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No. 164799
it happens every single time, 100% of the time.
understand going into it that men really, truly can JUST fuck you, forever, with nothing else. hell, a man could genuinely still love you as his monogamous partner and fuck 50,000 other, cuter women, if you let him.
men do not work the way women work. what women get out of FWB relationships is a feeling of being desired, interesting, special, etc. even the sluts who think they really just are some WICKED BADASS TUMBLR LEGEND who has casual sex, they are masturbating their little ego clit over how c00l and progressive they are, not actually enjoying the sex. the men on the other hand are truly there just for the sex, will almost never develop feelings (though you can disastrously rope FWBs into relationships and ruin everything if you like), and will see you as a gross slutty thing on an innate level.
i've been on every side of this equation and, tbh, the only one who truly wins and who is truly being 100% spotlessly honest to himself in FWB situations is the guy. the women are always either hoping he'll get attached, or unhealthily getting off on the attention rather than the sex, or just deluding themselves into thinking they are special slutty snowflakes.
if you're okay with that then by all means.
No. 164803
>>164801only when the lights are real low
life is made of outliers but, in general and based on my extensive experience of being a terrible person, women botch FWB relationships about 9 times out of 10, and in ways that redound mostly on themselves since the guy can just bail
oddly you'd think gay FWBs would be better but WOW it's ten times worse. male/male almost never happens (men don't want to fuck their friends), but girl/girl FWB does happen and i could write a big illustrated codex of the various ways that goes to shit and ruins friendships.
No. 164805
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>>164803Male/male happens all the time. Men are horny rabbits who experiment with each other. You guys just don't like to admit it.
No. 164806
>>164805oh yeah for sure, and tbh gay guys fucking disgust me with how inhuman their sex culture is. you really can't understand it until you see it. it's not just intimacy with the humanity bled out of it, it is interaction that has no idea humanity is even possible.
but i just mean, actual male friends are unlikely to go "hey, we're both bi, let's fuck?" it can happen in certain phases and contexts, but it's not really a pragmatic thing like FWB-ism.
No. 164808
when my ex and i were still together, i was attracted to on one of my coworkers. we were both having shitty times in our relationships, because my bf and his gf were both out away for the summer (and so was i), and would rarely talk to us. we never hung out outside of work or even texted, but we would encourage one another to hang on during our 12 hour shifts. we stopped talking, because i knew he liked me as well. when the school year started again, he eventually broke up with his gf, and i stayed with my bf for another year before he broke up with me. during that time, i'd sometimes talk to my coworker on skype (i went back to college which was out of the country). when i realized i wanted to fuck him him a little, i stopped talking to him for months at a time and would only check up on him once every few months.
by the time my bf ended it with me, i wasn't on speaking terms with the coworker guy 'cause he confessed to liking me while i was with my bf and gave me an ultimatum. even when my bf ended it with me, i didn't talk to my coworker for 5~ months. eventually i texted him to apologize for being a bitch when i ended our friendship. we ended up making out that night and then starting a FWB relationshit the next day. i told him that i didn't have romantic feelings for him and that we would only be doing this for a short amount of time. he assured me that he didn't have feelings for me anymore, so i didn't need to worry.
1 month in and he was implying he wanted to get married. i told him that i couldn't do that shit because this was supposed to be just a FWB relationship or short-term if he didn't want to think of it as fuckbuddies, and besides, i was leaving the country for 2 months anyway. i was so fucking stupid. he ended up sending me pics of a gun he bought to kill himself. long story short, i had to call the cops because he was threatening suicide. he called me an attention whore for doing that, and we never spoke again. i mean, he emailed me a bunch of hateful shit for a few days, but then he sent a lot of apologetic emails. i never answered.