't want to and don't enjoy to try and fit in, but I don't think all girls who say they do like it are lying.
I think too many people forget that the direction your uterus tilts in and your general dimensions (how far your ass is from your vagina etc) play a part in it. It's not my thing though except for (and because of) glorious stories like
>>164363I like that people are more open to guys taking it in the ass though. I dream of a world where there is no vanilla and no freaky, only good sex.
No. 164418
>>164415it was years into my relationship with my fiance that i started to enjoy anal.
do not let anyone pressure you into doing something sexually that you aren't comfortable with. and if that is something that they can't abide with, then leave. sexual compatibility is a big part of a healthy relationship.
it makes me sad when i see people stooping to doing things because someone makes them because they want to save a relationship or some weird thing
No. 164419
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>>37378You should step far out of your comfort zone every once in a while for your partner.
If you think putting faith in your partner to help you broaden your sexual horizons is sacrificing a principle then you're probably not going to have a lot of luck with that whole sexual compatibility thing.
Worst case scenario you get a bad roll of the dice and it ends with
>>12736and a "let's never do that again", best case you discover a mutual turn-on. It's a great trust exercise and the relationship's going to be deepened either way.
No. 164421
>>164420Pressure is just a concept people use to blame their actions on others. If you made a rushed decision, you only have yourself to blame.
You're expected to act like a human being. That means considering the situation from his perspective, clarifying cloudy points, and thinking about the possible repercussions of your actions.
If he's being aggressive or forceful about it then it's not pressure at all, it's abuse.
(won't someone think of the penii???!?) No. 164425
>>164415>I keep hearing how teenage boys expect it from their dates these days because of porn, it freaks me outYou keep hearing it because you keep browsing places filled with feminists that hate porn, or rather,
>but it's okay when it's about guys taking it up the assyou may well be one of them
>I dream of a world where there is no vanilla and no freaky, only good sexYou're dreaming of a pretty damn shitty world. For one, this goes directly against your first line, because in such a world anal sex would be way more normalized too, for two, for many people part of the appeal of a fetish is specifically that it goes against the societal norm, hence even if the current lineup of "freaky" fetishes were normalized, some people would just bring out the currently outright extreme fetishes. Also, in your grand naivety you probably don't really realize it, but your vague statement also includes things like mutilation, bestiality, incest and pedophilia, things that I wager you're not a huge proponent of.
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Not interested, but I wanna finger my boyfriend's butt.
Unfortunately like most straight men he won't consider it because it's "gay". I'll never pressure him into it, but it's irritating when No Homo Bro is the only reason he won't try it.
No. 164434
>>164430I mean…dogs and children also make poop.
It's avoidable but it probably will happen if you do it enough times. Just make sure you're doing it with someone realistic who will help you clean up and move on.
No. 173384
>>173319I actually prefer anal too but I can also orgasm PIV so I'm not really sure what's going on there.
More generally though as with all things sexual communication really is the key. I've talked openly with my boyfriend about butt stuff and he's told me he's played with his ass before but he has to be in a really specific mood which honestly surprised me because I've never had a dude just admit "yeah sometimes I stick a finger or two in there".
I pegged my ex before but I don't know if he was just putting up with it because I liked anal or if he really wanted to explore because it was always just bad. He just always seemed so uninterested and sometimes irritated with pegging even though he was really into being dominated so it was just a huge turn off. Also from a female perspective he always told me I was thrusting wrong but would never let me change positions to experiment so I have no fucking clue what he actually wanted.