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No. 164695
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top fucking kek
No. 164696
>>164695>But man, if it did, women would write! Monsters get all the attentionHow did he end up in prison? Try to pull an Elliot Rodger?
>At least you know I won't try to kill youHe doth protest too much.
No. 164699
These are the ones I think are cute. in tattoos, but good looking anyhow. body, he's also specifically looking for a gf.
And on an unrelated note…>He seems decent >scroll down >he killed his wife wtf
No. 164704
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This guy is a qt. He's in for burglary, which doesn't seem too bad I guess. Tempted to write him, but I don't know… No. 164709
>>164704go for it! he seems nice c:
i've used that website to write to inmates tons of times, nothing bad has come out of it. if you're scared, though, you can use a p.o. box instead of your address.
No. 164716
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>>164711get the sand outta your vagina
>>164713scroll down on a profile and click "see crime" (pic related)
No. 164719
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>Find a qt
>his profile seems nice
>look at his crime
let's not
No. 164729, she seems nice, likes animals and everythi–
>incarcerated for life since 15>1st degree homicide & attempted 1st degree homicidehmm.
No. 164730
>>164725I knew someone was going to mention that lmao. It's better than a libtard jew lover
No. 164731
>>164729Life at 15?
Usually I like to praise the US' prison sentencing in comparison with the pathetic state of UK sentencing (a guy got 5 years the other day for snatching a 7 year old off the street and trying to rape her), but life at 15 seems too cruel. At 15 you're still very much a kid.
No. 164740
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>>164735pls dont let your ugly feelings derail threads
No. 164743
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>>164742>>164739DON'T DO IT
No. 164746
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>Guys in wheelchairs trying to burn each other with chee chee, which is some kind of hot soup made with Cheez-its.
>Cheez-its soup
>Chee Chee
No. 164747
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>>164745>>164746me gusta chichis largos ;^)
No. 164748
>>164745interesting. sounds like a job that would wear you down emotionally, fast.
did she tell you any other stuff?
No. 164751
>>164748Yeah she did. The spider problem was really bad. The area where the prison was is surrounded by lots of wilderness. And brown recluses are common here. Inmates would get horrible spider bites. Like the kind you see on TV shows about stuff like that. Big festering wounds because spiders were everywhere. why they didn't use an exterminator I don't know. But I assume that it might involve bombing the place with poison and it's too dangerous to gather up the inmates. Plus there is no room anywhere due to overcrowding. There's no where to put them while they kill the spiders.
A guy escaped once in the middle of winter. And they found him in the creek when it started to thaw in spring. He must have fallen in before it was completely frozen. They were pretty sure that's what happened to him anyway. But they had to wait until the ice melted. I guess because you're not totally sure no one's going to hammer through the ice to find you.
And there was an old man in his 70s that died in his cell of heatstroke. There's no good ventilation and it's hotter than hell in the summer. The guards are supposed to check on the old and infirm but due to overcrowding and having to break up fights they can't get to everyone. His family sued.
Some guys would fake injuries or illness to stay in the infirmary because it was cool in the summer. And some guys pretended to be Muslim because the Muslim menu had better food.
Near this prison was a women's facility. sometimes my mom was pulled to work there. She said the female inmates were even more violent and got into a lot of nasty fights.
I can't imagine being incarcerated. I couldn't handle it. I'd probably die in there.
No. 164752
>>164746I forgot to quote both posts.
They'll take anything from the commissary and use it to cook their own food. Prison food is horrible. Unless you're a Muslim. Then at least you get some halfway decent stuff. Although it's not that good either. They find ways to heat things up and cook in their cells with cobbled together devices. I can't remember exactly what they used. But it's stuff they aren't supposed to be using. They'd find ways to rig the hot water pipes for steaming.
I guess after awhile the staff gives up on stopping them as long as it doesn't become weaponized. But when you're throwing blazing tot Cheez-it soup in someone's face… At least the utensils look like Playschool plastic toy cutlery. It's supposed to be made in such a way that it can't be turned into a shank. But I'm sure someone has.
No. 164755
>>164754Your post is a prime example of why the rest of the world believes America is nuts.
Everybody else in the world knows and understands that 15 year olds are still developing mentally and emotionally and are within multiple areas effectively still gigantic babies.
Old enough to know that what she did was wrong, yes indeed, old enough to fully understand the entirety of her actions and the subsequent consequences, ramifications and the full extent of the damage she caused? Absolutely not. At 15 you still don't fully understand life and death, t 15 these things can't be fully actualised in the teenage brain, they exist as mere concepts.
