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No. 164635
>>164630this is me. i was sexual as a 13-14 year old but after that it all went down hill. now im 21 and i dont have sex and i barely get aroused by anything other than once a month something really fucking weird will arouse me.
i assume i'll die w/o sex for the rest of my life, kek
No. 164636
>>164635It'a weird. When I was 15, I went through my scenester phase (oh god i kno) and I flirted to fuck with god knows how many guys at once. I was shameless, I'm a virgin still. But I did date 2 guys at once :( I isn't good I know, I was a cunt for it.
All of that, I pushed away from people and just became anti-social. I keep to myself now and tbh, I have no interest in dating at all. I don't even like cuddling anymore. I hate kissing. No longer like it.
No. 164642
>>164640I don't even know haha. Usually rape fantasies get me going even though it's typical I still feel weird about it. I'm not a sexual person otherwise and I don't watch porn at all so it doesn't make any sense to me, but that and extreme violence. Most of the time I'm turned off completely but every one in a while that will happen
I recently started SSRIs so I think I'm gonna be even worse lol
>>164639>>164638whats wrong with people discussing the lack of sex in their lives?
No. 164644
>>164641I know, I agree. Not everyone has had their first times. Not because they're ugly, ana, fat ect but because of situations/confidence ect.
Media, everything is always about fucking and basically sex anyway. Makes you feel you're not "human" enough sometimes.
No. 164645
>>164642Same here, except my rape fantasies are usually about guys, sometimes other girls but I never imagine myself in their place. I'm probably just a shitty person. I love seeing guys suffer.
Weird, I'm currently considering SSRIs too but I really don't want to, just don't see another way rn.
No. 164648
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22-year-old kissless virgin here. Never had a s/o, and am pretty much clueless about sex and dating.
I don't get judged for being a virgin, but I've gotten laughed at by other people, including friends, when they find out I've never been kissed. If only I wasn't ugly and socially retarded, I probably would have been by now.
No. 164653
>>164644This so much.
22 and KV. It makes me feel alienated.
No. 164661
>>164659No, and I'm not Christian either, but I feel like I should at least be attracted to the person, much less serious about the relationship with them. If I just wanted to fuck around, I probably could have done that by now, but I don't. I don't think love is needed to have great sex either, that shit is just biology, anatomy and physiology for fuck's sake, but I'm not someone who can be emotionally removed from something like that entirely.
>>164658When you're a nearly 30-something chick it's just as bad because people expect you to at least be in some kind of relationship that you might be saving yourself for.
No. 164663
>>164659I was like that and thought I found "the one" well he turned out to be a complete loser and I was afraid to leave because I lost virginity to him and that's supposed to be super speshul. I feel so much better now without him.
Just my two cents sex and love aren't the same thing and you'll only end up getting hurt really bad if you think it is. Not saying you should fuck the first guy you meet lol but virginity isn't a big deal.
No. 164665
>>164663>well he turned out to be a complete loser and I was afraid to leave because I lost virginity to him and that's supposed to be super speshul. I feel so much better now without him.sort of same story but I didn't think he was that great to begin with, but pretty normal. Turned out to be a psychotic piece of garbage but I wanted to stay with him because I felt like not having a relationship with a guy you slept with (especially lost your virginity to) is for losers or gigantic sluts.
The only positive is he made me really appreciate my next/current boyfriend because my previous one was such garbage.
No. 164678
>>164677>>164674Shit guys me too.
I'm a 34D and I fucking DESPISE their size and shape.
I just want to be flat, I have always hated them.
No. 164682
>>164680I spent about a decade being unhappy. I self harmed because of his helpless I felt and one of the few "professionals" I talked to, early on, more or less told me to get over it. "Breasts are great! How can you not like them?? Lolz!!" I HATED her. I wanted something bad to happen, so she's know what it was like to be this miserable. It was
…not a mentally healthy period.
Binding has helped me to deal with this. At one point, I couldn't even leave my house. Now I have control. I still get down when I think of how I will probably never get the surgery but this makes it manageable.
>>164679What about the touching part? Do you have an issue with that? I don't want to be poked at. (Chest off limits, don't want to take it up the ass. What am I good for, right?)
No. 164683
>>164682Fortunately I don't have an issue being touched or have my breasts acknowledged by whoever I'm dating. I'm fine with dressing cute or sexy at home with someone who I trust and I'm a pretty sexual person in private. My situation seems different than yours, but I'm quite sure if I had big ol' titties I'd be in the same boat as you.
My reason for binding is I just don't like being seen as a sexual object and I feel like one if I wear anything feminine. On a daily basis skinny jeans are the most feminine thing I wear and that's still on the fence. I've never been abused, I've never been harassed to the point of feeling unsafe, I just really dislike how differently people look at me and treat me when I dress like a girl. I'm either disrespected or fawned over, while normally I'm treated as an equal. Something that's been surprising is a lot of guys still express interest despite me leaning more towards being mistaken for a dude than a lady, so there's hope yet for other straight girls like me!
No. 164684
>>164683Makes sense. Nothing wrong with having control over what you show or do not show the public. Pretty fucked up that they treat you differently, though :(
I don't know, maybe I'd feel alright with some of it if I trusted the person. I feel like I'd have the urge to punch them, though. (I have never been sexually abused, either)
Title Nine has the Frog back in stock, if that's anyone's binder of choice. In grey and grey blue, perfect for under white shirts.
No. 164686
>>164685Nope. This thread seems to indicate it's more common than you might think.
You still riding the V-train as well, or did you manage to get around the problem in that respect?