If you agree to this then you should also agree to stripping the legal age of responsibility and charging all 15 years olds as adults regardless of the level of their crime.
You believe a 15 year olds brain is equivalent to an adults?
No. 164756
>>164755Maybe to some teenagers who are mentally stunted but there are probably more teenagers out there who understand the "concept" of life and death, and fully understand that if something dies it's the ultimate hurt you can do to somebody.
If it was accidental then that's a completely different story than if it was intentional.
No. 164757
>>164756Just because you say that their 15 year old brain full understand the act of homicide the way an adult brain does doesn't make it true.
There is an entire wealth of scientific study backing this and disproving you.
>Structurally, the brain is still growing and maturing during adolescence, beginning its final push around 16 or 17, many brain-imaging researchers agree. Some say that growth maxes out at age 20. Others, such as Jay Giedd of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland, consider 25 the age at which brain maturation peaks. No. 164758
>>164755>>164757Yes, your brain isn't fully developed at 15, but at that age, you are more than old enough to have a concept of morality. Even children understand the difference between life and death, and not to commit crimes. At age 15, I did all kinds of stupid things, but never had it crossed my mind to kill someone. Because I had empathy and knew it was wrong.
Murder isn't characteristic of age. It is characteristic of a lack of empathy. A lack of empathy can come from a number of reasons, including poor social conditioning or mental illness. Teens are more than capable of realizing how wrong murder is. Only a maladaptive teen would murder.
Now whether the prison sentence was too harsh or not is subjective. I do believe there is room for anyone to change and learn to become empathetic, ONLY if that person or teen themselves is willing to learn. But to say just their age, or underdevelopment due to their age, is to blame for murder is not accurate. Do you believe all teens are possible murderers then? Does that mean adult murderers have brains of teenagers?
Also, many psychologists disagree with that stance of blaming underdeveloped brains solely for teen crimes. Morality is a much more complex subject than can be defined by the lines of brain structure. It is like intelligence, which IQ tests attempt to measure but don't take into consideration a number of factors, like intelligence as it is defined in each different culture. And sample sizes have been too small to just say all teen criminals commit crime because of their age alone. Most teens don't commit crime or murder.
>"Empathetic people are less likely to engage in delinquency or crime. But those who have trouble perceiving how others feel, and have difficulty sharing those feelings, are more likely to engage in wrongful acts – everything from minorjuvenile delinquency to the most serious of violent crimes."
>"Reaching children early with efforts to help them understand how others feel can reduce the likelihood of youthful wrongdoing."
>"Teenagers are capable of being empathetic, when a lack of empathy is observed, it is usually a result of detrimental beliefs and values the teenager has internalized over the years due to a multitude of variables."
>"While [brain development] may in fact explain teens' difficulty with empathy during the early and mid-teen years it does not excuse it. Yes, the brain may not be fully developed but there are still many things that parents can do to help these empathy skills along"
>"empathy, or the ability to understand another person’s emotions, begins at birth… Young children then begin to learn rules and comprehend consequences, and the idea of 'good' and 'bad' is something even toddlers understand… he will often take on the concepts of morality passed on to him through his family and the other people in his environment.";DR- Parenting and environment play just as large, or even bigger, of a role in why teens commit crime than just brain development alone.
No. 164759
>>164755I know so many fine people who were doing many illegal shits when they were teenagers.
I am so happy I'm not living in America, and that people who I know already paid their dues to society and now on freedom they can behave like good modest humans who work legal jobs and support themselves financially, instead of living of other people's tax in jail.
Person who was 15 when they did homicide and attempted homicide, for them punishment of 20, 30 years in jail (30 years is already double life than they lived until 15) is waaay more than enough tbh. And after 30 years, you would still have a human who could be decent, and is 45 years old, they could finally work for society.
I am pissed for every person who is in jail for longer than that, because "free" people are paying for them. It's a shame. Let those ex criminals work.
Of course, if they behave like a violent shits in jail, they shouldn't be set free. But come one. Life with 15. It's a mistake in law. Death penalty has much more sense than this.
No. 164760
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>>164755she shot her grandfather to death while he was asleep and then tried to kill her grandmother after an
argument (she wouldn't tell them where she went after disappearing to a party and her friend's house for 3 days)
though i can kinda get what you mean when you mention that she wasn't old enough to understand the entirety of her actions - like where it notes that "she kept “getting madder and madder about the stuff that had
happened between [her] and [her] grandparents.”" … and it led to this No. 164761
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>>164760like something out of a movie
No. 164765
>>164764No, it wasn't hot. He wanted me to do all the work, so probably a selfish lover irl.
He was having little fantasies asking me what I liked to do sexually and what my favourite things to do to others were. It was like a fucking questionnaire. I've probably still got the letter somewhere and if I find it I'll post.
If I do it again, I'd rather write to a gay. I usually browse on but writeaprisoner looks better.
No. 164766
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>>164765I read that ad
No. 164769
>>164755>Rest of the worldYou mean Europe? This whole "forgive and forget" thing is entirely a Christain mentality. Christains don't need to amend for their sins through actions, they just need to say "I'm so sorry I learned my lesson :(" and all is well. You can take someone's life and still live a fulfilling life for yourself. In other religions, you amend for your wrong doing through your actions. It's not enough to just say you'll never do it again, that doesn't mean shit.
In Thailand, they make their prisoners wear heavy shackles in shitty conditions. It's not about reform, it's about paying your debt to society.
No. 164772
>>164729>The petitioner’s convictions were based on acts she committed at the age of fifteen, when, following an argument with her grandparents, she shot and killed her sleeping grandfather and then attempted to kill her grandmother, leaving her critically wounded. >The record reflects that the [petitioner] obtained the shotgun and shotgun shells from her grandfather’s room, returned to her room where she loaded the shotgun, and then reentered the room in which her grandfather was sleeping, prior to shooting him in the face at close range.>When her grandmother returned home, the [petitioner] pointed the gun at her grandmother while Mrs. Daniel exclaimed, “Oh, God, Baby, please no.”>The [petitioner], nevertheless, shot her grandmother, nearly blowing off her right arm.>Then she shot her grandmother in the abdomen.>The [petitioner] then reloaded the shotgun andshot her grandmother a third time as Mrs. Daniel tried to hide behind a partially closed bedroom door.
>The [petitioner] disconnected all the telephonelines and took her grandmother’s cell phone before fleeing in her grandparents’ red Camero.
>The [petitioner] drove to her friend Jessica Barnes’ house where she burned her bloody clothes, before returning the Camero to her grandparents’
No. 164774 like this one.
Anyway I spent the last thirty minutes doing searches to find qt guys and girls - the majority of girl inmates are bisexual? Seems like real life Orange is the new Black shit lmao - but I ended up looking for people on death row out of curiosity and now I feel a bit sad… There was a guy condemned to death row for weaponry theft? Is this even a thing? I'm not american so I don't understand how death row sentences work, but sounds crazy to me. And this guy gave me the ultimate feels. it, I came here to laugh, not to feel :(
No. 164776
>>164774>I am looking for female correspondence only please. I've had enough interaction with males to last me a lifetime! He's a funny guy.
> One of the main reasons I didn't do well at school was because I fell headlong into drugs around the age of 11. :<
Oh man this poor guy. I have a lot of feels now.
No. 164777
>>164776Apparently he shot a police officer and "Volarvich is eligible for the death penalty because the jury found the special circumstances of killing a police officer and shooting from a vehicle to be true." So if he shot a normal person he would've got a standard murder sentence with a release date, but he shot a police officer so he must die? Wat. I thought death row was for sadistic manslaughterers like Manson.
I want to write him something… His father committed suicide when he was 10 or 11, then he fell into drugs. They should've given him a second chance, jeez.
>>164775Not yet, and I don't live in America so I can only write to prisoners who allow to the "correspond overseas" option. I wanted to write to this girl in particular not just because she's super cute and bisexual
ahem , I've read her story and became interested.
No. 164780
>>164779 said, write to someone decent who doesn't deserve to be there
No. 164781
>>164779I made a research, she lured a 15yo and a 16yo girls into prostitution when she was herself barely 18 and was a prostitute too. But apparently her partner, an older man, was the real pimp (he was sentenced to a longer time in jail), she said she's sorry and apparently was abused when she was underage too. Not a nice story, but not the worst. She's sentenced with 14 years, perhaps the time in there will serve her as a life lesson. She can 100% be rehabilitated, she was so young when she committed the crime.
>>164780 Guys they're all criminals, they're all in jail for a reason, we're talking about a penpal site for prisoners.
>>164778 That option is not always available :(
No. 164784
>>164695He'd be hot without the glasses
Also this thread makes me laugh, mainly because I actually did have a death row inmate pen pal when I was 14. Rip.